Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich (b. 1934 d. 2011) Co-Author Distance Author ID: shilnikov.leonid-pavlovich Published as: Shil’nikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, Leonid; Šil’nikov, L. P.; Shil’nikov, Leonid P.; Shil’nikov, Leonid Pavlovich; Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich; Shilnikov, Leonid P.; Shil’nikov, M. P.; Sil’nikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, L. more...less Further Spellings: Шильников Леонид Павлович External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 124 Publications since 1959, including 3 Books 4 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 11 Publications Co-Authors: 39 Co-Authors with 98 Joint Publications 1,507 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 30 single-authored 32 Turaev, Dmitry V. 28 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 16 Afraimovich, Valentin S. 8 Shilnikov, Andrey L. 6 Lerman, Lev 5 Gavrilov, N. K. 4 Eleonskij, V. M. 4 Korolev, V. G. 4 Kulagin, N. E. 4 Stenkin, Oleg V. 3 Bykov, V. V. 3 Neĭmark, Yuriĭ Isaakovich 3 Ovsyannikov, I. M. 2 Alekseeva, S. A. 2 Arnol’d, Vladimir Igorevich 2 Biragov, V. S. 2 Chua, Leon Ong 2 Gonchenko, V. S. 2 Il’yashenko, Yuliĭ Sergeevich 2 Morozov, Al’bert Dmitrievich 1 Anosov, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 1 Antonovskii, Mikhail Ya 1 Barrio, Roberto 1 Belyakov, Leonid A. 1 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 1 Gonchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 1 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladmirovich 1 Grines, Vyacheslav Zigmundovich 1 Klinshpont, N. È. 1 Leontovich-Andronova, Evgeniya Aleksandrovna 1 Lukyanov, Valery I. 1 Mal’tsev, Arkadiĭ Anatol’evich 1 Polotovsky, Grigory Mikhailovich 1 Sataev, Evgueni A. 1 Shashkov, Mikhail V. 1 Sinaĭ, Yakov Grigor’evich 1 Stëpin, Anatoliĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Zhirov, Aleksei Yu. 1 Zhuzhoma, Evgeniĭ Viktorovich all top 5 Serials 17 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 10 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 7 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 5 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 5 Doklady Mathematics 4 Selecta Mathematica Sovietica 4 Chaos 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Differential Equations 3 Soviet Physics. Doklady 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Nonlinearity 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 2 Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 2 Russian Academy of Sciences. Doklady. Mathematics 2 Sbornik: Mathematics 2 Regularnaya & Khaoticheskaya Dinamika 2 World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science. Series A 2 Nelineĭnaya Dinamika 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Matematicheskie Zametki 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Physica D 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Izvestiya. Mathematics 1 Selecta Mathematica 1 Differential Equations 1 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Otdelenie Tekhnicheskikh Nauk. Mekhanika i Mashinostroenie 1 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society 1 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society all top 5 Fields 99 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 52 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 General topology (54-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 113 Publications have been cited 2,900 times in 1,318 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics. Part I. Zbl 0941.34001 Shilnikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, A. L.; Turaev, D. V.; Chua, Leon O. 217 1998 A contribution to the problem of the structure of an extended neighborhood of a rough equilibrium state of saddle-focus type. Zbl 0216.11201 Shil’nikov, L. P. 195 1970 A case of the existence of a countable number of periodic motions. Zbl 0136.08202 Shil’nikov, L. P. 189 1965 Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics. II. Zbl 1046.34003 Shilnikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, A. L.; Turaev, D. V.; Chua, Leon O. 181 2001 On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. I. Zbl 0255.58006 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 84 1973 An example of a wild strange attractor. Zbl 0927.37017 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 80 1998 On a problem of Poincaré-Birkhoff. (Über ein Poincaré-Birkhoffsches Problem.) Zbl 0244.34033 Shil’nikov, L. P. 74 1969 Normal forms and Lorenz attractors. Zbl 0885.58080 Shil’nikov, A. L.