Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sjöstrand, Johannes Co-Author Distance Author ID: sjostrand.johannes Published as: Sjöstrand, Johannes; Sjöstrand, J.; Sjoestrand, Johannes; Sjoestrand, J.; Sjostrand, J. more...less Homepage: http://sjostrand.perso.math.cnrs.fr/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 233 Publications since 1970, including 11 Books and 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 76 Co-Authors with 154 Joint Publications 1,729 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 84 single-authored 31 Helffer, Bernard 24 Hitrik, Michael 17 Zworski, Maciej 7 Melin, Anders 6 Vögel, Martin 5 Hérau, Frédéric 4 Baouendi, Mohammed Salah 4 Berman, Robert J. 4 Coburn, Lewis A. 4 Menikoff, A. 4 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 4 Zerzeri, Maher 3 Berndtsson, Bo 3 Caliceti, Emanuela 3 Demuth, Michael 3 Gérard, Christian 3 Graffi, Sandro 3 Grigis, Alain 3 Kenig, Carlos Eduardo 3 Klein, Christian 3 Lascar, Bernard 3 Lascar, Richard 3 Melrose, Richard Burt 3 Ramond, Thierry 3 Schrohe, Elmar 3 Schulze, Bert-Wolfgang 3 Stoilov, Nikola M. 3 Vũ Ngọc, San 2 Boussekkine, Naima 2 Boutet de Monvel, Louis 2 Dimassi, Mouez 2 Dos Santos Ferreira, David 2 Duistermaat, Johannes Jisse 2 Faure, Frédéric 2 Guillemin, Victor W. 2 Iantchenko, Alexai 2 Kashiwara, Masaki 2 Kawai, Takahiro 2 Martinez, André 2 Mecherout, Nawal 2 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane 2 Presilla, Carlo 2 Viola, Joe 2 Wang, Wei-Min 1 Andersson, Mats 1 Atiyah, Michael Francis 1 Avetisyan, Zhirayr G. 1 Bach, Volker 1 Benbernou, Amina Lahmar 1 Bony, Jean-François 1 Bordeaux Montrieux, William 1 Cushman, Richard H. 1 Deleporte, Alix 1 Dencker, Nils 1 Hager, Mildred 1 Hall, Michael A. 1 Hanges, Nicholas William 1 Heckman, Gert 1 Jecko, Thierry 1 Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni 1 Kahane, Jean-Pierre 1 Kolk, Johan A. C. 1 Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc 1 Mantile, Andrea 1 Nirenberg, Louis 1 Pelayo, Alvaro 1 Ramm, Alexander G. 1 Rauch, Jeffrey B. 1 Rouby, Ophélie 1 Roy, Nicolas David 1 Schapira, Pierre 1 Shubin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich 1 Sjamaar, Reyer 1 Stolk, Christiaan C. 1 Van den Ban, Erik Peter 1 Vassiliev, Dmitri G. 1 Vodev, Georgi 1 Weinstein, Alan David 1 White, Francis 1 Zelditch, Steve all top 5 Serials 12 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 10 Séminaire Équations aux Dérivées Partielles 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. Nouvelle Série 6 Arkiv för Matematik 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 5 Duke Mathematical Journal 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 5 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 5 Mathematical Research Letters 4 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Annales Henri Poincaré 4 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Mathematical Topics 3 Analysis & PDE 2 Helvetica Physica Acta 2 Acta Mathematica 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 2 Journal of Spectral Theory 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Cahiers Mathématiques 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Annals of Physics 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Methods and Applications of Analysis 1 Serdica Mathematical Journal 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Pseudo-Differential Operators. Theory and Applications 1 The Open Mathematics Journal 1 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Contemporary Mathematicians 1 Pure and Applied Analysis all top 5 Fields 205 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 68 Operator theory (47-XX) 64 Quantum theory (81-XX) 47 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 16 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 13 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 196 Publications have been cited 4,913 times in 2,670 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Spectral asymptotics in the semi-classical limit. Zbl 0926.35002 Dimassi, Mouez; Sjöstrand, Johannes 402 1999 Multiple wells in the semi-classical limit. I. Zbl 0546.35053 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 269 1984 Sur la singularite des noyaux de Bergman et de Szegö. Zbl 0344.32010 Boutet de Monvel, L.; Sjöstrand, J. 191 1976 The Calderón problem with partial data. Zbl 1127.35079 Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 167 2007 Singularites analytiques microlocales. Zbl 0524.35007 Sjoestrand, Johannes 149 1982 Microlocal analysis for differential operators. An introduction. Zbl 0804.35001 Grigis, Alain; Sjöstrand, Johannes 133 1994 Singularities of boundary value problems. I. Zbl 0368.35020 Melrose, R. B.; Sjöstrand, J. 132 1978 Complex scaling and the distribution of scattering poles. Zbl 0752.35046 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 125 1991 Equation de Schrödinger avec champ magnétique et équation de Harper. (The Schrödinger equation with magnetic field and the Harper equation). Zbl 0699.35189 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 121 1989 An algebra of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0840.35130 