Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sibony, Nessim (b. 1947 d. 2021) Co-Author Distance Author ID: sibony.nessim Published as: Sibony, Nessim; Sibony, N. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 139 Publications since 1969, including 3 Books and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 43 Co-Authors with 105 Joint Publications 888 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 35 single-authored 40 Tien Cuong Dinh 28 Fornæss, John Erik 10 Hakim, Monique 7 Nguyên Viêt Anh 3 Duval, Julien 3 Ferrier, Jean-Pierre 3 Wold, Erlend Fornæss 2 Cerveau, Dominique 2 Demailly, Jean-Pierre 2 Ghys, Étienne 2 Ohsawa, Takeo 2 Paun, Mihai 2 Shiffman, Bernard 2 Wong, Pit-Mann 2 Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe 1 Berndtsson, Bo 1 Bonami, Aline 1 Burns, Daniel M. jun. 1 Claudon, Benoît 1 Connes, Alain 1 Corvaja, Pietro 1 Dehen, Michele 1 Diederich, Klas 1 Diverio, Simone 1 Dujardin, Romain 1 Flexor, Marguerite 1 Gamelin, Theodore W. 1 Gasbarri, Carlo 1 Guedj, Vincent 1 Hà Huy Khóai 1 Kebekus, Stefan 1 Kobayashi, Shoshichi 1 Le Mâu Hai 1 Louveau, Alain 1 Ma, Xiaonan 1 Marinescu, George 1 Mokobodzki, Gabriel 1 Molzon, Robert E. 1 Noguchi, Junjiro 1 Peternell, Thomas Martin 1 Phạm Hoàng Hiệp 1 Pit Mann Wong 1 Rousseau, Erwan 1 Royer, Gilles 1 Ru, Min 1 Sasaki, Takeshi 1 Skoda, Henri 1 Soldatenkov, Andrey 1 Sunada, Toshikazu 1 Suzuki, Osamu 1 Taji, Behrouz 1 Takeuchi, Masaru 1 Tien-Cuong Dihn 1 Verbitsky, Misha 1 Voisin, Claire 1 Wermer, John 1 Wu, Hao all top 5 Serials 19 Mathematische Annalen 12 Duke Mathematical Journal 7 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 5 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 Arkiv för Matematik 2 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 2 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Panoramas et Synthèses 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Science in China. Series A 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 1 SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs 1 Journal of Modern Dynamics all top 5 Fields 115 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 58 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 13 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 11 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 118 Publications have been cited 2,463 times in 1,276 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Dynamics of rational maps on \(\mathbb P^k\). (Dynamique des applications rationnelles de \(\mathbb P^k\).) Zbl 1020.37026 Sibony, Nessim 119 1999 An upper bound for the topological entropy of a rational mapping. (Une borne supérieure pour l’entropie topologique d’une application rationnelle.) Zbl 1084.54013 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 92 2005 Complex Hénon mappings in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\) and Fatou-Bieberbach domains. Zbl 0761.32015 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 84 1992 Dynamics in several complex variables: endomorphisms of projective spaces and polynomial-like mappings. Zbl 1218.37055 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 78 2010 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. II. Zbl 0847.58059 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 77 1995 Une classe de domaines pseudoconvexes. (A class of pseudoconvex domains). Zbl 0622.32016 Sibony, Nessim 74 1987 Distribution of the values of meromorphic transformations and applications. (Distribution des valeurs de transformations méromorphes et applications.) Zbl 1094.32005 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 69 2006 Quelques problèmes de prolongement de courants en analyse complexe. Zbl 0578.32023 Sibony, Nessim 69 1985 Oka’s inequality for currents and applications. Zbl 0832.32010 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 68 1995 Regularization of currents and entropy. Zbl 1074.53058 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 60 2004 Dynamics of polynomial-like mappings. (Dynamique des applications d’allure polynomiale.) Zbl 1033.