Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Słowiński, Roman Co-Author Distance Author ID: slowinski.roman Published as: Słowiński, Roman; Slowinski, Roman; Slowinski, R.; Słowinski, Roman; Slowiński, Roman; Słowiński, R.; Slowiński, R. more...less Homepage: http://idss.cs.put.poznan.pl/site/rslowinski.html External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 208 Publications since 1976, including 1 Book and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 14 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 8 Packages Reviewing Activity: 60 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 141 Co-Authors with 194 Joint Publications 3,570 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 27 single-authored 103 Greco, Salvatore 43 Matarazzo, Benedetto 13 Inuiguchi, Masahiro 13 Kadziński, Miłosz 12 Węglarz, Jan 11 Dembczyński, Krzysztof 11 Jaszkiewicz, Andrzej 10 Błaszczyński, Jerzy 9 Stefanowski, Jerzy 8 Corrente, Salvatore 7 Kotłowski, Wojciech 7 Mousseau, Vincent A. 7 Szeląg, Marcin 6 Hapke, Maciej 5 Czyżak, Piotr 4 Cornelis, Chris 4 Fortemps, Philippe 4 Michalowski, Wojtek 4 Palangetić, Marko 4 Pawlak, Zdzisław 4 Roy, Bernard 4 Susmaga, Robert 4 Szczȩch, Izabela 4 Wilk, Szymon 3 Błażewicz, Jacek 3 Branke, Jürgen 3 Cellary, Wojciech 3 Figueira, José Rui 3 Peters, James Francis III 3 Skowron, Andrzej 3 Soniewicki, Bolesław 3 Teghem, Jacques jun. 3 Tsumoto, Shusaku 3 Zielniewicz, Piotr 3 Zopounidis, Constantin 2 Cinelli, Marco 2 Ciomek, Krzysztof 2 Dimitras, Augustinos I. 2 Grzymala-Busse, Jerzy W. 2 Hullermeier, Eyke 2 Jacquet-Lagrèze, Eric 2 Kusunoki, Yoshifumi 2 Marek, V. Wiktor 2 Pappalardo, Nello 2 Wang, Guoyin 2 Ziarko, Wojciech P. 1 Baesens, Bart 1 Bomze, Immanuel M. 1 Borgonovo, Emanuele 1 Boryczka, Mariusz 1 Boute, Robert N. 1 Bouyssou, Denis 1 Brunelli, Matteo 1 Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar 1 Choi, Tsan-Ming 1 Cochand, Maurice 1 Coussement, Kristof 1 De Bock, Koen W. 1 de Caigny, Arno 1 de Werra, Dominique 1 Deb, Kalyanmoy 1 Delen, Dursun 1 Deng, Weibin 1 Doumpos, Michael 1 Dyson, Robert G. 1 Farion, Ken 1 Fedrizzi, Michele 1 Flinkman, Matti 1 Gawalek, Andrzej 1 Giove, Silvio 1 Gong, Zaiwu 1 Gonzalez, Michael 1 Gurrieri, Massimo 1 Hata, Yutaka 1 Hirano, Shoji 1 Hu, Feng 1 Jelonek, Jacek 1 Kacprzyk, Janusz 1 Kersten, Marta 1 Kominek, Paweł 1 Komorowski, Jan 1 Kraus, Mathias 1 Krusińska, Ewa 1 Kuchta, Dorota 1 Laengle, Sigifredo 1 Lessmann, Stefan 1 Li, Huaxiong 1 Liao, Xiuwu 1 Lingras, Pawan 1 Liu, Jiapeng 1 Łukasik, Ewa 1 Maldonado, Sebastián 1 Martens, David 1 Martyn, Krzysztof 1 Maslowska, Irmina 1 Merigó, José M. 1 Meziani, Rachid 1 Miao, Duoqian 1 Miebs, Grzegorz 1 Miettinen, Kaisa M. ...and 41 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 36 European Journal of Operational Research 8 Information Sciences 6 Control and Cybernetics 6 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5 Foundations of Control Engineering 5 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 5 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 3 Przeglad Statystyczny 3 Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science (JORBEL) 3 Computers & Operations Research 3 Annals of Operations Research 3 Journal of Global Optimization 3 Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences 3 Fundamenta Informaticae 2 Cybernetica 2 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 2 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Automatyka 2 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 2 4OR 2 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 2 Theory and Decision Library. Series D: System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving 1 Information Processing Letters 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Journal of the Operational Research Society 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series IV 1 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica 1 Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali 1 Postępy Cybernetyki 1 Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 Machine Learning 1 JETAI. Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1 Archiwum Automatyki i Robotyki 1 Podstawy Sterowania 1 Systems Science 1 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie A: Theorie 1 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 1 Central European Journal for Operations Research and Economics (CEJORE) 1 Top 1 International Transactions in Operational Research 1 Journal of Heuristics 1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 1 Decisions in Economics and Finance 1 OR Spectrum 1 International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems 1 Methods of Operations Research 1 International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 1 Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 1 The Handbook of Fuzzy Sets Series 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle (RAIRO). Informatique 1 Annals of Operations Research all top 5 Fields 123 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 97 Computer science (68-XX) 43 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 26 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 175 Publications have been cited 3,441 times in 1,655 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Rough