Sjöstrand, Johannes 119 1994 Résonances en limite semi-classique. (Resonances in semi-classical limit). Zbl 0631.35075 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 112 1986 Parametrices for pseudodifferential operators with multiple characteristics. Zbl 0317.35076 Sjöstrand, Johannes 94 1974 Singularities of boundary value problems. II. Zbl 0546.35083 Melrose, R. B.; Sjöstrand, J. 92 1982 Determining a magnetic Schrödinger operator from partial Cauchy data. Zbl 1148.35096 dos Santos Ferreira, David; Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 86 2007 Fourier integral operators with complex-valued phase functions. Zbl 0306.42007 Melin, Anders; Sjöstrand, Johannes 85 1975 Puits multiples en mécanique semi-classique. IV: Étude du complexe de Witten. (Multiple wells in semi-classical limit. IV: Investigation of the Witten complex). Zbl 0597.35024 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 76 1985 Wiener type algebras of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0880.35145 Sjöstrand, J. 71 1995 Analyse semi-classique pour l’équation de Harper (avec application à l’équation de Schrödinger avec champ magnétique). (Semiclassical analysis for the Harper equation (with application to the magnetic Schrödinger equation)). Zbl 0714.34130 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 71 1988 A direct approach to Bergman kernel asymptotics for positive line bundles. Zbl 1161.32001 Berman, Robert; Berndtsson, Bo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 68 2008 Upper bound on the density of Ruelle resonances for Anosov flows. Zbl 1260.37016 Faure, Frédéric; Sjöstrand, Johannes 65 2011 Puits multiples en limite semi-classique. II: Interaction moléculaire. Symétries. Perturbation. (Multiple wells in the semi-classical limit. II: Molecular interaction. Symmetry. Perturbation). Zbl 0595.35031 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 65 1985 Semi-classical analysis for Harper’s equation. III: Cantor structure of the spectrum. Zbl 0725.34099 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 63 1989 Pseudospectra of semiclassical (pseudo-) differential operators. Zbl 1054.35035 Dencker, Nils; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 62 2004 Geometric bounds on the density of resonances for semiclassical problems. Zbl 0702.35188 Sjöstrand, Johannes 61 1990 On the correlation for Kac-like models in the convex case. Zbl 0946.35508 Helffer, Bernard; Sjöstrand, Johannes 54 1994 A trace formula and review of some estimates for resonances. Zbl 0877.35090 Sjöstrand, J. 48 1997 Semiclassical resonances generated by a closed trajectory of hyperbolic type. Zbl 0637.35027 Gérard, C.; Sjöstrand, J. 47 1987 An inverse problem for the wave equation. Zbl 0697.35164 Ramm, A. G.; Sjöstrand, J. 46 1991 Fractal upper bounds on the density of semiclassical resonances. Zbl 1201.35189 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 45 2007 On the eigenvalues of a class of hypoelliptic operators. Zbl 0375.35014 Menikoff, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 44 1978 Elementary linear algebra for advanced spectral problems. Zbl 1140.15009 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 44 2007 Multiple wells in the semi-classical limit. III: Interaction through non- resonant wells. Zbl 0597.35023 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 41 1985 Analyse semi-classique pour l’équation de Harper. II: Comportement semi-classique près d’un rationnel. (Semiclassical analysis for the Harper equation. II. Semiclassical behaviour near a rational number). Zbl 0714.34131 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 40 1990 Semi-classical approach for Anosov diffeomorphisms and Ruelle resonances. Zbl 1177.37032 Faure, Frédéric; Roy, Nicolas; Sjöstrand, Johannes 40 2008 Fourier integral operators with complex phase functions and parametrix for an interior boundary value problem. Zbl 0364.35049 Melin, Anders; Sjöstrand, Johannes 38 1976 Analytic wavefront sets and operators with multiple characteristics. Zbl 0531.35022 Sjöstrand, Johannes 37 1983 A mathematical approach to the effective Hamiltonian in perturbed periodic problems. Zbl 0753.35057 Gerard, C.; Martinez, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 35 1991 Asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations. Zbl 0984.35121 Sjöstrand, Johannes 35 2000 Front d’onde analytique et sommes de carrés de champs de vecteurs. Zbl 0581.35009 Grigis, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 35 1985 Microlocal analysis for the periodic magnetic Schrödinger equation and related questions. Zbl 0761.35090 Sjöstrand, Johannes 33 1991 Effet tunnel pour l’équation de Schrödinger avec champ magnétique. (Tunnel effect for the Schrödinger equation with a magnetic field). Zbl 0699.35205 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 31 1987 On diamagnetism and de Haas-van Alphen effect. Zbl 0715.35070 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 31 1990 On Schrödinger equations with concentrated nonlinearities. Zbl 0820.34050 Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni; Presilla, Carlo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 