Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Schramm, Oded (b. 1961 d. 2008) Co-Author Distance Author ID: schramm.oded Published as: Schramm, Oded; Schramm, O. External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Awards: Clay Research Award (2002) Documents Indexed: 100 Publications since 1988, including 1 Book and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 36 Co-Authors with 84 Joint Publications 1,251 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 30 Benjamini, Itai 12 Peres, Yuval 12 Werner, Wendelin 11 Lawler, Gregory Francis 11 Lyons, Russell 8 He, Zheng-Xu 7 Garban, Christophe 7 Sheffield, Scott 6 Pete, Gábor 6 Wilson, David Bruce 2 Häggström, Olle 2 Holroyd, Alexander E. 2 Jonasson, Johan 2 Kalai, Gil 2 Rohde, Steffen 2 Shapira, Asaf 2 Steif, Jeffrey E. 1 Angel, Omer 1 Berestycki, Nathanaël 1 Bonk, Mario 1 Gurel-Gurevich, Ori 1 Hammond, Alan 1 Kesten, Harry 1 Kuperberg, Gregory John 1 Merenkov, Sergei 1 Morris, Ben J. 1 Mörters, Peter 1 Naor, Assaf 1 Peled, Ron 1 Pemantle, Robin 1 Smirnov, Stanislav Konstantinovich 1 Sodin, Sasha 1 Timár, Ádám 1 Tsirelson, Boris 1 Tykesson, Johan Harald 1 Zeitouni, Ofer 1 Zhou, Wang all top 5 Serials 14 The Annals of Probability 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica 5 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 4 Electronic Communications in Probability 4 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 3 Mathematical Research Letters 3 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Mathematika 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics 1 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 1 Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Topology and Analysis all top 5 Fields 65 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 27 Combinatorics (05-XX) 20 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 4,956 times in 2,540 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Scaling limits of loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees. Zbl 0968.60093 Schramm, Oded 430 2000 Recurrence of distributional limits of finite planar graphs. Zbl 1010.82021 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 299 2001 Brownian motion. With an appendix by Oded Schramm and Wendelin Werner. Zbl 1243.60002 Mörters, Peter; Peres, Yuval 281 2010 Basic properties of SLE. Zbl 1081.60069 Rohde, Steffen; Schramm, Oded 251 2005 Tug-of-war and the infinity Laplacian. Zbl 1206.91002 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 233 2009 Conformal invariance of planar loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees. Zbl 1126.82011 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 227 2004 Embeddings of Gromov hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 0972.53021 Bonk, M.; Schramm, O. 162 2000 Conformal restriction: The chordal case. Zbl 1030.60096 Lawler, Gregory; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 143 2003 Contour lines of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field. Zbl 1210.60051 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 135 2009 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. I: Half-plane exponents. Zbl 1005.60097 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 126 2001 Uniform infinite planar triangulations. Zbl 1098.60010 Angel, Omer; Schramm, Oded 121 2003 Uniform spanning forests. Zbl 1016.60009 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 115 2001 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. II: Plane exponents. Zbl 0993.60083 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 112 2001 Percolation beyond \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\), many questions and a few answers. Zbl 0890.60091 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 109 1996 Noise sensitivity of Boolean functions and applications to percolation. Zbl 0986.60002 Benjamini, Itai; Kalai, Gil; Schramm, Oded 101 1999 A contour line of the continuum Gaussian free field. Zbl 1331.60090 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 98 2013 Group-invariant percolation on graphs. Zbl 0924.43002 Benjamini, I.; Lyons, R.; Peres, Y.; Schramm, O. 86 1999 One-arm exponent for critical 2D percolation. Zbl 1015.60091 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 80 2002 On the scaling limit of planar self-avoiding walk. Zbl 1069.60089 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 79 2004 SLE coordinate changes. Zbl 1094.82007 Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 78 2005 Fixed points, Koebe uniformization and circle packings. Zbl 0777.30002 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 76 1993 First passage percolation has sublinear distance variance. Zbl 1087.60070 Benjamini, Itai; Kalai, Gil; Schramm, Oded 62 2003 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. III: Two-sided exponents. Zbl 1006.60075 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 61 2002 Percolation in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 1037.82018 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 58 2001 Quantitative noise sensitivity and exceptional times for percolation. Zbl 1213.60160 Schramm, Oded; Steif, Jeffrey E. 56 2010 A percolation formula. Zbl 1008.60100 Schramm, Oded 56 2001 Markov chains in smooth Banach spaces and Gromov-hyperbolic metric spaces. Zbl 1108.46012 Naor, Assaf; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 55 2006 KPZ in one dimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades. Zbl 1170.83006 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 53 2009 The Fourier spectrum of critical percolation. Zbl 1219.60084 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 51 2010 Harmonic explorer and its convergence to \(\text{SLE}_4\). Zbl 1095.60007 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 51 2005 Square tilings with prescribed combinatorics. Zbl 0788.05019 Schramm, Oded 49 1993 Conformally invariant scaling limits: an overview and a collection of problems. Zbl 1131.60088 Schramm, Oded 49 2007 Indistinguishability of percolation clusters. Zbl 0960.60013 Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 49 1999 Pivotal, cluster, and interface measures for critical planar percolation. Zbl 1276.60111 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 48 2013 Hyperbolic and parabolic packings. Zbl 0830.52010 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, O. 45 1995 Circle patterns with the combinatorics of the square grid. Zbl 1053.30525 Schramm, Oded 42 1997 On the convergence of circle packings to the Riemann map. Zbl 0868.30010 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 41 1996 Compositions of random transpositions. Zbl 1130.60302 Schramm, Oded 41 2005 Conformal radii for conformal loop ensembles. Zbl 1187.82044 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 41 2009 Poisson matching. Zbl 1175.60012 Holroyd, Alexander E.; Pemantle, Robin; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 40 2009 Harmonic functions on planar and almost planar graphs and manifolds, via circle packings. Zbl 0868.31008 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 39 1996 Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12,…. Zbl 1071.60006 Benjamini, Itai; Kesten, Harry; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 38 2004 Critical percolation on any nonamenable group has no infinite clusters. Zbl 0961.60015 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 37 1999 On the scaling limits of planar percolation. Zbl 1231.60116 Schramm, Oded; Smirnov, Stanislav; Garban, Christophe 35 2011 Illuminating sets of constant width. Zbl 0663.52006 Schramm, Oded 34 1988 How to cage an egg. Zbl 0726.52003 Schramm, Oded 32 1992 Ends in uniform spanning forests. Zbl 1191.60016 Lyons, Russell; Morris, Benjamin J.; Schramm, Oded 32 2008 Unimodular random trees. Zbl 1328.05166 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 30 2015 The \(C^\infty\)-convergence of hexagonal disk packings to the Riemann map. Zbl 0913.30004 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 29 1998 Transboundary extremal length. Zbl 0842.30006 Schramm, Oded 28 1995 Percolation perturbations in potential theory and random walks. Zbl 0958.05121 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 28 1999 The scaling limits of near-critical and dynamical percolation. Zbl 1392.60078 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 28 2018 Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable. Zbl 1231.68176 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Shapira, Asaf 27 2008 Existence and uniqueness of packings with specified combinatorics. Zbl 0756.05039 Schramm, Oded 27 1991 Rigidity of infinite (circle) packings. Zbl 0726.52008 Schramm, Oded 27 1991 The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\). Zbl 1114.60316 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 26 2001 Analyticity of intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion. Zbl 1024.60033 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 24 2002 Every graph with a positive Cheeger constant contains a tree with a positive Cheeger constant. Zbl 0882.05052 Benjamini, I.; Schramm, O. 23 1997 Minimal spanning forests. Zbl 1142.60065 Lyons, Russel; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 23 2006 Random walks and harmonic functions on infinite planar graphs using square tilings. Zbl 0862.60053 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 22 1996 Conformal invariance of Voronoi percolation. Zbl 0921.60081 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 21 1998 Exceptional planes of percolation. Zbl 0910.60076 