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 59 2003 Super-potentials of positive closed currents, intersection theory and dynamics. Zbl 1227.32024 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 56 2009 Complex dynamics in higher dimensions. Zbl 0811.32019 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 52 1994 Polynomial convexity, rational convexity, and currents. Zbl 0838.32006 Duval, Julien; Sibony, Nessim 51 1995 Green currents for holomorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1066.32024 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 50 2005 Prolongement des fonctions holomorphes bornees et métrique de Caratheodory. Zbl 0333.32011 Sibony, Nessim 46 1975 The \(\overline\partial\)-equation on a positive current. Zbl 1031.32005 Berndtsson, Bo; Sibony, Nessim 46 2002 A class of hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 0476.32033 Sibony, Nessim 43 1981 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. I. Zbl 0813.58030 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 42 1994 Random iterations of rational functions. Zbl 0753.30019 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 41 1991 Pull-back of currents by holomorphic maps. Zbl 1128.32020 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 39 2007 Bounded P. S. H. functions and pseudoconvexity in Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0911.32027 Ohsawa, Takeo; Sibony, Nessim 39 1998 Construction of p.s.h. functions on weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0679.32017 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 36 1989 Riemann surface laminations with singularities. Zbl 1159.32020 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 34 2008 Exponential estimates for plurisubharmonic functions. Zbl 1211.32021 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viêt-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 34 2010 Commutative automorphism groups of a compact Kähler manifold. (Groupes commutatifs d’automorphismes d’une variété kählérienne compacte.) Zbl 1065.32012 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 34 2004 Subharmonicity for uniform algebras. Zbl 0422.46043 Gamelin, T. W.; Sibony, N. 33 1980 Harmonic currents of finite energy and laminations. Zbl 1115.32020 Fornæss, J. E.; Sibony, N. 32 2005 Equidistribution towards the Green current for holomorphic maps. Zbl 1160.32029 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 26 2008 Dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^k\). Zbl 1034.37025 Guedj, Vincent; Sibony, Nessim 25 2002 Some aspects of weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0747.32006 Sibony, Nessim 23 1991 Spectre de \(A(\bar\Omega)\) pour des domaines bornes faiblement pseudoconvexes réguliers. Zbl 0441.46044 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 23 1980 Dynamics of regular birational maps in \(\mathbb P^k\). Zbl 1067.37055 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 23 2005 Unique ergodicity of harmonic currents on singular foliations of \({\mathbb{P}^2}\). Zbl 1204.32022 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 22 2010 Super-potentials for currents on compact Kähler manifolds and dynamics of automorphisms. Zbl 1202.32033 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 21 2010 Equidistribution problems in complex dynamics of higher dimension. Zbl 1386.32019 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 21 2017 Heat equation and ergodic theorems for Riemann surface laminations. Zbl 1331.37064 Dinh, T.-C.; Nguyên, V.-A.; Sibony, N. 20 2012 Geometry of currents, intersection theory and dynamics of horizontal-like maps. Zbl 1089.37036 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 20 2006 Rigidity of Julia sets for Hénon type maps. Zbl 1370.37090 Sibony, Nessim; Dinh, Tien-Cuong 19 2014 Ensembles pics dans des domaines strictement pseudo-convexes. Zbl 0402.32008 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 18 1978 Upper bound for the topological entropy of a meromorphic correspondence. Zbl 1163.37011 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2008 Equidistribution speed for endomorphisms of projective spaces. Zbl 1206.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2010 Decay of correlations and the central limit theorem for meromorphic maps. Zbl 1137.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2006 Density of positive closed currents, a theory of non-generic intersections. Zbl 1393.32017 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2018 Some open problems in higher dimensional complex analysis and complex dynamics. Zbl 0993.32001 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 18 2001 Average growth estimates for hyperplane sections of entire analytic sets. Zbl 0537.32009 Molzon, Robert E.; Shiffman, Bernard; Sibony, Nessim 17 1981 Fatou and Julia sets for entire mappings in \(\mathbb{C}^k\). Zbl 0931.37016 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 17 1998 Increasing sequences of complex manifolds. Zbl 0438.32012 Fornaess, John Eric; Sibony, Nessim 16 