Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rudnick, Zeév Co-Author Distance Author ID: rudnick.zeev Published as: Rudnick, Zeév; Rudnick, Z.; Rudnick, Zeev; Rudnick, Ze’ev; Rudnick, Zéev more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1987, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor · 3 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 55 Co-Authors with 88 Joint Publications 1,754 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 14 Sarnak, Peter Clive 11 Wigman, Igor 8 Bourgain, Jean 8 Kurlberg, Pär 5 Keating, Jonathan Peter 4 Zaharescu, Alexandru 3 Granville, Andrew James 3 Hughes, C. P. 3 Luo, Wenzhi 3 Marklof, Jens 2 Andrade, Julio Cesar 2 Bary-Soroker, Lior 2 Huang, Bingrong 2 Jitomirskaya, Svetlana Yakovlevna 2 Polterovich, Leonid Viktorovich 2 Roditty-Gershon, Edva 2 Shparlinski, Igor E. 2 Soundararajan, Kannan 2 Technau, Niclas 2 Ueberschär, Henrik 2 Yesha, Nadav 1 Adams, Scot 1 Ailon, Nir 1 Blomer, Valentin 1 Borovoi, Mikhail V. 1 Carmon, Dan 1 Corvaja, Pietro 1 Daubechies, Ingrid 1 Delbaen, Freddy 1 Duke, William Drexel 1 Dyatlov, Semyon 1 Entin, Alexei 1 Eskin, Alex 1 Faifman, Dmitry 1 Garaev, Moubariz Z. 1 Ginzburg, David 1 Guth, Lawrence David 1 Hughes, Chris 1 Jakobson, Dmitry 1 Kontorovich, Alex V. 1 Lester, Stephen J. 1 Li, Wen-Ch’ing Winnie 1 Linden, Noah 1 Lindenstrauss, Elon 1 Liu, Jianya 1 Maynard, James 1 Miller, Stephen D. 1 Milman, Vitali D. 1 Oravecz, Ferenc 1 Ostafe, Alina 1 Peled, Ron 1 Phillips, Ralph Saul 1 Pisier, Gilles 1 Radziwiłł, Maksym 1 Rivin, Igor 1 Rodgers, Brad 1 Rosenzweig, Lior 1 Schlag, Wilhelm 1 Schlichtkrull, Henrik 1 Staffilani, Gigliola 1 Tao, Terence 1 Varjú, Péter Pál 1 Waxman, Ezra 1 Wooley, Trevor D. 1 Zannier, Umberto M. 1 Zehavi, Sa’ar 1 Zhang, Xin all top 5 Serials 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 Duke Mathematical Journal 5 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 5 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 4 Acta Arithmetica 4 Annales Henri Poincaré 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Nonlinearity 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Journal of Number Theory 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Mathematika 2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2 Journal of Spectral Theory 2 Philosophical Transactions A. Royal Society of London 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry 1 Journal of Modern Dynamics 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Münster Journal of Mathematics 1 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. New Series 1 Annales Mathématiques du Québec 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences all top 5 Fields 72 Number theory (11-XX) 22 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 2,004 times in 1,352 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Zeros of principal \(L\)-functions and random matrix theory. Zbl 0866.11050 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 238 1996 Density of integer points on affine homogeneous varieties. Zbl 0798.11024 Duke, W.; Rudnick, Z.; Sarnak, P. 140 1993 The behaviour of eigenstates of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 0836.58043 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 138 1994 On Selberg’s eigenvalue conjecture. Zbl 0844.11038 Luo, W.; Rudnick, Z.; Sarnak, P. 101 1995 On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture for \(\text{GL}(n)\). Zbl 0965.11023 Luo, Wenzhi; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 99 1999 The pair correlation function of fractional parts of polynomials. Zbl 0919.11052 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 64 1998 On the volume of nodal sets for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the torus. Zbl 1142.60029 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 53 2008 The distribution of spacings between the fractional parts of \(n^2\alpha\). Zbl 1006.11041 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter; Zaharescu, Alexandru 50 2001 Lower bounds for moments of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1159.11317 Rudnick, Z.; Soundararajan, K. 44 2005 Linear statistics of low-lying zeros of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1068.11055 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 