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 66 1993 The existence of a denumerable set of periodic motions in four-dimensional space in an extended neighborhood of a saddle-focus. Zbl 0155.41805 Shil’nikov, L. P. 63 1967 Chua’s circuit: Rigorous results and future problems. Zbl 0870.58072 Shil’nikov, Leonid P. 62 1994 Dynamical phenomena in systems with structurally unstable Poincaré homoclinic orbits. Zbl 1055.37578 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 61 1996 On attracting structurally unstable limit sets of Lorenz attractor type. Zbl 0506.58023 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 58 1982 On the origin and structure of the Lorenz attractor. Zbl 0451.76052 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 58 1977 Invariant two-dimensional tori, their breakdown and stochasticity. Zbl 0751.58024 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 57 1991 On dynamical properties of multidimensional diffeomorphisms from Newhouse regions: I. Zbl 1160.37019 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 54 2008 On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. II. Zbl 0273.58009 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 50 1974 Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in conservative and dissipative two-dimensional maps. Zbl 1132.37023 Gonchenko, Sergey; Turaev, Dmitry; Shilnikov, Leonid 48 2007 On systems with a saddle-focus homoclinic curve. Zbl 0628.58044 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 47 1987 On models with non-rough Poincaré homoclinic curves. Zbl 0783.58049 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 46 1993 Strange attractors and quasiattractors. Zbl 0532.58018 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 45 1983 On the generation of a periodic motion from trajectories doubly asymptotic to an equilibrium state of saddle type. Zbl 0188.15303 Shil’nikov, L. P. 44 1970 Mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics: a tutorial. Zbl 0909.58008 Shilnikov, Leonid 42 1997 Kneadings, symbolic dynamics and painting Lorenz chaos. Zbl 1258.37035 Barrio, Roberto; Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid 41 2012 Dynamical phenomena in multidimensional systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0864.58043 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 1993 Pseudohyperbolicity and the problem on periodic perturbations of Lorenz-type attractors. Zbl 1157.37022 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 2008 On structurally unstable attracting limit sets of Lorenz attractor type. Zbl 0527.58024 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 1983 Towards scenarios of chaos appearance in three-dimensional maps. Zbl 07959884 Gonchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladmirovich; Shil’nikov, Leonid Pavlovich 31 2012 Quasiattractors and homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 0889.58056 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 29 1997 Bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory. Translated from the 1986 Russian original by N. D. Kazarinoff. Reprint of the original English edition from the series Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences (Dynamical systems V), 5 (1994). Zbl 1038.37500 Arnold, V. I.; Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 28 1999 On Newhouse domains of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms which are close to a diffeomorphism with a structurally unstable heteroclinic cycle. Zbl 0931.37006 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 27 1997 On global bifurcations in three-dimensional diffeomorphisms leading to wild Lorenz-like attractors. Zbl 1229.37041 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 26 2009 Invariants of \(\Omega\)-conjugacy of diffeomorphisms with a nongeneric homoclinic trajectory. Zbl 0705.58044 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 25 1990 On some mathematical topics in classical synchronization. A tutorial. Zbl 1077.37509 Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid; Turaev, Dmitry 24 2004 Systems with a homocline curve of multidimensional saddle-focus type, and spiral chaos. Zbl 0774.58030 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 23 1992 Bifurcation theory. Zbl 0797.58003 Arnol’d, V. I.; Afrajmovich, V. S.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 20 1986 Blue sky catastrophes. Zbl 0880.58020 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 19 1995 Blue-sky catastrophe in singularly perturbed systems. Zbl 1092.37030 Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid; Turaev, Dmitry 17 2005 On nonconservative periodic systems close to two-dimensional Hamiltonian. Zbl 0564.70022 Morozov, A. D.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1984 On dynamical systems with structurally unstable homoclinic curves. Zbl 0625.34054 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1986 On a new type of bifurcation of multidimensional dynamical systems. Zbl 0219.34031 Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1969 Simple bifurcations leading to hyperbolic attractors. Zbl 0889.58057 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 16 1997 Homoclinical structures in nonautonomous systems: nonautonomous chaos. Zbl 1055.37552 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1992 On some cases of generation of period motions from singular trajectories. (Über gewisse Fälle der Entstehung von periodischen Bewegungen aus singulären Trajektorien.) Zbl 0121.07501 Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1963 On the question of the structure of an extended neighborhood of a structurally stable state of equilibrium of saddle-focus type. (Zur Frage der Struktur der erweiterten Umgebung eines strukturell stabilen Gleichgewichtszustandes vom Sattelpunkt-Fokus-Typ.) Zbl 0193.05301 Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1970 Arithmetic properties of topological invariants of systems with