Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Román-Roy, Narciso Co-Author Distance Author ID: roman-roy.narciso Published as: Román-Roy, Narciso; Román-Roy, N.; Román Roy, Narciso; Roman Roy, N.; Roman-Roy, N.; Román Roy, N. more...less External Links: MGP Documents Indexed: 97 Publications since 1986, including 8 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 34 Reviews Co-Authors: 36 Co-Authors with 91 Joint Publications 513 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 39 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C. 26 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo 17 Gràcia, Xavier 14 Gaset, Jordi 11 de León Rodríguez, Manuel 11 Salgado, Modesto R. 11 Vilariño, Silvia 10 Rivas, Xavier 9 Marín-Solano, Jesús 9 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel 6 Cariñena, José F. 5 Marmo, Giuseppe 5 Marrero Gonzalez, Juan Carlos 5 Martínez Fernández, Eduardo 5 Pons, Josep M. 4 Gomis, Joaquim 3 Barbero-Liñán, María 3 Batlle, Carles 3 Laínz, Manuel 3 López, Carlos 3 Martín de Diego, David 3 Rey, Angel M. 2 Colombo, Leonardo Jesus 2 de Lucas, Javier 2 Guerra, Arnoldo IV 2 Yániz-Fernández, F. Javier 1 Adame-Carrillo, David 1 Capriotti, Santiago 1 Gràcia Sabaté, Xavier 1 Guerra IV, Arnoldo 1 Ibort, Alberto 1 Llosa, Josep 1 Martín, Rubén 1 Salomone, Leandro M. 1 Victoria-Monge, Carles 1 Vilariõ, Silvia all top 5 Serials 14 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 8 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 7 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 5 Reports on Mathematical Physics 5 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 4 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 3 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 3 Fortschritte der Physik 2 Annals of Physics 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 General Relativity and Gravitation 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Extracta Mathematicae 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 1 RACSAM. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Publicaciones de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 1 Communications in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 84 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 45 Differential geometry (53-XX) 37 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 19 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 13 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 73 Publications have been cited 889 times in 354 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for constrained systems. Zbl 0613.70012 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Roman-Roy, N. 62 1986 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Zbl 1158.70007 Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia, Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 50 2006 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for nonholonomic dynamical systems. Zbl 1337.70038 Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia, Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 35 2010 Higher-order Lagrangian systems: Geometric structures, dynamics and constraints. Zbl 0778.58025 Gràcia, X.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 32 1991 Multisymplectic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms of classical field theories. Zbl 1241.70048 Román-Roy, Narciso 32 2009 A contact geometry framework for field theories with dissipation. Zbl 1433.53042 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 31 2020 Geometry of multisymplectic Hamiltonian first-order field theories. Zbl 1007.70023 Echeverria-Enríques, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 29 2000 Multivector field formulation of Hamiltonian field theories: Equations and symmetries. Zbl 0982.70019 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 27 1999 Multivector fields and connections: setting Lagrangian equations in field theories. Zbl 0927.37054 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 24 1998 Geometry of Lagrangian first-order classical field theories. Zbl 0964.58015 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 23 1996 Geometrical setting of time-dependent regular systems. Alternative models. Zbl 0749.58020 Echeverría Enríquez, A.; Muñoz Lecanda, M. C.; Román Roy, N. 22 1991 New contributions to the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian contact formalisms for dissipative mechanical systems and their symmetries. Zbl 07809134 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 22 2020 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian constraints for second-order singular Lagrangians. Zbl 0658.70017 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 21 1988 Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for field theory. Zbl 1070.70015 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; López, Carlos; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 20 2004 Singular Lagrangian systems on jet bundles. Zbl 1010.37031 de León, Manuel; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Marrero, Juan Carlos; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 19 2002 On the \(k\)-symplectic, \(k\)-cosymplectic and multisymplectic formalisms of classical field theories. Zbl 1242.70053 