Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Stechkin, Sergeĭ Borisovich (b. 1920 d. 1995) Co-Author Distance Author ID: stechkin.sergei-borisovich Published as: Stechkin, S. B. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 120 Publications since 1948, including 2 Books 11 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 17 Publications Co-Authors: 47 Co-Authors with 44 Joint Publications 1,447 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 85 single-authored 9 Ul’yanov, Pëtr Lavrent’evich 8 Telyakovskiĭ, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 4 Efimov, Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich 3 Besov, Oleg Vladimirovich 3 Gavrilyuk, V. T. 3 Men’shov, Dmitriĭ Evgen’evich 3 Subbotin, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 2 Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich 2 Bari, Nina Karlovna 2 Konyagin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 2 Korneĭchuk, Nikolaĭ Pavlovich 2 Novikov, Igor Yakovlevich 2 Novikov, Sergeĭ Petrovich 2 Oskolkov, Konstantin Ilyich 2 Pogorelov, Alekseĭ Vasil’evich 2 Popov, Anton Yur’evich 2 Poznyak, Èduard Genrikhovich 2 Rashevskiĭ, Pëtr Konstantinovich 2 Rozendorn, Èmil’ Renol’dovich 2 Sabitov, Idzhad Khakovich 1 Ahlberg, J. H. 1 Alexits, György 1 Bochkarëv, Sergeĭ Viktorovich 1 Dolzhenko, Evgeniĭ Prokof’evich 1 Dzyadyk, Vladyslav Kyrylovych 1 Frolov, Yu. N. 1 Gonchar, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Kashin, Boris Sergeevich 1 Khavinson, Semën Yakovlevich 1 Kolmogorov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 1 Kudryavtsev, Lev Dmitrievich 1 Leviman, B. M. 1 Levin, Viktor Iosifovich 1 Levitan, Boris Moiseevich 1 Napalkov, Valentin Vasil’evich 1 Nikol’skiĭ, Sergeĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Nilson, Edwin N. 1 Oleĭnik, Ol’ga Arsen’evna 1 Osipov, Yuriĭ Sergeevich 1 Pokhozhaev, Stanislav I. 1 Sedletskiĭ, Anatoliĭ Mechislavovich 1 Stechkin, B. S. 1 Taikov, L. V. 1 Temlyakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 1 Vitushkin, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 1 Vladimirov, Vasiliĭ Sergeevich 1 Volkov, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 1 Walsh, Joseph Leonard 1 Zukhovitskiĭ, S. I. all top 5 Serials 15 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 13 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 12 Mathematical Notes 9 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 8 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. Novaya Seriya 8 Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 7 Matematicheskie Zametki 7 Russian Mathematical Surveys 7 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society 6 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 2 Analysis Mathematica 2 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 2 Fundamental’naya i Prikladnaya Matematika 2 Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Revue de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 1 Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 1 Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki 1 East Journal on Approximations all top 5 Fields 25 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 20 Number theory (11-XX) 15 History and biography (01-XX) 15 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 76 Publications have been cited 1,112 times in 987 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Beste Annäherungen und differentielle Eigenschaften zweier konjugierter Funktionen. Zbl 0072.05702 Bari, N. K.; Stechkin, S. B. 191 1956 Splines in numerical mathematics. (Splajny v vychislitel’noj matematike). Zbl 0462.65007 Stechkin, S. B.; Subbotin, Yu. N. 119 1976 Approximate compactness and Chebyshev sets. (Approximative Kompaktheit und Chebyshevsche Mengen.) Zbl 0103.08101 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 76 1961 Über die Ordnung der besten Approximationen stetiger Funktionen. Zbl 0042.30001 Stechkin, S. B. 66 1951 Best approximation of linear operators. Zbl 0168.12201 Stechkin, S. B. 53 1967 Some properties of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 0081.16402 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 52 1958 Über die absolute Konvergenz orthogonaler Reihen. Zbl 0068.05104 Stechkin, S. B. 45 1955 Approximative Eigenschaften von Mengen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0198.16202 Stechkin, S. B. 43 1963 Foundations of wavelet theory. Zbl 0955.42019 Novikov, I. Ya.; Stechkin, S. B. 34 1998 Über die Approximation periodischer Funktionen durch Fejersche Summen. Zbl 0106.27501 Stechkin, S. B. 32 1961 Inequalities. Zbl 0100.04503 Levin, V. