Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sloan, Ian Hugh Co-Author Distance Author ID: sloan.ian-h Published as: Sloan, Ian H.; Sloan, I. H.; Sloan, Ian; Sloan, Ian Hugh; Sloan, I. more...less Homepage: http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~sloan/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 270 Publications since 1968, including 2 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 5 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 5 Publications Co-Authors: 120 Co-Authors with 232 Joint Publications 3,890 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 36 single-authored 59 Kuo, Frances Y. 25 Womersley, Robert S. 19 Woźniakowski, Henryk 15 Le Gia, Quoc Thong 11 Hesse, Kerstin 10 Graham, Ivan G. 9 Grigorieff, Rolf Dieter 9 Joe, Stephen 9 Wang, Xiaoqun 9 Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 8 Dick, Josef 8 Nuyens, Dirk 7 Gilbert, Alexander D. 7 Kaarnioja, Vesa 7 Scheichl, Robert 7 Schwab, Christoph 6 Thomée, Vidar 6 Wang, Yuguang 5 Anselone, Philip M. 5 Ganesh, Mahadevan 5 Griebel, Michael 5 Hickernell, Fred J. 5 Smith, William E. 5 Stephan, Ernst Peter 5 Tran, Thanh 5 Wendland, Holger 4 Brauchart, Johann S. 4 Burn, B. J. 4 Chen, Xiaojun 4 Kelly, Donald W. 4 Lyness, James N. 4 Niederreiter, Harald 4 Wendland, Wolfgang L. 3 An, Congpei 3 Atkinson, Kendall Eugene 3 Chandler, Graeme A. 3 Cools, Ronald 3 Elschner, Johannes 3 Kazashi, Yoshihito 3 Novak, Erich 3 Prössdorf, Siegfried 3 Saff, Edward Barry 3 Waterhouse, Benjamin J. 2 Ainsworth, Mark 2 Disney, Shaun 2 Feischl, Michael 2 Giles, Michael B. 2 Guth, Philipp A. 2 Kachoyan, Philip John 2 Kress, Rainer 2 Leovey, Hernan 2 McLean, William 2 Pereverzev, Sergei V. 2 Reztsov, Andrew V. 2 Saranen, Jukka 2 Schillings, Claudia 2 Sheen, Dongwoo 2 Srikumar, Abirami 2 Tkachenko, Pavlo 2 Walsh, Linda 2 Wang, Song 2 Yan, Yi 1 Alodat, Tareq 1 Brandts, Jan H. 1 Brown, Gavin 1 Cao, Hui 1 Chan, Cheongki 1 Chernih, Andrew 1 Datyner, N. 1 de Hoog, Frank Robert 1 Dunsmuir, William T. M. 1 Fairweather, Graeme 1 Freeden, Willi 1 Grabner, Peter J. 1 Grafarend, Erik 1 Griewank, Andreas 1 Hakula, Harri 1 Hamann, Jan 1 Harbrecht, Helmut 1 Hartung, Tobias 1 Hegland, Markus 1 Jansen, Karl 1 Jeltsch, Rolf 1 Kritzer, Peter 1 Kumar, Sunil 1 Langdon, Stephen 1 LeGia, T. 1 Li, Tatsien 1 Lin, Qun 1 Lubich, Christian 1 Mauersberger, D. 1 McKee, Bill 1 Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N. 1 Mo, Weiwen 1 Monegato, Giovanni 1 Nichols, James A. 1 Nobile, Fabio 1 Noussair, Ezzat S. 1 Opie, Alex H. 1 Osborn, Thomas Robert ...and 23 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 34 Mathematics of Computation 30 Numerische Mathematik 26 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 18 Journal of Complexity 12 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 9 Journal of Approximation Theory 6 Journal of Computational Physics 6 Advances in Computational Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 The ANZIAM Journal 4 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B 4 Journal of Integral Equations 4 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Operations Research 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of Scientific Computing 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Vychislitel’nye Tekhnologii 1 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 1 Acta Numerica 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Series in Contemporary Applied Mathematics CAM 1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics all top 5 Fields 233 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 102 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 60 Integral equations (45-XX) 45 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Number theory (11-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 246 Publications have been cited 5,668 times in 2,820 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Lattice methods for multiple integration. Zbl 0855.65013 Sloan, I. H.; Joe, S. 274 1994 When are quasi-Monte Carlo algorithms efficient for high dimensional integrals? Zbl 1032.65011 Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 271 1998 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way. Zbl 1296.65004 Dick, Josef; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 262 2013 Nonsmooth data error estimates for approximations of an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 0852.65138 Lubich, Ch.; Sloan, I. H.; Thomée, V. 167 1996 Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic partial differential equations with random coefficients. Zbl 1271.65017 Kuo, Frances Y.; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H. 130 2012 A new collocation-type method for Hammerstein integral equations. Zbl 0616.65142 Kumar, Sunil; Sloan, Ian H. 115 1987 Time discretization of an integro-differential equation of parabolic type. Zbl 0608.65096 Sloan, I. H.; Thomée, V. 106 1986 On integral equations of the first kind with logarithmic kernels. Zbl 0682.45001 Yan, Y.; Sloan, I. H. 104 1988 Superconvergence in finite element methods and meshes that are locally symmetric with respect to a point. Zbl 0855.65115 Schatz, A. H.; Sloan, I. H.; Wahlbin, L. B. 93 1996 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients and applications. Zbl 1218.65009 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nuyens, D.; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 91 2011 On decompositions of multivariate functions. Zbl 1196.41022 Kuo, F. Y.; Sloan, I. H.; Wasilkowski, G. W.; Wozniakowski, H. 82 2010 Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for elliptic PDEs with lognormal random coefficients. Zbl 1341.65003 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nichols, J. A.; Scheichl, R.