Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rosen, J. Ben (d. 2009) Co-Author Distance Author ID: rosen.j-ben Published as: Rosen, J. B.; Rosen, J. Ben; Ben Rosen, J. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 96 Publications since 1960, including 3 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 33 Co-Authors with 69 Joint Publications 1,247 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 27 single-authored 15 Phillips, Andrew T. 10 Pardalos, Panos M. 10 Park, Haesun 9 Xue, Guoliang 6 Glick, John 5 Mangasarian, Olvi L. 4 Dill, Ken A. 4 Kalantari, Bahman 3 Glick, J. H. 3 Marcia, Roummel F. 3 Sun, Shangzhi 3 Thompson, Michael E. 3 Zhang, Lei 2 Gill, Philip E. 2 Jeon, Moongu 2 Maier, Robert S. 2 Meyer, Robert R. 2 Mitchell, Julie C. 1 Ascher, Uri M. 1 Barclay, Alex 1 Bradley, Paul S. 1 Cooperstock, Fred I. 1 Halkin, Hubert 1 Horwitz, Lawrence Paul 1 Jay, Laurent-Olivier 1 Kreuser, Jerome 1 LaFata, P. 1 Oh, Seyoung T. 1 Ornea, J. C. 1 Park, Kihong 1 Petzold, Linda Ruth 1 Polak, Elijah (Lucien) 1 Sokolik, H. 1 Sung, Yuan Y. 1 Van Huffel, Sabine 1 Walke, V. H. all top 5 Serials 8 Journal of Global Optimization 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematical Programming 3 Operations Research 3 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 2 BIT 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Mathematics of Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 ORSA Journal on Computing 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 1 General Relativity and Gravitation 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Computing 1 Econometrica 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Management Science 1 Mathematical Programming Study 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Journal of Qufu Normal University. Natural Science 1 Communications of the ACM 1 SIAM Review 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 SIAM Journal on Control 1 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series, A 1 Applied Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Publications of the Mathematics Research Center, The University of Wisconsin - Madison 1 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series, B all top 5 Fields 63 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 39 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 84 Publications have been cited 1,703 times in 1,375 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium points for concave \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0142.17603 Rosen, J. B. 417 1965 The gradient projection method for nonlinear programming. I: Linear constraints. Zbl 0099.36405 Rosen, J. B. 210 1960 Constrained global optimization: algorithms and applications. Zbl 0638.90064 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 200 1987 The gradient projection method for nonlinear programming. II. Nonlinear constraints. Zbl 0231.90048 Rosen, J. B. 113 1961 Methods for global concave minimization: A bibliographic survey. Zbl 0602.90105 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 64 1986 Global minimization of large-scale constrained concave quadratic problems by separable programming. Zbl 0597.90066 Rosen, J. B.; Pardalos, P. M. 53 1986 Iterative solution of nonlinear optimal control problems. Zbl 0229.49025 Rosen, J. B. 41 1966 Algorithms for the quickest path problem and the enumeration of quickest paths. Zbl 0747.90104 Rosen, J. B.; Sun, S.-Z.; Xue, G.-L. 39 1991 Global optimization approach to the linear complementary problem. Zbl 0646.65051 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 37 1988 Total least norm formulation and solution for structured problems. Zbl 0843.65028 Rosen, J. Ben; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 34 1996 Global minimization of a linearly constrained concave function by partition of feasible domain. Zbl 0526.90072 Rosen, J. B. 29 1983 Global minimization of indefinite quadratic problems. Zbl 0627.65072 Pardalos, P. M.; Glick, J. H.; Rosen, J. B. 25 1987 An algorithm for global minimization of linearly constrained concave quadratic functions. Zbl 0638.90081 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 24 1987 A quadratic assignment formulation of the molecular conformation problem. Zbl 0797.90116 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 20 1994 Primal partition programming for block diagonal matrices. Zbl 0129.34102 Rosen, J. B. 20 1964 SQP methods and