Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Simanovskii, Ilya B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: simanovskii.ilya-b Published as: Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Simanovskii, I. B.; Simanovskij, I. B.; Simanovskii, Ilya; Simanovskii, I.; Simanovskij, Ilya B.; Simanovskiy, I. B. more...less External Links: ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 56 Publications since 1979, including 3 Books Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 49 Joint Publications 225 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 40 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A. 13 Legros, Jean-Claude 10 Viviani, Antonio 8 Dubois, Frank 6 Braverman, Leonid M. 2 Boeck, Thomas 2 Géoris, Ph. 2 Golovin, Alexander A. 2 Shevtsova, Valentina M. 2 Thess, André 1 Burdeh, G. I. 1 Colinet, Pierre 1 Hennenberg, Marcel 1 Wertgejm, I. I. all top 5 Serials 15 Physics of Fluids 9 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 8 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 4 Fluid Dynamics 4 Comptes Rendus. Mécanique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Soviet Physics. Doklady 1 International Journal of Multiphase Flow 1 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 1 Physics of Fluids, A 1 Physica D 1 Fluid Mechanics. Soviet Research 1 Physical Review E. Third Series 1 FDMP. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing 1 Applied Mathematical Sciences 1 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Springer Monographs in Mathematics Fields 55 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 19 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 40 Publications have been cited 224 times in 92 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Interfacial convection in multilayer systems. Zbl 1100.76002 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I.; Legros, J. C. 31 2006 A convective instabilities in systems with interface. Zbl 0956.76500 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexandre A. 26 1993 Marangoni instability in ultrathin two-layer films. Zbl 1182.76557 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 15 2007 Thermocapillary convection in a multilayer system. Zbl 0781.76034 Géoris, Ph.; Hennenberg, M.; Simanovskij, I. B.; Nepomniaschy, A.; Wertgejm, I. I.; Legros, J. C. 11 1993 Decomposition of a two-layer thin liquid film flowing under the action of Marangoni stresses. Zbl 1146.76492 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 10 2006 Stability of thermocapillary flows with inclined temperature gradient. Zbl 1010.76034 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Braverman, Leonid M. 9 2001 Interfacial convection in multilayer systems. 2nd ed. Zbl 1237.76002 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya; Legros, Jean Claude 9 2012 Influence of thermocapillary effect and interfacial heat release on convective oscillations in a two-layer system. Zbl 1186.76391 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 9 2004 Nonlinear Marangoni waves in a two-layer film in the presence of gravity. Zbl 1309.76020 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya 9 2012 Dynamics of ultra-thin two-layer films under the action of inclined temperature gradients. Zbl 1181.76029 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 8 2009 Thermocapillary and thermogravitational convection in a two-layer system with curved interface. Zbl 0556.76077 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 7 1984 New types of long-wave oscillatory Marangoni instabilities in multilayer systems. Zbl 0886.76031 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 7 1997 Three-dimensional convection in a two-layer system with anomalous thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1185.76057 Boeck, Thomas; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya; Golovin, Alexander; Braverman, Leonid; Thess, André 6 2002 Effect of gravity on the dynamics of non-isothermic ultra-thin two-layer films. Zbl 1205.76046 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya 5 2010 Thermocapillary convection in a three-layer system with the temperature gradient directed along the interfaces. Zbl 1234.80002 Shevtsova, Valentina; Simanovskii, Ilya; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Legros, Jean-Claude 5 2005 Long-wave thermocapillary convection in layers with deformable interfaces. Zbl 0742.76076 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 5 1990 Thermocapillary flows in a three-layer system with a temperature gradient along