Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Seaïd, Mohammed Co-Author Distance Author ID: seaid.mohammed Published as: Seaid, Mohammed; Seaïd, Mohammed; Seaid, M.; Seaïd, M.; Seaíd, Mohammed more...less Homepage: https://www.durham.ac.uk/staff/m-seaid/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 169 Publications since 1998, including 1 Book 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 93 Co-Authors with 157 Joint Publications 1,604 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 43 El-Amrani, Mofdi 33 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 18 Klar, Axel 13 Mohamed, M. Shadi 11 Banda, Mapundi Kondwani 11 Elmahi, Imad 9 Izem, Nouh 8 Herty, Michael Matthias 8 Sari, Saida 8 Trevelyan, Jon 7 Laghrouche, Omar 7 Salhi, Loubna 7 Yakoubi, Driss 7 Zahri, Mostafa 6 Khouya, Bassou 6 Pareschi, Lorenzo 6 Thömmes, Guido 5 Ouardghi, Abdelouahed 5 Ouazar, Driss 5 Pinnau, René 5 Teleaga, Ioan 5 Wakrim, Mohamed 4 El Kacimi, Abdellah 4 Obbadi, Anouar 4 Sahmim, Slah 3 Alghosoun, Alia 3 Belhamadia, Youssef 3 Carrer, José Antonio Marques 3 Malek, Mustapha 3 Manouzi, Hassan 3 Rowan, Thomas 2 Addam, Mohamed 2 Asmouh, Ilham 2 Audusse, Emmanuel 2 Bouhamidi, Abderrahman 2 Daoudi, Salah 2 Dubroca, Bruno 2 El Mocayd, Nabil 2 Ghoudi, Tarek 2 Giani, Stefano 2 Götz, Thomas 2 Halassi Bacar, Abdoul-Hafar 2 He, Lisha 2 Kissami, Imad 2 Machmoum, Ahmed 2 Mahamane, Amadou 2 Mohamed, Kamel 2 Rößler, Andreas 2 Solheid, B. S. 2 Taik, Ahmed 1 Abdellaoui, Rajaa 1 Alhuri, Yasser 1 Amor, Hanen 1 Bahssini, Abderrahim 1 Bermejo, Rodolfo 1 Boubekeur, Mohamed 1 Crouch, Roger S. 1 Degond, Pierre 1 Diwan, Ganesh C. 1 Dopico, Froilán M. 1 dos Santos Solheid, Bruno 1 Drolia, M. 1 El Barkani, Imad 1 El Fatini, Mohamed 1 El-Hadouti, Imane 1 El Mahjour, Hamza 1 Ellaia, Rachid 1 Frank, Martin 1 Gan, Yong 1 Gasser, Ingenuin 1 Göttlich, Simone 1 Haslam, Iain W. 1 Janicka, Johannes 1 Jbilou, Khalide 1 Jiang, Jinhui 1 Lahrouz, Aadil 1 Larsen, Edward W. 1 Li, Hongqiu 1 Liu, Sitong 1 Moumna, Abdelhafid 1 Moutahir, Fatima-Ezzahrae 1 Niu, Chang 1 Osman, Ashraf S. 1 Reuterswärd, Philip 1 Sainte-Marie, Jacques 1 Settati, Adel 1 Singh, Anita Kumari 1 Struckmeier, Jens 1 Tabbakh, Zineb 1 Tassi, Pablo 1 Tridane, Abdessamad 1 Unterreiter, Andreas 1 Yebari, Naji all top 5 Serials 15 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 9 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 9 Journal of Computational Physics 9 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 7 Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 6 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 5 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 5 Journal of Scientific Computing 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 4 Communications in Computational Physics 4 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 2 Computers and Fluids 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 International Journal of Computational Methods 2 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Acta Mechanica 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Computing and Visualization in Science 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 1 Kinetic and Related Models 1 Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Berichte aus der Mathematik all top 5 Fields 115 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 114 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 41 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 24 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Geophysics (86-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 135 Publications have been cited 1,112 times in 561 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Simplified \(P_N\) approximations to the equations of radiative heat transfer and applications. Zbl 1016.65105 Larsen, Edward W.; Thömmes, Guido; Klar, Axel; Seaïd, Mohammed; Götz, Thomas 70 2002 Numerical methods and optimal control for glass cooling processes. Zbl 1011.80003 Thömmes, G.; Pinnau, R.; Seaïd, M.; Götz, Th.; Klar, A. 38 2002 Efficient numerical methods for radiation in gas turbines. Zbl 1221.80023 Seaïd, M.; Frank, M.; Klar, A.; Pinnau, R.; Thömmes, G. 37 2004 Well-balanced finite volume schemes for pollutant transport by shallow water equations on unstructured meshes. Zbl 1120.76045 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 34 2007 Numerical simulation of natural and mixed convection flows by Galerkin-characteristic method. Zbl 1370.76084 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 29 2007 Radiation models for thermal flows at low Mach number. Zbl 1099.76056 Teleaga, Ioan; Seaïd, Mohammed; Gasser, Ingenuin; Klar, Axel; Struckmeier, Jens 27 2006 Non-oscillatory relaxation methods for the shallow-water equations in one and two space dimensions. Zbl 1060.76591 Seaïd, Mohammed 27 2004 A new finite volume method for flux-gradient and source-term balancing in shallow water equations. Zbl 1225.76209 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 26 2010 Convergence and stability of finite element modified method of characteristics for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1120.76038 El-Amrani, M.; Seaid, M. 25 2007 A simple finite volume method for the shallow water equations. Zbl 1273.76287 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaïd, Mohammed 24 2010 A partition of unity FEM for time-dependent diffusion problems using multiple enrichment functions. Zbl 1352.65361 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 23 2013 Semi-Lagrangian integration schemes for viscous incompressible flows. Zbl 1098.76529 Seaid, M. 19 