Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Solov’ëv, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: soloviev.sergei-vladimirovich Published as: Soloviev, Sergei; Solov’ev, S. V.; Soloviev, S.; Soloviev, S. V.; Soloviev, Sergei Vladimirovich; Solov’ev, Sergei V.; Soloviev, Sergei V.; Soloviev, Sergej more...less Further Spellings: Соловьёв Сергей Владимирович; Соловьев Сергей В Homepage: https://www.irit.fr/~Sergei.Soloviev/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 48 Publications since 1979 3 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 87 Reviews Co-Authors: 40 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 1,023 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 18 single-authored 7 Luo, Zhaohui 3 Babaev, Ali A. 3 Chemouil, David 3 Méhats, Laurent 2 Barral, Freiric 2 El Khoury, Antoine C. 2 Longo, Giuseppe 2 Milsted, Kathleen 2 Mints, Grigoriĭ Efroimovich 2 Slisenko, A. O. 2 Spivakovsky, Mark 1 Aczel, Peter 1 Ahrens, Benedikt 1 Altenkirch, Thorsten 1 Angiuli, Carlo 1 Asher, Nicholas M. 1 Avigad, Jeremy 1 Awodey, Steve 1 Baranov, S. N. 1 Baranov, Sergey P. 1 Barras, Bruno 1 Bauer, Andrej 1 Bertot, Yves 1 Bezem, Marc 1 Bordg, Anthony 1 Brown, Ronald 1 Brunerie, Guillaume 1 Chernov, V. P. 1 Cohen, Cyril 1 Constable, Robert Lee 1 Coquand, Thierry 1 Curien, Pierre-Louis 1 Dantsin, Evgeny 1 Davydov, G. V. 1 Dybjer, Peter 1 Féraud, Louis 1 Finster, Eric 1 Gambino, Nicola 1 Garner, Richard 1 Gonthier, Georges 1 Grayson, Daniel Richard 1 Grigor’ev, Dmitriĭ Yur’evich 1 Hales, Thomas Callister 1 Harper, Robert 1 Herbelin, Hugo 1 Higgins, Philip John 1 Hirsch, Edward A. 1 Hofmann, Martin 1 Hofstra, Pieter J. W. 1 Hötzel Escardó, Martín 1 Hou (Favonia), Kuen-Bang 1 Jones, Alex K. 1 Joyal, André 1 Kapulkin, Krzysztof 1 Karavaev, Eh. F. 1 Kock, Joachim 1 Konev, B. Yu. 1 Kossovsky, N. K. 1 Kraus, Nicolai 1 Kreinovich, Vladik Yakovlevich 1 Li, Nuo 1 Licata, Dan 1 Lifschitz, Vladimir 1 Lisitsa, Vadim 1 Lumsdaine, Peter LeFanu 1 Luo, Yong 1 Mahboubi, Assia 1 Malakhovski, J. 1 Margenstern, Maurice 1 Martin-Löf, Per 1 Matiyasevich, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 1 Matthes, Ralph 1 Melikhov, Sergey Aleksandrovich 1 Nahas, Michael 1 Novikov, Mikhail 1 Orevkov, V. P. 1 Orevkov, Vladimir 1 Orlova, Nadezda 1 Orlova, Nadezhda Khadjimerzanovna 1 Palmgren, Erik 1 Pelayo, Alvaro 1 Pliuškevičius, Regimantas 1 Polonsky, Andrew 1 Rebout, Maxime 1 Riehl, Emily 1 Rijke, Egbert 1 Scott, Dana Stewart 1 Scott, Philip J. 1 Shulman, Michael A. 1 Sivera, Rafael 1 Sojakova, Kristina 1 Sozeau, Matthieu 1 Spitters, Bas 1 Van den Berg, Benno 1 Voevodskiĭ, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Vsemirnov, Maxim 1 Warren, Michael Alton 1 Wensley, Christopher D. 1 Xue, Taoxue 1 Zaslavskii, Igor Dmitrievich ...and 1 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 5 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 5 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 3 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Information and Computation 1 Journal of Logic and Computation 1 Historia Mathematica 1 Matematicheskie Struktury i Modelirovanie 1 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 EMS Tracts in Mathematics 1 Logicheskie Issledovaniya all top 5 Fields 37 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 24 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 28 Publications have been cited 104 times in 64 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Homotopy type theory. Univalent foundations of mathematics. Zbl 1298.03002 The Univalent Foundations Program 272 2013 Nonabelian algebraic topology. Filtered spaces, crossed complexes, cubical homotopy groupoids. With contributions by Christopher D. Wensley and Sergei V. Soloviev. Zbl 1237.55001 Brown, Ronald; Higgins, Philip J.; Sivera, Rafael 99 2011 The category of finite sets and Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0509.18002 Solov’ev, S. V. 15 1983 The genericity theorem and parametricity in the polymorphic \(\lambda\)- calculus. Zbl 0793.03008 Longo, Giuseppe; Milsted, Kathleen; Soloviev, Sergei 11 1993 On the conditions of full coherence in closed categories. Zbl 0723.18008 Soloviev, S. V. 8 1990 A complete axiom system for isomorphism of types in closed categories. Zbl 0797.18008 Soloviev, S. 7 1993 Coercive subtyping: theory and implementation. Zbl 1267.03042 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, S.; Xue, Taoxue 7 2013 Coherence and transitivity of subtyping as entailment. Zbl 0959.03042 Longo, Giuseppe; Milsted, Kathleen; Soloviev, Sergei 6 2000 Coercion completion and conservativity in coercive subtyping. Zbl 1011.03017 Soloviev, Sergei; Luo, Zhaohui 6 2002 Proof of a conjecture of S. Mac Lane. Zbl 0895.03028 Soloviev, S. 6 1997 A coherence theorem for canonical morphisms in Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0493.03032 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 4 1982 On natural transformations of distinguished functors and their superpositions in certain closed categories. Zbl 0625.18002 Soloviev, S. V. 4 1987 Some algorithmic and proof-theoretical aspects of coercive subtyping. Zbl 0927.03081 Jones, Alex; Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 3 1998 A coherence theorem for canonical maps in Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0429.03037 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 3 1979 Reductions in intuitionistic linear logic. Zbl 0847.03005 Soloviev, Sergei 2 1995 A deciding algorithm for linear isomorphism of types with complexity \(O(n\log^ 2(n))\). Zbl 0884.68057 Andreev, A.; Soloviev, S. 2 1997 On isomorphism of dependent products in a typed logical framework. Zbl 1367.68077 Soloviev, Sergei 2 2015 Coherence in SMCCs and equivalences on derivations in IMML with unit. Zbl 1117.18005 Méhats, L.; Soloviev, S. 2 2007 Preservation of equivalence of derivations under reduction of depth of formulas. Zbl 0493.03031 Solov’ev, S. V. 2 1982 Dependent event types. Zbl 1496.03056 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 2 2017 Weak transitivity in coercive subtyping. Zbl 1023.68017 Luo, Yong; Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 1 2003 On conditions of full coherence in biclosed categories: A new application of proof theory. Zbl 0739.18002 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 1 1990 Dependent coercions. Zbl 0967.68047 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 1 1999 On the history of logic in Russia before revolution: strategies of academic interaction. Zbl 1392.03004 Orlova, Nadezhda Khadjimerzanovna; Soloviev, Sergei Vladimirovich 1 2016 The category of finite sets and Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0474.18003 Solov’ev, S. V. 1 1981 On categorical equivalence of Gentzen-style derivations in IMLL. Zbl 1019.03041 Soloviev, Sergei; Orevkov, Vladimir 1 2003 Automorphisms of types in certain type theories and representation of finite groups. Zbl 1456.03028 Soloviev, Sergei 1 2019 Conditionally reversible computations and weak universality in category theory. Zbl 1311.18003 Baranov, S. N.; Soloviev, S. V. 1 2014 Automorphisms of types in certain type theories and representation of finite groups. Zbl 1456.03028 Soloviev, Sergei 1 2019 Dependent event types. Zbl 1496.03056 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 2 2017 On the history of logic in Russia before revolution: strategies of academic interaction. Zbl 1392.03004 Orlova, Nadezhda Khadjimerzanovna; Soloviev, Sergei Vladimirovich 1 2016 On isomorphism of dependent products in a typed logical framework. Zbl 1367.68077 Soloviev, Sergei 2 2015 Conditionally reversible computations and weak universality in category theory. Zbl 1311.18003 Baranov, S. N.; Soloviev, S. V. 1 2014 Homotopy type theory. Univalent foundations of mathematics. Zbl 1298.03002 The Univalent Foundations Program 272 2013 Coercive subtyping: theory and implementation. Zbl 1267.03042 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, S.; Xue, Taoxue 7 2013 Nonabelian algebraic topology. Filtered spaces, crossed complexes, cubical homotopy groupoids. With contributions by Christopher D. Wensley and Sergei V. Soloviev. Zbl 1237.55001 Brown, Ronald; Higgins, Philip J.; Sivera, Rafael 99 2011 Coherence in SMCCs and equivalences on derivations in IMML with unit. Zbl 1117.18005 Méhats, L.; Soloviev, S. 2 2007 Weak transitivity in coercive subtyping. Zbl 1023.68017 Luo, Yong; Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 1 2003 On categorical equivalence of Gentzen-style derivations in IMLL. Zbl 1019.03041 Soloviev, Sergei; Orevkov, Vladimir 1 2003 Coercion completion and conservativity in