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 30 1960 Verallgemeinerung einiger Ungleichungen von S. N. Bernstein. Zbl 0034.03801 Stechkin, S. B. 27 1948 On the approximation of periodic functions by de la Vallee Poussin sums. Zbl 0393.41009 Stechkin, S. B. 23 1978 An estimate of the remainder term of Fourier series for differentiable functions. Zbl 0442.42004 Stechkin, S. B. 19 1980 Some supporting properties of sets in Banach spaces as related to Chebyshev’s sets. Zbl 0095.08903 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 19 1959 Über die beste Annäherung gegebener Funktionenklassen durch beliebige Polynome. Zbl 0055.06001 Stechkin, S. B. 18 1954 Ein Extremalproblem für trigonometrische Reihen mit nichtnegativen Koeffizienten. Zbl 0259.42015 Stechkin, S. B. 16 1972 The theory of splines and their applications. Translated from the English by Yu. N. Subbotin. Edited by S. B. Stechkin and expanded by S. B. Stechkin and Yu. N. Subbotin. (Теория сплайнов и ее приложения.) Zbl 0238.65001 Ahlberg, J. H.; Nilson, E. N.; Walsh, J. L. 15 1972 Ungleichungen zwischen den Normen der Ableitungen einer beliebigen Funktion. Zbl 0139.07004 Stechkin, S. B. 14 1965 The zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0233.10020 Stechkin, S. B. 13 1971 Über die absolute Konvergenz von Fourierreihen. III. Zbl 0074.29104 Stechkin, S. B. 13 1956 On the approximation of abstract functions with values in a Banach space. Zbl 0073.05101 Zukhovitskiĭ, S. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 12 1956 Über die beste Approximation konjugierter Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0070.06501 Stechkin, S. B. 11 1956 Basic constructions of wavelets. Zbl 0936.42015 Novikov, I. Ya.; Stechkin, S. B. 10 1997 Über die absolute Konvergenz der Fourierreihen. II. Zbl 0065.05405 Stechkin, S. B. 10 1955 Estimate of a complete rational trigonometric sum. Zbl 0433.10026 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1977 Inequalities between the upper bounds of the derivatives of an arbitrary function on the half-line. Zbl 0157.37602 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1967 Einige Bemerkungen über trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0064.30401 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1955 Über die beste Annäherung einiger Klassen von periodischen Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0071.28304 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1956 Trigonometric series with monotone type coefficients. Zbl 1123.42300 Stechkin, S. B. 7 2001 Über die absolute Konvergenz von Orthogonalreihen. I. Zbl 0043.28803 Stechkin, S. B. 7 1951 Über Eindeutigkeitsmengen. Zbl 0107.05101 Stechkin, S. B.; Ul’yanov, P. L. 7 1962 Über die Approximation stetiger periodischer Funktionen vermittels Favardscher Summen. Zbl 0246.42001 Stechkin, S. B. 5 1971 Über die Konvergenz und Divergenz trigonometrischer Reihen. Zbl 0042.07303 Stechkin, S. B. 5 1951 An estimate of the remainder of the Fourier series for differentiable functions. Zbl 0458.42006 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1981 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0635.42002 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1987 Selected works. Mathematics. With a brief biography of Stechkin by V. I. Berdyshev, V. F. Kolchin, B. S. Stechkin, Yu. N. Subbotin, S. A. Telyakovskiĭ and N. I. Chernykh. Edited and with a preface by Subbotin and Telyakovskiĭ. (Избранные труды. Математика.) Zbl 0923.41002 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1998 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0517.42009 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1978 Über de la Vallée-Poussinsche Summen. Zbl 0045.34003 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1951 Über die besten lakunären Funktionensysteme. Zbl 0108.05703 