2002 Solution of the sediment transport equations using a finite volume method based on sign matrix. Zbl 1201.35021 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaid, Mohammed 18 2009 A two-dimensional finite volume morphodynamic model on unstructured triangular grids. Zbl 1425.76155 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaïd, Mohammed 17 2010 On the quasi-monotone modified method of characteristics for transport-diffusion problems with reactive sources. Zbl 1075.76642 Seaid, M. 17 2002 Numerical solvers for radiation and conduction in high temperature gas flows. Zbl 1331.80018 Seaïd, Mohammed; Klar, Axel; Pinnau, René 16 2005 Simulation of transient gas flow at pipe-to-pipe intersections. Zbl 1130.76068 Herty, Michael; Seaïd, Mohammed 16 2008 A finite element modified method of characteristics for convective heat transport. Zbl 1143.65075 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 16 2008 A fast finite volume solver for multi-layered shallow water flows with mass exchange. Zbl 1349.76169 Audusse, Emmanuel; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed; Tassi, Pablo 16 2014 An essentially non-oscillatory semi-Lagrangian method for tidal flow simulations. Zbl 1183.76804 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 15 2010 Higher-order relaxation schemes for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Zbl 1084.65076 Banda, M. K.; Seaid, M. 15 2005 Method of lines for stochastic boundary-value problems with additive noise. Zbl 1142.65007 Rößler, Andreas; Seaïd, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 15 2008 An \(L^2\)-projection for the Galerkin-characteristic solution of incompressible flows. Zbl 1232.65143 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 15 2011 Mixed enrichment for the finite element method in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1352.74344 Diwan, G. C.; Mohamed, M. S.; Seaid, M.; Trevelyan, J.; Laghrouche, O. 14 2015 Time-independent hybrid enrichment for finite element solution of transient conduction-radiation in diffusive grey media. Zbl 1349.65470 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 14 2013 An enriched finite element model with \(q\)-refinement for radiative boundary layers in glass cooling. Zbl 1349.82103 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 14 2014 Simplified radiative models for low-Mach number reactive flows. Zbl 1145.80309 Teleaga, Ioan; Seaïd, Mohammed 13 2008 Efficient preconditioning of linear systems arising from the discretization of radiative transfer equation. Zbl 1043.65068 Seaïd, Mohammed; Klar, Axel 13 2003 A consistent approach for the coupling of radiation and hydrodynamics at low Mach number. Zbl 1343.76042 Dubroca, Bruno; Seaïd, Mohammed; Teleaga, Ioan 12 2007 A finite volume method for scalar conservation laws with stochastic time-space dependent flux functions. Zbl 1252.65152 Mohamed, Kamel; Seaid, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 12 2013 Lattice Boltzmann methods for shallow water flow applications. Zbl 1127.76052 Thömmes, Guido; Seaïd, Mohammed; Banda, Mapundi K. 11 2007 A discontinuous Galerkin method for two-layer shallow water equations. Zbl 1540.76091 Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 11 2016 Compressible and incompressible limits for hyperbolic systems with relaxation. Zbl 1058.76035 Banda, M. K.; Seaïd, M.; Klar, A.; Pareschi, L. 10 2004 A finite element semi-Lagrangian method with L2 interpolation. Zbl 1246.76052 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 10 2012 A flux-limiter method for dam-break flows over erodible sediment beds. Zbl 1252.76050 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 10 2012 Optimal control in radiative transfer. Zbl 1128.49021 Herty, Michael; Pinnau, René; Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2007 Eulerian-Lagrangian time-stepping methods for convection-dominated problems. Zbl 1138.65083 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2008 High-resolution relaxation scheme for the two-dimensional Riemann problems in gas dynamics. Zbl 1108.76068 Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2006 Mathematical development and verification of a finite volume model for morphodynamic flow applications. Zbl 1262.65110 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaid, Mohammed; Sahmim, Slah 9 2011 A generalized Rusanov method for Saint-Venant equations with variable horizontal density. Zbl 1246.76065 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Mohamed, Kamel; Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2011 Enhanced conformal perfectly matched layers for Bernstein-Bézier finite element modelling of short wave scattering. Zbl 1441.78014 El Kacimi, A.; Laghrouche, O.; Ouazar, D.; Mohamed, M. S.; Seaid, M.; Trevelyan, J. 9 2019 A semi-Lagrangian method for a Fokker-Planck equation describing fiber dynamics. Zbl 1203.65211 Klar, Axel; Reuterswärd, Philip; Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2009 Stable numerical methods for conservation laws with discontinuous flux function. Zbl 1088.65080 Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2006 Enskog-like discrete velocity models for vehicular traffic flow. Zbl 1232.90131 Herty, Michael; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2007 Multilayer Saint-Venant equations over movable beds. Zbl 1230.37102 Audusse, Emmanuel; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sainte-Marie, Jacques; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2011 An Eulerian-Lagrangian method for coupled parabolic-hyperbolic equations. Zbl 1160.65048 Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2009 