Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Schmidt, Klaus Co-Author Distance Author ID: schmidt.klaus Published as: Schmidt, Klaus; Schmidt, K. Homepage: http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~kschmidt/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 122 Publications since 1970, including 6 Books and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 42 Co-Authors with 67 Joint Publications 1,404 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 54 single-authored 11 Lind, Douglas A. 8 Verbitskiy, Evgeny A. 5 Kitchens, Bruce P. 5 Parthasarathy, Kalyanapuram Rangachari 4 Einsiedler, Manfred Leopold 3 Greschonig, Gernot 3 Li, Hanfeng 3 Parry, William 2 Dani, Shrikrishna Gopalrao 2 Göll, Martin 2 Katok, Anatole 2 Lindenstrauss, Elon 2 Vershik, Anatoliĭ Moiseevich 2 Ward, Thomas 1 Aaronson, Jon 1 Arzhakova, Elizaveta 1 Baxter, Rodney J. 1 Bhattacharya, Siddhartha 1 Birman, Joan S. 1 Bisch, Dietmar H. 1 Butler, Roger A. R. 1 Conder, Marston Donald Edward 1 Connes, Alain 1 de la Harpe, Pierre 1 Deninger, Christopher 1 Eilenberger, Gert 1 Evans, David E. 1 Fan, Ai Hua 1 Freedman, Michael Hartley 1 Gabriel, Patrick 1 Goodman, Fred J. 1 Guionnet, Alice 1 Hamachi, Toshihiro 1 Hawkins, Jane M. 1 Izumi, Masaki 1 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 1 Jones, Vaughan Frederick Randal 1 Kaimanovich, Vadim A. 1 Katok, Svetlana R. 1 Kawahigashi, Yasuyuki 1 Kirby, Robion Cromwell 1 Lehrer, Gustav Isaac 1 Lemańczyk, Mariusz 1 Longo, Roberto 1 Losert, Viktor 1 Mäkeläinen, Timo 1 Manning, Anthony 1 Martin, Gaven J. 1 Moor, Thomas 1 Moore, Calvin C. 1 Perk, Sebastian 1 Petersen, Karl E. 1 Peterson, Jess 1 Pollicott, Mark 1 Popa, Sorin Teodor 1 Putnam, Ian F. 1 Ratcliffe, John G. 1 Reshetikhin, Nikolai Yu. 1 Rudolph, Daniel J. 1 Schlickewei, Hans Peter 1 Shlyakhtenko, Dimitri L. 1 Skandalis, Georges 1 Skau, Christian Fredrik 1 Strasser, Gabriel 1 Styan, George P. H. 1 Sutherland, Colin E. 1 Tichy, Robert Franz 1 Walters, Peter 1 Witten, Edward 1 Woess, Wolfgang 1 Woodin, W. Hugh 1 Zinterhof, Peter all top 5 Serials 12 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 10 Israel Journal of Mathematics 7 Inventiones Mathematicae 6 Monatshefte für Mathematik 6 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Mathematical Research Letters 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Acta Mathematica 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Computing 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 1 Progress in Mathematics 1 Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 1 Developments in Mathematics 1 Modern Birkhäuser Classics 1 Mathematik Kompakt all top 5 Fields 62 Measure and integration (28-XX) 61 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 33 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 23 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 14 General topology (54-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 101 Publications have been cited 1,837 times in 1,198 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Dynamical systems of algebraic origin. Zbl 0833.28001 Schmidt, Klaus 164 1995 On periodic expansions of Pisot numbers and Salem numbers. Zbl 0494.10040 Schmidt, Klaus 137 1980 Cocycles on ergodic transformation groups. Zbl 0421.28017 Schmidt, Klaus 133 1977 Positive definite kernels, continuous tensor products, and central limit theorems of probability theory. Zbl 0237.43005 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 99 1972 Mahler measure and entropy for commuting automorphisms of compact groups. Zbl 0774.22002 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Ward, Thomas B. 92 1990 Amenability, Kazhdan’s property T, strong ergodicity and invariant means for ergodic group-actions. Zbl 0485.28019 Schmidt, Klaus 69 1981 Automorphisms of compact groups. Zbl 0709.54023 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 54 1989 Homoclinic points of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions. Zbl 0940.22004 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 51 1999 On the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimate of a vector-valued parameter in fixed-size samples. Zbl 0473.62004 Maekelaeinen, Timo; Schmidt, Klaus; Styan, George P. H. 50 1981 Asymptotically invariant sequences and approximate finiteness. Zbl 0638.28014 Jones, Vaughan F. R.; Schmidt, Klaus 40 1987 Expansive algebraic actions of discrete residually finite amenable groups and their entropy. Zbl 1128.22003 Deninger, Christopher; Schmidt, Klaus 37 2007 Coboundaries and homomorphisms for non-singular actions and a problem of H. Helson. Zbl 0428.28014 Moore, Calvin C.; Schmidt, Klaus 35 1980 Asymptotically invariant sequences and an action of SL(2,Z) on the 2- sphere. Zbl 0485.28018 Schmidt, Klaus 34 1980 Automorphisms of compact Abelian groups and affine varieties. Zbl 0789.