Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Salomaa, Arto Kustaa Co-Author Distance Author ID: salomaa.arto-k Published as: Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, A.; Salomaa, Arto K. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 349 Publications since 1959, including 17 Books 51 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 1 Package Reviewing Activity: 8 Reviews Biographic References: 13 Publications Co-Authors: 101 Co-Authors with 257 Joint Publications 2,995 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 145 single-authored 83 Rozenberg, Grzegorz 73 Păun, Gheorghe 34 Mateescu, Alexandru 33 Maurer, Hermann A. 33 Wood, Derick 26 Yu, Sheng 18 Salomaa, Kai T. 15 Culik, Karel II 13 Kari, Lila 8 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet 8 Ding, Cunsheng 8 Martín-Vide, Carlos 7 Dassow, Jürgen 7 Gheorghe, Marian 7 Zandron, Claudio 6 Ilie, Lucian 6 Karhumaki, Juhani 6 Mihalache, Valeria 5 Calude, Cristian S. 5 Gruska, Jozef 4 Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. 4 Petre, Ion 3 Dumitrescu, Sorina 3 Freund, Rudolf 3 Harju, Tero 3 Honkala, Juha 3 Ibarra, Oscar H. 3 Jiang, Tao 3 Jürgensen, Helmut 3 Kinber, Efim B. 3 Mitrana, Victor 3 Nielsen, Mogens 3 Nurmi, Hannu 3 Ottmann, Thomas A. 3 Ruohonen, Keijo 2 Andraşiu, Mircea 2 Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej 2 Ehrig, Hartmut 2 Han, Yo-Sub 2 Hinze, Thomas 2 Hoogeboom, Hendrik Jan 2 Kuich, Werner 2 Lipponen, Marjo 2 Marcus, Solomon 2 Mauri, Giancarlo 2 Nishida, Taishin Yasunobu 2 Paz, Azaria 2 Penttonen, Martti 2 Soittola, Matti 2 Solé, Patrick 2 Sosík, Petr 2 Szilard, Andrew L. 2 Tian, Xiaojian 1 Abbott, Alastair A. 1 Aho, Alfred Vaino 1 Alhazov, Artiom 1 Amos, Martyn 1 Atanasiu, Adrian 1 Ausiello, Giorgio 1 Autebert, Jean-Michel 1 Beauquier, Joffroy 1 Bersted, J. 1 Bezem, J. J. 1 Boasson, Luc 1 Book, Ronald Vernon 1 Brauer, Wilfried 1 Brzozowski, Janusz Antoni 1 Chanson, Samuel T. 1 Chin, Francis Y. L. 1 Cojocaru, Svetlana 1 Condon, Anne E. 1 Corne, David Wolfe 1 Csima, Judit 1 Demetrovics, János 1 Droste, Manfred 1 Ede, D. A. 1 Eleftherakis, George 1 Engelfriet, Joost 1 Erickson, Ralph O. 1 Fich, Faith Ellen 1 Frijters, Dinnus 1 Frisco, Pierluigi 1 Ginsburg, Seymour 1 Goldstine, Jonathan 1 Golze, Ulrich 1 Graciani, Carmen 1 Harel, David 1 Harte, C. 1 Horváth, Sándor 1 Huet, Gerard P. 1 Ishdorj, Tseren-Onolt 1 Katona, Gyula O. H. 1 Kefalas, Petros 1 Kok, Joost N. 1 Kreowski, Hans-Jörg 1 Laakso, Hannu 1 Latteux, Michel 1 Lepistö, Timo 1 Leporati, Alberto 1 Lewis, John Henry ...and 41 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 47 Theoretical Computer Science 27 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 15 Information and Control 14 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 12 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 11 Acta Cybernetica 11 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 10 Fundamenta Informaticae 10 Annales Universitatis Turkuensis. Ser. A I 9 Acta Informatica 8 Discrete Applied Mathematics 7 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I 6 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS 6 Journal of Universal Computer Science 4 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I. Mathematica 4 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 4 Information and Computation 4 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 3 Arkhimedes 3 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 3 Mathematical Systems Theory 3 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 3 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2 Acta Philosophica Fennica 2 Information Sciences 2 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series IV 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 2 Natural Computing 2 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 2 EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Analele Universității București. Matematică-Informatică 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 IEEE Transactions on Computers 1 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Computers and Artificial Intelligence 1 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1 Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 1 Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Informatică 1 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 1 Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press) 1 Topics in Computer Mathematics 1 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Problemy Kibernetiki 1 Natural Computing Series 1 Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series 1 Journal of Membrane Computing all top 5 Fields 351 Computer science (68-XX) 53 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 33 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 16 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 10 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 278 Publications have been cited 6,169 times in 3,718 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Handbook of formal languages. Vol. 1–3. Zbl 0866.68057 1,178 1997 Formal languages. Zbl 0262.68025 Salomaa, Arto 552 1973 Automata-theoretic aspects of formal power series. Zbl 0377.68039 Salomaa, Arto; Soittola, Matti 381 1978 Semirings, automata, languages. Zbl 0582.68002 Kuich, Werner; Salomaa, Arto 311 1986 The Oxford handbook of membrane computing. Zbl 1237.68001 270 2010 The mathematical theory of L systems. Zbl 0365.68072 Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A. 236 1976 DNA computing. New computing paradigms. Zbl 0940.68053 Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 194 1998 The mathematical theory of L systems. Zbl 0508.68031 Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 158 1980 Two complete axiom systems for the algebra of regular events. Zbl 0149.24902 Salomaa, A. 98 1966 Jewels of formal language theory. Zbl 0487.68063 Salomaa, Arto 91 1981 Theory of automata. Zbl 0193.32901 Salomaa, A. 85 1969 A sharpening of the Parikh mapping. Zbl 1005.68092 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 72 2001 Chinese remainder theorem. Applications in computing, coding, cryptography. Zbl 0907.11002 Ding, Cunsheng; Pei, Dingyi; Salomaa, Arto 60 1996 Subword histories and Parikh matrices. Zbl 1072.68085 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 46 2004 Thin and slender languages. Zbl 0831.68057 Păun, Gheorghe; Salomaa, Arto 40 1995 Matrix indicators for subword occurrences and ambiguity. Zbl 1067.68117 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 40 2004 State complexity of combined operations. Zbl 1124.68056 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 40 2007 Decision problems for patterns. Zbl 0827.68066 Jiang, Tao; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 38 1995 Computation and automata. Zbl 0565.68046 Salomaa, Arto 38 1985 Membrane computing. 10th international workshop, WMC 2009, Curtea de Arges, Romania, August 24–27, 2009. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1179.68004 37 2010 On the state complexity of reversals of regular languages. Zbl 1068.68078 Salomaa, Arto; Wood, Derick; Yu, Sheng 37 2004 Jewels of formal language theory. Zbl 0487.68064 Salomaa, Arto 36 1981 Some decision problems concerning semilinearity and commutation. Zbl 1059.68061 Harju, Tero; Ibarra, Oscar; Karhumäki, Juhani; Salomaa, Arto 36 2002 Shuffle on trajectories: Syntactic constraints. Zbl 0902.68096 Mateescu, Alexandru; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 35 1998 On the decidability of homomorphism equivalence for languages. Zbl 0389.68042 Culik, Karel II; Salomaa, Arto 33 1978 Functions and sequences generated by reaction systems. Zbl 1321.68268 Salomaa, Arto 32 2012 EOL forms. Zbl 0348.68046 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 32 1977 Pure grammars. Zbl 0446.68063 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 30 1980 Connections between subwords and certain matrix mappings. Zbl 1079.68054 Salomaa, Arto 29 2005 Systolic trellis automata. I. Zbl 0571.68041 Culik, Karel II; Gruska, Jozef; Salomaa, Arto 29 1984 Systolic trellis automata. II. Zbl 0571.68042 Culik, Karel II; Gruska, J.; Salomaa, A. 28 1984 Criteria for the matrix equivalence of words. Zbl 1192.68422 Salomaa, Arto 27 2010 Pattern languages with and without erasing. Zbl 0939.68690 Jiang, Tao; Kinber, Efim; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 26 1994 Many-valued truth functions, Černý’s conjecture and road coloring. Zbl 0952.68072 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 