Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Schrefler, Bernhard A. Co-Author Distance Author ID: schrefler.bernhard-a Published as: Schrefler, B. A.; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Schrefler, Bernard A.; Schrefler, Bernhard; Schrefler, Bernard; Schrefler, B.; Schrefler, Bernardo A. more...less Homepage: https://www.ias.tum.de/ias/schrefler-bernhard/ External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 156 Publications since 1978, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 7 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 110 Co-Authors with 157 Joint Publications 2,098 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 6 single-authored 30 Pesavento, Francesco 27 Gawin, Dariusz 17 Simoni, Luciano 15 Boso, Daniela P. 13 Zhang, Hongwu 11 Lefik, Marek J. 11 Zavarise, Giorgio 10 Galvanetto, Ugo 10 Sanavia, Lorenzo 8 Wriggers, Peter 7 Lewis, Roland W. 6 Majorana, Carmelo E. 6 Ni, Tao 6 Wang, Xicheng 6 Zaccariotto, Mirco 5 Gray, William G. 5 Nardin, Alessio 5 Turska, Ewa 4 Baggio, Paolo 4 Salomoni, Valentina A. 4 Secchi, Stefano 4 Zienkiewicz, Olgierd Cecil 3 Cao, Toan Duc 3 Li, Xikui 3 Mascheroni, Pietro 3 Milanese, Enrico 3 Steinmann, Paul 2 Bianco, Mauro 2 Bilardi, Gianfranco 2 Brunello, P. 2 Carfagna, Melania 2 Contri, L. A. 2 Du, Youyao 2 Duan, Qinglin 2 Dureisseix, David 2 Fan, Xuanmei 2 Ferrari, Mauro 2 Gori, R. E. 2 Grillo, Alfio 2 Hussain, Fazle 2 Ladevèze, Pierre 2 Litewka, Przemysław 2 Morgan, Kenneth 2 Naumov, Victor 2 Palmov, Vladimir 2 Pastor, Manuel 2 Peruzzo, Carlo 2 Pucci, Geppino 2 Sciumè, Giuseppe 2 Stein, Erwin 2 Wisniewski, Krzysztof 2 Wood, Richard D. 2 Wyrzykowski, Mateusz 2 Zhan, Xiaoyong 2 Zhu, Qizhi 1 Beringhier, Marianne 1 Bettess, Peter 1 Bi, Jinying 1 Biĉaniĉ, C. 1 Bolzon, Gabriella 1 Borovkov, Alexei I. 1 Chaboche, Jean-Louis 1 Chan, Andrew H. C. 1 Chinesta, Francisco 1 Codina, Ramon 1 D’Alpaos, Luigi 1 de Borst, René 1 Decuzzi, Paolo 1 Favia, Pietro 1 Gnesotto, F. 1 Grandidier, Jean-Claude 1 Heeres, Otto M. 1 Hinton, Ernest 1 Hong, Wozhang 1 Jouanna, Paul 1 Kamiński, Marcin Marek 1 Kanouté, Pascale 1 Khoury, Gabriel A. 1 Koniorczyk, Marcin 1 Kremheller, Johannes 1 Ledesma, A. 1 Leygue, Adrien 1 Li, Rongtao 1 Liang, Yuanbo 1 Matteazzi, R. 1 Meroi, E. A. 1 Mishuris, Gennady S. 1 Natali, Arturo Nicola 1 Nemov, Alexander S. 1 Néron, David 1 Nguyen, Linh Tuan 1 Odorizzi, Stefano 1 Pavan, Piero G. 1 Preziosi, Luigi 1 Principe, Javier R. 1 Rahman, Norhan Abd. 1 Santagiuliana, R. 1 Scandiuzzi, R. 1 Scotta, Roberto 1 Shiomi, Tatsuyuki ...and 10 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 25 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 18 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 15 Computational Mechanics 11 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 6 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 6 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 6 Engineering Computations 5 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 4 International Journal of Solids and Structures 4 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 4 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Computers and Structures 3 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 3 Meccanica 3 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 3 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Archives of Mechanics 2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2 CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences. Courses and Lectures 1 Acta Mechanica 1 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 1 Mechanics Research Communications 1 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 1 Journal of Theoretical Biology all top 5 Fields 131 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 67 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 16 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 131 Publications have been cited 1,856 times in 1,118 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation and consolidation of porous media. 2nd ed. Zbl 0935.74004 Lewis, Roland W.; Schrefler, Bernard A. 374 1998 Computational geomechanics with special reference to earthquake engineering. Zbl 0932.74003 Zienkiewicz, O. C.; Chan, A. H. C.; Pastor, M.; Schrefler, B. A.; Shiomi, T. 137 1999 Multiscale methods for composites: A review. Zbl 1170.74304 Kanouté, P.; Boso, D. P.; Chaboche, J. L.; Schrefler, B. A. 104 2009 On adaptive refinement techniques in multi-field problems including cohesive fracture. Zbl 1193.74158 Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Secchi, Stefano; Simoni, Luciano 52 2006 Real contact mechanisms and finite element formulation - a coupled thermomechanical approach. Zbl 0775.73305 Zavarise, G.; Wriggers, Peter; Stein, Erwin; Schrefler, B. A. 46 1992 A fully coupled dynamic model for two-phase fluid flow in deformable porous media. Zbl 0977.74019 Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Scotta, Roberto 43 2001 Coupled heat, water and gas flow in deformable porous media. Zbl 0854.76052 Gawin, Dariusz; Baggio, Paolo; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 39 1995 Artificial neural network as an incremental nonlinear constitutive model for a finite element