Román-Roy, Narciso; Rey, Ángel M.; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 18 2011 Reduction of polysymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1321.53094 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 18 2015 Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for autonomous higher-order dynamical systems. Zbl 1242.70031 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 17 2011 Skinner-Rusk unified formalism for optimal control systems and applications. Zbl 1126.70011 Barbero-Liñán, María; Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 17 2007 Lagrangian theory for presymplectic systems. Zbl 0760.58018 Muñoz Lecanda, M. C.; Roman Roy, N. 15 1992 Reduction of presymplectic manifolds with symmetry. Zbl 0983.53056 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 15 1999 Symmetries and conversation laws in the Günther \(k\)-symplectic formalism of field theory. Zbl 1137.70016 Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 15 2007 Pre-multisymplectic constraint algorithm for field theories. Zbl 1156.70317 de León, Manuel; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Marrero, Juan Carlos; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 15 2005 A \(K\)-contact Lagrangian formulation for nonconservative field theories. Zbl 1487.70095 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 15 2021 Unified formalism for nonautonomous mechanical systems. Zbl 1152.81326 Barbero-Liñán, María; Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 14 2008 A new multisymplectic unified formalism for second order classical field theories. Zbl 1372.70057 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 14 2015 Günther’s formalism (\(k\)-symplectic formalism) in classical field theory: Skinner-Rusk approach and the evolution operator. Zbl 1110.70025 Rey, Angel M.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto 13 2005 Multisymplectic unified formalism for Einstein-Hilbert gravity. Zbl 1387.83006 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 13 2018 Geometric reduction in optimal control theory with symmetries. Zbl 1051.49011 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Marín-Solano, J.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 12 2003 Non-standard connections in classical mechanics. Zbl 0870.58006 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 12 1995 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for higher-order autonomous systems. Zbl 1298.53075 Colombo, Leonardo; de León, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 11 2014 Unified formalism for higher order non-autonomous dynamical systems. Zbl 1274.37033 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 11 2012 Unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism for contact systems. Zbl 1537.37074 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Lainz, Manuel; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 10 2020 Remarks on multisymplectic reduction. Zbl 1402.53060 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 9 2018 Extended Hamiltonian systems in multisymplectic field theories. Zbl 1152.81420 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; de León, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 8 2007 Structural aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Zbl 1375.70062 Cariñena, J. F.; Gràcia, X.; Marmo, G.; Martínez, E.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 8 2016 Hamilton-Jacobi theory in multisymplectic classical field theories. Zbl 1427.70061 de León, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso; Vilariño, Silvia 8 2017 Constrained Lagrangian dissipative contact dynamics. Zbl 1531.37058 de León, Manuel; Laínz, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 8 2021 Mathematical foundations of geometric quantization. Zbl 0978.53137 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Victoria-Monge, Carles 7 1998 Higher-order conditions for singular Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0759.70015 Gràcia, X.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 7 1992 Origin of the Lagrangian constraints and their relation with the Hamiltonian formulation. Zbl 0644.70013 Cariñena, José F.; López, Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 1988 New multisymplectic approach to the metric-affine (Einstein-Palatini) action for gravity. Zbl 1433.83005 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2019 Unified formalism for the generalized \(k\)th-order Hamilton-Jacobi problem. Zbl 1305.70039 Colombo, Leonardo; De Léon, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2014 Variational principles and symmetries on fibered multisymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1406.49054 Gaset, Jordi; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro D.; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2016 \(k\)-cosymplectic classical field theories: Tulczyjew and skinner-rusk formulations. Zbl 1253.70032 Rey, Angel M.