their application to numerical optimal control. Zbl 0956.90024 Barclay, Alex; Gill, Philip E.; Rosen, J. Ben 19 1998 Low rank approximation of a Hankel matrix by structured total least norm. Zbl 0944.65043 Park, H.; Zhang, L.; Rosen, J. B. 18 1999 Penalty for zero-one integer equivalent problem. Zbl 0539.90074 Kalantari, Bahman; Rosen, J. B. 18 1982 A parallel algorithm for constrained concave quadratic global minimization. Zbl 0665.90071 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 16 1988 Structured total least norm for nonlinear problems. Zbl 0930.65070 Rosen, J. B.; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 15 1998 Inequalities for stochastic nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 0132.13806 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B. 15 1964 On the convergence of Miehle’s algorithm for the Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0749.90046 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L. 13 1992 Topics in parallel computing in mathematical programming. Zbl 0784.65059 Pardalos, P. M.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 13 1992 Global minimum test problem construction. Zbl 0509.90067 Sung, Yuan Y.; Rosen, J. B. 11 1982 Global minimization via piecewise-linear underestimation. Zbl 1098.90072 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 11 2005 On the convergence of a hyperboloid approximation procedure for the perturbed Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0802.90067 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L. 10 1993 Penalty formulation for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 0622.90059 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 10 1987 Guaranteed \(\epsilon\)-approximate solution for indefinite quadratic global minimization. Zbl 0708.90063 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 10 1990 Minimum and basic solutions and basic solutions to singular linear systems. Zbl 0156.16205 Rosen, J. B. 10 1964 Construction of large-scale global minimum concave quadratic test problems. Zbl 0559.90066 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 9 1986 Approximate solution and error bounds for quasi-linear elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0206.47501 Rosen, J. B. 8 1970 A parallel algorithm for partially separable non-convex global minimization: Linear constraints. Zbl 0723.90063 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 8 1990 Bounds for the solution set of linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0611.90094 Pardalos, Panos M.; Rosen, J. B. 8 1987 CGU: An algorithm for molecular structure prediction. Zbl 0884.65050 Dill, K. A.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 7 1997 Convex quadratic approximation. Zbl 1056.90109 Rosen, J. Ben; Marcia, Roummel F. 7 2004 Nonconvex piecewise-quadratic underestimation for global minimization. Zbl 1099.90044 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 7 2006 Iterative convex quadratic approximation for global optimization in protein docking. Zbl 1125.90396 Marcia, Roummel F.; Mitchell, Julie C.; Rosen, J. Ben 7 2005 A polynomial time dual algorithm for the Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0856.90067 Xue, G. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Pardalos, P. M. 6 1996 Parsimonious least norm approximation. Zbl 0979.65032 Bradley, P. S.; Rosen, J. B. 5 1998 Lower dimensional representation of text data based on centroids and least squares. Zbl 1063.68050 Park, Haesun; Jeon, Moongu; Rosen, J. Ben 5 2003 Mutually reciprocal ’contraction’ and ’expansion’ of certain Lie algebras. Zbl 0142.23003 Rosen, J. 5 1966 Convex partition programming. Zbl 0229.90040 Rosen, J. B. 5 1963 Numerical optimal control of parabolic PDEs using DASOPT. Zbl 0884.65065 Petzold, Linda; Rosen, J. Ben; Gill, Philip E.; Jay, Laurent O.; Park, Kihong 4 1997 Molecular structure determination by convex global underestimation of local energy minima. Zbl 0848.65048 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; Walke, V. H. 4 1996 Sufficient conditions for solving linearly constrained separable concave global minimization problems. Zbl 0778.90066 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 4 1993 A parallel stochastic method for solving linearly constrained concave global minimization problems. Zbl 0769.90073 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; van Vliet, M. 4 1992 Anomalous acceleration in parallel