the interfaces. Zbl 1150.76022 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 4 2007 Nonlinear development of oscillatory instability in a two-layer system under the combined action of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1090.76025 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A. 4 2006 Anticonvective, steady and oscillatory mechanisms of instability in multi-layer systems. Zbl 0897.76031 Simanovskij, Ilya B. 4 1997 The influence of two-dimensional temperature modulation on nonlinear Marangoni waves in two-layer films. Zbl 1404.76028 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 4 2018 Oscillatory instability in multilayer systems. Zbl 1186.76483 Simanovskii, I.; Georis, P.; Nepomnyashchy, A.; Legros, J.-C. 3 2003 The influence of the interfacial heat release on nonlinear convective oscillations in two-layer systems. Zbl 1320.76105 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 3 2013 The influence of vibration on Marangoni waves in two-layer films. Zbl 1287.76087 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 3 2013 Anticonvection in systems with heat release on the interface. Zbl 1149.76490 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B.; Braverman, L. M. 2 2000 Spiral thermocapillary flows in two-layer systems. Zbl 0965.76020 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B.; Braverman, L. M. 2 1999 Nonlinear investigation of anti-convection and Rayleigh-Bénard convection in systems with heat release at the interface. Zbl 0980.76021 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 2 2001 Nonlinear waves in a multilayer system. Zbl 1312.76044 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank; Legros, Jean-Claude 2 2009 Nonlinear buoyant-thermocapillary flows in a three-layer system with a temperature gradient along the interfaces. Zbl 1182.76701 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 2 2007 Convective oscillations in multilayer systems under the combined action of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1187.76380 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I.; Braverman, L. 2 2005 Combined action of anticonvective and thermocapillary mechanisms of instability. Zbl 1185.76278 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 2 2002 Nonlinear Marangoni convection with the inclined temperature gradient in multilayer systems. Zbl 1244.76010 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Shevtsova, Valentina M.; Colinet, Pierre; Legros, Jean-Claude 2 2006 Marangoni waves in a two-layer film under the action of an inclined temperature gradient. Zbl 1323.76013 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 2 2014 Oscillatory convection instabilities in systems with an interface. Zbl 1134.76624 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I. 1 1995 Thermocapillary convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0541.76115 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1983 Onset of convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0616.76052 Nepomnyashchiy, A. A.; Simanovskiy, I. B. 1 1986 The action of temporal modulation of an interfacial heat consumption on nonlinear Marangoni waves in the presence of gravity. Zbl 1476.76072 Simanovskii, Ilya; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank 1 2020 Combined action of anticonvective and thermocapillary mechanisms of instability in multilayer systems. Zbl 0961.76024 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 1 2000 Determination of the equilibrium boundaries of a two-layer system convection stability. Zbl 0467.76044 Burdeh, G. I.; Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1979 Finite amplitude convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0456.76032 Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1979 Nonlinear dynamics of a two-layer system under the action of spatial temperature modulation of an interfacial heat release. Zbl 1476.76038 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank 1 2019 The action of temporal modulation of an interfacial heat consumption on nonlinear Marangoni waves in the presence of gravity. Zbl 1476.76072 Simanovskii, Ilya; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank 1 2020 Nonlinear dynamics of a two-layer system under the action of spatial temperature modulation of an interfacial heat release. Zbl 1476.76038 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank 1 2019 The influence of two-dimensional temperature modulation on nonlinear Marangoni waves in two-layer films. Zbl 1404.76028 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 4 2018 Marangoni waves in a two-layer film under the action of an inclined temperature gradient. Zbl 1323.76013 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 2 2014 The influence of the interfacial heat release on nonlinear convective oscillations in two-layer systems. Zbl 1320.76105 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 3 2013 The influence of vibration on Marangoni waves in two-layer films. Zbl 1287.76087 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 3 2013 Interfacial convection in multilayer systems. 