30 1995 Semi-excited states in nondegenerate potential wells. Zbl 0782.35050 Sjöstrand, Johannes 29 1992 Lower bounds on the number of scattering poles. II. Zbl 0823.35137 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 29 1994 Semiclassical analysis for the Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1083.35149 Hérau, Frédéric; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Stolk, Christiaan C. 28 2005 Resonances for bottles and trace formulae. Zbl 0979.35109 Sjöstrand, Johannes 28 2001 Birkhoff normal forms in semi-classical inverse problems. Zbl 1258.35208 Iantchenko, Alexai; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 27 2002 Quantum monodromy and semi-classical trace formulæ. Zbl 1038.58033 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 27 2002 Asymptotic distribution of resonances for convex obstacles. Zbl 0989.35099 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 26 1999 Lower bounds on the number of scattering poles. Zbl 0784.35070 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 25 1993 Operators of principal type with interior boundary conditions. Zbl 0253.35076 Sjöstrand, Johannes 25 1973 On the linearized local Calderón problem. Zbl 1198.31003 Dos Santos Ferreira, David; Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 25 2009 Correlation asymptotics and Witten Laplacians. Zbl 0877.35084 Sjöstrand, J. 24 1996 Tunnel effect and symmetries for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators. Zbl 1223.35246 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 24 2011 Propagation of analytic singularities for second order Dirichlet problems. Zbl 0458.35026 Sjöstrand, Johannes 24 1980 Eigenvalue asymptotics for randomly perturbed non-selfadjoint operators. Zbl 1151.35063 Hager, Mildred; Sjöstrand, Johannes 23 2008 The inverse spectral problem. Zbl 1061.58029 Zelditch, Steve 22 2004 Eigenvalue distribution for non-self-adjoint operators with small multiplicative random perturbations. Zbl 1194.47058 Sjöstrand, Johannes 21 2009 Semiclassical resonances generated by non-degenerate critical points. Zbl 0627.35074 Sjöstrand, Johannes 21 1987 Spectra of \(PT\)-symmetric operators and perturbation theory. Zbl 1065.81054 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; Sjöstrand, Johannes 20 2005 Resolvent estimates for non-selfadjoint operators via semigroups. Zbl 1198.47068 Sjöstrand, Johannes 20 2010 Non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in 2 dimensions. I. Zbl 1059.47056 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 19 2004 Two minicourses on analytic microlocal analysis. Zbl 1418.32003 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 19 2018 Function spaces associated to global \(I\)-Lagrangian manifolds. Zbl 0889.46027 Sjöstrand, Johannes 18 1996 Improving semigroup bounds with resolvent estimates. Zbl 1496.47067 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 18 2021 Adiabatic projections from the pseudodifferential point of view. (Projecteurs adiabatiques du point de vue pseudodifférentiel.) Zbl 0783.35087 Sjöstrand, Johannes 17 1993 Diophantine tori and spectral asymptotics for nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 1172.35085 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes; San Vũ Ngọc 17 2007 Density of resonances for strictly convex analytic obstacles. With an appendix by M. Zworski. Zbl 0863.35072 Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 1996 A global construction for pseudo-differential operators with non- involutive characteristics. Zbl 0282.35071 Duistermaat, J. J.; Sjöstrand, J. 16 1973 On a class of linear partial differential equations whose formal solutions always converge. Zbl 0411.35003 Kashiwara, Masaki; Kawai, Takahiro; Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 1979 Weyl law for semi-classical resonances with randomly perturbed potentials. Zbl 1304.35010 Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 2014 Tunnel effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators. Zbl 1141.82011 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 2008 Fractal Weyl law for open quantum chaotic maps. Zbl 1293.81022 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 15 2014 The complex scaling method for scattering by strictly convex obstacles. Zbl 0839.35095 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 14 1995 Determinants of pseudodifferential operators and complex deformations of phase space. Zbl 1082.35176 Melin, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 14 2002 Resolvent estimates for elliptic quadratic differential operators. Zbl 1295.47045 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Viola, Joe 14 2013 Non-self-adjoint differential operators, spectral asymptotics and random perturbations. Zbl 1473.35004 Sjöstrand, Johannes 14 2019 Quadratic \(\mathcal{PT}\)-symmetric operators with real spectrum and similarity to self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1263.81190 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 13 2012 Puits multiples en mécanique semi-classique. VI: Cas des puits sous- variétés. (Multiple