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 33 1990 Symmetric Gibbs measures. Zbl 0873.28008 Petersen, Karl; Schmidt, Klaus 32 1997 Algebraic ideas in ergodic theory. Expository lectures from the CBMS regional conference held at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, July 1989. Zbl 0719.28006 Schmidt, Klaus 31 1990 Rigidity of measurable structure for \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions by automorphisms of a torus. Zbl 1035.37005 Katok, Anatole; Katok, Svetlana; Schmidt, Klaus 27 2002 Ergodic decomposition of quasi-invariant probability measures. Zbl 0972.37003 Greschonig, Gernot; Schmidt, Klaus 26 2000 Asymptotic properties of unitary representations and mixing. Zbl 0539.28010 Schmidt, Klaus 24 1984 Mildly mixing actions of locally compact groups. Zbl 0523.28021 Schmidt, Klaus; Walters, Peter 24 1982 On joint recurrence. Zbl 0923.60090 Schmidt, Klaus 23 1998 The cohomology of higher-dimensional shifts of finite type. Zbl 0866.28016 Schmidt, Klaus 23 1995 Remarks on Livšic’ theory for nonabelian cocycles. Zbl 0955.37018 Schmidt, Klaus 22 1999 Symbolic and algebraic dynamical systems. Zbl 1044.37010 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 22 2002 Natural coefficients and invariants for Markov-shifts. Zbl 0563.28008 Parry, William; Schmidt, Klaus 22 1984 Algebraic coding of expansive group automorphisms and two-sided beta-shifts. Zbl 1010.37005 Schmidt, Klaus 20 2000 Nonblocking hierarchical control of decentralized discrete event systems. Zbl 1367.93373 Schmidt, Klaus; Moor, Thomas; Perk, Sebastian 20 2008 Factorisable representations of current groups and the Araki-Woods imbedding theorem. Zbl 0233.22003 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 18 1972 Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 1294.37009 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 18 2013 Markov subgroups of \((\mathbb{Z}{}/ 2\mathbb{Z}{})^{\mathbb{Z}{}^ 2}\). Zbl 0774.58021 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 18 1992 Invariants for finitary isomorphisms with finite expected code lengths. Zbl 0563.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 18 1984 Almost block independence and Bernoullicity of \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions by automorphisms of compact Abelian groups. Zbl 0835.28007 Rudolph, Daniel J.; Schmidt, Klaus 18 1995 Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem of Schlickewei. Zbl 0824.28012 Schmidt, Klaus; Ward, Thomas B. 18 1993 Dynamical systems of algebraic origin. Reprint of the 1995 edition. Zbl 1248.37004 Schmidt, Klaus 17 2011 Abelian sandpiles and the harmonic model. Zbl 1217.37072 Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 17 2009 A new method for constructing factorisable representations for current groups and current algebras. Zbl 0332.43009 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 14 1976 Isomorphism rigidity of irreducible algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0970.22006 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 14 2000 Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions. Zbl 1217.54034 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 14 2010 A survey of algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group. Zbl 1357.37041 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 14 2015 A cylinder flow arising from irregularity of distribution. Zbl 0388.28019 Schmidt, K. 13 1978 Invariant sets and measures of nonexpansive group automorphisms. Zbl 1076.28014 Lindenstrauss, Elon; Schmidt, Klaus 13 2004 On recurrence. Zbl 0535.60003 Schmidt, Klaus 13 1984 Multi-dimensional symbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 0990.37011 Schmidt, Klaus 12 2001 Mixing sets and relative entropies for higher-dimensional Markov shifts. Zbl 0799.58043 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 12 1993 \(C^ *\)-algebras associated with