Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Rue, Håvard Co-Author Distance Author ID: rue.havard Published as: Rue, Håvard; Rue, H.; Rue, Haavard; Rue, Harvard; Rue, H.åvard more...less Homepage: https://cemse.kaust.edu.sa/bayescomp/people/person/haavard-rue External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 107 Publications since 1995, including 2 Books 3 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 6 Packages Co-Authors: 141 Co-Authors with 106 Joint Publications 2,391 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 4 single-authored 14 Lindgren, Finn 14 Simpson, Daniel Peter 11 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek 11 van Niekerk, Janet 9 Bakka, Haakon C. 8 Held, Leonhard 8 Krainski, Elias Teixeira 6 Martino, Sara 6 Riebler, Andrea 5 Bolin, David 5 Castro-Camilo, Daniela 5 Huser, Raphaël 5 Illian, Janine B. 5 Martins, Thiago G. 4 Friel, Nial 4 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne 3 Chopin, Nicolas 3 Ferkingstad, Egil 3 Frigessi, Arnoldo 3 Gelman, Andrew 3 Godtliebsen, Fred 3 Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio 3 Hurn, Merrilee A. 3 Husby, Oddvar K. 3 Roos, Małgorzata 3 Rustand, Denis 3 Vehtari, Aki 3 Wyse, Jason 3 Yue, Yu Ryan 2 Bhadra, Anindya 2 Bornn, Luke 2 Brown, Patrick E. 2 Cabral, Rafael 2 Cornebise, Julien 2 Doucet, Arnaud 2 Draper, David 2 Eidsvik, Jo 2 Fearnhead, Paul 2 Franco-Villoria, Maria 2 Gaedke-Merzhäuser, Lisa 2 Girolami, Mark A. 2 Golightly, Andrew 2 Holmes, Christopher C. 2 Hunanyan, Sona 2 Jacob, Pierre E. 2 Johansen, Adam M. 2 Lenzi, Amanda 2 Mira, Antonietta 2 Murray, Lawrence M. 2 Opitz, Thomas 2 Peters, Gareth William 2 Robert, Christian P. 2 Roberts, Gareth O. 2 Schenk, Olaf 2 Syversveen, Anne Randi 2 Ventrucci, Massimo 1 Aastveit, Knut Are 1 Aðalgeirsdóttir, Guðfinna 1 Adams, Ryan Prescott 1 Akerkar, Rupali 1 Al-Maini, Mustafa 1 Alvares, Danilo 1 Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim Alejandro 1 Andrieu, Christophe 1 Archambeau, Cédric 1 Aston, John A. D. 1 Auricchio, Angelo 1 Bachl, Fabian Elias 1 Baghishani, Hossein 1 Banerjee, Sudipto 1 Barthelmé, Simon 1 Becker, Nikolaus 1 Beffy, Magali 1 Belitser, Eduard 1 Belmonte, Miguel A. G. 1 Benvenuti, Claudio 1 Berild, Martin Outzen 1 Beskos, Alexandros 1 Borchers, David Louis 1 Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre 1 Bouchard, Guillaume 1 Boys, Richard J. 1 Briollais, Laurent 1 Brown, Paul T. 1 Buckland, Stephen T. 1 Burslem, David F. R. P. 1 Calderhead, Ben 1 Cameletti, Michela 1 Campbell, David A. 1 Campbell, Eddy 1 Cao, Jiguo 1 Cappé, Olivier 1 Caputo, Maria Luce 1 Castruccio, Stefano 1 Chen, Rong 1 Chen, Yanjiun 1 Chen, Yuguo 1 Chin, Siu A. 1 Chiuchiolo, Cristian 1 Christie, Mike ...and 183 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 8 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 8 Bayesian Analysis 7 Statistics and Computing 6 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 4 Statistical Science 4 The Annals of Applied Statistics 3 Biometrical Journal 3 Biometrika 3 Journal of the American Statistical Association 3 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 3 Extremes 3 Statistical Modelling 3 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 2 Statistics & Probability Letters 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Statistica Sinica 2 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2 Electronic Journal of Statistics 2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2 Statistics in Medicine 2 Environmetrics 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Biometrics 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Normat 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. Statistics in Society 1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1 Biostatistics 1 SORT. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 1 REVSTAT 1 Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 1 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 1 Foundations of Data Science 1 Stat all top 5 Fields 108 Statistics (62-XX) 24 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 3,021 times in 1,654 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by using integrated nested Laplace approximations (with discussion). Zbl 1248.62156 Rue, Håvard; Martino, Sara; Chopin, Nicolas 579 2009 Gaussian Markov random fields. Theory and applications. Zbl 1093.60003 Rue, Håvard; Held, Leonhard 511 2005 An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach. Zbl 1274.62360 Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard; Lindström, Johan 463 2011 Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.65020 Andrieu, Christophe; Doucet, Arnaud; Holenstein, Roman 318 2010 Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.62071 Girolami, Mark; Calderhead, Ben 303 2011 Penalising model component complexity: a principled, practical approach to constructing priors. Zbl 1442.62060 Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard; Riebler, Andrea; Martins, Thiago G.; Sørbye, Sigrunn H. 135 2017 Fast sampling of Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 0979.62075 Rue, Håvard 96 2001 Fitting Gaussian Markov random fields to Gaussian fields. Zbl 1017.62088 Rue, Håvard; Tjelmeland, Håkon 