Discrete-velocity models and relaxation schemes for traffic flows. Zbl 1344.65081 Herty, Michael; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2006 \(h p\)-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for simplified \(\operatorname{P}_{\operatorname{N}}\) approximations of frequency-dependent radiative transfer. Zbl 1425.74462 Giani, Stefano; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2016 Slope limiters for radial basis functions applied to conservation laws with discontinuous flux function. Zbl 1403.76137 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Halassi, A.; Ouazar, Driss; Seaid, Mohammed; Taik, Ahmed 8 2016 Projection finite volume method for shallow water flows. Zbl 1540.76113 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2015 Assessment of coupling conditions in water way intersections. Zbl 1430.76406 Herty, Michael; Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2013 An unstructured finite-volume method for coupled models of suspended sediment and bed load transport in shallow-water flows. Zbl 1455.76103 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2013 Relaxation WENO schemes for multidimensional hyperbolic systems of conservation laws. Zbl 1129.65053 Banda, Mapundi; Seaïd, Mohammed 7 2007 A stabilized meshless method for time-dependent convection-dominated flow problems. Zbl 1540.76144 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Halassi, A.; Ouazar, Driss; Seaid, Mohammed; Taik, Ahmed 7 2017 Discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional bilayer shallow water equations. Zbl 1358.76041 Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Elmahi, Imad; Wakrim, Mohamed 7 2016 A Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev SPH algorithm for elastodynamics. Zbl 1388.74012 He, Lisha; Seaid, Mohammed 7 2016 Weakly compressible and advection approximations of incompressible viscous flows. Zbl 1128.76042 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 6 2006 A family of finite volume Eulerian-Lagrangian methods for two-dimensional conservation laws. Zbl 1315.65076 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 6 2015 Simplified \(P_{N}\) models and natural convection-radiation. Zbl 1308.76255 Pinnau, René; Seaïd, Mohammed 6 2008 A partition of unity finite element method for three-dimensional transient diffusion problems with sharp gradients. Zbl 1452.65244 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Laghrouche, Omar 6 2019 Explicit time integration with lumped mass matrix for enriched finite elements solution of time domain wave problems. Zbl 1481.65181 Drolia, M.; Mohamed, M. S.; Laghrouche, O.; Seaid, M.; El Kacimi, A. 6 2020 A local radial basis function projection method for incompressible flows in water eutrophication. Zbl 1464.76112 Tabbakh, Zineb; Seaid, Mohammed; Ellaia, Rachid; Ouazar, Driss; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 6 2019 Comparison of unstructured finite-volume morphodynamic models in contracting channel flows. Zbl 1419.76452 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Daoudi, Salah; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 5 2011 Lattice-Boltzmann type relaxation systems and high-order relaxation schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1130.76060 Banda, Mapundi; Klar, Axel; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Seaïd, Mohammed 5 2008 Wick-stochastic finite element solution of reaction-diffusion problems. Zbl 1113.60068 Manouzi, Hassan; Seaïd, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 5 2007 Asymptotic-preserving schemes for unsteady flow simulations. Zbl 1177.76245 Seaïd, Mohammed; Klar, Axel 5 2006 Finite element modified method of characteristics for shallow water flows: Application to the strait of gibraltar. Zbl 1309.76125 González, Manuel; Seaïd, M. 5 2006 Error estimates for a viscosity-splitting scheme in time applied to non-Newtonian fluid flows. Zbl 1536.76028 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Obbadi, Anouar; Seaid, Mohammed; Yakoubi, Driss 5 2024 New finite-volume relaxation methods for the third-order differential equations. Zbl 1364.76107 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaid, Mohammed 5 2008 A Galerkin-characteristic unified finite element method for moving thermal fronts in porous media. Zbl 1524.76225 Salhi, Loubna; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 5 2022 Iterative solvers for generalized finite element solution of boundary-value problems. Zbl 1513.65081 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Bouhamidi, Abderrahman 5 2018 A class of the relaxation schemes for two-dimensional Euler systems of gas dynamics. Zbl 1052.76550 Banda, M. K.; Seaïd, M. 5 2002 Uniformly accurate schemes for relaxation approximations to fluid dynamic equations. Zbl 1040.76047 Klar, A.; Pareschi, L.; Seaid, M. 5 2003 A conservative semi-Lagrangian finite volume method for convection-diffusion problems on unstructured grids. Zbl 1452.65304 Asmouh, Ilham; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed; Yebari, Naji 5 2020 Lagrange-Galerkin method for unsteady free surface water waves. Zbl 1512.76057 Seaïd, Mohammed; El-Amrani, Mofdi 4 2006 A domain decomposition method for conservation laws with discontinuous flux function. Zbl 1128.65078 Herty, Michael; Seaïd, Mohammed; Singh, Anita K. 4 2007 Improved applications of relaxation schemes for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws and convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1092.65075 Seaïd, M. 4 2006 Validation of simplified P\(_{\text{N}}\) models for