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1961 Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces. Zbl 0088.31803 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1958 Über die Mittelwerte des Absolutbetrages einer trigonometrischen Summe. Zbl 0319.10045 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1975 On approximation of continuous periodic functions by Favard sums. Zbl 0285.42003 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1974 The approximation of periodic functions by Fejer sums. Zbl 0125.31201 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1963 The approximation of differentiable functions by trigonometric polynomials in the L metric. Zbl 0187.02102 Stechkin, S. B.; Telyakovskij, S. A. 3 1967 Über gewisse Extremaleigenschaften positiver trigonometrischer Polynome. Zbl 0219.10049 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1970 The asymptotic distribution of prime numbers on the average. Zbl 0894.11035 Stechkin, S. B.; Popov, A. Yu. 3 1996 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0577.42002 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 3 1985 Über die absolute Konvergenz der Fourierreihen. Zbl 0050.07203 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 Eine Abschätzung des Restes der Taylorschen Reihe für gewisse Klassen von analytischen Funktionen. Zbl 0052.07902 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 Über die Ordnung der besten Annäherungen stetiger Funktionen. Zbl 0038.21503 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1949 Über die Approximation stetiger Funktionen durch Fouriersche Summen. Zbl 0046.07102 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1952 Über den Satz von Kolmogorov-Seliverstov. Zbl 0052.06101 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 A problem of P.L.Ul’yanov. Zbl 0113.27402 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1962 Some extremal properties of trigonometric sums. Zbl 0832.11032 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1994 Eine Beschreibung der Stetigkeitsmoduln im \(L_2\). Zbl 0334.42024 Besov, O. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 2 1975 On mean values of the modulus of a trigonometric sum. Zbl 0373.10022 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1977 A remark on Jackson’s theorem. Zbl 0187.01902 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1967 Über Bilinearformen. Zbl 0035.19703 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1950 Zum Problem der Faktoren für trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0037.32802 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1950 Mean square value and arithmetic mean. Zbl 0102.28701 Stechkin, B. S.; Stechkin, S. B. 2 1961 Description of moduli of continuity in \(L_2\). Zbl 0374.42010 Besov, O. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1977 An estimate of Gaussian sums. Zbl 0312.10025 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1975 Lucas’s criterion for the primality of numbers of the form \(N = h2^ n - 1\). Zbl 0232.10007 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1972 Zum Satz von Cantor-Lebesgue für trigonometrische Doppelreihen. Zbl 0238.42013 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1972 On the approximation of abstract functions. Zbl 0118.10601 Zukhovitskij, S. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1957 A remark on Jackson’s theorem. (Eine Bemerkung zum Satz von Jackson.) Zbl 0167.33601 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1967 Über die Approximation differenzierbarer Funktionen vermittels trigonometrischer Polynome in der \(L\)-Metrik. Zbl 0167.33602 Stechkin, S. B.; Telyakovskiĭ, S. A. 1 1967 Location of the zeros of polynomials. Zbl 0184.09702 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1967 On sets of uniqueness. Zbl 0216.14501 Stechkin, S. B.; Ul’yanov, P. L. 1 1970 Proceedings of the conference on constructive theory of functions. Approximation theory. August 24-September 3,1969. Zbl 0226.00009 1 1972 Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich Efimov (obituary). Zbl 0539.01014 Aleksandrov, A. D.; Novikov, S. P.; Pogorelov, A. V.; Poznyak, È. G.; Rashevskiĭ, P. K.; Rozendorn, È. R.; Sabitov, I. Kh.