75 2002 On block updating in Markov random field models for disease mapping. Zbl 1039.62092 Knorr-Held, L.; Rue, Håvard 59 2002 Bayesian computing with INLA: new features. Zbl 1471.62135 Martins, Thiago G.; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 54 2013 Constructing priors that penalize the complexity of Gaussian random fields. Zbl 1478.62279 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 50 2019 Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1437.62460 Fong, Youyi; Rue, Håvard; Wakefield, Jon 50 2010 A dynamical mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation without threshold selection. Zbl 1039.62042 Frigessi, Arnoldo; Haug, Ola; Rue, Håvard 44 2003 Approximate Bayesian inference for hierarchical Gaussian Markov random field models. Zbl 1114.62025 Rue, Håvard; Martino, Sara 43 2007 Bayesian inference for additive mixed quantile regression models. Zbl 1247.62101 Yue, Yu Ryan; Rue, Håvard 41 2011 Spatio-temporal modeling of particulate matter concentration through the SPDE approach. Zbl 1443.62401 Cameletti, Michela; Lindgren, Finn; Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard 40 2013 Using stacking to average Bayesian predictive distributions (with discussion). Zbl 1407.62090 Yao, Yuling; Vehtari, Aki; Simpson, Daniel; Gelman, Andrew 35 2018 Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 1452.62704 Simpson, D.; Illian, J. B.; Lindgren, F.; Sørbye, S. H.; Rue, H. 34 2016 Space-varying regression models: specifications and simulation. Zbl 1429.62428 Gamerman, Dani; Moreira, Ajax R. B.; Rue, Håvard 33 2003 INLA goes extreme: Bayesian tail regression for the estimation of high spatio-temporal quantiles. Zbl 1407.62167 Opitz, Thomas; Huser, Raphaël; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 30 2018 Exploring a new class of non-stationary spatial Gaussian random fields with varying local anisotropy. Zbl 1480.62194 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Lindgren, Finn; Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard 30 2015 Spatial modeling with R-INLA: a review. Zbl 1544.62006 Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Riebler, Andrea; Bolin, David; Illian, Janine; Krainski, Elias; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn 30 2018 On the second-order random walk model for irregular locations. Zbl 1199.60276 Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 29 2008 A toolbox for fitting complex spatial point process models using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Zbl 1257.62093 Illian, Janine B.; Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Rue, Håvard 28 2012 Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian hierarchical models. Zbl 1335.62059 Roos, Małgorzata; Martins, Thiago G.; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 26 2015 Towards joint disease mapping. Zbl 1057.62100 Held, Leonhard; Natário, Isabel; Fenton, Sarah Elaine; Rue, Håvard; Becker, Nikolaus 25 2005 Advanced spatial modeling with stochastic partial differential equations using R and INLA. Zbl 1418.62011 Krainski, Elias T.; Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Bakka, Haakon; Lenzi, Amanda; Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 22 2019 Appropriate Bayesian inference in spatial generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1197.62091 Eidsvik, Jo; Martino, Sara; Rue, Håvard 21 2009 Estimation and extrapolation of time trends in registry data – borrowing strength from related populations. Zbl 1235.62030 Riebler, Andrea; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 19 2012 Approximate Bayesian inference for survival models. Zbl 1246.62059 Martino, Sara; Akerkar, Rupali; Rue, Håvard 19 2011 Unsupervised empirical Bayesian multiple testing with external covariates. Zbl 1400.62258 Ferkingstad, Egil; Frigessi, Arnoldo; Rue, Håvard; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Kong, Augustine 18 2008 Direct fitting of dynamic models using integrated nested Laplace approximations – INLA. Zbl 1368.62066 Ruiz-Cárdenas, Ramiro; Krainski, Elias T.; Rue, Håvard 18 2012 Recursive computing and simulation-free inference for general factorizable models. Zbl 1135.62078 Friel, Nial; Rue, Håvard 17 2007 Approximate Bayesian inference for large spatial datasets using predictive process models. Zbl 1243.62121 Eidsvik, Jo; Finley, Andrew O.; Banerjee, Sudipto; Rue, Håvard 17 2012 Bayesian analysis of measurement error models using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Zbl 07945058 Muff, Stefanie; Riebler, Andrea; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard; Saner, Philippe 17 2015 Markov chain Monte Carlo with the integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 1405.62078 Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Rue, Håvard 16 2018 Bayesian adaptive smoothing splines using stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1327.62234 Yue, Yu Ryan; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 16 2014 A tutorial on image analysis. Zbl 1255.62185 Hurn, Merrilee A.; Husby, Oddvar K.; Rue, Håvard 15 2003 Bayesian multiscale analysis for time series data. Zbl 1157.62362 Øigård, Tor Arne; Rue, Håvard; Godtliebsen, Fred 15 2006 Approximating