Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Smirnova, N. S. Co-Author Distance Author ID: smirnova.n-s Published as: Smirnova, N. S. Documents Indexed: 21 Publications since 1968 Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications 184 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 2 Bajmagambetov, U. 2 Molotkov, Lev Anatolievich 2 Surkov, Yu. A. 2 Utyuzhnikov, Sergey V. 1 Chikitkin, A. V. 1 Gasilov, Vladimir A. 1 Petrov, Mikhail N. 1 Podryga, Viktoriia O. 1 Poveshchenko, Yu. A. 1 Sharova, Yu. S. 1 Titarev, Vladimir A. 1 Voronich, I. V. all top 5 Serials 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 1 Communications in Computational Physics Fields 17 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 9 Publications have been cited 19 times in 11 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the calculation of wave fields propagating in multilayer media. Zbl 0850.73058 Smirnova, N. S. 4 1992 An algorithm for determining wave fields in multilayer elastic media. Zbl 0835.73015 Smirnova, N. S. 4 1990 Unsteady interface boundary conditions for near-wall turbulence modeling. Zbl 1443.76137 Utyuzhnikov, S.; Smirnova, N. 4 2020 An algorithm for determining fields of summary multiple waves with source and receiver arbitrarily placed in an elastic medium. Zbl 0872.73007 Smirnova, N. S. 3 1994 Investigation of dispersion equations of a free transversal-isotropic elastic layer. Zbl 0481.73028 Molotkov, L. A.; Bajmagambetov, U.; Smirnova, N. S. 2 1980 On a fast method for computation of the field of waves reflected by a thin elastic layer. Zbl 0724.73060 Smirnova, N. S. 2 1989 Integral-consistent numerical technique for self-gravitating medium model. Zbl 1440.85002 Sharova, Yu. S.; Poveshchenko, Yu. A.; Gasilov, V. A.; Smirnova, N. S.; Podryga, V. O. 2 2019 On a fast method for computing the field of waves reflected by a thin elastic layer. Zbl 0741.73045 Smirnova, N. S. 1 1989 Calculation of a wave field in a multilayered medium. Zbl 0921.73101 Smirnova, N. S. 1 1995 Unsteady interface boundary conditions for near-wall turbulence modeling. Zbl 1443.76137 Utyuzhnikov, S.; Smirnova, N. 4 2020 Integral-consistent numerical technique for self-gravitating medium model. Zbl 1440.85002 Sharova, Yu. S.; Poveshchenko, Yu. A.; Gasilov, V. A.; Smirnova, N. S.; Podryga, V. O. 2 2019 Calculation of a wave field in a multilayered medium. Zbl 0921.73101 Smirnova, N. S. 1 1995 An algorithm for determining fields of summary multiple waves with source and receiver arbitrarily placed in an elastic medium. Zbl 0872.73007 Smirnova, N. S. 3 1994 On the calculation of wave fields propagating in multilayer media. Zbl 0850.73058 Smirnova, N. S. 4 1992 An algorithm for determining wave fields in multilayer elastic media. Zbl 0835.73015 Smirnova, N. S. 4 1990 On a fast method for computation of the field of waves reflected by a thin elastic layer. Zbl 0724.73060 Smirnova, N. S. 2 1989 On a fast method for computing the field of waves reflected by a thin elastic layer. Zbl 0741.73045 Smirnova, N. S. 1 1989 Investigation of dispersion equations of a free transversal-isotropic elastic layer. Zbl 0481.73028 Molotkov, L. A.; Bajmagambetov, U.; Smirnova, N. S. 2 1980 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 11 Authors 5 Smirnova, N. S. 2 Molotkov, Lev Anatolievich 2 Podryga, Viktoriia O. 2 Poveshchenko, Yury 2 Rahimly, Orkhan 1 Gasilova, Irina 1 Petrashen, Georgii Ivanovich 1 Rahimly, Parvin 1 Reshetnikov, V. V. 1 Surkov, Yu. A. 1 Tadi, Mohsen Cited in 4 Serials 8 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Journal of Computational Acoustics all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year