multiple-cost-row linear programming. Zbl 0752.90048 Phillips, Andrew T.; Rosen, J. Ben 4 1989 Convex kernel underestimation of functions with multiple local minima. Zbl 1098.90055 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 4 2006 Fast data transmission and maximal dynamic flow. Zbl 1078.90515 Xue, Guoliang; Sun, Shangzhi; Rosen, J. Ben 4 1998 An interactive display for approximation by linear programming. Zbl 0217.22504 LaFata, P.; Rosen, J. B. 4 1970 A gradient projection algorithm for non-linear constraints. Zbl 0267.90077 Rosen, J. B.; Kreuser, J. 4 1972 Efficient computation of extreme points of convex hulls in \(R^{d1}\). Zbl 0814.90084 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L.; Phillips, A. T. 3 1992 Minimum norm solution to the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0989.90548 Rosen, J. B. 3 1990 A collocation method for parabolic quasilinear problems on general domains. Zbl 0417.65055 Ascher, U.; Rosen, J. B. 3 1979 Computational comparison of two algorithms for the Euclidean single facility location problem. Zbl 0753.90039 Rosen, J. Ben; Xue, Guoliang 3 1991 Embedding of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Weyl solutions. Zbl 0142.46401 Rosen, J. 3 1965 Optimal control and convex programming. Zbl 0183.22702 Rosen, J. B. 3 1967 Minimum error bounds for multidimensional spline approximation. Zbl 0231.65013 Rosen, J. B. 3 1971 Stability and bounds for nonlinear systems of difference and differential equations. Zbl 0104.06001 Rosen, J. B. 3 1961 Lower dimensional representation of text data in vector space based information retrieval. Zbl 0995.68038 Park, Haesun; Jeon, Moongu; Rosen, J. Ben 2 2001 Solution of nonlinear programming problems by partitioning. Zbl 0995.90614 Rosen, J. B.; Ornea, J. C. 2 1963 Total least norm for linear and nonlinear structured problems. Zbl 0879.65106 Rosen, J. Ben; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 2 1997 Accurate solution to overdetermined linear equations with errors using \(L_1\) norm minimization. Zbl 0972.47008 Ben Rosen, J.; Park, Haesun; Glick, John; Zhang, Lei 2 2000 Performance of approximate algorithms for global minimization. Zbl 0554.90085 Rosen, J. B. 2 1984 Two-phase algorithm for nonlinear constraint problems. Zbl 0458.65049 Rosen, J. B. 2 1978 Solution of boundary value problems by a weighted L\(_1\) minimization. Zbl 0295.65056 Rosen, J. B. 2 1974 Parallel solution of large-scale, block-angular linear programs. Zbl 0714.90066 Rosen, J. B.; Maier, Robert S. 2 1990 Numerical solution of optimal control problems. Zbl 0245.49025 Rosen, J. B. 2 1968 Approximate computational solution of non-linear parabolic partial differential equations by linear programming. Zbl 0258.65111 Rosen, J. B. 2 1966 Reduction of nonlinear integer separable programming problems. Zbl 0658.90068 Pardalos, Panos M.; Rosen, J. B. 2 1988 The inhomogeneous pseudo-rotation group as a limiting case of a (homogeneous) pseudo-rotation group of one more dimension. Zbl 0124.17403 Rosen, J. 2 1965 Computational comparison of two methods for constrained global optimization. Zbl 0820.90101 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1994 Large-scale, nonlinearly constrained optimization on a 1024-processor nCUBE. Zbl 0823.90114 Glick, J. H.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1994 Structure preserving total least squares method and its application to parameter estimation. Zbl 0826.65131 Park, H.; Rosen, J. B.; Van Huffel, S. 1 1995 Convex gobal underestimation for molecular structure prediction. Zbl 1005.92013 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; Dill, K. A. 1 2001 Molecular structure prediction by global optimization. Zbl 0895.92011 Dill, K. A.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1997 Parallel solution of large-scale, block-diagonal concave maximization problems. Zbl 0754.90053 Glick, J. H.; Maier, R. S.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1991 On a new algorithm for stable assignment. Zbl 0749.90062 Rosen, J. B.; Sun, S.