Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Roselló, María Dolores Co-Author Distance Author ID: rosello.maria-dolores Published as: Roselló, M.-D.; Roselló, M. D.; Roselló, María-Dolores; Roselló, María Dolores more...less External Links: ORCID Documents Indexed: 55 Publications since 1999 Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 55 Joint Publications 449 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 40 Romero, José Vicente 32 Cortés López, Juan Carlos 17 Navarro Quiles, Ana 13 Jódar Sanchez, Lucas Antonio 9 Casabán, María Consuelo 7 Villanueva, Rafael-Jacinto 6 Chen-Charpentier, Benito Miguel 5 Arnau, Jose-Maria 5 Salvador, F. J. 4 Company, Rafael 4 Jerez, Silvia 2 Arnau, F. J. 2 García-Bolós, R. 2 Ponsoda, Enrique 2 Santonja, Francisco-José 1 Climent, H. 1 Defez, Emilio 1 Licea, J. A. 1 López-Navarro, Elena 1 Margot, Xandra 1 Pintos, José Ramón 1 Serrano Cruz, José Ramón 1 Villafuerte, Laura 1 Zuazua, Enrique all top 5 Serials 10 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences all top 5 Fields 26 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 24 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 16 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 278 times in 156 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A comprehensive probabilistic solution of random SIS-type epidemiological models using the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1510.92202 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 29 2016 Probabilistic solution of random SI-type epidemiological models using the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1440.92061 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 24 2015 Full solution of random autonomous first-order linear systems of difference equations. Application to construct random phase portrait for planar systems. Zbl 1384.39010 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 17 2017 Determining the first probability density function of linear random initial value problems by the random variable transformation (RVT) technique: a comprehensive study. Zbl 1470.60195 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 17 2014 Probabilistic solution of random homogeneous linear second-order difference equations. Zbl 1376.37098 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 16 2014 Improving adaptive generalized polynomial chaos method to solve nonlinear random differential equations by the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1510.65012 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 13 2017 Computing probabilistic solutions of the Bernoulli random differential equation. Zbl 1468.65006 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 11 2017 Solving initial and two-point boundary value linear random differential equations: a mean square approach. Zbl 1298.34103 Cortés, J.-C.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villafuerte, L. 11 2012 Constructing adaptive generalized polynomial chaos method to measure the uncertainty in continuous models: a computational approach. Zbl 1540.60152 Chen-Charpentier, B.-M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Licea, J.-A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santonja, Francisco-J.; Villanueva, Rafael-J. 10 2015 Solving random homogeneous linear second-order differential equations: a full probabilistic description. Zbl 1353.60051 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 9 2016 The truncation error of the two-variable Chebyshev series expansions. Zbl 1064.65085 Chen, B.; García-Bolós, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 7 2003 A semi-implicit space-time CE-SE method to improve mass conservation through tapered ducts in internal combustion engines. Zbl 1117.65352 Jerez, S.; Romero, J. V.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, F. J. 7 2004 Solving continuous models with dependent uncertainty: a computational approach. Zbl 1470.65008 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santonja, Francisco-J.; Villanueva, Rafael-J. 7 2013 Computational study of the cavitation phenomenon and its interaction with the turbulence developed in diesel injector nozzles by large eddy simulation (LES). Zbl 1305.76047 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 7 2013 Some recommendations for applying gPC (generalized polynomial chaos) to modeling: an analysis through the Airy random differential equation. Zbl 1411.60084 Chen-Charpentier, Benito M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 6 2013 Probabilistic solution of the homogeneous Riccati differential equation: a case-study by using linearization and transformation techniques. Zbl 1339.60068 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 6 2016 Computing the probability density function of non-autonomous first-order linear homogeneous differential equations with uncertainty. Zbl 1434.60136 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 6 2018 Chebyshev polynomial approximations for