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 7 2012 On a kind of Noether symmetries and conservation laws in k-cosymplectic field theory. Zbl 1314.70046 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 7 2011 On the multimomentum bundles and the Legendre maps in field theories. Zbl 0953.70020 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 6 2000 Higher-order contact mechanics. Zbl 1457.37083 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Laínz, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2021 Skinner-Rusk formalism for \(k\)-contact systems. Zbl 1494.70003 Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2022 Invariant forms and automorphisms of locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1266.53034 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Ibort, Alberto; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2012 On the Legendre transformation for singular Lagrangians and related topics. Zbl 0642.58029 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 5 1987 Higher-order mechanics: variational principles and other topics. Zbl 1284.35014 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro D.; Román-Roy, Narciso 5 2013 Constraint algorithm for singular field theories in the \(k\)-cosymplectic framework. Zbl 1434.70047 Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 5 2020 On some aspects of the geometry of differential equations in physics. Zbl 1076.34005 Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2004 Constraint algorithm for \(k\)-presymplectic Hamiltonian systems: application to singular field theories. Zbl 1186.53090 Gràcia, Xavier; Martín, Rubén; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2009 Order reduction, projectability and constraints of second-order field theories and higher-order mechanics. Zbl 1384.81067 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2016 A summary on symmetries and conserved quantities of autonomous Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1460.37052 Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2020 Multicontact formulation for non-conservative field theories. Zbl 1516.70051 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2023 A geometrical analysis of the field equations in field theory. Zbl 1009.53018 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 3 2002 Variational principles for multisymplectic second-order classical field theories. Zbl 1378.70025 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 3 2015 On the construction of \(\mathcal K\)-operators in field theories as sections along Legendre maps. Zbl 1028.58001 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 3 2003 Reduction and reconstruction of multisymplectic Lie systems. Zbl 1507.34066 de Lucas, Javier; Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso; Vilariño, Silvia 3 2022 Griffiths variational multisymplectic formulation for Lovelock gravity. Zbl 1457.49034 Capriotti, Santiago; Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salomone, L. 3 2020 Time-dependent Lagrangians invariant by a vector field. Zbl 1007.37026 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Yániz-Fernández, F. Javier 2 2001 Symmetries, Noether’s theorem and reduction in k-cosymplectic field theories. Zbl 1330.37052 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariõ, Silvia 2 2010 The second-order problem for \(k\)-presymplectic Lagrangian field theories: application to the Einstein-Palatini model. Zbl 1479.83005 Adame-Carrillo, David; Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 2 2022 Multisymplectic constraint analysis of scalar field theories, Chern-Simons gravity, and bosonic string theory. Zbl 1520.83074 Gomis, Joaquim; Guerra, Arnoldo IV; Román-Roy, Narciso 2 2023 Implicit quasilinear differential systems: A geometrical approach. Zbl 0930.34032 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 1999 Dynamics of constrained systems. Zbl 0655.58017 Román-Roy, Narciso 1 1988 A new geometrical setting for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Zbl 1148.70011 Cariñena, J. F.; Gràcia, X.; Marmo, G.; Martínez, E.; Munõz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 2006 Symmetries in \(k\)-symplectic field theories. Zbl 1148.70013 Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 1 2008 SOPDEs and nonlinear connections. Zbl 1249.53034 Román-Roy, N.; Salgado, M.; Vilarino, S. 1 2011 Gauge systems: Presymplectic and group action formulations. Zbl 0797.58026 Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 1993 Multicontact formulation for non-conservative field theories. Zbl 1516.70051 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2023 Multisymplectic constraint analysis of scalar field theories, Chern-Simons gravity, and bosonic string theory. Zbl 1520.83074 Gomis, Joaquim; Guerra, Arnoldo IV; Román-Roy, Narciso 2 2023 Skinner-Rusk formalism for \(k\)-contact systems. Zbl 1494.70003 Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2022 Reduction and reconstruction of multisymplectic Lie systems. Zbl 1507.34066 de Lucas, Javier; Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso; Vilariño, Silvia 3 2022 The second-order problem for \(k\)-presymplectic Lagrangian field theories: application to the Einstein-Palatini model. Zbl 1479.83005 Adame-Carrillo, David; Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 2 2022 A \(K\)-contact Lagrangian formulation for nonconservative field theories. Zbl 1487.70095 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 15 2021 Constrained Lagrangian dissipative contact dynamics. Zbl 1531.37058 de León, Manuel; Laínz, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 