sets theory for multicriteria decision analysis. Zbl 1008.91016 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 260 2001 Intelligent decision support. Handbook of applications and advances of the rough sets theory. Zbl 0820.68001 252 1992 Multiobjective optimization. Interactive and evolutionary approaches. Zbl 1147.68304 161 2008 Ordinal regression revisited: Multiple criteria ranking using a set of additive value functions. Zbl 1147.90013 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 98 2008 Rough approximation by dominance relations. Zbl 0997.68135 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 97 2002 Rough approximation of a preference relation by dominance relations. Zbl 0998.90044 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 93 1999 Rough sets methodology for sorting problems in presence of multiple attributes and criteria. Zbl 1008.90509 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 88 2002 Inferrring an ELECTRE TRI model from assignment examples. Zbl 0904.90093 Mousseau, V.; Slowinski, R. 81 1998 Stochastic versus fuzzy approaches to multiobjective mathematical programming under uncertainty. Zbl 0724.00033 61 1990 Building a set of additive value functions representing a reference preorder and intensities of preference: GRIP method. Zbl 1159.91341 Figueira, José Rui; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 55 2009 Rough set approach to multi-attribute decision analysis. Zbl 0805.90069 Pawlak, Zdzisław; Słowinski, Roman 54 1994 A user-oriented implementation of the ELECTRE-TRI method integrating preference elicitation support. Zbl 0972.90038 Mousseau, V.; Slowinski, R.; Zielniewicz, P. 54 2000 Multiple criteria sorting with a set of additive value functions. Zbl 1206.91021 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 54 2010 Fuzzy sets in decision analysis, operations research and statistics. Zbl 0905.00031 53 1998 The use of rough sets and fuzzy sets in MCDM. Zbl 0948.90078 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 51 1999 Parameterized rough set model using rough membership and Bayesian confirmation measures. Zbl 1191.68678 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 48 2008 Robust ordinal regression in preference learning and ranking. Zbl 1300.68040 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 47 2013 Multiobjective network scheduling with efficient use of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Zbl 0455.90049 Slowinski, Roman 46 1981 Scheduling under resource constraints - deterministic models. Reprint of the journal Annals of Operations Research 7, Nos. 1-4 (1986). Zbl 0668.90045 Błażewicz, Jacek; Cellary, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman; Węglarz, Jan 46 1986 Multi-criteria classification – a new scheme for application of dominance-based decision rules. Zbl 1121.90073 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 45 2007 A multicriteria fuzzy linear programming method for water supply system development planning. Zbl 0626.90085 Słowiński, Roman 45 1986 Stochastic dominance-based rough set model for ordinal classification. Zbl 1173.68734 Kotłowski, Wojciech; Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 39 2008 Rough set approach to multiple criteria classification with imprecise evaluations and assignments. Zbl 1163.90540 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 39 2009 Two approaches to problems of resource allocation among project activities - a comparative study. Zbl 0439.90042 Slowinski, Roman 38 1980 Computational experience with a backtracking algorithm for solving a general class of precedence and resource-constrained scheduling problems. Zbl 1403.90678 Patterson, James H.; Brian Talbot, F.; Slowinski, Roman; Wegłarz, Jan 37 1990 Variable consistency model of dominance-based rough sets approach. Zbl 1014.68544 Greco, S.; Matarazzo, B.; Slowinski, R.; Stefanowski, J. 36 2001 Monotonic variable consistency rough set approaches. Zbl 1191.68673 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szelg, Marcin 36 2009 Business failure prediction using rough sets. Zbl 0963.91023 Dimitras, A. I.; Slowinski, R.; Susmaga, R.; Zopounidis, C. 34 1999 Axiomatization of utility, outranking and decision rule preference models for multiple-criteria classification problems under partial inconsistency with the dominance principle. Zbl 1180.91081 Słowiński, Roman; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 33 2002 Axiomatic characterization of a general utility function and its particular cases in terms of conjoint measurement and rough-set decision rules. Zbl 1067.90071 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 32 2004 Fuzzy rough sets and multiple-premise gradual decision rules. Zbl 1093.68114 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Slowinski, Roman 32 2006 Decision rule approach. (90b50.) Zbl 1072.90534 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 29 2005 Selection of a representative value function in robust multiple criteria ranking and choice. Zbl 1244.91026 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 29 2012 Selection of a representative value function in robust multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1210.90102 Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 28 2011 Robust ordinal regression for value