Denjoy homeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 0611.46067 Putnam, Ian; Schmidt, Klaus; Skau, Christian 10 1986 Tilings, fundamental cocycles and fundamental groups of symbolic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0915.58030 Schmidt, Klaus 10 1998 Markov partitions and homoclinic points of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0954.37008 Einsiedler, M.; Schmidt, K. 10 1997 Irreducibility, homoclinic points and adjoint actions of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions of rank one. Zbl 1030.37016 Einsiedler, Manfred; Schmidt, Klaus 9 2002 Periodic points, decidability and Markov subgroups. Zbl 0664.58029 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 9 1988 Symbolic representations of nonexpansive group automorphisms. Zbl 1087.37010 Lindenstrauss, Elon; Schmidt, Klaus 9 2005 On \(C^2\)-diffeomorphisms of the circle which are of type III\(_1\). Zbl 0506.58019 Hawkins, Jane; Schmidt, Klaus 9 1982 Stable positive definite functions. Zbl 0314.43004 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 8 1975 Infinite invariant measures on the circle. Zbl 0375.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 8 1977 The cohomology of expansive \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions by automorphisms of compact, Abelian groups. Zbl 0866.28015 Katok, Anatole B.; Schmidt, Klaus 8 1995 Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem by Kurt Mahler. Zbl 0678.22002 Schmidt, Klaus 8 1989 A note on cocycles of unitary representations. Zbl 0329.22008 Parry, W.; Schmidt, K. 7 1976 On a characterisation of certain infinitely divisible positive definite functions and measures. Zbl 0236.43007 Schmidt, K. 7 1972 The dynamics of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 1071.28011 Schmidt, Klaus 7 2001 Algebraic polymorphisms. Zbl 1154.37304 Schmidt, Klaus; Vershik, Anatoly 7 2008 On the cohomology of a hyperfinite action. Zbl 0384.28017 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 6 1977 Ergodicity of principal algebraic group actions. Zbl 1332.37008 Li, Hanfeng; Peterson, Jess; Schmidt, Klaus 6 2015 Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts. Zbl 0615.28011 Schmidt, Klaus 6 1986 A probabilistic proof of ergodic decomposition. Zbl 0412.60004 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1978 Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group: expansiveness and homoclinic points. Zbl 1295.37005 Göll, Martin; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 5 2014 Some solved and unsolved problems concerning orbit equivalence of countable group actions. Zbl 0646.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1987 An information cocycle for groups of non-singular transformations. Zbl 0557.28019 Butler, Roger; Schmidt, Klaus 5 1985 A class of probability measures on groups arising from some problems in ergodic theory. Zbl 0467.60011 Losert, Viktor; Schmidt, Klaus 5 1979 Homoclinic points and isomorphism rigidity of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions on zero-dimensional compact abelian groups. Zbl 1274.37016 Bhattacharya, Siddhartha; Schmidt, Klaus 5 2003 Spectra of ergodic group actions. Zbl 0498.28018 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1982 From infinitely divisible representations to cohomological rigidity. Zbl 0946.22008 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1996 The adjoint action of an expansive algebraic \(Z^d\)-Action. Zbl 1007.22014 Einsiedler, Manfred; Schmidt, Klaus 4 2002 Invariant measures for certain expansive \(\mathbb{Z}^ 2\)-actions. Zbl 0829.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1995 Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts. II. Zbl 0632.28010 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1987 Extensions of cocycles for hyperfinite actions and applications. Zbl 0887.28008 Gabriel, P.; Lemańczyk, M.; Schmidt, K. 4 1997 Invariant cocycles, random tilings and the super-\(K\) and strong Markov properties. Zbl 0873.28007 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1997 Ergodic theory of \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\) actions. Proceedings of the Warwick symposium, Warwick, UK, 1993-94. Zbl 0836.00035 4 1996 Stable probability measures on \(\mathbb{R}^\nu\). Zbl 0347.60015 Schmidt, K. 3 1975 Unique ergodicty for quasi-invariant measures. Zbl 0416.