Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rowen, Louis Halle Co-Author Distance Author ID: rowen.louis-halle Published as: Rowen, Louis; Rowen, Louis H.; Rowen, Louis Halle; Rowen, L. H.; Rowen, L.; Rowen, Louis Haile more...less External Links: MGP · Google Scholar · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 180 Publications since 1973, including 9 Books and 13 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 56 Co-Authors with 123 Joint Publications 1,385 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 63 single-authored 30 Izhakian, Zur 22 Kanel’-Belov, Alekseĭ Yakovlevich 20 Vishne, Uzi 19 Knebusch, Manfred 13 Saltman, David J. 13 Segev, Yoav 7 Small, Lance W. 6 Malev, Sergey 5 Amitsur, Shimshon Avraham 5 Tignol, Jean-Pierre 4 Jun, Jaiung 3 Blachar, Guy 3 Gatto, Letterio 3 Greenfeld, Be’eri 3 Haile, Darrell E. 3 Mann, Avinoam 3 Matzri, Eliyahu 3 Mincheva, Kalina 3 Yu, Jie-Tai 2 Akian, Marianne 2 Chapman, Adam 2 Gaubert, Stéphane 2 Giambruno, Antonio 2 Kantor, Issai 2 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris Èmmanuilovich 2 López-Permouth, Sergio Roberto 2 Niv, Adi 2 Perri, Tal 2 Rapinchuk, Andrei S. 2 Regev, Amitai 2 Tikohonov, Sergeĭ Viktorovich 2 Yanchevskiĭ, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 1 Berele, Allan 1 Bokut, Leonid A. 1 Cedó, Ferran 1 Cohen, Miriam 1 Danchev, Peter Vassilev 1 De Medts, Tom 1 Fisher, Joe W. 1 Grynkiewicz, David J. 1 Herstein, Israel Nathan 1 Jain, Surender Kumar 1 Karasik, Yakov 1 Koshlukov, Plamen Emilov 1 Krashen, Daniel 1 Lorenz, Martin 1 Manevitz, Larry Michael 1 Matzri, Eli 1 Matzri, Eliyah 1 Pines, Coby 1 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 1 Schild, Uri 1 Shalev, Aner 1 Sivatski, Alexander S. 1 Teicher, Mina 1 Yavich, Roman all top 5 Serials 25 Journal of Algebra 20 Israel Journal of Mathematics 13 Communications in Algebra 12 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 3 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 3 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Algebras and Representation Theory 3 Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press) 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 Algebra Colloquium 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 2 Graduate Studies in Mathematics 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Kybernetika 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Serdica Mathematical Journal 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Journal of Group Theory 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings 1 Research Notes in Mathematics 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 162 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 46 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 43 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 33 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 29 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 22 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 19 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 16 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 13 Number theory (11-XX) 11 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 149 Publications have been cited 2,392 times in 1,552 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Polynomial identities in ring theory. Zbl 0461.16001 Rowen, Louis Halle 467 1980 Ring theory. Volume I. Zbl 0651.16001 Rowen, Louis H. 157 1988 Some results on the center of a ring with polynomial identity. Zbl 0252.16007 Rowen, Louis 136 1973 Ring Theory. Volume II. Zbl 0651.16002 Rowen, Louis H. 135 1988 Ring theory. Abridged student edition. Zbl 0743.16001 Rowen, Louis H. 75 1991 Supertropical algebra. Zbl 1273.14132 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 74 2010 Computational aspects of polynomial identities. Zbl 1076.16018 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Rowen, Louis Halle 61 2005 Division algebras of degree 4 and 8 with involution. Zbl 0422.16010 Amitsur, S. A.; Rowen, L. H.; Tignol, J. P. 60 1979 Group graded rings. Zbl 0522.16001 Cohen, Miriam; Rowen, Louis H. 55 1983 The