-Z.; Xue, G. L. 1 1992 Developments in general relativity, astrophysics and quantum theory. A jubilee volume in honour of Nathan Rosen. Zbl 0734.53005 1 1990 Approximating data in \({\mathbb R}^{n}\) by a quadratic underestimator with specified Hessian minimum and maximum eigenvalues. Zbl 1120.90041 Rosen, J. B.; Glick, John 1 2006 Multi-funnel optimization using Gaussian underestimation. Zbl 1152.90009 Marcia, Roummel F.; Mitchell, Julie C.; Ben Rosen, J. 1 2007 Inhomogenizations of semi-simple Lie algebras. Zbl 0142.23004 Rosen, J. 1 1966 Chebyshev solution of large linear systems. Zbl 0148.39102 Rosen, J. B. 1 1967 Nonlinear programming. Proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 4- 6, 1970. Zbl 0224.90056 1 1970 Multi-funnel optimization using Gaussian underestimation. Zbl 1152.90009 Marcia, Roummel F.; Mitchell, Julie C.; Ben Rosen, J. 1 2007 Nonconvex piecewise-quadratic underestimation for global minimization. Zbl 1099.90044 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 7 2006 Convex kernel underestimation of functions with multiple local minima. Zbl 1098.90055 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 4 2006 Approximating data in \({\mathbb R}^{n}\) by a quadratic underestimator with specified Hessian minimum and maximum eigenvalues. Zbl 1120.90041 Rosen, J. B.; Glick, John 1 2006 Global minimization via piecewise-linear underestimation. Zbl 1098.90072 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Thompson, Michael E. 11 2005 Iterative convex quadratic approximation for global optimization in protein docking. Zbl 1125.90396 Marcia, Roummel F.; Mitchell, Julie C.; Rosen, J. Ben 7 2005 Convex quadratic approximation. Zbl 1056.90109 Rosen, J. Ben; Marcia, Roummel F. 7 2004 Lower dimensional representation of text data based on centroids and least squares. Zbl 1063.68050 Park, Haesun; Jeon, Moongu; Rosen, J. Ben 5 2003 Lower dimensional representation of text data in vector space based information retrieval. Zbl 0995.68038 Park, Haesun; Jeon, Moongu; Rosen, J. Ben 2 2001 Convex gobal underestimation for molecular structure prediction. Zbl 1005.92013 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; Dill, K. A. 1 2001 Accurate solution to overdetermined linear equations with errors using \(L_1\) norm minimization. Zbl 0972.47008 Ben Rosen, J.; Park, Haesun; Glick, John; Zhang, Lei 2 2000 Low rank approximation of a Hankel matrix by structured total least norm. Zbl 0944.65043 Park, H.; Zhang, L.; Rosen, J. B. 18 1999 SQP methods and their application to numerical optimal control. Zbl 0956.90024 Barclay, Alex; Gill, Philip E.; Rosen, J. Ben 19 1998 Structured total least norm for nonlinear problems. Zbl 0930.65070 Rosen, J. B.; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 15 1998 Parsimonious least norm approximation. Zbl 0979.65032 Bradley, P. S.; Rosen, J. B. 5 1998 Fast data transmission and maximal dynamic flow. Zbl 1078.90515 Xue, Guoliang; Sun, Shangzhi; Rosen, J. Ben 4 1998 CGU: An algorithm for molecular structure prediction. Zbl 0884.65050 Dill, K. A.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 7 1997 Numerical optimal control of parabolic PDEs using DASOPT. Zbl 0884.65065 Petzold, Linda; Rosen, J. Ben; Gill, Philip E.; Jay, Laurent O.; Park, Kihong 4 1997 Total least norm for linear and nonlinear structured problems. Zbl 0879.65106 Rosen, J. Ben; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 2 1997 Molecular structure prediction by global optimization. Zbl 0895.92011 Dill, K. A.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1997 Total least norm formulation and solution for structured problems. Zbl 0843.65028 Rosen, J. Ben; Park, Haesun; Glick, John 34 1996 A polynomial time dual algorithm for the Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0856.90067 Xue, G. L.; Rosen, J. B.; Pardalos, P. M. 6 1996 Molecular structure determination by convex global underestimation of local energy minima. Zbl 0848.65048 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; Walke, V. H. 4 1996 Structure preserving total least squares method and its application to parameter estimation. Zbl 0826.65131 Park, H.; Rosen, J. B.; Van Huffel, S. 1 1995 A quadratic assignment formulation of the molecular conformation problem. Zbl 0797.90116 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 20 1994 Computational comparison of two methods for constrained global optimization. Zbl 0820.90101 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1994 Large-scale, nonlinearly constrained optimization on a 1024-processor nCUBE. Zbl 0823.90114 Glick, J. H.