Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sabadini, Irene Co-Author Distance Author ID: sabadini.irene Published as: Sabadini, Irene; Sabadini, I. Further Spellings: Sabadini, Irene Maria External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 249 Publications since 1995, including 8 Books and 14 Additional arXiv Preprints 15 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 87 Co-Authors with 260 Joint Publications 1,984 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 4 single-authored 144 Colombo, Fabrizio 92 Struppa, Daniele Carlo 55 Alpay, Daniel Aron 34 Sommen, Franciscus 20 Gal, Sorin Gheorghe 17 Aharonov, Yakir 15 Diki, Kamal 13 González-Cervantes, José Óscar 10 Damiano, Alberto 9 Kimsey, David Patrick 8 Pinton, Stefano 8 Yger, Alain 7 De Martino, Antonino 7 Gentili, Graziano 7 Kähler, Uwe 7 Ren, Guangbin 7 Shapiro, Michael V. 6 Dou, Xinyuan 6 Kraußhar, Rolf Sören 6 Peña Peña, Dixan 6 Qian, Tao 5 Cerejeiras, Paula 5 Luna-Elizarrarás, María Elena 4 Lewkowicz, Izchak 4 Tollaksen, Jeff 4 Vâjiac, Adrian I. 4 Vajiac, Mihaela B. 4 Xu, Zhenghua 3 Abu-Ghanem, Khaled 3 Aoki, Takashi 3 Eelbode, David 3 Jin, Ming 3 Loustaunau, Philippe 3 Shushi, Tomer 3 Soucek, Vladimir 2 Adams, William Wells 2 Berenstein, Carlos Alberto 2 Bernstein, Swanhild 2 Bolotnikov, Vladimir 2 Bory Reyes, Juan 2 Dong, Baohua 2 Gantner, Jonathan 2 Jordan, Andrew N. 2 Kou, Kit-Ian 2 Lávička, Roman 2 Muraleetharan, B. 2 Napoletani, Domenico 2 Pozzi, Elodie 2 Reissig, Michael 2 Thirulogasanthar, Kengatharam 2 Wick, Brett Duane 1 Adán, Alí Guzmán 1 Agranovsky, Mark L. 1 Baras, John S. 1 Behrndt, Jussi 1 Bozejko, Marek 1 Buniy, Roman V. 1 Bureš, Jarolím 1 Chang, Der-Chen E. 1 Colombo, Fabizio 1 Debernardi Pinos, Alberto 1 Gay, Roger 1 Guido, Daniele 1 Hartshorne, Robin 1 Howell, John C. 1 Kuchment, Peter A. 1 Li, Baoqin 1 Notari, Roberto 1 Nussinov, Shmuel 1 Okada, Yasunori 1 Popescu, Sandu 1 Salomon, Guy 1 Saracco, Alberto 1 Sauvageot, Jean-Luc 1 Sce, Michele 1 Schlesinger, Enrico 1 Schlosser, Peter 1 Schneider, Baruch 1 Sebbar, Ahmed 1 Simsek, Yilmaz 1 Toft, Joachim 1 Vamivakas, A. Nick 1 Van Lancker, Peter 1 Vindas, Jasson 1 Volok, Dan 1 Walnut, David F. 1 Wang, Xieping 1 Yang, Ting all top 5 Serials 12 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 11 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 9 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8 Journal of Geometry and Physics 8 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 7 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 7 Trends in Mathematics 6 Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 5 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Israel Journal of Mathematics 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Results in Mathematics 4 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Milan Journal of Mathematics 4 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 3 Advances in Geometry 3 Moscow Mathematical Journal 3 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 3 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 3 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 2 Annals of Physics 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Experimental Mathematics 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Progress in Mathematics 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 2 SpringerBriefs in Mathematics 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Arkiv för Matematik 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Michigan Mathematical Journal 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 1 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Journal of Natural Geometry 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. A 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 RIMS Kokyuroku 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Progress in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1 Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications 1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 1 Springer INdAM Series 1 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 1 Frontiers in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 191 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 71 Operator theory (47-XX) 32 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 31 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 26 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 13 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 208 Publications have been cited 3,398 times in 821 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Noncommutative functional calculus. Theory and applications of slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1228.47001 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele 266 2011 Analysis of Dirac systems and computational algebra. Zbl 1064.30049 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus; Struppa, Daniele C. 153 2004 Slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1172.30024 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 116 2009 Slice hyperholomorphic Schur analysis. Zbl 1366.30001 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 104 2016 Entire slice regular