26 1999 Probabilistic and weighted grammars. Zbl 0188.03201 Salomaa, A. 24 1969 Systolic automata for VLSI on balanced trees. Zbl 0493.68054 Culik, Karel II; Gruska, J.; Salomaa, A. 24 1983 On sentential forms of context-free grammars. Zbl 0264.68029 Salomaa, A. 23 1973 Independence of certain quantities indicating subword occurrences. Zbl 1100.68058 Salomaa, Arto 22 2006 On the index of a context-free grammar and language. Zbl 0181.31001 Salomaa, A. 22 1969 Minimal and almost minimal reaction systems. Zbl 1334.68069 Salomaa, Arto 21 2013 Computing by splicing. Zbl 0874.68117 Pǎun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 21 1996 Cornerstones of undecidability. Zbl 0816.68078 Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 21 1994 Integral sequential word functions and growth equivalence of Lindenmayer systems. Zbl 0273.68056 Paz, Azaria; Salomaa, Arto 21 1973 L systems. Zbl 0281.00016 21 1974 Multiset processing. Mathematical, computer science, and molecular computing points of view. Zbl 0983.00053 21 2001 Composition sequences for functions over a finite domain. Zbl 1064.68058 Salomaa, Arto 21 2003 Functional constructions between reaction systems and propositional logic. Zbl 1359.68075 Salomaa, Arto 21 2013 Language-theoretic problems arising from Richelieu cryptosystems. Zbl 0797.68094 Andraşiu, Mircea; Păun, Gheroghe; Dassow, Jürgen; Salomaa, Arto 20 1993 Test sets and checking words for homomorphism equivalence. Zbl 0451.68046 Culik, Karel II; Salomaa, Arto 20 1980 Automata, languages, development. Zbl 0346.92001 20 1976 Systolic tree acceptors. Zbl 0571.68043 Culik, Karel II; Salomaa, Arto; Wood, Derick 20 1984 Algebraic systems and pushdown automata. Zbl 1484.68109 Petre, Ion; Salomaa, Arto 20 2009 On infinite words obtained by iterating morphisms. Zbl 0492.68059 Culik, Karel II; Salomaa, Arto 20 1982 Public-key cryptography. Zbl 0712.68003 Salomaa, Arto 19 1990 Lindenmayer systems. Impacts on theoretical computer science, computer graphics, and developmental biology. Zbl 0755.00005 19 1992 Equality sets for homomorphisms of free monoids. Zbl 0407.68077 Salomaa, A. 19 1978 On state sequences defined by reaction systems. Zbl 1354.68081 Salomaa, Arto 19 2012 On the injectivity of Parikh matrix mappings. Zbl 1102.68072 Salomaa, Arto 18 2005 Characterizations of recursively enumerable languages by means of insertion grammars. Zbl 0913.68126 Martin-Vide, Carlos; Păun, Gheorghe; Salomaa, Arto 17 1998 Matrix grammars with a leftmost restriction. Zbl 0241.68033 Salomaa, Arto 17 1972 Colorings and interpretations: a connection between graphs and grammar forms. Zbl 0466.05034 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 17 1981 State complexity of basic language operations combined with reversal. Zbl 1154.68073 Liu, Guangwu; Martin-Vide, Carlos; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 17 2008 Subword occurrences, Parikh matrices and Lyndon images. Zbl 1187.68300 Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 16 2010 Systolic trellis automata: Stability, decidability and complexity. Zbl 0626.68048 Culik, K. II; Gruska, J.; Salomaa, A. 16 1986 Watson-Crick finite automata. Zbl 0941.68074 Freund, R.; Păun, Gh.; Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A. 16 1999 Periodically time-variant context-free grammars. Zbl 0222.68032 Salomaa, Arto 16 1970 A characterization of poly-slender context-free languages. Zbl 0966.68097 Ilie, Lucian; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 16 2000 DNA computing, sticker systems, and universality. Zbl 0904.68127 Kari, Lila; Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 15 1998 On a family of L languages resulting from systolic tree automata. Zbl 0549.68081 Čulik, Karel II; Gruska, J.; Salomaa, A. 15 1983 Lexical analysis with a simple finite-fuzzy-automaton model. Zbl 0960.68611 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai 15 1995 On the decomposition of finite languages. Zbl 1013.68099 Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 15 2000 A homomorphic characterization of regular languages. Zbl 0481.68069 Culik, Karel II; Fich, Faith E.; Salomaa, Arto 14 1982 On good EOL forms. Zbl 0375.68034 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 14 1978 On generators and generative capacity of EOL forms. Zbl 