1981 Classification of recurrent domains for some holomorphic maps. Zbl 0829.58005 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 16 1995 Fonctions holomorphes bornées sur la boule unite de \(C^ n\). Zbl 0475.32007 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 15 1982 Quelques conditions pour l’existence de fonctions pics dans des domaines pseudoconvexes. Zbl 0354.32028 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 15 1977 Some results on global analytic sets. Zbl 0444.32006 Sibony, Nessim; Wong, Pit-Mann 14 1980 Unique ergodicity for foliations in \(\mathbb {P}^2\) with an invariant curve. Zbl 1395.37030 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 14 2018 Hyperbolic maps on \(\mathbb{P}^2\). Zbl 0928.37006 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 14 1998 On \(L^ p\) estimates for \(\bar\partial\). Zbl 0827.32019 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 13 1991 Frontière de Silov et spectre de \(A(\bar D)\) pour des domaines faiblement pseudoconvexes. Zbl 0324.46058 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 13 1975 Entropy for hyperbolic Riemann surface laminations. I. Zbl 1352.37145 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viet-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 13 2014 The second main theorem in the hyperbolic case. Zbl 1441.32007 Ru, Min; Sibony, Nessim 13 2020 Critically finite rational maps on \({\mathbb{P}{}}^ 2\). Zbl 0772.58024 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 12 1992 Un example de domaine pseudoconvexe ou l’équation \(\overline\partial u=f\) n’admet pas de solution bornée pour \(f\) bornée. Zbl 0429.32026 Sibony, Nessim 12 1980 Prolongement analytique des fonctions holomorphes bornees. Zbl 0246.32015 Sibony, Nessim 12 1972 On the dynamics near infinity of some polynomial mappings in \(\mathbb C^2\). Zbl 1079.37040 Dinh, Tien Cuong; Dujardin, Romain; Sibony, Nessim 12 2005 Kähler identity on Levi flat manifolds and application to the embedding. Zbl 0976.32021 Ohsawa, Takeo; Sibony, Nessim 12 2000 Dynamics of \(\mathbb{P}^2\) (examples). Zbl 1006.37025 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 12 2001 Some open problems on holomorphic foliation theory. Zbl 1437.37058 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 12 2020 Fonctions holomorphes bornees et limites tangentielles. Zbl 0514.32003 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 11 1983 Examples of minimal laminations and associated currents. Zbl 1233.32022 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim; Wold, Erlend Fornæss 11 2011 On holomorphic permutable endomorphisms of \({\mathbb P}^k\). (Sur les endomorphismes holomorphes permutables de \({\mathbb P}^k\).) Zbl 1090.32009 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 11 2002 Generators for A(\(\Omega\)). Zbl 0292.46027 Sibony, N.; Wermer, J. 10 1974 Equidistribution of saddle periodic points for Hénon-type automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^k\). Zbl 1361.32042 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 10 2016 Boundary properties of holomorphic functions in the ball of \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\). Zbl 0622.32002 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 10 1987 Smooth pseudoconvex domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ 2\) for which the Corona theorem and \(L^ p\) estimates for \(\bar \partial\) fail. Zbl 0812.32007 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 10 1993 The closing lemma for holomorphic maps. Zbl 0965.37046 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 10 1997 Problème de la couronne pour des domaines pseudoconvexes à bord lisse. (The current problem for pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundary). Zbl 0636.32007 Sibony, Nessim 10 1987 Limit currents and value distribution of holomorphic maps. Zbl 1252.32002 Burns, Daniel; Sibony, Nessim 9 2012 Some remarks on the Casorati-Weierstrass theorem. Zbl 0476.32005 Sibony, Nessim; Wong, Pit-Mann 9 1981 Entropy for hyperbolic Riemann surface laminations. II. Zbl 1410.37050 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viet-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 9 2014 Fibres holomorphes et métrique de Caratheodory. Zbl 0318.32029 Sibony, Nessim 8 1974 Pfaff systems, currents and hulls. Zbl 1378.32023 Sibony, Nessim 8 2017 Multi-dimensional analytic structure in the spectrum of a uniform algebra. Zbl 0354.46037 Sibony, Nessim 8 1976 Dynamics of horizontal-like maps in higher dimension. Zbl 1149.37025 