hidden Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 1068.62098 Rue, Håvard; Steinsland, Ingelin; Erland, Sveinung 14 2004 M-smoother with local linear fit. Zbl 1011.62044 Rue, Håvard; Chu, Chih-Kang; Godtliebsen, Fred; Marron, James Stephen 14 2002 Approximate simulation-free Bayesian inference for multiple changepoint models with dependence within segments. Zbl 1330.62160 Wyse, Jason; Friel, Nial; Rue, Håvard 14 2011 Point process models for spatio-temporal distance sampling data from a large-scale survey of blue whales. Zbl 1383.62300 Yuan, Yuan; Bachl, Fabian E.; Lindgren, Finn; Borchers, David L.; Illian, Janine B.; Buckland, Stephen T.; Rue, Håvard; Gerrodette, Tim 14 2017 Antithetic coupling of two Gibbs sampler chains. Zbl 1105.65303 Frigessi, Arnoldo; Gåsemyr, Jørund; Rue, Håvard 11 2000 Improving the INLA approach for approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models. Zbl 1329.62127 Ferkingstad, Egil; Rue, Håvard 11 2015 A spliced gamma-generalized Pareto model for short-term extreme wind speed probabilistic forecasting. Zbl 1426.62335 Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Huser, Raphaël; Rue, Håvard 11 2019 Penalised complexity priors for stationary autoregressive processes. Zbl 1416.62529 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek; Rue, Håvard 10 2017 Bayesian object identification. Zbl 0949.62021 Rue, Håvard; Hurn, Merrilee A. 8 1999 Bayesian multiscale feature detection of log-spectral densities. Zbl 1453.62204 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Hindberg, Kristian; Olsen, Lena R.; Rue, Håvard 7 2009 Simultaneous credible bands for latent Gaussian models. Zbl 1246.62067 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Rue, Håvard 7 2011 Assessing the impact of a movement network on the spatiotemporal spread of infectious diseases. Zbl 1272.62083 Schrödle, Birgit; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 7 2012 On a hybrid data cloning method and its application in generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1322.62194 Baghishani, Hossein; Rue, Håvard; Mohammadzadeh, Mohsen 7 2012 Extending integrated nested Laplace approximation to a class of near-Gaussian latent models. Zbl 1305.62268 Martins, Thiago G.; Rue, Håvard 6 2014 A unified view on Bayesian varying coefficient models. Zbl 1434.62092 Franco-Villoria, Maria; Ventrucci, Massimo; Rue, Håvard 6 2019 A new avenue for Bayesian inference with INLA. Zbl 1543.62205 Van Niekerk, Janet; Krainski, Elias; Rustand, Denis; Rue, Håvard 6 2023 Parallelized integrated nested Laplace approximations for fast Bayesian inference. Zbl 1502.62016 Gaedke-Merzhäuser, Lisa; van Niekerk, Janet; Schenk, Olaf; Rue, Håvard 6 2023 Fractional Gaussian noise: prior specification and model comparison. Zbl 1545.62943 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek; Rue, Håvard 6 2018 Skewed probit regression – identifiability, contraction and reformulation. Zbl 1478.62195 van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard 5 2021 Careful prior specification avoids incautious inference for log-Gaussian Cox point processes. Zbl 07947995 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Illian, Janine B.; Simpson, Daniel P.; Burslem, David; Rue, Håvard 5 2019 Competing risks joint models using R-INLA. Zbl 07346640 van Niekerk, Janet; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 5 2021 New loss functions in Bayesian imaging. Zbl 0850.62933 Rue, Håvard 4 1995 Bayesian object recognition with Baddeley’s delta loss. Zbl 0897.62106 Rue, Håvard; Syversveen, Anne Randi 4 1998 Joint spatial analysis of gastrointestinal infectious diseases. Zbl 1122.62353 Held, Leonhard; Graziano, Giusi; Frank, Christina; Rue, Håvard 4 2006 Block updating in constrained Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 0934.65002 Hurn, Merrilee A.; Rue, Håvard; Sheehan, Nuala A. 4 1999 A skew Gaussian decomposable graphical model. Zbl 1331.62280 Zareifard, Hamid; Rue, Håvard; Khaledi, Majid Jafari; Lindgren, Finn 4 2016 Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 1239.62117 Thon, Kevin; Rue, Håvard; Skrøvseth, Stein Olav; Godtliebsen, Fred 4 2012 Penalized complexity priors for degrees of freedom in Bayesian P-splines. Zbl 07289471 Ventrucci, Massimo; Rue, Håvard 4 2016 A principled distance-based prior for the shape of the Weibull model. Zbl 1478.62067 van Niekerk, J.; Bakka, H.; Rue, H. 4 2021 Smart gradient – an adaptive technique for improving gradient estimation. Zbl 1538.62002 Fattah, Esmail Abdul; Van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard 4 2022 Spatial modelling of lupus incidence over 40 years with changes in census areas. Zbl 07943568 Li, Ye; Brown, Patrick; Rue, Håvard; Al-Maini, Mustafa; Fortin, Paul 4 2012 Practical strategies for generalized extreme value-based regression models for extremes. Zbl 1545.62724 Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Huser, Raphaël; Rue, Håvard 4 2022 Bayesian generalized two-way ANOVA modeling for functional data using INLA. Zbl 1422.62254 Yue, Yu (Ryan); Bolin, David; Rue, Håvard; Wang, Xiao-Feng 3 2019 Importance sampling with the integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 07633316 Berild, Martin Outzen; Martino, Sara; Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Rue, Håvard 