2nd ed. Zbl 1237.76002 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya; Legros, Jean Claude 9 2012 Nonlinear Marangoni waves in a two-layer film in the presence of gravity. Zbl 1309.76020 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya 9 2012 Effect of gravity on the dynamics of non-isothermic ultra-thin two-layer films. Zbl 1205.76046 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya 5 2010 Dynamics of ultra-thin two-layer films under the action of inclined temperature gradients. Zbl 1181.76029 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 8 2009 Nonlinear waves in a multilayer system. Zbl 1312.76044 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Viviani, Antonio; Dubois, Frank; Legros, Jean-Claude 2 2009 Marangoni instability in ultrathin two-layer films. Zbl 1182.76557 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 15 2007 Thermocapillary flows in a three-layer system with a temperature gradient along the interfaces. Zbl 1150.76022 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 4 2007 Nonlinear buoyant-thermocapillary flows in a three-layer system with a temperature gradient along the interfaces. Zbl 1182.76701 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 2 2007 Interfacial convection in multilayer systems. Zbl 1100.76002 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I.; Legros, J. C. 31 2006 Decomposition of a two-layer thin liquid film flowing under the action of Marangoni stresses. Zbl 1146.76492 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 10 2006 Nonlinear development of oscillatory instability in a two-layer system under the combined action of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1090.76025 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A. 4 2006 Nonlinear Marangoni convection with the inclined temperature gradient in multilayer systems. Zbl 1244.76010 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Shevtsova, Valentina M.; Colinet, Pierre; Legros, Jean-Claude 2 2006 Thermocapillary convection in a three-layer system with the temperature gradient directed along the interfaces. Zbl 1234.80002 Shevtsova, Valentina; Simanovskii, Ilya; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Legros, Jean-Claude 5 2005 Convective oscillations in multilayer systems under the combined action of buoyancy and thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1187.76380 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I.; Braverman, L. 2 2005 Influence of thermocapillary effect and interfacial heat release on convective oscillations in a two-layer system. Zbl 1186.76391 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 9 2004 Oscillatory instability in multilayer systems. Zbl 1186.76483 Simanovskii, I.; Georis, P.; Nepomnyashchy, A.; Legros, J.-C. 3 2003 Three-dimensional convection in a two-layer system with anomalous thermocapillary effect. Zbl 1185.76057 Boeck, Thomas; Nepomnyashchy, Alexander; Simanovskii, Ilya; Golovin, Alexander; Braverman, Leonid; Thess, André 6 2002 Combined action of anticonvective and thermocapillary mechanisms of instability. Zbl 1185.76278 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 2 2002 Stability of thermocapillary flows with inclined temperature gradient. Zbl 1010.76034 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Braverman, Leonid M. 9 2001 Nonlinear investigation of anti-convection and Rayleigh-Bénard convection in systems with heat release at the interface. Zbl 0980.76021 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A.; Simanovskii, Ilya B. 2 2001 Anticonvection in systems with heat release on the interface. Zbl 1149.76490 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B.; Braverman, L. M. 2 2000 Combined action of anticonvective and thermocapillary mechanisms of instability in multilayer systems. Zbl 0961.76024 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 1 2000 Spiral thermocapillary flows in two-layer systems. Zbl 0965.76020 