functions. Zbl 1372.30001 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 82 2016 Extension results for slice regular functions of a quaternionic variable. Zbl 1179.30052 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gentili, Graziano; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele 70 2009 A new functional calculus for noncommuting operators. Zbl 1143.47012 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 69 2008 On some properties of the quaternionic functional calculus. Zbl 1166.47018 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 61 2009 The Fueter mapping theorem in integral form and the \(\mathcal F\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1225.47019 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank 54 2010 Hermitian Clifford analysis and resolutions. Zbl 1013.30033 Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank 53 2002 The mathematics of superoscillations. Zbl 1383.42002 Aharonov, Yakir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Tollaksen, Jeff 48 2017 Schur functions and their realizations in the slice hyperholomorphic setting. Zbl 1258.47018 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 48 2012 On the formulations of the quaternionic functional calculus. Zbl 1220.47022 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 48 2010 Some mathematical properties of superoscillations. Zbl 1230.42004 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 46 2011 An extension theorem for slice monogenic functions and some of its consequences. Zbl 1213.30085 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 46 2010 Pontryagin-de Branges-Rovnyak spaces of slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1281.30034 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 45 2013 The Fock space in the slice hyperholomorphic setting. Zbl 1314.30092 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Salomon, Guy 43 2014 The Cauchy formula with s-monogenic kernel and a functional calculus for noncommuting operators. Zbl 1202.47017 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 40 2011 A new resolvent equation for the \(S\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1354.47016 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Gantner, Jonathan; Sabadini, Irene 39 2015 On the Cauchy problem for the Schrödinger equation with superoscillatory initial data. Zbl 1258.35172 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 39 2013 A structure formula for slice monogenic functions and some of its consequences. Zbl 1169.30024 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 38 2009 The quaternionic evolution operator. Zbl 1220.47056 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 38 2011 A Cauchy kernel for slice regular functions. Zbl 1193.30069 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gentili, Graziano; Sabadini, Irene 38 2010 Superoscillating sequences as solutions of generalized Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1304.30036 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 36 2015 Explicit resolutions for the complex of several Fueter operators. Zbl 1104.30033 Bureš, Jarolim; Damiano, Alberto; Sabadini, Irene 36 2007 A nonconstant coefficients differential operator associated to slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1278.30047 Colombo, Fabrizio; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 36 2013 The spectral theorem for unitary operators based on the \(S\)-spectrum. Zbl 1342.35189 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 34 2016 Superoscillating sequences in several variables. Zbl 1345.32001 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 32 2016 Michele Sce’s works in hypercomplex analysis. A translation with commentaries. Zbl 1448.30001 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 32 2020 Regular functions of several quaternionic variables and the Cauchy-Fueter complex. Zbl 0966.35088 Adams, W. W.; Berenstein, C. A.; Loustaunau, P.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 31 1999 Non commutative functional calculus: bounded operators. Zbl 1225.47018 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gentili, Graziano; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 31 2010 Continuity of some operators arising in the theory of superoscillations. Zbl 1402.81167 Aoki, T.; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, D. C. 30 2018 Quantum harmonic oscillator with superoscillating initial datum. Zbl 1301.81054 Buniy, R. V.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 29 2014 The C-property for slice regular functions and applications to the Bergman space. Zbl 1277.30035 Colombo, Fabrizio; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 29 2013 The inverse Fueter mapping theorem. Zbl 1258.30022 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank 28 2011 Continuity theorems for a class of convolution operators and applications to superoscillations. Zbl 1411.35091 Aoki, T.