code. Zbl 1054.74731 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 38 2003 Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: A rational approach to quantitative solutions. II: Semi-saturated problems. Zbl 0725.73075 Zienkiewicz, O. C.; Xie, Y. M.; Schrefler, B. A.; Ledesma, A.; Biĉaniĉ, C. 32 1990 Thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of partially saturated porous materials. Zbl 0983.76514 Gawin, Dariusz; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 30 1996 Mesh adaptation and transfer schemes for discrete fracture propagation in porous materials. Zbl 1114.74061 Secchi, Stefano; Simoni, Luciano; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 30 2007 Hybrid FEM and peridynamic simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in saturated porous media. Zbl 1442.74212 Ni, Tao; Pesavento, Francesco; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Galvanetto, Ugo; Zhu, Qi-Zhi; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 28 2020 On augmented Lagrangian algorithms for thermomechanical contact problems with friction. Zbl 0845.73066 Zavarise, G.; Wriggers, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 27 1995 Analysis of the solid phase stress tensor in multiphase porous media. Zbl 1196.74040 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 27 2007 Thermo-mechanical analysis of periodic multiphase materials by a multiscale asymptotic homogenization approach. Zbl 1129.74018 Zhang, H. W.; Zhang, S.; Bi, J. Y.; Schrefler, B. A. 26 2007 Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour of concrete at high temperature with thermo-chemical and mechanical material degradation. Zbl 1033.74011 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 26 2003 A method for solving contact problems. Zbl 0914.73048 Zavarise, G.; Wriggers, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 23 1998 A numerical model for thermomechanical contact based on microscopic interface laws. Zbl 0825.73657 Zavarise, G.; Wriggers, Peter; Stein, Erwin; Schrefler, B. A. 23 1992 On convergence conditions of partitioned solution procedures for consolidation problems. Zbl 0783.76064 Turska, E.; Schrefler, B. A. 23 1993 A formulation for an unsaturated porous medium undergoing large inelastic strains. Zbl 1146.74319 Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A.; Steinmann, P. 22 2002 Thermodynamic approach to effective stress in partially saturated porous media. Zbl 1034.74019 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 22 2001 Artificial neural networks in numerical modelling of composites. Zbl 1227.74052 Lefik, M.; Boso, D. P.; Schrefler, B. A. 22 2009 Gradient-dependent plasticity model and dynamic strain localisation analysis of saturated and partially saturated porous media: One-dimensional model. Zbl 0976.74016 Hong, Wozhang; Schrefler, Bernard A. 21 2000 A coupled model for water flow, airflow and heat flow in deformable porous media. Zbl 0847.76083 Schrefler, Bernard A.; Zhan, Xiaoyong; Simoni, Luciano 19 1995 Standard staggered and Newton schemes in thermo-hydro-mechanical problems. Zbl 0891.76073 Schrefler, B. A.; Simoni, L.; Turska, E. 17 1997 Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. I: Hydration and hygro-thermal phenomena. Zbl 1110.74821 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 17 2006 Large strain static and dynamic semisaturated soil behaviour. Zbl 0819.73055 Meroi, E. A.; Schrefler, B. A.; Zienkiewicz, O. C. 16 1995 Numerical homogenization of periodic composite materials with nonlinear material components. Zbl 0968.74054 Pellegrino, C.; Galvanetto, U.; Schrefler, B. A. 16 1999 The solid phase stress tensor in porous media mechanics and the Hill-Mandel condition. Zbl 1170.74324 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Pesavento, Francesco 15 2009 An avascular tumor growth model based on porous media mechanics and evolving natural states. Zbl 1395.74063 Mascheroni, P.; Carfagna, M.; Grillo, A.; Boso, D. P.; Schrefler, B. A. 15 2018 A partitioned solution procedure for geothermal reservoir analysis. Zbl 0587.76150 Schrefler, B. A. 14 1985 Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour and damage of concrete at temperature above the critical point of water. Zbl 0995.74505 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2002 A LATIN computational strategy for multiphysics problems: application to poroelasticity. Zbl 1106.74425 Dureisseix, D.; Ladevèze, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2003 A thermo-hydro-mechanical model for multiphase geomaterials in dynamics with application to strain localization simulation. Zbl 1352.74180 Cao, T. D.; Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2016 A finite element model for contact analysis of multiple Cosserat bodies. Zbl 1100.74059 Zhang, H. W.; Wang, H.; Wriggers, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 13 2005 Porous media fracturing dynamics: stepwise crack advancement and fluid pressure oscillations. Zbl 1441.74063 Cao, Toan D.; Hussain, Fazle; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 13 2018 A parallel algorithm for thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of deforming porous media. Zbl 0890.76045 Wang, X.; Gawin, D.; Schrefler, B. A. 