42 2003 On the asymptotic distribution of zeros of modular forms. Zbl 1162.11345 Rudnick, Zeév 42 2005 Traces of high powers of the Frobenius class in the hyperelliptic ensemble. Zbl 1260.11057 Rudnick, Zeév 41 2010 The variance of the number of prime polynomials in short intervals and in residue classes. Zbl 1319.11084 Keating, Jonathan P.; Rudnick, Zeév 35 2014 The fluctuations in the number of points on a hyperelliptic curve over a finite field. Zbl 1221.11141 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 32 2009 The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1153.35058 Oravecz, Ferenc; Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 30 2008 Lower bounds for moments of \(L\)-functions: symplectic and orthogonal examples. Zbl 1120.11039 Rudnick, Z.; Soundararajan, K. 29 2006 Restriction of toral eigenfunctions to hypersurfaces and nodal sets. Zbl 1276.53047 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 29 2012 Sums of divisor functions in \(\mathbb {F}_q[t]\) and matrix integrals. Zbl 1430.11137 Keating, J. P.; Rodgers, B.; Roditty-Gershon, E.; Rudnick, Z. 29 2018 A metric result on the pair correlation of fractional parts of sequences. Zbl 0961.11028 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 27 1999 The distribution of spacings between fractional parts of lacunary sequences. Zbl 1168.11317 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 27 2002 Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1373.58017 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 27 2016 Torsion points on curves and common divisors of \(a^k-1\) and \(b^k-1\). Zbl 1057.11018 Ailon, Nir; Rudnick, Zéev 26 2004 The circle problem in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 0812.11035 Phillips, Ralph; Rudnick, Zeév 25 1994 Betti numbers of congruence groups. (Appendix: On representations of compact \(p\)-adic groups by Ze’ev Rudnick). Zbl 0843.11027 Sarnak, Peter; Adams, Scot 25 1994 Low-lying zeros of quadratic Dirichlet \(L\)-functions, hyper-elliptic curves and random matrix theory. Zbl 1321.11095 Entin, Alexei; Roditty-Gershon, Edva; Rudnick, Zeév 24 2013 Statistics of the zeros of zeta functions in families of hyperelliptic curves over a finite field. Zbl 1245.14022 Faifman, Dmitry; Rudnick, Zeév 24 2010 The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues. Zbl 0985.11038 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 24 1999 Hecke theory and equidistribution for the quantization of linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1013.81017 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 23 2000 Squarefree polynomials and Möbius values in short intervals and arithmetic progressions. Zbl 1391.11156 Keating, Jonathan P.; Rudnick, Zeev 23 2016 Shifted convolution and the Titchmarsh divisor problem over \(\mathbb F_q[t]\). Zbl 1393.11061 Andrade, J. C.; Bary-Soroker, L.; Rudnick, Z. 22 2015 The \(n\)-point correlations between values of a linear form. With an appendix: The number of solutions of simultaneous quadratic equations. Zbl 0967.60021 Marklof, Jens 21 2000 Almost all eigenfunctions of a rational polygon are uniformly distributed. Zbl 1242.37027 Marklof, Jens; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2012 On the geometry of the nodal lines of eigenfunctions of the two-dimensional torus. Zbl 1227.58008 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2011 Eigenvalue spacings for regular graphs. Zbl 1071.81522 Jakobson, Dmitry; Miller, Stephen D.; Rivin, Igor; Rudnick, Zeév 19 1999 Small scale equidistribution of eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1360.58025 Lester, Stephen; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2017 Nodal intersections for random waves on the 3-dimensional torus. (Intersections nodales d’ondes aléatoires sur le tore tri-dimensionnel.) Zbl 1360.60081 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor; Yesha, Nadav 19 2016 On the nodal sets of toral eigenfunctions. Zbl 1223.58025 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 18 2011 Hardy-Littlewood varieties and semisimple groups. Zbl 0917.11025 Borovoi, Mikhail; Rudnick, Zeév 18 1995 Statistics of wave functions for a point scatterer on the torus. Zbl 1268.58024 Rudnick, Zeév; Ueberschär, Henrik 17 2012 On quantum ergodicity for linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1042.81026 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 17 2001 The autocorrelation of the Möbius function and Chowla’s conjecture for the rational function field. Zbl 1302.11073 Carmon, Dan; Rudnick, Zeév 16 2014 Mock-Gaussian behaviour for linear statistics of classical compact groups. Zbl 1034.60003 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 15 2003 Local statistics of lattice points on the sphere. Zbl 1394.11059 Bourgain, Jean; Sarnak, Peter; Rudnick, Zeév 15 2016 The \(n\)-level correlations of zeros of the zeta function. Zbl 0837.11047 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 13 1994 Stable mixing for cat maps and quasi-morphisms of the modular group. Zbl 1071.37019 Polterovich, Leonid; Rudnick, Zeev 13 2004 On the distribution of matrix elements for the quantum cat map. Zbl 1082.81054 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 12 2005 A proof of Siegel’s weight formula. Zbl 0743.11023 Eskin, Alex; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 11 1991 Small gaps in the spectrum of the rectangular billiard. Zbl 1405.35120 Blomer, Valentin; Bourgain, Jean; Radziwiłł, Maksym; Rudnick, Zeév 11 2017 Quantum unique ergodicity for parabolic maps. Zbl 1172.37304 Marklof, J.; Rudnick, Z. 10 2000 Random matrix theory, the exceptional Lie groups and \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1074.11052 Keating, J. P.; Linden, N.; Rudnick, Z. 10 2003 Restriction of toral eigenfunctions to hypersurfaces. Zbl 1192.58017 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 10 2009 Angles of Gaussian primes. Zbl 1467.11107 Rudnick, Zeév; Waxman, Ezra 10 2019 What is\(\dots\) quantum chaos? Zbl 1153.81502 Rudnick, Ze’ev 9 2008 The variance of arithmetic measures associated to closed geodesics on the modular surface. Zbl 1231.11057 Luo, Wenzhi; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 9 2009 Nodal intersections and \(L^p\) restriction theorems on the torus. Zbl 1319.58023 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 9 2015 Spatial statistics for lattice points on the sphere. I: Individual results. Zbl 1464.11076 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 9 2017 The distribution of spacings between small powers of a primitive root. Zbl 0991.11049 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 8 2000 On the distribution of lattice points in thin annuli. Zbl 1076.11056 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 8 2004 On the statistics of the minimal solution of a linear Diophantine equation and uniform distribution of the real part of orbits in hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 1189.11036 Risager, Morten S.; Rudnick, Zeév 7 2009 On the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat torus. Zbl 1286.81082 Rudnick, Zeév; Ueberschär, Henrik 7 2014 Value distribution for eigenfunctions of desymmetrized quantum maps. Zbl 1001.81025 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 7 2001 Representation varieties of solvable groups. Zbl 0704.20037 Rudnick, Ze’ev 7 1987 Kick stability in groups and dynamical systems. Zbl 1067.37003 Polterovich, Leonid; Rudnick, Zeev 6 2001 Linear statistics for zeros of Riemann’s zeta function. Zbl 1085.11040 Hughes, Chris; Rudnick, Zeév 6 2002 Differences between Robin and Neumann eigenvalues. Zbl 1480.35122 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor; Yesha, Nadav 6 2021 A lower bound on the least common multiple of polynomial sequences. Zbl 1483.11207 Maynard, James; Rudnick, Ze’ev 6 2021 The metric theory of the pair correlation function of real-valued lacunary sequences. Zbl 1464.11069 Rudnick, Zeév; Technau, Niclas 6 2020 A lower bound for periods of matrices. Zbl 1124.11306 Corvaja, Pietro; Rudnick, Zéev; Zannier, Umberto 5 2004 Equidistribution in number theory, an introduction. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on equidistribution in number theory, Montréal, Canada, July 11–22, 2005. Zbl 1121.11004 5 2007 A central limit theorem for the spectrum of the modular domain. Zbl 1090.81027 Rudnick, Zeév 5 2005 Stable multiplicities in the length spectrum of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0948.58005 Ginzburg, David; Rudnick, Zeév 5 1998 Uniform distribution. Zbl 1142.11054 Granville, Andrew; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 Torsion points on curves. Zbl 1172.11020 Granville, Andrew; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 Decay of eigenfunctions on semisimple symmetric spaces. Zbl 0789.22020 Rudnick, Zeév; Schlichtkrull, Henrik 4 1991 Matrix elements for the quantum cat map: fluctuations in short windows. Zbl 1187.81131 Kurlberg, Pär; Rosenzweig, Lior; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 Some problems in analytic number theory for polynomials over a finite field. Zbl 1373.11082 Rudnick, Zeev 4 2014 On the Robin spectrum for the hemisphere. Zbl 1485.35311 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 4 2022 GOE statistics on the moduli space of surfaces of large genus. Zbl 1531.32017 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2023 The Robin problem on rectangles. Zbl 1486.35313 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 3 2021 Gap distributions in circle packings. Zbl 1376.52039 Rudnick, Zeev; Zhang, Xin 3 2017 Square-free values of polynomials over the rational function field. Zbl 1385.11073 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2014 A metric theory of minimal gaps. Zbl 1451.11085 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2018 The arithmetic theory of quantum maps. Zbl 1161.81372 Rudnick, Zeév 2 2007 On quantum unique ergodicity for linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1025.37017 Rudnick, Zeév 2 2001 The metric theory of the pair correlation function for small non-integer powers. Zbl 1537.11104 Rudnick, Zeév; Technau, Niclas 2 2022 Points on nodal lines with given direction. Zbl 1472.58020 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 2 2020 Correction to ‘Shifted convolution and the Titchmarsh divisor problem over \(\mathbb F_q[t]\)’. Zbl 1353.11100 Andrade, J. C.; Bary-Soroker, L.; Rudnick, Z. 2 2016 Pair arithmetical equivalence for quadratic fields. Zbl 1507.11103 Li, Wen-Ching Winnie; Rudnick, Zeev 1 2021 On Cilleruelo’s conjecture for the least common multiple of polynomial sequences. Zbl 1472.11261 Rudnick, Zeév; Zehavi, Sa’ar 1 2021 The quantum Rabi model: towards Braak’s conjecture. Zbl 07881351 Rudnick, Zeév 1 2024 On locally repeated values of arithmetic functions over \(\mathbb{F}_q [T]\). Zbl 1448.11174 Rudnick, Zeév; Peled, Ron 1 2018 Number fields and function fields: coalescences, contrasts and emerging applications. Zbl 1353.11098 Keating, J. P.; Rudnick, Z.; Wooley, T. D. 1 2015 Gaussian primes in almost all narrow sectors. Zbl 1453.11150 Huang, Bingrong; Liu, Jianya; Rudnick, Zeév 1 2020 The quantum Rabi model: towards Braak’s conjecture. Zbl 07881351 Rudnick, Zeév 1 2024 GOE statistics on the moduli space of surfaces of large genus. Zbl 1531.32017 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2023 On the Robin spectrum for the hemisphere. Zbl 1485.35311 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 4 2022 The metric theory of the pair correlation function for small non-integer powers. Zbl 1537.11104 Rudnick, Zeév; Technau, Niclas 2 2022 Differences between Robin and Neumann eigenvalues. Zbl 1480.35122 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor; Yesha, Nadav 6 2021 A lower bound on the least common multiple of polynomial sequences. Zbl 1483.11207 Maynard, James; Rudnick, Ze’ev 6 2021 The Robin problem on rectangles. Zbl 1486.35313 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 3 2021 Pair arithmetical equivalence for quadratic fields. Zbl 1507.11103 Li, Wen-Ching Winnie; Rudnick, Zeev 1 2021 On Cilleruelo’s conjecture for the least common multiple of polynomial sequences. Zbl 1472.11261 Rudnick, Zeév; Zehavi, Sa’ar 1 2021 The metric theory of the pair correlation function of real-valued lacunary sequences. Zbl 1464.11069 Rudnick, Zeév; Technau, Niclas 6 2020 Points on nodal lines with given direction. Zbl 1472.58020 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 2 2020 Gaussian primes in almost all narrow sectors. Zbl 1453.11150 Huang, Bingrong; Liu, Jianya; Rudnick, Zeév 1 2020 Angles of Gaussian primes. Zbl 1467.11107 Rudnick, Zeév; Waxman, Ezra 10 2019 Sums of divisor functions in \(\mathbb {F}_q[t]\) and matrix integrals. Zbl 1430.11137 Keating, J. P.; Rodgers, B.; Roditty-Gershon, E.; Rudnick, Z. 29 2018 A metric theory