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 20 1998 On the separation profile of infinite graphs. Zbl 1255.05074 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Timár, Ádám 20 2012 Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable. Zbl 1223.05291 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Shapira, Asaf 19 2010 Selected works of Oded Schramm. In 2 volumes. Edited by Itai Benjamini and Olle Häggström. Zbl 1248.01043 Schramm, Oded 19 2011 Finitary coloring. Zbl 1385.60048 Holroyd, Alexander E.; Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 18 2017 Rigidity of circle domains whose boundary has \(\sigma\)-finite linear measure. Zbl 0809.30006 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 16 1994 Mixing times for random \(k\)-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains. Zbl 1245.60006 Berestycki, Nathanaël; Schramm, Oded; Zeitouni, Ofer 16 2011 Local time on the exceptional set of dynamical percolation and the incipient infinite cluster. Zbl 1341.60128 Hammond, Alan; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 15 2015 Conformal uniformization and packings. Zbl 0872.30005 Schramm, Oded 13 1996 Random-turn hex and other selection games. Zbl 1153.91012 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 13 2007 Growth of the number of spanning trees of the Erdős-Rényi giant component. Zbl 1160.05336 Lyons, Russell; Peled, Ron; Schramm, Oded 13 2008 Lack of sphere packing of graphs via nonlinear potential theory. Zbl 1270.52027 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 13 2013 Boundary proximity of SLE. Zbl 1227.60101 Schramm, Oded; Zhou, Wang 12 2010 Hyperfinite graph limits. Zbl 1140.60008 Schramm, Oded 12 2008 Average kissing numbers for non-congruent sphere packings. Zbl 0836.52007 Kuperberg, Greg; Schramm, Oded 11 1994 Markov chain intersections and the loop-erased walk. Zbl 1030.60035 Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 11 2003 Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles. Zbl 1276.82012 Benjamini, Itai; Jonasson, Johan; Schramm, Oded; Tykesson, Johan 11 2009 Koebe uniformization for “almost circle domains”. Zbl 0830.30006 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 10 1995 The scaling limits of the minimal spanning tree and invasion percolation in the plane. Zbl 1426.60117 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 10 2018 Continuity of the SLE trace in simply connected domains. Zbl 1261.60079 Garban, Christophe; Rohde, Steffen; Schramm, Oded 9 2012 On the cover time of planar graphs. Zbl 0949.60083 Jonasson, Johan; Schramm, Oded 9 2000 Sharp estimates for Brownian non-intersection probabilities. Zbl 1011.60062 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 7 2002 Balanced Boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read. Zbl 1192.68851 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 6 2005 The inverse Riemann mapping theorem for relative circle domains. Zbl 0860.30005 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 5 1995 Stationary measures for random walks in a random environment with random scenery. Zbl 0926.60021 Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 5 1999 A negative answer to Nevanlinna’s type question and a parabolic surface with a lot of negative curvature. Zbl 1056.30041 Benjamini, Itai; Merenkov, Sergei; Schramm, Oded 5 2004 On the effect of adding \(\epsilon\)-Bernoulli percolation to everywhere percolating subgraphs of \({\mathbb{Z}}^d\). Zbl 0977.82021 Benjamini, Itai; Häggström, Olle; Schramm, Oded 4 2000 Dynamical sensitivity of the infinite cluster in critical percolation. Zbl 1220.60058 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Steif, Jeffrey E. 4 2009 Cutpoints and resistance of random walk paths. Zbl 1223.60012 Benjamini, Itai; Gurel-Gurevich, Ori; Schramm, Oded 4 2011 Finite transitive graph embeddings into a hyperbolic metric space must stretch or squeeze. Zbl 1261.53076 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 4 2012 The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\). Zbl 0993.60085 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 2 2001 On the volume of sets having constant width. Zbl 0657.52003 Schramm, Oded 1 1988 The scaling limits of near-critical and dynamical percolation. Zbl 1392.60078 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 28 2018 The scaling limits of the minimal spanning tree and invasion percolation in the plane. Zbl 1426.60117 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 10 2018 Finitary coloring. Zbl 1385.60048 Holroyd, Alexander E.; Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 18 2017 Unimodular random trees. Zbl 1328.05166 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 30 2015 Local time on the exceptional set of dynamical percolation and the incipient infinite cluster. Zbl 