Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Samuel-Cahn, Ester Co-Author Distance Author ID: samuel-cahn.ester Published as: Samuel-Cahn, Ester; Samuel-Cahn, E. Documents Indexed: 59 Publications since 1974 Co-Authors: 12 Co-Authors with 37 Joint Publications 291 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 22 single-authored 11 Assaf, David 8 Goldstein, Larry 7 Krieger, Abba M. 6 Sackrowitz, Harold B. 5 Rinott, Yosef 4 Cohen, Arthur 3 Bartroff, Jay 3 Pollak, Moshe 2 Zamir, Shmuel 1 Brown, Lawrence David 1 Mertens, Jean-François 1 Wax, Yohanan all top 5 Serials 9 Journal of Applied Probability 6 Advances in Applied Probability 5 Sequential Analysis 4 Statistics & Probability Letters 3 The Annals of Probability 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Journal of the American Statistical Association 3 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 The Annals of Applied Probability 3 Communications in Statistics 2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 Bernoulli 1 Biometrics 1 Biometrika 1 Communications in Statistics. Sequential Analysis 1 Statistics & Decisions 1 Statistical Science 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Management Science. Ser. A, Theory Series all top 5 Fields 39 Statistics (62-XX) 36 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 44 Publications have been cited 251 times in 204 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Comparison of threshold stop rules and maximum for independent nonnegative random variables. Zbl 0549.60036 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 39 1984 Estimation of the mean of a selected negative exponential population. Zbl 0547.62015 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 20 1984 Is the Simes improved Bonferroni procedure conservative? Zbl 0885.62020 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 19 1996 Evaluating the chosen population: A Bayes and minimax approach. Zbl 0679.62006 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 17 1986 Asymptotic distributions for occupancy and waiting time problems with positive probability of falling through the cells. Zbl 0285.60005 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 15 1974 Select sets: rank and file. Zbl 1128.62024 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 9 2007 Necessary and sufficient conditions for recurrence and transience of Markov chains, in terms of inequalities. Zbl 0398.60068 Mertens, Jean-Francois; Samuel-Cahn, Ester; Zamir, Shmuel 9 1978 On optimal allocation of a continuous resource using an iterative approach and total positivity. Zbl 1229.62105 Bartroff, Jay; Goldstein, Larry; Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 2010 Ratio prophet inequalities when the mortal has several choices. Zbl 1012.60045 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 2002 Optimal stopping with random horizon with application to the full-information best-choice problem with random freeze. Zbl 0871.62068 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 1996 The secretary problem: Minimizing the expected rank with i.i.d. random variables. Zbl 0857.60039 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 7 1996 Constructing tests for normal order-restricted inference. Zbl 0837.62050 Cohen, Arthur; Sackrowitz, Harold B.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 7 1995 The best-choice secretary problem with random freeze on jobs. Zbl 0821.60051 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 6 1995 Beat the mean: sequential selection by better than average rules. Zbl 1137.62055 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 6 2008 Comparisons of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 0639.60052 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 5 1987 Orderings of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for certain multivariate distributions. Zbl 0722.60040 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 1991 A difference prophet inequality for bounded i.i.d. variables, with cost for observations. Zbl 0777.60035 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 1992 Simple ratio prophet inequalities for a mortal with multiple choices. Zbl 0982.60027 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2000 A sharp necessary condition for admissibility of sequential tests - necessary and sufficient conditions for admissibility of SPRT’s. Zbl 0539.62093 Brown, L. D.; Cohen, Arthur; Samuel-Cahn, E. 4 1983 The secretary problem of minimizing the expected rank: a simple suboptimal approach with generalizations. Zbl 1186.62101 Krieger, Abba M.