nonstructurally stable homoclinic trajectories. Zbl 0635.58025 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1987 The theory of bifurcations and turbulence. I. Zbl 0741.58032 Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1986 On the existence of Newhouse domains in a neighborhood of systems with a structurally unstable Poincaré homoclinic curve (the higher-dimensional case). Zbl 0823.58030 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1993 Three-dimensional dynamical systems that are close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. II. (Über dreidimensionale dynamische Systeme, die Systemen mit nicht transversaler homokliner Kurve benachbart sind. II.) Zbl 0258.58009 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1973 On two-dimensional area-preserving diffeomorphisms with infinitely many elliptic islands. Zbl 0987.37062 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 15 2000 On some bifurcations of dynamical systems with homoclinic structures. Zbl 0415.58013 Luk’yanov, V. I.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1978 On small periodic perturbations of autonomous systems. Zbl 0305.34069 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1974 Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrary order in Newhouse domains. Zbl 1157.37325 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1999 On models with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0772.58040 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1991 The ring principle in problems of interaction between two self- oscillating systems. Zbl 0404.70016 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1978 Chua’s circuit: Rigorous results and future problems. Zbl 0845.34058 Shil’nikov, Leonid P. 13 1993 Three-dimensional dynamical systems that are close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. I. (Über dreidimensionale dynamische Systeme, die Systemen mit nicht-transversaler homokliner Kurve benachbart sind. I.) Zbl 0251.58005 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 13 1972 The existence of a countable set of periodic motions in the neighborhood of a homoclinic curve. Zbl 0162.12702 Shil’nikov, L. P. 13 1967 On a homoclinic origin of Hénon-like maps. Zbl 1203.37035 Gonchenko, S. V.; Gonchenko, V. S.; Shilnikov, L. P. 12 2010 The existence of a smooth invariant foliation for Lorenz-type maps. Zbl 0821.54024 Shashkov, M. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 12 1994 Showcase of blue sky catastrophes. Zbl 1300.34100 Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich; Shilnikov, Andrey L.; Turaev, Dmitry V. 12 2014 Homoclinic curves and complex solitary waves. Zbl 0739.35086 Belyakov, L. A.; Shilnikov, L. P. 11 1985 Elliptic periodic orbits near a homoclinic tangency in four-dimensional symplectic maps and Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom. Zbl 0956.37048 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 11 1998 A new simple bifurcation of a periodic orbit of “blue sky catastrophe” type. Zbl 0990.37037 Shilnikov, Leonid P.; Turaev, Dmitry V. 11 2000 On moduli of systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0801.58034 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 11 1992 Bifurcations of quasiattractors torus-chaos. Zbl 0625.58008 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1986 On the singular sets of Morse-Smale systems. (Über die kritischen Mengen eines Morse-Smale Systems.) Zbl 0276.58008 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1973 On Hamiltonian systems with homoclinic saddle curves. Zbl 0689.58013 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1989 On two-dimensional area-preserving mappings with homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 1041.37033 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 10 2001 On the existence of infinitely many stable and unstable invariant tori for systems from newhouse regions with heteroclinic tangencies. Zbl 07956270 Gonchenko, S. V.; Sten’kin, O. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 2006 Über die Entstehung einer periodischen Bewegung aus einer Trajektorie, die doppeltasymptotisch zu einem Gleichgewichtspunkt vom Sattelpunkttyp ist. Zbl 0165.41901 Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1968 On bifurcations of the homoclinic “figure eight” for a saddle with a negative saddle value. Zbl 0638.34037 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 9 1986 On some global bifurcations connected with the disappearance of a fixed point of saddle-node type. Zbl 0312.34035 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1974 On attainable transitions from Morse-Smale systems to systems with many periodic motions. Zbl 0322.58007 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1976 On geometrical properties of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 0885.58062 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1995 Super-homoclinic orbits and multi-pulse homoclinic loops in Hamiltonian systems with discrete symmetries. Zbl 1083.37525 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 8 1997 Mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics: A tutorial. Zbl 0888.58028 Shilnikov, Leonid 8 1997 On the generation of a periodic motion from a trajectory which leaves