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 3 1979 Über die C-Gleichverteilung von Maßen. Zbl 0197.32602 Schmidt, Klaus 3 1971 Representations of toral automorphisms. Zbl 1353.37091 Schmidt, Klaus 3 2016 Cohomological rigidity of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions. Zbl 0868.22010 Schmidt, K. 3 1995 Associated actions and uniqueness of cocycles. Zbl 1008.37003 Aaronson, Jon; Hamachi, Toshihiro; Schmidt, Klaus 3 1995 Recurrence of cocycles and stationary random walks. Zbl 1137.37004 Schmidt, Klaus 3 2006 Memories of Vaughan Jones. Zbl 1480.01028 Bisch, Dietmar; Evans, David E.; Kirby, Robion; Popa, Sorin 3 2021 Multistep and Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature methods for coupled dynamical systems. Zbl 1458.65082 Egger, H.; Schmidt, K.; Shashkov, V. 3 2021 Quotients of \(\ell^\infty(\mathbb Z,\mathbb Z)\) and symbolic covers of toral automorphisms. Zbl 1109.37011 Schmidt, Klaus 2 2006 Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen gleichverteilten Punkt- und Maßfolgen. Zbl 0199.52302 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1970 Limits of uniformly infinitesimal families of projective representations of locally compact groups. Zbl 0214.13502 Schmidt, K. 2 1971 Affinely infinitely divisible distributions and the embedding problem. Zbl 1028.43001 Dani, S. G.; Schmidt, Klaus 2 2002 New examples of Bernoulli algebraic actions. Zbl 1508.37015 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 2 2022 Cohomology and the absence of strong ergodicity for ergodic group actions. Zbl 0631.28012 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1985 Bernoullicity of solenoidal automorphisms and global fields. Zbl 0809.28012 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 2 1994 Unique ergodicity and related problems. Zbl 0439.28014 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1979 Invariants of finitary isomorphisms with finite expected code-lengths. Zbl 0549.28023 Parry, William; Schmidt, Klaus 2 1984 Erratum: Algebraic polymorphisms. Zbl 1180.37006 Schmidt, Klaus; Vershik, Anatoly 1 2009 Über Quadraturformeln auf \(T^ \omega\). Zbl 0216.48602 Schmidt, K.; Zinterhof, P. 1 1970 Coding of Markov shifts. Zbl 0631.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 1 1985 A Wiener lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group. Invertibility criteria and applications to algebraic dynamics. Zbl 1346.54017 Göll, Martin; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 1 2016 Permutations of \(\mathbb {Z}^d\) with restricted movement. Zbl 1361.37015 Schmidt, Klaus; Strasser, Gabriel 1 2016 Poincaré maps of Duffing-type oscillators and their reduction to circle maps. II: Methods and numerical results. Zbl 0904.34030 Schmidt, K.; Eilenberger, G. 1 1998 New examples of Bernoulli algebraic actions. Zbl 1508.37015 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 2 2022 Memories of Vaughan Jones. Zbl 1480.01028 Bisch, Dietmar; Evans, David E.; Kirby, Robion; Popa, Sorin 3 2021 Multistep and Runge-Kutta convolution quadrature methods for coupled dynamical systems. Zbl 1458.65082 Egger, H.; Schmidt, K.; Shashkov, V. 3 2021 Representations of toral automorphisms. Zbl 1353.37091 Schmidt, Klaus 3 2016 A Wiener lemma for the discrete Heisenberg group. Invertibility criteria and applications to algebraic dynamics. Zbl 1346.54017 Göll, Martin; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 1 2016 Permutations of \(\mathbb {Z}^d\) with restricted movement. Zbl 1361.37015 Schmidt, Klaus; Strasser, Gabriel 1 2016 A survey of algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group. Zbl 1357.37041 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 14 2015 Ergodicity of principal algebraic group actions. Zbl 1332.37008 Li, Hanfeng; Peterson, Jess; Schmidt, Klaus 6 2015 Algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group: expansiveness and homoclinic points. Zbl 1295.37005 Göll, Martin; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 5 2014 Homoclinic points, atoral polynomials, and periodic points of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 1294.37009 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 18 2013 Dynamical systems of algebraic origin. Reprint of the 1995 edition. Zbl 1248.37004 Schmidt, Klaus 17 2011 Entropy and growth rate of periodic points of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions. Zbl 