0446.68061 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 13 1980 Language-theoretic aspects of DNA complementarity. Zbl 0952.68060 Mihalache, V.; Salomaa, A. 13 2001 On essential variables of functions, especially in the algebra of logic. Zbl 0134.00703 Salomaa, Arto 13 1963 On grammars with restricted use of productions. Zbl 0193.32502 Salomaa, Arto 13 1969 On the existence of prime decompositions. Zbl 1111.68055 Han, Yo-Sub; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Wood, Derick; Yu, Sheng 13 2007 Two-step simulations of reaction systems by minimal ones. Zbl 1349.93203 Salomaa, Arto 12 2015 Lindenmayer and DNA: Watson-Crick D0L systems. Zbl 0880.68075 Mihalache, Valeria; Salomaa, Arto 12 1997 Turing, Watson-Crick and Lindenmayer. Aspects of DNA complementarity. Zbl 0901.68055 Salomaa, Arto 12 1998 Finite degrees of ambiguity in pattern languages. Zbl 0883.68076 Mateescu, A.; Salomaa, A. 12 1994 Formal languages and power series. Zbl 0900.68287 Salomaa, A. 12 1990 Simple splicing systems. Zbl 0908.68088 Mateescu, A.; Păun, Gh.; Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A. 12 1998 Context-free grammar forms with strict interpretations. Zbl 0523.68064 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 12 1980 Operations and language generating devices suggested by the genome evolution. Zbl 0992.68129 Dassow, Jürgen; Mitrana, Victor; Salomaa, Arto 12 2002 Watson-Crick walks and roads on D0L Graphs. Zbl 0959.68061 Salomaa, Arto 12 1999 Subword histories and associated matrices. Zbl 1154.68076 Salomaa, Arto 12 2008 Closure properties of slender languages. Zbl 0801.68106 Păun, Gheorghe; Salomaa, Arto 11 1993 Dense hierarchies of grammatical families. Zbl 0491.68077 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 11 1982 Ambiguity, nondeterminism and state complexity of finite automata. Zbl 1389.68044 Han, Yo-Sub; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai 11 2017 Watson-Crick D0L systems with regular triggers. Zbl 0972.68099 Honkala, J.; Salomaa, A. 11 2001 The book of L. Dedicated to Aristid Lindenmayer on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 0575.00023 11 1986 L codes and number systems. Zbl 0531.68027 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 11 1983 Return to patterns. Zbl 0825.68442 Salomaa, Arto 10 1995 On exponential growth in Lindenmayer systems. Zbl 0267.68032 Salomaa, Arto 10 1973 Nonterminals, homomorphisms and codings in different variations of OL- systems. I: Deterministic systems. Zbl 0357.68094 Nielsen, M.; Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A.; Skyum, S. 10 1974 Uniform interpretations of L forms. Zbl 0367.68053 Maurer, H. A.; Salomaa, A.; Wood, D. 10 1978 Networks of language processors: parallel communicating systems. Zbl 1054.68084 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsebet; Salomaa, Arto 10 2001 A theorem concerning the composition of functions of several variables ranging over a finite set. Zbl 0119.25001 Salomaa, Arto 10 1960 Descriptional complexity of finite automata – selected highlights. Zbl 1547.68378 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Smith, Taylor J. 1 2024 Membrane computing. 21st international conference, CMC 2020, virtual event, September 14–18, 2020. Revised selected papers. Zbl 1475.68021 1 2021 Parikh matrices: subword indicators and degrees of ambiguity. Zbl 1514.68241 Salomaa, Arto 6 2018 Enjoying natural computing. Essays dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Zbl 1400.68023 2 2018 Ambiguity, nondeterminism and state complexity of finite automata. Zbl 1389.68044 Han, Yo-Sub; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai 11 2017 Minimal reaction systems: duration and blips. Zbl 1371.68200 Salomaa, Arto 5 2017 Two-step simulations of reaction systems by minimal ones. Zbl 1349.93203 Salomaa, Arto 12 2015 Applications of the Chinese remainder theorem to reaction systems with duration. Zbl 1329.68113 Salomaa, Arto 8 2015 Compositions of reaction systems. Zbl 1355.68097 Salomaa, Arto 9 2014 Minimal reaction systems defining subset functions. Zbl 1323.68277 Salomaa, Arto 8 2014 Minimal and almost minimal reaction systems. Zbl 1334.68069 Salomaa, Arto 21 2013 Functional constructions between reaction systems and propositional logic. Zbl 1359.68075 Salomaa, Arto 21 2013 Undecidability of state complexity. Zbl 1401.68167 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 2 2013 Membrane computing. 