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2009 The fighter problem: optimal allocation of a discrete commodity. Zbl 1250.90106 Bartroff, Jay; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2011 The spend-it-all region and small time results for the continuous bomber problem. Zbl 1201.62096 Bartroff, Jay; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2010 Two-choice optimal stopping. Zbl 1086.62087 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2004 Optimal multivariate stopping rules. Zbl 0937.60040 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1998 Optimal stopping for i.i.d. random variables based on the sequential information of the location of relative records only. Zbl 1144.62068 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 2007 Repeated significance test II, for hypotheses about the normal distribution. Zbl 0297.62063 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1974 Extreme(ly) mean(ingful): sequential formation of a quality group. Zbl 1513.62092 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 2010 Optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for some dependent random variables. Zbl 1400.60056 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1992 Prophet inequalities for bounded negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 0746.60045 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1991 Optimal cooperative stopping rules for maximization of the product of the expected stopped values. Zbl 0912.60061 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1998 Covariance between variables and their order statistics for multivariate normal variables. Zbl 0803.62041 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1994 Prophet inequalities for threshold rules for independent bounded random variables. Zbl 0651.60056 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1988 A generalized secretary problem. Zbl 1383.62200 Krieger, Abba; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 2016 Cone order association. Zbl 0898.62072 Cohen, Arthur; Sackrowitz, H. B.; Samuel-Cahn, E. 1 1995 A note about a curious generalization of Simes’ theorem. Zbl 1063.62559 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1999 Optimal two-choice stopping on an exponential sequence. Zbl 1108.60033 Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2006 Simple approximations to the expected waiting time for a cluster of any given size, for point processes. Zbl 0528.60042 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1983 A statistical version of prophet inequalities. Zbl 0929.62088 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1998 Maximizing expected value with two stage stopping rules. Zbl 1149.62071 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2006 Inspection procedures for Markov chains. Zbl 0315.90025 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1974 Algebraic characterization of infinite Markov chains where movement to the right is limited to one step. Zbl 0389.60050 Samuel-Cahn, Ester; Zamir, Shmuel 1 1977 Prophet inequalities for optimal stopping rules with probabilistic recall. Zbl 1006.60036 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2002 Two kinds of repeated significance tests, and their application for the uniform distribution. Zbl 0281.62084 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1974 Generalized bomber and fighter problems: offline optimal allocation of a discrete asset. Zbl 1301.60101 Krieger, Abba M.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2013 A generalized secretary problem. Zbl 1383.62200 Krieger, Abba; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 2016 Generalized bomber and fighter problems: offline optimal allocation of a discrete asset. Zbl 1301.60101 Krieger, Abba M.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2013 The fighter problem: optimal allocation of a discrete commodity. Zbl 1250.90106 Bartroff, Jay; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2011 On optimal allocation of a continuous resource using an iterative approach and total positivity. Zbl 1229.62105 Bartroff, Jay; Goldstein, Larry; Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 2010 The spend-it-all region and small time results for the continuous bomber problem. Zbl 1201.62096 Bartroff, Jay; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2010 Extreme(ly) mean(ingful): sequential formation of a quality group. Zbl 1513.62092 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 2010 The secretary problem of minimizing the expected rank: a simple suboptimal approach with generalizations. Zbl 1186.62101 Krieger, Abba M.