1217.54034 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 14 2010 Abelian sandpiles and the harmonic model. Zbl 1217.37072 Schmidt, Klaus; Verbitskiy, Evgeny 17 2009 Erratum: Algebraic polymorphisms. Zbl 1180.37006 Schmidt, Klaus; Vershik, Anatoly 1 2009 Nonblocking hierarchical control of decentralized discrete event systems. Zbl 1367.93373 Schmidt, Klaus; Moor, Thomas; Perk, Sebastian 20 2008 Algebraic polymorphisms. Zbl 1154.37304 Schmidt, Klaus; Vershik, Anatoly 7 2008 Expansive algebraic actions of discrete residually finite amenable groups and their entropy. Zbl 1128.22003 Deninger, Christopher; Schmidt, Klaus 37 2007 Recurrence of cocycles and stationary random walks. Zbl 1137.37004 Schmidt, Klaus 3 2006 Quotients of \(\ell^\infty(\mathbb Z,\mathbb Z)\) and symbolic covers of toral automorphisms. Zbl 1109.37011 Schmidt, Klaus 2 2006 Symbolic representations of nonexpansive group automorphisms. Zbl 1087.37010 Lindenstrauss, Elon; Schmidt, Klaus 9 2005 Invariant sets and measures of nonexpansive group automorphisms. Zbl 1076.28014 Lindenstrauss, Elon; Schmidt, Klaus 13 2004 Homoclinic points and isomorphism rigidity of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions on zero-dimensional compact abelian groups. Zbl 1274.37016 Bhattacharya, Siddhartha; Schmidt, Klaus 5 2003 Rigidity of measurable structure for \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions by automorphisms of a torus. Zbl 1035.37005 Katok, Anatole; Katok, Svetlana; Schmidt, Klaus 27 2002 Symbolic and algebraic dynamical systems. Zbl 1044.37010 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 22 2002 Irreducibility, homoclinic points and adjoint actions of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions of rank one. Zbl 1030.37016 Einsiedler, Manfred; Schmidt, Klaus 9 2002 The adjoint action of an expansive algebraic \(Z^d\)-Action. Zbl 1007.22014 Einsiedler, Manfred; Schmidt, Klaus 4 2002 Affinely infinitely divisible distributions and the embedding problem. Zbl 1028.43001 Dani, S. G.; Schmidt, Klaus 2 2002 Multi-dimensional symbolic dynamical systems. Zbl 0990.37011 Schmidt, Klaus 12 2001 The dynamics of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 1071.28011 Schmidt, Klaus 7 2001 Ergodic decomposition of quasi-invariant probability measures. Zbl 0972.37003 Greschonig, Gernot; Schmidt, Klaus 26 2000 Algebraic coding of expansive group automorphisms and two-sided beta-shifts. Zbl 1010.37005 Schmidt, Klaus 20 2000 Isomorphism rigidity of irreducible algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0970.22006 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 14 2000 Homoclinic points of algebraic \(\mathbb Z^d\)-actions. Zbl 0940.22004 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 51 1999 Remarks on Livšic’ theory for nonabelian cocycles. Zbl 0955.37018 Schmidt, Klaus 22 1999 On joint recurrence. Zbl 0923.60090 Schmidt, Klaus 23 1998 Tilings, fundamental cocycles and fundamental groups of symbolic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0915.58030 Schmidt, Klaus 10 1998 Poincaré maps of Duffing-type oscillators and their reduction to circle maps. II: Methods and numerical results. Zbl 0904.34030 Schmidt, K.; Eilenberger, G. 1 1998 Symmetric Gibbs measures. Zbl 0873.28008 Petersen, Karl; Schmidt, Klaus 32 1997 Markov partitions and homoclinic points of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^d\)-actions. Zbl 0954.37008 Einsiedler, M.; Schmidt, K. 10 1997 Extensions of cocycles for hyperfinite actions and applications. Zbl 0887.28008 Gabriel, P.; Lemańczyk, M.; Schmidt, K. 4 1997 Invariant cocycles, random tilings and the super-\(K\) and strong Markov properties. Zbl 0873.28007 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1997 From infinitely divisible representations to cohomological rigidity. Zbl 0946.22008 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1996 Ergodic theory of \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\) actions. Proceedings of the Warwick symposium, Warwick, UK, 1993-94. Zbl 0836.00035 4 1996 Dynamical systems of algebraic origin. Zbl 0833.28001 Schmidt, Klaus 164 1995 The cohomology of higher-dimensional shifts of finite type. Zbl 0866.28016 Schmidt, Klaus 23 1995 Almost block independence and Bernoullicity of \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions by automorphisms of compact Abelian groups. Zbl 0835.28007 Rudolph, Daniel J.; Schmidt, Klaus 18 1995 The cohomology of expansive \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions by automorphisms of compact, Abelian groups. Zbl 0866.28015 Katok, Anatole B.; Schmidt, Klaus 8 1995 Invariant measures for certain expansive \(\mathbb{Z}^ 2\)-actions. Zbl 0829.