1341.60128 Hammond, Alan; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 15 2015 A contour line of the continuum Gaussian free field. Zbl 1331.60090 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 98 2013 Pivotal, cluster, and interface measures for critical planar percolation. Zbl 1276.60111 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 48 2013 Lack of sphere packing of graphs via nonlinear potential theory. Zbl 1270.52027 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 13 2013 On the separation profile of infinite graphs. Zbl 1255.05074 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Timár, Ádám 20 2012 Continuity of the SLE trace in simply connected domains. Zbl 1261.60079 Garban, Christophe; Rohde, Steffen; Schramm, Oded 9 2012 Finite transitive graph embeddings into a hyperbolic metric space must stretch or squeeze. Zbl 1261.53076 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 4 2012 On the scaling limits of planar percolation. Zbl 1231.60116 Schramm, Oded; Smirnov, Stanislav; Garban, Christophe 35 2011 Selected works of Oded Schramm. In 2 volumes. Edited by Itai Benjamini and Olle Häggström. Zbl 1248.01043 Schramm, Oded 19 2011 Mixing times for random \(k\)-cycles and coalescence-fragmentation chains. Zbl 1245.60006 Berestycki, Nathanaël; Schramm, Oded; Zeitouni, Ofer 16 2011 Cutpoints and resistance of random walk paths. Zbl 1223.60012 Benjamini, Itai; Gurel-Gurevich, Ori; Schramm, Oded 4 2011 Brownian motion. With an appendix by Oded Schramm and Wendelin Werner. Zbl 1243.60002 Mörters, Peter; Peres, Yuval 281 2010 Quantitative noise sensitivity and exceptional times for percolation. Zbl 1213.60160 Schramm, Oded; Steif, Jeffrey E. 56 2010 The Fourier spectrum of critical percolation. Zbl 1219.60084 Garban, Christophe; Pete, Gábor; Schramm, Oded 51 2010 Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable. Zbl 1223.05291 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Shapira, Asaf 19 2010 Boundary proximity of SLE. Zbl 1227.60101 Schramm, Oded; Zhou, Wang 12 2010 Tug-of-war and the infinity Laplacian. Zbl 1206.91002 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 233 2009 Contour lines of the two-dimensional discrete Gaussian free field. Zbl 1210.60051 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 135 2009 KPZ in one dimensional random geometry of multiplicative cascades. Zbl 1170.83006 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 53 2009 Conformal radii for conformal loop ensembles. Zbl 1187.82044 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 41 2009 Poisson matching. Zbl 1175.60012 Holroyd, Alexander E.; Pemantle, Robin; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 40 2009 Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles. Zbl 1276.82012 Benjamini, Itai; Jonasson, Johan; Schramm, Oded; Tykesson, Johan 11 2009 Dynamical sensitivity of the infinite cluster in critical percolation. Zbl 1220.60058 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Steif, Jeffrey E. 4 2009 Ends in uniform spanning forests. Zbl 1191.60016 Lyons, Russell; Morris, Benjamin J.; Schramm, Oded 32 2008 Every minor-closed property of sparse graphs is testable. Zbl 1231.68176 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Shapira, Asaf 27 2008 Growth of the number of spanning trees of the Erdős-Rényi giant component. Zbl 1160.05336 Lyons, Russell; Peled, Ron; Schramm, Oded 13 2008 Hyperfinite graph limits. Zbl 1140.60008 Schramm, Oded 12 2008 Conformally invariant scaling limits: an overview and a collection of problems. Zbl 1131.60088 Schramm, Oded 49 2007 Random-turn hex and other selection games. Zbl 1153.91012 Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott; Wilson, David B. 13 2007 Markov chains in smooth Banach spaces and Gromov-hyperbolic metric spaces. Zbl 1108.46012 Naor, Assaf; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 55 2006 Minimal spanning forests. Zbl 1142.60065 Lyons, Russel; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 23 2006 Basic properties of SLE. Zbl 1081.60069 Rohde, Steffen; Schramm, Oded 251 2005 SLE coordinate changes. Zbl 1094.82007 Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 78 2005 Harmonic explorer and its convergence to \(\text{SLE}_4\). Zbl 1095.60007 Schramm, Oded; Sheffield, Scott 51 2005 Compositions of random transpositions. Zbl 1130.60302 Schramm, Oded 41 2005 Balanced Boolean functions that can be evaluated so that every input bit is unlikely to be read. Zbl 1192.68851 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded; Wilson, David B. 6 2005 Conformal invariance of planar loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees. Zbl 1126.82011 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 227 2004 On the scaling limit of planar self-avoiding walk. Zbl 1069.60089 