images of non-commutative polynomials evaluated on \(2\times 2\) matrices. Zbl 1241.16017 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 55 2012 The tropical rank of a tropical matrix. Zbl 1184.15003 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 45 2009 Supertropical matrix algebra. Zbl 1215.15018 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 43 2011 Central simple algebras. Zbl 0392.16011 Rowen, Louis Halle 37 1978 On rings with central polynomials. Zbl 0286.16011 Rowen, Louis Halle 35 1974 Graduate algebra: noncommutative view. Zbl 1182.16001 Rowen, Louis Halle 35 2008 Evaluations of noncommutative polynomials on algebras: methods and problems, and the L’vov-Kaplansky conjecture. Zbl 1459.16012 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis; Yavich, Roman 31 2020 Supertropical matrix algebra. II: Solving tropical equations. Zbl 1277.15013 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 29 2011 Supertropical semirings and supervaluations. Zbl 1225.13009 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 29 2011 General polynomial identities. II. Zbl 0324.16016 Rowen, Louis Halle 27 1976 The images of multilinear polynomials evaluated on \(3\times3\) matrices. Zbl 1373.16039 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 27 2016 Graduate algebra: commutative view. Zbl 1116.13001 Rowen, Louis Halle 22 2006 Supertropical linear algebra. Zbl 1396.15021 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 21 2013 Standard polynomials in matrix algebras. Zbl 0286.16012 Rowen, Louis H. 18 1974 The images of Lie polynomials evaluated on matrices. Zbl 1414.17005 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 18 2017 A simple proof of Kostant’s theorem, and an analogue for the symplectic involution. Zbl 0503.16018 Rowen, Louis Halle 17 1982 Elements of reduced trace \(0\). Zbl 0852.16012 Amitsur, S. A.; Rowen, Louis H. 17 1994 Generalized polynomial identities. Zbl 0308.16011 Rowen, Louis Halle 17 1975 Computational aspects of polynomial identities. Volume l: Kemer’s theorems. 2nd edition. Zbl 1322.16013 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Karasik, Yakov; Rowen, Louis Halle 17 2016 Dihedral algebras are cyclic. Zbl 0492.16022 Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David J. 16 1982 Power-central polynomials on matrices. Zbl 1341.16019 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 16 2016 Supertropical matrix algebra. III: Powers of matrices and their supertropical eigenvalues. Zbl 1283.15055 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 16 2011 Fields of definition for division algebras. Zbl 1071.16012 Lorenz, M.; Reichstein, Z.; Rowen, L. H.; Saltman, D. J. 15 2003 Division algebras of exponent 2 and characteristic 2. Zbl 0548.16020 Rowen, Louis H. 15 1984 Supertropical quadratic forms. I. Zbl 1391.15080 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 14 2016 Layered tropical mathematics. Zbl 1355.16046 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 14 2014 Decompositions of modules lacking zero sums. Zbl 1391.16053 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 13 2018 Grassmann semialgebras and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Zbl 1468.16057 Gatto, Letterio; Rowen, Louis 13 2020 Structure of Zariski-closed algebras. Zbl 1221.16021 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 12 2010 Finitely presented modules over semiperfect rings. Zbl 0596.16020 Rowen, Louis H. 12 1986 Identities in algebras with involution. Zbl 0305.16012 Rowen, Louis Halle 11 1975 Projective systemic modules. Zbl 1447.16048 Jun, Jaiung; Mincheva, Kalina; Rowen, Louis 11 2020 Addendum to “Examples of semiperfect rings”. Zbl 0915.16014 Cedó, Ferran; Rowen, Louis H. 10 1998 Dominance and transmissions in supertropical valuation theory. Zbl 1283.13003 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 10 2013 Supertropical polynomials and resultants. Zbl 1227.12008 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 10 2010 Cyclic division algebras. Zbl 0492.16021 Rowen, Louis Halle 10 1982 Coxeter covers of the symmetric groups. Zbl 1120.20040 