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B.; Braverman, L. M. 2 1999 New types of long-wave oscillatory Marangoni instabilities in multilayer systems. Zbl 0886.76031 Nepomnyashchy, A. A.; Simanovskii, I. B. 7 1997 Anticonvective, steady and oscillatory mechanisms of instability in multi-layer systems. Zbl 0897.76031 Simanovskij, Ilya B. 4 1997 Oscillatory convection instabilities in systems with an interface. Zbl 1134.76624 Nepomnyashchy, A.; Simanovskii, I. 1 1995 A convective instabilities in systems with interface. Zbl 0956.76500 Simanovskii, Ilya B.; Nepomnyashchy, Alexandre A. 26 1993 Thermocapillary convection in a multilayer system. Zbl 0781.76034 Géoris, Ph.; Hennenberg, M.; Simanovskij, I. B.; Nepomniaschy, A.; Wertgejm, I. I.; Legros, J. C. 11 1993 Long-wave thermocapillary convection in layers with deformable interfaces. Zbl 0742.76076 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 5 1990 Onset of convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0616.76052 Nepomnyashchiy, A. A.; Simanovskiy, I. B. 1 1986 Thermocapillary and thermogravitational convection in a two-layer system with curved interface. Zbl 0556.76077 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 7 1984 Thermocapillary convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0541.76115 Nepomnyashchij, A. A.; Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1983 Determination of the equilibrium boundaries of a two-layer system convection stability. Zbl 0467.76044 Burdeh, G. I.; Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1979 Finite amplitude convection in a two-layer system. Zbl 0456.76032 Simanovskij, I. B. 1 1979 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 129 Authors 26 Simanovskii, Ilya B. 25 Nepomnyashchy, Alexander A. 8 Viviani, Antonio 7 Dubois, Frank 7 Legros, Jean-Claude 7 Oron, Alexander 6 Andreev, Viktor Konstantinovich 5 Patne, Ramkarn 4 Golovin, Alexander A. 2 Agnon, Yehuda 2 Boeck, Thomas 2 Bratsun, D. A. 2 Cheremnykh, Elena N. 2 Demin, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 2 Eckert, Kerstin 2 Efimova, Marina V. 2 Köllner, Thomas 2 Li, You-Rong 2 Mizev, Alexey I. 2 Narayanan, Ranga 2 Petukhov, Maksim Ivanovich 2 Podolny, Alla 2 Schwarzenberger, Karin 2 Shklyaev, Sergey V. 2 Vanhaelen, Quentin 2 Volpert, Vladimir A. 2 Wang, Shuangcheng 2 Wu, Shuang-Ying 1 Agrawal, Shubham 1 Altenbach, Holm 1 Andereck, C. David 1 Batson, W. 1 Bekezhanova, Viktoriya B. 1 Bergeon, Alain 1 Bestehorn, Michael 1 Braverman, Leonid M. 1 Bruell, Gabriele 1 Bukhari, Syed Furqan 1 Burde, Georgy I. 1 Burgess, John M. 1 Chandarana, Jaikishan 1 Chong, Kai Leong 1 Cliffe, K. Andrew 1 Colinet, Pierre 1 Colovas, Peter W. 1 Comissiong, D. M. G. 1 Cummings, Linda J. 1 Dauby, Pierre C. 1 Davis, Stephen Howard 1 De Wit, Anne 1 Degen, Michael M. 1 Dhar, Purbarun 1 Dietze, Georg F. 1 Dinesh, B. 1 Dixit, Ganesh 1 El-Sayed, Mohamed Fahmy 1 Fayzrakhmanova, Irina S. 1 Gambaryan-Roisman, Tatiana 1 Géoris, Ph. 1 Gorla, Rama Subba Reddy 1 Govorukhin, Vasily N. 1 Gubareva, V. F. 1 Guo, Zhenlin 1 Han, Daozhi 1 Herlina, Herlina 1 Hilder, Bastian 1 Hossain, Anwar M. 1 Ignatius, I. B. 1 Ishikawa, Toshio 1 Jansen, Jonas 1 Juel, Anne 1 Kabova, Yulia O. 1 Knobloch, Edgar 1 Kondic, Lou 1 Kossov, Vladimir 1 Kowal, Katarzyna N. 1 Kuhlmann, Hendrik C. 1 Lappa, Marcello 1 Lebon, Georgy 1 Li, Yanshen 1 Lin, Ping 1 Lohse, Detlef 1 Magdenko, Evgeniĭ P. 1 McCormick, W. D. 1 Meijer, Jochem G. 1 Merkt, Domnic 1 Nasibullayev, Ildar Sh 1 Nekrasov, Oleg O. 1 Nezar, D. 1 Novosiadliy, Vasiliy A. 1 Panfilov, Vadim 1 Peng, Lan 1 Picardo, Jason R. 1 Pototsky, Andrey 1 Privalova, Valentina Viktorovna 1 Prosviryakov, Evgeniĭ Yur’evich 1 Rahal, Said 1 Ramkissoon, Harold 1 Ramon, Guy Z. 1 Regnier, Vincent C. ...and 29 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 26 Serials 25 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 23 Physics of Fluids 6 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 5 Physica D 3 Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics 3 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 2 Fluid Dynamics 2 Physica A 2 Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Nonlinearity 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Archive of Applied Mechanics 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Physical Review E. Third Series 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 1 Science China. Technological Sciences all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 88 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 36 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year