12 1996 A frontal solver tuned for fully coupled nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical problems. Zbl 1062.76523 Bianco, Mauro; Bilardi, Gianfranco; Pesavento, Francesco; Pucci, Geppino; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 12 2003 On computational modeling in tumor growth. Zbl 1349.92013 Sciumè, G.; Gray, W. G.; Ferrari, M.; Decuzzi, P.; Schrefler, Bernard A. 12 2013 Towards a framework for non-linear thermal models in shell domains. Zbl 1356.74045 Chinesta, Francisco; Leygue, Adrien; Beringhier, Marianne; Nguyen, Linh Tuan; Grandidier, Jean-claude; Schrefler, Bernhard; Pesavento, Francisco 11 2013 Finite element analysis of non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials with application to strain localization simulation. Zbl 1138.74407 Sanavia, L.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 10 2006 Modeling cementitious materials as multiphase porous media: Theoretical framework and applications. Zbl 1155.74331 Pesavento, F.; Gawin, D.; Schrefler, B. A. 10 2008 Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. I: Theoretical model. Zbl 1168.74326 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 9 2008 On consistency, stability and convergence of staggered solution procedures. Zbl 0815.65092 Turska, Ewa; Schrefler, Bernardo A. 9 1994 Concrete at high temperature with application to tunnel fire. Zbl 1076.74534 Schrefler, B. A.; Brunello, P.; Gawin, D.; Majorana, C. E.; Pesavento, F. 8 2002 Mapped infinite elements in soil consolidation. Zbl 0602.73114 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 1987 Towards prediction of the thermal spalling risk through a multi-phase porous media model of concrete. Zbl 1124.74014 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 2006 A staggered finite-element solution for water and gas flow in deforming porous media. Zbl 0724.76052 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 1991 Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. II: Shrinkage and creep of concrete. Zbl 1110.74820 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 8 2006 3-D finite element analysis of composite beams with parallel fibres, based on homogenization theory. Zbl 0802.73074 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 1994 Uniqueness and localization analysis of elastic-plastic saturated porous media. Zbl 0996.74029 Zhang, H. W.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 2001 ANN approach to sorption hysteresis within a coupled hygro-mechanical FE analysis. Zbl 1043.76033 Gawin, D.; Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2001 Multiphase flow in deforming porous material. Zbl 1060.74536 Schrefler, B. A. 7 2004 Simulation of damage-permeability coupling in hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of concrete at high temperature. Zbl 1093.74507 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2002 A coupled chemo-thermo-hygro-mechanical model of concrete at high temperature and failure analysis. Zbl 1140.74438 Li, Xikui; Li, Rongtao; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2006 F.E.M. in steady MHD duct flow problems. Zbl 0714.76062 Scandiuzzi, R.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 1990 Particular aspects of internal length scales in strain localization analysis of multiphase porous materials. Zbl 1095.74502 Zhang, H. W.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2004 Modeling deterioration of cementitious materials exposed to calcium leaching in non-isothermal conditions. Zbl 1229.74023 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 7 2009 A peridynamic differential operator-based scheme for the extended bond-based peridynamics and its application to fracture problems of brittle solids. Zbl 1503.74010 Ni, Tao; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Fan, Xuanmei; Zhu, Qizhi; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Galvanetto, Ugo 7 2023 Shear band localization in saturated porous media. Zbl 0834.73004 Schrefler, B. A.; Majorana, C. E.; Sanavia, L. 6 1995 A contact formulation for ellectrical and mechanical resistance. Zbl 1053.74595 Zavarise, G.; Boso, D.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2002 A finite element analysis of multiphase immiscible flow in deforming porous media for subsurface systems. Zbl 0920.76049 Lewis, Roland W.; Schrefler, Bernard A.; Rahman, Norhan Abd. 6 1998 Numerical methods in transient and coupled problems. (Papers from the 2nd international conference held in Venice, Italy, July 1984). Zbl 0699.73062 6 1987 A CBS-type stabilizing algorithm for the consolidation of saturated porous media. Zbl 1140.76400 Salomoni, V. A.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2005 A multi-frontal parallel algorithm for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of deforming porous media. Zbl 0962.76596 Wang, Xicheng; Schrefler, B. A. 6 1998 Modelling of nonstationary heat conduction problems in micro-periodic composites using homogenisation theory with corrective terms. Zbl 0969.80012 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2000 Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of high-performance concrete at high temperatures. Zbl 1018.74503 Schrefler, Bernard A.; Khoury, Gabriel A.; Gawin, Dariusz; Majorana, Carmelo E. 6 2002 Dynamics of fracturing saturated porous media and self-organization of rupture. Zbl 1406.74603 Peruzzo, Carlo; Cao, D. T.; Milanese, Enrico; Favia, Pietro; Pesavento, Francesco; Hussain, F.