wells in semi-classical mechanics. VI: The case of submanifold wells). Zbl 0648.35027 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 13 1987 Propagation of analyticity for a class of non-micro-characteristic operators. Zbl 0537.35007 Hanges, Nicholas; Sjöstrand, Johannes 12 1982 Puits multiples en mécanique semi-classique. V: Étude des minipuits. (Multiple wells in semi-classical mechanics. V: Study of miniwells). Zbl 0628.35024 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 12 1986 Analytic Bergman operators in the semiclassical limit. Zbl 1469.32003 Rouby, Ophélie; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vũ Ngọc San 12 2020 Birkhoff normal forms for Fourier integral operators. II. Zbl 1011.35144 Iantchenko, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 11 2002 Trace formula for resonances in small domains. Zbl 1068.47055 Bony, Jean-François; Sjöstrand, Johannes 11 2001 Correlation asymptotics of classical lattice spin systems with nonconvex Hamilton function at low temperature. Zbl 1021.82002 Bach, V.; Jecko, T.; Sjöstrand, J. 11 2000 Potential wells in high dimensions. I. Zbl 0770.35050 Sjöstrand, Johannes 11 1993 Transport properties in resonant tunneling heterostructures. Zbl 0868.35112 Presilla, Carlo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 11 1996 From open quantum systems to open quantum maps. Zbl 1223.81127 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 11 2011 Asymptotics of the number of Rayleigh resonances. Zbl 0890.35098 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vodev, Georgi 11 1997 Resonances associated to a closed hyperbolic trajectory in dimension 2. Zbl 1060.35096 Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2003 Functional calculus for non-commuting operators with real spectra via an iterated Cauchy formula. Zbl 1070.47009 Andersson, Mats; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2004 On the eigenvalues of a class of hypoelliptic operators. IV. Zbl 0417.47024 Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 1980 Tunnel effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators: return to equilibrium and applications. Zbl 1151.35012 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2008 Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators. Zbl 1429.32047 Coburn, Lewis A.; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2019 Analytic singularities and microhyperbolic boundary value problems. Zbl 0459.35007 Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 1980 Resonances en limite semiclassique et exposants de Lyapunov. (Resonances in semiclassical limit and Lyapunov exponents). Zbl 0698.35118 Gérard, C.; Sjöstrand, J. 10 1988 Propagation of singularities for operators with multiple involutive characteristics. Zbl 0313.58021 Sjöstrand, Johannes 9 1976 Régularité analytique pour des opérateurs elliptiques singuliers en un point. Zbl 0334.35021 Baouendi, M. S.; Sjöstrand, J. 9 1976 Potential wells in high dimensions. II: More about the one well case. Zbl 0770.35051 Sjöstrand, Johannes 9 1993 Discussing semigroup bounds with resolvent estimates. Zbl 07812578 Helffer, Bernard; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Viola, Joe 1 2024 A direct approach to the analytic Bergman projection. Zbl 07915642 Deleporte, Alix; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 2024 Complex FIOs and composition of Toeplitz operators. Zbl 1529.35590 Coburn, Lewis; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 2023 Semiclassical Gevrey operators in the complex domain. (Opérateurs semi-classiques de classe Gevrey dans le domaine complexe.) Zbl 1523.32008 Hitrik, Michael; Lascar, Richard; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zerzeri, Maher 1 2023 Semiclassical Gevrey operators and magnetic translations. Zbl 1486.30104 Hitrik, Michael; Lascar, Richard; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zerzeri, Maher 2 2022 Improving semigroup bounds with resolvent estimates. Zbl 1496.47067 Helffer, B.; Sjöstrand, J. 18 2021 Weyl symbols and boundedness of Toeplitz operators. Zbl 07356560 Coburn, Lewis; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes; White, Francis 5 2021 Toeplitz band matrices with small random perturbations. Zbl 1508.15032 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vogel, Martin 5 2021 General Toeplitz matrices subject to Gaussian perturbations. Zbl 1479.15039 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vogel, Martin 3 2021 Large \(|k|\) behavior of d-bar problems for domains with a smooth boundary. Zbl 1480.81056 Klein, Christian; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Stoilov, Nikola 2 2021 Analytic Bergman operators in the semiclassical limit. Zbl 1469.32003 Rouby, Ophélie; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vũ Ngọc San 12 2020 The second Weyl coefficient for a first order system. Zbl 1445.35270 Avetisyan, Zhirayr; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vassiliev, Dmitri 3 2020 Non-self-adjoint differential operators, spectral asymptotics and random perturbations. Zbl 1473.35004 Sjöstrand, Johannes 14 2019 Positivity, complex FIOs, and Toeplitz operators. Zbl 