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1983 Verschärfung eines Beweises in dem Buch von V. I. Glivenko ”Das Stieltjesintegral”. Zbl 0032.34101 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1948 Die besten Annäherungen von Funktionen, die durch trigonometrische Lückenreihen dargestellt werden können. Zbl 0045.34004 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1951 Über die besten Annäherungen periodischer Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0046.07004 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1952 On power and trigonometric series with monotonic coefficients. Zbl 0113.27502 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1963 Trigonometric series with monotone type coefficients. Zbl 1123.42300 Stechkin, S. B. 7 2001 Foundations of wavelet theory. Zbl 0955.42019 Novikov, I. Ya.; Stechkin, S. B. 34 1998 Selected works. Mathematics. With a brief biography of Stechkin by V. I. Berdyshev, V. F. Kolchin, B. S. Stechkin, Yu. N. Subbotin, S. A. Telyakovskiĭ and N. I. Chernykh. Edited and with a preface by Subbotin and Telyakovskiĭ. (Избранные труды. Математика.) Zbl 0923.41002 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1998 Basic constructions of wavelets. Zbl 0936.42015 Novikov, I. Ya.; Stechkin, S. B. 10 1997 The asymptotic distribution of prime numbers on the average. Zbl 0894.11035 Stechkin, S. B.; Popov, A. Yu. 3 1996 Some extremal properties of trigonometric sums. Zbl 0832.11032 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1994 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0635.42002 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1987 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0577.42002 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 3 1985 Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich Efimov (obituary). Zbl 0539.01014 Aleksandrov, A. D.; Novikov, S. P.; Pogorelov, A. V.; Poznyak, È. G.; Rashevskiĭ, P. K.; Rozendorn, È. R.; Sabitov, I. Kh.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1983 An estimate of the remainder of the Fourier series for differentiable functions. Zbl 0458.42006 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1981 An estimate of the remainder term of Fourier series for differentiable functions. Zbl 0442.42004 Stechkin, S. B. 19 1980 On the approximation of periodic functions by de la Vallee Poussin sums. Zbl 0393.41009 Stechkin, S. B. 23 1978 Approximation of continuous periodic functions by Fourier sums. Zbl 0517.42009 Gavrilyuk, V. T.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1978 Estimate of a complete rational trigonometric sum. Zbl 0433.10026 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1977 On mean values of the modulus of a trigonometric sum. Zbl 0373.10022 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1977 Description of moduli of continuity in \(L_2\). Zbl 0374.42010 Besov, O. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1977 Splines in numerical mathematics. (Splajny v vychislitel’noj matematike). Zbl 0462.65007 Stechkin, S. B.; Subbotin, Yu. N. 119 1976 Über die Mittelwerte des Absolutbetrages einer trigonometrischen Summe. Zbl 0319.10045 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1975 Eine Beschreibung der Stetigkeitsmoduln im \(L_2\). Zbl 0334.42024 Besov, O. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 2 1975 An estimate of Gaussian sums. Zbl 0312.10025 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1975 On approximation of continuous periodic functions by Favard sums. Zbl 0285.42003 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1974 Ein Extremalproblem für trigonometrische Reihen mit nichtnegativen Koeffizienten. Zbl 0259.42015 Stechkin, S. B. 16 1972 The theory of splines and their applications. Translated from the English by Yu. N. Subbotin. Edited by S. B. Stechkin and expanded by S. B. Stechkin and Yu. N. Subbotin. (Теория сплайнов и ее приложения.) Zbl 0238.65001 Ahlberg, J. H.; Nilson, E. N.; Walsh, J. L. 15 1972 Lucas’s criterion for the primality of numbers of the form \(N = h2^ n - 1\). Zbl 0232.10007 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1972 Zum Satz von Cantor-Lebesgue für trigonometrische Doppelreihen. Zbl 0238.42013 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1972 