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viêt-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 8 2008 Complex dynamics and geometry. Papers from the Meeting ”State of the art of the research of the Sociéteé Mathématique de France”, Lyon, France, January 1997. (Dynamique et géométrie complexes.) Zbl 1010.00008 Cerveau, Dominique; Ghys, Étienne; Sibony, Nessim; Yoccoz, Jean Christophe 8 1999 Approximation polynomiale ponderee dans un domaine d’holomorphie de \(\mathbb{C}^n\). Zbl 0324.32014 Sibony, Nessim 7 1976 Levi problem in complex manifolds. Zbl 1410.32012 Sibony, Nessim 7 2018 Unique ergodicity for foliations on compact Kähler surfaces. Zbl 1518.37061 Tien-Cuong Dinh; Viêt-Anh Nguyên; Sibony, Nessim 7 2022 Valeurs au bord de fonctions holomorphes et ensembles polynomialement convexes. Zbl 0382.32004 Sibony, Nessim 6 1977 Strange complex structures on Euclidean space. Zbl 0413.32001 Diederich, Klas; Sibony, Nessim 6 1979 Dynamics of semiregular polynomial maps. (Dynamique des applications polynomiales semi-régulières.) Zbl 1059.37033 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 6 2004 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. Zbl 0999.37031 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 6 1999 Principe du maximum sur une variété C. R. et équations de Monge-Ampère complexes. Zbl 0356.31006 Sibony, Nessim 5 1977 Hulls and positive closed currents. Zbl 0958.32004 Duval, Julien; Sibony, Nessim 5 1998 \(Q\)-complete domains with corners in \({\mathbb{P}^n}\) and extension of line bundles. Zbl 1267.32006 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim; Wold, Erlend F. 5 2013 Sobolev embedding in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\) and the \(\bar \partial\)-equation. Zbl 0743.32015 Bonami, Aline; Sibony, Nessim 4 1991 Approximation polynomiale ponderee dans un domaine d’holomorphie de \(\mathbb{C}^n\). Zbl 0318.32013 Sibony, Nessim 4 1976 Prolongement analytique des fonctions holomorphes bornees. Zbl 0313.32014 Sibony, Nessim 4 1974 Exponential mixing for automorphisms on compact Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1237.32001 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 4 2010 Ensemble des zéros d’une fonction holomorphe bornee dans la boule unite. Zbl 0499.32006 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 4 1982 Plurisubharmonic functions on ring domains. Zbl 0622.32015 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 4 1987 Pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundary in projective spaces. Zbl 1475.32014 Sibony, Nessim 4 2021 Some recent results on weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0744.32006 Sibony, Nessim 3 1991 Unique ergodicity for foliations on compact Kähler surfaces. Zbl 1518.37061 Tien-Cuong Dinh; Viêt-Anh Nguyên; Sibony, Nessim 7 2022 Pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundary in projective spaces. Zbl 1475.32014 Sibony, Nessim 4 2021 Hyperbolicity properties of algebraic varieties. Edited by S. Diverio. (Propriétés d’hyperbolicité des variétés algébriques.) Zbl 1487.32001 Claudon, Benoît; Corvaja, Pietro; Demailly, Jean-Pierre; Diverio, Simone; Duval, Julien; Gasbarri, Carlo; Kebekus, Stefan; Paun, Mihai; Rousseau, Erwan; Sibony, Nessim; Taji, Behrouz; Voisin, Claire 1 2021 The second main theorem in the hyperbolic case. Zbl 1441.32007 Ru, Min; Sibony, Nessim 13 2020 Some open problems on holomorphic foliation theory. Zbl 1437.37058 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 12 2020 Topology and complex structures of leaves of foliations by Riemann surfaces. Zbl 1452.32025 Sibony, Nessim; Wold, Erlend Fornæss 3 2020 Density of positive closed currents, a theory of non-generic intersections. Zbl 1393.32017 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2018 Unique ergodicity for foliations in \(\mathbb {P}^2\) with an invariant curve. Zbl 1395.37030 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 14 2018 Levi problem in complex manifolds. Zbl 1410.32012 Sibony, Nessim 7 2018 Equidistribution problems in complex dynamics of higher dimension. Zbl 1386.32019 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 21 2017 Pfaff systems, currents and hulls. Zbl 1378.32023 Sibony, Nessim 8 2017 Equidistribution of saddle periodic points for Hénon-type automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^k\). Zbl 1361.32042 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 10 2016 Rigidity of Julia sets for Hénon type maps. Zbl 1370.37090 Sibony, Nessim; Dinh, Tien-Cuong 19 2014 Entropy for hyperbolic Riemann surface laminations. I. Zbl 1352.37145 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viet-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 13 2014 Entropy for hyperbolic Riemann surface laminations. II. Zbl 1410.37050 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viet-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 9 2014 \(Q\)-complete domains with corners in \({\mathbb{P}^n}\) and extension of line bundles. Zbl 1267.32006 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim; Wold, Erlend F. 5 2013 Heat equation and ergodic theorems for Riemann surface laminations. Zbl 1331.37064 Dinh, T.