Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Shyr, Huei-Jan Co-Author Distance Author ID: shyr.huei-jan Published as: Shyr, H. J.; Shyr, Huei-Jan Documents Indexed: 94 Publications since 1973, including 3 Books Co-Authors: 25 Co-Authors with 75 Joint Publications 235 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 24 Thierrin, Gabriel 16 Yu, Shyr-Shen 10 Ito, Masami 9 Fan, Chen-Ming 7 Jürgensen, Helmut 6 Tsai, Yen-Shung 3 Guo, Yuqi 3 Katsura, Masashi 3 Li, Zheng-Zhu 2 Chen, Kuo-Hsiang 2 Chu, Danny D. 2 Huang, Cheng-Chih 2 Lassez, Jean-Louis 2 Lin, Kuang-Nan 2 Reis, Cecília M. 2 Tu, Fu-Kuan 1 Cha, Y. B. 1 Day, Ping Hwei 1 Fan, Cheng-Ming 1 Hsieh, Wen-Yau 1 Hwang, Jun Shung 1 Kunze, Michael Hanns Heinrich 1 Paradis, Andre D. 1 Tseng, Din-Chang 1 Viswanathan, T. M. all top 5 Serials 19 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 9 Semigroup Forum 7 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 6 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Acta Informatica 5 Information and Control 4 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 3 Soochow Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Nanta Mathematica 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics 1 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Order 1 Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 1 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography all top 5 Fields 77 Computer science (68-XX) 51 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 70 Publications have been cited 567 times in 272 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Free monoids and languages. 2nd edition. Zbl 0746.20050 Shyr, H. J. 157 1991 Some properties of disjunctive languages on a free monoid. Zbl 0376.68044 Reis, C. M.; Shyr, H. J. 31 1978 Disjunctive languages and codes. Zbl 0366.68049 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 23 1977 Outfix and infix codes and related classes of languages. Zbl 0794.68087 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 22 1991 Disjunctive languages on a free monoid. Zbl 0354.68108 Shyr, H. J. 19 1977 Ordered automata and associated languages. Zbl 0302.68069 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 18 1974 Power-separating regular languages. Zbl 0287.68045 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 17 1974 Codes and binary relations. Zbl 0363.94019 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 17 1977 Solid codes and disjunctive domains. Zbl 0695.20038 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 14 1990 Non-primitive words in the language \(p^ +q^ +\). Zbl 0813.68127 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 14 1994 Hypercodes. Zbl 0274.94020 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 13 1974 H-bounded and semi-discrete languages. Zbl 0507.68053 Kunze, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 12 1981 Ordered catenation and regular free disjunctive languages. Zbl 0453.68046 Shyr, H. J. 11 1980 Some properties of overlapping order and related languages. Zbl 0691.68077 Hsu, S. C.; Ito, M.; Shyr, H. J. 11 1989 n-prefix-suffix languages. Zbl 0681.68097 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 10 1989 f-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0655.68100 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1986 Anti-commutative languages and n-codes. Zbl 0679.68140 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1989 Codes, languages and MOL schemes. Zbl 0369.68045 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1977 Automata accepting primitive words. Zbl 0646.20055 Ito, M.; Katsura, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 8 1988 \(d\)-words and \(d\)-languages. Zbl 0910.68107 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 7 1998 Left-noncounting languages. Zbl 0297.68060 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 7 1975 A characterization of dense languages. Zbl 0548.20050 Shyr, H. J. 7 1984 Some properties of dense languages. Zbl 0586.68062 Shyr, H. J.; Tseng, Din-Chang 6 1984 Codes and compatible partial orders on free monoids. Zbl 0611.06012 Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 6 1986 Monogenic \(e\)-closed languages and dipolar words. Zbl 0795.68115 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S.; Thierrin, G. 6 1994 Languages defined by some partial orders. Zbl 0537.68078 Day, Ping Hwei; Shyr, H. J. 5 1983 Regular component splittable languages. Zbl 0905.68084 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 5 1998 Free submonoids in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0898.20036 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 4 1998 Languages whose \(n\)-element subsets are codes. Zbl 0747.68035 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1992 Disjuntive \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 0545.68073 Jürgensen, Helmut; Shyr, Huei-Jan; Thierrin, Gabriel 4 1983 QF-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0605.68067 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1985 