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 28 2018 The \(H^{\infty}\) functional calculus based on the \(S\)-spectrum for quaternionic operators and for \(n\)-tuples of noncommuting operators. Zbl 1350.47017 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 27 2016 On two approaches to the Bergman theory for slice regular functions. Zbl 1275.30020 Colombo, Fabrizio; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Luna-Elizarrarás, Maria Elena; Sabadini, Irene; Shapiro, Michael 27 2013 Superoscillation phenomena in \(\mathrm{SO}(3)\). Zbl 1371.81196 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Nussinov, S.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 26 2012 The \(\mathcal F\)-spectrum and the \(\mathcal S \mathcal C\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1256.47006 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 26 2012 Quaternionic de Branges spaces and characteristic operator function. Zbl 1475.47001 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 26 2020 Perturbation of normal quaternionic operators. Zbl 07089861 Cerejeiras, Paula; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kähler, Uwe; Sabadini, Irene 25 2019 Complexes of Dirac operators in Clifford algebras. Zbl 1078.30045 Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Sommen, Frank; Van Lancker, Peter 25 2002 Self-mappings of the quaternionic unit ball: multiplier properties, the Schwarz-Pick inequality, and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem. Zbl 1318.30075 Alpay, Daniel; Bolotnikov, Vladimir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 24 2015 Singularities of functions of one and several bicomplex variables. Zbl 1253.30060 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Vajiac, Adrian 24 2011 Duality theorems for slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1204.30038 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 24 2010 Quaternionic approximation. With application to slice regular functions. Zbl 1432.30034 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 24 2019 The Radon transform between monogenic and generalized slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1335.30017 Colombo, F.; Lávička, R.; Sabadini, I.; Souček, V. 24 2015 Realizations of slice hyperholomorphic generalized contractive and positive functions. Zbl 1335.47012 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Lewkowicz, Izchak; Sabadini, Irene 23 2015 Krein-Langer factorization and related topics in the slice hyperholomorphic setting. Zbl 1314.47036 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 22 2014 Classes of superoscillating functions. Zbl 1402.81122 Aharonov, Y.; Sabadini, Irene; Tollaksen, J.; Yger, A. 22 2018 Adaptive orthonormal systems for matrix-valued functions. Zbl 1370.47011 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 21 2017 Adaptative decomposition: the case of the Drury-Arveson space. Zbl 06829778 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 21 2017 Quaternionic Clifford analysis: the Hermitian setting. Zbl 1211.30057 Peña-Peña, Dixan; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank 20 2007 Approximation by polynomials on quaternionic compact sets. Zbl 1348.30028 Gal, S. G.; Sabadini, I. 19 2015 A functional calculus in a noncommutative setting. Zbl 1137.47014 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gentili, Graziano; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 19 2007 Further properties of the Bergman spaces of slice regular functions. Zbl 1332.30073 Colombo, Fabrizio; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 19 2015 Evolution of superoscillatory initial data in several variables in uniform electric field. Zbl 1372.78004 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 18 2017 The Runge theorem for slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1220.30068 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 18 2011 On slice biregular functions and isomorphisms of Bergman spaces. Zbl 1251.30055 Colombo, Fabrizio; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 18 2012 Perturbation of the generator of a quaternionic evolution operator. Zbl 1327.47035 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 17 2015 Quantum violation of the pigeonhole principle and the nature of quantum correlations. Zbl 1355.81029 Aharonov, Yakir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Popescu, Sandu; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Tollaksen, Jeff 17 2016 Segal-Bargmann-Fock modules of monogenic functions. Zbl 1377.30043 Peña Peña, Dixan; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 17 2017 On slice polyanalytic functions of a quaternionic variable. Zbl 1426.30034 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 17 2019 Bicomplex holomorphic functional calculus. Zbl 1295.30112 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 16 2014 Superoscillating sequences and hyperfunctions. Zbl 1439.32017 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Yger, Alain 16 2019 On Bernstein and Erdős-Lax’s inequalities for quaternionic polynomials. (Sur les inégalités de Bernstein et de Erdős-Las pour les polynômes.) Zbl 1306.30020 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 16 2015 The inverse Fueter mapping theorem in integral form using spherical monogenics. Zbl 1341.30042 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 16 2013 An extension of Herglotz’s theorem to the quaternions. Zbl 1297.30073 