13th international conference, CMC 2012, Budapest, Hungary, August 28–31, 2012. Revised selected papers. Zbl 1258.68007 1 2013 Functions and sequences generated by reaction systems. Zbl 1321.68268 Salomaa, Arto 32 2012 On state sequences defined by reaction systems. Zbl 1354.68081 Salomaa, Arto 19 2012 Mirror images and schemes for the maximal complexity of nondeterminism. Zbl 1294.68105 Salomaa, Arto 2 2012 Undecidability of state complexities using mirror images. Zbl 1367.68177 Salomaa, Arto 1 2012 Membrane computing. 12th international conference, CMC 2011, Fontainebleau, France, August 23–26, 2011. Revised selected papers. Zbl 1235.68029 1 2012 Undecidability of the state complexity of composed regular operations. Zbl 1330.68179 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 8 2011 Power sums associated with certain recursive procedures on words. Zbl 1223.68069 Salomaa, Arto 1 2011 Rainbow of computer science. Dedicated to Hermann Maurer on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Zbl 1214.68007 1 2011 The Oxford handbook of membrane computing. Zbl 1237.68001 270 2010 Membrane computing. 10th international workshop, WMC 2009, Curtea de Arges, Romania, August 24–27, 2009. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1179.68004 37 2010 Criteria for the matrix equivalence of words. Zbl 1192.68422 Salomaa, Arto 27 2010 Subword occurrences, Parikh matrices and Lyndon images. Zbl 1187.68300 Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 16 2010 Subword balance, position indices and power sums. Zbl 1215.68123 Salomaa, Arto 8 2010 Algebraic systems and pushdown automata. Zbl 1484.68109 Petre, Ion; Salomaa, Arto 20 2009 Characteristic words for Parikh matrices. Zbl 1182.68106 Salomaa, Arto 3 2009 Upper triangular matrices and subword occurrences. Zbl 1186.68348 Salomaa, Arto 2 2009 Variants of codes and indecomposable languages. Zbl 1192.68423 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 2 2009 Membrane computing. 9th international workshop, WMC 2008, Edinburgh, UK, July 28–31, 2008. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1167.68002 2 2009 State complexity of basic language operations combined with reversal. Zbl 1154.68073 Liu, Guangwu; Martin-Vide, Carlos; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 17 2008 Subword histories and associated matrices. Zbl 1154.68076 Salomaa, Arto 12 2008 Length codes, products of languages and primality. Zbl 1156.68464 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 1 2008 State complexity of combined operations. Zbl 1124.68056 Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 40 2007 On the existence of prime decompositions. Zbl 1111.68055 Han, Yo-Sub; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Wood, Derick; Yu, Sheng 13 2007 Comparing subword occurrences in binary D0L sequences. Zbl 1183.68353 Salomaa, Arto 5 2007 Subword balance in binary words, languages and sequences. Zbl 1108.68072 Salomaa, Arto 4 2007 Spiking neural P systems: An early survey. Zbl 1117.68035 Păun, Gheorghe; Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J.; Salomaa, Arto 2 2007 Membrane computing. 8th international workshop, WMC 2007 Thessaloniki, Greece, June 25–28, 2007. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1132.68008 1 2007 Independence of certain quantities indicating subword occurrences. Zbl 1100.68058 Salomaa, Arto 22 2006 On some problems of Mateescu concerning subword occurrences. Zbl 1157.68379 Ding, Cunsheng; Salomaa, Arto 9 2006 Subword conditions and subword histories. Zbl 1171.68534 Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 9 2006 Secret sharing schemes with nice access structures. Zbl 1103.94022 Ding, Cunsheng; Salomaa, Arto 8 2006 Membrane computing. 6th international workshop, WMC 2005, Vienna, Austria, July 18–21, 2005. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1098.68003 1 2006 Membrane computing. 