Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sichler, Jiří Jan (b. 1941 d. 2013) Co-Author Distance Author ID: sichler.jiri Published as: Sichler, J.; Sichler, Jiří; Sichler, Jirří; Sichler, Jiri more...less External Links: MGP · dblp Documents Indexed: 119 Publications since 1967 Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 108 Joint Publications 670 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 39 Koubek, Vaclav 23 Trnková, Věra 22 Adams, Michael E. 16 Pultr, Aleš 8 Ball, Richard N. 7 Grätzer, George 5 Fried, Ervin 2 Demlová, Marie 2 Goralcik, Pavel 2 Pigozzi, Don Leonard 1 Babai, László 1 Barkhudaryan, Artur 1 Beazer, Rod 1 Chvátal, Václav 1 Hedrlin, Zdeněk 1 Lampe, William A. 1 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 1 Newman, Michael Frederick 1 Petrich, Mario all top 5 Serials 25 Algebra Universalis 7 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 6 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 6 Applied Categorical Structures 5 Houston Journal of Mathematics 5 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 5 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 5 Colloquium Mathematicum 4 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 4 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Semigroup Forum 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Studia Logica 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Theory and Applications of Categories 1 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society all top 5 Fields 65 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 61 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 56 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 21 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 21 General topology (54-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 88 Publications have been cited 423 times in 188 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Any boundable binding category contains a proper class of mutually disjoint copies of itself. Zbl 0236.18003 Hedrlin, Z.; Sichler, J. 30 1971 On the endomorphism semigroup (and category) of bounded lattices. Zbl 0208.02602 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 21 1971 Universal varieties of (0,1)-lattices. Zbl 0709.18003 Goralčík, P.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 18 1990 Universal varieties of semigroups. Zbl 0549.20038 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 15 1984 Testing categories and strong universality. Zbl 0265.18006 Sichler, J. 14 1973 Homomorphisms of integral domains of characteristic zero. Zbl 0362.18006 Fried, E.; Sichler, J. 14 1977 Homomorphisms and endomorphisms of distributive lattices. Zbl 0576.06011 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 13 1985 Homomorphisms and endomorphisms in varieties of pseudocomplemented distributive lattices (with applications to Heyting algebras). Zbl 0523.06015 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 12 1984 Homomorphisms of commutative rings with unit element. Zbl 0275.13018 Fried, E.; Sichler, J. 12 1973 Nonconstant endomorphisms of lattices. Zbl 0249.06003 Sichler, J. 11 1972 Frames in Priestley’s duality. Zbl 0666.54018 Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, J. 11 1988 Category of commutative groupoids is binding. Zbl 0168.26703 Sichler, J. 9 1967 \({\mathcal A} (1,1)\) can be strongly embedded into category of semigroups. Zbl 0167.28404 Sichler, J. 8 1968 All clones are centralizer clones. Zbl 1201.03017 Trnková, V.; Sichler, J. 8 2009 Universal varieties of distributive double p-algebras. Zbl 0574.06009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 8 1985 On Priestley duals of products. Zbl 0774.06006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 7 1991 Group-universal unary varieties. Zbl 0449.08003 Sichler, J. 7 1980 Primitive classes of algebras with two unary idempotent operations, containing all algebraic categories as full subcategories. Zbl 0206.29904 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 6 1969 Chromatic automorphisms of graphs. Zbl 0264.05118 Chvátal, Václav; Sichler, J. 6 1973 Homomorphisms of bounded lattices with a given sublattice. Zbl 0378.18003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 6 1978 Free products of Hopf groups. Zbl 0274.20040 Newman, M. F.; Sichler, Jiri 6 1973 A Priestley view of spatialization of frames. Zbl 0970.06006 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 6 2000 Almost \(ff\)-universal and \(Q\)-universal varieties of modular \(0\)-lattices. Zbl 1066.06004 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2004 Essential operations in centralizer clones. Zbl 1157.08003 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 5 2008 Combinatorial trees in Priestley spaces. Zbl 1121.06003 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 5 2005 Almost ff-universality implies \(Q\)-universality. Zbl 1182.08006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2009 Cover set lattices. Zbl 0423.06007 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 5 1980 Bounded endomorphisms of lattices of finite height. Zbl 0368.06004 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 5 1977 Configurations in coproducts of Priestley spaces. Zbl 1086.06012 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 5 2005 On