Intercodes and some related properties. Zbl 0697.94013 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 4 1990 Monoids with disjunctive identity and their codes. Zbl 0623.20052 Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1986 Annihilators of bifix codes. Zbl 1091.94018 Li, Zheng-Zhu; Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 4 2006 Strong codes. Zbl 0388.94016 Shyr, H. J. 4 1977 Characterizations of right dense languages. Zbl 0581.20066 Shyr, H. J. 4 1986 A note on languages which are dense subsemigroups. Zbl 0604.20066 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, C. S. 3 1985 Some properties of Fibonacci languages. Zbl 0857.68069 Fan, Cheng-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 3 1996 Languages defined by two functions. Zbl 0813.68126 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1994 Free monoids and languages. Lecture on computer science 1977-1978. Zbl 0407.68076 Shyr, H. J. 3 1978 Local distribution of non-primitive words. Zbl 1075.20505 Shyr, H. J.; Tu, F. K. 3 1993 The single loop representations of regular languages. Zbl 0894.68092 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1998 A note on the free submonoids of the monoid of prefix codes. Zbl 0902.68107 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1998 Annihilators of languages. Zbl 0875.68587 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1994 Decomposition of languages into disjunctive outfix codes. Zbl 0644.68100 Katsura, Masashi; Shyr, H. J. 2 1988 Midst-languages. Zbl 0903.68116 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1998 Bi-catenation and shuffle product of languages. Zbl 0910.68108 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1998 Locally regular and locally finite languages. Zbl 0443.68051 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 2 1979 Classifications of dense languages. Zbl 1100.68052 Li, Zheng-Zhu; Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 2 2006 Every subsemigroup of a free semigroup with zero is not an R-semigroup. Zbl 0338.20067 Shyr, H. J. 2 1976 A note on a problem of Hua. Zbl 0358.20066 Reis, C. M.; Shyr, H. J. 2 1977 Quasi-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0541.68047 Paradis, Andre D.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, Gabriel 2 1982 Some properties of balanced languages. Zbl 0759.68052 Hsu, S. C.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1992 E-convex infix codes. Zbl 0614.20045 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 1 1986 Some properties of left non-cancellative languages. Zbl 0942.68066 Shyr, Huei-Jan; Yu, Shyr-Shen 1 1999 Disjunctive languages and compatible orders. Zbl 0674.20040 Ito, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 1 1989 Some free submonoids of the free monoid of prefix codes. Zbl 0299.94005 Shyr, H. J. 1 1975 On two languages that commute. Zbl 0533.20042 Shyr, H. J. 1 1983 Regular domains. Zbl 0641.68109 Ito, Masami; Katsura, Masashi; Shyr, Huei-Jan 1 1987 \(\delta\)-codes and \(\delta\)-languages. Zbl 1089.94015 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 1 2005 A strongly primitive word of arbitrary length and its application. Zbl 0405.68066 Shyr, H. J. 1 1977 Some properties of maximal comma-free codes. Zbl 0978.68088 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 1 1998 On the radicals of lattice-ordered rings. Zbl 0309.06010 Shyr, H. J.; Viswanathan, T. M. 1 1974 Codes and factor theorems for subsets of a free monoid. Zbl 0261.94010 Shyr, H. J. 1 1973 A note on semigroup rings. Zbl 0286.20084 Shyr, H. J. 1 1973 Factorization in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0393.20043 Lassez, J. L.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1978 Prefix properties and equations in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0412.20054 Lassez, J. L.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1978 Disjunctive context-free languages. Zbl 0734.68060 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 1 1990 Regular autodense languages. Zbl 1169.68024 Fan, Chen-Ming; Huang, C. C.; Shyr, H. J. 1 2008 Languages related to the properties of disjunctivity and code. Zbl 1136.68418 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, Huei-Jan 1 2003 Regular autodense languages. Zbl 1169.68024 Fan, Chen-Ming; Huang, C. C.; Shyr, H. J. 1 2008 Annihilators of bifix codes. Zbl 1091.94018 Li, Zheng-Zhu; Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 4 2006 Classifications of dense languages. Zbl 1100.68052 Li, Zheng-Zhu; Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 2 2006 \(\delta\)-codes and \(\delta\)-languages. Zbl 1089.94015 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 1 2005 Languages related to the properties of disjunctivity and code. Zbl 1136.68418 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, Huei-Jan 1 2003 Some properties of left non-cancellative languages. Zbl 0942.68066 Shyr, Huei-Jan; Yu, Shyr-Shen 1 1999 \(d\)-words and \(d\)-languages. Zbl 0910.68107 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 