radiative transfer in combustion systems. Zbl 1157.80402 Schneider, E.; Seaïd, M.; Janicka, J.; Klar, A. 4 2008 A lattice-Boltzmann relaxation scheme for coupled convection-radiation systems. Zbl 1121.76048 Banda, Mapundi K.; Klar, Axel; Seaïd, Mohammed 4 2007 A spectral stochastic semi-Lagrangian method for convection-diffusion equations with uncertainty. Zbl 1203.65016 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 4 2009 A Galerkin-characteristic method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer. Zbl 1175.76072 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2008 A Bernstein-Bézier Lagrange-Galerkin method for three-dimensional advection-dominated problems. Zbl 1536.76061 El-Amrani, Mofdi; El Kacimi, Abdellah; Khouya, Bassou; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2023 A Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for three-dimensional convection-dominated problems. Zbl 1488.65426 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2021 A non-homogeneous Riemann solver for shallow water equations in porous media. Zbl 1388.76164 Benkhaldoun, F.; Elmahi, I.; Moumna, A.; Seaid, M. 4 2016 A new composite scheme for two-layer shallow water flows with shocks. Zbl 1426.76380 Izem, Nouh; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 4 2014 A partition of unity finite element method for nonlinear transient diffusion problems in heterogeneous materials. Zbl 1438.65240 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Wakrim, Mohamed 4 2019 Combined characteristics and finite volume methods for sediment transport and bed morphology in surface water flows. Zbl 1419.76453 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaïd, Mohammed 3 2011 Bernstein-Bézier Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1502.65117 El-Amrani, Mofdi; El-Kacimi, Abdellah; Khouya, Bassou; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2022 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dispersion in two-dimensional tidal flows. Zbl 1156.76426 Banda, Mapundi K.; Seaïd, Mohammed; Thömmes, Guido 3 2009 Analysis of a Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for convection-diffusion problems in porous media. Zbl 1538.65385 Salhi, Loubna; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2020 A stochastic threshold to predict extinction and persistence of an epidemic SIRS system with a general incidence rate. Zbl 1498.92256 Settati, A.; Lahrouz, A.; Zahri, M.; Tridane, A.; El Fatini, M.; El Mahjour, H.; Seaid, M. 3 2021 A conservative and monotone characteristic finite element solver for three-dimensional transport and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. Zbl 1482.65182 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2022 Flux limiters in the coupling of radiation and hydrodynamic models. Zbl 1058.76038 Seaïd, M.; Klar, A.; Dubroca, B. 3 2004 Numerical assessment of criteria for mesh adaptation in the finite volume solution of shallow water equations. Zbl 1488.65343 Kissami, Imad; Seaid, Mohammed; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 3 2020 An enriched Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-dominated and transport problems. Zbl 1476.65214 Ouardghi, Abdelouahed; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Nador lagoon (Morocco). Zbl 1251.86001 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Daoudi, Salah; Elmahi, Imad; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2012 Enriched Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1462.35241 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Ouardghi, Abdelouahed; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 A three-dimensional monotonicity-preserving modified method of characteristics on unstructured tetrahedral meshes. Zbl 07342026 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 A conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the Galerkin-characteristic approximation of interfacial flows. Zbl 1426.76528 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 3 2012 Numerical solution of Rosseland model for transient thermal radiation in non-grey optically thick media using enriched basis functions. Zbl 1524.80010 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 3 2021 Error estimates for a viscosity-splitting scheme in time applied to non-Newtonian fluid flows. Zbl 1536.76028 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Obbadi, Anouar; Seaid, Mohammed; Yakoubi, Driss 5 2024 An improved splitting algorithm for unsteady generalized Newtonian fluid flow problems with natural boundary conditions. Zbl 07863384 Obbadi, Anouar; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed; Yakoubi, Driss 2 2024 A Bernstein-Bézier Lagrange-Galerkin method for three-dimensional advection-dominated problems. Zbl 1536.76061 El-Amrani, Mofdi; El Kacimi, Abdellah; Khouya, Bassou; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2023 A priori error estimates for a semi-Lagrangian unified finite element method for coupled Darcy-transport problems. Zbl 1535.65207 Salhi, Loubna; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2023 Computing enhancement of the nonlinear \(\mathrm{SP}_{\mathrm{N}}\) approximations of radiative heat transfer in participating material. Zbl 07715682 Belhamadia, Youssef; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2023 An iterative scheme for solving a coupled Darcy-convection-diffusion model. Zbl 1502.65263 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Salhi, Loubna; Seaid, Mohammed; Yakoubi, Driss 1 2023 Novel adaptive finite volume method on unstructured meshes for time-domain wave scattering and diffraction. Zbl 