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 82 2015 Polynomial interpolation and hyperinterpolation over general regions. Zbl 0839.41006 Sloan, Ian H. 79 1995 Extremal systems of points and numerical integration on the sphere. Zbl 1055.65038 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 75 2004 Tractability of multivariate integration for weighted Korobov classes. Zbl 0998.65004 Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 74 2001 Improvement by iteration for compact operator equations. Zbl 0343.45010 Sloan, Ian H. 73 1976 Piecewise continuous collocation for integral equations. Zbl 0514.65094 Atkinson, K.; Graham, I.; Sloan, I. 71 1983 Constructing randomly shifted lattice rules in weighted Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1037.65005 Sloan, I. H.; Kuo, F. Y.; Joe, S. 68 2002 A parallel method for time discretization of parabolic equations based on Laplace transformation and quadrature. Zbl 1022.65108 Sheen, Dongwoo; Sloan, Ian H.; Thomée, Vidar 65 2003 Good lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces with general weights. Zbl 1097.65004 Dick, Josef; Sloan, Ian H.; Wang, Xiaoqun; Woźniakowski, Henryk 63 2006 Component-by-component construction of good lattice rules. Zbl 0985.65018 Sloan, I. H.; Reztsov, A. V. 62 2002 The Galerkin method for integral equations of the first kind with logarithmic kernel: Theory. Zbl 0636.65143 Sloan, I. H.; Spence, A. 56 1988 Multi-level quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. Zbl 1318.65006 Kuo, Frances Y.; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H. 54 2015 A parallel method for time-discretization of parabolic problems based on contour integral representation and quadrature. Zbl 0936.65109 Sheen, Dongwoo; Sloan, Ian H.; Thomée, Vidar 53 2000 QMC designs: optimal order quasi Monte Carlo integration schemes on the sphere. Zbl 1315.65003 Brauchart, J. S.; Saff, E. B.; Sloan, I. H.; Womersley, R. S. 51 2014 Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on the sphere. Zbl 1233.65011 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 48 2010 Lattice methods for multiple integration: theory, error analysis and examples. Zbl 0629.65020 Sloan, Ian H.; Kachoyan, Philip J. 47 1987 Properties of interpolatory product integration rules. Zbl 0491.41002 Sloan, Ian H.; Smith, William E. 47 1982 On the step-by-step construction of quasi-Monte Carlo integration rules that achieve strong tractability error bounds in weighted Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1011.65001 Sloan, I. H.; Kuo, F. Y.; Joe, S. 45 2002 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: the standard (weighted Hilbert space) setting and beyond. Zbl 1248.65001 Kuo, F. Y.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 45 2011 Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo methods for lognormal diffusion problems. Zbl 1368.65005 Kuo, Frances Y.; Scheichl, Robert; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H.; Ullmann, Elisabeth 44 2017 Fully discrete spectral boundary integral methods for Helmholtz problems on smooth closed surfaces in \(\mathbb R^3\). Zbl 1018.65139 Graham, I. G.; Sloan, I. H. 43 2002 Liberating the dimension. Zbl 1203.65057 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 42 2010 Constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere. Zbl 0946.41007 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 41 2000 Liberating the weights. Zbl 1089.65005 Dick, Josef; Sloan, Ian H.; Wang, Xiaoqun; Woźniakowski, Henryk 41 2004 How good can polynomial interpolation on the sphere be? Zbl 0980.41003 Womersley, Robert S.; Sloan, Ian H. 39 2001 Construction algorithms for polynomial lattice rules for multivariate integration. Zbl 1079.65007 Dick, J.; Kuo, F. Y.; Pillichshammer, F.; Sloan, I. H. 39 2005 Why are high-dimensional finance problems often of low effective dimension? Zbl 1149.65303 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 39 2005 On the numerical solution of a logarithmic integral equation of the first kind for the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 0791.65089 Kress, Rainer; Sloan, Ian H. 38 1993 Lattice rules for multivariate approximation in the worst case setting. Zbl 1097.65133 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 37 