3 2022 Geostatistical survival models for environmental risk assessment with large retrospective cohorts. Zbl 07956884 Jiang, Huan; Brown, Patrick E.; Rue, Håvard; Shimakura, Silvia 3 2014 Sensitivity and identification quantification by a relative latent model complexity perturbation in Bayesian meta-analysis. Zbl 1523.62191 Roos, Małgorzata; Hunanyan, Sona; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 2 2021 Bayesian estimation of two-part joint models for a longitudinal semicontinuous biomarker and a terminal event with INLA: interests for cancer clinical trial evaluation. Zbl 1528.62077 Rustand, Denis; van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard; Tournigand, Christophe; Rondeau, Virginie; Briollais, Laurent 2 2023 Intuitive joint priors for variance parameters. Zbl 1480.62046 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Hem, Ingeborg Gullikstad; Knight, Alexander; Rue, Håvard; Riebler, Andrea 2 2020 An approximate fractional Gaussian noise model with \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) computational cost. Zbl 1430.62207 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Myrvoll-Nilsen, Eirik; Rue, Håvard 2 2019 Modelling sub-daily precipitation extremes with the blended generalised extreme value distribution. Zbl 07632113 Vandeskog, Silius M.; Martino, Sara; Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Rue, Håvard 2 2022 A diffusion-based spatio-temporal extension of Gaussian Matérn fields. Zbl 1542.62121 Lindgren, Finn; Bakka, Haakon; Bolin, David; Krainski, Elias; Rue, Håvard 2 2024 Estimating multilevel regional variation in excess mortality of cancer patients using integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 1545.62552 Seppä, Karri; Rue, Håvard; Hakulinen, Timo; Läärä, Esa; Sillanpää, Mikko J.; Pitkäniemi, Janne 2 2019 Improving Bayesian local spatial models in large datasets. Zbl 07499865 Lenzi, Amanda; Castruccio, Stefano; Rue, Håvard; Genton, Marc G. 2 2021 Specifying a Gaussian Markov random field by a sparse Cholesky triangle. Zbl 1089.60034 Wist, Hanne T.; Rue, Håvard 1 2006 Estimating blood vessel areas in ultrasound images using a deformable template model. Zbl 1117.62493 Husby, Oddvar; Rue, Håvard 1 2004 Beyond the valley of the covariance function. Zbl 1332.86015 Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 1 2015 Joint tracking of multiple quantiles through conditional quantiles. Zbl 07763263 Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Yazidi, Anis; Rue, Håvard 1 2021 A hierarchical spatiotemporal statistical model motivated by glaciology. Zbl 1427.86011 Gopalan, Giri; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir; Wikle, Christopher K.; Rue, Håvard; Aðalgeirsdóttir, Guðfinna; Jarosch, Alexander H.; Pálsson, Finnur 1 2019 Stable non-linear generalized Bayesian joint models for survival-longitudinal data. Zbl 07730292 van Niekerk, Janet; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 1 2023 Past, present and future of software for Bayesian inference. Zbl 07849732 Štrumbelj, Erik; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Corander, Jukka; Gelman, Andrew; Rue, Håvard; Murray, Lawrence; Pesonen, Henri; Plummer, Martyn; Vehtari, Aki 1 2024 Fast and accurate Bayesian model criticism and conflict diagnostics using R-INLA. Zbl 07850044 Ferkingstad, Egil; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 1 2017 A Bayesian spatiotemporal statistical analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Zbl 1441.62459 Peluso, Stefano; Mira, Antonietta; Rue, Håvard; Tierney, Nicholas John; Benvenuti, Claudio; Cianella, Roberto; Caputo, Maria Luce; Auricchio, Angelo 1 2020 Quantification of empirical determinacy: The impact of likelihood weighting on posterior location and spread in Bayesian meta-analysis estimated with JAGS and INLA. Zbl 07956063 Hunanyan, Sona; Rue, Håvard; Plummer, Martyn; Roos, Małgorzata 1 2023 A novel method of marginalisation using low discrepancy sequences for integrated nested Laplace approximations. Zbl 1510.62020 Brown, Paul T.; Joshi, Chaitanya; Joe, Stephen; Rue, Håvard 1 2021 A diffusion-based spatio-temporal extension of Gaussian Matérn fields. Zbl 1542.62121 Lindgren, Finn; Bakka, Haakon; Bolin, David; Krainski, Elias; Rue, Håvard 2 2024 Past, present and future of software for Bayesian inference. Zbl 07849732 Štrumbelj, Erik; Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre; Corander, Jukka; Gelman, Andrew; Rue, Håvard; Murray, Lawrence; Pesonen, Henri; Plummer, Martyn; Vehtari, Aki 1 2024 A new avenue for Bayesian inference with INLA. Zbl 1543.62205 Van Niekerk, Janet; Krainski, Elias; Rustand, Denis; Rue, Håvard 6 2023 Parallelized integrated nested Laplace approximations for fast Bayesian inference. Zbl 1502.62016 Gaedke-Merzhäuser, Lisa; van Niekerk, Janet; Schenk, Olaf; Rue, Håvard 6 2023 Bayesian estimation of two-part joint models for a longitudinal semicontinuous biomarker and a terminal event with INLA: interests for cancer clinical trial evaluation. Zbl 1528.62077 Rustand, Denis; van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard; Tournigand, Christophe; Rondeau, Virginie; Briollais, Laurent 2 2023 Stable non-linear generalized Bayesian joint models for