1429.32047 Coburn, Lewis A.; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2019 Two minicourses on analytic microlocal analysis. Zbl 1418.32003 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 19 2018 Rational invariant tori and band edge spectra for non-selfadjoint operators. Zbl 1405.35118 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2018 Interior eigenvalue density of large bi-diagonal matrices subject to random perturbations. Zbl 06761086 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vogel, Martin 4 2017 Interior eigenvalue density of Jordan matrices with random perturbations. Zbl 06994392 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vogel, Martin 2 2017 Large bidiagonal matrices and random perturbations. Zbl 1454.47034 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vogel, Martin 8 2016 Local analytic regularity in the linearized Calderón problem. Zbl 1342.35456 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 7 2016 \(\mathcal{PT}\)-symmetry and Schrödinger operators. The double well case. Zbl 1337.35103 Mecherout, Nawal; Boussekkine, Naima; Ramond, Thierry; Sjöstrand, Johannes 4 2016 Spectra for semiclassical operators with periodic bicharacteristics in dimension two. Zbl 1341.58019 Hall, Michael A.; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2015 Weyl law for semi-classical resonances with randomly perturbed potentials. Zbl 1304.35010 Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 2014 Fractal Weyl law for open quantum chaotic maps. Zbl 1293.81022 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 15 2014 Supersymmetric structures for second order differential operators. Zbl 1303.81086 Hérau, F.; Hitrik, M.; Sjöstrand, J. 3 2014 Resolvent estimates for elliptic quadratic differential operators. Zbl 1295.47045 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Viola, Joe 14 2013 Quadratic \(\mathcal{PT}\)-symmetric operators with real spectrum and similarity to self-adjoint operators. Zbl 1263.81190 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 13 2012 Diophantine tori and Weyl laws for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension two. Zbl 1256.35039 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2012 PT symmetry and Weyl asymptotics. Zbl 1253.81062 Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2012 Upper bound on the density of Ruelle resonances for Anosov flows. Zbl 1260.37016 Faure, Frédéric; Sjöstrand, Johannes 65 2011 Tunnel effect and symmetries for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators. Zbl 1223.35246 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 24 2011 From open quantum systems to open quantum maps. Zbl 1223.81127 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 11 2011 Remembering Johannes J. Duistermaat (1942–2010). Zbl 1225.01067 Atiyah, Michael; Cushman, Richard; Heckman, Gert; van den Ban, Erik; Kolk, Johan; Nirenberg, Louis; Sjamaar, Reyer; Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2011 Eigenvalue distributions and Weyl laws for semiclassical non-self-adjoint operators in 2 dimensions. Zbl 1248.35241 Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 2011 Resolvent estimates for non-selfadjoint operators via semigroups. Zbl 1198.47068 Sjöstrand, Johannes 20 2010 Eigenvalue distribution for non-self-adjoint operators on compact manifolds with small multiplicative random perturbations. Zbl 1206.35267 Sjöstrand, Johannes 9 2010 Almost sure Weyl asymptotics for non-self-adjoint elliptic operators on compact manifolds. Zbl 1228.47046 Montrieux, William Bordeaux; Sjöstrand, Johannes 7 2010 Counting zeros of holomorphic functions of exponential growth. Zbl 1214.30006 Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2010 On the linearized local Calderón problem. Zbl 1198.31003 Dos Santos Ferreira, David; Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 25 2009 Eigenvalue distribution for non-self-adjoint operators with small multiplicative random perturbations. Zbl 1194.47058 Sjöstrand, Johannes 21 2009 Resonances for nonanalytic potentials. Zbl 1203.35033 Martinez, André; Ramond, Thierry; Sjöstrand, Johannes 8 2009 Some results on nonselfadjoint operators: a survey. Zbl 1189.47009 Sjöstrand, Johannes 5 2009 A direct approach to Bergman kernel asymptotics for positive line bundles. Zbl 1161.32001 Berman, Robert; Berndtsson, Bo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 68 2008 Semi-classical approach for Anosov diffeomorphisms and Ruelle resonances. Zbl 1177.37032 Faure, Frédéric; Roy, Nicolas; Sjöstrand, Johannes 40 2008 Eigenvalue asymptotics for randomly perturbed non-selfadjoint operators. Zbl 1151.35063 Hager, Mildred; Sjöstrand, Johannes 23 2008 Tunnel effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators. Zbl 1141.82011 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 2008 Tunnel effect for Kramers-Fokker-Planck type operators: return to equilibrium and applications. Zbl 1151.35012 Hérau, Frédéric; Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2008 Pseudodifferential operators and weighted normed symbol spaces. Zbl 1199.35410 Sjöstrand, J. 6 2008 Non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in