Proceedings of the conference on constructive theory of functions. Approximation theory. August 24-September 3,1969. Zbl 0226.00009 1 1972 The zeros of the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0233.10020 Stechkin, S. B. 13 1971 Über die Approximation stetiger periodischer Funktionen vermittels Favardscher Summen. Zbl 0246.42001 Stechkin, S. B. 5 1971 Über gewisse Extremaleigenschaften positiver trigonometrischer Polynome. Zbl 0219.10049 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1970 On sets of uniqueness. Zbl 0216.14501 Stechkin, S. B.; Ul’yanov, P. L. 1 1970 Best approximation of linear operators. Zbl 0168.12201 Stechkin, S. B. 53 1967 Inequalities between the upper bounds of the derivatives of an arbitrary function on the half-line. Zbl 0157.37602 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1967 The approximation of differentiable functions by trigonometric polynomials in the L metric. Zbl 0187.02102 Stechkin, S. B.; Telyakovskij, S. A. 3 1967 A remark on Jackson’s theorem. Zbl 0187.01902 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1967 A remark on Jackson’s theorem. (Eine Bemerkung zum Satz von Jackson.) Zbl 0167.33601 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1967 Über die Approximation differenzierbarer Funktionen vermittels trigonometrischer Polynome in der \(L\)-Metrik. Zbl 0167.33602 Stechkin, S. B.; Telyakovskiĭ, S. A. 1 1967 Location of the zeros of polynomials. Zbl 0184.09702 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1967 Ungleichungen zwischen den Normen der Ableitungen einer beliebigen Funktion. Zbl 0139.07004 Stechkin, S. B. 14 1965 Approximative Eigenschaften von Mengen in linearen normierten Räumen. Zbl 0198.16202 Stechkin, S. B. 43 1963 The approximation of periodic functions by Fejer sums. Zbl 0125.31201 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1963 On power and trigonometric series with monotonic coefficients. Zbl 0113.27502 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1963 Über Eindeutigkeitsmengen. Zbl 0107.05101 Stechkin, S. B.; Ul’yanov, P. L. 7 1962 A problem of P.L.Ul’yanov. Zbl 0113.27402 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1962 Approximate compactness and Chebyshev sets. (Approximative Kompaktheit und Chebyshevsche Mengen.) Zbl 0103.08101 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 76 1961 Über die Approximation periodischer Funktionen durch Fejersche Summen. Zbl 0106.27501 Stechkin, S. B. 32 1961 Über die besten lakunären Funktionensysteme. Zbl 0108.05703 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1961 Mean square value and arithmetic mean. Zbl 0102.28701 Stechkin, B. S.; Stechkin, S. B. 2 1961 Inequalities. Zbl 0100.04503 Levin, V. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 30 1960 Some supporting properties of sets in Banach spaces as related to Chebyshev’s sets. Zbl 0095.08903 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 19 1959 Some properties of Chebyshev sets. Zbl 0081.16402 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 52 1958 Chebyshev sets in Banach spaces. Zbl 0088.31803 Efimov, N. V.; Stechkin, S. B. 4 1958 On the approximation of abstract functions. Zbl 0118.10601 Zukhovitskij, S. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 1 1957 Beste Annäherungen und differentielle Eigenschaften zweier konjugierter Funktionen. Zbl 0072.05702 Bari, N. K.; Stechkin, S. B. 191 1956 Über die absolute Konvergenz von Fourierreihen. III. Zbl 0074.29104 Stechkin, S. B. 13 1956 On the approximation of abstract functions with values in a Banach space. Zbl 0073.05101 Zukhovitskiĭ, S. I.; Stechkin, S. B. 12 1956 Über die beste Approximation konjugierter Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0070.06501 Stechkin, S. B. 11 1956 Über die beste Annäherung einiger Klassen von periodischen Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0071.28304 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1956 Über die absolute Konvergenz orthogonaler Reihen. Zbl 0068.05104 Stechkin, S. B. 45 1955 Über die absolute Konvergenz der Fourierreihen. II. Zbl 0065.05405 Stechkin, S. B. 10 1955 Einige Bemerkungen über trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0064.30401 Stechkin, S. B. 