Rowen, Louis; Teicher, Mina; Vishne, Uzi 10 2005 Specht’s problem for associative affine algebras over commutative Noetherian rings. Zbl 1332.16015 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 10 2015 Examples of semiperfect rings. Zbl 0677.16011 Rowen, Louis Halle 9 1989 Prime to \(p\) extensions of division algebras. Zbl 0795.16012 Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David J. 9 1992 Tensor products of division algebras and fields. Zbl 1332.16008 Rowen, Louis; Saltman, David J. 9 2013 Quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms on modules with unique base over a semiring. Zbl 1378.16045 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 9 2016 Structure of rings with involution applied to generalized polynomial identities. Zbl 0283.16010 Rowen, Louis Halle 8 1975 A subdirect decomposition of semiprime rings and its application to maximal quotient rings. Zbl 0293.16005 Rowen, Louis Halle 8 1974 Categories with negation. Zbl 1462.08001 Jun, Jaiung; Rowen, Louis 8 2020 An informal overview of triples and systems. Zbl 1481.08003 Rowen, Louis 8 2019 Division algebra counterexamples of degree 8. Zbl 0526.16009 Rowen, Louis H. 7 1981 Division algebras over rational function fields in one variable. Zbl 1089.16015 Rowen, L. H.; Sivatski, A. S.; Tignol, J.-P. 7 2005 The Jacobian conjecture, together with Specht and Burnside-type problems. Zbl 1327.14256 Belov, Alexei; Bokut, Leonid; Rowen, Louis; Yu, Jie-Tai 7 2014 Monomial conditions on prime rings. Zbl 0426.16003 Rowen, Louis 7 1977 Full quivers of representations of algebras. Zbl 1286.16019 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 7 2012 PI-varieties associated to full quivers of representations of algebras. Zbl 1302.16014 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 7 2013 Full exposition of Specht’s problem. Zbl 1374.16039 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi. 7 2012 Congruences and coordinate semirings of tropical varieties. Zbl 1338.14060 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 7 2016 Bicyclic algebras of prime exponent over function fields. Zbl 1101.16013 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris È.; Rowen, Louis H.; Tikhonov, Sergey V.; Yanchevskiĭ, Vyacheslav I. 7 2006 Koethe’s conjecture. Zbl 0688.16005 Rowen, Louis Halle 6 1989 On classical quotients of polynomial identity rings with involution. Zbl 0268.16006 Rowen, Louis Halle 6 1973 Factorizations of polynomials over division algebras. Zbl 0836.16011 Haile, Darrell; Rowen, Louis H. 6 1995 Categories of layered semirings. Zbl 1325.14081 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2015 Brauer factor sets and simple algebras. Zbl 0539.16016 Rowen, Louis H. 6 1984 Polynomial identities of nonassociative rings. III: Applications. Zbl 0392.17011 Rowen, Louis Halle 6 1979 A glimpse at supertropical valuation theory. Zbl 1240.13003 Izhakian, Z.; Knebusch, M.; Rowen, L. 6 2011 Supertropical \(\mathrm{SL}_n\). Zbl 1386.15008 Izhakian, Zur; Niv, Adi; Rowen, Louis 6 2018 Monoid valuations and value ordered supervaluations. Zbl 1327.13017 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2015 Kummer spaces in symbol algebras of prime degree. Zbl 1373.16035 Chapman, Adam; Grynkiewicz, David J.; Matzri, Eliyahu; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 6 2016 Minimal orderings and quadratic forms on a free module over a supertropical semiring. Zbl 1420.15017 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2016 Algebras with a negation map. Zbl 1516.14112 Rowen, Louis Halle 6 2022 Categorical notions of layered tropical algebra and geometry. Zbl 1284.14088 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 5 2013 Correction to ”Cyclic division algebras”. Zbl 0523.16012 Rowen, Louis Halle 5 1982 Monomial conditions on rings. Zbl 0321.16003 Rowen, Louis Halle 5 1976 The theory of generalized polynomial identities. Zbl 0356.16004 Rowen, Louis Halle 5 1977 Algebraic structures of tropical mathematics. Zbl 1320.15022 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 5 2014 The finite quotients of the multiplicative group of a division algebra of