Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rognes, Marie Elisabeth Co-Author Distance Author ID: rognes.marie-elisabeth Published as: Rognes, Marie E.; Rognes, M. E.; Rognes, Marie Elisabeth more...less Homepage: https://marierognes.org/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 32 Publications since 2009, including 1 Book 1 Contribution as Editor Software Indexed: 9 Packages Co-Authors: 46 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 1,072 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 8 Mardal, Kent-Andre 6 Logg, Anders 5 Farrell, Patrick E. 5 Thompson, Travis B. 4 Ellingsrud, Ada Johanne 4 Kuchta, Miroslav 4 Massing, André 3 Larson, Mats G. 3 Piersanti, Eleonora 2 Benedusi, Pietro 2 Boullé, Nicolas 2 Daversin-Catty, Cécile 2 Funke, Simon W. 2 Lee, Jeonghun J. 2 Tveito, Aslak 1 Alnæs, Martin Sandve 1 Arnold, Douglas Norman 1 Berre, Nanna 1 Brennan, Georgia S. 1 Calderer, Maria-Carme T. 1 Croci, Matteo 1 Eliseussen, Emilie 1 Ferrari, Paola 1 Giles, Michael B. 1 Gjerde, Ingeborg G. 1 Goriely, Alain 1 Hake, Johan E. 1 Ham, David A. 1 Herlyng, Halvor 1 Hong, Qingguo 1 Kirby, Robert C. 1 Kraus, Johannes K. 1 Lines, Glenn Terje 1 Lymbery, Maria 1 Maleckar, Mary M. 1 Masri, Rami 1 Micek, Catherine A. 1 Ølgaard, Kristian B. 1 Oliveri, Hadrien 1 Richardson, Chris N. 1 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 1 Valnes, Lars Magnus 1 Wells, Garth N. 1 Winther, Ragnar 1 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 1 Zeinhofer, Marius all top 5 Serials 9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Journal of Scientific Computing 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 2 Simula SpringerBriefs on Computing 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 BIT 1 Calcolo 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 Mathematical Medicine and Biology 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1 European Mathematical Society Magazine all top 5 Fields 28 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 29 Publications have been cited 550 times in 448 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Unified form language: a domain-specific language for weak formulations of partial differential equations. Zbl 1308.65175 Alnæs, Martin S.; Logg, Anders; Ølgaard, Kristian B.; Rognes, Marie E.; Wells, Garth N. 120 2014 A stabilized Nitsche fictitious domain method for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1417.76028 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 96 2014 Efficient assembly of \(H(\mathrm{div})\) and \(H(\mathrm{curl})\) conforming finite elements. Zbl 1206.65248 Rognes, Marie E.; Kirby, Robert C.; Logg, Anders 53 2009 Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs. Zbl 1362.65103 Farrell, P. E.; Ham, D. A.; Funke, S. W.; Rognes, M. E. 49 2013 A Nitsche-based cut finite element method for a fluid-structure interaction problem. Zbl 1326.74122 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 41 2015 A mixed finite element method for nearly incompressible multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1417.65162 Lee, J. J.; Piersanti, E.; Mardal, K.-A.; Rognes, M. E. 38 2019 A stabilized Nitsche overlapping mesh method for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1426.76289 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 35 2014 Mixed finite element methods for linear viscoelasticity using weak symmetry. Zbl 1245.74087 Rognes, Marie E.; Winther, Ragnar 15 2010 Efficient white noise sampling and coupling for multilevel Monte Carlo with nonnested meshes. Zbl 07003649 Croci, Matteo; Giles, Mike B.; Rognes, M. E.; Farrell, Patrick E. 15 2018 Automated goal-oriented error control. I: Stationary variational problems. Zbl 1276.65071 Rognes, Marie E.; Logg, Anders 10 2013 Modeling excitable tissue. The EMI framework. Zbl 1467.92008 9 2021 Parameter robust preconditioning by congruence for multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1486.65174 Piersanti, E.; Lee, J. J.; Thompson, T.; Mardal, K.