nonlinear differential initial value problems. Zbl 1224.65170 Chen, B.; García-Bolós, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 5 2005 Polynomial approximate solutions with a priori error bounds of first-order quasi-linear initial-value partial differential problems. Zbl 1001.65105 Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 2001 Mixed problems for separate variable coefficient wave equations: the non-Dirichlet case. Continuous numerical solutions with a priori error bounds. Zbl 1042.65541 Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 1999 Numerical simulation of primary atomization in diesel spray at low injection pressure. Zbl 1329.76356 Salvador, F. J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Jaramillo, D. 4 2016 Randomizing the parameters of a Markov chain to model the stroke disease: a technical generalization of established computational methodologies towards improving real applications. Zbl 1370.92068 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2017 Constructing accurate polynomial approximations for nonlinear differential initial value problems. Zbl 1193.65111 Chen, B.; Company, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 2007 Analytic-numerical approach to flow calculation in intake and exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. Zbl 1027.76064 Roselló, M. D.; Serrano, J. R.; Margot, X.; Arnau, J. M. 4 2002 Random first-order linear discrete models and their probabilistic solution: a comprehensive study. Zbl 1470.39004 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2016 Analysis of random non-autonomous logistic-type differential equations via the Karhunen-Loève expansion and the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1464.60059 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, Ana; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2019 Solving random diffusion models with nonlinear perturbations by the Wiener-Hermite expansion method. Zbl 1219.65007 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santamaría, C. 4 2011 Solving second-order linear differential equations with random analytic coefficients about ordinary points: a full probabilistic solution by the first probability density function. Zbl 1427.65007 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 3 2018 Full probabilistic solution of a finite dimensional linear control system with random initial and final conditions. Zbl 1447.93338 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Zuazua, Enrique 3 2020 Mixed problems for separate variable coefficient diffusion equations: The non-Dirichlet case approximate solutions with a priori error bounds. Zbl 1042.35509 Roselló, M. D.; Jódar, L. 2 1999 Using a homogeneous equilibrium model for the study of the inner nozzle flow and cavitation pattern in convergent-divergent nozzles of diesel injectors. Zbl 1371.76149 Salvador, F. J.; Jaramillo, D.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2017 Computing option pricing models under transaction costs. Zbl 1189.91203 Company, R.; Jódar, L.; Pintos, J.-R.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2010 Some results about randomized binary Markov chains: theory, computing and applications. Zbl 1482.60100 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2020 Dealing with dependent uncertainty in modelling: a comparative study case through the Airy equation. Zbl 1291.65018 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 2 2013 (CMMSE2018 paper) Solving the random Pielou logistic equation with the random variable transformation technique: theory and applications. Zbl 1431.60125 Cortés, Juan Carlos; Navarro-Quiles, Ana; Romero, José-Vicente; Roselló, María-Dolores 2 2019 Solving fully randomized first-order linear control systems: application to study the dynamics of a damped oscillator with parametric noise under stochastic control. Zbl 1480.93405 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2022 Solving the random Cauchy one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation: numerical analysis and computing. Zbl 1381.65003 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Sohaly, M. A. 2 2018 Solving Dirichlet’s problem in a rectangle for separate variable coefficient elliptic equations. Zbl 1012.35023 Rodriguez, M. J.; Roselló, M. D.; Jerez, S.; Jódar, L. 1 2002 A collocation method to compute one-dimensional flow models in intake and exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. Zbl 1070.35018 Arnau, J. M.; Company, R.; Roselló, M. D.; Climent, H. 1 2004 A stable numerical method for solving variable coefficient advection-diffusion models. Zbl 1155.65373 Ponsoda, Enrique; Defez, Emilio; Roselló, María Dolores; Romero, José Vicente 1 2008 A nonuniform mesh semi-implicit CE-SE method modelling unsteady flow in tapered ducts. Zbl 1255.76093 Jerez, S.; Romero, J. V.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, J. M. 1 2007 A second order numerical method for solving advection-diffusion models. Zbl 1185.65145 Company, R.; Ponsoda, E.