two dimensions IIIa. One branching point. Zbl 1147.31004 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 5 2008 Rational invariant tori, phase space tunneling, and spectra for non-selfadjointoperators in dimension 2. Zbl 1171.35131 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2008 The Calderón problem with partial data. Zbl 1127.35079 Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 167 2007 Determining a magnetic Schrödinger operator from partial Cauchy data. Zbl 1148.35096 dos Santos Ferreira, David; Kenig, Carlos E.; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Uhlmann, Gunther 86 2007 Fractal upper bounds on the density of semiclassical resonances. Zbl 1201.35189 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 45 2007 Elementary linear algebra for advanced spectral problems. Zbl 1140.15009 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 44 2007 Diophantine tori and spectral asymptotics for nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 1172.35085 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes; San Vũ Ngọc 17 2007 \(P{\mathcal T} \) symmetric non-self-adjoint operators, diagonalizable and non-diagonalizable, with a real discrete spectrum. Zbl 1124.81018 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; Sjöstrand, Johannes 8 2007 Asymptotics for Bergman-Hodge kernels for high powers of complex line bundles. Zbl 1207.32012 Berman, Robert; Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2007 Spectral instability for non-selfadjoint operators. Zbl 1145.34377 Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 2007 Semiclassical analysis for the Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1083.35149 Hérau, Frédéric; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Stolk, Christiaan C. 28 2005 Spectra of \(PT\)-symmetric operators and perturbation theory. Zbl 1065.81054 Caliceti, Emanuela; Graffi, Sandro; Sjöstrand, Johannes 20 2005 Nonselfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in two dimensions: II. Vanishing averages. Zbl 1096.47053 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 4 2005 Pseudospectra of semiclassical (pseudo-) differential operators. Zbl 1054.35035 Dencker, Nils; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 62 2004 The inverse spectral problem. Zbl 1061.58029 Zelditch, Steve 22 2004 Non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in 2 dimensions. I. Zbl 1059.47056 Hitrik, Michael; Sjöstrand, Johannes 19 2004 Functional calculus for non-commuting operators with real spectra via an iterated Cauchy formula. Zbl 1070.47009 Andersson, Mats; Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2004 Resonances associated to a closed hyperbolic trajectory in dimension 2. Zbl 1060.35096 Sjöstrand, Johannes 10 2003 Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2. Zbl 1061.35186 Melin, Anders; Sjöstrand, Johannes 9 2003 Pseudospectrum for differential operators. Zbl 1061.35067 Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2003 Birkhoff normal forms in semi-classical inverse problems. Zbl 1258.35208 Iantchenko, Alexai; Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 27 2002 Quantum monodromy and semi-classical trace formulæ. Zbl 1038.58033 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 27 2002 Determinants of pseudodifferential operators and complex deformations of phase space. Zbl 1082.35176 Melin, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 14 2002 Birkhoff normal forms for Fourier integral operators. II. Zbl 1011.35144 Iantchenko, A.; Sjöstrand, J. 11 2002 Resonances for bottles and trace formulae. Zbl 0979.35109 Sjöstrand, Johannes 28 2001 Trace formula for resonances in small domains. Zbl 1068.47055 Bony, Jean-François; Sjöstrand, Johannes 11 2001 Quantum resonances and trapped trajectories. Zbl 1172.35471 Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2001 Complete asymptotics for correlations of Laplace integrals in the semi-classical limit. Zbl 1044.81046 Sjöstrand, Johannes 3 2001 Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2. Zbl 1066.53141 Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 2001 Asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations. Zbl 0984.35121 Sjöstrand, Johannes 35 2000 Correlation asymptotics of classical lattice spin systems with nonconvex Hamilton function at low temperature. Zbl 1021.82002 Bach, V.; Jecko, T.; Sjöstrand, J. 11 2000 Asymptotic distribution of eigenfrequencies for damped wave equations. Zbl 1213.35331 Sjöstrand, Johannes 2 2000 Spectral asymptotics in the semi-classical limit. Zbl 0926.35002 Dimassi, Mouez; Sjöstrand, Johannes 402 1999 Asymptotic distribution of resonances for convex obstacles. Zbl 0989.35099 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 26 1999 Supersymmetric measures and maximum principles in the complex domain. Exponential decay of Green’s functions. Zbl 0941.47033 Sjöstrand, J.; Wang, W.-M. 3 1999 Exponential decay of averaged Green functions for random Schrödinger operators. A direct approach. Zbl 0934.35036 Sjöstrand, J.; Wang, W.