-A.; Rognes, M. E. 8 2021 Accurate discretization of poroelasticity without Darcy stability. Zbl 1470.65169 Mardal, Kent-Andre; Rognes, Marie E.; Thompson, Travis B. 8 2021 Mathematical modeling of the human brain. From magnetic resonance images to finite element simulation. Zbl 1501.92001 Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E.; Thompson, Travis B.; Valnes, Lars Magnus 7 2022 Stability of Lagrange elements for the mixed Laplacian. Zbl 1181.65132 Arnold, Douglas N.; Rognes, Marie E. 5 2009 Automated adjoints of coupled PDE-ODE systems. Zbl 1420.65077 Farrell, P. E.; Hake, J. E.; Funke, S. W.; Rognes, M. E. 5 2019 The role of clearance in neurodegenerative diseases. Zbl 1546.92001 Brennan, Georgia S.; Thompson, Travis B.; Oliveri, Hadrien; Rognes, Marie E.; Goriely, Alain 5 2022 Modelling of and mixed finite element methods for gels in biomedical applications. Zbl 1390.74188 Rognes, Marie E.; Calderer, M.-Carme; Micek, Catherine A. 4 2009 Abstractions and automated algorithms for mixed domain finite element methods. Zbl 1486.65244 Daversin-Catty, Cécile; Richardson, Chris N.; Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Rognes, Marie E. 4 2021 A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1549.65358 Eliseussen, Emilie; Rognes, Marie Elisabeth; Thompson, Travis B. 4 2023 Accurate numerical simulation of electrodiffusion and water movement in brain tissue. Zbl 1480.92057 Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Boullé, Nicolas; Farrell, Patrick E.; Rognes, Marie E. 3 2021 Parameter robust preconditioning for multi-compartmental Darcy equations. Zbl 1475.65200 Piersanti, Eleonora; Rognes, Marie E.; Mardal, Kent-Andre 3 2021 Robust approximation of generalized Biot-Brinkman problems. Zbl 1503.65231 Hong, Qingguo; Kraus, Johannes; Kuchta, Miroslav; Lymbery, Maria; Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2022 A cell-based model for ionic electrodiffusion in excitable tissue. Zbl 1470.92104 Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Daversin-Catty, Cécile; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2021 Solving the EMI equations using finite element methods. Zbl 1470.92110 Kuchta, Miroslav; Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2021 Modeling excitable cells with the EMI equations: spectral analysis and iterative solution strategy. Zbl 1533.65045 Benedusi, Pietro; Ferrari, Paola; Rognes, Marie E.; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 2 2024 Optimization of Hopf bifurcation points. Zbl 1515.65316 Boullé, Nicolas; Farrell, Patrick E.; Rognes, Marie E. 1 2023 Cut finite element discretizations of cell-by-cell EMI electrophysiology models. Zbl 07894728 Berre, Nanna; Rognes, Marie E.; Massing, André 1 2024 The modelling error in multi-dimensional time-dependent solute transport models. Zbl 07957223 Masri, Rami; Zeinhofer, Marius; Kuchta, Miroslav; Rognes, Marie E. 1 2024 Modeling excitable cells with the EMI equations: spectral analysis and iterative solution strategy. Zbl 1533.65045 Benedusi, Pietro; Ferrari, Paola; Rognes, Marie E.; Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 2 2024 Cut finite element discretizations of cell-by-cell EMI electrophysiology models. Zbl 07894728 Berre, Nanna; Rognes, Marie E.; Massing, André 1 2024 The modelling error in multi-dimensional time-dependent solute transport models. Zbl 07957223 Masri, Rami; Zeinhofer, Marius; Kuchta, Miroslav; Rognes, Marie E. 1 2024 A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1549.65358 Eliseussen, Emilie; Rognes, Marie Elisabeth; Thompson, Travis B. 4 2023 Optimization of Hopf bifurcation points. Zbl 1515.65316 Boullé, Nicolas; Farrell, Patrick E.; Rognes, Marie E. 1 2023 Mathematical modeling of the human brain. From magnetic resonance images to finite element simulation. Zbl 1501.92001 Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E.; Thompson, Travis B.; Valnes, Lars Magnus 7 2022 The role of clearance in neurodegenerative diseases. Zbl 1546.92001 Brennan, Georgia S.; Thompson, Travis B.; Oliveri, Hadrien; Rognes, Marie E.; Goriely, Alain 5 2022 Robust approximation of generalized Biot-Brinkman problems. Zbl 1503.65231 Hong, Qingguo; Kraus, Johannes; Kuchta, Miroslav; Lymbery, Maria; Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2022 Modeling excitable tissue. The EMI framework. Zbl 1467.92008 9 2021 Parameter robust preconditioning by congruence for multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1486.65174 Piersanti, E.; Lee, J. J.; Thompson, T.; Mardal, K.