survival-longitudinal data. Zbl 07730292 van Niekerk, Janet; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 1 2023 Quantification of empirical determinacy: The impact of likelihood weighting on posterior location and spread in Bayesian meta-analysis estimated with JAGS and INLA. Zbl 07956063 Hunanyan, Sona; Rue, Håvard; Plummer, Martyn; Roos, Małgorzata 1 2023 Smart gradient – an adaptive technique for improving gradient estimation. Zbl 1538.62002 Fattah, Esmail Abdul; Van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard 4 2022 Practical strategies for generalized extreme value-based regression models for extremes. Zbl 1545.62724 Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Huser, Raphaël; Rue, Håvard 4 2022 Importance sampling with the integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 07633316 Berild, Martin Outzen; Martino, Sara; Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Rue, Håvard 3 2022 Modelling sub-daily precipitation extremes with the blended generalised extreme value distribution. Zbl 07632113 Vandeskog, Silius M.; Martino, Sara; Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Rue, Håvard 2 2022 Skewed probit regression – identifiability, contraction and reformulation. Zbl 1478.62195 van Niekerk, Janet; Rue, Håvard 5 2021 Competing risks joint models using R-INLA. Zbl 07346640 van Niekerk, Janet; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 5 2021 A principled distance-based prior for the shape of the Weibull model. Zbl 1478.62067 van Niekerk, J.; Bakka, H.; Rue, H. 4 2021 Sensitivity and identification quantification by a relative latent model complexity perturbation in Bayesian meta-analysis. Zbl 1523.62191 Roos, Małgorzata; Hunanyan, Sona; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 2 2021 Improving Bayesian local spatial models in large datasets. Zbl 07499865 Lenzi, Amanda; Castruccio, Stefano; Rue, Håvard; Genton, Marc G. 2 2021 Joint tracking of multiple quantiles through conditional quantiles. Zbl 07763263 Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Yazidi, Anis; Rue, Håvard 1 2021 A novel method of marginalisation using low discrepancy sequences for integrated nested Laplace approximations. Zbl 1510.62020 Brown, Paul T.; Joshi, Chaitanya; Joe, Stephen; Rue, Håvard 1 2021 Intuitive joint priors for variance parameters. Zbl 1480.62046 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Hem, Ingeborg Gullikstad; Knight, Alexander; Rue, Håvard; Riebler, Andrea 2 2020 A Bayesian spatiotemporal statistical analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. Zbl 1441.62459 Peluso, Stefano; Mira, Antonietta; Rue, Håvard; Tierney, Nicholas John; Benvenuti, Claudio; Cianella, Roberto; Caputo, Maria Luce; Auricchio, Angelo 1 2020 Constructing priors that penalize the complexity of Gaussian random fields. Zbl 1478.62279 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 50 2019 Advanced spatial modeling with stochastic partial differential equations using R and INLA. Zbl 1418.62011 Krainski, Elias T.; Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Bakka, Haakon; Lenzi, Amanda; Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 22 2019 A spliced gamma-generalized Pareto model for short-term extreme wind speed probabilistic forecasting. Zbl 1426.62335 Castro-Camilo, Daniela; Huser, Raphaël; Rue, Håvard 11 2019 A unified view on Bayesian varying coefficient models. Zbl 1434.62092 Franco-Villoria, Maria; Ventrucci, Massimo; Rue, Håvard 6 2019 Careful prior specification avoids incautious inference for log-Gaussian Cox point processes. Zbl 07947995 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Illian, Janine B.; Simpson, Daniel P.; Burslem, David; Rue, Håvard 5 2019 Bayesian generalized two-way ANOVA modeling for functional data using INLA. Zbl 1422.62254 Yue, Yu (Ryan); Bolin, David; Rue, Håvard; Wang, Xiao-Feng 3 2019 An approximate fractional Gaussian noise model with \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) computational cost. Zbl 1430.62207 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Myrvoll-Nilsen, Eirik; Rue, Håvard 2 2019 Estimating multilevel regional variation in excess mortality of cancer patients using integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 1545.62552 Seppä, Karri; Rue, Håvard; Hakulinen, Timo; Läärä, Esa; Sillanpää, Mikko J.; Pitkäniemi, Janne 2 2019 A hierarchical spatiotemporal statistical model motivated by glaciology. Zbl 1427.86011 Gopalan, Giri; Hrafnkelsson, Birgir; Wikle, Christopher K.; Rue, Håvard; Aðalgeirsdóttir, Guðfinna; Jarosch, Alexander H.; Pálsson, Finnur 1 2019 Using stacking to average Bayesian predictive distributions (with discussion). Zbl 1407.62090 Yao, Yuling; Vehtari, Aki; Simpson, Daniel; Gelman, Andrew 35 2018 INLA goes extreme: Bayesian tail regression for the estimation of high spatio-temporal quantiles. Zbl 1407.62167 Opitz, Thomas; Huser, Raphaël; Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard 30 2018 Spatial modeling with R-INLA: a review. Zbl 1544.62006 Bakka, Haakon; Rue, Håvard; Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Riebler, Andrea; Bolin, David; Illian, Janine; Krainski, Elias; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn 30 2018 Markov chain Monte Carlo