of minimal gaps. Zbl 1451.11085 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2018 On locally repeated values of arithmetic functions over \(\mathbb{F}_q [T]\). Zbl 1448.11174 Rudnick, Zeév; Peled, Ron 1 2018 Small scale equidistribution of eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1360.58025 Lester, Stephen; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2017 Small gaps in the spectrum of the rectangular billiard. Zbl 1405.35120 Blomer, Valentin; Bourgain, Jean; Radziwiłł, Maksym; Rudnick, Zeév 11 2017 Spatial statistics for lattice points on the sphere. I: Individual results. Zbl 1464.11076 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 9 2017 Gap distributions in circle packings. Zbl 1376.52039 Rudnick, Zeev; Zhang, Xin 3 2017 Nodal intersections for random eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1373.58017 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 27 2016 Squarefree polynomials and Möbius values in short intervals and arithmetic progressions. Zbl 1391.11156 Keating, Jonathan P.; Rudnick, Zeev 23 2016 Nodal intersections for random waves on the 3-dimensional torus. (Intersections nodales d’ondes aléatoires sur le tore tri-dimensionnel.) Zbl 1360.60081 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor; Yesha, Nadav 19 2016 Local statistics of lattice points on the sphere. Zbl 1394.11059 Bourgain, Jean; Sarnak, Peter; Rudnick, Zeév 15 2016 Correction to ‘Shifted convolution and the Titchmarsh divisor problem over \(\mathbb F_q[t]\)’. Zbl 1353.11100 Andrade, J. C.; Bary-Soroker, L.; Rudnick, Z. 2 2016 Shifted convolution and the Titchmarsh divisor problem over \(\mathbb F_q[t]\). Zbl 1393.11061 Andrade, J. C.; Bary-Soroker, L.; Rudnick, Z. 22 2015 Nodal intersections and \(L^p\) restriction theorems on the torus. Zbl 1319.58023 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 9 2015 Number fields and function fields: coalescences, contrasts and emerging applications. Zbl 1353.11098 Keating, J. P.; Rudnick, Z.; Wooley, T. D. 1 2015 The variance of the number of prime polynomials in short intervals and in residue classes. Zbl 1319.11084 Keating, Jonathan P.; Rudnick, Zeév 35 2014 The autocorrelation of the Möbius function and Chowla’s conjecture for the rational function field. Zbl 1302.11073 Carmon, Dan; Rudnick, Zeév 16 2014 On the eigenvalue spacing distribution for a point scatterer on the flat torus. Zbl 1286.81082 Rudnick, Zeév; Ueberschär, Henrik 7 2014 Some problems in analytic number theory for polynomials over a finite field. Zbl 1373.11082 Rudnick, Zeev 4 2014 Square-free values of polynomials over the rational function field. Zbl 1385.11073 Rudnick, Zeév 3 2014 Low-lying zeros of quadratic Dirichlet \(L\)-functions, hyper-elliptic curves and random matrix theory. Zbl 1321.11095 Entin, Alexei; Roditty-Gershon, Edva; Rudnick, Zeév 24 2013 Restriction of toral eigenfunctions to hypersurfaces and nodal sets. Zbl 1276.53047 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 29 2012 Almost all eigenfunctions of a rational polygon are uniformly distributed. Zbl 1242.37027 Marklof, Jens; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2012 Statistics of wave functions for a point scatterer on the torus. Zbl 1268.58024 Rudnick, Zeév; Ueberschär, Henrik 17 2012 On the geometry of the nodal lines of eigenfunctions of the two-dimensional torus. Zbl 1227.58008 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 19 2011 On the nodal sets of toral eigenfunctions. Zbl 1223.58025 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 18 2011 Traces of high powers of the Frobenius class in the hyperelliptic ensemble. Zbl 1260.11057 Rudnick, Zeév 41 2010 Statistics of the zeros of zeta functions in families of hyperelliptic curves over a finite field. Zbl 1245.14022 Faifman, Dmitry; Rudnick, Zeév 24 2010 The fluctuations in the number of points on a hyperelliptic curve over a finite field. Zbl 1221.11141 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 32 2009 Restriction of toral eigenfunctions to hypersurfaces. Zbl 1192.58017 Bourgain, Jean; Rudnick, Zeév 10 2009 The variance of arithmetic measures associated to closed geodesics on the modular surface. Zbl 1231.11057 Luo, Wenzhi; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 9 2009 On the statistics of the minimal solution of a linear Diophantine equation and uniform distribution of the real part of orbits in hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 1189.11036 Risager, Morten S.; Rudnick, Zeév 7 2009 On the volume of nodal sets for eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on the torus. Zbl 1142.60029 Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 53 2008 The Leray measure of nodal sets for random eigenfunctions on the torus. Zbl 1153.35058 Oravecz, Ferenc; Rudnick, Zeév; Wigman, Igor 30 2008 What is\(\dots\) quantum chaos? Zbl 1153.81502 Rudnick, Ze’ev 9 2008 Equidistribution in number theory, an introduction. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on equidistribution in number theory, Montréal, Canada, July 11–22, 2005. Zbl 1121.11004 5 2007 Uniform distribution. Zbl 1142.11054 Granville, Andrew; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 Torsion points on curves. Zbl 1172.11020 Granville, Andrew; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 Matrix elements for the quantum cat map: fluctuations in short windows. Zbl 1187.81131 Kurlberg, Pär; Rosenzweig, Lior; Rudnick, Zeév 4 2007 The arithmetic theory of quantum maps. Zbl 1161.81372 Rudnick, Zeév 2 2007 Lower bounds for moments of \(L\)-functions: symplectic and orthogonal examples. Zbl 1120.11039 Rudnick, Z.; Soundararajan, K. 29 2006 Lower bounds for moments of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1159.11317 Rudnick, Z.; Soundararajan, K. 44 2005 On the asymptotic distribution of zeros of modular forms. Zbl 1162.11345 Rudnick, Zeév 42 2005 On the distribution of matrix elements for the quantum cat map. Zbl 1082.81054 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 12 2005 A central limit theorem for the spectrum of the modular domain. Zbl 1090.81027 Rudnick, Zeév 5 2005 Torsion points on curves and common divisors of \(a^k-1\) and \(b^k-1\). Zbl 1057.11018 Ailon, Nir; Rudnick, Zéev 26 2004 Stable mixing for cat maps and quasi-morphisms of the modular group. Zbl 1071.37019 Polterovich, Leonid; Rudnick, Zeev 13 2004 On the distribution of lattice points in thin annuli. Zbl 1076.11056 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 8 2004 A lower bound for periods of matrices. Zbl 1124.11306 Corvaja, Pietro; Rudnick, Zéev; Zannier, Umberto 5 2004 Linear statistics of low-lying zeros of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1068.11055 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 42 2003 Mock-Gaussian behaviour for linear statistics of classical compact groups. Zbl 1034.60003 Hughes, C. P.; Rudnick, Z. 15 2003 Random matrix theory, the exceptional Lie groups and \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1074.11052 Keating, J. P.; Linden, N.; Rudnick, Z. 10 2003 The distribution of spacings between fractional parts of lacunary sequences. Zbl 1168.11317 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 27 2002 Linear statistics for zeros of Riemann’s zeta function. Zbl 1085.11040 Hughes, Chris; Rudnick, Zeév 6 2002 The distribution of spacings between the fractional parts of \(n^2\alpha\). Zbl 1006.11041 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter; Zaharescu, Alexandru 50 2001 On quantum ergodicity for linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1042.81026 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 17 2001 Value distribution for eigenfunctions of desymmetrized quantum maps. Zbl 1001.81025 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 7 2001 Kick stability in groups and dynamical systems. Zbl 1067.37003 Polterovich, Leonid; Rudnick, Zeev 6 2001 On quantum unique ergodicity for linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1025.37017 Rudnick, Zeév 2 2001 Hecke theory and equidistribution for the quantization of linear maps of the torus. Zbl 1013.81017 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 23 2000 The \(n\)-point correlations between values of a linear form. With an appendix: The number of solutions of simultaneous quadratic equations. Zbl 0967.60021 Marklof, Jens 21 2000 Quantum unique ergodicity for parabolic maps. Zbl 1172.37304 Marklof, J.; Rudnick, Z. 10 2000 The distribution of spacings between small powers of a primitive root. Zbl 0991.11049 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 