8 2021 Higher-order contact mechanics. Zbl 1457.37083 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Laínz, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2021 A contact geometry framework for field theories with dissipation. Zbl 1433.53042 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 31 2020 New contributions to the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian contact formalisms for dissipative mechanical systems and their symmetries. Zbl 07809134 Gaset, Jordi; Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 22 2020 Unified Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism for contact systems. Zbl 1537.37074 de León, Manuel; Gaset, Jordi; Lainz, Manuel; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 10 2020 Constraint algorithm for singular field theories in the \(k\)-cosymplectic framework. Zbl 1434.70047 Gràcia, Xavier; Rivas, Xavier; Román-Roy, Narciso 5 2020 A summary on symmetries and conserved quantities of autonomous Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1460.37052 Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2020 Griffiths variational multisymplectic formulation for Lovelock gravity. Zbl 1457.49034 Capriotti, Santiago; Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salomone, L. 3 2020 New multisymplectic approach to the metric-affine (Einstein-Palatini) action for gravity. Zbl 1433.83005 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2019 Multisymplectic unified formalism for Einstein-Hilbert gravity. Zbl 1387.83006 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 13 2018 Remarks on multisymplectic reduction. Zbl 1402.53060 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 9 2018 Hamilton-Jacobi theory in multisymplectic classical field theories. Zbl 1427.70061 de León, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso; Vilariño, Silvia 8 2017 Structural aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Zbl 1375.70062 Cariñena, J. F.; Gràcia, X.; Marmo, G.; Martínez, E.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 8 2016 Variational principles and symmetries on fibered multisymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1406.49054 Gaset, Jordi; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro D.; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2016 Order reduction, projectability and constraints of second-order field theories and higher-order mechanics. Zbl 1384.81067 Gaset, Jordi; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2016 Reduction of polysymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1321.53094 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 18 2015 A new multisymplectic unified formalism for second order classical field theories. Zbl 1372.70057 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 14 2015 Variational principles for multisymplectic second-order classical field theories. Zbl 1378.70025 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 3 2015 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for higher-order autonomous systems. Zbl 1298.53075 Colombo, Leonardo; de León, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 11 2014 Unified formalism for the generalized \(k\)th-order Hamilton-Jacobi problem. Zbl 1305.70039 Colombo, Leonardo; De Léon, Manuel; Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 2014 Higher-order mechanics: variational principles and other topics. Zbl 1284.35014 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro D.; Román-Roy, Narciso 5 2013 Unified formalism for higher order non-autonomous dynamical systems. Zbl 1274.37033 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 11 2012 \(k\)-cosymplectic classical field theories: Tulczyjew and skinner-rusk formulations. Zbl 1253.70032 Rey, Angel M.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 7 2012 Invariant forms and automorphisms of locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1266.53034 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Ibort, Alberto; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 6 2012 On the \(k\)-symplectic, \(k\)-cosymplectic and multisymplectic formalisms of classical field theories. Zbl 1242.70053 Román-Roy, Narciso; Rey, Ángel M.; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 18 2011 Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for autonomous higher-order dynamical systems. Zbl 1242.70031 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel; Román-Roy, Narciso 17 2011 On a kind of Noether symmetries and conservation laws in k-cosymplectic field theory. Zbl 1314.70046 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 7 2011 SOPDEs and nonlinear connections. Zbl 1249.53034 Román-Roy, N.; Salgado, M.; Vilarino, S. 1 2011 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory for nonholonomic dynamical systems. Zbl 1337.70038 Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia, Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 35 2010 Symmetries, Noether’s theorem and reduction in k-cosymplectic field theories. Zbl 1330.37052 Marrero, Juan Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariõ, Silvia 2 2010 Multisymplectic Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms of classical field theories. Zbl 1241.70048 Román-Roy, Narciso 32 