-C.; Nguyên, V.-A.; Sibony, N. 20 2012 Limit currents and value distribution of holomorphic maps. Zbl 1252.32002 Burns, Daniel; Sibony, Nessim 9 2012 Examples of minimal laminations and associated currents. Zbl 1233.32022 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim; Wold, Erlend Fornæss 11 2011 Dynamics in several complex variables: endomorphisms of projective spaces and polynomial-like mappings. Zbl 1218.37055 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 78 2010 Exponential estimates for plurisubharmonic functions. Zbl 1211.32021 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viêt-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 34 2010 Unique ergodicity of harmonic currents on singular foliations of \({\mathbb{P}^2}\). Zbl 1204.32022 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 22 2010 Super-potentials for currents on compact Kähler manifolds and dynamics of automorphisms. Zbl 1202.32033 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 21 2010 Equidistribution speed for endomorphisms of projective spaces. Zbl 1206.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2010 Exponential mixing for automorphisms on compact Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1237.32001 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 4 2010 Super-potentials of positive closed currents, intersection theory and dynamics. Zbl 1227.32024 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 56 2009 Riemann surface laminations with singularities. Zbl 1159.32020 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 34 2008 Equidistribution towards the Green current for holomorphic maps. Zbl 1160.32029 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 26 2008 Upper bound for the topological entropy of a meromorphic correspondence. Zbl 1163.37011 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2008 Dynamics of horizontal-like maps in higher dimension. Zbl 1149.37025 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Nguyên, Viêt-Anh; Sibony, Nessim 8 2008 Pull-back of currents by holomorphic maps. Zbl 1128.32020 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 39 2007 On thermodynamics of rational maps on the Riemann sphere. Zbl 1122.37036 Tien-Cuong Dihn; Viêt-Anh Nguyên; Sibony, Nessim 2 2007 Distribution of the values of meromorphic transformations and applications. (Distribution des valeurs de transformations méromorphes et applications.) Zbl 1094.32005 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 69 2006 Geometry of currents, intersection theory and dynamics of horizontal-like maps. Zbl 1089.37036 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 20 2006 Decay of correlations and the central limit theorem for meromorphic maps. Zbl 1137.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 18 2006 An upper bound for the topological entropy of a rational mapping. (Une borne supérieure pour l’entropie topologique d’une application rationnelle.) Zbl 1084.54013 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 92 2005 Green currents for holomorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1066.32024 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 50 2005 Harmonic currents of finite energy and laminations. Zbl 1115.32020 Fornæss, J. E.; Sibony, N. 32 2005 Dynamics of regular birational maps in \(\mathbb P^k\). Zbl 1067.37055 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 23 2005 On the dynamics near infinity of some polynomial mappings in \(\mathbb C^2\). Zbl 1079.37040 Dinh, Tien Cuong; Dujardin, Romain; Sibony, Nessim 12 2005 Equidistribution for meromorphic transforms and the \(\mathrm{dd}^c\)-method. Zbl 1128.32011 Dinh, Tiencuong; Sibony, Nessim 1 2005 Regularization of currents and entropy. Zbl 1074.53058 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 60 2004 Commutative automorphism groups of a compact Kähler manifold. (Groupes commutatifs d’automorphismes d’une variété kählérienne compacte.) Zbl 1065.32012 