degree \(3\) are solvable. Zbl 0938.16024 Rowen, L. H.; Segev, Y. 5 1999 The multiplicative group of a division algebra of degree 5 and Wedderburn’s factorization theorem. Zbl 0967.16006 Rowen, Louis H.; Segev, Yoav 5 2000 Application of full quivers of representations of algebras, to polynomial identities. Zbl 1254.16016 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 5 2011 Unions of chains of primes. Zbl 1362.16029 Greenfeld, Be’eri; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 5 2016 Modules over affine algebras having subexponential growth. Zbl 0712.16019 Rowen, Louis 5 1990 Supertropical monoids: basics and canonical factorization. Zbl 1283.13004 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2013 Wedderburn’s method and algebraic elements of simple Artinian rings. Zbl 0751.16004 Rowen, Louis H. 4 1992 Universal PI-algebras and algebras of generic matrices. Zbl 0292.16013 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1974 Maximal quotients of semiprime PI-algebras. Zbl 0289.16014 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1974 Nonassociative rings satisfying normal polynomial identities. Zbl 0371.17006 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1977 Generalized polynomial identities. III. Zbl 0374.16008 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1977 Polynomial identities of nonassociative rings. I: The general structure theory of nonassociative rings, with emphasis on polynomial identities and central polynomials. Zbl 0381.17002 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1978 Central simple algebras with involution viewed through centralizers. Zbl 0429.16015 Rowen, Louis Halle 4 1980 Kernels in tropical geometry and a Jordan-Hölder theorem. Zbl 1394.14041 Perri, Tal; Rowen, Louis H. 4 2018 Dual spaces and bilinear forms in supertropical linear algebra. Zbl 1257.15001 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2012 Weakly Azumaya algebras. Zbl 1012.16021 Haile, Darrell; Rowen, Louis 4 2002 Summand absorbing submodules of a module over a semiring. Zbl 1440.14276 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2019 Supertropical quadratic forms. II: Tropical trigonometry and applications. Zbl 1451.14175 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2018 T-ideals and superAzumaya algebras. Zbl 0936.16018 Berele, Allan; Rowen, Louis 3 1999 Primitive 4-generated axial algebras of Jordan type. Zbl 07783127 De Medts, Tom; Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 1 2024 Primitive axial algebras are of Jordan type. Zbl 1529.17001 Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 2 2023 Axes of Jordan type in non-commutative algebras. Zbl 1529.17002 Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 1 2023 Clifford semialgebras. Zbl 1528.15024 Chapman, Adam; Gatto, Letterio; Rowen, Louis 1 2023 Algebras with a negation map. Zbl 1516.14112 Rowen, Louis Halle 6 2022 Homology of systemic modules. Zbl 1495.14098 Jun, Jaiung; Mincheva, Kalina; Rowen, Louis 3 2022 Division algebras with common subfields. Zbl 1532.16015 Krashen, Daniel; Matzri, Eliyahu; Rapinchuk, Andrei; Rowen, Louis; Saltman, David 2 2022 \(\mathcal{T}\)-semiring pairs. Zbl 07655857 Jun, Jaiung; Mincheva, Kalina; Rowen, Louis 1 2022 Axes in non-associative algebras. Zbl 1514.17004 Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 3 2021 Generation of summand absorbing submodules. Zbl 1485.14117 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 1 2021 \(\ell\)-weak identities and central polynomials for matrices. Zbl 1491.16024 Blachar, Guy; Matzri, Eli; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 1 2021 Evaluations of noncommutative polynomials on algebras: methods and problems, and the L’vov-Kaplansky conjecture. Zbl 1459.16012 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis; Yavich, Roman 31 2020 Grassmann semialgebras and the Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Zbl 1468.16057 Gatto, Letterio; Rowen, Louis 13 2020 Projective systemic modules. Zbl 1447.16048 Jun, Jaiung; Mincheva, Kalina; Rowen, Louis 11 2020 Categories with negation. Zbl 1462.08001 Jun, Jaiung; Rowen, Louis 