Author ID: sibilla.nicolo Recent zbMATH articles by "Sibilla, Nicolò"
Published as: Sibilla, Nicolò; Sibilla, Nicolo

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

12 Publications have been cited 117 times in 90 Documents Cited by Year
Higher traces, noncommutative motives, and the categorified Chern character. Zbl 1361.14014
Hoyois, Marc; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
Ribbon graphs and mirror symmetry. Zbl 1302.32032
Sibilla, Nicolò; Treumann, David; Zaslow, Eric
Skeleta of affine hypersurfaces. Zbl 1326.14102
Ruddat, Helge; Sibilla, Nicolò; Treumann, David; Zaslow, Eric
Kato-Nakayama spaces, infinite root stacks and the profinite homotopy type of log schemes. Zbl 1401.14113
Carchedi, David; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
Topological Fukaya category and mirror symmetry for punctured surfaces. Zbl 1421.53085
Pascaleff, James; Sibilla, Nicolò
Quiver varieties and Hall algebras. Zbl 1397.13031
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolo
The non-equivariant coherent-constructible correspondence and a conjecture of King. Zbl 1379.14027
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
On a logarithmic version of the derived McKay correspondence. Zbl 1411.14022
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
The categorified Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem. Zbl 1464.14005
Hoyois, Marc; Safronov, Pavel; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
Mirror symmetry in dimension 1 and Fourier-Mukai transforms. Zbl 1316.14038
Sibilla, Nicolò
A note on mapping class group actions on derived categories. Zbl 1297.14046
Sibilla, Nicolò
Gluing semi-orthogonal decompositions. Zbl 1443.14018
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
The categorified Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem. Zbl 1464.14005
Hoyois, Marc; Safronov, Pavel; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
Gluing semi-orthogonal decompositions. Zbl 1443.14018
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
Topological Fukaya category and mirror symmetry for punctured surfaces. Zbl 1421.53085
Pascaleff, James; Sibilla, Nicolò
On a logarithmic version of the derived McKay correspondence. Zbl 1411.14022
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
Higher traces, noncommutative motives, and the categorified Chern character. Zbl 1361.14014
Hoyois, Marc; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
Kato-Nakayama spaces, infinite root stacks and the profinite homotopy type of log schemes. Zbl 1401.14113
Carchedi, David; Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò; Talpo, Mattia
Quiver varieties and Hall algebras. Zbl 1397.13031
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolo
The non-equivariant coherent-constructible correspondence and a conjecture of King. Zbl 1379.14027
Scherotzke, Sarah; Sibilla, Nicolò
Ribbon graphs and mirror symmetry. Zbl 1302.32032
Sibilla, Nicolò; Treumann, David; Zaslow, Eric
Skeleta of affine hypersurfaces. Zbl 1326.14102
Ruddat, Helge; Sibilla, Nicolò; Treumann, David; Zaslow, Eric
Mirror symmetry in dimension 1 and Fourier-Mukai transforms. Zbl 1316.14038
Sibilla, Nicolò
A note on mapping class group actions on derived categories. Zbl 1297.14046
Sibilla, Nicolò
all top 5

Cited by 107 Authors

11 Sibilla, Nicolò
10 Talpo, Mattia
8 Scherotzke, Sarah
4 Casals, Roger
4 Mathew, Akhil
4 Nadler, David
4 Ruddat, Helge P.
4 Zaslow, Eric
3 Carchedi, David Joseph
3 Clausen, Dustin
3 Katzarkov, Ludmil
3 Kuwagaki, Tatsuki
3 Lekili, Yankı
3 Lu, Ming
3 Polishchuk, Alexander Evgen’evich
3 Treumann, David
2 Auroux, Denis
2 Dyckerhoff, Tobias
2 Haiden, Fabian
2 Hoyois, Marc
2 Moulinos, Tasos
2 Naumann, Niko
2 Noel, Justin
2 Safronov, Pavel
2 Vistoli, Angelo
2 Wang, Weiqiang
2 Zhou, Peng
1 Achinger, Piotr
1 Annala, Toni M.
1 Antieau, Benjamin
1 Argüz, Hülya
1 Ayala, David
1 Ben-Zvi, David
1 Bezrukavnikov, Roman
1 Bi, Yingjin
1 Bosshard, Valentin
1 Brav, Christopher
1 Carmeli, Shachar
1 Chen, Harrison
1 Chen, Xinhong
1 Cho, Cheol-Hyun
1 Chou, You-Cheng
1 Donovan, Will
1 Efimov, Alexander I.
1 Elmanto, Elden
1 Evans, Jonathan David
1 Fang, Bohan
1 Filippini, Sara Angela
1 Francis, John
1 Gaitsgory, Dennis
1 Gammage, Benjamin
1 Ganatra, Sheel
1 Gao, Honghao
1 Goncharov, Alexander Borisovich
1 Hanlon, Andrew D.
1 Harder, Andrew
1 Heine, Hadrian
1 Helm, David
1 Herr, Leo
1 Holmes, David
1 Hong, Hansol
1 Howard, Adam
1 Ike, Yuichi
1 Iwasa, Ryomei
1 Johnson-Freyd, Theo
1 Joshua, Roy
1 Kalmykov, Artem
1 Kapranov, Mikhail M.
1 Karzhemanov, Ilya
1 Kazhdan, David
1 Kontsevich, Maxim
1 Koppensteiner, Clemens
1 Kuo, Christopher
1 Land, Markus
1 Lau, Siu-Cheong
1 Lee, Yuan-Pin
1 Lind, John Alexander
1 Lu, Qing
1 Mauri, Mirko
1 Mazel-Gee, Aaron
1 Nájera Chávez, Alfredo
1 Pardon, John Vincent
1 Pascaleff, James
1 Pelaez, Pablo
1 Perry, Alexander R.
1 Pixton, Aaron
1 Pstrągowski, Piotr
1 Rozenblyum, Nick
1 Samuelson, Peter
1 Sati, Hisham
1 Saunier, Victor
1 Scheimbauer, Claudia I.
1 Schlank, Tomer M.
1 Schmitt, Johannes
1 Shen, Linhui
1 Shende, Vivek Vijay
1 Sosnilo, Vladimir Aleksandrovich
1 Stern, Reuben
1 Tamme, Georg
1 Thompson, Alan Matthew
...and 7 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 40 Serials

15 Advances in Mathematics
7 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
5 Compositio Mathematica
5 Geometry & Topology
4 Inventiones Mathematicae
4 Annals of \(K\)-Theory
3 Algebras and Representation Theory
3 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
2 Duke Mathematical Journal
2 Mathematische Annalen
2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
2 Documenta Mathematica
2 Higher Structures
1 Communications in Mathematical Physics
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
1 Geometriae Dedicata
1 Publications Mathématiques
1 Journal of Algebra
1 Mathematische Zeitschrift
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Journal of Algebraic Geometry
1 Theory and Applications of Categories
1 Representation Theory
1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
1 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
1 Journal of Topology
1 Journal of Topology and Analysis
1 European Journal of Mathematics
1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana
1 Annales Henri Lebesgue

Citations by Year