2006 Time discretization via Laplace transformation of an integro-differential equation of parabolic type. Zbl 1097.65131 McLean, William; Sloan, Ian H.; Thomée, Vidar 36 2006 The numerical solution of first-kind logarithmic-kernel integral equations on smooth open arcs. Zbl 0713.65097 Atkinson, Kendall E.; Sloan, Ian H. 35 1991 A quadrature-based approach to improving the collocation method. Zbl 0668.65111 Sloan, Ian H. 35 1988 Extrapolation of the iterated-collocation method for integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 0724.65128 Lin, Q.; Sloan, I. H.; Xie, R. 34 1990 Cubature over the sphere \(S^{2}\) in Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order. Zbl 1102.41027 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 33 2006 Finite-order weights imply tractability of multivariate integration. Zbl 1067.65006 Sloan, Ian H.; Wang, Xiaoqun; Woźniakowski, Henryk 33 2004 Error analysis of boundary integral methods. Zbl 0765.65109 Sloan, Ian H. 33 1992 Filtered hyperinterpolation: a constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1259.65017 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 33 2012 The smoothing effect of the ANOVA decomposition. Zbl 1205.65017 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 32 2010 Lifting the curse of dimensionality. Zbl 1080.65020 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 31 2005 Product-integration with the Clenshaw-Curtis and related points: Convergence properties. Zbl 0367.41015 Sloan, Ian H.; Smith, W. E. 31 1978 Numerical integration on the sphere. Zbl 1197.86018 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 30 2010 Iterated Galerkin versus iterated collocation for integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 0586.65091 Graham, Ivan G.; Joe, Stephen; Sloan, Ian H. 30 1985 Analysis of circulant embedding methods for sampling stationary random fields. Zbl 1434.60114 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 30 2018 Spline qualocation methods for boundary integral equations. Zbl 0694.65068 Chandler, G. A.; Sloan, I. H. 29 1990 Iterated Galerkin method for eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0359.65052 Sloan, Ian H. 29 1976 Tractability of approximation for weighted Korobov spaces on classical and quantum computers. Zbl 1072.81014 Novak, Erich; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 29 2004 Integral equations on the half line. Zbl 0575.65137 Anselone, P. M.; Sloan, Ian H. 29 1985 Product integration with the Clenshaw-Curtis points: Implementation and error estimates. Zbl 0416.65014 Sloan, Ian H.; Smith, William E. 28 1980 The smoothing effect of integration in \(\mathbb R^d\) and the ANOVA decomposition. Zbl 1264.41030 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 28 2013 On tractability of weighted integration over bounded and unbounded regions in \(\mathbb{R}^s\). Zbl 1068.65005 Hickernell, Fred J.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 27 2004 Multiscale RBF collocation for solving PDEs on spheres. Zbl 1246.65222 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 27 2012 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering: an equivalence principle and dimension reduction. Zbl 1217.91202 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 26 2011 Randomly shifted lattice rules with the optimal rate of convergence for unbounded integrands. Zbl 1208.65008 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W.; Waterhouse, Benjamin J. 26 2010 Hyperinterpolation on the sphere. Zbl 1194.41044 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 26 2007 Lattice methods for multiple integration. Zbl 0597.65014 Sloan, Ian H. 26 1985 Numerical solution of the generalized airfoil equation for an airfoil with a flap. Zbl 0901.76060 Monegato, G.; Sloan, I. H. 25 1997 Product-integration rules based on the zeros of Jacobi polynomials. Zbl 0429.41023 Smith, William E.; Sloan, Ian H. 25 1980 Worst-case errors in a Sobolev space setting for cubature over the sphere \(S^2\). Zbl 1068.41049 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 24 2005 Four variants of the Galerkin method for integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 0548.65093 Sloan, Ian H. 24 1984 A quasi-Monte Carlo method for optimal control under uncertainty. Zbl 1475.49004 Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa; Kuo, Frances Y.; Schillings, Claudia; Sloan, Ian H. 24 2021 Superconvergence. Zbl 0759.65091 Sloan, I. H. 23 1990 Quadrature methods for logarithmic-kernel integral equations on closed curves. Zbl 0751.65069 Saranen, J.; Sloan, Ian H. 23 1992 Optimal lower bounds for cubature error on the sphere \(S^2\). Zbl 1099.41023 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 23 2005 Lattice rule algorithms for multivariate approximation in the average case setting. Zbl 1141.65012 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 22 2008 A quadrature-based approach to improving the collocation method for splines of even degree. Zbl 0698.65071 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, W. L. 22 1989 Well conditioned spherical designs for integration and interpolation on the two-sphere. Zbl 1232.65043 An, Congpei; Chen, Xiaojun; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 22 2010 The representation of lattice quadrature rules as multiple sums. Zbl 0659.65018 Sloan, Ian H.; Lyness, James N. 22 1989 Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs. Zbl 1253.65035 An, Congpei; Chen, Xiaojun; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 22 2012 Circulant embedding with QMC: analysis for elliptic PDE with lognormal coefficients. Zbl 1417.65203 Graham, Ivan G.