8 2020 The Braun-Kemer-Razmyslov theorem for affine \(PI\)-algebras. Zbl 1473.16017 Kanel Belov, Alexei; Rowen, Louis 1 2020 An informal overview of triples and systems. Zbl 1481.08003 Rowen, Louis 8 2019 Summand absorbing submodules of a module over a semiring. Zbl 1440.14276 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2019 Decompositions of modules lacking zero sums. Zbl 1391.16053 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 13 2018 Supertropical \(\mathrm{SL}_n\). Zbl 1386.15008 Izhakian, Zur; Niv, Adi; Rowen, Louis 6 2018 Kernels in tropical geometry and a Jordan-Hölder theorem. Zbl 1394.14041 Perri, Tal; Rowen, Louis H. 4 2018 Supertropical quadratic forms. II: Tropical trigonometry and applications. Zbl 1451.14175 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2018 Distributive hierarchies of binary operations. Zbl 1441.08001 López-Permouth, Sergio; Rowen, Louis H. 3 2018 The images of Lie polynomials evaluated on matrices. Zbl 1414.17005 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 18 2017 Associative and Jordan algebras generated by two idempotents. Zbl 1388.16024 Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 2 2017 Bimodule structure of central simple algebras. Zbl 1378.16030 Matzri, Eliyahu; Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David; Vishne, Uzi 2 2017 Dependence of supertropical eigenspaces. Zbl 1378.15006 Niv, Adi; Rowen, Louis 1 2017 The images of multilinear polynomials evaluated on \(3\times3\) matrices. Zbl 1373.16039 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 27 2016 Computational aspects of polynomial identities. Volume l: Kemer’s theorems. 2nd edition. Zbl 1322.16013 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Karasik, Yakov; Rowen, Louis Halle 17 2016 Power-central polynomials on matrices. Zbl 1341.16019 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 16 2016 Supertropical quadratic forms. I. Zbl 1391.15080 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 14 2016 Quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms on modules with unique base over a semiring. Zbl 1378.16045 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 9 2016 Congruences and coordinate semirings of tropical varieties. Zbl 1338.14060 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 7 2016 Kummer spaces in symbol algebras of prime degree. Zbl 1373.16035 Chapman, Adam; Grynkiewicz, David J.; Matzri, Eliyahu; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 6 2016 Minimal orderings and quadratic forms on a free module over a supertropical semiring. Zbl 1420.15017 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2016 Unions of chains of primes. Zbl 1362.16029 Greenfeld, Be’eri; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 5 2016 Specht’s problem for associative affine algebras over commutative Noetherian rings. Zbl 1332.16015 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 10 2015 Categories of layered semirings. Zbl 1325.14081 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2015 Monoid valuations and value ordered supervaluations. Zbl 1327.13017 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 6 2015 Representability of algebras finite over their centers. Zbl 1341.16022 Rowen, Louis; Small, Lance 2 2015 Layered tropical mathematics. Zbl 1355.16046 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 14 2014 The Jacobian conjecture, together with Specht and Burnside-type problems. Zbl 1327.14256 Belov, Alexei; Bokut, Leonid; Rowen, Louis; Yu, Jie-Tai 7 2014 Algebraic structures of tropical mathematics. Zbl 1320.15022 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 5 2014 Zariski closed algebras in varieties of universal algebra. Zbl 1315.16020 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Giambruno, Antonio; Rowen, Louis Halle; Vishne, Uzi 1 2014 Supertropical linear algebra. Zbl 1396.15021 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 21 2013 Dominance and transmissions in supertropical valuation theory. Zbl 1283.13003 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 10 2013 Tensor products of division algebras