and re-enters a saddle-saddle state of equilibrium. Zbl 0161.28802 Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1966 Systems with homoclinic curve of a multi-dimensional saddle-focus and spiral chaos. Zbl 0741.58031 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 1991 Homoclinic trajectories: from Poincaré to the present. Zbl 1082.01009 Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2006 On dynamic properties of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangency. Zbl 1076.37052 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2005 Structure of the neighborhood of a homoclinic tube of an invariant torus. Zbl 0185.17201 Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 1968 On two-dimensional area-preserving maps with homoclinic tangencies that have infinitely many generic elliptic periodic points. Zbl 1120.37041 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2005 On critical sets of Morse-Smale systems. Zbl 0295.58007 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1975 On two-dimensional analytical area-preserving diffeomorphisms with a countable set of elliptic periodic points of stable type. Zbl 1083.37524 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1997 On the nonsymmetrical Lorenz model. Zbl 0874.58049 Shil’nikov, A. L.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 1991 Existence of infinitely many elliptic periodic orbits in four-dimensional symplectic maps with a homoclinic tangency. Zbl 1079.37049 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 5 2004 A case of generation of periodic motions. Zbl 0136.08203 Neĭmark, Yu. I.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 1965 Some cases of generation of periodic motions in an \(n\)-dimensional space. Zbl 0133.35101 Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 1962 On bifurcations of systems with homoclinic loops to a saddle-focus with saddle index \(\frac 12\). Zbl 1157.37017 Gonchenko, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 2007 Homoclinic structures in infinite-dimensional systems. Zbl 0688.58031 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 4 1988 Bifurcations and strange attractors. Zbl 1055.37026 Shilnikov, Leonid 4 2002 On a bifurcation of codimension 1 leading to the appearance of a countable set of tori. Zbl 0509.58033 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 4 1982 Homoclinic orbits and their bifurcations in dynamical systems with two degrees of freedom: a method of qualitative and numerical analysis. Zbl 0873.34035 Eleonsky, V. M.; Korolev, V. G.; Kulagin, N. E.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1993 On the classification of structurally stable nonautonomous systems of second order with a finite number of cells. Zbl 0287.58004 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1973 Bifurcations of systems with structurally unstable homoclinic orbits and moduli of \(\Omega\)-equivalence. Zbl 0889.58055 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Sten’kin, O. V.; Turaev, D. V. 3 1997 Symbolic dynamics in multidimensional annulus and chimera states. Zbl 1300.37010 Afraimovich, V. S.; Shilnikov, L. P. 3 2014 On the bifurcation of a saddle-focus separatrix loop in a three- dimensional conservative dynamical system. Zbl 0797.58060 Biragov, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1989 Bifurcations of periodic motions near an unrough homoclinic curve. Zbl 0913.58044 Sten’kin, O. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1997 Homoclinic chaos. Zbl 1222.37033 Shilnikov, Leonid 3 2010 On bifurcations of the equilibrium states of a Hamiltonian system with two degress of freedom. Zbl 0795.34029 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 2 1984 Showcase of blue sky catastrophes. Zbl 1300.34100 Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich; Shilnikov, Andrey L.; Turaev, Dmitry V. 12 2014 Symbolic dynamics in multidimensional annulus and chimera states. Zbl 1300.37010 Afraimovich, V. S.; Shilnikov, L. P. 3 2014 Kneadings, symbolic dynamics and painting Lorenz chaos. Zbl 1258.37035 Barrio, Roberto; Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid 41 2012 Towards scenarios of chaos appearance in three-dimensional maps. Zbl 07959884 Gonchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladmirovich; Shil’nikov, Leonid Pavlovich 31 2012 On a homoclinic origin of Hénon-like maps. Zbl 1203.37035 Gonchenko, S. V.; Gonchenko, V. S.; Shilnikov, L. P. 12 2010 Homoclinic chaos. Zbl 1222.37033 Shilnikov, Leonid 3 2010 On global bifurcations in three-dimensional diffeomorphisms leading to wild Lorenz-like attractors. Zbl 1229.37041 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 26 2009 On dynamical properties of multidimensional diffeomorphisms from Newhouse regions: I. Zbl 1160.37019 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 54 2008 Pseudohyperbolicity and the problem on periodic perturbations of Lorenz-type attractors. Zbl 1157.37022 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 2008 Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high orders in conservative and dissipative two-dimensional maps. Zbl 1132.37023 Gonchenko, Sergey; Turaev, Dmitry; Shilnikov, Leonid 48 2007 On bifurcations of systems with homoclinic loops to a saddle-focus with saddle index \(\frac 12\). Zbl 1157.37017 Gonchenko, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 2007 On the existence of infinitely many stable and unstable invariant tori for systems from newhouse regions with heteroclinic tangencies. Zbl 07956270 Gonchenko, S. V.; Sten’kin, O. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 2006 Homoclinic trajectories: from Poincaré to the present. Zbl 1082.01009 Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2006 Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrarily high order in conservative two-dimensional maps. Zbl 1327.37014 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 1 2006 Blue-sky catastrophe in singularly perturbed systems. Zbl 1092.37030 Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid; Turaev, Dmitry 17 2005 On dynamic properties of diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangency. Zbl 1076.37052 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2005 On two-dimensional area-preserving maps with homoclinic tangencies that have infinitely many generic elliptic periodic points. Zbl 1120.37041 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 2005 On some mathematical topics in classical synchronization. A tutorial. Zbl 1077.37509 Shilnikov, Andrey; Shilnikov, Leonid; Turaev, Dmitry 24 2004 Existence of infinitely many elliptic periodic orbits in four-dimensional symplectic maps with a homoclinic tangency. Zbl 1079.37049 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 5 2004 Bifurcations and strange attractors. Zbl 1055.37026 Shilnikov, Leonid 4 2002 Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics. II. Zbl 1046.34003 Shilnikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, A. L.; Turaev, D. V.; Chua, Leon O. 181 2001 On two-dimensional area-preserving mappings with homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 1041.37033 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 10 2001 On two-dimensional area-preserving diffeomorphisms with infinitely many elliptic islands. Zbl 0987.37062 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P. 15 2000 A new simple bifurcation of a periodic orbit of “blue sky catastrophe” type. Zbl 0990.37037 Shilnikov, Leonid P.; Turaev, Dmitry V. 11 2000 Methods of qualitative theory of differential equations and related topics. Dedicated to the memory of E. A. Leontovich-Andronova. Transl. ed. by A. B. Sossinski. Zbl 0943.00018 2 2000 On cusp-bifurcations of periodic orbits in systems with a saddle-focus homoclinic curve. Zbl 1181.37020 Alekseeva, S. A.; Shilnikov, L. P. 2 2000 Bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory. Translated from the 1986 Russian original by N. D. Kazarinoff. Reprint of the original English edition from the series Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences (Dynamical systems V), 5 (1994). Zbl 1038.37500 Arnold, V. I.; Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 28 1999 Homoclinic tangencies of arbitrary order in Newhouse domains. Zbl 1157.37325 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1999 Mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics: A tutorial. Zbl 0973.37001 Shilnikov, Leonid 1 1999 Methods of qualitative theory in nonlinear dynamics. Part I. Zbl 0941.34001 Shilnikov, L. P.; Shilnikov, A. L.; Turaev, D. V.; Chua, Leon O. 217 1998 An example of a wild strange attractor. Zbl 0927.37017 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 80 1998 Elliptic periodic orbits near a homoclinic tangency in four-dimensional symplectic maps and Hamiltonian systems with three degrees of freedom. Zbl 0956.37048 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shilnikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 11 1998 Homoclinic \(\Omega\)-explosion and domains by hyperbolicity. Zbl 0915.58070 Sten’kin, O. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 2 1998 Mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics: a tutorial. Zbl 0909.58008 Shilnikov, Leonid 42 1997 Quasiattractors and homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 0889.58056 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 29 1997 On Newhouse domains of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms which are close to a diffeomorphism with a structurally unstable heteroclinic cycle. Zbl 0931.37006 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 27 1997 Simple bifurcations leading to hyperbolic attractors. Zbl 0889.58057 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 16 1997 Super-homoclinic orbits and multi-pulse homoclinic loops in Hamiltonian systems with discrete symmetries. Zbl 1083.37525 Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 8 1997 Mathematical problems of nonlinear dynamics: A tutorial. Zbl 0888.58028 Shilnikov, Leonid 8 1997 On two-dimensional analytical area-preserving diffeomorphisms with a countable set of elliptic periodic points of stable type. Zbl 1083.37524 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1997 Bifurcations of systems with structurally unstable homoclinic orbits and moduli of \(\Omega\)-equivalence. Zbl 0889.58055 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Sten’kin, O. V.; Turaev, D. V. 3 1997 Bifurcations of periodic motions near an unrough homoclinic curve. Zbl 0913.58044 Sten’kin, O. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1997 Dynamical phenomena in systems with structurally unstable Poincaré homoclinic orbits. Zbl 1055.37578 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 61 1996 Blue sky catastrophes. Zbl 0880.58020 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 19 1995 On geometrical properties of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with homoclinic tangencies. Zbl 0885.58062 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1995 Chua’s circuit: Rigorous results and future problems. Zbl 0870.58072 Shil’nikov, Leonid P. 62 1994 The existence of a smooth invariant foliation for Lorenz-type maps. Zbl 0821.54024 Shashkov, M. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 12 1994 Normal forms and Lorenz attractors. Zbl 0885.58080 Shil’nikov, A. L.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 66 1993 On models with non-rough Poincaré homoclinic curves. Zbl 0783.58049 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P.; Turaev, D. V. 46 1993 Dynamical phenomena in multidimensional systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0864.58043 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 1993 On the existence of Newhouse domains in a neighborhood of systems with a structurally unstable Poincaré homoclinic curve (the higher-dimensional case). Zbl 0823.58030 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1993 Chua’s circuit: Rigorous results and future problems. Zbl 0845.34058 Shil’nikov, Leonid P. 13 1993 Homoclinic orbits and their bifurcations in dynamical systems with two degrees of freedom: a method of qualitative and numerical analysis. Zbl 0873.34035 Eleonsky, V. M.; Korolev, V. G.; Kulagin, N. E.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1993 Systems with a homocline curve of multidimensional saddle-focus type, and spiral chaos. Zbl 0774.58030 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 23 1992 Homoclinical structures in nonautonomous systems: nonautonomous chaos. Zbl 1055.37552 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1992 On moduli of systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0801.58034 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 11 1992 Bifurcations of the trajectories at the saddle level in a Hamiltonian system generated by two coupled Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1055.37568 Eleonsky, V. M.; Korolev, V. G.; Kulagin, N. E.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 2 1992 Invariant two-dimensional tori, their breakdown and stochasticity. Zbl 0751.58024 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 57 1991 On models with a structurally unstable homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0772.58040 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1991 Systems with homoclinic curve of a multi-dimensional saddle-focus and spiral chaos. Zbl 0741.58031 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 7 1991 On the nonsymmetrical Lorenz model. Zbl 0874.58049 Shil’nikov, A. L.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 5 1991 Multidimensional Hamiltonian chaos. Zbl 0899.58044 Shilnikov, L. P. 2 1991 On models with a nonrough homoclinic Poincaré curve. Zbl 0791.58020 Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 1 1991 Invariants of \(\Omega\)-conjugacy of diffeomorphisms with a nongeneric homoclinic trajectory. Zbl 0705.58044 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 25 1990 On Hamiltonian systems with homoclinic saddle curves. Zbl 0689.58013 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1989 On the bifurcation of a saddle-focus separatrix loop in a three- dimensional conservative dynamical system. Zbl 0797.58060 Biragov, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1989 On bifurcation of the saddle-focus loop in a three-dimensional conservative dynamical system. Zbl 0803.34035 Biragov, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 2 1989 Homoclinic structures in infinite-dimensional systems. Zbl 0688.58031 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 4 1988 On systems with a saddle-focus homoclinic curve. Zbl 0628.58044 Ovsyannikov, I. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 47 1987 Arithmetic properties of topological invariants of systems with nonstructurally stable homoclinic trajectories. Zbl 0635.58025 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1987 Bifurcation theory. Zbl 0797.58003 Arnol’d, V. I.; Afrajmovich, V. S.; Il’yashenko, Yu. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 20 1986 On dynamical systems with structurally unstable homoclinic curves. Zbl 0625.34054 Gonchenko, S. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1986 The theory of bifurcations and turbulence. I. Zbl 0741.58032 Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1986 Bifurcations of quasiattractors torus-chaos. Zbl 0625.58008 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1986 On bifurcations of the homoclinic “figure eight” for a saddle with a negative saddle value. Zbl 0638.34037 Turaev, D. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 9 1986 Homoclinic curves and complex solitary waves. Zbl 0739.35086 Belyakov, L. A.; Shilnikov, L. P. 11 1985 On nonconservative periodic systems close to two-dimensional Hamiltonian. Zbl 0564.70022 Morozov, A. D.