-M. 2 1999 Evolution equations, Feshbach resonances, singular Hodge theory. Zbl 0918.00012 1 1999 A trace formula and review of some estimates for resonances. Zbl 0877.35090 Sjöstrand, J. 48 1997 Asymptotics of the number of Rayleigh resonances. Zbl 0890.35098 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Vodev, Georgi 11 1997 A trace formula for resonances and applications to semi-classical Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1061.35506 Sjöstrand, J. 4 1997 Spectral theory, microlocal analysis, singular manifolds. Zbl 0882.00015 1 1997 Correlation asymptotics and Witten Laplacians. Zbl 0877.35084 Sjöstrand, J. 24 1996 Function spaces associated to global \(I\)-Lagrangian manifolds. Zbl 0889.46027 Sjöstrand, Johannes 18 1996 Density of resonances for strictly convex analytic obstacles. With an appendix by M. Zworski. Zbl 0863.35072 Sjöstrand, Johannes 16 1996 Transport properties in resonant tunneling heterostructures. Zbl 0868.35112 Presilla, Carlo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 11 1996 Trace asymptotics via almost analytic extensions. Zbl 0864.35078 Dimassi, Mouez; Sjöstrand, Johannes 1 1996 Wiener type algebras of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0880.35145 Sjöstrand, J. 71 1995 On Schrödinger equations with concentrated nonlinearities. Zbl 0820.34050 Jona-Lasinio, Giovanni; Presilla, Carlo; Sjöstrand, Johannes 30 1995 The complex scaling method for scattering by strictly convex obstacles. Zbl 0839.35095 Sjöstrand, Johannes; Zworski, Maciej 14 1995 Microlocal analysis for differential operators. An introduction. Zbl 0804.35001 Grigis, Alain; Sjöstrand, Johannes 133 1994 An algebra of pseudodifferential operators. Zbl 0840.35130 Sjöstrand, Johannes 119 1994 On the correlation for Kac-like models in the convex case. Zbl 0946.35508 Helffer, Bernard; Sjöstrand, Johannes 54 1994 ...and 96 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,997 Authors 88 Sjöstrand, Johannes 77 Helffer, Bernard 39 Zworski, Maciej 33 Martinez, André 32 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 24 Cordero, Elena 23 Gröchenig, Karlheinz 23 Hsiao, Chin-Yu 23 Kian, Yavar 23 Zelditch, Steve 22 Salo, Mikko 21 Galkowski, Jeffrey 21 Toft, Joachim 20 Nicola, Fabio 20 Petkov, Vesselin M. 20 Vasy, András 20 Wunsch, Jared 19 Lebeau, Gilles 19 Spence, Euan A. 18 Bellassoued, Mourad 18 Gérard, Christian 18 Guillarmou, Colin 17 Bony, Jean-François 17 Burq, Nicolas 17 Cornean, Horia D. 17 Dyatlov, Semyon 17 Hitrik, Michael 17 Stefanov, Plamen D. 16 Lassas, Matti J. 16 Pravda-Starov, Karel 16 Raymond, Nicolas 16 Stoyanov, Luchezar N. 15 Nakamura, Shu 15 Rivière, Gabriel 15 Vodev, Georgi 15 Vũ Ngọc, San 14 Bove, Antonio 14 Fujiié, Setsuro 14 Hérau, Frédéric 14 Klein, Markus 14 Klopp, Frédéric 14 Nier, Francis 14 Purice, Radu 14 Rodino, Luigi 13 Anikin, Anatolii Yur’evich 13 Bruneau, Vincent 13 Dimassi, Mouez 13 Lascar, Richard 13 Ramond, Thierry 12 Hassell, Andrew 12 Krantz, Steven George 12 Paoletti, Roberto 12 Raikov, Georgi D. 12 Robert, Didier 12 Tzou, Leo 12 Weich, Tobias 12 Zerzeri, Maher 11 Himonas, A. Alexandrou 11 Lin, Yi-Hsuan 11 Marinescu, George 11 Mughetti, Marco 11 Oksanen, Lauri 11 Sordoni, Vania 10 Charles, Laurent 10 Korotyaev, Evgeny L. 10 Krupchyk, Katya 10 Lascar, Bernard 10 Le Peutrec, Dorian 10 Lefeuvre, Thibault 10 Ludwig, Ursula Beate 10 Nonnenmacher, Stéphane 10 Nourrigat, Jean Francois 10 Rouleux, Michel 10 Sun, Qiyu 10 Toth, John Andrew 10 Trapasso, Salvatore Ivan 10 Vögel, Martin 9 Bonthonneau, Yannick Guedes 9 Briet, Philippe 9 Dobrokhotov, Sergei Yurievich 9 Faure, Frédéric 9 Guillemin, Victor W. 9 Hanges, Nicholas William 9 Léautaud, Matthieu 9 Macià, Fabricio 9 Michel, Laurent 9 Pushnitski, Alexander B. 9 Romero, José Luis 9 Teufel, Stefan 9 Yamamoto, Masahiro 8 Christiansen, Tanya J. 8 Coriasco, Sandro 8 Datchev, Kiril R. 8 de Gosson, Maurice Alexis 8 Engliš, Miroslav 8 Feizmohammadi, Ali 8 Fermanian-Kammerer, Clotilde 8 Grigis, Alain 8 Hedenmalm, Håkan 8 Hislop, Peter D. ...and 1,897 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 294 Serials 168 Communications in Mathematical Physics 153 Journal of Functional Analysis 139 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 74 Journal of Mathematical Physics 72 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 72 Annales Henri Poincaré 70 Journal of Differential Equations 60 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 59 Duke Mathematical Journal 58 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 51 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 48 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 43 Journal of Spectral Theory 36 Mathematische Annalen 36 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 35 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 34 Inventiones Mathematicae 33 Advances in Mathematics 32 Inverse Problems 32 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 30 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 29 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 26 Letters in Mathematical Physics 25 Inverse Problems and Imaging 23 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 23 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 23 