1538.65299 Ghoudi, Tarek; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2023 A Galerkin-characteristic unified finite element method for moving thermal fronts in porous media. Zbl 1524.76225 Salhi, Loubna; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 5 2022 Bernstein-Bézier Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-diffusion problems. Zbl 1502.65117 El-Amrani, Mofdi; El-Kacimi, Abdellah; Khouya, Bassou; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2022 A conservative and monotone characteristic finite element solver for three-dimensional transport and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured grids. Zbl 1482.65182 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2022 An adaptive enriched semi-Lagrangian finite element method for coupled flow-transport problems. Zbl 1521.76358 Ouardghi, Abdelouahed; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2022 Well-posedness and numerical approximation of steady convection-diffusion-reaction problems in porous media. Zbl 1524.76469 Salhi, Loubna; Seaid, Mohammed; Yakoubi, Driss 2 2022 A nonintrusive reduced-order model for uncertainty quantification in numerical solution of one-dimensional free-surface water flows over stochastic beds. Zbl 07547374 Alghosoun, Alia; El Mocayd, Nabil; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2022 A semi-Lagrangian Bernstein-Bézier finite element method for two-dimensional coupled Burgers’ equations at high Reynolds numbers. Zbl 1540.76084 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Khouya, Bassou; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2022 A well-balanced Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for multilayer shallow water equations with non-flat bottom topography. Zbl 1499.65496 Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2022 A Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for three-dimensional convection-dominated problems. Zbl 1488.65426 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2021 A stochastic threshold to predict extinction and persistence of an epidemic SIRS system with a general incidence rate. Zbl 1498.92256 Settati, A.; Lahrouz, A.; Zahri, M.; Tridane, A.; El Fatini, M.; El Mahjour, H.; Seaid, M. 3 2021 An enriched Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-dominated and transport problems. Zbl 1476.65214 Ouardghi, Abdelouahed; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 Enriched Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1462.35241 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Ouardghi, Abdelouahed; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 A three-dimensional monotonicity-preserving modified method of characteristics on unstructured tetrahedral meshes. Zbl 07342026 Khouya, Bassou; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2021 Numerical solution of Rosseland model for transient thermal radiation in non-grey optically thick media using enriched basis functions. Zbl 1524.80010 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 3 2021 Development of time-space adaptive smoothed particle hydrodynamics method with Runge-Kutta Chebyshev scheme. Zbl 1464.76138 He, Lisha; Liu, Sitong; Gan, Yong; Seaid, Mohammed; Niu, Chang 2 2021 A computational model for simulation of shallow water waves by elastic deformations in the topography. Zbl 1476.76008 Al-Ghosoun, Alia; Osman, Ashraf S.; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2021 A boundary element method formulation based on the Caputo derivative for the solution of the anomalous diffusion problem. Zbl 1464.80021 Carrer, J. A. M.; Solheid, B. S.; Trevelyan, J.; Seaid, M. 1 2021 Explicit time integration with lumped mass matrix for enriched finite elements solution of time domain wave problems. Zbl 1481.65181 Drolia, M.; Mohamed, M. S.; Laghrouche, O.; Seaid, M.; El Kacimi, A. 6 2020 A conservative semi-Lagrangian finite volume method for convection-diffusion problems on unstructured grids. Zbl 1452.65304 Asmouh, Ilham; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed; Yebari, Naji 5 2020 Analysis of a Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for convection-diffusion problems in porous media. Zbl 1538.65385 Salhi, Loubna; El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2020 Numerical assessment of criteria for mesh adaptation in the finite volume solution of shallow water equations. Zbl 1488.65343 Kissami, Imad; Seaid, Mohammed; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 3 2020 Two-dimensional numerical modelling of shallow water flows over multilayer movable beds. Zbl 1481.76149 Rowan, Thomas; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2020 Multi-hp adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for simplified \(P_{N}\) approximations of 3D radiative transfer in non-gray media. Zbl 1447.80006 Giani, Stefano; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2020 Simulation of three-dimensional free-surface flows using two-dimensional multilayer shallow water equations. Zbl 1473.65143 Sari, Saida; Rowan, Thomas; Seaid, Mohammed; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 1 2020 Enhanced conformal perfectly matched layers for Bernstein-Bézier finite element modelling of short wave scattering. Zbl 1441.78014 El Kacimi, A.; Laghrouche, O.; Ouazar, D.; Mohamed, M. S.; Seaid, M.; Trevelyan, J. 9 2019 A partition of unity finite element method for three-dimensional transient diffusion problems with sharp gradients. Zbl 1452.65244 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Laghrouche, Omar 6 2019 A local radial basis function projection method for incompressible