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Scheichl, Rob; Sloan, Ian H. 21 2018 Product integration in the presence of a singularity. Zbl 0547.65011 Rabinowitz, Philip; Sloan, Ian H. 21 1984 Wendland functions with increasing smoothness converge to a Gaussian. Zbl 1298.41002 Chernih, A.; Sloan, I. H.; Womersley, R. S. 20 2014 An intractability result for multiple integration. Zbl 0871.41019 Sloan, I. H.; Woźniakowski, H. 20 1997 A variational characterisation of spherical designs. Zbl 1183.05015 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 19 2009 The search for good polynomial interpolation points on the sphere. Zbl 0952.65013 Sloan, I. H.; Womersley, R. S. 19 2000 Quadrature in Besov spaces on the Euclidean sphere. Zbl 1134.41013 Hesse, K.; Mhaskar, H. N.; Sloan, I. H. 18 2007 Fast random field generation with \(H\)-matrices. Zbl 1404.65033 Feischl, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 18 2018 Minimal cubature formulae of trigonometric degree. Zbl 0853.41015 Cools, Ronald; Sloan, Ian H. 18 1996 Fully discrete needlet approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1372.42040 Wang, Yu Guang; Gia, Quoc T. Le; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 18 2017 Error analysis for a class of degenerate kernel methods. Zbl 0304.65092 Sloan, Ian H. 17 1976 High dimensional integration of kinks and jumps – smoothing by preintegration. Zbl 1460.65023 Griewank, Andreas; Kuo, Frances Y.; Leövey, Hernan; Sloan, Ian H. 17 2018 The Galerkin method for integral equations of the first kind with logarithmic kernel: Applications. Zbl 0636.65144 Sloan, I. H.; Spence, A. 17 1988 Multiscale approximation for functions in arbitrary Sobolev spaces by scaled radial basis functions on the unit sphere. Zbl 1238.41020 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 17 2012 Analysis of quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic eigenvalue problems with stochastic coefficients. Zbl 1416.65018 Gilbert, A. D.; Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 16 2019 Numerical solutions of integral equations on the half line. I: The compact case. Zbl 0613.65137 Anselone, P. M.; Sloan, I. H. 16 1987 Tractability of integration in non-periodic and periodic weighted tensor product Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1011.65008 Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 16 2002 Analysis of general quadrature methods for integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 0456.45012 Sloan, Ian H. 16 1981 Polynomial approximation on spheres – generalizing de la Vallée-Poussin. Zbl 1284.42078 Sloan, Ian H. 16 2011 Optimal order spline methods for nonlinear differential and integro-differential equations. Zbl 0930.65145 Ganesh, M.; Sloan, I. H. 15 1999 Covering of spheres by spherical caps and worst-case error for equal weight cubature in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1325.65037 Brauchart, J. S.; Dick, J.; Saff, E. B.; Sloan, I. H.; Wang, Y. G.; Womersley, R. S. 15 2015 Parabolic PDE-constrained optimal control under uncertainty with entropic risk measure using quasi-Monte Carlo integration. Zbl 1537.65017 Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa; Kuo, Frances Y.; Schillings, Claudia; Sloan, Ian H. 2 2024 A multiscale RBF method for severely ill-posed problems on spheres. Zbl 1528.65029 Zhong, Min; Gia, Quoc Thong Le; Sloan, Ian Hugh 1 2023 Analysis of preintegration followed by quasi-Monte Carlo integration for distribution functions and densities. Zbl 1511.65019 Gilbert, Alexander D.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 1 2023 Fast approximation by periodic kernel-based lattice-point interpolation with application in uncertainty quantification. Zbl 1495.41003 Kaarnioja, Vesa; Kazashi, Yoshihito; Kuo, Frances Y.; Nobile, Fabio; Sloan, Ian H. 5 2022 Equivalence between Sobolev spaces of first-order dominating mixed smoothness and unanchored ANOVA spaces on \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1500.46027 Gilbert, Alexander D.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 2 2022 A quasi-Monte Carlo method for optimal control under uncertainty. Zbl 1475.49004 Guth, Philipp A.; Kaarnioja, Vesa; Kuo, Frances Y.; Schillings, Claudia; Sloan, Ian H. 24 2021 Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element analysis for wave propagation in heterogeneous random media. Zbl 1459.65010 Ganesh, M.