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 15 2015 A representation of Weyl-Heisenberg Lie algebra in the quaternionic setting. Zbl 1372.81093 Muraleetharan, B.; Thirulogasanthar, K.; Sabadini, Irene 15 2017 On the Bargmann-Fock-Fueter and Bergman-Fueter integral transforms. Zbl 1479.30034 Diki, Kamal; Krausshar, Rolf Sören; Sabadini, Irene 15 2019 Algebraic properties of the module of slice regular functions in several quaternionic variables. Zbl 1273.30038 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 15 2012 The \(F\)-functional calculus for unbounded operators. Zbl 1440.47010 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 14 2014 Evolution of superoscillations in the Klein-Gordon field. Zbl 1442.81023 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 14 2020 Quaternionic Hermitian spinor systems and compatibility conditions. Zbl 1235.30030 Damiano, Alberto; Eelbode, David; Sabadini, Irene 13 2011 Slice Dirac operator over octonions. Zbl 1479.30038 Jin, Ming; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene 13 2020 Twisted plane wave expansions using hypercomplex methods. Zbl 1288.30051 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus; Struppa, Daniele C. 12 2014 Evolution of superoscillatory data. Zbl 1290.32005 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 12 2014 On some operators associated to superoscillations. Zbl 1297.47095 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 12 2013 Slice monogenic functions of a Clifford variable via the \(S\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1493.47014 Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 12 2021 Non-commutative functional calculus: unbounded operators. Zbl 1197.47030 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gentili, Graziano; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 12 2010 On the global operator and Fueter mapping theorem for slice polyanalytic functions. Zbl 1482.30116 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 12 2021 Inner product spaces and Krein spaces in the quaternionic setting. Zbl 1376.46017 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 11 2015 Superoscillating sequences and supershifts for families of generalized functions. Zbl 1485.42004 Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Yger, A. 11 2022 Polynomial approximation in slice regular Fock spaces. Zbl 1445.30024 Diki, Kamal; Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 10 2019 Axially harmonic functions and the harmonic functional calculus on the \(S\)-spectrum. Zbl 07610105 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 10 2023 The Dirac complex on abstract vector variables: megaforms. Zbl 1078.30044 Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank; Struppa, Daniele C. 10 2003 Algebraic analysis of Hermitian monogenic functions. Zbl 1135.30022 Damiano, Alberto; Eelbode, David; Sabadini, Irene 10 2008 How superoscillating tunneling waves can overcome the step potential. Zbl 1433.35322 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 10 2020 On some geometric properties of slice regular functions of a quaternion variable. Zbl 1325.30046 Gal, Sorin G.; González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 10 2015 Approximation in compact balls by convolution operators of quaternion and paravector variable. Zbl 1279.30052 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 9 2013 Computational methods for the construction of a class of noetherian operators. Zbl 1136.13014 Damiano, Alberto; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 9 2007 Correction to: “On slice polyanalytic functions of a quaternionic variable”. Zbl 1465.30009 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 9 2021 Gauss sums, superoscillations and the Talbot carpet. Zbl 1460.35092 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Yger, Alain 9 2021 On a class of quaternionic positive definite functions and their derivatives. Zbl 1361.60026 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 8 2017 On the Szegő-Radon projection of monogenic functions. Zbl 1338.44003 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 8 2016 Universality property of the \(S\)-functional calculus, noncommuting matrix variables and Clifford operators. Zbl 1512.47026 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gantner, Jonathan; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 8 2022 On the inversion of Fueter’s theorem. Zbl 1348.30027 Dong, Baohua; Kou, Kit Ian; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 8 2016 Gleason’s problem and Schur multipliers in the multivariable quaternionic setting. Zbl 1307.30087 Abu-Ghanem, Khaled; Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 8 2015 The Bergman-Sce transform for slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1253.30078 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gonzàles Cervantes, Jose O.; Sabadini, Irene 8 2011 Generalized partial-slice monogenic functions: a synthesis of two function theories. Zbl 1544.30023 Xu, Zhenghua; Sabadini, Irene 1 2024 Axially harmonic functions and the harmonic functional calculus on the \(S\)-spectrum. Zbl 07610105 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 10 2023 The \(\mathcal{F}\)-resolvent equation and Riesz projectors for the \(\mathcal{F}\)-functional calculus. Zbl 07649355 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Sabadini, Irene 7 2023 Towards a general \(\mathcal{F}\)-resolvent equation and Riesz projectors. Zbl 1518.30017 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Sabadini, Irene 5 2023 The fine structure of the spectral theory on the \(S\)-spectrum in dimension five. Zbl 1530.47004 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 5 2023 Extension theorem and representation formula in non-axially-symmetric domains for slice regular functions. Zbl 1536.30078 Dou, Xinyuan; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene 3 2023 A representation formula for slice regular functions over slice-cones in several variables. Zbl 1526.30062 Dou, Xinyuan; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene 2 2023 Approximation by convolution polyanalytic operators in the complex and quaternionic compact unit balls. Zbl 1515.30090 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 2 2023 Hörmander’s \(L^2\)-method, \(\overline{\partial}\)-problem and polyanalytic function theory in one complex variable. Zbl 1515.30106 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 2 2023 Analysis, applications, and computations. Proceedings of the 13th ISAAC congress, Ghent, Belgium, August 2–6, 2021. Zbl 1531.35008 1 2023 Quaternionic triangular linear operators. Zbl 1529.47133 Cerejeiras, Paula; Colombo, Fabrizio; Käehler, Uwe; Sabadini, Irene 1 2023 On the generating functions and special functions associated with superoscillations. Zbl 1531.81086 Colombo, F.; Krausshar, R. S.; Sabadini, I.; Simsek, Y. 1 2023 Evolution of superoscillations for spinning particles. Zbl 1512.35017 Colombo, Fabrizio; Pozzi, Elodie; Sabadini, Irene; Wick, Brett D. 1 2023 The general theory of superoscillations and supershifts in several variables. Zbl 1527.26008 Colombo, F.; Pinton, S.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 1 2023 Superoscillating sequences and supershifts for families of generalized functions. Zbl 1485.42004 Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Yger, A. 11 2022 Universality property of the \(S\)-functional calculus, noncommuting matrix variables and Clifford operators. Zbl 1512.47026 Colombo, Fabrizio; Gantner, Jonathan; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 8 2022 On superoscillations and supershifts in several variables. Zbl 07899049 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Jordan, A. N.; Sabadini, I.; Shushi, T.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 7 2022 Poly slice monogenic functions, Cauchy formulas and the \(PS\)-functional calculus. Zbl 07734185 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 5 2022 The Poisson kernel and the Fourier transform of the slice monogenic Cauchy kernels. Zbl 1486.30133 Colombo, Fabrizio; De Martino, Antonino; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 4 2022 Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of polyanalytic functions of infinite order. Zbl 1503.30104 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 3 2022 Fock and Hardy spaces: Clifford Appell case. Zbl 1523.30058 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 3 2022 Discrete analytic functions, structured matrices and a new family of moment problems. Zbl 1502.30136 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene; Volok, Dan 1 2022 Beurling-Lax type theorems and Cuntz relations. Zbl 1545.47058 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Schneider, Baruch 1 2022 Slice quaternionic analysis in two variables. Zbl 1527.30032 Dou, Xinyuan; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene; Wang, Xieping 1 2022 Current trends in analysis, its applications and computation. Proceedings of the 12th ISAAC congress, Aveiro, Portugal, July 29 – August 3, 2019. Zbl 1497.42002 1 2022 Density of polyanalytic polynomials in complex and quaternionic polyanalytic weighted Bergman spaces. Zbl 1526.30063 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 1 2022 An approach to the Gaussian RBF kernels via Fock spaces. Zbl 1508.30099 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 1 2022 Slice monogenic functions of a Clifford variable via the \(S\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1493.47014 Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 12 2021 On the global operator and Fueter mapping theorem for slice polyanalytic functions. Zbl 1482.30116 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 12 2021 Correction to: “On slice polyanalytic functions of a quaternionic variable”. Zbl 1465.30009 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 9 2021 Gauss sums, superoscillations and the Talbot carpet. Zbl 1460.35092 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Yger, Alain 9 2021 On a polyanalytic approach to noncommutative de Branges-Rovnyak spaces and Schur analysis. Zbl 1475.30111 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 5 2021 Superoscillations and analytic extension in Schur analysis. Zbl 1462.30050 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 5 2021 Infinite-order differential operators acting on entire hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1484.30050 Alpay, D.; Colombo, F.; Pinton, S.