and fields. Zbl 1332.16008 Rowen, Louis; Saltman, David J. 9 2013 PI-varieties associated to full quivers of representations of algebras. Zbl 1302.16014 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 7 2013 Categorical notions of layered tropical algebra and geometry. Zbl 1284.14088 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 5 2013 Supertropical monoids: basics and canonical factorization. Zbl 1283.13004 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2013 Ideals of polynomial semirings in tropical mathematics. Zbl 1277.15014 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 3 2013 The images of non-commutative polynomials evaluated on \(2\times 2\) matrices. Zbl 1241.16017 Kanel-Belov, Alexey; Malev, Sergey; Rowen, Louis 55 2012 Full quivers of representations of algebras. Zbl 1286.16019 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 7 2012 Full exposition of Specht’s problem. Zbl 1374.16039 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi. 7 2012 Dual spaces and bilinear forms in supertropical linear algebra. Zbl 1257.15001 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 4 2012 Non-cyclic algebras with \(n\)-central elements. Zbl 1242.16020 Matzri, Eliyah; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 3 2012 Supertropical matrix algebra. Zbl 1215.15018 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 43 2011 Supertropical matrix algebra. II: Solving tropical equations. Zbl 1277.15013 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 29 2011 Supertropical semirings and supervaluations. Zbl 1225.13009 Izhakian, Zur; Knebusch, Manfred; Rowen, Louis 29 2011 Supertropical matrix algebra. III: Powers of matrices and their supertropical eigenvalues. Zbl 1283.15055 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 16 2011 A glimpse at supertropical valuation theory. Zbl 1240.13003 Izhakian, Z.; Knebusch, M.; Rowen, L. 6 2011 Application of full quivers of representations of algebras, to polynomial identities. Zbl 1254.16016 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 5 2011 Completions, reversals, and duality for tropical varieties. Zbl 1246.14081 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 3 2011 Supertropical algebra. Zbl 1273.14132 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 74 2010 Structure of Zariski-closed algebras. Zbl 1221.16021 Belov-Kanel, Alexei; Rowen, Louis; Vishne, Uzi 12 2010 Supertropical polynomials and resultants. Zbl 1227.12008 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 10 2010 A guide to supertropical algebra. Zbl 1200.14113 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 1 2010 The tropical rank of a tropical matrix. Zbl 1184.15003 Izhakian, Zur; Rowen, Louis 45 2009 Graduate algebra: noncommutative view. Zbl 1182.16001 Rowen, Louis Halle 35 2008 The Peirce decomposition for generalized Jordan triple systems of finite order. Zbl 1163.17030 Kantor, Issai; Rowen, Louis 1 2007 Graduate algebra: commutative view. Zbl 1116.13001 Rowen, Louis Halle 22 2006 Bicyclic algebras of prime exponent over function fields. Zbl 1101.16013 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris È.; Rowen, Louis H.; Tikhonov, Sergey V.; Yanchevskiĭ, Vyacheslav I. 7 2006 Division algebras that ramify only on a plane quartic curve. Zbl 1091.16014 Kunyavskii, Boris È.; Rowen, Louis H.; Tikhonov, Sergey V.; Yanchevskii, Vyacheslav I. 2 2006 Normal bases of PI-algebras. Zbl 1112.16025 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Rowen, Louis H.; Vishne, Uzi 2 2006 Normal subgroups generated by a single pure element in quaternion algebras. Zbl 1119.16018 Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 2 2006 Nonabelian free subgroups in homomorphic images of valued quaternion division algebras. Zbl 1117.16007 Rapinchuk, Andrei S.; Rowen, Louis; Segev, Yoav 1 2006 Computational aspects of polynomial identities. Zbl 1076.16018 Kanel-Belov, Alexei; Rowen, Louis Halle 61 2005 Coxeter covers of the symmetric groups. Zbl 1120.20040 Rowen, Louis; Teicher, Mina; Vishne, Uzi 10 2005 Division algebras over rational function fields in one variable. Zbl 1089.16015 Rowen, L. H.; Sivatski, A. S.; Tignol, J.