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 79 2004 Geometry of the uniform spanning forest: transitions in dimensions 4, 8, 12,…. Zbl 1071.60006 Benjamini, Itai; Kesten, Harry; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 38 2004 A negative answer to Nevanlinna’s type question and a parabolic surface with a lot of negative curvature. Zbl 1056.30041 Benjamini, Itai; Merenkov, Sergei; Schramm, Oded 5 2004 Conformal restriction: The chordal case. Zbl 1030.60096 Lawler, Gregory; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 143 2003 Uniform infinite planar triangulations. Zbl 1098.60010 Angel, Omer; Schramm, Oded 121 2003 First passage percolation has sublinear distance variance. Zbl 1087.60070 Benjamini, Itai; Kalai, Gil; Schramm, Oded 62 2003 Markov chain intersections and the loop-erased walk. Zbl 1030.60035 Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 11 2003 One-arm exponent for critical 2D percolation. Zbl 1015.60091 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 80 2002 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. III: Two-sided exponents. Zbl 1006.60075 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 61 2002 Analyticity of intersection exponents for planar Brownian motion. Zbl 1024.60033 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 24 2002 Sharp estimates for Brownian non-intersection probabilities. Zbl 1011.60062 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 7 2002 Recurrence of distributional limits of finite planar graphs. Zbl 1010.82021 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 299 2001 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. I: Half-plane exponents. Zbl 1005.60097 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 126 2001 Uniform spanning forests. Zbl 1016.60009 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 115 2001 Values of Brownian intersection exponents. II: Plane exponents. Zbl 0993.60083 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 112 2001 Percolation in the hyperbolic plane. Zbl 1037.82018 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 58 2001 A percolation formula. Zbl 1008.60100 Schramm, Oded 56 2001 The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\). Zbl 1114.60316 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 26 2001 The dimension of the planar Brownian frontier is \(4/3\). Zbl 0993.60085 Lawler, Gregory F.; Schramm, Oded; Werner, Wendelin 2 2001 Scaling limits of loop-erased random walks and uniform spanning trees. Zbl 0968.60093 Schramm, Oded 430 2000 Embeddings of Gromov hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 0972.53021 Bonk, M.; Schramm, O. 162 2000 On the cover time of planar graphs. Zbl 0949.60083 Jonasson, Johan; Schramm, Oded 9 2000 On the effect of adding \(\epsilon\)-Bernoulli percolation to everywhere percolating subgraphs of \({\mathbb{Z}}^d\). Zbl 0977.82021 Benjamini, Itai; Häggström, Olle; Schramm, Oded 4 2000 Noise sensitivity of Boolean functions and applications to percolation. Zbl 0986.60002 Benjamini, Itai; Kalai, Gil; Schramm, Oded 101 1999 Group-invariant percolation on graphs. Zbl 0924.43002 Benjamini, I.; Lyons, R.; Peres, Y.; Schramm, O. 86 1999 Indistinguishability of percolation clusters. Zbl 0960.60013 Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 49 1999 Critical percolation on any nonamenable group has no infinite clusters. Zbl 0961.60015 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Peres, Yuval; Schramm, Oded 37 1999 Percolation perturbations in potential theory and random walks. Zbl 0958.05121 Benjamini, Itai; Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 28 1999 Stationary measures for random walks in a random environment with random scenery. Zbl 0926.60021 Lyons, Russell; Schramm, Oded 5 1999 The \(C^\infty\)-convergence of hexagonal disk packings to the Riemann map. Zbl 0913.30004 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 29 1998 Conformal invariance of Voronoi percolation. Zbl 0921.60081 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 21 1998 Exceptional planes of percolation. Zbl 0910.60076 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 20 1998 Circle patterns with the combinatorics of the square grid. Zbl 1053.30525 Schramm, Oded 42 1997 Every graph with a positive Cheeger constant contains a tree with a positive Cheeger constant. Zbl 0882.05052 Benjamini, I.; Schramm, O. 23 1997 Percolation beyond \(\mathbb{Z}^ d\), many questions and a few answers. Zbl 0890.60091 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 109 1996 On the convergence of circle packings to the Riemann map. Zbl 0868.30010 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 41 1996 Harmonic functions on planar and almost planar graphs and manifolds, via circle packings. Zbl 0868.31008 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 