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 34 2004 Dynamics of semiregular polynomial maps. (Dynamique des applications polynomiales semi-régulières.) Zbl 1059.37033 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 6 2004 Dynamics of polynomial-like mappings. (Dynamique des applications d’allure polynomiale.) Zbl 1033.37023 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 59 2003 Dynamics of rational maps on \(\mathbb P^k\). Zbl 1113.37305 Sibony, Nessim 2 2003 The \(\overline\partial\)-equation on a positive current. Zbl 1031.32005 Berndtsson, Bo; Sibony, Nessim 46 2002 Dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^k\). Zbl 1034.37025 Guedj, Vincent; Sibony, Nessim 25 2002 On holomorphic permutable endomorphisms of \({\mathbb P}^k\). (Sur les endomorphismes holomorphes permutables de \({\mathbb P}^k\).) Zbl 1090.32009 Dinh, Tien-Cuong; Sibony, Nessim 11 2002 Some open problems in higher dimensional complex analysis and complex dynamics. Zbl 0993.32001 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 18 2001 Dynamics of \(\mathbb{P}^2\) (examples). Zbl 1006.37025 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 12 2001 Kähler identity on Levi flat manifolds and application to the embedding. Zbl 0976.32021 Ohsawa, Takeo; Sibony, Nessim 12 2000 Dynamics of rational maps on \(\mathbb P^k\). (Dynamique des applications rationnelles de \(\mathbb P^k\).) Zbl 1020.37026 Sibony, Nessim 119 1999 Complex dynamics and geometry. Papers from the Meeting ”State of the art of the research of the Sociéteé Mathématique de France”, Lyon, France, January 1997. (Dynamique et géométrie complexes.) Zbl 1010.00008 Cerveau, Dominique; Ghys, Étienne; Sibony, Nessim; Yoccoz, Jean Christophe 8 1999 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. Zbl 0999.37031 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 6 1999 Bounded P. S. H. functions and pseudoconvexity in Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0911.32027 Ohsawa, Takeo; Sibony, Nessim 39 1998 Fatou and Julia sets for entire mappings in \(\mathbb{C}^k\). Zbl 0931.37016 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 17 1998 Hyperbolic maps on \(\mathbb{P}^2\). Zbl 0928.37006 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 14 1998 Hulls and positive closed currents. Zbl 0958.32004 Duval, Julien; Sibony, Nessim 5 1998 Closing lemma for holomorphic functions in \(\mathbb{C}\). Zbl 0915.58084 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 2 1998 The closing lemma for holomorphic maps. Zbl 0965.37046 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 10 1997 Holomorphic symplectomorphisms in \(\mathbb{C}^{2p}\). Zbl 0871.57031 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 1 1996 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. II. Zbl 0847.58059 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 77 1995 Oka’s inequality for currents and applications. Zbl 0832.32010 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 68 1995 Polynomial convexity, rational convexity, and currents. Zbl 0838.32006 Duval, Julien; Sibony, Nessim 51 1995 Classification of recurrent domains for some holomorphic maps. Zbl 0829.58005 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 16 1995 Holomorphic symplectomorphisms in \(\mathbb{C} ^ 2\). Zbl 0853.58050 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 3 1995 Complex dynamics in higher dimensions. Zbl 0811.32019 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 52 1994 Complex dynamics in higher dimension. I. Zbl 0813.58030 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 42 1994 Smooth pseudoconvex domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ 2\) for which the Corona theorem and \(L^ p\) estimates for \(\bar \partial\) fail. Zbl 0812.32007 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 10 1993 On Hölder estimates for \(\bar {\partial{}}\). Zbl 0776.32015 Sibony, Nessim 2 1993 Complex Hénon mappings in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\) and Fatou-Bieberbach domains. Zbl 0761.32015 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 84 1992 Critically finite rational maps on \({\mathbb{P}{}}^ 2\). Zbl 0772.58024 Fornæss, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 12 1992 Random iterations of rational functions. Zbl 0753.30019 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 41 1991 Some aspects of weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0747.32006 Sibony, Nessim 23 1991 On \(L^ p\) estimates for \(\bar\partial\). Zbl 0827.32019 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 13 1991 