-A.; Rognes, M. E. 8 2021 Accurate discretization of poroelasticity without Darcy stability. Zbl 1470.65169 Mardal, Kent-Andre; Rognes, Marie E.; Thompson, Travis B. 8 2021 Abstractions and automated algorithms for mixed domain finite element methods. Zbl 1486.65244 Daversin-Catty, Cécile; Richardson, Chris N.; Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Rognes, Marie E. 4 2021 Accurate numerical simulation of electrodiffusion and water movement in brain tissue. Zbl 1480.92057 Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Boullé, Nicolas; Farrell, Patrick E.; Rognes, Marie E. 3 2021 Parameter robust preconditioning for multi-compartmental Darcy equations. Zbl 1475.65200 Piersanti, Eleonora; Rognes, Marie E.; Mardal, Kent-Andre 3 2021 A cell-based model for ionic electrodiffusion in excitable tissue. Zbl 1470.92104 Ellingsrud, Ada J.; Daversin-Catty, Cécile; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2021 Solving the EMI equations using finite element methods. Zbl 1470.92110 Kuchta, Miroslav; Mardal, Kent-André; Rognes, Marie E. 2 2021 A mixed finite element method for nearly incompressible multiple-network poroelasticity. Zbl 1417.65162 Lee, J. J.; Piersanti, E.; Mardal, K.-A.; Rognes, M. E. 38 2019 Automated adjoints of coupled PDE-ODE systems. Zbl 1420.65077 Farrell, P. E.; Hake, J. E.; Funke, S. W.; Rognes, M. E. 5 2019 Efficient white noise sampling and coupling for multilevel Monte Carlo with nonnested meshes. Zbl 07003649 Croci, Matteo; Giles, Mike B.; Rognes, M. E.; Farrell, Patrick E. 15 2018 A Nitsche-based cut finite element method for a fluid-structure interaction problem. Zbl 1326.74122 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 41 2015 Unified form language: a domain-specific language for weak formulations of partial differential equations. Zbl 1308.65175 Alnæs, Martin S.; Logg, Anders; Ølgaard, Kristian B.; Rognes, Marie E.; Wells, Garth N. 120 2014 A stabilized Nitsche fictitious domain method for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1417.76028 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 96 2014 A stabilized Nitsche overlapping mesh method for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1426.76289 Massing, André; Larson, Mats G.; Logg, Anders; Rognes, Marie E. 35 2014 Automated derivation of the adjoint of high-level transient finite element programs. Zbl 1362.65103 Farrell, P. E.; Ham, D. A.; Funke, S. W.; Rognes, M. E. 49 2013 Automated goal-oriented error control. I: Stationary variational problems. Zbl 1276.65071 Rognes, Marie E.; Logg, Anders 10 2013 Mixed finite element methods for linear viscoelasticity using weak symmetry. Zbl 1245.74087 Rognes, Marie E.; Winther, Ragnar 15 2010 Efficient assembly of \(H(\mathrm{div})\) and \(H(\mathrm{curl})\) conforming finite elements. Zbl 1206.65248 Rognes, Marie E.; Kirby, Robert C.; Logg, Anders 53 2009 Stability of Lagrange elements for the mixed Laplacian. Zbl 1181.65132 Arnold, Douglas N.; Rognes, Marie E. 5 2009 Modelling of and mixed finite element methods for gels in biomedical applications. Zbl 1390.74188 Rognes, Marie E.; Calderer, M.