flows in water eutrophication. Zbl 1464.76112 Tabbakh, Zineb; Seaid, Mohammed; Ellaia, Rachid; Ouazar, Driss; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 6 2019 A partition of unity finite element method for nonlinear transient diffusion problems in heterogeneous materials. Zbl 1438.65240 Malek, Mustapha; Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Wakrim, Mohamed 4 2019 A new numerical treatment of moving wet/dry fronts in dam-break flows. Zbl 1422.76132 Al-Ghosoun, Alia; Herty, Michael; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2019 The boundary element method applied to the solution of the anomalous diffusion problem. Zbl 1464.65107 Marques Carrer, José Antonio; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; dos Santos Solheid, Bruno 2 2019 Fast and accurate simulations of shallow water equations in large networks. Zbl 1442.65259 Herty, Michael; Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed 2 2019 Iterative solvers for generalized finite element solution of boundary-value problems. Zbl 1513.65081 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Bouhamidi, Abderrahman 5 2018 Identifying the wavenumber for the inverse Helmholtz problem using an enriched finite element formulation. Zbl 1440.65161 Jiang, Jinhui; Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Li, Hongqiu 2 2018 A stabilized meshless method for time-dependent convection-dominated flow problems. Zbl 1540.76144 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Halassi, A.; Ouazar, Driss; Seaid, Mohammed; Taik, Ahmed 7 2017 A discontinuous Galerkin method for two-layer shallow water equations. Zbl 1540.76091 Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 11 2016 \(h p\)-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for simplified \(\operatorname{P}_{\operatorname{N}}\) approximations of frequency-dependent radiative transfer. Zbl 1425.74462 Giani, Stefano; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2016 Slope limiters for radial basis functions applied to conservation laws with discontinuous flux function. Zbl 1403.76137 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Halassi, A.; Ouazar, Driss; Seaid, Mohammed; Taik, Ahmed 8 2016 Discontinuous Galerkin method for two-dimensional bilayer shallow water equations. Zbl 1358.76041 Izem, Nouh; Seaid, Mohammed; Elmahi, Imad; Wakrim, Mohamed 7 2016 A Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev SPH algorithm for elastodynamics. Zbl 1388.74012 He, Lisha; Seaid, Mohammed 7 2016 A non-homogeneous Riemann solver for shallow water equations in porous media. Zbl 1388.76164 Benkhaldoun, F.; Elmahi, I.; Moumna, A.; Seaid, M. 4 2016 Mixed enrichment for the finite element method in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1352.74344 Diwan, G. C.; Mohamed, M. S.; Seaid, M.; Trevelyan, J.; Laghrouche, O. 14 2015 Projection finite volume method for shallow water flows. Zbl 1540.76113 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2015 A family of finite volume Eulerian-Lagrangian methods for two-dimensional conservation laws. Zbl 1315.65076 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 6 2015 A frequency-domain approach for the \(\text P_1\) approximation of time-dependent radiative transfer. Zbl 1319.65126 Addam, Mohamed; Bouhamidi, Abderrahman; Seaid, Mohammed 1 2015 A fast finite volume solver for multi-layered shallow water flows with mass exchange. Zbl 1349.76169 Audusse, Emmanuel; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed; Tassi, Pablo 16 2014 An enriched finite element model with \(q\)-refinement for radiative boundary layers in glass cooling. Zbl 1349.82103 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 14 2014 A new composite scheme for two-layer shallow water flows with shocks. Zbl 1426.76380 Izem, Nouh; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaid, Mohammed; Wakrim, Mohamed 4 2014 A partition of unity FEM for time-dependent diffusion problems using multiple enrichment functions. Zbl 1352.65361 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 23 2013 Time-independent hybrid enrichment for finite element solution of transient conduction-radiation in diffusive grey media. Zbl 1349.65470 Mohamed, M. Shadi; Seaid, Mohammed; Trevelyan, Jon; Laghrouche, Omar 14 2013 A finite volume method for scalar conservation laws with stochastic time-space dependent flux functions. Zbl 1252.65152 Mohamed, Kamel; Seaid, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 12 2013 Assessment of coupling conditions in water way intersections. Zbl 1430.76406 Herty, Michael; Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2013 An unstructured finite-volume method for coupled models of suspended sediment and bed load transport in shallow-water flows. Zbl 1455.76103 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2013 A finite element semi-Lagrangian method with L2 interpolation. Zbl 1246.76052 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 10 2012 A flux-limiter method for dam-break flows over erodible sediment beds. Zbl 1252.76050 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sari, Saida; Seaid, Mohammed 10 2012 Numerical modelling of sediment transport in the Nador lagoon (Morocco). Zbl 1251.86001 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Daoudi, Salah; Elmahi, Imad; Seaid, Mohammed 3 2012 A conjugate gradient algorithm for solving the Galerkin-characteristic approximation of interfacial flows. Zbl 1426.76528 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 3 2012 A stabilized finite element method for stochastic incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Zbl 