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 6 2019 Multiphase flow in deforming porous media: a review. Zbl 1364.76224 Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Sciumè, Giuseppe 6 2017 Local analysis and global nonlinear behaviour of periodic assemblies of bodies in elastic contact. Zbl 0967.74047 Zhang, H. W.; Galvanetto, U.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 1999 Implicit integration of a generalized plasticity constitutive model for partially saturated soil. Zbl 1015.74080 Zhang, H. W.; Heeres, O. M.; de Borst, R.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 2001 Strain localisation modelling and pore pressure in saturated sand samples. Zbl 0927.74048 Schrefler, B. A.; Zhang, H. W.; Pastor, M.; Zienkiewicz, O. C. 5 1998 Geometrically non-linear analysis - a correlation of finite element notations. Zbl 0372.73002 Wood, R. D.; Schrefler, B. 5 1978 Elastoplastic subsidence models with and without capillary effects. Zbl 0956.74027 Simoni, L.; Salomoni, V.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 1999 A mixed finite element procedure of gradient Cosserat continuum for second-order computational homogenisation of granular materials. Zbl 1311.74125 Li, Xikui; Liang, Yuanbo; Duan, Qinglin; Schrefler, B. A.; Du, Youyao 5 2014 FE modelling of a boundary layer corrector for composites using the homogenization theory. Zbl 0983.74534 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. 4 1996 Pollutant transport in deforming porous media. Zbl 0814.73052 Schrefler, B. A.; D’Alpaos, L.; Zhan, X. Y.; Simoni, L. 4 1994 Modern issues in non-saturated soils. Zbl 0862.73001 4 1995 Probabilistic effective characteristics of cables for superconducting coils. Zbl 0979.74016 Kamiński, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 4 2000 Numerical methods in heat transfer. (Papers from the Second International Conference on Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, held in Venice, Italy, July 1981). Vol. II. Zbl 0511.00028 4 1983 A total Lagrangian geometrically nonlinear analysis of combined beam and cable structures. Zbl 0515.73043 Schrefler, B. A.; Odorizzi, S.; Wood, R. D. 4 1983 Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. II: Numerical solution. Zbl 1168.74327 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 4 2008 Work input for unsaturated elastic porous media. Zbl 1244.74007 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Pesavento, Francesco 4 2010 Thermal coupling of fluid flow and structural response of a tunnel induced by fire. Zbl 1242.74018 Schrefler, Bernard A.; Codina, Ramon; Pesavento, Francesco; Principe, Javier 4 2011 Simulation of angiogenesis in a multiphase tumor growth model. Zbl 1425.74328 Santagiuliana, R.; Ferrari, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 4 2016 A peridynamic-enhanced finite element method for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled problems in saturated porous media involving cracks. Zbl 1536.74225 Ni, Tao; Fan, Xuanmei; Zhang, Jin; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Galvanetto, Ugo; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 4 2023 Parameter identification for a suction-dependent plasticity model. Zbl 0980.74007 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2001 Thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis of concrete. Zbl 0854.76089 Baggio, Paolo; Majorana, Carmelo E.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 3 1995 A multi-level frontal algorithm for finite element analysis and its implementation on parallel computation. Zbl 0951.76048 Wang, Xicheng; Baggio, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1999 An accelerated algorithm for parameter identification in a hierarchical plasticity model accounting for material constraints. Zbl 0983.74015 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2001 Cavitation modelling in saturated geomaterials with application to dynamic strain localization. Zbl 0904.76046 Gawin, D.; Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1998 A three-dimensional stress recovery procedure for composite materials. Zbl 0973.74529 Galvanetto, U.; Pellegrino, C.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1998 Generalised self consistent homogenisation as an inverse problem. Zbl 1380.74008 Boso, Daniela P.; Lefik, Marek; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 3 2010 Stabilized-coupled modelling of creep phenomena for saturated porous media. Zbl 1110.74830 Salomoni, V. A.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2006 Interaction between different internal length scales in strain localization analysis of fully and partially saturated porous media - the 1-D case. Zbl 1140.74439 Schrefler, B. A.; Zhang, H. W.; Sanavia, L. 3 2006 Generalized self-consistent like method for mechanical degradation of fibrous composites. Zbl 1298.74013 Boso, D. P.; Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2011 A partially bonded beam element model for superconducting magnet pancakes. Zbl 0724.73202 Gori, R. E.