7th international workshop, WMC 2006, Leiden, The Netherlands, July 17–21, 2006. Revised, selected and invited papers. Zbl 1115.68002 1 2006 Connections between subwords and certain matrix mappings. Zbl 1079.68054 Salomaa, Arto 29 2005 On the injectivity of Parikh matrix mappings. Zbl 1102.68072 Salomaa, Arto 18 2005 DNA computing. New computing paradigms. Corr. 2nd printing. Zbl 1069.68559 Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 9 2005 Three constructions of authentication/secrecy codes. Zbl 1068.94021 Ding, Cunsheng; Salomaa, Arto; Solé, Patrick; Tian, Xiaojian 7 2005 Membrane computing. 5th international workshop, WMC 2004, Milan, Italy, June 14–16, 2004. Revised selected and invited papers. Zbl 1067.68008 1 2005 Subword histories and Parikh matrices. Zbl 1072.68085 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 46 2004 Matrix indicators for subword occurrences and ambiguity. Zbl 1067.68117 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 40 2004 On the state complexity of reversals of regular languages. Zbl 1068.68078 Salomaa, Arto; Wood, Derick; Yu, Sheng 37 2004 The power of networks of Watson-Crick D0L systems. Zbl 1200.68132 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet; Salomaa, Arto 7 2004 Current trends in theoretical computer science. The challenge of the new century. Vol. 1: Algorithms and complexity. Zbl 1047.68163 1 2004 Composition sequences for functions over a finite domain. Zbl 1064.68058 Salomaa, Arto 21 2003 Cartesian authentication codes from functions with optimal nonlinearity. Zbl 1044.68050 Chanson, Samuel; Ding, Cunsheng; Salomaa, Arto 9 2003 Counting (scattered) subwords. Zbl 1169.68491 Salomaa, Arto 8 2003 Power and size of extended Watson-Crick \(L\) systems. Zbl 1038.68075 Csima, Judit; Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet; Salomaa, Arto 7 2003 Three constructions of authentication/secrecy codes. Zbl 1031.94532 Ding, Cunsheng; Salomaa, Arto; Solé, Patrick; Tian, Xiaojian 6 2003 Watson-Crick D0L systems: The power of one transition. Zbl 1022.68069 Salomaa, Arto; Sosík, Petr 4 2003 From Watson-Crick L systems to Darwinian P systems. Zbl 1048.68042 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet; Martín-Vide, Carlos; Păun, Gheorghe; Salomaa, Arto 3 2003 Membrane computing. International workshop, WMC-CdeA 2002, Curtea de Arges, Romania, August 19–23, 2002. Revised papers. Zbl 1015.00026 2 2003 Some decision problems concerning semilinearity and commutation. Zbl 1059.68061 Harju, Tero; Ibarra, Oscar; Karhumäki, Juhani; Salomaa, Arto 36 2002 Operations and language generating devices suggested by the genome evolution. Zbl 0992.68129 Dassow, Jürgen; Mitrana, Victor; Salomaa, Arto 12 2002 Factorizations of languages and commutativity conditions. Zbl 1065.68063 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 9 2002 Uni-transitional Watson-Crick D0L systems. Zbl 0996.68085 Salomaa, Arto 8 2002 Generation of constants and synchronization of finite automata. Zbl 1258.68090 Salomaa, Arto 5 2002 Formal and natural computing. Essays dedicated to Grzegorz Rozenberg. Zbl 0989.00070 4 2002 Synchronization of finite automata: Contributions to an old problem. Zbl 1026.68085 Salomaa, Arto 3 2002 Topics in the theory of DNA computing. Zbl 1061.68048 Amos, Martyn; Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 2 2002 Nondeterministic trajectories. Zbl 1060.68063 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 2 2002 A sharpening of the Parikh mapping. Zbl 1005.68092 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto; Salomaa, Kai; Yu, Sheng 72 2001 Multiset processing. Mathematical, computer science, and molecular computing points of view. Zbl 0983.00053 21 2001 Language-theoretic aspects of DNA complementarity. Zbl 0952.68060 Mihalache, V.; Salomaa, A. 13 2001 Watson-Crick D0L systems with regular triggers. Zbl 0972.68099 Honkala, J.; Salomaa, A. 11 2001 Networks of language processors: parallel communicating systems. Zbl 1054.68084 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsebet; Salomaa, Arto 10 2001 Decision questions concerning semilinearity, morphisms, and commutation of languages. Zbl 0986.68048 Harju, Tero; Ibarra, Oscar; Karhumäki, Juhani; Salomaa, Arto 3 2001 Iterated morphisms with complementarity on the DNA alphabet. Zbl 1499.68164 Salomaa, Arto 3 2001 Compositions over a finite domain: From completeness to synchronizable automata. Zbl 0992.68133 Salomaa, Arto 1 2001 Sewing contexts and mildly context-sensitive languages. Zbl 1007.68099 