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 4 2021 A new approach to slice analysis via slice topology. Zbl 1482.30118 Dou, Xinyuan; Jin, Ming; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene 3 2021 Weak slice regular functions on the \(n\)-dimensional quadratic cone of octonions. Zbl 1482.30119 Dou, Xinyuan; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene; Yang, Ting 3 2021 Holomorphic functions, relativistic sum, Blaschke products and superoscillations. Zbl 07417889 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Pinton, Stefano; Sabadini, Irene 2 2021 Michele Sce’s works in hypercomplex analysis. A translation with commentaries. Zbl 1448.30001 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 32 2020 Quaternionic de Branges spaces and characteristic operator function. Zbl 1475.47001 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 26 2020 Evolution of superoscillations in the Klein-Gordon field. Zbl 1442.81023 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 14 2020 Slice Dirac operator over octonions. Zbl 1479.30038 Jin, Ming; Ren, Guangbin; Sabadini, Irene 13 2020 How superoscillating tunneling waves can overcome the step potential. Zbl 1433.35322 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 10 2020 Aharonov-Berry superoscillations in the radial harmonic oscillator potential. Zbl 07899124 Alpay, D.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 8 2020 Symmetries of slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1468.30083 Colombo, Fabrizio; Kraußhar, Rolf Sören; Sabadini, Irene 7 2020 Realizations of holomorphic and slice hyperholomorphic functions: the Krein space case. Zbl 1462.47010 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 6 2020 Polynomial approximation in quaternionic Bloch and Besov spaces. Zbl 1455.30039 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 4 2020 On pseudo-spectral factorization over the complex numbers and quaternions. Zbl 1461.30111 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Lewkowicz, Izchak; Sabadini, Irene 1 2020 Perturbation of normal quaternionic operators. Zbl 07089861 Cerejeiras, Paula; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kähler, Uwe; Sabadini, Irene 25 2019 Quaternionic approximation. With application to slice regular functions. Zbl 1432.30034 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 24 2019 On slice polyanalytic functions of a quaternionic variable. Zbl 1426.30034 Alpay, Daniel; Diki, Kamal; Sabadini, Irene 17 2019 Superoscillating sequences and hyperfunctions. Zbl 1439.32017 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Yger, Alain 16 2019 On the Bargmann-Fock-Fueter and Bergman-Fueter integral transforms. Zbl 1479.30034 Diki, Kamal; Krausshar, Rolf Sören; Sabadini, Irene 15 2019 Polynomial approximation in slice regular Fock spaces. Zbl 1445.30024 Diki, Kamal; Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 10 2019 The inverse Fueter mapping theorem for axially monogenic functions of degree \(k\). Zbl 1414.30050 Dong, Baohua; Kou, Kit Ian; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 6 2019 The Fock space as a de Branges-Rovnyak space. Zbl 1443.46017 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 5 2019 Radon-type transforms for holomorphic functions in the Lie ball. Zbl 1421.30065 Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 4 2019 On the Turán inequality for quaternionic polynomials. Zbl 1427.30075 Gal, Sorin G.; Sabadini, Irene 3 2019 Positive and generalized positive real lemma for slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1417.30042 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Lewkowicz, Izchak; Sabadini, Irene 1 2019 Continuity of some operators arising in the theory of superoscillations. Zbl 1402.81167 Aoki, T.; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, D. C. 30 2018 Continuity theorems for a class of convolution operators and applications to superoscillations. Zbl 1411.35091 Aoki, T.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C. 28 2018 Classes of superoscillating functions. Zbl 1402.81122 Aharonov, Y.; Sabadini, Irene; Tollaksen, J.; Yger, A. 22 2018 S-spectrum and the quaternionic Cayley transform of an operator. Zbl 1390.81244 Muraleetharan, B.; Sabadini, I.; Thirulogasanthar, K. 7 2018 Approximation by polynomials in Bergman spaces of slice regular functions in the unit ball. Zbl 1388.30072 Gal, S. G.; Sabadini, I. 6 2018 Herglotz functions of several quaternionic variables. Zbl 1393.30037 Abu-Ghanem, Khaled; Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Lewkowicz, Izchak; Sabadini, Irene 4 2018 The mathematics of superoscillations. Zbl 1383.42002 Aharonov, Yakir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Tollaksen, Jeff 48 2017 Adaptive orthonormal systems for matrix-valued functions. Zbl 1370.47011 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 21 2017 Adaptative decomposition: the case of the Drury-Arveson space. Zbl 06829778 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 21 2017 Evolution of superoscillatory initial data in several variables in uniform electric field. Zbl 1372.78004 