8 1955 Über die beste Annäherung gegebener Funktionenklassen durch beliebige Polynome. Zbl 0055.06001 Stechkin, S. B. 18 1954 Über die absolute Konvergenz der Fourierreihen. Zbl 0050.07203 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 Eine Abschätzung des Restes der Taylorschen Reihe für gewisse Klassen von analytischen Funktionen. Zbl 0052.07902 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 Über den Satz von Kolmogorov-Seliverstov. Zbl 0052.06101 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1953 Über die Approximation stetiger Funktionen durch Fouriersche Summen. Zbl 0046.07102 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1952 Über die besten Annäherungen periodischer Funktionen durch trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0046.07004 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1952 Über die Ordnung der besten Approximationen stetiger Funktionen. Zbl 0042.30001 Stechkin, S. B. 66 1951 Über die absolute Konvergenz von Orthogonalreihen. I. Zbl 0043.28803 Stechkin, S. B. 7 1951 Über die Konvergenz und Divergenz trigonometrischer Reihen. Zbl 0042.07303 Stechkin, S. B. 5 1951 Über de la Vallée-Poussinsche Summen. Zbl 0045.34003 Stechkin, S. B. 4 1951 Die besten Annäherungen von Funktionen, die durch trigonometrische Lückenreihen dargestellt werden können. Zbl 0045.34004 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1951 Über Bilinearformen. Zbl 0035.19703 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1950 Zum Problem der Faktoren für trigonometrische Polynome. Zbl 0037.32802 Stechkin, S. B. 2 1950 Über die Ordnung der besten Annäherungen stetiger Funktionen. Zbl 0038.21503 Stechkin, S. B. 3 1949 Verallgemeinerung einiger Ungleichungen von S. N. Bernstein. Zbl 0034.03801 Stechkin, S. B. 27 1948 Verschärfung eines Beweises in dem Buch von V. I. Glivenko ”Das Stieltjesintegral”. Zbl 0032.34101 Stechkin, S. B. 1 1948 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 777 Authors 41 Volosivets, Sergeĭ Sergeevich 23 Bor, Hüseyin 20 Özarslan, Hikmet Seyhan 15 Li, Chong 14 Babenko, Vladyslav Fedorovych 14 Serdyuk, Anatoly S. 14 Trynin, Aleksandr Yur’evich 12 Tikhonov, Sergey Yur’evich 11 Hembars’ka, Svitlana Borysivna 11 Vlasov, L. P. 11 Volkov, Yuriĭ Stepanovich 10 Akopyan, Roman Razmikovich 10 Arestov, Vitaliĭ Vladimirovich 10 Dem’yanovich, Yuriĭ Kazimirovich 9 Daher, Radouan 9 Samko, Natasha 9 Yildiz, Şebnem 8 Jafarov, Sadulla Z. 8 Rovenska, Ol’ga Gennadievna 8 Shidlich, Andrii 8 Tyr, Othman 7 Hayotov, Abdullo Rakhmonovich 7 Ligun, A. A. 7 Makarov, Anton Aleksandrovich 7 Shadimetov, Kholmat Mahkambaevich 7 Tsar’kov, Igor’ Germanovich 7 Zhuk, Vladimir Vasil’evich 6 Berdyshev, Vitaliĭ Ivanovich 6 Fedunyk-Yaremchuk, Oksana Volodymyrivna 6 Gabbasov, Nazim S. 6 Gao, Peng 6 Gorbachëv, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 6 Ivanov, Valerĭ Ivanovich 6 Kartal, Bağdagül 6 Korneĭchuk, Nikolaĭ Pavlovich 6 Parfinovych, Nataliia Viktorivna 6 Persson, Lars-Erik 6 Potseĭko, Pavel Gennad’evich 6 Rovba, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 6 Sokolenko, Igor V. 6 Ushakova, Elena Pavlovna 6 Vasil’ev, A. I. 6 Vinogradov, Oleg Leonidovich 5 Akishev, Gabdolla Akishevich 5 Chaĭchenko, Stanislav Olegovich 5 Cui, Yunan 5 Filatova, Maria A. 5 Koshcheev, V. A. 5 Pichugov, S. A. 5 Runovski, Konstantin Vsevolodovich 5 Savchuk, Viktor V. 5 Shang, Shaoqiang 5 Skorokhodov, Dmytro S. 5 Solich, Kateryna Vasylivna 5 Stasyuk, Serhii A. 5 Stepanets’, Oleksandr Ivanovych 5 Subbotin, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 5 Szostok, Tomasz 5 Uspenskiĭ, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 4 Alimov, Alexey R. 4 Artamonov, Sergeĭ Yurievich 4 Babushkin, Max V. 4 Bajborodov, S. P. 4 Bartelt, Martin W. 4 Berdysheva, Elena E. 4 Borodin, Petr A. 4 Deutsch, Frank 4 Dzyubenko, German A. 4 Golubov, Boris Ivanovich 4 Hembars’kyi, Mykhailo Vitaliiovych 4 Karagulyan, Grigori 4 Khasanov, Yusufali Khasanovich 4 Kolomoitsev, Yurii S. 4 Konyagin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 4 Lebedev, Pavel Dmitrievich 4 López Acedo, Genaro 4 Magomedova, Vazipat Gusenovna 4 Ni, Renxing 4 Novikov, Sergey I. 4 Pozharska, Kateryna Vitaliivna 4 Ramazanov, Abdul-Rashid Kekhrimanovich 4 Restrepo, Joel Esteban 4 