1264.76059 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 2 2012 An \(L^2\)-projection for the Galerkin-characteristic solution of incompressible flows. Zbl 1232.65143 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 15 2011 Mathematical development and verification of a finite volume model for morphodynamic flow applications. Zbl 1262.65110 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaid, Mohammed; Sahmim, Slah 9 2011 A generalized Rusanov method for Saint-Venant equations with variable horizontal density. Zbl 1246.76065 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Mohamed, Kamel; Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2011 Multilayer Saint-Venant equations over movable beds. Zbl 1230.37102 Audusse, Emmanuel; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sainte-Marie, Jacques; Seaid, Mohammed 8 2011 Comparison of unstructured finite-volume morphodynamic models in contracting channel flows. Zbl 1419.76452 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Daoudi, Salah; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 5 2011 Combined characteristics and finite volume methods for sediment transport and bed morphology in surface water flows. Zbl 1419.76453 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaïd, Mohammed 3 2011 A comparison between the meshless and the finite volume methods for shallow water flows. Zbl 1246.15005 Alhuri, Yasser; Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Ouazar, Driss; Seaïd, Mohammed 2 2011 A two-dimensional finite volume solution of dam-break hydraulics over erodible sediment beds. Zbl 1246.76064 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Sari, Saïda; Seaïd, Mohammed 2 2011 A new finite volume method for flux-gradient and source-term balancing in shallow water equations. Zbl 1225.76209 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 26 2010 A simple finite volume method for the shallow water equations. Zbl 1273.76287 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaïd, Mohammed 24 2010 A two-dimensional finite volume morphodynamic model on unstructured triangular grids. Zbl 1425.76155 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaïd, Mohammed 17 2010 An essentially non-oscillatory semi-Lagrangian method for tidal flow simulations. Zbl 1183.76804 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 15 2010 Solution of the sediment transport equations using a finite volume method based on sign matrix. Zbl 1201.35021 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Sahmim, Slah; Seaid, Mohammed 18 2009 A semi-Lagrangian method for a Fokker-Planck equation describing fiber dynamics. Zbl 1203.65211 Klar, Axel; Reuterswärd, Philip; Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2009 An Eulerian-Lagrangian method for coupled parabolic-hyperbolic equations. Zbl 1160.65048 Seaïd, Mohammed 8 2009 A spectral stochastic semi-Lagrangian method for convection-diffusion equations with uncertainty. Zbl 1203.65016 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 4 2009 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of dispersion in two-dimensional tidal flows. Zbl 1156.76426 Banda, Mapundi K.; Seaïd, Mohammed; Thömmes, Guido 3 2009 Numerical simulation of stochastic replicator models in catalyzed RNA-like polymers. Zbl 1173.82387 Rößler, Andreas; Seaïd, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 2 2009 Solving Wick-stochastic water waves using a Galerkin finite element method. Zbl 1171.76029 Manouzi, Hassan; Seaïd, Mohammed 2 2009 Application of mesh-adaptation for pollutant transport by water flow. Zbl 1171.92341 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 1 2009 Simulation of transient gas flow at pipe-to-pipe intersections. Zbl 1130.76068 Herty, Michael; Seaïd, Mohammed 16 2008 A finite element modified method of characteristics for convective heat transport. Zbl 1143.65075 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 16 2008 Method of lines for stochastic boundary-value problems with additive noise. Zbl 1142.65007 Rößler, Andreas; Seaïd, Mohammed; Zahri, Mostafa 15 2008 Simplified radiative models for low-Mach number reactive flows. Zbl 1145.80309 Teleaga, Ioan; Seaïd, Mohammed 13 2008 Eulerian-Lagrangian time-stepping methods for convection-dominated problems. Zbl 1138.65083 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 9 2008 Simplified \(P_{N}\) models and natural convection-radiation. Zbl 1308.76255 Pinnau, René; Seaïd, Mohammed 6 2008 Lattice-Boltzmann type relaxation systems and high-order relaxation schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1130.76060 Banda, Mapundi; Klar, Axel; Pareschi, Lorenzo; Seaïd, Mohammed 5 2008 New finite-volume relaxation methods for the third-order differential equations. Zbl 1364.76107 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Seaid, Mohammed 5 2008 Validation of simplified P\(_{\text{N}}\) models for radiative transfer in combustion systems. Zbl 1157.80402 Schneider, E.; Seaïd, M.; Janicka, J.; Klar, A. 4 2008 A Galerkin-characteristic method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer. Zbl 1175.76072 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaid, Mohammed 4 2008 Finite element P\(_1\) solution of unsteady thermal flow past a circular cylinder with radiation. Zbl 1358.76045 Seaïd, Mohammed; El-Amrani, Mofdi 2 2008 Lattice Boltzmann simulation of depth-averaged models in flow hydraulics. Zbl 1184.76796 Klar, Axel; Seaïd, Mohammed; Thömmes, Guido 2 2008 Large eddy simulation of thermal flows based on discrete-velocity models. Zbl 1166.76023 Banda, Mapundi K.; Seaïd, Mohammed; Teleaga, Ioan 