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1995 Cohomological rigidity of algebraic \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\)-actions. Zbl 0868.22010 Schmidt, K. 3 1995 Associated actions and uniqueness of cocycles. Zbl 1008.37003 Aaronson, Jon; Hamachi, Toshihiro; Schmidt, Klaus 3 1995 Bernoullicity of solenoidal automorphisms and global fields. Zbl 0809.28012 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus 2 1994 Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem of Schlickewei. Zbl 0824.28012 Schmidt, Klaus; Ward, Thomas B. 18 1993 Mixing sets and relative entropies for higher-dimensional Markov shifts. Zbl 0799.58043 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 12 1993 Markov subgroups of \((\mathbb{Z}{}/ 2\mathbb{Z}{})^{\mathbb{Z}{}^ 2}\). Zbl 0774.58021 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 18 1992 Mahler measure and entropy for commuting automorphisms of compact groups. Zbl 0774.22002 Lind, Douglas; Schmidt, Klaus; Ward, Thomas B. 92 1990 Automorphisms of compact Abelian groups and affine varieties. Zbl 0789.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 33 1990 Algebraic ideas in ergodic theory. Expository lectures from the CBMS regional conference held at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA, July 1989. Zbl 0719.28006 Schmidt, Klaus 31 1990 Automorphisms of compact groups. Zbl 0709.54023 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 54 1989 Mixing automorphisms of compact groups and a theorem by Kurt Mahler. Zbl 0678.22002 Schmidt, Klaus 8 1989 Periodic points, decidability and Markov subgroups. Zbl 0664.58029 Kitchens, Bruce; Schmidt, Klaus 9 1988 Strong ergodicity and quotients of equivalence relations. Zbl 0688.28010 Schmidt, Klaus 1 1988 Asymptotically invariant sequences and approximate finiteness. Zbl 0638.28014 Jones, Vaughan F. R.; Schmidt, Klaus 40 1987 Some solved and unsolved problems concerning orbit equivalence of countable group actions. Zbl 0646.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1987 Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts. II. Zbl 0632.28010 Schmidt, Klaus 4 1987 \(C^ *\)-algebras associated with Denjoy homeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 0611.46067 Putnam, Ian; Schmidt, Klaus; Skau, Christian 10 1986 Hyperbolic structure preserving isomorphisms of Markov shifts. Zbl 0615.28011 Schmidt, Klaus 6 1986 An information cocycle for groups of non-singular transformations. Zbl 0557.28019 Butler, Roger; Schmidt, Klaus 5 1985 Cohomology and the absence of strong ergodicity for ergodic group actions. Zbl 0631.28012 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1985 Coding of Markov shifts. Zbl 0631.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 1 1985 Asymptotic properties of unitary representations and mixing. Zbl 0539.28010 Schmidt, Klaus 24 1984 Natural coefficients and invariants for Markov-shifts. Zbl 0563.28008 Parry, William; Schmidt, Klaus 22 1984 Invariants for finitary isomorphisms with finite expected code lengths. Zbl 0563.28009 Schmidt, Klaus 18 1984 On recurrence. Zbl 0535.60003 Schmidt, Klaus 13 1984 Invariants of finitary isomorphisms with finite expected code-lengths. Zbl 0549.28023 Parry, William; Schmidt, Klaus 2 1984 Mildly mixing actions of locally compact groups. Zbl 0523.28021 Schmidt, Klaus; Walters, Peter 24 1982 On \(C^2\)-diffeomorphisms of the circle which are of type III\(_1\). Zbl 0506.58019 Hawkins, Jane; Schmidt, Klaus 9 1982 Spectra of ergodic group actions. Zbl 0498.28018 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1982 Amenability, Kazhdan’s property T, strong ergodicity and invariant means for ergodic group-actions. Zbl 0485.28019 Schmidt, Klaus 69 1981 On the existence and uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimate of a vector-valued parameter in fixed-size samples. Zbl 0473.62004 Maekelaeinen, Timo; Schmidt, Klaus; Styan, George P. H. 50 1981 On periodic expansions of Pisot numbers and Salem numbers. Zbl 0494.10040 Schmidt, Klaus 137 1980 Coboundaries and homomorphisms for non-singular actions and a problem of H. Helson. Zbl 0428.28014 Moore, Calvin C.; Schmidt, Klaus 35 1980 Asymptotically invariant sequences and an action of SL(2,Z) on the 2- sphere. Zbl 0485.28018 Schmidt, Klaus 34 1980 A class of probability measures on groups arising from some problems in ergodic theory. Zbl 0467.60011 Losert, Viktor; Schmidt, Klaus 5 1979 Unique ergodicty for quasi-invariant measures. Zbl 0416.