functions handling interacting criteria. Zbl 1339.90171 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 28 2014 DSS for multiobjective project scheduling. Zbl 0815.90099 Słowiński, Roman; Soniewicki, Bolesław; Węglarz, Jan 26 1994 Preemptive scheduling of independent jobs on parallel machines subject to financial constraints. Zbl 0535.90045 Słowiński, Roman 25 1984 An algorithm for induction of decision rules consistent with the dominance principle. Zbl 1014.68545 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy 24 2001 The “Light Beam Search” approach. – An overview of methodology and applications. Zbl 0957.90073 Jaszkiewicz, Andrzej; Słowiński, Roman 24 1999 Algorithm 520. An automatic revised simplex method for constrained resource network scheduling \([H]\). Zbl 0374.90033 Weglarz, Jan; Blazewicz, Jacek; Cellary, Wojciech; Slowinski, Roman 24 1977 Robust ordinal regression. Zbl 1200.90098 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Figueira, José Rui; Mousseau, Vincent 23 2010 ELECTRE\(^{\text{GKMS}}\): Robust ordinal regression for outranking methods. Zbl 1218.90086 Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 22 2011 Handling missing values in rough set analysis of multi-attribute and multi-criteria decision problems. Zbl 1037.91510 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 21 1999 Criterion of distance between technical programming and socio-economic priority. Zbl 0775.90011 Roy, B.; Slowinski, R. 20 1993 Robust ordinal regression for dominance-based rough set approach to multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1355.91029 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 20 2014 Preference disaggregation within the regularization framework for sorting problems with multiple potentially non-monotonic criteria. Zbl 1430.90335 Liu, Jiapeng; Liao, Xiuwu; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 19 2019 Prediction of company acquisition in Greece by means of the rough set approach. Zbl 0953.90538 Słowiński, R.; Zopounidis, C.; Dimitras, A. I. 18 1997 Fuzzy linear programming with single or multiple objective functions. Zbl 0944.90048 Rommelfanger, Heinrich; Słowiński, Roman 18 1998 Interactive analysis of multiple-criteria project scheduling problems. Zbl 0943.90030 Hapke, Maciej; Jaszkiewicz, Andrzej; Słowiński, Roman 18 1998 Rough membership and Bayesian confirmation measures for parameterized rough sets. Zbl 1134.68531 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 18 2005 Variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach to preference learning in multicriteria ranking. Zbl 1354.68228 Szeląg, Marcin; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 18 2014 Multiple criteria hierarchy process for ELECTRE tri methods. Zbl 1346.90420 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 18 2016 Scheduling under fuzziness. Zbl 0934.00015 17 2000 Handling effects of reinforced preference and counter-veto in credibility of outranking. Zbl 1135.90020 Roy, Bernard; Słowiński, Roman 17 2008 Multicriteria decision support using rules that represent rough-graded preference relations. Zbl 1135.90019 Fortemps, Philippe; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 17 2008 Dominance-based rough set approach to decision under uncertainty and time preference. Zbl 1233.91080 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 17 2010 Rough-set reasoning about uncertain data. Zbl 0854.68098 Slowiński, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy 17 1996 Modeling assignment-based pairwise comparisons within integrated framework for value-driven multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1339.91043 Kadziński, Miłosz; Ciomek, Krzysztof; Słowiński, Roman 16 2015 Using Choquet integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1346.90731 Branke, Juergen; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Zielniewicz, Piotr 16 2016 Properties of rule interestingness measures and alternative approaches to normalization of measures. Zbl 1251.68178 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczȩch, Izabela 15 2012 Multiple criteria hierarchy process for sorting problems based on ordinal regression with additive value functions. Zbl 1408.90148 Corrente, Salvatore; Doumpos, Michael; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Zopounidis, Constantin 15 2017 Rough set based processing of inconsistent information in decision analysis. Zbl 1030.90045 Słowinski, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 14 2000 Fuzzy extension of the rough set approach to multicriteria and multiattribute sorting. Zbl 0990.90137 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 14 2000 Forty years of the European Journal of Operational Research: a bibliometric overview. Zbl 1375.90004 Laengle, Sigifredo; Merigó, José M.; Miranda, Jaime; Słowiński, Roman; Bomze, Immanuel; Borgonovo, Emanuele; Dyson, Robert G.; Oliveira, José Fernando; Teunter, Ruud 14 2017 Rough set analysis of preference-ordered data. Zbl 1013.68599 Słowiński, Roman; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 13 2002 DIS-CARD: a new method of multiple criteria sorting to classes with desired cardinality. Zbl 1272.90072 Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 13 2013 MOLP with an interactive assessment of a piecewise linear utility