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 6 2021 Local RBF-based penalized least-squares approximation on the sphere with noisy scattered data. Zbl 1484.65031 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 4 2021 Fast component-by-component construction of lattice algorithms for multivariate approximation with POD and SPOD weights. Zbl 1456.65016 Cools, Ronald; Kuo, Frances Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Sloan, Ian H. 3 2021 Uncertainty quantification using periodic random variables. Zbl 07184150 Kaarnioja, V.; Kuo, F. Y.; Sloan, I. H. 8 2020 Isotropic sparse regularization for spherical harmonic representations of random fields on the sphere. Zbl 1462.60064 Le Gia, Quoc Thong; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S.; Wang, Yu Guang 8 2020 Lattice algorithms for multivariate approximation in periodic spaces with general weight parameters. Zbl 1477.65051 Cools, Ronald; Kuo, Frances Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Sloan, Ian H. 3 2020 Bounding the spectral gap for an elliptic eigenvalue problem with uniformly bounded stochastic coefficients. Zbl 1452.65315 Gilbert, Alexander D.; Graham, Ivan G.; Scheichl, Robert; Sloan, Ian H. 3 2020 Analysis of quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic eigenvalue problems with stochastic coefficients. Zbl 1416.65018 Gilbert, A. D.; Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 16 2019 Analysis of circulant embedding methods for sampling stationary random fields. Zbl 1434.60114 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 30 2018 Circulant embedding with QMC: analysis for elliptic PDE with lognormal coefficients. Zbl 1417.65203 Graham, Ivan G.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Nuyens, Dirk; Scheichl, Rob; Sloan, Ian H. 21 2018 Fast random field generation with \(H\)-matrices. Zbl 1404.65033 Feischl, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 18 2018 High dimensional integration of kinks and jumps – smoothing by preintegration. Zbl 1460.65023 Griewank, Andreas; Kuo, Frances Y.; Leövey, Hernan; Sloan, Ian H. 17 2018 Multivariate approximation for analytic functions with Gaussian kernels. Zbl 1384.41026 Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 13 2018 Random point sets on the sphere – hole radii, covering, and separation. Zbl 1386.52019 Brauchart, J. S.; Reznikov, A. B.; Saff, E. B.; Sloan, I. H.; Wang, Y. G.; Womersley, R. S. 13 2018 Riemann localisation on the sphere. Zbl 1386.42027 Wang, Yu Guang; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 3 2018 Combining sparse grids, multilevel MC and QMC for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. Zbl 1412.65210 Giles, Michael B.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 2 2018 Hiding the weights – CBC black box algorithms with a guaranteed error bound. Zbl 1482.65004 Gilbert, Alexander D.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 1 2018 Multilevel quasi-Monte Carlo methods for lognormal diffusion problems. Zbl 1368.65005 Kuo, Frances Y.; Scheichl, Robert; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H.; Ullmann, Elisabeth 44 2017 Fully discrete needlet approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1372.42040 Wang, Yu Guang; Gia, Quoc T. Le; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 18 2017 Infinite-dimensional integration and the multivariate decomposition method. Zbl 1370.65013 Kuo, F. Y.; Nuyens, D.; Plaskota, L.; Sloan, I. H.; Wasilkowski, G. W. 14 2017 Radial basis function approximation of noisy scattered data on the sphere. Zbl 1380.41005 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 11 2017 The ANOVA decomposition of a non-smooth function of infinitely many variables can have every term smooth. Zbl 1365.41021 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 10 2017 On filtered polynomial approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1456.41006 Wang, Heping; Sloan, Ian H. 10 2017 Needlet approximation for isotropic random fields on the sphere. Zbl 1362.60049 Le Gia, Quoc T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wang, Yu Guang; Womersley, Robert S. 8 2017 Note on “The smoothing effect of integration in \(\mathbb {R}^d\) and the ANOVA decomposition”. Zbl 1365.41020 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 8 2017 Multivariate integration for analytic functions with Gaussian kernels. Zbl 1356.41016 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 6 2017 Zooming from global to local: a multiscale RBF approach. Zbl 1369.41002 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H.; Wendland, Holger 6 2017 Two-parameter regularization of ill-posed spherical pseudo-differential equations in the space of continuous functions. Zbl 1410.86007 Cao, Hui; Pereverzyev, Sergei V.; Sloan, Ian H.; Tkachenko, Pavlo 4 2016 Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for elliptic PDEs with lognormal random coefficients. Zbl 1341.65003 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nichols, J. A.; Scheichl, R.