synchronized relatively full embeddings and \({\mathcal Q}\)-universality. Zbl 1170.08005 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2008 Categorical universality of regular double p-algebras. Zbl 0714.18002 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 1990 Universality of small lattice varieties. Zbl 0507.06006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 1984 Free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0288.06006 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 5 1974 Free decompositions of a lattice. Zbl 0323.06005 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 5 1975 Finitely generated universal varieties of distributive double p-algebras. Zbl 0905.06008 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1994 On elementary equivalence and isomorphism of clone segments. Zbl 0859.54006 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 1996 Weak automorphisms of universal algebras. Zbl 0273.08008 Sichler, J. 4 1973 On almost universal varieties of modular lattices. Zbl 0981.06004 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 2001 The mysterious 2-crown. Zbl 1112.06015 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 4 2006 Endomorphisms and homomorphisms of Heyting algebras. Zbl 0571.06013 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1985 Almost universal varieties of monoids. Zbl 0551.20047 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1984 Quotients of rigid graphs. Zbl 0473.05057 Adams, M. E.; Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Sichler, J. 4 1981 Clones in topology and algebra. Zbl 0970.08004 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 1997 Maps between a space and its square. Zbl 1068.54009 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 2004 Functor slices and simultaneous representations. Zbl 0742.18005 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 3 1991 Finitely generated almost universal varieties of \(0\)-lattices. Zbl 1121.18001 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 2005 Lattices with unique complementation. Zbl 0468.06005 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 3 1981 Priestley configurations and Heyting varieties. Zbl 1165.06003 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 3 2008 Tame parts of free summands in coproducts of Priestley spaces. Zbl 1185.06008 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 3 2009 Isomorphism universal varieties of Heyting algebras. Zbl 0705.06005 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 1990 Clone segment independence in topology and algebra. Zbl 1017.54006 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 3 2002 On full and faithful Kan extensions. Zbl 0914.18002 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 1998 On relative universality and \(Q\)-universality. Zbl 1079.08009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 2004 Algebraic functor slices. Zbl 0760.18003 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 1992 Concerning endomorphismes of finite algebras. Zbl 0189.29901 Sichler, J. 2 1967 Concerning minimal primitive classes of algebras containing any category of algebras as a full subcategory. Zbl 0204.33301 Sichler, J. 2 1968 One-to-one and onto homomorphisms of bounded lattices. Zbl 0247.06003 Sichler, J. 2 1971 Homomorphisms of distributive p-algebras with countably many minimal prime ideals. Zbl 0605.06010 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1987 Continuous maps of products of metrizable spaces. Zbl 0970.54012 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 2000 On clones determined by their initial segments. Zbl 1163.08001 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 2008 Homomorphisms of unary algebras with a given quotient. Zbl 0728.08003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 2 1990 Homomorphisms of partial and of complete Steiner triple systems and quasigroups. Zbl 0572.20057 Pigozzi, Don; Sichler, J. 2 1985 Pseudocomplemented distributive lattices with small endomorphism monoids. Zbl 0523.06014 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1983 Quotients of rigid (0,1)-lattices. Zbl 0544.06007 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1985 Note on free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0321.06006 Sichler, J. 2 1975 On relative universality and \(Q\)-universality of finitely generated varieties of Heyting algebras. Zbl 1318.06009 Koubek, Václav; Sichler, Jiří 2 2011 Disciplined spaces and centralizer clone segments. Zbl 0873.08004 Trnková, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1996 Endomorphisms of complete Heyting algebras. Zbl 0882.06006 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 1 1997 On universal categories of coalgebras. Zbl 1216.18004 Trnková, Věra; Sichler, Jiří 1 2010 On automorphism groups of unary algebras and of their reducts. Zbl 0751.08001 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1991 Finitely generated varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras universal modulo a group. Zbl 1092.06009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 2004 The clone of a topological space: an inspiring book by Walter Taylor. Zbl 1165.54301 Barkhudaryan, A.