function. Zbl 0636.90083 Jacquet-Lagrèze, Eric; Meziani, Rachid; Slowinski, Roman 13 1987 Generation of reducts and rules in multi-attribute and multi-criteria classification. Zbl 0999.68214 Susmaga, Robert; Słowiński, Roman; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 12 2000 Additive preference model with piecewise linear components resulting from dominance-based rough set approximations. Zbl 1298.68265 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 12 2006 Dominance-based rough set approach as a proper way of handling graduality in rough set theory. Zbl 1187.03042 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 12 2007 Rough set approach to multi-attribute choice and ranking problems. Zbl 0898.90071 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 11 1997 Learning rule ensembles for ordinal classification with monotonicity constraints. Zbl 1192.68512 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 11 2009 A graded quadrivalent logic for ordinal preference modelling: Loyola-like approach. Zbl 1091.91504 Fortemps, Philippe; Słowiński, Roman 10 2002 Decision analysis using rough sets. Zbl 0854.90088 Pawlak, Zdzislaw; Słowinski, Roman 10 1994 Incremental induction of decision rules from dominance-based rough approximations. Zbl 1270.68308 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Słowiński, Roman 10 2003 Preemptive scheduling with staircase and piecewise linear resource availability. Zbl 0675.90045 Cochand, M.; de Werra, Dominique; Slowinski, R. 10 1989 Measures of rule interestingness in various perspectives of confirmation. Zbl 1398.68537 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczęch, Izabela 10 2016 Possibility and necessity measure specification using modifiers for decision making under fuzziness. Zbl 1076.91011 Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Greco, Salvatore; Słowinski, Roman; Tanino, Tetsuzo 9 2003 Solving the general project scheduling problem with multiple constrained resources by mathematical programming. Zbl 0372.90062 Slowinski, Roman; Weglarz, Jan 9 1978 Fuzzy set extensions of the dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1147.68078 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowiński, Roman 9 2008 Handling various types of uncertainty in the rough set approach. Zbl 0819.68042 Słowiński, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy 9 1994 Preference disaggregation for multiple criteria sorting with partial monotonicity constraints: application to exposure management of nanomaterials. Zbl 1471.90076 Kadziński, Miłosz; Martyn, Krzysztof; Cinelli, Marco; Słowiński, Roman; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore 9 2020 Selection of a representative set of parameters for robust ordinal regression outranking methods. Zbl 1251.91020 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 9 2012 Preferential reducts and constructs in robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. Zbl 1305.91081 Kadziński, Miłosz; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 9 2014 Exploitation of a rough approximation of the outranking relation in multicriteria choice and ranking. Zbl 0923.90092 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman; Tsoukiàs, Alexis 8 1998 Rough sets and current trends in computing. 4th international conference, RSCTC 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1–5, 2004. Proceedings. Zbl 1088.68009 8 2004 On variable consistency dominance-based rough set approaches. Zbl 1162.68520 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szeląg, Marcin 8 2006 L’ordonnancement des taches preemptives sur les processeurs independants en presence de ressources supplementaires. Zbl 0461.68035 Slowinski, Roman 8 1981 Methodology of rough-set-based classification and sorting with hierarchical structure of attributes and criteria. Zbl 1179.93031 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 8 2002 Fuzzy versus stochastic approaches to multicriteria linear programming under uncertainty. Zbl 0666.90078 Slowinski, R.; Teghem, J. jun. 8 1988 Generation of rough sets reducts and constructs based on inter-class and intra-class information. Zbl 1373.68405 Susmaga, Robert; Słowiński, Roman 8 2015 Recommending multiple criteria decision analysis methods with a new taxonomy-based decision support system. Zbl 1507.90078 Cinelli, Marco; Kadziński, Miłosz; Miebs, Grzegorz; Gonzalez, Michael; Słowiński, Roman 8 2022 Rough set approach to decisions under risk. Zbl 1013.91031 Greco, S.; Matarazzo, B.; Slowinski, R. 7 2001 Discriminant versus rough sets approach to vague data analysis. Zbl 0800.62006 Krusińska, Ewa; Słowiński, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy 7 1992 Dominance-based rough set approach to case-based reasoning. Zbl 1235.68154 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 7 2006 Fuzzy extensions of the dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1509.68271 Palangetić, Marko; Cornelis, Chris; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 7 2021 Handling imprecise evaluations in multiple criteria decision aiding and robust ordinal regression by \(n\)-point intervals. Zbl 1428.90078 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 7 2017 Incremental versus non-incremental rule induction for multicriteria classification. Zbl 1108.68610 