-P. 7 2005 Fields of definition for division algebras. Zbl 1071.16012 Lorenz, M.; Reichstein, Z.; Rowen, L. H.; Saltman, D. J. 15 2003 Weakly Azumaya algebras. Zbl 1012.16021 Haile, Darrell; Rowen, Louis 4 2002 Division algebras over \(C_{2}\)- and \(C_{3}\)-fields. Zbl 1010.11065 Rowen, Louis H. 1 2002 The multiplicative group of a division algebra of degree 5 and Wedderburn’s factorization theorem. Zbl 0967.16006 Rowen, Louis H.; Segev, Yoav 5 2000 The finite quotients of the multiplicative group of a division algebra of degree \(3\) are solvable. Zbl 0938.16024 Rowen, L. H.; Segev, Y. 5 1999 T-ideals and superAzumaya algebras. Zbl 0936.16018 Berele, Allan; Rowen, Louis 3 1999 Are \(p\)-algebras having cyclic quadratic extensions necessarily cyclic? Zbl 0932.16012 Rowen, Louis H. 2 1999 Addendum to “Examples of semiperfect rings”. Zbl 0915.16014 Cedó, Ferran; Rowen, Louis H. 10 1998 Ring theory. Selected papers of the conference, Miskolc, Hungary, July 15–20, 1996. Zbl 0922.00017 1 1998 Primitive ideals of algebras. Zbl 0904.16003 Rowen, Louis H.; Small, Lance 2 1997 Normalized Brauer factor sets. Zbl 0891.16011 Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David 2 1997 Semidirect product division algebras. Zbl 0874.16013 Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David J. 2 1996 On the decomposition of cyclic algebras. Zbl 0883.16010 Rowen, L. H.; Tignol, J.-P. 2 1996 Factorizations of polynomials over division algebras. Zbl 0836.16011 Haile, Darrell; Rowen, Louis H. 6 1995 Superfluous covers. Zbl 0829.16001 Jain, S. K.; López-Permouth, Sergio R.; Rowen, Louis H. 1 1995 Elements of degree 3 and 4 in division algebras. Zbl 0855.16021 Rowen, Louis H. 1 1995 Elements of reduced trace \(0\). Zbl 0852.16012 Amitsur, S. A.; Rowen, Louis H. 17 1994 Polynomials over division rings, and their applications. Zbl 0853.16019 Rowen, Louis H. 1 1993 Prime to \(p\) extensions of division algebras. Zbl 0795.16012 Rowen, Louis H.; Saltman, David J. 9 1992 Wedderburn’s method and algebraic elements of simple Artinian rings. Zbl 0751.16004 Rowen, Louis H. 4 1992 Ring theory. Abridged student edition. Zbl 0743.16001 Rowen, Louis H. 75 1991 ...and 49 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,217 Authors 107 Rowen, Louis Halle 36 Izhakian, Zur 32 Lee, Tsiu-Kwen 28 Beidar, Konstantin Igorevich 27 Kanel’-Belov, Alekseĭ Yakovlevich 27 Vishne, Uzi 22 Braun, Amiram 19 Brešar, Matej 19 Giambruno, Antonio 19 Knebusch, Manfred 18 Tignol, Jean-Pierre 16 Lee, Yang 16 Park, Jae Keol 15 Bell, Jason P. 15 Birkenmeier, Gary Francis 15 Klep, Igor 15 Tuganbaev, Askar Akanovich 14 Di Vincenzo, Onofrio Mario 14 Fošner, Maja 14 Small, Lance W. 14 Zel’manov, Efim Isaakovich 13 De Filippis, Vincenzo 13 Koshlukov, Plamen Emilov 13 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 13 Sivatski, Alexander S. 12 Drensky, Vesselin 12 Saltman, David J. 12 Smoktunowicz, Agata 12 Valenti, Angela 11 Chapman, Adam 11 Chuang, Chen-Lian 11 Kim, Nam Kyun 11 Mai Hoang Bien 11 Matzri, Eliyahu 11 Montaner, Fernando 11 Vonessen, Nikolaus 11 Vukman, Joso 10 Bergen, Jeffrey 10 Castilho de Mello, Thiago 10 Malev, Sergey 10 Öinert, Johan 10 Vinnikov, Victor L. 10 Zaĭtsev, Mikhail Vladimirovich 9 Amitsur, Shimshon Avraham 9 Chebotar, Mikhail A. 9 Jespers, Eric 9 Jun, Jaiung 9 Kiani, Dariush 9 Lanski, Charles 9 Okniński, Jan 9 Paykan, Kamal 9 Segev, Yoav 9 Streb, Walter 9 Wadsworth, Adrian R. 8 Golubkov, Artem Yu. 8 Greenfeld, Be’eri 8 Hong, Chan Yong 8 Kelarev, Andrei Vladimirovich 8 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris Èmmanuilovich 8 Marcen, Benjamin 8 Merkur’ev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 8 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 8 Montgomery, Susan 8 Puczyłowski, Edmund Ryszard 8 Raza, Mohd Arif 8 Rehman, Nadeem-Ur 8 Sehgal, Sudarshan Kumar 8 Szigeti, Jenó 8 van Wyk, Leon 7 Aljadeff, Eli 7 Berele, Allan 7 Bui Xuan Hai 7 Centrone, Lucio 7 Chacron, Maurice J. 7 First, Uriya A. 7 Gaubert, Stéphane 7 Hirano, Yasuyuki 7 Jacob, Bill 7 Krasilnikov, Alexei N. 7 Mahdavi-Hezavehi, M. 7 Niv, Adi 7 