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 2006 Equimorphy in varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0952.06013 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1998 Finite retracts of Priestley spaces and sectional coproductivity. Zbl 1229.06002 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 1 2010 Endomorphisms of direct unions of bounded lattices. Zbl 0443.06007 Adams, M. E.; Pigozzi, D.; Sichler, J. 1 1981 Integral domains form a universal category. Zbl 0354.18004 Sichler, J.; Fried, E. 1 1975 Frattini sublattices in varieties of lattices. Zbl 0394.06003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 1 1981 Automorphism groups of finite distributive lattices with a given sublattice of fixed points. Zbl 0437.06009 Adams, M. E.; Babai, L.; Sichler, J. 1 1980 More on configurations in Priestley spaces, and some new problems. Zbl 1134.06011 Ball, R. N.; Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 1 2007 Congruence permutable extensions of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0802.06012 Beazer, R.; Sichler, J. 1 1993 Amalgamation in varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0821.06008 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1994 Homomorphisms of unary algebras and of their expansions. Zbl 0813.08002 Lampe, W. A.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1993 Simultaneous representations in categories of algebras. Zbl 0733.18002 Petrich, M.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1990 Agassiz sum of algebras. Zbl 0296.08011 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 1 1974 \(\mathcal V\)-free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0325.06001 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 1 1976 On coconnected algebras. Zbl 1026.08003 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 2003 Endomorphism monoids of chained graphs. Zbl 0992.05069 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 2002 Representations of algebraic theories by continuous maps. Zbl 0934.54011 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1999 On relative universality and \(Q\)-universality of finitely generated varieties of Heyting algebras. Zbl 1318.06009 Koubek, Václav; Sichler, Jiří 2 2011 On universal categories of coalgebras. Zbl 1216.18004 Trnková, Věra; Sichler, Jiří 1 2010 Finite retracts of Priestley spaces and sectional coproductivity. Zbl 1229.06002 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 1 2010 All clones are centralizer clones. Zbl 1201.03017 Trnková, V.; Sichler, J. 8 2009 Almost ff-universality implies \(Q\)-universality. Zbl 1182.08006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2009 Tame parts of free summands in coproducts of Priestley spaces. Zbl 1185.06008 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 3 2009 Essential operations in centralizer clones. Zbl 1157.08003 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 5 2008 On synchronized relatively full embeddings and \({\mathcal Q}\)-universality. Zbl 1170.08005 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2008 Priestley configurations and Heyting varieties. Zbl 1165.06003 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 3 2008 On clones determined by their initial segments. Zbl 1163.08001 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 2008 More on configurations in Priestley spaces, and some new problems. Zbl 1134.06011 Ball, R. N.; Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 1 2007 The mysterious 2-crown. Zbl 1112.06015 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 4 2006 The clone of a topological space: an inspiring book by Walter Taylor. Zbl 1165.54301 Barkhudaryan, A.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 2006 Combinatorial trees in Priestley spaces. Zbl 1121.06003 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 5 2005 Configurations in coproducts of Priestley spaces. Zbl 1086.06012 Ball, Richard N.; Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, Jiří 5 2005 Finitely generated almost universal varieties of \(0\)-lattices. Zbl 1121.18001 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 2005 Almost \(ff\)-universal and \(Q\)-universal varieties of modular \(0\)-lattices. Zbl 1066.06004 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 2004 Maps between a space and its square. Zbl 1068.54009 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 2004 On relative universality and \(Q\)-universality. Zbl 1079.08009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 2004 Finitely generated varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras universal modulo a group. Zbl 1092.06009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 2004 On coconnected algebras. Zbl 1026.08003 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 2003 Clone segment independence in topology and algebra. Zbl 1017.54006 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 3 2002 Endomorphism monoids of chained graphs. Zbl 0992.05069 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 2002 On almost universal varieties of modular lattices. Zbl 0981.06004 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 2001 A Priestley view of spatialization of frames. Zbl 0970.06006 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 6 2000 Continuous maps of products of metrizable spaces. Zbl 0970.54012 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 2000 