1 2008 Coupled finite element-lattice Boltzmann analysis. Zbl 1194.80117 Haslam, Iain W.; Crouch, Roger S.; Seaïd, Mohammed 1 2008 Well-balanced finite volume schemes for pollutant transport by shallow water equations on unstructured meshes. Zbl 1120.76045 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal; Elmahi, Imad; Seaïd, Mohammed 34 2007 Numerical simulation of natural and mixed convection flows by Galerkin-characteristic method. Zbl 1370.76084 El-Amrani, Mofdi; Seaïd, Mohammed 29 2007 ...and 35 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 921 Authors 112 Seaïd, Mohammed 32 El-Amrani, Mofdi 30 Benkhaldoun, Fayssal 19 Chebotarev, Alexander Yurievich 18 Klar, Axel 18 Mohamed, M. Shadi 17 Pinnau, René 16 Herty, Michael Matthias 14 Elmahi, Imad 12 Laghrouche, Omar 11 Frank, Martin 11 Kovtanyuk, Andrey Egorovich 10 Banda, Mapundi Kondwani 9 Izem, Nouh 9 Mohamed, Kamel 8 Grenkin, Gleb Vladimirovich 8 Ricchiuto, Mario 8 Sari, Saida 7 Addam, Mohamed 7 Botkin, Nikolai D. 7 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 7 Ducomet, Bernard 7 Kissami, Imad 7 Ouazar, Driss 7 Pareschi, Lorenzo 7 Trevelyan, Jon 6 Abdelrahman, Mahmoud Abdelaziz Elbiomy 6 Bouhamidi, Abderrahman 6 Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz 6 Khouya, Bassou 6 Li, Gang 6 Salhi, Loubna 5 Barbieri, Luca 5 Boubekeur, Mohamed 5 Briani, Maya 5 El Kacimi, Abdellah 5 Gimperlein, Heiko 5 Nečasová, Šárka 5 Ouardghi, Abdelouahed 5 Sahmim, Slah 5 Taik, Ahmed 5 Thömmes, Guido 5 Vázquez-Cendón, María Elena 5 Villa, Andrea 5 Yakoubi, Driss 5 Zahri, Mostafa 4 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 4 Dimarco, Giacomo 4 Dubroca, Bruno 4 Martínez Gamba, Irene 4 Gao, Jinmei 4 Gondola, Marco 4 Iqbal, Muhammad 4 Jbilou, Khalide 4 Lang, Jens 4 Liu, Xin 4 Malek, Mustapha 4 Malgesini, Roberto 4 Reigstad, Gunhild Allard 4 Sauter, Esequia 4 Teleaga, Ioan 4 Wakrim, Mohamed 4 Ziggaf, Moussa 3 Abgrall, Rémi 3 Alghosoun, Alia 3 Audusse, Emmanuel 3 Belhamadia, Youssef 3 Bermúdez, Alfredo 3 Delis, Argiris I. 3 Diwan, Ganesh C. 3 Dong, Haiyun 3 Dong, Jian 3 Duran, Arnaud 3 Dutykh, Denys 3 Favennec, Yann 3 Fernández-Nieto, Enrique Domingo 3 Firoozjaee, Ali Rahmani 3 Garres-Díaz, José 3 Giani, Stefano 3 Halassi Bacar, Abdoul-Hafar 3 Hinkelmann, Reinhard 3 Hou, Jingming 3 Hou, Yanren 3 Jolivet, Pierre 3 Leon-Garzon, Andres R. 3 Li, Maojun 3 Liang, Qiuhua 3 López, Xián 3 Marche, Fabien 3 Narbona-Reina, Gladys 3 Piccoli, Benedetto 3 Qian, Xu 3 Qiu, Jingmei 3 Ratnani, Ahmed 3 Rowan, Thomas 3 Schäfer, Matthias 3 Shirzadi, Mohammad 3 Siedow, Norbert 3 Tharkabhushanam, Sri Harsha 3 Tosin, Andrea ...and 821 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 124 Serials 73 Journal of Computational Physics 27 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 25 Computers and Fluids 24 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 22 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 21 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 17 Applied Mathematics and Computation 16 Journal of Scientific Computing 15 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 15 Applied Numerical Mathematics 12 Applied Mathematical Modelling 10 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 10 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 9 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 8 Communications in Computational Physics 7 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 6 Acta Mechanica 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 6 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 5 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 5 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 4 Computer Physics Communications 4 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 3 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 3 International Journal of Computational Methods 3 Kinetic and Related Models 3 Dal’nevostochnyĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Applications of Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2 Journal of Evolution Equations 2 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 International Journal of Control 1 Inverse Problems 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Physica A 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Wave Motion 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Computing 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 1 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 1 Complexity 1 Computing and Visualization in Science 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 1 Computational Geosciences 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Differential Equations 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 1 Acta Numerica 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling ...and 24 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 31 Fields 341 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 325 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 207 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 79 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 42 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 41 Geophysics (86-XX) 26 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 23 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 23 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 21 Integral equations (45-XX) 20 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 15 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 14 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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