8 2000 On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture for \(\text{GL}(n)\). Zbl 0965.11023 Luo, Wenzhi; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 99 1999 A metric result on the pair correlation of fractional parts of sequences. Zbl 0961.11028 Rudnick, Zeév; Zaharescu, Alexandru 27 1999 The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues. Zbl 0985.11038 Kurlberg, Pär; Rudnick, Zeév 24 1999 Eigenvalue spacings for regular graphs. Zbl 1071.81522 Jakobson, Dmitry; Miller, Stephen D.; Rivin, Igor; Rudnick, Zeév 19 1999 The pair correlation function of fractional parts of polynomials. Zbl 0919.11052 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 64 1998 Stable multiplicities in the length spectrum of Riemann surfaces. Zbl 0948.58005 Ginzburg, David; Rudnick, Zeév 5 1998 Zeros of principal \(L\)-functions and random matrix theory. Zbl 0866.11050 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 238 1996 On Selberg’s eigenvalue conjecture. Zbl 0844.11038 Luo, W.; Rudnick, Z.; Sarnak, P. 101 1995 Hardy-Littlewood varieties and semisimple groups. Zbl 0917.11025 Borovoi, Mikhail; Rudnick, Zeév 18 1995 The behaviour of eigenstates of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 0836.58043 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 138 1994 The circle problem in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 0812.11035 Phillips, Ralph; Rudnick, Zeév 25 1994 Betti numbers of congruence groups. (Appendix: On representations of compact \(p\)-adic groups by Ze’ev Rudnick). Zbl 0843.11027 Sarnak, Peter; Adams, Scot 25 1994 The \(n\)-level correlations of zeros of the zeta function. Zbl 0837.11047 Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 13 1994 Density of integer points on affine homogeneous varieties. Zbl 0798.11024 Duke, W.; Rudnick, Z.; Sarnak, P. 140 1993 A proof of Siegel’s weight formula. Zbl 0743.11023 Eskin, Alex; Rudnick, Zeév; Sarnak, Peter 11 1991 Decay of eigenfunctions on semisimple symmetric spaces. Zbl 0789.22020 Rudnick, Zeév; Schlichtkrull, Henrik 4 1991 Representation varieties of solvable groups. Zbl 0704.20037 Rudnick, Ze’ev 7 1987 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,220 Authors 37 Rudnick, Zeév 28 Wigman, Igor 24 Miller, Steven J. 23 Blomer, Valentin 22 Keating, Jonathan Peter 21 Zaharescu, Alexandru 20 Lu, Guangshi 20 Sarnak, Peter Clive 19 Shparlinski, Igor E. 17 Andrade, Julio Cesar 16 Kurlberg, Pär 15 Yesha, Nadav 13 Hua, Guodong 13 Oh, Hee 13 Rodgers, Brad 12 Gorodnik, Alexander 12 Jiang, Yujiao 12 Marinucci, Domenico 12 Rossi, Maurizia 12 Ye, Yangbo 11 Bourgain, Jean 11 Gao, Peng 11 Gorodetsky, Ofir 10 Cammarota, Valentina 10 Lao, Huixue 10 Marklof, Jens 10 Radziwiłł, Maksym 9 Kelmer, Dubi 9 Roditty-Gershon, Edva 9 Shah, Nimish A. 9 Soundararajan, Kannan 9 Ueberschär, Henrik 9 Zhao, Liangyi 8 Aistleitner, Christoph 8 Kontorovich, Alex V. 8 Kowalski, Emmanuel 8 Luo, Wenzhi 8 Meisner, Patrick 8 Nevo, Amos 8 Smajlović, Lejla 8 Technau, Niclas 8 Young, Matthew P. 7 Bary-Soroker, Lior 7 Brumley, Farrell 7 Bucur, Alina 7 Bui, Hung Manh 7 Erdős, László 7 Fiorilli, Daniel 7 Florea, Alexandra M. 7 Gillespie, Timothy L. 7 Jung, Hwanyup 7 Lau, Yuk-Kam 7 Lester, Stephen J. 7 Sawin, William F. 7 Snaith, Nina Claire 7 Södergren, Anders 7 Sono, Keiju 7 Yau, Horng-Tzer 7 Zannier, Umberto M. 7 Zelditch, Steve 6 Chandee, Vorrapan 6 Corvaja, Pietro 6 Entin, Alexei 6 Humphries, Peter J. 6 Jung, Junehyuk 6 Larchner, Gerhard 6 Liu, Sheng-Chi 6 Maffucci, Riccardo W. 6 Michel, Philippe Gabriel 6 Milinovich, Micah B. 6 Nelson, Paul D. 6 Ng, Nathan C. 6 Paulin, Frédéric 6 Templier, Nicolas 6 Venkatesh, Akshay 5 Bae, Sunghan 5 Bergeron, Nicolas 5 Bourgade, Paul 5 Brooks, Shimon 5 Canzani, Yaiza 5 Chamizo Lorente, Fernando 5 Chaubey, Sneha 5 Cipolloni, Giorgio 5 Conrey, John Brian 5 Dyatlov, Semyon 5 Forrester, Peter J. 5 Garaev, Moubariz Z. 5 Hezari, Hamid 5 Huang, Bingrong 5 Kamber, Amitay 5 Lalín, Matilde Noemí 5 Lindenstrauss, Elon 5 Liu, Jianya 5 Magee, Michael 5 Milićević, Djordje 5 Najnudel, Joseph 5 Odžak, Almasa 5 Ostafe, Alina 5 Peccati, Giovanni 5 Petridis, Yiannis N. ...and 1,120 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 218 Serials 114 Journal of Number Theory 61 Communications in Mathematical Physics 58 Duke Mathematical Journal 43 