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 18 2017 Segal-Bargmann-Fock modules of monogenic functions. Zbl 1377.30043 Peña Peña, Dixan; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 17 2017 A representation of Weyl-Heisenberg Lie algebra in the quaternionic setting. Zbl 1372.81093 Muraleetharan, B.; Thirulogasanthar, K.; Sabadini, Irene 15 2017 On a class of quaternionic positive definite functions and their derivatives. Zbl 1361.60026 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 8 2017 Carleson measures for Hardy and Bergman spaces in the quaternionic unit ball. Zbl 1375.30078 Sabadini, Irene; Saracco, Alberto 7 2017 On the Bargmann-Radon transform in the monogenic setting. Zbl 1376.30036 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 7 2017 On some splitting properties of slice regular functions. Zbl 1375.30073 González-Cervantes, J. Oscar; Sabadini, Irene 6 2017 Fueter’s theorem for monogenic functions in biaxial symmetric domains. Zbl 1383.30016 Peña Peña, Dixan; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 5 2017 Beurling-Lax type theorems in the complex and quaternionic setting. Zbl 1368.47008 Alpay, Daniel; Sabadini, Irene 4 2017 Bernstein-type inequalities for bicomplex polynomials. Zbl 1388.30078 Sabadini, I.; Vajiac, A.; Vajiac, M. B. 3 2017 On two-sided monogenic functions of axial type. Zbl 1376.30038 Peña, Dixan Peña; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Frank 2 2017 Slice hyperholomorphic Schur analysis. Zbl 1366.30001 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 104 2016 Entire slice regular functions. Zbl 1372.30001 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 82 2016 The spectral theorem for unitary operators based on the \(S\)-spectrum. Zbl 1342.35189 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 34 2016 Superoscillating sequences in several variables. Zbl 1345.32001 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 32 2016 The \(H^{\infty}\) functional calculus based on the \(S\)-spectrum for quaternionic operators and for \(n\)-tuples of noncommuting operators. Zbl 1350.47017 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 27 2016 Quantum violation of the pigeonhole principle and the nature of quantum correlations. Zbl 1355.81029 Aharonov, Yakir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Popescu, Sandu; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C.; Tollaksen, Jeff 17 2016 On the Szegő-Radon projection of monogenic functions. Zbl 1338.44003 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 8 2016 On the inversion of Fueter’s theorem. Zbl 1348.30027 Dong, Baohua; Kou, Kit Ian; Qian, Tao; Sabadini, Irene 8 2016 Interpolation problems for certain classes of slice hyperholomorphic functions. Zbl 1353.30049 Alpay, Daniel; Bolotnikov, Vladimir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 7 2016 Quaternion-valued positive definite functions on locally compact abelian groups and nuclear spaces. Zbl 1410.47008 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 5 2016 Wiener algebra for the quaternions. Zbl 1377.46034 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Kimsey, David P.; Sabadini, Irene 4 2016 A Fourier-Borel transform for monogenic functionals. Zbl 1406.30018 Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 4 2016 Monogenic plane waves and the \(W\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1350.30068 Colombo, Fabrizio; Lávička, Roman; Sabadini, Irene; Souček, Vladimír 1 2016 An introduction to superoscillatory sequences. Zbl 1372.32005 Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene; Struppa, Daniele C. 1 2016 Modern trends in hypercomplex analysis. Selected papers presented at the session on Clifford and quaternionic analysis at the 10th international ISAAC congress, University of Macau, China, August 3–8, 2015. Zbl 1359.30003 1 2016 Differential forms and Clifford analysis. Zbl 1388.30079 Sabadini, Irene; Sommen, Franciscus 1 2016 A new resolvent equation for the \(S\)-functional calculus. Zbl 1354.47016 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Gantner, Jonathan; Sabadini, Irene 39 2015 Superoscillating sequences as solutions of generalized Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1304.30036 Aharonov, Y.; Colombo, F.; Sabadini, I.; Struppa, D. C.; Tollaksen, J. 36 2015 Self-mappings of the quaternionic unit ball: multiplier properties, the Schwarz-Pick inequality, and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem. Zbl 1318.30075 Alpay, Daniel; Bolotnikov, Vladimir; Colombo, Fabrizio; Sabadini, Irene 24 2015 The Radon transform between monogenic and generalized slice monogenic functions. Zbl 1335.30017 Colombo, F.; Lávička, R.; Sabadini, I.; Souček, V. 24 2015 Realizations of slice hyperholomorphic generalized contractive and positive functions. Zbl 1335.47012 Alpay, Daniel; Colombo, Fabrizio; Lewkowicz, Izchak; Sabadini, Irene 23 2015 Approximation by polynomials on quaternionic compact sets. Zbl 1348.30028 Gal, S. G.; Sabadini, I. 19 2015 ...and 108 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 548 Authors 165 Sabadini, Irene 131 Colombo, Fabrizio 66 Struppa, Daniele Carlo 61 Sommen, Franciscus 60 Alpay, Daniel Aron 36 De Schepper, Hennie 35 Brackx, Fred F. 35 