7 1998 Regular component splittable languages. Zbl 0905.68084 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 5 1998 Free submonoids in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0898.20036 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 4 1998 The single loop representations of regular languages. Zbl 0894.68092 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1998 A note on the free submonoids of the monoid of prefix codes. Zbl 0902.68107 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1998 Midst-languages. Zbl 0903.68116 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1998 Bi-catenation and shuffle product of languages. Zbl 0910.68108 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1998 Some properties of maximal comma-free codes. Zbl 0978.68088 Fan, Chen-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 1 1998 Some properties of Fibonacci languages. Zbl 0857.68069 Fan, Cheng-Ming; Shyr, H. J. 3 1996 Non-primitive words in the language \(p^ +q^ +\). Zbl 0813.68127 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 14 1994 Monogenic \(e\)-closed languages and dipolar words. Zbl 0795.68115 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S.; Thierrin, G. 6 1994 Languages defined by two functions. Zbl 0813.68126 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 3 1994 Annihilators of languages. Zbl 0875.68587 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 2 1994 Local distribution of non-primitive words. Zbl 1075.20505 Shyr, H. J.; Tu, F. K. 3 1993 Languages whose \(n\)-element subsets are codes. Zbl 0747.68035 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1992 Some properties of balanced languages. Zbl 0759.68052 Hsu, S. C.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1992 Free monoids and languages. 2nd edition. Zbl 0746.20050 Shyr, H. J. 157 1991 Outfix and infix codes and related classes of languages. Zbl 0794.68087 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 22 1991 Solid codes and disjunctive domains. Zbl 0695.20038 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 14 1990 Intercodes and some related properties. Zbl 0697.94013 Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 4 1990 Disjunctive context-free languages. Zbl 0734.68060 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, Y. S. 1 1990 Some properties of overlapping order and related languages. Zbl 0691.68077 Hsu, S. C.; Ito, M.; Shyr, H. J. 11 1989 n-prefix-suffix languages. Zbl 0681.68097 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 10 1989 Anti-commutative languages and n-codes. Zbl 0679.68140 Ito, M.; Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1989 Disjunctive languages and compatible orders. Zbl 0674.20040 Ito, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 1 1989 Automata accepting primitive words. Zbl 0646.20055 Ito, M.; Katsura, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Yu, S. S. 8 1988 Decomposition of languages into disjunctive outfix codes. Zbl 0644.68100 Katsura, Masashi; Shyr, H. J. 2 1988 Regular domains. Zbl 0641.68109 Ito, Masami; Katsura, Masashi; Shyr, Huei-Jan 1 1987 f-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0655.68100 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1986 Codes and compatible partial orders on free monoids. Zbl 0611.06012 Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 6 1986 Monoids with disjunctive identity and their codes. Zbl 0623.20052 Jürgensen, H.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1986 Characterizations of right dense languages. Zbl 0581.20066 Shyr, H. J. 4 1986 E-convex infix codes. Zbl 0614.20045 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 1 1986 QF-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0605.68067 Guo, Y. Q.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 4 1985 A note on languages which are dense subsemigroups. Zbl 0604.20066 Shyr, H. J.; Tsai, C. S. 3 1985 A characterization of dense languages. Zbl 0548.20050 Shyr, H. J. 7 1984 Some properties of dense languages. Zbl 0586.68062 Shyr, H. J.; Tseng, Din-Chang 6 1984 Languages defined by some partial orders. Zbl 0537.68078 Day, Ping Hwei; Shyr, H. J. 5 1983 Disjuntive \(\omega\)-languages. Zbl 0545.68073 Jürgensen, Helmut; Shyr, Huei-Jan; Thierrin, Gabriel 4 1983 On two languages that commute. Zbl 0533.20042 Shyr, H. J. 1 1983 Quasi-disjunctive languages. Zbl 0541.68047 Paradis, Andre D.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, Gabriel 2 1982 H-bounded and semi-discrete languages. Zbl 0507.68053 Kunze, M.; Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 12 1981 Ordered catenation and regular free disjunctive languages. Zbl 0453.68046 Shyr, H. J. 11 1980 Locally regular and locally finite languages. Zbl 0443.68051 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 2 1979 Some properties of disjunctive languages on a free monoid. Zbl 0376.68044 Reis, C. M.; Shyr, H. J. 31 1978 Free monoids and languages. Lecture on computer science 1977-1978. Zbl 0407.68076 Shyr, H. J. 3 1978 Factorization in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0393.20043 Lassez, J. L.