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 3 1979 Unique ergodicity and related problems. Zbl 0439.28014 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1979 A cylinder flow arising from irregularity of distribution. Zbl 0388.28019 Schmidt, K. 13 1978 A probabilistic proof of ergodic decomposition. Zbl 0412.60004 Schmidt, Klaus 5 1978 Cocycles on ergodic transformation groups. Zbl 0421.28017 Schmidt, Klaus 133 1977 Infinite invariant measures on the circle. Zbl 0375.28013 Schmidt, Klaus 8 1977 On the cohomology of a hyperfinite action. Zbl 0384.28017 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 6 1977 A new method for constructing factorisable representations for current groups and current algebras. Zbl 0332.43009 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 14 1976 A note on cocycles of unitary representations. Zbl 0329.22008 Parry, W.; Schmidt, K. 7 1976 Stable positive definite functions. Zbl 0314.43004 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 8 1975 Stable probability measures on \(\mathbb{R}^\nu\). Zbl 0347.60015 Schmidt, K. 3 1975 Positive definite kernels, continuous tensor products, and central limit theorems of probability theory. Zbl 0237.43005 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 99 1972 Factorisable representations of current groups and the Araki-Woods imbedding theorem. Zbl 0233.22003 Parthasarathy, K. R.; Schmidt, K. 18 1972 On a characterisation of certain infinitely divisible positive definite functions and measures. Zbl 0236.43007 Schmidt, K. 7 1972 Über die C-Gleichverteilung von Maßen. Zbl 0197.32602 Schmidt, Klaus 3 1971 Limits of uniformly infinitesimal families of projective representations of locally compact groups. Zbl 0214.13502 Schmidt, K. 2 1971 Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen gleichverteilten Punkt- und Maßfolgen. Zbl 0199.52302 Schmidt, Klaus 2 1970 ...and 1 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,127 Authors 46 Schmidt, Klaus 22 Jørgensen, Palle E. T. 17 Danylenko, Oleksandr Ivanovych 17 Ward, Thomas 16 Li, Hanfeng 15 Lemańczyk, Mariusz 13 Vershik, Anatoliĭ Moiseevich 12 Meyerovitch, Tom 12 Tucker-Drob, Robin D. 11 Ioana, Adrian 11 Miles, Richard B. 10 Marcus, Brian H. 10 Masáková, Zuzana 10 Pelantová, Edita 10 Sarig, Omri M. 9 Baake, Michael 9 Bowen, Lewis Phylip 9 Giordano Bruno, Anna 9 Lind, Douglas A. 9 Sadovskaya, Victoria 9 Tuncel, Selim 8 Bergelson, Vitaly 8 Boyle, Mike 8 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 8 Frougny, Christiane 8 Kalinin, Boris 8 Lindenstrauss, Elon 8 Vaes, Stefaan 8 Zimmer, Robert J. 7 Aaronson, Jon 7 Abért, Miklós 7 Akiyama, Shigeki 7 Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio G. 7 Conze, Jean-Pierre 7 Coornaert, Michel 7 Hayes, Ben 7 Kida, Yoshikata 7 Kosloff, Zemer 7 Parthasarathy, Kalyanapuram Rangachari 7 Pène, Françoise 7 Steiner, Wolfgang 7 Verbitskiy, Evgeny A. 7 Vladimirov, Igor G. 6 Ban, Jungchao 6 Bhattacharya, Siddhartha 6 Chandgotia, Nishant 6 Frączek, Krzysztof Marek 6 Jiang, Yongle 6 Kanigowski, Adam 6 Katok, Anatole 6 Kerr, David 6 Li, Bing 6 Liang, Bingbing 6 Petersen, Ian Richard 6 Petersen, Karl E. 6 Pollicott, Mark 6 Rosenblatt, Joseph Max 6 Shah, Riddhi 6 Varandas, Paulo 5 Albeverio, Sergio A. 5 Anastasiou, Andreas 5 Baggett, Lawrence Wasson 5 Barbieri, Sebastián 5 Bekka, Mohammed el Bachir 5 Boyd, David William 5 Bradley, Richard C. jun. 5 Chang, Chih-Hung 5 Charlier, Emilie 5 Deninger, Christopher 5 Dolgopyat, Dmitry 5 Einsiedler, Manfred Leopold 5 Everest, Graham Robert 5 Gheondea, Aurelian 5 Golodets, Valentin Yakovlevich 5 Graev, Mark Iosifovich 5 Hbaib, Mohamed 5 Jonoska, Nataša 5 Kechris, Alexander S. 5 Labbé, Sébastien 5 Lenci, Marco 5 Parry, William 5 Popa, Sorin Teodor 5 Rodriguez-Hertz, Federico 5 Shereshevsky, Mark A. 5 Silva, Cesar E. 5 Silver, Daniel S. 5 Spaas, Pieter 5 Surer, Paul 5 Törnquist, Asger 5 Ulcigrai, Corinna 5 Vávra, Tomáš 5 Weiss, Benjamin 5 Williams, Susan G. 4 Backes, Lucas H. 4 Barge, Marcy