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1989 Accounting for nonlinear aspects in multiphysics problems: application to poroelasticity. Zbl 1329.76339 Néron, David; Ladevèze, Pierre; Dureisseix, David; Schrefler, Bernard A. 3 2004 Hierarchical multi-layered element of assembled Timoshenko beams. Zbl 0800.73413 Wisniewski, K.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1993 A mathematical and numerical model for finite elastoplastic deformations in fluid-saturated porous media. Zbl 1183.74064 Sanavia, Lorenzo; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Steinmann, Paul 3 2002 A peridynamic differential operator-based scheme for the extended bond-based peridynamics and its application to fracture problems of brittle solids. Zbl 1503.74010 Ni, Tao; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Fan, Xuanmei; Zhu, Qizhi; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Galvanetto, Ugo 7 2023 A peridynamic-enhanced finite element method for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled problems in saturated porous media involving cracks. Zbl 1536.74225 Ni, Tao; Fan, Xuanmei; Zhang, Jin; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Galvanetto, Ugo; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 4 2023 Hybrid FEM and peridynamic simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation in saturated porous media. Zbl 1442.74212 Ni, Tao; Pesavento, Francesco; Zaccariotto, Mirco; Galvanetto, Ugo; Zhu, Qi-Zhi; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 28 2020 Dynamics of fracturing saturated porous media and self-organization of rupture. Zbl 1406.74603 Peruzzo, Carlo; Cao, D. T.; Milanese, Enrico; Favia, Pietro; Pesavento, Francesco; Hussain, F.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 6 2019 An avascular tumor growth model based on porous media mechanics and evolving natural states. Zbl 1395.74063 Mascheroni, P.; Carfagna, M.; Grillo, A.; Boso, D. P.; Schrefler, B. A. 15 2018 Porous media fracturing dynamics: stepwise crack advancement and fluid pressure oscillations. Zbl 1441.74063 Cao, Toan D.; Hussain, Fazle; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 13 2018 A monolithic multiphase porous medium framework for (a-)vascular tumor growth. Zbl 1440.74228 Kremheller, Johannes; Vuong, Anh-Tu; Yoshihara, Lena; Wall, Wolfgang A.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 2 2018 Fracturing in dry and saturated porous media. Zbl 1493.74103 Milanese, Enrico; Cao, Toan Duc; Simoni, Luciano; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 2 2018 Multiphase flow in deforming porous media: a review. Zbl 1364.76224 Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Sciumè, Giuseppe 6 2017 Evaluating the influence of mechanical stress on anticancer treatments through a multiphase porous media model. Zbl 1370.92073 Mascheroni, Pietro; Boso, Daniela; Preziosi, Luigi; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 2 2017 A thermo-hydro-mechanical model for multiphase geomaterials in dynamics with application to strain localization simulation. Zbl 1352.74180 Cao, T. D.; Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2016 Simulation of angiogenesis in a multiphase tumor growth model. Zbl 1425.74328 Santagiuliana, R.; Ferrari, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 4 2016 Meso-hydro-mechanically informed effective stresses and effective pressures for saturated and unsaturated porous media. Zbl 1406.74198 Li, Xikui; Du, Youyao; Zhang, Songge; Duan, Qinglin; Schrefler, B. A. 1 2016 Modeling evolution of frost damage in fully saturated porous materials exposed to variable hygro-thermal conditions. Zbl 1423.74059 Koniorczyk, Marcin; Gawin, Dariusz; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 3 2015 A mixed finite element procedure of gradient Cosserat continuum for second-order computational homogenisation of granular materials. Zbl 1311.74125 Li, Xikui; Liang, Yuanbo; Duan, Qinglin; Schrefler, B. A.; Du, Youyao 5 2014 On computational modeling in tumor growth. Zbl 1349.92013 Sciumè, G.; Gray, W. G.; Ferrari, M.; Decuzzi, P.; Schrefler, Bernard A. 12 2013 Towards a framework for non-linear thermal models in shell domains. Zbl 1356.74045 Chinesta, Francisco; Leygue, Adrien; Beringhier, Marianne; Nguyen, Linh Tuan; Grandidier, Jean-claude; Schrefler, Bernhard; Pesavento, Francisco 11 2013 Modeling alkali-silica reaction in non-isothermal, partially saturated cement based materials. Zbl 1253.74027 Pesavento, Francesco; Gawin, Dariusz; Wyrzykowski, Mateusz; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Simoni, Luciano 1 2012 Thermal coupling of fluid flow and structural response of a tunnel induced by fire. Zbl 1242.74018 Schrefler, Bernard A.; Codina, Ramon; Pesavento, Francesco; Principe, Javier 4 2011 Generalized self-consistent like method for mechanical degradation of fibrous composites. Zbl 1298.74013 Boso, D. P.; Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2011 Multiscale/multiphysics model for concrete. Zbl 1323.74024 Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Pesavento, Francesco; Gawin, Dariusz 2 2011 Work input for unsaturated elastic porous media. Zbl 