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2009 Beat the mean: sequential selection by better than average rules. Zbl 1137.62055 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 6 2008 Select sets: rank and file. Zbl 1128.62024 Krieger, Abba M.; Pollak, Moshe; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 9 2007 Optimal stopping for i.i.d. random variables based on the sequential information of the location of relative records only. Zbl 1144.62068 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 2007 Optimal two-choice stopping on an exponential sequence. Zbl 1108.60033 Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2006 Maximizing expected value with two stage stopping rules. Zbl 1149.62071 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2006 Two-choice optimal stopping. Zbl 1086.62087 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2004 Ratio prophet inequalities when the mortal has several choices. Zbl 1012.60045 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 2002 Prophet inequalities for optimal stopping rules with probabilistic recall. Zbl 1006.60036 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 2002 Simple ratio prophet inequalities for a mortal with multiple choices. Zbl 0982.60027 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 2000 A note about a curious generalization of Simes’ theorem. Zbl 1063.62559 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1999 Optimal multivariate stopping rules. Zbl 0937.60040 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1998 Optimal cooperative stopping rules for maximization of the product of the expected stopped values. Zbl 0912.60061 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1998 A statistical version of prophet inequalities. Zbl 0929.62088 Assaf, David; Goldstein, Larry; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1998 Is the Simes improved Bonferroni procedure conservative? Zbl 0885.62020 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 19 1996 Optimal stopping with random horizon with application to the full-information best-choice problem with random freeze. Zbl 0871.62068 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 8 1996 The secretary problem: Minimizing the expected rank with i.i.d. random variables. Zbl 0857.60039 Assaf, David; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 7 1996 Constructing tests for normal order-restricted inference. Zbl 0837.62050 Cohen, Arthur; Sackrowitz, Harold B.; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 7 1995 The best-choice secretary problem with random freeze on jobs. Zbl 0821.60051 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 6 1995 Cone order association. Zbl 0898.62072 Cohen, Arthur; Sackrowitz, H. B.; Samuel-Cahn, E. 1 1995 Covariance between variables and their order statistics for multivariate normal variables. Zbl 0803.62041 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1994 A difference prophet inequality for bounded i.i.d. variables, with cost for observations. Zbl 0777.60035 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 1992 Optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for some dependent random variables. Zbl 1400.60056 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1992 Orderings of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for certain multivariate distributions. Zbl 0722.60040 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 4 1991 Prophet inequalities for bounded negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 0746.60045 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1991 Prophet inequalities for threshold rules for independent bounded random variables. Zbl 0651.60056 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 2 1988 Comparisons of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for negatively dependent random variables. Zbl 0639.60052 Rinott, Yosef; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 5 1987 Evaluating the chosen population: A Bayes and minimax approach. Zbl 0679.62006 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 17 1986 Comparison of threshold stop rules and maximum for independent nonnegative random variables. Zbl 0549.60036 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 39 1984 Estimation of the mean of a selected negative exponential population. Zbl 0547.62015 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 20 1984 A sharp necessary condition for admissibility of sequential tests - necessary and sufficient conditions for admissibility of SPRT’s. Zbl 0539.62093 Brown, L. D.; Cohen, Arthur; Samuel-Cahn, E. 4 1983 Simple approximations to the expected waiting time for a cluster of any given size, for point processes. Zbl 0528.60042 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1983 Necessary and sufficient conditions for recurrence and transience of Markov chains, in terms of inequalities. Zbl 0398.60068 Mertens, Jean-Francois; Samuel-Cahn, Ester; Zamir, Shmuel 9 1978 Algebraic characterization of infinite Markov chains where movement to the right is limited to one step. Zbl 0389.60050 Samuel-Cahn, Ester; Zamir, Shmuel 1 1977 Asymptotic distributions for occupancy and waiting time problems with positive probability