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2009 Approximating the solution stochastic process of the random Cauchy one-dimensional heat model. Zbl 1470.65153 Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Sohaly, M. A. 1 2016 Do the generalized polynomial chaos and Frobenius methods retain the statistical moments of random differential equations? Zbl 1266.60102 Chen-Charpentier, Benito M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2013 An iterative method to obtain analytical-numerical approximation of the one-dimensional gas flow transport solution in conical ducts. Zbl 1129.76354 Arnau, J. M.; Navarro, E.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, F. J. 1 2005 Study of the influence of the needle eccentricity on the internal flow in diesel injector nozzles by computational fluid dynamics calculations. Zbl 1291.76220 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2014 Influence of biofuels on the internal flow in diesel injector nozzles. Zbl 1235.76001 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2011 Probabilistic analysis of a cantilever beam subjected to random loads via probability density functions. Zbl 1538.74145 Cortés, Juan-Carlos; López-Navarro, Elena; Romero, José-Vicente; Roselló, María-Dolores 1 2023 Probabilistic analysis of a cantilever beam subjected to random loads via probability density functions. Zbl 1538.74145 Cortés, Juan-Carlos; López-Navarro, Elena; Romero, José-Vicente; Roselló, María-Dolores 1 2023 Solving fully randomized first-order linear control systems: application to study the dynamics of a damped oscillator with parametric noise under stochastic control. Zbl 1480.93405 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2022 Full probabilistic solution of a finite dimensional linear control system with random initial and final conditions. Zbl 1447.93338 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Zuazua, Enrique 3 2020 Some results about randomized binary Markov chains: theory, computing and applications. Zbl 1482.60100 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2020 Analysis of random non-autonomous logistic-type differential equations via the Karhunen-Loève expansion and the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1464.60059 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, Ana; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2019 (CMMSE2018 paper) Solving the random Pielou logistic equation with the random variable transformation technique: theory and applications. Zbl 1431.60125 Cortés, Juan Carlos; Navarro-Quiles, Ana; Romero, José-Vicente; Roselló, María-Dolores 2 2019 Computing the probability density function of non-autonomous first-order linear homogeneous differential equations with uncertainty. Zbl 1434.60136 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 6 2018 Solving second-order linear differential equations with random analytic coefficients about ordinary points: a full probabilistic solution by the first probability density function. Zbl 1427.65007 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 3 2018 Solving the random Cauchy one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation: numerical analysis and computing. Zbl 1381.65003 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Sohaly, M. A. 2 2018 Full solution of random autonomous first-order linear systems of difference equations. Application to construct random phase portrait for planar systems. Zbl 1384.39010 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 17 2017 Improving adaptive generalized polynomial chaos method to solve nonlinear random differential equations by the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1510.65012 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 13 2017 Computing probabilistic solutions of the Bernoulli random differential equation. Zbl 1468.65006 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 11 2017 Randomizing the parameters of a Markov chain to model the stroke disease: a technical generalization of established computational methodologies towards improving real applications. Zbl 1370.92068 Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2017 Using a homogeneous equilibrium model for the study of the inner nozzle flow and cavitation pattern in convergent-divergent nozzles of diesel injectors. Zbl 1371.76149 Salvador, F. J.; Jaramillo, D.