-Carme; Micek, Catherine A. 4 2009 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 825 Authors 22 Larson, Mats G. 18 Burman, Erik 14 Massing, André 14 Rognes, Marie Elisabeth 13 Farrell, Patrick E. 11 Hansbo, Peter 10 Kirby, Robert C. 9 Cotter, Colin John 9 Kamensky, David 9 Mitchell, Lawrence 9 Wall, Wolfgang A. 8 Kreiss, Gunilla 8 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 8 Scovazzi, Guglielmo 7 Badia, Santiago 7 Dedner, Andreas S. 7 Kuchta, Miroslav 7 Logg, Anders 7 Mardal, Kent-Andre 7 Olshanskii, Maxim A. 6 Bazilevs, Yuri 6 Kraus, Johannes K. 6 Larsson, Karl 6 Lymbery, Maria 6 Schott, Benedikt 6 Sticko, Simon 6 Verdugo, Francesc 6 Zahedi, Sara 5 Ager, Christoph 5 Antonietti, Paola Francesca 5 Bordas, Stéphane Pierre Alain 5 Evcin, Cansu 5 Formaggia, Luca 5 Funke, Simon W. 5 Ham, David A. 5 Hu, Xiaozhe 5 Klöfkorn, Robert 5 Krause, Rolf H. 5 Kumar, Sarvesh 5 Martín, Alberto F. 5 Schmidt, Stephan 5 Uğur, Ömür 5 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 4 Boullé, Nicolas 4 Canuto, Claudio 4 Claus, Susanne 4 de Prenter, Frits 4 Evans, John A. 4 Guzmán, Johnny 4 Hale, Jack S. 4 Herzog, Roland 4 Hong, Qingguo 4 Huang, Qiumei 4 Lozinski, Alexei 4 Meddahi, Salim 4 Neiva, Eric 4 Radu, Florin Adrian 4 Tezer-Sezgin, Munevver 4 Van Brummelen, Harald 4 Verhoosel, Clemens V. 4 Verma, Nitesh 4 Wechsung, Florian 4 Wells, Garth N. 4 Xie, Xiaoping 4 Xu, Fei 4 Yang, Fanyi 4 Zheng, Weiying 4 Zonca, Stefano 3 Al Mahbub, Md. Abdullah 3 Altmann, Robert 3 Atallah, Nabil M. 3 Bertrand, Fleurianne 3 Breckling, Sean 3 Chen, Jinru 3 Corti, Mattia 3 Croci, Matteo 3 Devloo, Philippe Remy Bernard 3 Elfverson, Daniel 3 Farias, Agnaldo Monteiro 3 Feng, Minfu 3 Fernández, Miguel Ángel 3 Frachon, Thomas 3 Frei, Stefan 3 Fu, Pei 3 Gomes, Sônia Maria 3 Gürkan, Ceren 3 Herrmann, Marc 3 Hoffman, Johan 3 Johansson, August 3 Juniper, Matthew P. 3 Khristenko, Ustim 3 Ma, Chuwen 3 Maddison, James R. 3 McRae, Andrew T. T. 3 Muñoz Grajales, Juan Carlos 3 Nakshatrala, Kalyana B. 3 Rossi, Riccardo 3 Sun, Pengtao 3 Thompson, Travis B. 3 Villa, Umberto E. ...and 725 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 93 Serials 83 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 54 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 29 Journal of Computational Physics 24 Journal of Scientific Computing 23 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 18 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 16 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 10 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 7 Numerische Mathematik 7 Applied Mathematical Modelling 6 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 6 Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 Computational Mechanics 6 Advances in Computational Mathematics 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 5 Computational Geosciences 5 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 4 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 4 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3 Computers and Fluids 3 Computer Physics Communications 3 Inverse Problems 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Journal of Mathematical Biology 3 Calcolo 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 3 Communications in Computational Physics 3 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 BIT 2 Physica D 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Meccanica 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Asymptotic Analysis 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Elasticity 1 SIAM Review 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 International Journal of Computational Methods 1 Acta Numerica 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Optimization Letters 1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 1 Algorithms 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 1 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 1 Mathematics in Engineering 1 Electronic Research Archive 1 Water Waves 1 European Mathematical Society Magazine 1 Journal of Computational Physics: X all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 357 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 198 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 136 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 119 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 27 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 25 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Geophysics (86-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.