coercive subtyping. Zbl 1011.03017 Soloviev, Sergei; Luo, Zhaohui 6 2002 Coherence and transitivity of subtyping as entailment. Zbl 0959.03042 Longo, Giuseppe; Milsted, Kathleen; Soloviev, Sergei 6 2000 Dependent coercions. Zbl 0967.68047 Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 1 1999 Some algorithmic and proof-theoretical aspects of coercive subtyping. Zbl 0927.03081 Jones, Alex; Luo, Zhaohui; Soloviev, Sergei 3 1998 Proof of a conjecture of S. Mac Lane. Zbl 0895.03028 Soloviev, S. 6 1997 A deciding algorithm for linear isomorphism of types with complexity \(O(n\log^ 2(n))\). Zbl 0884.68057 Andreev, A.; Soloviev, S. 2 1997 Reductions in intuitionistic linear logic. Zbl 0847.03005 Soloviev, Sergei 2 1995 The genericity theorem and parametricity in the polymorphic \(\lambda\)- calculus. Zbl 0793.03008 Longo, Giuseppe; Milsted, Kathleen; Soloviev, Sergei 11 1993 A complete axiom system for isomorphism of types in closed categories. Zbl 0797.18008 Soloviev, S. 7 1993 On the conditions of full coherence in closed categories. Zbl 0723.18008 Soloviev, S. V. 8 1990 On conditions of full coherence in biclosed categories: A new application of proof theory. Zbl 0739.18002 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 1 1990 On natural transformations of distinguished functors and their superpositions in certain closed categories. Zbl 0625.18002 Soloviev, S. V. 4 1987 The category of finite sets and Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0509.18002 Solov’ev, S. V. 15 1983 A coherence theorem for canonical morphisms in Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0493.03032 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 4 1982 Preservation of equivalence of derivations under reduction of depth of formulas. Zbl 0493.03031 Solov’ev, S. V. 2 1982 The category of finite sets and Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0474.18003 Solov’ev, S. V. 1 1981 A coherence theorem for canonical maps in Cartesian closed categories. Zbl 0429.03037 Babaev, A. A.; Solov’ev, S. V. 3 1979 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 81 Authors 10 Luo, Zhaohui 10 Solov’ëv, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 5 Chatzikyriakidis, Stergios 4 Di Cosmo, Roberto 3 Petrić, Zoran 3 Rittri, Mikael 2 Berardi, Stefano 2 Blute, Richard F. 2 Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola 2 Hirokawa, Sachio 2 Méhats, Laurent 2 Pistone, Paolo 2 Salvati, Sylvain 1 Abadi, Martín 1 Abramsky, Samson 1 Adams, Robin 1 Balat, Vincent 1 Barbanera, Franco 1 Berline, Chantal 1 Bourreau, Pierre 1 Bruce, Kim B. 1 Cardelli, Luca 1 Castagna, Giuseppe 1 Chen, Gang 1 Cockett, J. Robin B. 1 Compagnoni, Adriana B. 1 Considine, Jeffrey 1 Coppo, Mario 1 Čubrić, Djordje 1 Curien, Pierre-Louis 1 de Lataillade, Joachim 1 Díaz-Caro, Alejandro 1 Došen, Kosta 1 Dowek, Gilles 1 El Khoury, Antoine C. 1 Fiore, Marcelo P. 1 Gesbert, Nils 1 Gil, Joseph 1 Giovannetti, Elio 1 Goguen, Healfdene 1 Grudzińska, Justyna 1 Guidi, Ferruccio 1 Heunen, Chris 1 Jaber, Guilhem 1 Jagadeesan, Radha 1 Klev, Ansten Mørch 1 Kobele, Gregory M. 1 Koutavas, Vasileios 1 Lamarche, François 1 Lämmel, Ralf 1 Levy, Paul Blain 1 Longo, Giuseppe 1 Luo, Yong 1 Malakhovski, J. 1 Margaria, Ines 1 Minari, Pierluigi 1 Narendran, Paliath 1 Naumov, Pavel G. 1 Orevkov, Vladimir 1 Orlova, Nadezda 1 Padovani, Luca 1 Pagnan, Ruggero 1 Palsberg, Jens 1 Pfenning, Frank 1 Sacerdoti Coen, Claudio 1 Seely, Robert A. G. 1 Soares Barbosa, Rui 1 Spivakovsky, Mark 1 Statman, Richard 1 Sumii, Eijiro 1 Tassi, Enrico 1 Tatsuta, Makoto 1 Tranchini, Luca 1 Trimble, Todd H. 1 Tzevelekos, Nikos 1 Xue, Tao 1 Zacchi, Maddalena 1 Zawadowski, Marek 1 Zekić, Mladen 1 Zhao, Tian 1 Zibin, Yoav all top 5 Cited in 15 Serials 8 Theoretical Computer Science 7 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 7 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Information and Computation 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Historia Mathematica 1 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 1 Archive for Mathematical Logic 1 Journal of Functional Programming 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science all top 5 Cited in 8 Fields 44 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 35 Computer science (68-XX) 15 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.