with the integrated nested Laplace approximation. Zbl 1405.62078 Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Rue, Håvard 16 2018 Fractional Gaussian noise: prior specification and model comparison. Zbl 1545.62943 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek; Rue, Håvard 6 2018 Penalising model component complexity: a principled, practical approach to constructing priors. Zbl 1442.62060 Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard; Riebler, Andrea; Martins, Thiago G.; Sørbye, Sigrunn H. 135 2017 Point process models for spatio-temporal distance sampling data from a large-scale survey of blue whales. Zbl 1383.62300 Yuan, Yuan; Bachl, Fabian E.; Lindgren, Finn; Borchers, David L.; Illian, Janine B.; Buckland, Stephen T.; Rue, Håvard; Gerrodette, Tim 14 2017 Penalised complexity priors for stationary autoregressive processes. Zbl 1416.62529 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek; Rue, Håvard 10 2017 Fast and accurate Bayesian model criticism and conflict diagnostics using R-INLA. Zbl 07850044 Ferkingstad, Egil; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 1 2017 Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 1452.62704 Simpson, D.; Illian, J. B.; Lindgren, F.; Sørbye, S. H.; Rue, H. 34 2016 A skew Gaussian decomposable graphical model. Zbl 1331.62280 Zareifard, Hamid; Rue, Håvard; Khaledi, Majid Jafari; Lindgren, Finn 4 2016 Penalized complexity priors for degrees of freedom in Bayesian P-splines. Zbl 07289471 Ventrucci, Massimo; Rue, Håvard 4 2016 Exploring a new class of non-stationary spatial Gaussian random fields with varying local anisotropy. Zbl 1480.62194 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne; Lindgren, Finn; Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard 30 2015 Sensitivity analysis for Bayesian hierarchical models. Zbl 1335.62059 Roos, Małgorzata; Martins, Thiago G.; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 26 2015 Bayesian analysis of measurement error models using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Zbl 07945058 Muff, Stefanie; Riebler, Andrea; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard; Saner, Philippe 17 2015 Improving the INLA approach for approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models. Zbl 1329.62127 Ferkingstad, Egil; Rue, Håvard 11 2015 Beyond the valley of the covariance function. Zbl 1332.86015 Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 1 2015 Bayesian adaptive smoothing splines using stochastic differential equations. Zbl 1327.62234 Yue, Yu Ryan; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 16 2014 Extending integrated nested Laplace approximation to a class of near-Gaussian latent models. Zbl 1305.62268 Martins, Thiago G.; Rue, Håvard 6 2014 Geostatistical survival models for environmental risk assessment with large retrospective cohorts. Zbl 07956884 Jiang, Huan; Brown, Patrick E.; Rue, Håvard; Shimakura, Silvia 3 2014 Bayesian computing with INLA: new features. Zbl 1471.62135 Martins, Thiago G.; Simpson, Daniel; Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 54 2013 Spatio-temporal modeling of particulate matter concentration through the SPDE approach. Zbl 1443.62401 Cameletti, Michela; Lindgren, Finn; Simpson, Daniel; Rue, Håvard 40 2013 A toolbox for fitting complex spatial point process models using integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA). Zbl 1257.62093 Illian, Janine B.; Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Rue, Håvard 28 2012 Estimation and extrapolation of time trends in registry data – borrowing strength from related populations. Zbl 1235.62030 Riebler, Andrea; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 19 2012 Direct fitting of dynamic models using integrated nested Laplace approximations – INLA. Zbl 1368.62066 Ruiz-Cárdenas, Ramiro; Krainski, Elias T.; Rue, Håvard 18 2012 Approximate Bayesian inference for large spatial datasets using predictive process models. Zbl 1243.62121 Eidsvik, Jo; Finley, Andrew O.; Banerjee, Sudipto; Rue, Håvard 17 2012 Assessing the impact of a movement network on the spatiotemporal spread of infectious diseases. Zbl 1272.62083 Schrödle, Birgit; Held, Leonhard; Rue, Håvard 7 2012 On a hybrid data cloning method and its application in generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1322.62194 Baghishani, Hossein; Rue, Håvard; Mohammadzadeh, Mohsen 7 2012 Bayesian multiscale analysis of images modeled as Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 1239.62117 Thon, Kevin; Rue, Håvard; Skrøvseth, Stein Olav; Godtliebsen, Fred 4 2012 Spatial modelling of lupus incidence over 40 years with changes in census areas. Zbl 07943568 Li, Ye; Brown, Patrick; Rue, Håvard; Al-Maini, Mustafa; Fortin, Paul 4 2012 An explicit link between Gaussian fields and Gaussian Markov random fields: the stochastic partial differential equation approach. Zbl 1274.62360 Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard; Lindström, Johan 463 2011 Riemann manifold Langevin and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.62071 Girolami, Mark; Calderhead, Ben 303 2011 Bayesian inference for additive mixed quantile regression models. Zbl 1247.62101 Yue, Yu Ryan; Rue, Håvard 41 2011 Approximate