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy; Żurawski, Marcin 6 2004 Post factum analysis for robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. Zbl 1410.91182 Kadziński, Miłosz; Ciomek, Krzysztof; Rychły, Paweł; Słowiński, Roman 6 2016 Quality of rough approximation in multi-criteria classification problems. Zbl 1162.68687 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 6 2006 Explainable AI for operational research: a defining framework, methods, applications, and a research agenda. Zbl 07881386 De Bock, Koen W.; Coussement, Kristof; Caigny, Arno De; Słowiński, Roman; Baesens, Bart; Boute, Robert N.; Choi, Tsan-Ming; Delen, Dursun; Kraus, Mathias; Lessmann, Stefan; Maldonado, Sebastián; Martens, David; Óskarsdóttir, María; Vairetti, Carla; Verbeke, Wouter; Weber, Richard 1 2024 Granular approximations: a novel statistical learning approach for handling data inconsistency with respect to a fuzzy relation. Zbl 07830046 Palangetić, Marko; Cornelis, Chris; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 3 2023 Consensus modeling with interactive utility and partial preorder of decision-makers, involving fairness and tolerant behavior. Zbl 1533.91160 Zhao, Yizhao; Gong, Zaiwu; Wei, Guo; Słowiński, Roman 3 2023 Recommending multiple criteria decision analysis methods with a new taxonomy-based decision support system. Zbl 1507.90078 Cinelli, Marco; Kadziński, Miłosz; Miebs, Grzegorz; Gonzalez, Michael; Słowiński, Roman 8 2022 Granular representation of OWA-based fuzzy rough sets. Zbl 1522.68580 Palangetić, Marko; Cornelis, Chris; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 4 2022 Fuzzy extensions of the dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1509.68271 Palangetić, Marko; Cornelis, Chris; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 7 2021 Empirical risk minimization for dominance-based rough set approaches. Zbl 1523.68097 Kusunoki, Yoshifumi; Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 5 2021 Preference disaggregation for multiple criteria sorting with partial monotonicity constraints: application to exposure management of nanomaterials. Zbl 1471.90076 Kadziński, Miłosz; Martyn, Krzysztof; Cinelli, Marco; Słowiński, Roman; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore 9 2020 Rough sets meet statistics – a new view on rough set reasoning about numerical data. Zbl 1509.68272 Palangetić, Marko; Cornelis, Chris; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 1 2020 Preference disaggregation within the regularization framework for sorting problems with multiple potentially non-monotonic criteria. Zbl 1430.90335 Liu, Jiapeng; Liao, Xiuwu; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 19 2019 Multiple criteria hierarchy process for sorting problems based on ordinal regression with additive value functions. Zbl 1408.90148 Corrente, Salvatore; Doumpos, Michael; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Zopounidis, Constantin 15 2017 Forty years of the European Journal of Operational Research: a bibliometric overview. Zbl 1375.90004 Laengle, Sigifredo; Merigó, José M.; Miranda, Jaime; Słowiński, Roman; Bomze, Immanuel; Borgonovo, Emanuele; Dyson, Robert G.; Oliveira, José Fernando; Teunter, Ruud 14 2017 Handling imprecise evaluations in multiple criteria decision aiding and robust ordinal regression by \(n\)-point intervals. Zbl 1428.90078 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 7 2017 Rough set analysis of classification data with missing values. Zbl 1489.68304 Szeląg, Marcin; Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Słowiński, Roman 5 2017 Multiple criteria hierarchy process for ELECTRE tri methods. Zbl 1346.90420 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 18 2016 Using Choquet integral as preference model in interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization. Zbl 1346.90731 Branke, Juergen; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Zielniewicz, Piotr 16 2016 Measures of rule interestingness in various perspectives of confirmation. Zbl 1398.68537 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczęch, Izabela 10 2016 Post factum analysis for robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. Zbl 1410.91182 Kadziński, Miłosz; Ciomek, Krzysztof; Rychły, Paweł; Słowiński, Roman 6 2016 Modeling assignment-based pairwise comparisons within integrated framework for value-driven multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1339.91043 Kadziński, Miłosz; Ciomek, Krzysztof; Słowiński, Roman 16 2015 Generation of rough sets reducts and constructs based on inter-class and intra-class information. Zbl 1373.68405 Susmaga, Robert; Słowiński, Roman 8 2015 Empirical risk minimization for variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1444.68216 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Kusunoki, Yoshifumi; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 1 2015 Robust ordinal regression for value functions handling interacting criteria. Zbl 1339.90171 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 28 2014 Robust ordinal regression for dominance-based rough set approach to multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1355.91029 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 20 2014 Variable consistency dominance-based rough set approach to