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1984 On bifurcations of the equilibrium states of a Hamiltonian system with two degress of freedom. Zbl 0795.34029 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 2 1984 Strange attractors and quasiattractors. Zbl 0532.58018 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 45 1983 On structurally unstable attracting limit sets of Lorenz attractor type. Zbl 0527.58024 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 34 1983 On attracting structurally unstable limit sets of Lorenz attractor type. Zbl 0506.58023 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 58 1982 On a bifurcation of codimension 1 leading to the appearance of a countable set of tori. Zbl 0509.58033 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 4 1982 On some bifurcations of dynamical systems with homoclinic structures. Zbl 0415.58013 Luk’yanov, V. I.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1978 The ring principle in problems of interaction between two self- oscillating systems. Zbl 0404.70016 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1978 On the origin and structure of the Lorenz attractor. Zbl 0451.76052 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Bykov, V. V.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 58 1977 On attainable transitions from Morse-Smale systems to systems with many periodic motions. Zbl 0322.58007 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1976 On critical sets of Morse-Smale systems. Zbl 0295.58007 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 6 1975 On the mathematical theory of synchronization of oscillations. Zbl 0344.34032 Morozov, A. D.; Šil’nikov, L. P. 2 1975 Theory of the bifurcation of dynamical systems and dangerous boundaries. Zbl 0345.58012 Šil’nikov, L. P. 2 1975 On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. II. Zbl 0273.58009 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 50 1974 On small periodic perturbations of autonomous systems. Zbl 0305.34069 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 14 1974 On some global bifurcations connected with the disappearance of a fixed point of saddle-node type. Zbl 0312.34035 Afrajmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 8 1974 On three-dimensional dynamical systems close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. I. Zbl 0255.58006 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 84 1973 Three-dimensional dynamical systems that are close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. II. (Über dreidimensionale dynamische Systeme, die Systemen mit nicht transversaler homokliner Kurve benachbart sind. II.) Zbl 0258.58009 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 15 1973 On the singular sets of Morse-Smale systems. (Über die kritischen Mengen eines Morse-Smale Systems.) Zbl 0276.58008 Afraĭmovich, V. S.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 10 1973 On the classification of structurally stable nonautonomous systems of second order with a finite number of cells. Zbl 0287.58004 Lerman, L. M.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 3 1973 Three-dimensional dynamical systems that are close to systems with a structurally unstable homoclinic curve. I. (Über dreidimensionale dynamische Systeme, die Systemen mit nicht-transversaler homokliner Kurve benachbart sind. I.) Zbl 0251.58005 Gavrilov, N. K.; Shil’nikov, L. P. 13 1972 A contribution to the problem of the structure of an extended neighborhood of a rough equilibrium state of saddle-focus type. Zbl 0216.11201 Shil’nikov, L. P. 195 1970 On the generation of a periodic motion from trajectories doubly asymptotic to an equilibrium state of saddle type. Zbl 0188.15303 Shil’nikov, L. P. 44 1970 On the question of the structure of an extended neighborhood of a structurally stable state of equilibrium of saddle-focus type. (Zur Frage der Struktur der erweiterten Umgebung eines strukturell stabilen Gleichgewichtszustandes vom Sattelpunkt-Fokus-Typ.) Zbl 0193.05301 Shil’nikov, L. P. 16 1970 ...and 13 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,522 Authors 53 Gonchenko, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 46 Turaev, Dmitry V. 25 Shilnikov, Andrey L. 23 Kazakov, Alexey O. 23 Kuznetsov, Sergey P. 23 Shilnikov, Leonid Pavlovich 19 Gonchenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 19 Rodrigues, Alexandre A. P. 18 Yang, Qigui 17 Chen, Guanrong 16 Pochinka, Ol’ga Vital’evna 15 Morales Rojas, Carlos Arnoldo 15 Morozov, Al’bert Dmitrievich 14 Belykh, Vladimir Nikolaevich 14 Krauskopf, Bernd 14 Lerman, Lev 13 Mira, Christian 12 Barrio, Roberto 12 Grines, Vyacheslav Zigmundovich 12 Kolesov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 12 Rodríguez-Luis, Alejandro J. 12 Yang, Xiaosong 11 Anishchenko, Vadim Semenovich 11 Champneys, Alan R. 11 Gonchenko, Marina S. 11 Nekorkin, Vladimir I. 11 Osinga, Hinke Maria 11 Ovsyannikov, Ivan I. 11 Rozov, Nikolaĭ Khristovich 11 Simpson, David John Warwick 10 Algaba, Antonio 10 Holmes, Philip J. 10 Ibáñez, Santiago 10 Kruglov, Vyacheslav Pavlovich 10 Liu, Xingbo 10 Nikitina, Nelly Vladimirovna 10 Pham, Viet-Thanh 10 Stankevich, Nataliya Vladimirovna 10 Strelkova, Galina Ivanova 9 Afraimovich, Valentin S. 9 Barabash, Nikita V. 9 