1244.74007 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Pesavento, Francesco 4 2010 Generalised self consistent homogenisation as an inverse problem. Zbl 1380.74008 Boso, Daniela P.; Lefik, Marek; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 3 2010 Multiscale methods for composites: A review. Zbl 1170.74304 Kanouté, P.; Boso, D. P.; Chaboche, J. L.; Schrefler, B. A. 104 2009 Artificial neural networks in numerical modelling of composites. Zbl 1227.74052 Lefik, M.; Boso, D. P.; Schrefler, B. A. 22 2009 The solid phase stress tensor in porous media mechanics and the Hill-Mandel condition. Zbl 1170.74324 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Pesavento, Francesco 15 2009 Modeling deterioration of cementitious materials exposed to calcium leaching in non-isothermal conditions. Zbl 1229.74023 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 7 2009 Generalized self-consistent homogenization using the finite element method. Zbl 1160.74038 Lefik, M.; Boso, D. P.; Schrefler, B. A. 2 2009 Modeling cementitious materials as multiphase porous media: Theoretical framework and applications. Zbl 1155.74331 Pesavento, F.; Gawin, D.; Schrefler, B. A. 10 2008 Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. I: Theoretical model. Zbl 1168.74326 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 9 2008 Modeling of cementitious materials exposed to isothermal calcium leaching, considering process kinetics and advective water flow. II: Numerical solution. Zbl 1168.74327 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 4 2008 Numerical difficulties and computational procedures for thermo-hydro-mechanical coupled problems of saturated porous media. Zbl 1310.76100 Simoni, L.; Secchi, S.; Schrefler, B. A. 2 2008 Mesh adaptation and transfer schemes for discrete fracture propagation in porous materials. Zbl 1114.74061 Secchi, Stefano; Simoni, Luciano; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 30 2007 Analysis of the solid phase stress tensor in multiphase porous media. Zbl 1196.74040 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 27 2007 Thermo-mechanical analysis of periodic multiphase materials by a multiscale asymptotic homogenization approach. Zbl 1129.74018 Zhang, H. W.; Zhang, S.; Bi, J. Y.; Schrefler, B. A. 26 2007 Finite element analysis of various methods for protection of concrete structures against spalling during fire. Zbl 1175.74088 Witek, A.; Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 1 2007 On adaptive refinement techniques in multi-field problems including cohesive fracture. Zbl 1193.74158 Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Secchi, Stefano; Simoni, Luciano 52 2006 Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. I: Hydration and hygro-thermal phenomena. Zbl 1110.74821 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 17 2006 Finite element analysis of non-isothermal multiphase geomaterials with application to strain localization simulation. Zbl 1138.74407 Sanavia, L.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 10 2006 Towards prediction of the thermal spalling risk through a multi-phase porous media model of concrete. Zbl 1124.74014 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 2006 Hygro-thermo-chemo-mechanical modelling of concrete at early ages and beyond. II: Shrinkage and creep of concrete. Zbl 1110.74820 Gawin, Dariusz; Pesavento, Francesco; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 8 2006 A coupled chemo-thermo-hygro-mechanical model of concrete at high temperature and failure analysis. Zbl 1140.74438 Li, Xikui; Li, Rongtao; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2006 Stabilized-coupled modelling of creep phenomena for saturated porous media. Zbl 1110.74830 Salomoni, V. A.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2006 Interaction between different internal length scales in strain localization analysis of fully and partially saturated porous media - the 1-D case. Zbl 1140.74439 Schrefler, B. A.; Zhang, H. W.; Sanavia, L. 3 2006 A finite element model for contact analysis of multiple Cosserat bodies. Zbl 1100.74059 Zhang, H. W.; Wang, H.; Wriggers, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 13 2005 A CBS-type stabilizing algorithm for the consolidation of saturated porous media. Zbl 1140.76400 Salomoni, V. A.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2005 Thermal effects in partially saturated soils: a constitutive model. Zbl 1104.74038 Bolzon, Gabriella; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 2 2005 A 3D beam-to-beam contact finite element for coupled electric-mechanical fields. Zbl 1122.74503 Boso, D. P.; Litewka, P.; Schrefler, B. A.; Wriggers, P. 2 2005 A formulation for electrostatic-mechanical contact and its numerical solution. Zbl 1181.74095 Boso, D. P.; Zavarise, G.; Schrefler, B. A. 2 2005 Modelling of cutting tool-soil interaction. II: Macromechanical model and upscaling. Zbl 1138.74366 Nardin, A.; Schrefler, B. A. 1 2005 2D phenomenological model for transversal deformations of superconducting cables. Zbl 1086.74016 Naumov, Victor; Palmov, Vladimir; Schrefler, Bernard 1 2005 Multiphase flow in deforming porous material. Zbl 1060.74536 Schrefler, B. A. 7 2004 Particular aspects of internal length scales in strain localization analysis of multiphase porous materials. Zbl 1095.74502 Zhang, H. W.