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1994 On the convergence of a hyperboloid approximation procedure for the perturbed Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0802.90067 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L. 10 1993 Sufficient conditions for solving linearly constrained separable concave global minimization problems. Zbl 0778.90066 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 4 1993 On the convergence of Miehle’s algorithm for the Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0749.90046 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L. 13 1992 Topics in parallel computing in mathematical programming. Zbl 0784.65059 Pardalos, P. M.; Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 13 1992 A parallel stochastic method for solving linearly constrained concave global minimization problems. Zbl 0769.90073 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B.; van Vliet, M. 4 1992 Efficient computation of extreme points of convex hulls in \(R^{d1}\). Zbl 0814.90084 Rosen, J. B.; Xue, G. L.; Phillips, A. T. 3 1992 On a new algorithm for stable assignment. Zbl 0749.90062 Rosen, J. B.; Sun, S.-Z.; Xue, G. L. 1 1992 Algorithms for the quickest path problem and the enumeration of quickest paths. Zbl 0747.90104 Rosen, J. B.; Sun, S.-Z.; Xue, G.-L. 39 1991 Computational comparison of two algorithms for the Euclidean single facility location problem. Zbl 0753.90039 Rosen, J. Ben; Xue, Guoliang 3 1991 Parallel solution of large-scale, block-diagonal concave maximization problems. Zbl 0754.90053 Glick, J. H.; Maier, R. S.; Rosen, J. B. 1 1991 Guaranteed \(\epsilon\)-approximate solution for indefinite quadratic global minimization. Zbl 0708.90063 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 10 1990 A parallel algorithm for partially separable non-convex global minimization: Linear constraints. Zbl 0723.90063 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 8 1990 Minimum norm solution to the linear complementarity problem. Zbl 0989.90548 Rosen, J. B. 3 1990 Parallel solution of large-scale, block-angular linear programs. Zbl 0714.90066 Rosen, J. B.; Maier, Robert S. 2 1990 Developments in general relativity, astrophysics and quantum theory. A jubilee volume in honour of Nathan Rosen. Zbl 0734.53005 1 1990 Anomalous acceleration in parallel multiple-cost-row linear programming. Zbl 0752.90048 Phillips, Andrew T.; Rosen, J. Ben 4 1989 Global optimization approach to the linear complementary problem. Zbl 0646.65051 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 37 1988 A parallel algorithm for constrained concave quadratic global minimization. Zbl 0665.90071 Phillips, A. T.; Rosen, J. B. 16 1988 Reduction of nonlinear integer separable programming problems. Zbl 0658.90068 Pardalos, Panos M.; Rosen, J. B. 2 1988 Constrained global optimization: algorithms and applications. Zbl 0638.90064 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 200 1987 Global minimization of indefinite quadratic problems. Zbl 0627.65072 Pardalos, P. M.; Glick, J. H.; Rosen, J. B. 25 1987 An algorithm for global minimization of linearly constrained concave quadratic functions. Zbl 0638.90081 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 24 1987 Penalty formulation for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 0622.90059 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 10 1987 Bounds for the solution set of linear complementarity problems. Zbl 0611.90094 Pardalos, Panos M.; Rosen, J. B. 8 1987 Methods for global concave minimization: A bibliographic survey. Zbl 0602.90105 Pardalos, P. M.; Rosen, J. B. 64 1986 Global minimization of large-scale constrained concave quadratic problems by separable programming. Zbl 0597.90066 Rosen, J. B.; Pardalos, P. M. 53 1986 Construction of large-scale global minimum concave quadratic test problems. Zbl 0559.90066 Kalantari, B.; Rosen, J. B. 9 1986 Performance of approximate algorithms for global minimization. Zbl 0554.90085 Rosen, J. B. 2 1984 Global minimization of a linearly constrained concave function by partition of feasible domain. Zbl 0526.90072 Rosen, J. B. 29 1983 Penalty for zero-one integer equivalent problem. Zbl 0539.90074 Kalantari, Bahman; Rosen, J. B. 18 1982 Global minimum test problem construction. Zbl 0509.90067 Sung, Yuan Y.; Rosen, J. B. 11 1982 A collocation method for parabolic quasilinear problems on general domains. Zbl 0417.65055 Ascher, U.; Rosen, J. B. 3 1979 Two-phase algorithm for nonlinear constraint problems. Zbl 0458.65049 Rosen, J. B. 2 1978 Solution of boundary value problems by a weighted L\(_1\) minimization. Zbl 0295.65056 Rosen, J. B. 2 1974 A gradient projection algorithm for non-linear constraints. Zbl 0267.90077 