preference learning in multicriteria ranking. Zbl 1354.68228 Szeląg, Marcin; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 18 2014 Preferential reducts and constructs in robust multiple criteria ranking and sorting. Zbl 1305.91081 Kadziński, Miłosz; Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 9 2014 Robust ordinal regression in preference learning and ranking. Zbl 1300.68040 Corrente, Salvatore; Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 47 2013 DIS-CARD: a new method of multiple criteria sorting to classes with desired cardinality. Zbl 1272.90072 Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 13 2013 Finding meaningful Bayesian confirmation measures. Zbl 1275.68117 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczęch, Izabela 5 2013 Comments on: Multicriteria decision systems for financial problems. Zbl 1273.90095 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 1 2013 Selection of a representative value function in robust multiple criteria ranking and choice. Zbl 1244.91026 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 29 2012 Properties of rule interestingness measures and alternative approaches to normalization of measures. Zbl 1251.68178 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczȩch, Izabela 15 2012 Selection of a representative set of parameters for robust ordinal regression outranking methods. Zbl 1251.91020 Kadziński, Miłosz; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 9 2012 The bipolar complemented De Morgan Brouwer-Zadeh distributive lattice as an algebraic structure for the dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1259.03083 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 3 2012 Selection of a representative value function in robust multiple criteria sorting. Zbl 1210.90102 Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Słowiński, Roman 28 2011 ELECTRE\(^{\text{GKMS}}\): Robust ordinal regression for outranking methods. Zbl 1218.90086 Greco, Salvatore; Kadziński, Miłosz; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 22 2011 Multiple criteria sorting with a set of additive value functions. Zbl 1206.91021 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 54 2010 Robust ordinal regression. Zbl 1200.90098 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Figueira, José Rui; Mousseau, Vincent 23 2010 Dominance-based rough set approach to decision under uncertainty and time preference. Zbl 1233.91080 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 17 2010 Interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization driven by robust ordinal regression. Zbl 1428.90148 Branke, J.; Greco, S.; Słowiński, R.; Zielniewicz, P. 6 2010 On topological dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1288.68208 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 6 2010 Beyond sequential covering – boosted decision rules. Zbl 1185.68521 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 4 2010 Learning of rule ensembles for multiple attribute ranking problems. Zbl 1214.68279 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman; Szeląg, Marcin 4 2010 Transactions on Rough Sets XII. Zbl 1194.68059 1 2010 Building a set of additive value functions representing a reference preorder and intensities of preference: GRIP method. Zbl 1159.91341 Figueira, José Rui; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 55 2009 Rough set approach to multiple criteria classification with imprecise evaluations and assignments. Zbl 1163.90540 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 39 2009 Monotonic variable consistency rough set approaches. Zbl 1191.68673 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szelg, Marcin 36 2009 Learning rule ensembles for ordinal classification with monotonicity constraints. Zbl 1192.68512 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 11 2009 Analysis of monotonicity properties of some rule interestingness measures. Zbl 1235.93034 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szczȩch, Izabela 2 2009 Multiobjective optimization. Interactive and evolutionary approaches. Zbl 1147.68304 161 2008 Ordinal regression revisited: Multiple criteria ranking using a set of additive value functions. Zbl 1147.90013 Greco, Salvatore; Mousseau, Vincent; Słowiński, Roman 98 2008 Parameterized rough set model using rough membership and Bayesian confirmation measures. Zbl 1191.68678 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 48 2008 Stochastic dominance-based rough set model for ordinal classification. Zbl 1173.68734 Kotłowski, Wojciech; Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 39 2008 Handling effects of reinforced preference and counter-veto in credibility of outranking. Zbl 1135.90020 Roy, Bernard; Słowiński, Roman 17 2008 Multicriteria decision support using rules that represent rough-graded preference relations. Zbl 1135.90019 Fortemps, Philippe; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 17 2008 Fuzzy set extensions of the dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1147.68078 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowiński, Roman 9 2008 Dominance-based rough set approach and bipolar abstract rough approximation spaces. Zbl 1185.68691 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 1 2008 Multi-criteria classification – a new scheme for application of dominance-based decision rules. Zbl 1121.90073 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 45 2007 Dominance-based rough set approach as a proper way of handling graduality in rough set theory. Zbl 1187.03042 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 12 2007 Transactions on Rough Sets VII. Commemorating life and work of Zdzisław Pawlak, Part II. Zbl 1115.68006 3 2007 Fuzzy rough sets and multiple-premise gradual decision rules. Zbl 1093.68114 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Slowinski, Roman 32 2006 Additive preference model with piecewise linear components resulting from dominance-based rough set approximations. Zbl 1298.68265 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 12 2006 On variable consistency dominance-based rough set approaches. Zbl 1162.68520 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Szeląg, Marcin 8 2006 Dominance-based rough set approach to case-based reasoning. Zbl 1235.68154 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 7 2006 Quality of rough approximation in multi-criteria classification problems. Zbl 1162.68687 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Kotłowski, Wojciech; Słowiński, Roman 6 2006 Rough sets and current trends in computing. 5th international conference, RSCTC 2006, Kobe, Japan, November 6–8, 2006. Proceedings. Zbl 1147.68006 5 2006 Dominance-based rough set approach to decision involving multiple decision makers. Zbl 1162.91332 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 5 2006 Rough set approach to customer satisfaction analysis. Zbl 1162.68688 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 2 2006 Multi-criteria assignment problem with incompatibility and capacity constraints. Zbl 1187.90178 Roy, Bernard; Słowiński, Roman 2 2006 Decision rule approach. (90b50.) Zbl 1072.90534 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 29 2005 Rough membership and Bayesian confirmation measures for parameterized rough sets. Zbl 1134.68531 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 18 2005 Second-order rough approximations in multi-criteria classification with imprecise evaluations and assignments. Zbl 1134.68525 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 5 2005 Supporting triage of children with abdominal pain in the emergency room. Zbl 1061.90067 Wilk, Sz.; Słowiński, R.; Michałowski, W.; Greco, S. 2 2005 Generalizing rough set theory through dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1155.68528 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 2 2005 Measuring expected effects of interventions based on decision rules. Zbl 1104.68103 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Pappalardo, Nello; Slowinski, Roman 1 2005 Axiomatic characterization of a general utility function and its particular cases in terms of conjoint measurement and rough-set decision rules. Zbl 1067.90071 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 32 2004 Rough sets and current trends in computing. 4th international conference, RSCTC 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, June 1–5, 2004. Proceedings. Zbl 1088.68009 8 2004 Incremental versus non-incremental rule induction for multicriteria classification. Zbl 1108.68610 Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy; Żurawski, Marcin 6 2004 A new proposal for fuzzy rough approximations and gradual decision rule representation. Zbl 1108.68609 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 2 2004 Inducing jury’s preferences in terms of acoustic features of violin sounds. Zbl 1058.68660 Jelonek, Jacek; Łukasik, Ewa; Naganowski, Aleksander; Słowiński, Roman 1 2004 Bayesian confirmation measures within rough set approach. Zbl 1103.68848 Greco, Salvatore; Pawlak, Zdzisław; Słowiński, Roman 1 2004 Rough set methodology in clinical practice: Controlled hospital trial of the MET system. Zbl 1103.68844 Farion, Ken; Michalowski, Wojtek; Słowiński, Roman; Wilk, Szymon; Rubin, Steven 1 2004 Multicriteria choice and ranking using decision rules induced from rough approximation of graded preference relations. Zbl 1103.68845 Fortemps, Philippe; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 1 2004 Incremental induction of decision rules from dominance-based rough approximations. Zbl 1270.68308 Błaszczyński, Jerzy; Słowiński, Roman 10 2003 Possibility and necessity measure specification using modifiers for decision making under fuzziness. Zbl 1076.91011 Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Greco, Salvatore; Słowinski, Roman; Tanino, Tetsuzo 9 2003 Rough sets and gradual decision rules. Zbl 1026.68627 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 3 2003 Possibility and necessity measures in dominance-based rough set approach. Zbl 1165.90492 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 1 2003 Rough approximation by dominance relations. Zbl 0997.68135 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 97 2002 Rough sets methodology for sorting problems in presence of multiple attributes and criteria. Zbl 1008.90509 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 88 2002 Axiomatization of utility, outranking and decision rule preference models for multiple-criteria classification problems under partial inconsistency with the dominance principle. Zbl 