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2004 Accounting for nonlinear aspects in multiphysics problems: application to poroelasticity. Zbl 1329.76339 Néron, David; Ladevèze, Pierre; Dureisseix, David; Schrefler, Bernard A. 3 2004 Numerical simulation of rock behaviour through a discrete model. Zbl 1112.74365 Nardin, Alessio; Schrefler, Bernhard 1 2004 Artificial neural network as an incremental nonlinear constitutive model for a finite element code. Zbl 1054.74731 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 38 2003 Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour of concrete at high temperature with thermo-chemical and mechanical material degradation. Zbl 1033.74011 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 26 2003 A LATIN computational strategy for multiphysics problems: application to poroelasticity. Zbl 1106.74425 Dureisseix, D.; Ladevèze, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2003 A frontal solver tuned for fully coupled nonlinear hygro-thermo-mechanical problems. Zbl 1062.76523 Bianco, Mauro; Bilardi, Gianfranco; Pesavento, Francesco; Pucci, Geppino; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 12 2003 Interaction between different internal length scales for strain localisation analysis of single phase materials. Zbl 1090.74523 Zhang, H. W.; Schrefler, B. A.; Wriggers, P. 2 2003 Modelling of cutting tool-soil interaction. I: Contact behaviour. Zbl 1038.74591 Nardin, A.; Zavarise, G.; Schrefler, B. A. 2 2003 Fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis by an algebraic multigrid method. Zbl 1181.74141 Wang, Xicheng; Schrefler, B. A. 1 2003 Application of artificial neural network for identification of parameters of a constitutive law for soils. Zbl 1039.68896 Nardin, Alessio; Schrefler, Bernhard; Lefik, Marek 1 2003 Discrete methods for soil modelling. Zbl 1354.74141 Nardin, A.; Schrefler, B. A.; Zavarise, G. 1 2003 A formulation for an unsaturated porous medium undergoing large inelastic strains. Zbl 1146.74319 Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A.; Steinmann, P. 22 2002 Modelling of hygro-thermal behaviour and damage of concrete at temperature above the critical point of water. Zbl 0995.74505 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 14 2002 Concrete at high temperature with application to tunnel fire. Zbl 1076.74534 Schrefler, B. A.; Brunello, P.; Gawin, D.; Majorana, C. E.; Pesavento, F. 8 2002 Simulation of damage-permeability coupling in hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of concrete at high temperature. Zbl 1093.74507 Gawin, D.; Pesavento, F.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2002 A contact formulation for ellectrical and mechanical resistance. Zbl 1053.74595 Zavarise, G.; Boso, D.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2002 Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of high-performance concrete at high temperatures. Zbl 1018.74503 Schrefler, Bernard A.; Khoury, Gabriel A.; Gawin, Dariusz; Majorana, Carmelo E. 6 2002 A mathematical and numerical model for finite elastoplastic deformations in fluid-saturated porous media. Zbl 1183.74064 Sanavia, Lorenzo; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Steinmann, Paul 3 2002 Geometrical and material nonlinear analysis of fully and partially saturated porous media. Zbl 1187.74060 Sanavia, Lorenzo; Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Steinmann, Paul 1 2002 A multi-phase media formulation for biomechanical analysis of periodontal ligament. Zbl 1141.74346 Natali, A. N.; Pavan, P. G.; Schrefler, B. A.; Secchi, Stefano 1 2002 A fully coupled dynamic model for two-phase fluid flow in deformable porous media. Zbl 0977.74019 Schrefler, Bernhard A.; Scotta, Roberto 43 2001 Thermodynamic approach to effective stress in partially saturated porous media. Zbl 1034.74019 Gray, William G.; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 22 2001 Uniqueness and localization analysis of elastic-plastic saturated porous media. Zbl 0996.74029 Zhang, H. W.; Schrefler, B. A. 8 2001 ANN approach to sorption hysteresis within a coupled hygro-mechanical FE analysis. Zbl 1043.76033 Gawin, D.; Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 7 2001 Implicit integration of a generalized plasticity constitutive model for partially saturated soil. Zbl 1015.74080 Zhang, H. W.; Heeres, O. M.; de Borst, R.