2009 Constraint algorithm for \(k\)-presymplectic Hamiltonian systems: application to singular field theories. Zbl 1186.53090 Gràcia, Xavier; Martín, Rubén; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2009 Unified formalism for nonautonomous mechanical systems. Zbl 1152.81326 Barbero-Liñán, María; Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 14 2008 Symmetries in \(k\)-symplectic field theories. Zbl 1148.70013 Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 1 2008 Skinner-Rusk unified formalism for optimal control systems and applications. Zbl 1126.70011 Barbero-Liñán, María; Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Martín de Diego, David; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 17 2007 Symmetries and conversation laws in the Günther \(k\)-symplectic formalism of field theory. Zbl 1137.70016 Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto; Vilariño, Silvia 15 2007 Extended Hamiltonian systems in multisymplectic field theories. Zbl 1152.81420 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; de León, Manuel; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 8 2007 Geometric Hamilton-Jacobi theory. Zbl 1158.70007 Cariñena, José F.; Gràcia, Xavier; Marmo, Giuseppe; Martínez, Eduardo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 50 2006 A new geometrical setting for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Zbl 1148.70011 Cariñena, J. F.; Gràcia, X.; Marmo, G.; Martínez, E.; Munõz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 2006 Pre-multisymplectic constraint algorithm for field theories. Zbl 1156.70317 de León, Manuel; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Marrero, Juan Carlos; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 15 2005 Günther’s formalism (\(k\)-symplectic formalism) in classical field theory: Skinner-Rusk approach and the evolution operator. Zbl 1110.70025 Rey, Angel M.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Salgado, Modesto 13 2005 Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for field theory. Zbl 1070.70015 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; López, Carlos; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 20 2004 On some aspects of the geometry of differential equations in physics. Zbl 1076.34005 Gràcia, Xavier; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 4 2004 Geometric reduction in optimal control theory with symmetries. Zbl 1051.49011 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Marín-Solano, J.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 12 2003 On the construction of \(\mathcal K\)-operators in field theories as sections along Legendre maps. Zbl 1028.58001 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 3 2003 Singular Lagrangian systems on jet bundles. Zbl 1010.37031 de León, Manuel; Marín-Solano, Jesús; Marrero, Juan Carlos; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 19 2002 A geometrical analysis of the field equations in field theory. Zbl 1009.53018 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 3 2002 Time-dependent Lagrangians invariant by a vector field. Zbl 1007.37026 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Yániz-Fernández, F. Javier 2 2001 Geometry of multisymplectic Hamiltonian first-order field theories. Zbl 1007.70023 Echeverria-Enríques, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 29 2000 On the multimomentum bundles and the Legendre maps in field theories. Zbl 0953.70020 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 6 2000 Multivector field formulation of Hamiltonian field theories: Equations and symmetries. Zbl 0982.70019 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 27 1999 Reduction of presymplectic manifolds with symmetry. Zbl 0983.53056 Echeverría-Enríquez, A.; Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 15 1999 Implicit quasilinear differential systems: A geometrical approach. Zbl 0930.34032 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 1999 Multivector fields and connections: setting Lagrangian equations in field theories. Zbl 0927.37054 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 24 1998 Mathematical foundations of geometric quantization. Zbl 0978.53137 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso; Victoria-Monge, Carles 7 1998 Geometry of Lagrangian first-order classical field theories. Zbl 0964.58015 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 23 1996 Non-standard connections in classical mechanics. Zbl 0870.58006 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo; Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C.; Román-Roy, Narciso 12 1995 Gauge systems: Presymplectic and group action formulations. Zbl 0797.58026 Muñoz-Lecanda, M. C.; Román-Roy, N. 1 1993 Lagrangian theory for presymplectic systems. Zbl 0760.58018 Muñoz Lecanda, M. C.; Roman Roy, N. 15 1992 Higher-order conditions for singular Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0759.70015 Gràcia, X.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 7 1992 Higher-order Lagrangian systems: Geometric structures, dynamics and constraints. Zbl 0778.58025 Gràcia, X.