Bolotin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 9 Gardini, Laura 9 Glyzin, Sergeĭ Dmitrievich 9 Sataev, Igor’ Rustamovich 9 Wang, Haijun 9 Wei, Zhouchao 8 Barrientos, Pablo G. 8 Deng, Bo 8 Leonov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 8 Merino, Manuel 8 Mireles-James, Jason D. 8 Wang, Cong 8 Yorke, James Alan 8 Zhou, Tianshou 7 Araújo, Vítor 7 Belykh, Igor V. 7 Homburg, Ale Jan 7 Jafari, Sajad 7 Kuznetsov, Yuriĭ Aleksandrovich 7 Lu, Kai 7 Morozov, Kirill Evgen’evich 7 Pikovsky, Arkady S. 7 Serrano, Sergio E. 7 Tresser, Charles 7 Volos, Christos K. 7 Wang, Lei 7 Wiggins, Stephen R. 7 Yang, Ting 7 Zaks, Michael A. 6 Bashkirtseva, Irina Adol’fovna 6 Glendinning, Paul Alexander 6 Kaloshin, Vadim Yu. 6 Karatetskaia, Efrosiniia 6 Knobloch, Jürgen 6 Kokubu, Hiroshi 6 Kuznetsov, Nikolay Vladimirovich 6 Labouriau, Isabel S. 6 Li, Xianyi 6 Lin, Xiaobiao 6 Luo, Albert C. J. 6 Malkin, Mikhail Iosifovich 6 Rodríguez, José Angel 6 San Martín Rebolledo, Bernardo 6 Sedova, Yuliya Viktorovna 6 Wang, Qiudong 6 Xu, Wenjing 6 Yumagulov, Marat Gayazovich 6 Zhang, Xu 6 Zhusubaliev, Zhanybaĭ Tursunbaevich 5 Aguirre, Pablo 5 Arneodo, Alain 5 Ashwin, Peter 5 Bella, Giovanni 5 Berger, Pierre 5 Borisov, Alekseĭ Vladimirovich 5 Coullet, Pierre H. 5 Delshams, Amadeu 5 Guckenheimer, John M. 5 Kuznetsov, Aleksandr Petrovich ...and 1,422 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 218 Serials 162 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 116 Physica D 103 Chaos 63 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 50 Journal of Differential Equations 43 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 34 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 32 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 22 Nonlinearity 22 Nonlinear Dynamics 18 Physics Letters. A 18 Nelineĭnaya Dinamika 17 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 17 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 16 Communications in Mathematical Physics 16 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 15 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 15 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 13 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 13 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 12 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 12 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 11 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 11 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 International Applied Mechanics 9 Journal of Nonlinear Science 8 Advances in Mathematics 8 Differential Equations 8 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 7 Dynamical Systems 6 Journal of Statistical Physics 6 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Journal of the Franklin Institute 5 Physica A 5 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 5 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 5 Doklady Mathematics 5 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 4 Journal of Mathematical Biology 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin 4 Automation and Remote Control 4 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 4 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 4 Journal of Computational Dynamics 4 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 3 International Journal of Modern Physics B 3 Russian Mathematical Surveys 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 3 Systems & Control Letters 3 Dynamics and Stability of Systems 3 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 3 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série 3 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 3 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2 Physics Reports 2 Reports on Mathematical Physics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 2 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Sofia) 2 Information Sciences 2 Publications Mathématiques 2 Kybernetika 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Studies in Applied Mathematics 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 SIAM Review 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics ...and 118 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 43 Fields 970 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 553 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 136 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 99 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 69 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 60 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 57 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 45 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 30 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 29 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 20 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 18 Computer science (68-XX) 17 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 16 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 16 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 16 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Differential geometry (53-XX) 9 General topology (54-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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