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1978 Prefix properties and equations in the monoid of languages. Zbl 0412.20054 Lassez, J. L.; Shyr, H. J. 1 1978 Disjunctive languages and codes. Zbl 0366.68049 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 23 1977 Disjunctive languages on a free monoid. Zbl 0354.68108 Shyr, H. J. 19 1977 Codes and binary relations. Zbl 0363.94019 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 17 1977 Codes, languages and MOL schemes. Zbl 0369.68045 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 9 1977 Strong codes. Zbl 0388.94016 Shyr, H. J. 4 1977 A note on a problem of Hua. Zbl 0358.20066 Reis, C. M.; Shyr, H. J. 2 1977 A strongly primitive word of arbitrary length and its application. Zbl 0405.68066 Shyr, H. J. 1 1977 Every subsemigroup of a free semigroup with zero is not an R-semigroup. Zbl 0338.20067 Shyr, H. J. 2 1976 Left-noncounting languages. Zbl 0297.68060 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 7 1975 Some free submonoids of the free monoid of prefix codes. Zbl 0299.94005 Shyr, H. J. 1 1975 Ordered automata and associated languages. Zbl 0302.68069 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 18 1974 Power-separating regular languages. Zbl 0287.68045 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 17 1974 Hypercodes. Zbl 0274.94020 Shyr, H. J.; Thierrin, G. 13 1974 On the radicals of lattice-ordered rings. Zbl 0309.06010 Shyr, H. J.; Viswanathan, T. M. 1 1974 Codes and factor theorems for subsets of a free monoid. Zbl 0261.94010 Shyr, H. J. 1 1973 A note on semigroup rings. Zbl 0286.20084 Shyr, H. J. 1 1973 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 206 Authors 29 Thierrin, Gabriel 27 Shyr, Huei-Jan 25 Kari, Lila 18 Jürgensen, Helmut 16 Guo, Yuqi 15 Ito, Masami 15 Konstantinidis, Stavros 15 Yu, Shyr-Shen 13 Huang, Cheng-Chih 12 Fan, Chen-Ming 12 Mahalingam, Kalpana 11 Dassow, Jürgen 9 Truthe, Bianca 8 Tsai, Yen-Shung 7 Reis, Cecília M. 7 Shum, Kar-Ping 6 Li, Zheng-Zhu 6 Long, Dongyang 6 Mitrana, Victor 5 Blanchet-Sadri, Francine 5 Calude, Cristian S. 5 Hsiao, Hung-Kuei 5 Kutrib, Martin 5 Salomaa, Arto Kustaa 5 Salomaa, Kai T. 5 Seki, Shinnosuke 5 Zhao, Yu-Kuang 4 Cao, Chunhua 4 Chuan, Waifong 4 Chunhua, Cao 4 Di, Yang 4 Domaratzki, Michael 4 Han, Yo-Sub 4 Head, Thomas J. 4 Holzer, Markus 4 Liu, Haiyan 4 Liu, Yun 4 Moreira, Nelma 4 Olejár, Viktor 4 Pandoh, Palak 4 Reis, Rogério 4 Shallit, Jeffrey Outlaw 4 Staiger, Ludwig 4 Yu, Sheng 4 Zhang, Liang 3 Chin, Chiun-Li 3 Dömösi, Pál 3 Hospodár, Michal 3 Ibarra, Oscar H. 3 Jia, Weijia 3 Katsura, Masashi 3 Leupold, Peter 3 Maity, Anuran 3 McQuillan, Ian 3 Santean, Nicolae 3 Wang, Jen-Tse 2 Brzozowski, Janusz Antoni 2 Chen, Kuo-Hsiang 2 Czeizler, Elena 2 D’Agostino, Giovanna 2 Daley, Mark 2 Echi, Othman 2 Horváth, Géza 2 Ilie, Lucian 2 Karhumaki, Juhani 2 Kopecki, Steffen 2 Kulkarni, Manasi S. 2 Lam, Nguyen Huong 2 Lischke, Gerhard 2 Liu, Zuhua 2 Ma, Jian 2 Marcus, Solomon 2 Meckel, Katja 2 Nguyen Huong Lam 2 Păun, Gheorghe 2 Policriti, Alberto 2 Rampersad, Narad 2 Šebej, Juraj 2 Veloso, Paulo Augusto Silva 2 Wang, Shoufeng 2 Wang, Zihao 2 Wood, Derick 2 Woryna, Adam 2 Yang, Di 2 Young, Joshua 2 Zhou, Duanning 1 Alanko, Jarno 1 Andrunakievich, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Arnautov, Vladimir Ivanovich 1 Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo 1 Blair, D. Dakota 1 Bordihn, Henning 1 Bruyère, Véronique 1 Cai, Yanying 1 Calude, Elena 1 Castellanos, Juan 1 Cho, Da-Jung 1 Chu, Danny D. 1 Corcoran, Kevin 1 Cosme-Llópez, Enric ...and 106 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 43 Serials 53 Theoretical Computer Science 31 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 18 Semigroup Forum 17 Acta Informatica 13 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 12 Discrete Applied Mathematics 10 Information and Computation 8 Discrete Mathematics 7 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 7 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 6 Information Processing Letters 6 Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics 6 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 5 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 4 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 4 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 4 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Information Sciences 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 European Journal of Combinatorics 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 2 Soft Computing 2 Natural Computing 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Order 1 Science in China. Series A 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Science China. Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 12 Fields 243 Computer science (68-XX) 62 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 55 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) Citations by Year