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2017 A comprehensive probabilistic solution of random SIS-type epidemiological models using the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1510.92202 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 29 2016 Solving random homogeneous linear second-order differential equations: a full probabilistic description. Zbl 1353.60051 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 9 2016 Probabilistic solution of the homogeneous Riccati differential equation: a case-study by using linearization and transformation techniques. Zbl 1339.60068 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 6 2016 Numerical simulation of primary atomization in diesel spray at low injection pressure. Zbl 1329.76356 Salvador, F. J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Jaramillo, D. 4 2016 Random first-order linear discrete models and their probabilistic solution: a comprehensive study. Zbl 1470.39004 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 4 2016 Approximating the solution stochastic process of the random Cauchy one-dimensional heat model. Zbl 1470.65153 Navarro-Quiles, A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Sohaly, M. A. 1 2016 Probabilistic solution of random SI-type epidemiological models using the random variable transformation technique. Zbl 1440.92061 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 24 2015 Constructing adaptive generalized polynomial chaos method to measure the uncertainty in continuous models: a computational approach. Zbl 1540.60152 Chen-Charpentier, B.-M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Licea, J.-A.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santonja, Francisco-J.; Villanueva, Rafael-J. 10 2015 Determining the first probability density function of linear random initial value problems by the random variable transformation (RVT) technique: a comprehensive study. Zbl 1470.60195 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 17 2014 Probabilistic solution of random homogeneous linear second-order difference equations. Zbl 1376.37098 Casabán, M.-C.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 16 2014 Study of the influence of the needle eccentricity on the internal flow in diesel injector nozzles by computational fluid dynamics calculations. Zbl 1291.76220 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2014 Solving continuous models with dependent uncertainty: a computational approach. Zbl 1470.65008 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santonja, Francisco-J.; Villanueva, Rafael-J. 7 2013 Computational study of the cavitation phenomenon and its interaction with the turbulence developed in diesel injector nozzles by large eddy simulation (LES). Zbl 1305.76047 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 7 2013 Some recommendations for applying gPC (generalized polynomial chaos) to modeling: an analysis through the Airy random differential equation. Zbl 1411.60084 Chen-Charpentier, Benito M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 6 2013 Dealing with dependent uncertainty in modelling: a comparative study case through the Airy equation. Zbl 1291.65018 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villanueva, R.-J. 2 2013 Do the generalized polynomial chaos and Frobenius methods retain the statistical moments of random differential equations? Zbl 1266.60102 Chen-Charpentier, Benito M.; Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2013 Solving initial and two-point boundary value linear random differential equations: a mean square approach. Zbl 1298.34103 Cortés, J.-C.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M.-D.; Villafuerte, L. 11 2012 Solving random diffusion models with nonlinear perturbations by the Wiener-Hermite expansion method. Zbl 1219.65007 Cortés, J.-C.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D.; Santamaría, C. 4 2011 Influence of biofuels on the internal flow in diesel injector nozzles. Zbl 1235.76001 Salvador, F. J.; Martínez-López, J.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2011 Computing option pricing models under transaction costs. Zbl 1189.91203 Company, R.; Jódar, L.; Pintos, J.-R.; Roselló, M.-D. 2 2010 A second order numerical method for solving advection-diffusion models. Zbl 1185.65145 Company, R.; Ponsoda, E.; Romero, J.-V.; Roselló, M.-D. 1 2009 A stable numerical method for solving variable coefficient advection-diffusion models. Zbl 1155.65373 Ponsoda, Enrique; Defez, Emilio; Roselló, María Dolores; Romero, José Vicente 1 2008 Constructing accurate polynomial approximations for nonlinear differential initial value problems. Zbl 1193.65111 Chen, B.; Company, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 2007 A nonuniform mesh semi-implicit CE-SE method modelling unsteady flow in tapered ducts. Zbl 1255.76093 Jerez, S.; Romero, J. V.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, J. M. 1 2007 Chebyshev polynomial approximations for nonlinear differential initial value problems. Zbl 1224.65170 Chen, B.; García-Bolós, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 5 2005 An iterative method to obtain analytical-numerical approximation of the one-dimensional gas flow transport solution in conical ducts. Zbl 1129.76354 Arnau, J. M.; Navarro, E.