Révész, Szilárd György 4 Romanyuk, Anatolii Sergiiovych 4 Shevaldin, Valeriĭ Trifonovich 4 Trigub, Roal’d Mikhaĭlovich 4 Tyuleneva, Anna Anatol’evna 3 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G. 3 Abreu-Blaya, Ricardo 3 Balashov, Maxim Viktorovich 3 Bazarkhanov, Daurenbek Bolysbekovich 3 Belov, Aleksandr S. 3 Bory Reyes, Juan 3 Butzer, Paul Leo 3 Danchenko, Vladimir Il’ich 3 Derev’yanko, N. V. 3 DeVore, Ronald A. 3 Dudov, Sergeĭ Ivanovich 3 D’yachenko, Mikhaĭl Ivanovich 3 Flerov, A. A. ...and 677 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 207 Serials 158 Mathematical Notes 80 Journal of Approximation Theory 65 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 54 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 45 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 31 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 23 Russian Mathematics 20 Analysis Mathematica 16 Siberian Mathematical Journal 13 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 10 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 9 Journal of Number Theory 9 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 9 Filomat 9 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Results in Mathematics 7 Journal of Complexity 7 Sbornik: Mathematics 7 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 6 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 6 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 5 Doklady Mathematics 5 Positivity 5 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 5 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 5 European Journal of Mathematics 5 Ural Mathematical Journal 4 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 4 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 4 Constructive Approximation 4 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 4 Journal of Convex Analysis 4 Advances in Computational Mathematics 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 4 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 4 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 4 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 4 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 The Journal of Analysis 3 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 3 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 3 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 3 Differential Equations 3 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 3 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 3 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 3 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 3 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica 3 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 3 Journal of Classical Analysis 3 Journal of Function Spaces 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Russian Mathematical Surveys 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Calcolo 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Mathematika 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2 Automation and Remote Control 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 International Applied Mechanics 2 Finite Fields and their Applications 2 Izvestiya: Mathematics ...and 107 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 46 Fields 465 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 354 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 188 Functional analysis (46-XX) 134 Real functions (26-XX) 97 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 82 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 64 Operator theory (47-XX) 41 Number theory (11-XX) 39 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 24 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 21 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 20 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 18 Integral equations (45-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 15 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 14 Special functions (33-XX) 13 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 11 General topology (54-XX) 11 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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