Rosen, J. B.; Kreuser, J. 4 1972 Minimum error bounds for multidimensional spline approximation. Zbl 0231.65013 Rosen, J. B. 3 1971 Approximate solution and error bounds for quasi-linear elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0206.47501 Rosen, J. B. 8 1970 An interactive display for approximation by linear programming. Zbl 0217.22504 LaFata, P.; Rosen, J. B. 4 1970 Nonlinear programming. Proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, The University of Wisconsin, Madison, May 4- 6, 1970. Zbl 0224.90056 1 1970 Numerical solution of optimal control problems. Zbl 0245.49025 Rosen, J. B. 2 1968 Optimal control and convex programming. Zbl 0183.22702 Rosen, J. B. 3 1967 Chebyshev solution of large linear systems. Zbl 0148.39102 Rosen, J. B. 1 1967 Iterative solution of nonlinear optimal control problems. Zbl 0229.49025 Rosen, J. B. 41 1966 Mutually reciprocal ’contraction’ and ’expansion’ of certain Lie algebras. Zbl 0142.23003 Rosen, J. 5 1966 Approximate computational solution of non-linear parabolic partial differential equations by linear programming. Zbl 0258.65111 Rosen, J. B. 2 1966 Inhomogenizations of semi-simple Lie algebras. Zbl 0142.23004 Rosen, J. 1 1966 Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium points for concave \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0142.17603 Rosen, J. B. 417 1965 Embedding of the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Weyl solutions. Zbl 0142.46401 Rosen, J. 3 1965 The inhomogeneous pseudo-rotation group as a limiting case of a (homogeneous) pseudo-rotation group of one more dimension. Zbl 0124.17403 Rosen, J. 2 1965 Primal partition programming for block diagonal matrices. Zbl 0129.34102 Rosen, J. B. 20 1964 Inequalities for stochastic nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 0132.13806 Mangasarian, O. L.; Rosen, J. B. 15 1964 Minimum and basic solutions and basic solutions to singular linear systems. Zbl 0156.16205 Rosen, J. B. 10 1964 Convex partition programming. Zbl 0229.90040 Rosen, J. B. 5 1963 Solution of nonlinear programming problems by partitioning. Zbl 0995.90614 Rosen, J. B.; Ornea, J. C. 2 1963 The gradient projection method for nonlinear programming. II. Nonlinear constraints. Zbl 0231.90048 Rosen, J. B. 113 1961 Stability and bounds for nonlinear systems of difference and differential equations. Zbl 0104.06001 Rosen, J. B. 3 1961 The gradient projection method for nonlinear programming. I: Linear constraints. Zbl 0099.36405 Rosen, J. B. 210 1960 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,989 Authors 43 Pardalos, Panos M. 25 Rosen, J. Ben 16 Benson, Harold P. 16 Horst, Reiner 16 Zaccour, Georges 11 Martínez, José Mario 10 Floudas, Christodoulos Achilleus 10 Nguyen van Thoai 10 Passacantando, Mauro 10 Winkler, Joab R. 9 Al-Khayyal, Faiz A. 9 Konnov, Igor Vasilyevich 8 Dreves, Axel 8 Facchinei, Francisco 8 Flåm, Sjur Didrik 8 Fukushima, Masao 8 Haurie, Alain B. 8 Jacobsen, Stephen E. 8 Kanzow, Christian 8 Lê Dung Muu 8 Morgan, Jacqueline 8 Parilina, Elena M. 8 Phillips, Andrew T. 8 Raciti, Fabio 7 Jeyakumar, Vaithilingam 7 Konno, Hiroshi 7 Kulkarni, Ankur A. 7 Le Thi, Hoai An 7 Li, Duan 7 Sherali, Hanif D. 7 Xu, Huifu 6 Allevi, Elisabetta 6 Climaco, Joao Carlos Namorado 6 Cojocaru, Monica-Gabriela 6 Enkhbat, Rentsen 6 Júdice, Joaquim João 6 Mangasarian, Olvi L. 6 Pham Dinh Tao 6 Pintér, János D. 6 Rinaldi, Francesco 6 Tuy, Hoang 6 Yajima, Yasutoshi 5 Aussel, Didier 5 Calvete, Herminia I. 5 Ceparano, Maria Carmela 5 Du, Ding-Zhu 5 Gnudi, Adriana 5 Kuno, Takahito 5 Moshirvaziri, Khosrow 5 Pang, Jong-Shi 5 Pascoal, Marta Margarida Braz 5 Shanbhag, Uday V. 5 Wu, Zhiyou 5 Xue, Guoliang 5 Ye, Yinyu 4 Bai, Fusheng 4 Barbagallo, Annamaria 4 Captivo, Maria Eugénia 4 Caruso, Francesco 4 Cotrina, John 4 del Pozo, Lourdes 4 Feinstein, Zachary 4 Gill, Philip E. 4 Grammatico, Sergio 4 Harks, Tobias 4 Hintermüller, Michael 4 Jian, Jinbao 4 Jiang, Jianlin 4 Kalantari, Bahman 4 Kovačević-Vujčić, Vera V. 4 Krawczyk, Jacek Bogdan 4 Lavor, Carlile Campos 4 Le Cadre, Hélène 4 Locatelli, Marco 4 Lucidi, Stefano 4 Mertikopoulos, Panayotis 4 Misener, Ruth 4 Nagurney, Anna 4 Nowak, Andrzej S. 4 Pan, Shaohua 4 Phong, Thai Quynh 4 Rebennack, Steffen 4 Reddy, Puduru Viswanadha 4 Sagratella, Simone 4 Sahinidis, Nikolaos V. 4 Shikhman, Vladimir 4 Sirisena, Harsha R. 4 Smol’yakov, Èduard Rimovich 4 Tan, Tao 4 Vavasis, Stephen A. 4 Vicente, Luis Nunes 4 Vielle, Marc 4 von Heusinger, Anna 4 