Sobolev embedding in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\) and the \(\bar \partial\)-equation. Zbl 0743.32015 Bonami, Aline; Sibony, Nessim 4 1991 Some recent results on weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0744.32006 Sibony, Nessim 3 1991 Construction of p.s.h. functions on weakly pseudoconvex domains. Zbl 0679.32017 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 36 1989 Une classe de domaines pseudoconvexes. (A class of pseudoconvex domains). Zbl 0622.32016 Sibony, Nessim 74 1987 Boundary properties of holomorphic functions in the ball of \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\). Zbl 0622.32002 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 10 1987 Problème de la couronne pour des domaines pseudoconvexes à bord lisse. (The current problem for pseudoconvex domains with smooth boundary). Zbl 0636.32007 Sibony, Nessim 10 1987 Plurisubharmonic functions on ring domains. Zbl 0622.32015 Fornaess, John Erik; Sibony, Nessim 4 1987 Hypoellipticité pour l’opérateur \({\bar\partial}\). (Hypoellipticity of the \({\bar\partial}\)-operator). Zbl 0589.32032 Sibony, Nessim 2 1987 Sur le plongement des domaines faiblement pseudoconvexes dans des domaines convexes. Zbl 0573.32023 Sibony, Nessim 2 1986 Quelques problèmes de prolongement de courants en analyse complexe. Zbl 0578.32023 Sibony, Nessim 69 1985 Sur la frontière de Shilov des domaines de \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\). Zbl 0573.32017 Sibony, Nessim 2 1985 Fonctions holomorphes bornees et limites tangentielles. Zbl 0514.32003 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 11 1983 Valeurs au bord des modules de fonctions holomorphes. Zbl 0514.32008 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 2 1983 Fonctions holomorphes bornées sur la boule unite de \(C^ n\). Zbl 0475.32007 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 15 1982 Ensemble des zéros d’une fonction holomorphe bornee dans la boule unite. Zbl 0499.32006 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 4 1982 A class of hyperbolic manifolds. Zbl 0476.32033 Sibony, Nessim 43 1981 Average growth estimates for hyperplane sections of entire analytic sets. Zbl 0537.32009 Molzon, Robert E.; Shiffman, Bernard; Sibony, Nessim 17 1981 Increasing sequences of complex manifolds. Zbl 0438.32012 Fornaess, John Eric; Sibony, Nessim 16 1981 Some remarks on the Casorati-Weierstrass theorem. Zbl 0476.32005 Sibony, Nessim; Wong, Pit-Mann 9 1981 Subharmonicity for uniform algebras. Zbl 0422.46043 Gamelin, T. W.; Sibony, N. 33 1980 Spectre de \(A(\bar\Omega)\) pour des domaines bornes faiblement pseudoconvexes réguliers. Zbl 0441.46044 Hakim, Monique; Sibony, Nessim 23 1980 Some results on global analytic sets. Zbl 0444.32006 Sibony, Nessim; Wong, Pit-Mann 14 1980 Un example de domaine pseudoconvexe ou l’équation \(\overline\partial u=f\) n’admet pas de solution bornée pour \(f\) bornée. Zbl 0429.32026 Sibony, Nessim 12 1980 Strange complex structures on Euclidean space. Zbl 0413.32001 Diederich, Klas; Sibony, Nessim 6 1979 ...and 18 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 859 Authors 59 Tien Cuong Dinh 50 Sibony, Nessim 29 Fornæss, John Erik 24 Bedford, Eric 21 Vu, Duc-Viet 19 Nguyên Viêt Anh 17 Berteloot, François 17 Zhang, De-Qi 16 de Thélin, Henry 16 Favre, Charles 15 Bianchi, Fabrizio 15 Guedj, Vincent 15 Nguyen Quang Dieu 15 Peters, Han 15 Truong Trung Tuyen 14 Marinescu, George 14 Sumi, Hiroki 14 Vigny, Gabriel 13 Dujardin, Romain 13 Dupont, Christophe 13 Sukhov, Alexandre B. 13 Verma, Kaushal 12 Arosio, Leandro 12 Bayraktar, Turgay 12 Cantat, Serge 12 Coman, Dan 12 Pflug, Peter 12 Shaw, Mei-Chi 12 Wold, Erlend Fornæss 11 Krantz, Steven George 10 Shafikov, Rasul Gazimovich 10 Zhou, Xiangyu 9 Chen, Bo-Yong 9 Dang, Nguyen-Bac 9 Diller, Jeffrey 9 Fu, Siqi 9 Gauthier, Thomas 9 Jonsson, Mattias 9 Nguyen, Ngoc Cuong 9 Pal, Ratna 9 Roeder, Roland K. W. 9 Straube, Emil J. 9 Taflin, Johan 9 Zeriahi, Ahmed 8 Bera, Sayani 8 Chakrabarti, Debraj 8 Duval, Julien 8 Guan, Qi’an 8 Nikolov, Nikolai Marinov 8 Silverman, Joseph Hillel 7 Ahn, Taeyong 7 Bharali, Gautam 7 Comerford, Mark 7 Iordan, Andrei 7 Kim, Kyounghee 7 Lyubich, Mikhail 7 Matsuzawa, Yohsuke 7 Meo, Michel 7 Oguiso, Keiji 7 Şahutoğlu, Sönmez 7 Shcherbina, Nikolaĭ Vasil’evich 7 Zeytuncu, Yunus Ergýn 6 Adachi, Masanori 6 Åhag, Per 6 Bisi, Cinzia 6 Czyż, Rafał 6 Forstnerič, Franc 6 Hed, Lisa 6 Kaufmann, Lucas 6 Lin, Jan-Li 6 Noell, Alan V. 6 Okuyama, Yûsuke 6 Sĩ Đức Quang 5 Abdulaali, Ahmad K. Al 5 Astorg, Matthieu 5 Benini, Anna Miriam 5 Berndtsson, Bo 