Ren, Guangbin 30 Qian, Tao 24 Bory Reyes, Juan 22 Diki, Kamal 22 Gentili, Graziano 21 Ghiloni, Riccardo 21 González-Cervantes, José Óscar 21 Soucek, Vladimir 20 Aharonov, Yakir 20 Perotti, Alessandro 20 Pinton, Stefano 19 De Martino, Antonino 18 Abreu-Blaya, Ricardo 18 Gal, Sorin Gheorghe 18 Wang, Wei 17 Eelbode, David 17 Stoppato, Caterina 16 Gantner, Jonathan 16 Lávička, Roman 15 Thirulogasanthar, Kengatharam 14 Kähler, Uwe 14 Peña Peña, Dixan 13 Kraußhar, Rolf Sören 12 Kimsey, David Patrick 12 Muraleetharan, B. 12 Xu, Zhenghua 11 De Bie, Hendrik 11 Vajiac, Mihaela B. 10 Adán, Alí Guzmán 10 Altavilla, Amedeo 10 Cerejeiras, Paula 10 Damiano, Alberto 10 Ghanmi, Allal 10 Mir, Abdullah 10 Schlosser, Peter 9 Ku, Min 8 Bisi, Cinzia 8 Bolotnikov, Vladimir 8 He, Fuli 8 Luna-Elizarrarás, María Elena 8 Vâjiac, Adrian I. 7 Lewkowicz, Izchak 7 Shapiro, Michael V. 7 Wang, Haiyan 7 Wang, Xieping 6 Bernstein, Swanhild 6 Liang, Yuxia 6 Shi, Yun 6 Vlacci, Fabio 6 Yger, Alain 5 Aoki, Takashi 5 Behrndt, Jussi 5 Cohen, Eliahu 5 de Fabritiis, Chiara 5 Dou, Xinyuan 5 Jeribi, Aref 5 Jin, Ming 5 Kang, Qianqian 5 Kumar, Romesh 5 Kumar, Sanjay 5 Lian, Pan 5 Mai, Weixiong 5 Ren, Guangzhen 5 Salač, Tomáš 4 Ahmad, Abrar 4 Berry, Michael 4 Cho, Ilwoo 4 De Knock, Bram 4 González-Campos, Daniel 4 Huo, Qinghai 4 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 4 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 4 Mongodi, Samuele 4 Moretti, Valter 4 Paiva, Ismael L. 4 Qu, Wei 4 Recupero, Vincenzo 4 Reséndis Ocampo, Lino Feliciano 4 Sarfatti, Giulia 4 Shushi, Tomer 4 Tan, Lihui 4 Tovar, Luis Manuel 4 Vasilescu, Florian-Horia 3 Abu-Ghanem, Khaled 3 Ammar, Aymen 3 Baloudi, Hatem 3 Benahmadi, Abdelhadi 3 Bureš, Jarolím 3 Chen, Justin 3 Chen, Lin 3 Cid-Ruiz, Yairon 3 Cnudde, Lander 3 Demir, Süleyman ...and 448 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 165 Serials 91 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 74 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 37 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 36 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 31 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 30 Journal of Geometry and Physics 27 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 21 Journal of Mathematical Physics 21 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 21 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 16 Mathematische Nachrichten 15 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 12 Advances in Mathematics 11 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 11 Linear Algebra and its Applications 10 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 9 Results in Mathematics 9 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Milan Journal of Mathematics 6 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 6 Foundations of Physics 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 5 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 5 Boundary Value Problems 5 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 4 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 4 Science China. Mathematics 4 Concrete Operators 3 Communications in Algebra 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 Physics Letters. A 3 Journal of Approximation Theory 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 3 Michigan Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Annals of Physics 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 3 Computational Methods and Function Theory 3 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Advances in Geometry 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 Journal of Commutative Algebra 2 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 2 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 2 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 European Journal of Physics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Inverse Problems 1 Physics Reports 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Arkiv för Matematik 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Automatica 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications ...and 65 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 528 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 195 Operator theory (47-XX) 93 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 92 Quantum theory (81-XX) 86 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 79 Functional analysis (46-XX) 55 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 51 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 26 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 24 Differential geometry (53-XX) 23 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 23 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 23 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 18 Number theory (11-XX) 18 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 18 Special functions (33-XX) 16 Potential theory (31-XX) 15 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 15 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 13 Real functions (26-XX) 12 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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