Zhang, Su 4 Zhang, Xiangsun 3 Abadpour, Arash 3 Abraham, Mathew P. 3 Altman, Eitan 3 Antipin, Anatoliĭ Sergeevich 3 Arioli, Mario ...and 1,889 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 258 Serials 116 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 104 Journal of Global Optimization 70 European Journal of Operational Research 51 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 41 Annals of Operations Research 41 Computational Optimization and Applications 32 Applied Mathematics and Computation 32 Automatica 31 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 29 Operations Research Letters 27 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 27 Mathematical Programming 27 Computers & Operations Research 25 Optimization 24 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 21 Optimization Letters 17 Linear Algebra and its Applications 15 Optimization Methods & Software 12 Games and Economic Behavior 11 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 11 Economic Theory 11 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 11 International Game Theory Review 10 Journal of Economic Theory 10 Naval Research Logistics 10 SIAM Journal on Optimization 9 Computing 9 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 8 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 8 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 8 Optimization and Engineering 8 Computational Management Science 8 Dynamic Games and Applications 7 Discrete Applied Mathematics 7 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 7 Journal of Mathematical Economics 7 Mathematics of Operations Research 7 INFORMS Journal on Computing 7 Unternehmensforschung 6 International Journal of Systems Science 6 Mathematics of Computation 6 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 6 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 6 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 6 International Transactions in Operational Research 6 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 5 Journal of the Franklin Institute 5 International Journal of Game Theory 5 Journal of Approximation Theory 5 Operations Research 5 Mathematical Social Sciences 5 Economics Letters 5 Numerical Algorithms 5 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 5 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 4 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 4 Numerische Mathematik 4 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 4 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 4 Multibody System Dynamics 4 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 4 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 3 International Journal of Control 3 Information Processing Letters 3 Journal of Computational Physics 3 Metrika 3 BIT 3 Calcolo 3 Information Sciences 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Kybernetika 3 Opsearch 3 Theoretical Computer Science 3 OR Spektrum 3 Systems & Control Letters 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Computational Mechanics 3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 3 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 3 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 3 RAIRO. Operations Research 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Networks and Spatial Economics 3 International Journal of Operations Research (Taichung) 3 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Aplikace Matematiky 2 Biometrics 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 2 Networks 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa ...and 158 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 42 Fields 864 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 406 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 311 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 150 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 82 Computer science (68-XX) 68 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 41 Statistics (62-XX) 32 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 28 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 23 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 17 Operator theory (47-XX) 16 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Combinatorics (05-XX) 12 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 10 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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