39 1996 Random walks and harmonic functions on infinite planar graphs using square tilings. Zbl 0862.60053 Benjamini, Itai; Schramm, Oded 22 1996 Conformal uniformization and packings. Zbl 0872.30005 Schramm, Oded 13 1996 Hyperbolic and parabolic packings. Zbl 0830.52010 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, O. 45 1995 Transboundary extremal length. Zbl 0842.30006 Schramm, Oded 28 1995 Koebe uniformization for “almost circle domains”. Zbl 0830.30006 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 10 1995 The inverse Riemann mapping theorem for relative circle domains. Zbl 0860.30005 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 5 1995 Rigidity of circle domains whose boundary has \(\sigma\)-finite linear measure. Zbl 0809.30006 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 16 1994 Average kissing numbers for non-congruent sphere packings. Zbl 0836.52007 Kuperberg, Greg; Schramm, Oded 11 1994 Fixed points, Koebe uniformization and circle packings. Zbl 0777.30002 He, Zheng-Xu; Schramm, Oded 76 1993 Square tilings with prescribed combinatorics. Zbl 0788.05019 Schramm, Oded 49 1993 How to cage an egg. Zbl 0726.52003 Schramm, Oded 32 1992 Existence and uniqueness of packings with specified combinatorics. Zbl 0756.05039 Schramm, Oded 27 1991 Rigidity of infinite (circle) packings. Zbl 0726.52008 Schramm, Oded 27 1991 Illuminating sets of constant width. Zbl 0663.52006 Schramm, Oded 34 1988 On the volume of sets having constant width. Zbl 0657.52003 Schramm, Oded 1 1988 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,286 Authors 45 Schramm, Oded 42 Benjamini, Itai 41 Sheffield, Scott 38 Hutchcroft, Tom 38 Peres, Yuval 37 Rossi, Julio Daniel 36 Miller, Jason P. 33 Gwynne, Ewain 29 Lawler, Gregory Francis 27 Werner, Wendelin 25 Curien, Nicolas 25 Lyons, Russell 25 Manfredi, Juan J. 24 Duminil-Copin, Hugo 24 Sun, Xin 23 Holden, Nina 21 Camia, Federico 21 Parviainen, Mikko 20 Garban, Christophe 19 Naor, Assaf 19 Wu, Hao 18 Nachmias, Asaf 18 Viklund, Fredrik Johansson 17 Timár, Ádám 16 Angel, Omer 16 Holroyd, Alexander E. 16 Steif, Jeffrey E. 16 van der Hofstad, Remco W. 15 Elek, Gábor 15 Kozma, Gady 15 Pete, Gábor 15 Tassion, Vincent 14 Dubédat, Julien 14 Duplantier, Bertrand 14 Stufler, Benedikt 13 Berestycki, Nathanaël 13 Bobenko, Alexander Ivanovich 13 Hammond, Alan 13 Kytölä, Kalle 13 Lee, James R. 13 Ray, Gourab 12 Ahlberg, Daniel 12 Bordenave, Charles 12 Ding, Jian 12 Kennedy, Tom 12 Lan, Shiyi 12 Liu, Fang 12 Mörters, Peter 12 Mossel, Elchanan 12 Wilson, David Bruce 12 Zhan, Dapeng 11 Blanc, Pablo 11 Ganguly, Shirshendu 11 Grimmett, Geoffrey R. 11 Járai, Antal A. 11 Le Gall, Jean-François 11 Raĭgorodskiĭ, Andreĭ Mikhaĭlovich 11 Rhodes, Rémi 11 Rodríguez García, José Manuel 11 Sepúlveda, Avelio 11 Sly, Allan 11 Vargas, Vincent 10 Aru, Juhan 10 Goldreich, Oded 10 Kenyon, Richard W. 10 Koshida, Shinji 10 Liu, Jinsong 10 Sidoravicius, Vladas 9 Bauer, Michel 9 Bauer, Robert Otto 9 Bernard, Denis 9 Bollobás, Béla 9 Borgs, Christian 9 Damron, Michael 9 Georgakopoulos, Agelos 9 Häggström, Olle 9 Hanson, Jack 9 Kalai, Gil 9 Lewicka, Marta 9 Liu, Qing 9 Newman, Charles Michael 9 Nolin, Pierre 9 Ossona de Mendez, Patrice 9 Pfeffer, Joshua 9 Stephenson, Kenneth 9 Sun, Nike 9 Zhou, Yuan 8 Abért, Miklós 8 Arroyo, Angel 8 Beliaev, Dmitri B. 8 Bücking, Ulrike 8 Budzinski, Thomas 8 Chayes, Jennifer Tour 8 Keller, Nathan 8 Lovász, László 8 Margarint, Vlad 8 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 8 O’Donnell, Ryan 8 Peltola, Eveliina 8 Rohde, Steffen ...and 2,186 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 332 Serials 187 The Annals of Probability 133 Probability Theory and Related Fields 107 Communications in Mathematical Physics 107 Journal of Statistical Physics 73 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 73 Electronic Journal of Probability 52 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 50 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 49 Random Structures & Algorithms 39 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 38 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 35 Inventiones Mathematicae 34 The Annals of Applied Probability 31 Israel Journal of Mathematics 26 Electronic Communications in Probability 25 Advances in Mathematics 25 Journal of Theoretical Probability 23 Duke Mathematical Journal 23 Discrete & Computational Geometry 22 Mathematische Annalen 21 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 20 Discrete Mathematics 20 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 20 Journal of Mathematical Physics 20 Geometriae Dedicata 20 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 20 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 18 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 18 Nuclear