of falling through the cells. Zbl 0285.60005 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 15 1974 Repeated significance test II, for hypotheses about the normal distribution. Zbl 0297.62063 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 3 1974 Inspection procedures for Markov chains. Zbl 0315.90025 Sackrowitz, Harold; Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1974 Two kinds of repeated significance tests, and their application for the uniform distribution. Zbl 0281.62084 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 1 1974 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 290 Authors 16 Samuel-Cahn, Ester 7 Cohen, Arthur 7 Correa, José R. 7 Sackrowitz, Harold B. 6 Bruss, Franz Thomas 6 Misra, Neeraj Kumar 5 Weinberg, Seth Matthew 4 Bartroff, Jay 4 Dütting, Paul 4 Ezra, Tomer 4 Goldstein, Larry 4 Kleinberg, Robert D. 4 Krieger, Abba M. 4 Kumar, Somesh 4 Tamaki, Mitsushi 3 Allaart, Pieter C. 3 Arshad, Mohd Rizal 3 Assaf, David 3 Feldman, Michal 3 Gangopadhyay, Aditi Kar 3 Gravin, Nick 3 Mahapatra, Ajaya Kumar 3 Nematollahi, Nader 3 O’Neill, Ben 3 Rinott, Yosef 3 Verdugo, Víctor 2 Alvo, Mayer 2 Cha, Ji Hwan 2 Chen, Jie 2 Chen, John Tuhao 2 Cristi, Andrés 2 Fielbaum, Andrés 2 Foncea, Patricio 2 Gao, Xin 2 Gnedin, Alexander V. 2 Hanschke, Thomas 2 Helmi, Ahmed Mohamed 2 Hill, Theodore Preston 2 Ivchenko, Grigoriĭ Ivanovich 2 Jha, Brijesh Kumar 2 Kayal, Suchandan 2 Keßelheim, Thomas 2 Krasnosielska-Kobos, Anna 2 Krummenauer, Frank 2 Lucier, Brendan 2 Malinovsky, Yaakov 2 Masihuddin 2 Medvedev, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 2 Meena, Kalu Ram 2 Meier, Martin 2 Menon, V. V. 2 Mladenović, Pavle 2 Osękowski, Adam 2 Panholzer, Alois 2 Pepple Williamson, Patricia 2 Pizarro, Dana 2 Pollak, Moshe 2 Pollner, Tristan 2 Prasad, Badri Nath 2 Sarkar, Sanat Kumar 2 Sen, Pranab Kumar 2 Sivan, Balasubramanian 2 Sobel, Milton 2 Sögner, Leopold 2 Tang, Zhihao Gavin 2 van der Meulen, Edward C. 2 Vanden Branden, Karlien 2 Vellaisamy, Palaniappan 2 Weber, Richard Robert 1 Abdalghani, Omer 1 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 1 Anderson, Keaven M. 1 Ano, Katsunori 1 Arlotto, Alessandro 1 Azar, Pablo Daniel 1 Badía, Francisco German 1 Berger, James Orvis 1 Betensky, Rebecca A. 1 Beyhaghi, Hedyeh 1 Bloch-Mercier, Sophie 1 Block, Henry W. 1 Cai, Gengqian 1 Cai, Linda 1 Caragiannis, Ioannis 1 Casella, George 1 Chawla, Shuchi 1 Chun, Young Hak 1 Cocozza-Thivent, Christiane 1 Cooke, Peter J. 1 Coolen, Frank P. A. 1 Cordeiro, James D. 1 Dana, Pizarro 1 DasGupta, Anirban 1 DeHaan, Ian 1 del Puerto, Inés Maria 1 Dendievel, Rémi 1 Disser, Yann 1 Dotsenko, Sergeĭ I. 1 Dupuis, Paul G. 1 Ebneshahrashoob, Morteza ...and 190 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 74 Serials 21 Statistics & Probability Letters 18 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 13 Sequential Analysis 11 Journal of Applied Probability 9 Advances in Applied Probability 6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 5 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 5 Mathematics of Operations Research 4 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 4 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 4 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 3 Games and Economic Behavior 3 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 2 The Annals of Probability 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Statistics 2 Statistical Science 2 Algorithmica 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 Statistical Papers 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2 Mathematica Applicanda 1 The American Statistician 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Stochastics 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 Biometrical Journal 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Operations Research 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Theory and Decision 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 OR Spektrum 1 Optimization 1 Journal of Theoretical Probability 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Test 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Electronic Communications in Probability 1 Bernoulli 1 Positivity 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Statistical Methodology 1 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Financial Economics 1 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1 Probability Surveys 1 Matematicheskaya Teoriya Igr i eë Prilozheniya 1 Dynamic Games and Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 118 Statistics (62-XX) 103 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 41 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 26 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 16 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year