Bayesian inference for survival models. Zbl 1246.62059 Martino, Sara; Akerkar, Rupali; Rue, Håvard 19 2011 Approximate simulation-free Bayesian inference for multiple changepoint models with dependence within segments. Zbl 1330.62160 Wyse, Jason; Friel, Nial; Rue, Håvard 14 2011 Simultaneous credible bands for latent Gaussian models. Zbl 1246.62067 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Rue, Håvard 7 2011 Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. With discussion and authors’ reply. Zbl 1411.65020 Andrieu, Christophe; Doucet, Arnaud; Holenstein, Roman 318 2010 Bayesian inference for generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1437.62460 Fong, Youyi; Rue, Håvard; Wakefield, Jon 50 2010 Approximate Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models by using integrated nested Laplace approximations (with discussion). Zbl 1248.62156 Rue, Håvard; Martino, Sara; Chopin, Nicolas 579 2009 Appropriate Bayesian inference in spatial generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1197.62091 Eidsvik, Jo; Martino, Sara; Rue, Håvard 21 2009 Bayesian multiscale feature detection of log-spectral densities. Zbl 1453.62204 Sørbye, Sigrunn H.; Hindberg, Kristian; Olsen, Lena R.; Rue, Håvard 7 2009 On the second-order random walk model for irregular locations. Zbl 1199.60276 Lindgren, Finn; Rue, Håvard 29 2008 Unsupervised empirical Bayesian multiple testing with external covariates. Zbl 1400.62258 Ferkingstad, Egil; Frigessi, Arnoldo; Rue, Håvard; Thorleifsson, Gudmar; Kong, Augustine 18 2008 Approximate Bayesian inference for hierarchical Gaussian Markov random field models. Zbl 1114.62025 Rue, Håvard; Martino, Sara 43 2007 Recursive computing and simulation-free inference for general factorizable models. Zbl 1135.62078 Friel, Nial; Rue, Håvard 17 2007 Bayesian multiscale analysis for time series data. Zbl 1157.62362 Øigård, Tor Arne; Rue, Håvard; Godtliebsen, Fred 15 2006 Joint spatial analysis of gastrointestinal infectious diseases. Zbl 1122.62353 Held, Leonhard; Graziano, Giusi; Frank, Christina; Rue, Håvard 4 2006 Specifying a Gaussian Markov random field by a sparse Cholesky triangle. Zbl 1089.60034 Wist, Hanne T.; Rue, Håvard 1 2006 Gaussian Markov random fields. Theory and applications. Zbl 1093.60003 Rue, Håvard; Held, Leonhard 511 2005 Towards joint disease mapping. Zbl 1057.62100 Held, Leonhard; Natário, Isabel; Fenton, Sarah Elaine; Rue, Håvard; Becker, Nikolaus 25 2005 Approximating hidden Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 1068.62098 Rue, Håvard; Steinsland, Ingelin; Erland, Sveinung 14 2004 Estimating blood vessel areas in ultrasound images using a deformable template model. Zbl 1117.62493 Husby, Oddvar; Rue, Håvard 1 2004 A dynamical mixture model for unsupervised tail estimation without threshold selection. Zbl 1039.62042 Frigessi, Arnoldo; Haug, Ola; Rue, Håvard 44 2003 Space-varying regression models: specifications and simulation. Zbl 1429.62428 Gamerman, Dani; Moreira, Ajax R. B.; Rue, Håvard 33 2003 A tutorial on image analysis. Zbl 1255.62185 Hurn, Merrilee A.; Husby, Oddvar K.; Rue, Håvard 15 2003 Fitting Gaussian Markov random fields to Gaussian fields. Zbl 1017.62088 Rue, Håvard; Tjelmeland, Håkon 75 2002 On block updating in Markov random field models for disease mapping. Zbl 1039.62092 Knorr-Held, L.; Rue, Håvard 59 2002 M-smoother with local linear fit. Zbl 1011.62044 Rue, Håvard; Chu, Chih-Kang; Godtliebsen, Fred; Marron, James Stephen 14 2002 Fast sampling of Gaussian Markov random fields. Zbl 0979.62075 Rue, Håvard 96 2001 Antithetic coupling of two Gibbs sampler chains. Zbl 1105.65303 Frigessi, Arnoldo; Gåsemyr, Jørund; Rue, Håvard 11 2000 Bayesian object identification. Zbl 0949.62021 Rue, Håvard; Hurn, Merrilee A. 8 1999 Block updating in constrained Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. Zbl 0934.65002 Hurn, Merrilee A.; Rue, Håvard; Sheehan, Nuala A. 4 1999 Bayesian object recognition with Baddeley’s delta loss. Zbl 0897.62106 Rue, Håvard; Syversveen, Anne Randi 4 1998 New loss functions in Bayesian imaging. Zbl 0850.62933 Rue, Håvard 4 1995 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,047 Authors 76 Rue, Håvard 34 Kneib, Thomas 24 Lindgren, Finn 21 Bolin, David 19 Genton, Marc G. 19 Held, Leonhard 19 Klein, Nadja 18 Banerjee, Sudipto 18 Huser, Raphaël 16 Simpson, Daniel Peter 16 Wakefield, Jon C. 15 Mateu, Jorge 14 Reich, Brian James 13 Cressie, Noel A. C. 13 Lang, Stefan M. 13 Porcu, Emilio 12 Girolami, Mark A. 11 Castruccio, Stefano 11 Furrer, Reinhard 11 Gamerman, Dani 11 Mangion, Andrew Zammit 11 Marzouk, Youssef M. 11 Mengersen, Kerrie L. 11 Riebler, Andrea 11 Stein, Michael L. 11 Yue, Yu Ryan 10 Bakka, Haakon C. 10 Bevilacqua, Moreno 10 Bradley, Jonathan R. 10 Cui, Tiangang 10 Ghattas, Omar N. 10 Katzfuss, Matthias 10 Opitz, Thomas 10 Roininen, Lassi 10 van Niekerk, Janet 10 Wikle, Christopher K. 9 Fahrmeir, Ludwig 9 Finley, Andrew O. 9 Hoeting, Jennifer A. 9 Holan, Scott H. 9 Hooten, Mevin B. 9 Villa, Umberto E. 8 Congdon, Peter D. 8 Diggle, Peter John 8 Dunson, David Brian 8 Eidsvik, Jo 8 Friel, Nial 8 Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio 8 Kang, Emily L. 8 Kirchner, Kristin 8 Krainski, Elias Teixeira 8 Martino, Sara 8 