Representations of algebraic theories by continuous maps. Zbl 0934.54011 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1999 On full and faithful Kan extensions. Zbl 0914.18002 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 1998 Equimorphy in varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0952.06013 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1998 Clones in topology and algebra. Zbl 0970.08004 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 1997 Endomorphisms of complete Heyting algebras. Zbl 0882.06006 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 1 1997 On elementary equivalence and isomorphism of clone segments. Zbl 0859.54006 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 4 1996 Disciplined spaces and centralizer clone segments. Zbl 0873.08004 Trnková, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1996 Finitely generated universal varieties of distributive double p-algebras. Zbl 0905.06008 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1994 Amalgamation in varieties of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0821.06008 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 1 1994 Congruence permutable extensions of distributive double \(p\)-algebras. Zbl 0802.06012 Beazer, R.; Sichler, J. 1 1993 Homomorphisms of unary algebras and of their expansions. Zbl 0813.08002 Lampe, W. A.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1993 Algebraic functor slices. Zbl 0760.18003 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 2 1992 On Priestley duals of products. Zbl 0774.06006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 7 1991 Functor slices and simultaneous representations. Zbl 0742.18005 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 3 1991 On automorphism groups of unary algebras and of their reducts. Zbl 0751.08001 Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1991 Universal varieties of (0,1)-lattices. Zbl 0709.18003 Goralčík, P.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 18 1990 Categorical universality of regular double p-algebras. Zbl 0714.18002 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 1990 Isomorphism universal varieties of Heyting algebras. Zbl 0705.06005 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 3 1990 Homomorphisms of unary algebras with a given quotient. Zbl 0728.08003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 2 1990 Simultaneous representations in categories of algebras. Zbl 0733.18002 Petrich, M.; Sichler, J.; Trnková, V. 1 1990 Frames in Priestley’s duality. Zbl 0666.54018 Pultr, Aleš; Sichler, J. 11 1988 Homomorphisms of distributive p-algebras with countably many minimal prime ideals. Zbl 0605.06010 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1987 Homomorphisms and endomorphisms of distributive lattices. Zbl 0576.06011 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 13 1985 Universal varieties of distributive double p-algebras. Zbl 0574.06009 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 8 1985 Endomorphisms and homomorphisms of Heyting algebras. Zbl 0571.06013 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1985 Homomorphisms of partial and of complete Steiner triple systems and quasigroups. Zbl 0572.20057 Pigozzi, Don; Sichler, J. 2 1985 Quotients of rigid (0,1)-lattices. Zbl 0544.06007 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1985 Universal varieties of semigroups. Zbl 0549.20038 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 15 1984 Homomorphisms and endomorphisms in varieties of pseudocomplemented distributive lattices (with applications to Heyting algebras). Zbl 0523.06015 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 12 1984 Universality of small lattice varieties. Zbl 0507.06006 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 5 1984 Almost universal varieties of monoids. Zbl 0551.20047 Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 4 1984 Pseudocomplemented distributive lattices with small endomorphism monoids. Zbl 0523.06014 Adams, M. E.; Koubek, V.; Sichler, J. 2 1983 Quotients of rigid graphs. Zbl 0473.05057 Adams, M. E.; Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Sichler, J. 4 1981 Lattices with unique complementation. Zbl 0468.06005 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 3 1981 Endomorphisms of direct unions of bounded lattices. Zbl 0443.06007 Adams, M. E.; Pigozzi, D.; Sichler, J. 1 1981 Frattini sublattices in varieties of lattices. Zbl 0394.06003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 1 1981 Group-universal unary varieties. Zbl 0449.08003 Sichler, J. 7 1980 Cover set lattices. Zbl 0423.06007 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 5 1980 Automorphism groups of finite distributive lattices with a given sublattice of fixed points. Zbl 0437.06009 Adams, M. E.; Babai, L.; Sichler, J. 1 1980 Homomorphisms of bounded lattices with a given sublattice. Zbl 0378.18003 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 6 1978 Homomorphisms of integral domains of characteristic zero. Zbl 0362.18006 Fried, E.; Sichler, J. 14 1977 Bounded endomorphisms of lattices of finite height. Zbl 0368.06004 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 5 1977 \(\mathcal V\)-free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0325.06001 Adams, M. E.; Sichler, J. 