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 82 2015 Multi-level quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic PDEs with random coefficients. Zbl 1318.65006 Kuo, Frances Y.; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H. 54 2015 Covering of spheres by spherical caps and worst-case error for equal weight cubature in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1325.65037 Brauchart, J. S.; Dick, J.; Saff, E. B.; Sloan, I. H.; Wang, Y. G.; Womersley, R. S. 15 2015 Parameter choice strategies for least-squares approximation of noisy smooth functions on the sphere. Zbl 1314.65040 Pereverzyev, S. V.; Sloan, I. H.; Tkachenko, P. 9 2015 QMC designs: optimal order quasi Monte Carlo integration schemes on the sphere. Zbl 1315.65003 Brauchart, J. S.; Saff, E. B.; Sloan, I. H.; Womersley, R. S. 51 2014 Wendland functions with increasing smoothness converge to a Gaussian. Zbl 1298.41002 Chernih, A.; Sloan, I. H.; Womersley, R. S. 20 2014 Corrigendum: “Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs”. Zbl 1304.65114 An, Congpei; Chen, Xiaojun; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 1 2014 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way. Zbl 1296.65004 Dick, Josef; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 262 2013 The smoothing effect of integration in \(\mathbb R^d\) and the ANOVA decomposition. Zbl 1264.41030 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 28 2013 On the choice of weights in a function space for quasi-Monte Carlo methods for a class of generalised response models in statistics. Zbl 1302.65021 Sinescu, Vasile; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 5 2013 Correction to “Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: the standard (weighted Hilbert space) setting and beyond”. Zbl 1311.65004 Kuo, F. Y.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 2 2013 Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2012. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on ‘Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods in scientific computing’, Sydney, Australia, February 13–17, 2012. Zbl 1282.65007 1 2013 Quasi-Monte Carlo finite element methods for a class of elliptic partial differential equations with random coefficients. Zbl 1271.65017 Kuo, Frances Y.; Schwab, Christoph; Sloan, Ian H. 130 2012 Filtered hyperinterpolation: a constructive polynomial approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1259.65017 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 33 2012 Multiscale RBF collocation for solving PDEs on spheres. Zbl 1246.65222 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 27 2012 Regularized least squares approximations on the sphere using spherical designs. Zbl 1253.65035 An, Congpei; Chen, Xiaojun; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 22 2012 Multiscale approximation for functions in arbitrary Sobolev spaces by scaled radial basis functions on the unit sphere. Zbl 1238.41020 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 17 2012 Correction to “Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: the standard (weighted Hilbert space) setting and beyond”. Zbl 1260.65001 Kuo, F. Y.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 1 2012 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients and applications. Zbl 1218.65009 Graham, I. G.; Kuo, F. Y.; Nuyens, D.; Scheichl, R.; Sloan, I. H. 91 2011 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional integration: the standard (weighted Hilbert space) setting and beyond. Zbl 1248.65001 Kuo, F. Y.; Schwab, Ch.; Sloan, I. H. 45 2011 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in financial engineering: an equivalence principle and dimension reduction. Zbl 1217.91202 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 26 2011 Polynomial approximation on spheres – generalizing de la Vallée-Poussin. Zbl 1284.42078 Sloan, Ian H. 16 2011 A pseudospectral quadrature method for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres. Zbl 1387.65109 Ganesh, M.; Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H. 5 2011 Stability and preconditioning for a hybrid approximation on the sphere. Zbl 1223.65022 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H.; Wathen, Andrew J. 4 2011 On decompositions of multivariate functions. Zbl 1196.41022 Kuo, F. Y.; Sloan, I. H.; Wasilkowski, G. W.; Wozniakowski, H. 82 2010 Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on the sphere. Zbl 1233.65011 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 48 2010 Liberating the dimension. Zbl 1203.65057 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 42 2010 The smoothing effect of the ANOVA decomposition. Zbl 1205.65017 Griebel, Michael; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 32 2010 Numerical integration on the sphere. Zbl 1197.86018 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 30 2010 Randomly shifted lattice rules with the optimal rate of convergence for unbounded integrands. Zbl 