Park, Cheolwoo 8 Richardson, Sylvia 8 Sain, Stephan R. 8 Sørbye, Sigrunn Holbek 8 Stuart, Andrew M. 8 Tjelmeland, Håkon 7 Bachoc, François 7 Bardsley, Johnathan M. 7 Fuglstad, Geir-Arne 7 Hrafnkelsson, Birgir 7 Kauermann, Goran 7 McGree, James M. 7 Mohammadzadeh, Mohsen 7 Petra, Noemi 7 Prates, Marcos Oliveira 7 Robert, Christian P. 7 Rougier, Jonathan C. 7 Sun, Ying 6 Bazán, Jorge Luis 6 Chen, Peng 6 Godtliebsen, Fred 6 Goicoa, Tomás 6 Guilleminot, Johann 6 Guinness, Joseph 6 Hanks, Ephraim M. 6 Kaipio, Jari P. 6 Kleiber, William 6 Konomi, Bledar A. 6 Ma, Pulong 6 Martins, Thiago G. 6 Nott, David John 6 Paciorek, Christopher J. 6 Saibaba, Arvind Krishna 6 Särkkä, Simo 6 Schliep, Erin M. 6 Ugarte, Maria Dolores 6 Umlauf, Nikolaus 6 Vassilevski, Panayot Spirov 6 Verzelen, Nicolas 6 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 5 Anitescu, Mihai 5 Baghishani, Hossein 5 Barthelmé, Simon 5 Bonat, Wagner Hugo 5 Castro-Camilo, Daniela 5 De Oliveira, Victor 5 Economou, Theodoros 5 Faes, Christel ...and 2,947 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 199 Serials 116 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 89 Environmetrics 88 The Annals of Applied Statistics 71 Statistics and Computing 56 Journal of the American Statistical Association 54 Bayesian Analysis 48 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 44 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 39 Journal of Applied Statistics 38 Biometrics 37 Biometrical Journal 36 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 35 Statistical Science 32 Statistics in Medicine 30 Statistical Modelling 28 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 27 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 24 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 23 International Statistical Review 22 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 22 Electronic Journal of Statistics 21 Test 21 Stat 20 Technometrics 20 Extremes 18 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 17 Inverse Problems 16 The Annals of Statistics 16 Computational Statistics 15 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 15 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 15 Statistical Methods and Applications 14 Statistics & Probability Letters 13 Bernoulli 12 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 12 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 12 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 12 Mathematical Geosciences 10 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 10 Journal of Computational Physics 10 Statistica Neerlandica 10 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 8 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 8 Journal of Econometrics 8 Journal of Time Series Analysis 8 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 8 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 7 The American Statistician 7 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 7 Inverse Problems and Imaging 7 Statistics Surveys 6 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 6 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 6 Sankhyā. Series A 5 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 5 Statistical Papers 5 Statistica Sinica 5 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 5 Statistical Methodology 5 The International Journal of Biostatistics 5 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 European Journal of Operational Research 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 4 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 4 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 4 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Metrika 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 BIT 3 Metron 3 Statistica 3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 3 Machine Learning 3 Pattern Recognition 3 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 3 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 3 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 3 SORT. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions 3 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 3 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 3 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 2 Physica A 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 2 Automatica 2 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Operations Research 2 Computational Mechanics 2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 Neural Computation 2 Economics Letters 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ...and 99 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 1,498 Statistics (62-XX) 309 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 221 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 80 Geophysics (86-XX) 77 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 56 Computer science (68-XX) 54 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 40 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 25 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 19 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 16 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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