International Journal of Number Theory 39 Israel Journal of Mathematics 39 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 28 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 27 Advances in Mathematics 27 Mathematika 26 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 22 Inventiones Mathematicae 22 Monatshefte für Mathematik 22 The Ramanujan Journal 21 Mathematische Annalen 20 Algebra & Number Theory 19 Acta Arithmetica 19 Annales Henri Poincaré 18 Compositio Mathematica 18 Mathematische Zeitschrift 18 Forum Mathematicum 18 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 18 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 16 Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 Finite Fields and their Applications 16 Research in Number Theory 15 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 13 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 13 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 13 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 12 Journal of Functional Analysis 12 Science China. Mathematics 11 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 11 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 10 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 10 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 9 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 9 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 8 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 8 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 8 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 7 Archiv der Mathematik 7 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 7 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 7 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 7 Experimental Mathematics 7 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 7 Journal of Spectral Theory 7 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 6 The Annals of Probability 6 Manuscripta Mathematica 6 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 5 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 Journal of Theoretical Probability 5 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 5 Analysis & PDE 4 Nonlinearity 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 4 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 4 Electronic Journal of Probability 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Integers 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Geometriae Dedicata 3 Publications Mathématiques 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 The Annals of Applied Probability 3 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 3 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 3 Journal of High Energy Physics 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Journal of Modern Dynamics 3 Annales Mathématiques du Québec 3 European Journal of Mathematics 3 Philosophical Transactions A. Royal Society of London 3 Annales Henri Lebesgue 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Algebra ...and 118 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 51 Fields 981 Number theory (11-XX) 171 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 171 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 144 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 115 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 109 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 106 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 106 Quantum theory (81-XX) 73 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 57 Differential geometry (53-XX) 48 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 42 Combinatorics (05-XX) 32 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 30 Special functions (33-XX) 25 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 23 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 19 Measure and integration (28-XX) 19 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 17 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 15 Operator theory (47-XX) 15 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 13 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 10 Statistics (62-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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