Physics. B 18 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 17 Journal of Functional Analysis 16 Mathematische Zeitschrift 16 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 16 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 16 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 15 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 15 Geometry & Topology 15 Probability Surveys 14 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 13 Acta Mathematica 13 European Journal of Combinatorics 13 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 13 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 12 Advances in Applied Probability 12 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 12 Statistics & Probability Letters 12 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 12 Computational Methods and Function Theory 12 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 11 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 11 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 11 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 11 Journal of Differential Equations 11 Combinatorica 11 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 11 Oberwolfach Reports 11 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 10 Journal of Applied Probability 10 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 9 Letters in Mathematical Physics 9 Physica A 9 Theoretical Computer Science 9 Potential Analysis 9 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 9 Annales Henri Lebesgue 8 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 8 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 8 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 8 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 8 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 7 Physics Letters. B 7 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 7 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 7 Annales Henri Poincaré 7 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 7 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 7 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 7 Journal of Topology and Analysis 7 Science China. Mathematics 6 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 6 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 6 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 6 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 6 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 6 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 5 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 5 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 5 Topology and its Applications 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 5 Computational Geometry 5 Bernoulli 5 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics ...and 232 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 60 Fields 1,300 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 687 Combinatorics (05-XX) 648 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 298 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 256 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 186 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 156 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 143 Quantum theory (81-XX) 138 Differential geometry (53-XX) 131 Computer science (68-XX) 106 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 86 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 82 Measure and integration (28-XX) 69 Functional analysis (46-XX) 64 Potential theory (31-XX) 63 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 55 Geometry (51-XX) 50 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 43 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 41 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 39 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 36 General topology (54-XX) 35 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 31 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 30 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 29 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 28 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 28 Operator theory (47-XX) 26 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 26 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 23 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 19 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 18 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 16 Number theory (11-XX) 16 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 15 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 14 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 12 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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