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 22 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 21 Mathematische Nachrichten 20 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 19 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 19 Pure and Applied Analysis 18 Mathematische Zeitschrift 18 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 18 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 18 Analysis & PDE 17 Arkiv för Matematik 17 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 15 Nonlinearity 15 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 14 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 14 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 14 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 13 Applicable Analysis 13 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 12 Journal of Geometry and Physics 12 Asymptotic Analysis 12 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 11 Journal of Statistical Physics 11 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 11 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 11 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 10 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 10 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 10 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 10 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 10 Annals of Physics 10 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 10 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 9 Mathematical Notes 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 9 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. Nouvelle Série 9 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 9 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 9 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 9 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 9 Annales Henri Lebesgue 8 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 8 Documenta Mathematica 8 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques 7 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 The Annals of Probability 7 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 7 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 7 Monatshefte für Mathematik 7 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 7 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 7 Oberwolfach Reports 7 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 7 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 6 Acta Mathematica 6 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 6 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 6 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 6 International Journal of Mathematics 6 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 6 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 6 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 6 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 6 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 6 Séminaire Laurent Schwartz. EDP et Applications 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 Physics Letters. A 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Functional Analysis and its Applications ...and 194 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 57 Fields 1,717 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 727 Quantum theory (81-XX) 586 Operator theory (47-XX) 477 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 246 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 191 Differential geometry (53-XX) 190 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 176 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 152 Functional analysis (46-XX) 136 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 117 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 113 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 90 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 84 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 56 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 41 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 38 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 38 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 36 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 34 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 33 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 32 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 30 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 28 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 27 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 25 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 24 Potential theory (31-XX) 23 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 22 Special functions (33-XX) 21 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 20 Integral equations (45-XX) 18 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 17 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 15 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 7 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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