1180.91081 Słowiński, Roman; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 33 2002 Rough set analysis of preference-ordered data. Zbl 1013.68599 Słowiński, Roman; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto 13 2002 A graded quadrivalent logic for ordinal preference modelling: Loyola-like approach. Zbl 1091.91504 Fortemps, Philippe; Słowiński, Roman 10 2002 Methodology of rough-set-based classification and sorting with hierarchical structure of attributes and criteria. Zbl 1179.93031 Dembczyński, Krzysztof; Greco, Salvatore; Słowiński, Roman 8 2002 Generalized decision algorithms, rough inference rules, and flow graphs. Zbl 1013.91503 Greco, Salvatore; Pawlak, Zdzisław; Słowiński, Roman 5 2002 Preference representation by means of conjoint measurement and decision rule model. Zbl 1109.91336 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 5 2002 Dominance-based rough set approach using possibility and necessity measures. Zbl 1013.91502 Greco, Salvatore; Inuiguchi, Masahiro; Słowiński, Roman 4 2002 Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. Essays in honor of Bernard Roy. Zbl 1048.90002 3 2002 Searching for an equivalence between decision rules and concordance-discordance preference model in multicriteria choice problems. Zbl 1180.90152 Greco, Salvatore; Prȩdki, Bartłomiej; Słowiński, Roman 2 2002 Variable consistency monotonic decision trees. Zbl 1013.68608 Giove, Silvio; Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Słowiński, Roman 1 2002 Mining association rules in preference-ordered data. Zbl 1049.68628 Greco, Salvatore; Slowinski, Roman; Stefanowski, Jerzy 1 2002 Rough sets theory for multicriteria decision analysis. Zbl 1008.91016 Greco, Salvatore; Matarazzo, Benedetto; Slowinski, Roman 260 2001 ...and 75 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,553 Authors 73 Słowiński, Roman 63 Greco, Salvatore 31 Figueira, José Rui 27 Chen, Degang 27 Mousseau, Vincent A. 26 Kadziński, Miłosz 22 Inuiguchi, Masahiro 22 Zopounidis, Constantin 21 Miao, Duoqian 21 Yao, Yiyu 20 Corrente, Salvatore 20 Miettinen, Kaisa M. 19 Bouyssou, Denis 19 Li, Tianrui 18 Doumpos, Michael 18 Xu, Weihua 17 Cornelis, Chris 16 Pirlot, Marc 15 Dubois, Didier 15 Liang, Jiye 15 Qian, Yuhua 15 Wu, Hsien-Chung 14 Hu, Qinghua 14 Wu, Weizhi 13 de Werra, Dominique 13 Fernández, Eduardo R. 13 Fujita, Hamido 13 Matarazzo, Benedetto 13 Mi, Jusheng 12 Hu, Baoqing 12 Luque, Mariano 12 Prade, Henri M. 12 Sun, Bingzhen 12 Zhang, Wenxiu 12 Zhang, Xianyong 11 Dias, Luis C. 11 Labreuche, Christophe 11 Marchant, Thierry 11 Navarro, Jorge Adalberto 11 Ruiz, Francisco Javier 11 Wang, Changzhong 10 Chen, Hongmei 10 Dang, Chuangyin 10 Leung, Andrew Yee-Tak 10 Liao, Xiuwu 10 Luo, Chuan 10 Ma, Weimin 10 Roy, Bernard 10 Sakawa, Masatoshi 9 Błażewicz, Jacek 9 Ouerdane, Wassila 8 Dai, Jianhua 8 Drexl, Andreas 8 Grabisch, Michel 8 Györgyi, Péter 8 Ishizaka, Alessio 8 Pedrycz, Witold 8 Xu, Jiuping 8 Zhan, Jianming 7 Belahcene, Khaled 7 Grzymala-Busse, Jerzy W. 7 Herroelen, Willy S. 7 Liu, Jiapeng 7 Min, Fan 7 Susmaga, Robert 7 Tervonen, Tommi 7 Vanhoucke, Mario 7 Yang, Xibei 7 Zhang, Xiaoyan 6 Błaszczyński, Jerzy 6 de Almeida, Adiel Teixeira 6 Fortemps, Philippe 6 Giarlotta, Alfio 6 Kis, Tamás 6 Korhonen, Pekka J. 6 Lahdelma, Risto 6 Li, Tongjun 6 Li, Zhaowen 6 Liu, Guilong 6 Martel, Jean-Marc 6 Moshkov, Mikhail Ju. 6 Pawlak, Zdzisław 6 Qian, Jin 6 Szczȩch, Izabela 6 Vetschera, Rudolf 6 Wallenius, Jyrki 6 Wang, Guoyin 6 Węglarz, Jan 6 Zhu, Ping 5 Angilella, Silvia 5 Chakhar, Salem 5 Chalco-Cano, Yurilev 5 Chiaselotti, Giampiero 5 Du, Wensheng 5 Gentile, Tommaso 5 Ghosh, Debdas 5 Hu, Jie 5 Jansen, Klaus 5 Katagiri, Hideki 5 Kato, Kosuke ...and 2,453 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 165 Serials 429 European Journal of Operational Research 207 Information Sciences 117 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 95 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 63 Annals of Operations Research 55 Computers & Operations Research 27 International Transactions in Operational Research 24 Soft Computing 18 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 16 Journal of Global Optimization 16 OR Spectrum 16 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 14 Discrete Applied Mathematics 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 12 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 11 Theoretical Computer Science 11 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 11 CEJOR. 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Operations Research 6 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 5 Applied Mathematical Modelling 5 Pattern Recognition 5 SIAM Journal on Optimization 5 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 5 Optimization Methods & Software 5 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 5 Optimization Letters 4 OR Spektrum 4 Filomat 4 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 4 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 4 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Operations Research 3 Opsearch 3 Mathematical Social Sciences 3 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 3 Automation and Remote Control 3 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 3 ZOR. 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