Ramezan-Nassab, Mojtaba 7 Rizvi, Syed Tariq 7 Skryabin, Serge 7 Sviridova, Irina 7 van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 Zhang, James J. 6 Akbari, Saieed 6 Amram, Meirav 6 Armendariz, Efraim P. 6 Baek, Sanghoon 6 Becher, Karim Johannes 6 Danchev, Peter Vassilev 6 Fong, Yuen 6 Gonçalves, Dimas José 6 Goodearl, Kenneth R. 6 Grzeszczuk, Piotr 6 Lin, Jheng-Huei 6 Markov, Viktor Timofeevich 6 Mincheva, Kalina ...and 1,117 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 203 Serials 295 Journal of Algebra 214 Communications in Algebra 93 Israel Journal of Mathematics 83 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 60 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 52 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 50 Linear Algebra and its Applications 46 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 35 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 29 Advances in Mathematics 24 Algebras and Representation Theory 21 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 20 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 16 Algebra and Logic 14 Manuscripta Mathematica 14 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 12 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 11 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 11 Siberian Mathematical Journal 10 Mathematische Zeitschrift 10 Journal of Symbolic Computation 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Semigroup Forum 8 Advances in Applied Mathematics 7 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 7 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 7 Algebra Colloquium 6 \(K\)-Theory 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 5 Inventiones Mathematicae 5 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 5 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 5 Forum Mathematicum 5 Communications in Mathematics 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Results in Mathematics 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 4 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 4 Transformation Groups 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 4 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 4 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 3 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 3 Journal of Number Theory 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 3 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 3 Korean Journal of Mathematics 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Algebra Universalis 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Colloquium Mathematicum 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Kybernetika 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Order 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 2 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 2 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 2 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 2 Finite Fields and their Applications 2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 2 Journal of Group Theory 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Operators and Matrices ...and 103 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 49 Fields 1,243 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 198 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 189 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 177 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 175 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 128 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 99 Number theory (11-XX) 92 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 59 Combinatorics (05-XX) 39 Operator theory (47-XX) 38 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 35 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 33 Functional analysis (46-XX) 28 Computer science (68-XX) 25 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 19 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 12 Geometry (51-XX) 12 Quantum theory (81-XX) 12 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year