1208.65008 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W.; Waterhouse, Benjamin J. 26 2010 Well conditioned spherical designs for integration and interpolation on the two-sphere. Zbl 1232.65043 An, Congpei; Chen, Xiaojun; Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 22 2010 Preconditioners for pseudodifferential equations on the sphere with radial basis functions. Zbl 1189.65286 Tran, T.; Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H.; Stephan, E. P. 7 2010 A variational characterisation of spherical designs. Zbl 1183.05015 Sloan, Ian H.; Womersley, Robert S. 19 2009 Boundary integral equations on the sphere with radial basis functions: Error analysis. Zbl 1176.65147 Tran, T.; Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H.; Stephan, E. P. 11 2009 Essays on the complexity of continuous problems. Festschrift for Henryk Woźniakowski. Papers presented on June 6, 2008, Jena, Germany. Zbl 1165.68018 Novak, Erich; Sloan, Ian H.; Traub, Joseph F.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 10 2009 Overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioners for elliptic PDEs on the unit sphere. Zbl 1198.65241 Le Gia, Q. T.; Sloan, I. H.; Tran, T. 8 2009 Inf-sup condition for spherical polynomials and radial basis functions on spheres. Zbl 1198.65036 Sloan, Ian H.; Wendland, Holger 2 2009 How high is high-dimensional? Zbl 1201.68056 Sloan, Ian H. 2 2009 Lattice rule algorithms for multivariate approximation in the average case setting. Zbl 1141.65012 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 22 2008 Approximation on the sphere using radial basis functions plus polynomials. Zbl 1148.41020 Sloan, Ian H.; Sommariva, Alvise 13 2008 Low discrepancy sequences in high dimensions: how well are their projections distributed? Zbl 1144.65003 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 11 2008 Quasi-Monte Carlo for highly structured generalised response models. Zbl 1234.62110 Kuo, F. Y.; Dunsmuir, W. T. M.; Sloan, I. H.; Wand, M. P.; Womersley, R. S. 11 2008 Quasi-Monte Carlo for finance applications. Zbl 1360.91150 Giles, Mike B.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Waterhouse, Benjamin J. 10 2008 Hyperinterpolation on the sphere. Zbl 1194.41044 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 26 2007 Quadrature in Besov spaces on the Euclidean sphere. Zbl 1134.41013 Hesse, K.; Mhaskar, H. N.; Sloan, I. H. 18 2007 Periodization strategy may fail in high dimensions. Zbl 1140.65011 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 10 2007 Lattice-Nyström method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with convolution type kernels. Zbl 1131.65108 Dick, Josef; Kritzer, Peter; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 9 2007 Efficient evaluation of highly oscillatory acoustic scattering surface integrals. Zbl 1122.65025 Ganesh, M.; Langdon, S.; Sloan, I. H. 9 2007 Brownian bridge and principal component analysis: Towards removing the curse of dimensionality. Zbl 1130.65007 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 6 2007 A component-by-component approach to efficient numerical integration over products of spheres. Zbl 1344.65007 Hesse, Kerstin; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 3 2007 Finite-order integration weights can be dangerous. Zbl 1138.65026 Sloan, I. H. 3 2007 Good lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces with general weights. Zbl 1097.65004 Dick, Josef; Sloan, Ian H.; Wang, Xiaoqun; Woźniakowski, Henryk 63 2006 Lattice rules for multivariate approximation in the worst case setting. Zbl 1097.65133 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H.; Woźniakowski, Henryk 37 2006 Time discretization via Laplace transformation of an integro-differential equation of parabolic type. Zbl 1097.65131 McLean, William; Sloan, Ian H.; Thomée, Vidar 36 2006 Cubature over the sphere \(S^{2}\) in Sobolev spaces of arbitrary order. Zbl 1102.41027 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 33 2006 Efficient weighted lattice rules with applications to finance. Zbl 1136.65305 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 11 2006 Randomly shifted lattice rules on the unit cube for unbounded integrands in high dimensions. Zbl 1094.65006 Waterhouse, Ben J.; Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 6 2006 Construction algorithms for polynomial lattice rules for multivariate integration. Zbl 1079.65007 Dick, J.; Kuo, F. Y.; Pillichshammer, F.; Sloan, I. H. 39 2005 Why are high-dimensional finance problems often of low effective dimension? Zbl 1149.65303 Wang, Xiaoqun; Sloan, Ian H. 39 2005 Lifting the curse of dimensionality. Zbl 1080.65020 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 31 2005 Worst-case errors in a Sobolev space setting for cubature over the sphere \(S^2\). Zbl 1068.41049 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 24 2005 Optimal lower bounds for cubature error on the sphere \(S^2\). Zbl 1099.41023 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 23 2005 