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, F. J. 1 2005 A semi-implicit space-time CE-SE method to improve mass conservation through tapered ducts in internal combustion engines. Zbl 1117.65352 Jerez, S.; Romero, J. V.; Roselló, M. D.; Arnau, F. J. 7 2004 A collocation method to compute one-dimensional flow models in intake and exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. Zbl 1070.35018 Arnau, J. M.; Company, R.; Roselló, M. D.; Climent, H. 1 2004 The truncation error of the two-variable Chebyshev series expansions. Zbl 1064.65085 Chen, B.; García-Bolós, R.; Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 7 2003 Analytic-numerical approach to flow calculation in intake and exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. Zbl 1027.76064 Roselló, M. D.; Serrano, J. R.; Margot, X.; Arnau, J. M. 4 2002 Solving Dirichlet’s problem in a rectangle for separate variable coefficient elliptic equations. Zbl 1012.35023 Rodriguez, M. J.; Roselló, M. D.; Jerez, S.; Jódar, L. 1 2002 Polynomial approximate solutions with a priori error bounds of first-order quasi-linear initial-value partial differential problems. Zbl 1001.65105 Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 2001 Mixed problems for separate variable coefficient wave equations: the non-Dirichlet case. Continuous numerical solutions with a priori error bounds. Zbl 1042.65541 Jódar, L.; Roselló, M. D. 4 1999 Mixed problems for separate variable coefficient diffusion equations: The non-Dirichlet case approximate solutions with a priori error bounds. Zbl 1042.35509 Roselló, M. D.; Jódar, L. 2 1999 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 227 Authors 68 Cortés López, Juan Carlos 33 Roselló, María Dolores 26 Jódar Sanchez, Lucas Antonio 26 Romero, José Vicente 22 Jornet, Marc 22 Navarro Quiles, Ana 19 Calatayud, Julia 16 Villanueva, Rafael-Jacinto 13 Casabán, María Consuelo 7 Arnau, Jose-Maria 7 Jerez, Silvia 6 Burgos, Clara 6 Chen-Charpentier, Benito Miguel 6 Dorini, Fábio Antonio 5 Company, Rafael 4 Villafuerte, Laura 3 Arenas, Abraham J. 3 Bevia, Vicente J. 3 Criado, Regino 3 González-Parra, Gilberto C. 3 Serrano Cruz, José Ramón 3 Torregrosa Sanchez, Juan Ramón 2 Arnau, F. J. 2 Caraballo Garrido, Tomás 2 Cecconello, Moiseis S. 2 Delgadillo-Aleman, Sandra Elizabeth 2 Díaz-Infante, Saúl 2 Dorini, Leyza Baldo 2 Elshekhipy, Abdelhafeez Ahmed 2 Ganji, Davood Domiri 2 Hwang, Yoongu 2 Khan, Yasir 2 Ku-Carrillo, Roberto Alejandro 2 Kwon, Hee-Dae 2 Lee, Jeehyun 2 López-Navarro, Elena 2 Martínez-Rodríguez, David 2 Moscardó-García, Ana 2 Ponsoda, Enrique 2 Salvador, F. J. 2 Selim, Mustafa M. 2 Shaikhet, Leonid Efimovich 2 Shervani-Tabar, Mohammad Taghi 2 Slama, Howida 2 Taghavifar, Hadi 2 Telyakovskiĭ, Alekseĭ Sergeevich 1 Abbas, Said 1 Abbasalizadeh, Majid 1 Abbasbandy, Saeid 1 Abdalla, Bahaaeldin 1 Abdeljawad, Thabet 1 Abdo, N. M. 1 Ahmad, Bashir 1 Akyüz-Daşcıoğlu, Ayşegül 1 Al-Darabsah, Isam 1 Almalki, Nawal Hassan 1 Almutairi, Ibtesam Shafi 1 Alqudah, Manar A. 1 Antepara, Oscar 1 Anvari, Simin 1 Aslefallah, Mohammad 1 Avalos, Josep Bonet 1 Balcázar, Néstor 1 Baltazar-Larios, Fernando 1 Barba, Federico Dalla 1 Barradas, Ignacio 1 Bartual, Maria Consuelo Casabán 1 Bekiryazici, Zafer 1 Benchohra, Mouffak 1 Bobko, Nara 1 Boulares, Hamid 1 Brandner, Paul A. 1 Brandt, Luca 1 Braumann, Carlos A. 1 Braverman, Elena 1 Brazão, Augusta Finotti 1 Calatayud Gregori, Julia 1 Cao, Xiaochun 1 Cao, Zhongwei 1 Carothers, David C. 1 Castro, M. Ángeles 1 Chan, Jesse 1 Chen, Qianyi 1 Chen, Zhong 1 Chertock, Alina E. 1 Climent, H. 1 Coll, Bartomeu 1 Congedo, Pietro Marco 1 Davidson, Jane H. 1 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 1 Delgado-Vences, Francisco J. 1 Demou, Andreas D. 1 Dyshaev, Mikhaĭl Mikhaĭlovich 1 Dzib, Ivan 1 Ehrhardt, Matthias 1 El-Bedwhey, Nabila A. 1 El-Beltagy, Mohamed A. 1 El-labany, S. K. 1 El-Tawil, Magdy A. 1 Elsheikh, Ahmed H. ...and 127 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 57 Serials 15 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 11 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 9 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Applied Mathematics Letters 9 Applied Mathematical Modelling 7 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Applied Numerical Mathematics 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 Computers and Fluids 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Mathematical Biosciences 2 Physica A 2 Journal of Scientific Computing 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Chaos 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Advances in Difference Equations 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1 Symmetry 1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 1 Journal of Theoretical Biology 1 Modern Stochastics. Theory and Applications 1 Open Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1 AIMS Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 26 Fields 66 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 63 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 57 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 33 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 31 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 24 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year