5 Biard, Séverine 5 Brinkschulte, Judith 5 Coupet, Bernard 5 Demailly, Jean-Pierre 5 Kołodziej, Sławomir 5 McNeal, Jeffery D. 5 Mongodi, Samuele 5 Ramadas, Rohini 5 Smillie, John 5 Tanase, Raluca 5 Taylor, Bert Alan 5 Tosatti, Valentino 5 Urbański, Mariusz 5 Verbitsky, Misha 5 Wu, Hao 4 Bassanelli, Giovanni 4 Bonnot, Sylvain 4 Boucksom, Sébastien 4 Bracci, Filippo 4 Bruna Floris, Joaquim 4 Cegrell, Urban 4 Chen, Zhangchi 4 DeMarco, Laura Grace ...and 759 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 188 Serials 104 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 77 Mathematische Annalen 69 Mathematische Zeitschrift 54 Advances in Mathematics 51 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 47 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 40 International Journal of Mathematics 39 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 32 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 32 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 28 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 26 Duke Mathematical Journal 25 Journal of Functional Analysis 24 Inventiones Mathematicae 23 Michigan Mathematical Journal 20 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 17 Arkiv för Matematik 16 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 16 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 13 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 13 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 11 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 11 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 10 Manuscripta Mathematica 9 Acta Mathematica 9 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 9 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 9 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 9 Potential Analysis 8 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 8 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 8 Journal of Modern Dynamics 7 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 7 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 7 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 6 Annales Polonici Mathematici 6 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 5 Nonlinearity 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 5 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 5 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 5 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 5 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 5 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 5 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Algebra & Number Theory 4 Analysis Mathematica 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 4 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 4 Siberian Mathematical Journal 4 Science in China. Series A 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Science China. Mathematics 4 Arnold Mathematical Journal 3 American Journal of Mathematics 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 3 Compositio Mathematica 3 Functional Analysis and its Applications 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3 Publications Mathématiques 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 3 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 3 Publicacions Matemàtiques 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 3 Izvestiya: Mathematics 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 Dynamical Systems 3 Computational Methods and Function Theory 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 3 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 3 European Journal of Mathematics 3 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 The Annals of Probability 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan ...and 88 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 49 Fields 973 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 469 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 158 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 108 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 74 Differential geometry (53-XX) 64 Functional analysis (46-XX) 55 Potential theory (31-XX) 36 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 32 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 31 Operator theory (47-XX) 27 Number theory (11-XX) 26 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 25 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 13 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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