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods can be efficient for integration over products of spheres. Zbl 1079.65008 Kuo, Frances Y.; Sloan, Ian H. 13 2005 A piecewise constant algorithm for weighted \(L_{1}\) approximation over bounded or unbounded regions in \(\mathbb R^s\). Zbl 1103.65018 Hickernell, Fred J.; Sloan, Ian H.; Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 6 2005 Discrete orthogonal projections on multiple knot periodic splines. Zbl 1083.41006 Grigorieff, R. D.; Sloan, I. H. 3 2005 Optimal order integration on the sphere. Zbl 1097.65044 Hesse, Kerstin; Sloan, Ian H. 1 2005 ...and 146 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,866 Authors 130 Sloan, Ian Hugh 66 Dick, Josef 64 Pillichshammer, Friedrich 63 Kuo, Frances Y. 52 Woźniakowski, Henryk 46 Xu, Da 44 Kritzer, Peter 44 Nelakanti, Gnaneshwar 43 Wasilkowski, Grzegorz W. 36 Nuyens, Dirk 34 Schwab, Christoph 29 Allouch, Chafik 28 Hickernell, Fred J. 26 Le Gia, Quoc Thong 25 Goda, Takashi 25 Wang, Xiaoqun 24 Ganesh, Mahadevan 24 Gnewuch, Michael 23 Potts, Daniel 23 Qiu, Wenlin 23 Womersley, Robert S. 22 Nobile, Fabio 22 Owen, Art B. 21 Huang, Jin 19 Scheichl, Robert 18 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 18 Sbibih, Driss 18 Tahrichi, Mohamed 18 Zhang, Zhimin 17 Cools, Ronald 17 Kulkarni, Rekha P. 17 Long, Guangqing 17 Vianello, Marco 17 Xu, Yuesheng 16 Brauchart, Johann S. 16 Deng, Weihua 16 He, Wenming 16 Hinrichs, Aicke 16 Joe, Stephen 16 Tran, Thanh 16 Yan, Yubin 15 Graham, Ivan G. 15 Kämmerer, Lutz 15 Yang, Xuehua 14 Chandler-Wilde, Simon N. 14 Mandal, Moumita 14 Novak, Erich 14 Sommariva, Alvise 14 Tempone, Raúl F. 14 Wang, Heping 14 Zhang, Haixiang 13 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 13 Griebel, Michael 13 Harbrecht, Helmut 13 Hesse, Kerstin 13 Leobacher, Gunther 13 Maleknejad, Khosrow 13 Wang, Yuguang 13 Zhou, Zhi 13 Zhu, Qiding 12 Chapko, Roman 12 Domínguez, Víctor 12 Kress, Rainer 12 L’Ecuyer, Pierre 12 Lyness, James N. 12 Nie, Daxin 12 Saff, Edward Barry 12 Stephan, Ernst Peter 12 Wendland, Holger 11 Chen, Jeng-Tzong 11 Chen, Xiaojun 11 Herrmann, Lukas 11 Kant, Kapil 11 Li, Hu 11 Liu, Jinghong 11 McLean, William 11 Qiao, Leijie 11 Ritter, Klaus 11 Sun, Jing 11 Suzuki, Kosuke 10 He, Zhijian 10 Niederreiter, Harald 10 Saranen, Jukka 9 An, Congpei 9 Cao, Feilong 9 Chen, Zhongying 9 Jiang, Nan 9 Karniadakis, George Em 9 Kazashi, Yoshihito 9 Lemieux, Christiane 9 Leovey, Hernan 9 Li, Binjie 9 Monegato, Giovanni 9 Occorsio, Donatella 9 Rabinowitz, Philip 9 Sørevik, Tor 9 Volkmer, Toni 9 Xie, Xiaoping 9 Yoshiki, Takehito 8 Cai, Haotao ...and 2,766 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 370 Serials 196 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 183 Journal of Complexity 143 Mathematics of Computation 112 Numerische Mathematik 94 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 91 Applied Numerical Mathematics 86 Journal of Computational Physics 79 Applied Mathematics and Computation 71 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 70 Journal of Scientific Computing 61 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 55 Numerical Algorithms 55 Advances in Computational Mathematics 49 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 45 Journal of Approximation Theory 42 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 41 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 34 BIT 33 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 30 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 28 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 26 Constructive Approximation 24 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 21 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 20 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 19 Calcolo 19 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 18 Computing 16 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 16 Computational and Applied Mathematics 15 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 15 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 13 Applicable Analysis 13 Applied Mathematics Letters 12 Computer Physics Communications 11 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 11 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 11 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 10 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 10 The ANZIAM Journal 10 Electronic Journal of Statistics 10 Statistics and Computing 9 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 9 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 9 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 8 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 8 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 8 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 8 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 7 Inverse Problems 7 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Computational Mechanics 7 ETNA. 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