M. 4 Berend, Daniel 4 Berthé, Valérie 4 Bezuglyi, Sergey I. 4 Bhat, B. V. Rajarama 4 Briceño, Raimundo ...and 1,027 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 282 Serials 131 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 80 Israel Journal of Mathematics 47 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 35 Journal of Functional Analysis 34 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 25 Monatshefte für Mathematik 24 Inventiones Mathematicae 22 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 21 Advances in Mathematics 20 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 17 Communications in Mathematical Physics 17 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 15 Mathematische Zeitschrift 12 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 12 Theoretical Computer Science 11 Journal of Number Theory 11 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 11 Journal of Modern Dynamics 10 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 10 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 10 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Journal of Statistical Physics 9 Topology and its Applications 9 Journal of Theoretical Probability 9 Dynamical Systems 8 Nonlinearity 8 Reports on Mathematical Physics 8 Studia Mathematica 8 The Annals of Probability 8 Compositio Mathematica 8 Mathematische Annalen 7 Duke Mathematical Journal 7 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 7 Research in Number Theory 6 Functional Analysis and its Applications 6 Geometriae Dedicata 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 6 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 6 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 6 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 6 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 6 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 6 International Journal of Number Theory 5 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 5 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 5 Physica D 5 Probability Theory and Related Fields 5 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 5 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4 Mathematics of Computation 4 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 4 Kybernetika 4 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 4 Statistics 4 Expositiones Mathematicae 4 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Arithmetica 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 3 Colloquium Mathematicum 3 Dissertationes Mathematicae 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 3 Semigroup Forum 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 3 Finite Fields and their Applications 3 Documenta Mathematica 3 Journal of Applied Statistics 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 3 Annales Henri Lebesgue 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Arkiv för Matematik 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 The Annals of Statistics 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série ...and 182 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 672 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 231 Measure and integration (28-XX) 199 Number theory (11-XX) 192 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 178 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 128 Functional analysis (46-XX) 90 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 84 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 65 Computer science (68-XX) 58 General topology (54-XX) 57 Operator theory (47-XX) 56 Statistics (62-XX) 43 Quantum theory (81-XX) 43 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 37 Combinatorics (05-XX) 28 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 27 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 22 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 17 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 14 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 13 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 11 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 11 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 8 Potential theory (31-XX) 8 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 7 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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