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 32 1991 Geometrical setting of time-dependent regular systems. Alternative models. Zbl 0749.58020 Echeverría Enríquez, A.; Muñoz Lecanda, M. C.; Román Roy, N. 22 1991 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian constraints for second-order singular Lagrangians. Zbl 0658.70017 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 21 1988 Origin of the Lagrangian constraints and their relation with the Hamiltonian formulation. Zbl 0644.70013 Cariñena, José F.; López, Carlos; Román-Roy, Narciso 7 1988 Dynamics of constrained systems. Zbl 0655.58017 Román-Roy, Narciso 1 1988 On the Legendre transformation for singular Lagrangians and related topics. Zbl 0642.58029 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Román-Roy, N. 5 1987 Equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for constrained systems. Zbl 0613.70012 Batlle, C.; Gomis, J.; Pons, J. M.; Roman-Roy, N. 62 1986 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 315 Authors 53 de León Rodríguez, Manuel 47 Román-Roy, Narciso 27 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C. 26 Gràcia, Xavier 18 Gaset, Jordi 17 Rivas, Xavier 16 Esen, Oğul 16 Martín de Diego, David 15 Pons, Josep M. 14 Vilariño, Silvia 13 Marrero Gonzalez, Juan Carlos 13 Sardón, Cristina 12 Cariñena, José F. 12 Laínz, Manuel 11 Salgado, Modesto R. 10 Colombo, Leonardo Jesus 8 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo 8 Marmo, Giuseppe 8 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel 8 Sardanashvily, Gennadi A. 7 de Lucas, Javier 7 Shirzad, Ahmad 7 Vaquero, Miguel 6 Bravetti, Alessandro 6 Capriotti, Santiago 6 García-Toraño Andrés, Eduardo 6 López-Gordón, Asier 6 Vitagliano, Luca 5 Barbero-Liñán, María 5 Leok, Melvin 5 López, Carlos 5 Mangiarotti, Luigi 5 Martínez Fernández, Eduardo 5 Mestdag, Tom 5 Rossi, Olga 5 Zając, Marcin 4 Blacker, Casey 4 Grillo, Sergio Daniel 4 Gümral, Hasan 4 Ibort, Alberto 4 Marín-Solano, Jesús 4 Padrón, Edith 4 Pérez Alvarez, Javier 3 Bua, Lucía 3 Ciaglia, Florio Maria 3 Di Cosmo, Fabio 3 Garcia, J. Antonio 3 Gomis, Joaquim 3 Grabowska, Katarzyna 3 Grabowski, Janusz 3 Kanatchikov, Igor V. 3 Loran, Farhang 3 Martín, Rubén 3 Molgado, Alberto 3 Ohsawa, Tomoki 3 Paufler, Cornelius 3 Rey, Angel M. 3 Römer, Hartmann 3 Sarlet, Willy 3 Wang, Hong 2 Alonso-Blanco, Ricardo J. 2 Anahory Simoes, Alexandre 2 Azuaje, R. 2 Berra-Montiel, Jasel 2 Bucataru, Joan 2 Çağatay Uçgun, Filiz 2 Campos, Cédric Martínez 2 Castrillón López, Marco 2 Chaichian, Masud 2 Cortés, Jorge 2 D’Alessandro, Domenico 2 Deguchi, Shinichi 2 Díaz, Bogar 2 El-Nabulsi, Rami Ahmad 2 Ferraro, Sebastián J. 2 Finamore, Douglas 2 Gay-Balmaz, François 2 Giachetta, Giovanni 2 Grmela, Miroslav 2 Guha, Partha 2 Iglesias, David 2 Inozemtseva, Natalia G. 2 Jiménez, Víctor Manuel 2 Louis-Martinez, Domingo J. 2 Loumi-Fergane, Halima 2 Martinez Alba, Nicolas 2 Martínez, Sonia 2 Massa, Enrico 2 Mojiri, Mohsen 2 Munteanu, Florian 2 Pagani, Enrico M. 2 Pavelka, Michal 2 Perepelkin, Evgeny E. 2 Ramos, Eduardo 2 Rañada, Manuel F. 2 Roca, Jaume 2 Rodríguez-López, Ángel 2 Ryvkin, Leonid 2 Sadovnikov, B. I. 2 Saunders, David J. ...and 215 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 75 Serials 62 Journal of Mathematical Physics 44 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 34 Journal of Geometry and Physics 22 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 21 Reports on Mathematical Physics 20 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 10 Letters in Mathematical Physics 9 Differential Geometry and its Applications 8 International Journal of Modern Physics A 8 Nuclear Physics. B 6 Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 5 Annals of Physics 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 Modern Physics Letters A 4 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 3 Physics Letters. B 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Fortschritte der Physik 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 2 Foundations of Physics 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 General Relativity and Gravitation 1 International Journal of Control 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Automatica 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 1 Physica D 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1 Multibody System Dynamics 1 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 1 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Dynamical Systems 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1 Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics 1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 1 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 1 Dal’nevostochnyĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Symmetry 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematics 1 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1 Information Geometry 1 Communications in Analysis and Mechanics all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 260 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 140 Differential geometry (53-XX) 114 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 56 Quantum theory (81-XX) 44 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 34 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 31 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 31 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Citations by Year