1 1976 Free decompositions of a lattice. Zbl 0323.06005 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 5 1975 Note on free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0321.06006 Sichler, J. 2 1975 Integral domains form a universal category. Zbl 0354.18004 Sichler, J.; Fried, E. 1 1975 Free products of Hopfian lattices. Zbl 0288.06006 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 5 1974 Agassiz sum of algebras. Zbl 0296.08011 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 1 1974 Testing categories and strong universality. Zbl 0265.18006 Sichler, J. 14 1973 Homomorphisms of commutative rings with unit element. Zbl 0275.13018 Fried, E.; Sichler, J. 12 1973 Chromatic automorphisms of graphs. Zbl 0264.05118 Chvátal, Václav; Sichler, J. 6 1973 Free products of Hopf groups. Zbl 0274.20040 Newman, M. F.; Sichler, Jiri 6 1973 Weak automorphisms of universal algebras. Zbl 0273.08008 Sichler, J. 4 1973 Nonconstant endomorphisms of lattices. Zbl 0249.06003 Sichler, J. 11 1972 Any boundable binding category contains a proper class of mutually disjoint copies of itself. Zbl 0236.18003 Hedrlin, Z.; Sichler, J. 30 1971 On the endomorphism semigroup (and category) of bounded lattices. Zbl 0208.02602 Grätzer, G.; Sichler, J. 21 1971 One-to-one and onto homomorphisms of bounded lattices. Zbl 0247.06003 Sichler, J. 2 1971 Primitive classes of algebras with two unary idempotent operations, containing all algebraic categories as full subcategories. Zbl 0206.29904 Pultr, A.; Sichler, J. 6 1969 \({\mathcal A} (1,1)\) can be strongly embedded into category of semigroups. Zbl 0167.28404 Sichler, J. 8 1968 Concerning minimal primitive classes of algebras containing any category of algebras as a full subcategory. Zbl 0204.33301 Sichler, J. 2 1968 Category of commutative groupoids is binding. Zbl 0168.26703 Sichler, J. 9 1967 Concerning endomorphismes of finite algebras. Zbl 0189.29901 Sichler, J. 2 1967 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 137 Authors 51 Sichler, Jiří Jan 32 Koubek, Vaclav 23 Adams, Michael E. 17 Trnková, Věra 9 Pultr, Aleš 7 Dziobiak, Wiesław 7 Schwidefsky, Marina V. 6 Bezhanishvili, Guram 5 Grätzer, George 4 Ball, Richard N. 4 Gould, Matthew I. 4 Kerkhoff, Sebastian 4 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 4 Sankappanavar, Hanamantagouda P. 3 Babai, László 3 Demlová, Marie 3 Fried, Ervin 3 Hedrlin, Zdeněk 3 Hell, Pavol 3 Kollár, János 3 Kravchenko, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 3 Nurakunov, Anvar Mukhparovich 3 Pigozzi, Don Leonard 2 Bankston, Paul 2 Barto, Libor 2 Behrisch, Mike 2 Couceiro, Miguel 2 Goralcik, Pavel 2 Ladzianska, Zuzana 2 Lehtonen, Erkko 2 Mazzuoccolo, Giuseppe 2 McKenzie, Ralph N. 2 Melzer, Sebastian 2 Mitchell, James D. 2 Morandi, Patrick J. 2 Movsisyan, Yuri Movses 2 Pitkethly, Jane G. 2 Priestley, Hilary A. 2 Przeździecki, Adam J. 2 Ruini, Beatrice 2 Schneider, Friedrich Martin 2 Schwartz, Niels 2 Stueckle, Sam K. 2 Taylor, Walter F. 2 Vaz de Carvalho, Júlia 2 Zaldívar Corichi, Luis Ángel 1 Adámek, Jiří 1 Adaricheva, Kira Vladislavovna 1 Andrunakievich, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Araújo, João 1 Arnautov, Vladimir Ivanovich 1 Artamonov, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich 1 Ávila, F. 1 Baker, Kirby A. 1 Basheyeva, Aynur O. 1 Beazer, Rod 1 Berman, Joel D. 1 Birkenhead, Ralph 1 Bünau, P. V. 1 Casals-Ruiz, Montserrat 1 Celani, Sergio Arturo 1 Cvetko-Vah, Karin 1 Czédli, Gábor 1 Davey, Brian A. 1 Di Nola, Antonio 1 Elliott, Luna 1 Fiori, Carla 1 Frankl, Péter 1 Freni, Domenico 1 Funk, Martin J. 1 Gabelaia, David 1 Göbel, Rüdiger 1 Goyan, I. M. 1 Gray, Charles T. 1 Grigolia, Revaz 1 Harding, John 1 Hemelaer, Jens 1 Higgins, Aparna W. 1 Hirshon, Ron 1 Hirshon, Ronald 1 Hofmann, Dirk 1 Jakubík, Ján 1 Jibladze, Mamuka A. 1 Jones, Peter R. 1 Jónsson, Bjarni 1 Jonušas, Julius 1 Joshi, Vinayak V. 1 Kazachkov, Ilya V. 1 Kearnes, Keith A. 1 Kegel, Otto H. 1 Kříž, Igor 1 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 1 Lakser, Harry 1 Lambek, Joachim 1 Lampe, William A. 1 Le Bruyn, Lieven 1 Lucyshyn-Wright, Rory B. B. 1 Maxson, Carlton James 1 Mesyan, Zachary 1 Molchanov, Vladimir A. ...and 37 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 45 Serials 51 Algebra Universalis 11 Applied Categorical Structures 9 Topology and its Applications 9 Order 8 Semigroup Forum 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Discrete Mathematics 6 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 6 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Algebra 4 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Algebra and Logic 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Studia Logica 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin of the Section of Logic 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 1 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 1 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 17 Fields 95 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 88 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 67 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 40 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 29 General topology (54-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 16 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) Citations by Year