Martín-Vide, Carlos; Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 1 2001 Current trends in theoretical computer science. Entering the 21st century. Based on columns and tutorials published in the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), 1992–2000. Zbl 0990.00029 1 2001 Lindenmayer and DNA: Watson-Crick D0L systems. Zbl 1069.68068 Mihalache, Valeria; Salomaa, Arto 1 2001 A characterization of poly-slender context-free languages. Zbl 0966.68097 Ilie, Lucian; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 16 2000 On the decomposition of finite languages. Zbl 1013.68099 Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 15 2000 On strongly context-free languages. Zbl 0958.68084 Ilie, Lucian; Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 6 2000 Membrane computing with external output. Zbl 0954.68074 Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 5 2000 Many-valued truth functions, Černý’s conjecture and road coloring. Zbl 0952.68072 Mateescu, Alexandru; Salomaa, Arto 26 1999 Watson-Crick finite automata. Zbl 0941.68074 Freund, R.; Păun, Gh.; Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A. 16 1999 Watson-Crick walks and roads on D0L Graphs. Zbl 0959.68061 Salomaa, Arto 12 1999 DNA computing: New ideas and paradigms. Zbl 0939.68040 Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 2 1999 Contexts on trajectories. Zbl 0937.68083 Martin-Vide, C.; Mateescu, A.; Rozenberg, G.; Salomaa, A. 2 1999 Grammatical models of multi-agent systems. Zbl 0924.00020 1 1999 Caesar and DNA. Views on cryptology. Zbl 0954.94015 Salomaa, Arto 1 1999 DNA computing. New computing paradigms. Zbl 0940.68053 Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 194 1998 Shuffle on trajectories: Syntactic constraints. Zbl 0902.68096 Mateescu, Alexandru; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto 35 1998 Characterizations of recursively enumerable languages by means of insertion grammars. Zbl 0913.68126 Martin-Vide, Carlos; Păun, Gheorghe; Salomaa, Arto 17 1998 DNA computing, sticker systems, and universality. Zbl 0904.68127 Kari, Lila; Păun, Gheorghe; Rozenberg, Grzegorz; Salomaa, Arto; Yu, Sheng 15 1998 ...and 178 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,811 Authors 122 Rozenberg, Grzegorz 105 Salomaa, Arto Kustaa 93 Păun, Gheorghe 78 Salomaa, Kai T. 66 Honkala, Juha 64 Karhumaki, Juhani 54 Dassow, Jürgen 53 Mitrana, Victor 52 Ibarra, Oscar H. 52 Kari, Lila 51 Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej 51 Freund, Rudolf 51 Yu, Sheng 46 Pan, Linqiang 46 Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. 43 Alhazov, Artiom 43 Csuhaj-Varjú, Erzsébet 42 Fernau, Henning 41 Culik, Karel II 41 Droste, Manfred 41 Subramanian, Kumbakonam Govindarajan 39 Wood, Derick 37 Okhotin, Alexander 35 Kutrib, Martin 34 Manea, Florin 32 Holzer, Markus 32 Verlan, Sergey 31 Ésik, Zoltán 31 McQuillan, Ian 30 Maurer, Hermann A. 29 Han, Yo-Sub 29 Ivanov, Sergiu 29 Sosík, Petr 28 Konstantinidis, Stavros 28 Meduna, Alexander 28 Teh, Wen Chean 28 Vaszil, Gyorgy 27 Ciobanu, Gabriel 27 Mauri, Giancarlo 27 Song, Bosheng 25 Păun, Andrei 25 Wang, Jun 24 Kuich, Werner 24 Reidenbach, Daniel 24 Valencia-Cabrera, Luis 23 Engelfriet, Joost 23 Nagy, Benedek 23 Vogler, Heiko 22 Harju, Tero 22 Peng, Hong 22 Zandron, Claudio 20 Maletti, Andreas 20 Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 19 Aman, Bogdan 19 Martín-Vide, Carlos 19 Truthe, Bianca 18 Bordihn, Henning 18 Mateescu, Alexandru 18 Yokomori, Takashi 18 Zeng, Xiangxiang 17 Atanasiu, Adrian 17 Cavaliere, Matteo 17 D’Alessandro, Flavio 17 Fülöp, Zoltán 17 Kleijn, Jetty 17 Kuppusamy, Lakshmanan 17 Restivo, Antonio 16 Blanchet-Sadri, Francine 16 Domaratzki, Michael 16 Ilie, Lucian 16 Krithivasan, Kamala 16 Leporati, Alberto 16 Mahalingam, Kalpana 16 Manzoni, Luca E. 16 Porreca, Antonio E. 16 Verraedt, Raymond 15 Crespi Reghizzi, Stefano 15 Head, Thomas J. 15 Jirásková, Galina 15 Jürgensen, Helmut 15 Latteux, Michel 15 Orellana-Martín, David 15 Seki, Shinnosuke 14 Cienciala, Luděk 14 Malcher, Andreas 14 Otto, Friedrich 14 Petre, Ion 14 Schmid, Markus L. 14 Staiger, Ludwig 13 Agahi, Hamzeh 13 Bonizzoni, Paola 13 De Felice, Clelia 13 Finkel, Olivier 13 Gheorghe, Marian 13 Kari, Jarkko 13 Klíma, Ondřej 13 Raman, Indhumathi 13 Rodríguez-Patón, Alfonso 13 Ruohonen, Keijo 