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 2001 Parameter identification for a suction-dependent plasticity model. Zbl 0980.74007 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2001 An accelerated algorithm for parameter identification in a hierarchical plasticity model accounting for material constraints. Zbl 0983.74015 Simoni, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 2001 Gradient-dependent plasticity model and dynamic strain localisation analysis of saturated and partially saturated porous media: One-dimensional model. Zbl 0976.74016 Hong, Wozhang; Schrefler, Bernard A. 21 2000 Modelling of nonstationary heat conduction problems in micro-periodic composites using homogenisation theory with corrective terms. Zbl 0969.80012 Lefik, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 6 2000 Probabilistic effective characteristics of cables for superconducting coils. Zbl 0979.74016 Kamiński, M.; Schrefler, B. A. 4 2000 Macroscopic damage in periodic composite materials. Zbl 1006.74082 Boso, D.; Pellegrino, C.; Galvanetto, U.; Schrefler, B. A. 2 2000 Computational geomechanics with special reference to earthquake engineering. Zbl 0932.74003 Zienkiewicz, O. C.; Chan, A. H. C.; Pastor, M.; Schrefler, B. A.; Shiomi, T. 137 1999 Numerical homogenization of periodic composite materials with nonlinear material components. Zbl 0968.74054 Pellegrino, C.; Galvanetto, U.; Schrefler, B. A. 16 1999 Local analysis and global nonlinear behaviour of periodic assemblies of bodies in elastic contact. Zbl 0967.74047 Zhang, H. W.; Galvanetto, U.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 1999 Elastoplastic subsidence models with and without capillary effects. Zbl 0956.74027 Simoni, L.; Salomoni, V.; Schrefler, B. A. 5 1999 A multi-level frontal algorithm for finite element analysis and its implementation on parallel computation. Zbl 0951.76048 Wang, Xicheng; Baggio, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1999 An efficient parallel algorithm for three-dimensional analysis of subsidence above gas reservoirs. Zbl 0985.76057 Schrefler, B. A.; Wang, X.; Salomoni, V. A.; Zuccolo, G. 2 1999 Numerical methods in theories of porous materials. Zbl 0941.74071 Schrefler, B. A. 1 1999 The finite element method in the static and dynamic deformation and consolidation of porous media. 2nd ed. Zbl 0935.74004 Lewis, Roland W.; Schrefler, Bernard A. 374 1998 A method for solving contact problems. Zbl 0914.73048 Zavarise, G.; Wriggers, P.; Schrefler, B. A. 23 1998 A finite element analysis of multiphase immiscible flow in deforming porous media for subsurface systems. Zbl 0920.76049 Lewis, Roland W.; Schrefler, Bernard A.; Rahman, Norhan Abd. 6 1998 A multi-frontal parallel algorithm for coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of deforming porous media. Zbl 0962.76596 Wang, Xicheng; Schrefler, B. A. 6 1998 Strain localisation modelling and pore pressure in saturated sand samples. Zbl 0927.74048 Schrefler, B. A.; Zhang, H. W.; Pastor, M.; Zienkiewicz, O. C. 5 1998 Cavitation modelling in saturated geomaterials with application to dynamic strain localization. Zbl 0904.76046 Gawin, D.; Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1998 A three-dimensional stress recovery procedure for composite materials. Zbl 0973.74529 Galvanetto, U.; Pellegrino, C.; Schrefler, B. A. 3 1998 Standard staggered and Newton schemes in thermo-hydro-mechanical problems. Zbl 0891.76073 Schrefler, B. A.; Simoni, L.; Turska, E. 17 1997 Thermo-hydro-mechanical analysis of partially saturated porous materials. Zbl 0983.76514 Gawin, Dariusz; Schrefler, Bernhard A. 30 1996 ...and 31 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,912 Authors 85 Schrefler, Bernhard A. 30 Zhang, Hongwu 22 Pesavento, Francesco 21 de Borst, René 20 Gawin, Dariusz 20 Sun, WaiChing 20 Wheeler, Mary Fanett 20 Zavarise, Giorgio 18 Wriggers, Peter 14 Zohdi, Tarek I. 13 Steinmann, Paul 13 Wick, Thomas 13 Zhao, Chongbin 12 Hobbs, Bruce E. 12 Khoei, Amir R. 12 Ord, Alison 12 Simoni, Luciano 11 Li, Xikui 11 Noels, Ludovic 10 Wu, Ling 10 Yang, Yongtao 10 Zheng, Hong 9 Benes, Michal 9 Ehlers, Wolfgang 9 Gaspar, Francisco José 9 Grillo, Alfio 9 Mikelić, Andro 9 Song, Xiaoyu 9 Wu, Wenan 8 Borja, Ronaldo I. 8 Castelletto, Nicola 8 Chinesta, Francisco 8 de Lorenzis, Laura 8 Ferronato, Massimiliano 8 Javili, Ali 8 Kolditz, Olaf 8 Mira, Pablo 8 Pastor, Manuel 8 Sanavia, Lorenzo 8 Thomas, Hywel Rhys 7 Distefano, Salvatore 7 Dureisseix, David 7 Kamiński, Marcin Marek 7 Markert, Bernd 7 Néron, David 7 Paggi, Marco 7 Rui, Hongxing 7 Tchelepi, Hamdi A. 7 Zheng, Yonggang 6 Abellan, Marie-Angèle 6 Boso, Daniela P. 6 Chatzigeorgiou, George 6 Chen, Lin 6 Choo, Jinhyun 6 Fish, Jacob 6 Khalili, Nasser 6 Kim, Jihoon 6 Lefik, Marek J. 6 Lewis, Roland W. 6 Mroginski, Javier L. 6 Ni, Tao 6 Rodrigo, Carmen 6 Sluys, Lambertus Johannes 6 Soares, Delfim jun. 6 Wall, Wolfgang A. 6 Wang, Wenqing 6 Wang, Xicheng 6 White, Joshua A. 5 Chen, Jiun-Shyan 5 Cui, Junzhi 5 de Souza Neto, Eduardo Alberto 5 Feijóo, Raúl Antonino 5 Galvanetto, Ugo 5 Geers, Marc G. D. 5 Ghorbani, Javad 5 Gray, William G. 5 Heider, Yousef 5 Jódar Sanchez, Lucas Antonio 5 Ladevèze, Pierre 5 Lee, Sanghyun 5 Leygue, Adrien 5 Lisbona Cortés, Francisco Javier 5 Liu, Gui-Rong 5 Lu, Mengkai 5 Menon, Shashank 5 Meschke, Günther 5 Mühlhaus, Hans-Bernd 5 Nguyen, Van-Dung 5 Osinov, Vladimir A. 5 Peng, Shenglin 5 Réthoré, Julien 5 Salomoni, Valentina A. 5 Schanz, Martin 5 Temizer, Ilker 5 Terada, Kenjiro 5 Zaccariotto, Mirco 5 Zhang, Yiming 4 Armero, Francisco 4 Blanco, Pablo Javier 4 Chai, Junrui ...and 1,812 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 104 Serials 273 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 158 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102 Computational Mechanics 55 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 33 European Journal of Mechanics. A. 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