13 Zizza, Rosalba ...and 2,711 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 282 Serials 1,005 Theoretical Computer Science 164 Information and Computation 147 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 140 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 133 Information Processing Letters 105 Discrete Applied Mathematics 90 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 85 Acta Informatica 85 Information Sciences 81 Natural Computing 73 Journal of Membrane Computing 41 Discrete Mathematics 36 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 33 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 32 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 32 Theory of Computing Systems 31 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 28 Soft Computing 23 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 18 Mathematical Systems Theory 18 Fundamenta Informaticae 16 Semigroup Forum 15 Kybernetika 15 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 14 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 13 Journal of Algebra 13 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 12 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 11 Logical Methods in Computer Science 10 Algebra Universalis 10 Finite Fields and their Applications 9 Advances in Applied Mathematics 9 New Generation Computing 9 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 8 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 8 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 8 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 7 Computing 7 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 7 Mathematica Slovaca 7 European Journal of Combinatorics 7 Neural Computation 7 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 7 Cryptography and Communications 6 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 5 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 5 Studia Logica 5 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 5 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Automatica 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Order 4 Journal of Symbolic Computation 4 Journal of Automated Reasoning 4 Neural Networks 4 Formal Methods in System Design 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 4 Complexity 4 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 4 Journal of Applied Logic 4 Journal of Theoretical Biology 4 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Rouge 4 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Mathematical Biosciences 3 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 3 Systems & Control Letters 3 Physica D 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Formal Aspects of Computing 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Journal of Analysis and Applications 3 Advances in Mathematics of Communications 3 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 3 Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematics 3 Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika 2 International Journal of Modern Physics B 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Computer Physics Communications ...and 182 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 51 Fields 3,299 Computer science (68-XX) 293 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 166 Combinatorics (05-XX) 163 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 162 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 117 Number theory (11-XX) 115 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 112 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 65 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 56 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 46 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 39 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 38 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 33 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 33 Real functions (26-XX) 31 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 30 Measure and integration (28-XX) 29 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 12 General topology (54-XX) 11 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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