Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Steinmann, Paul Co-Author Distance Author ID: steinmann.paul Published as: Steinmann, Paul; Steinmann, P. Homepage: https://www.ltm.tf.fau.de/person/prof-dr-ing-habil-paul-steinmann/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 304 Publications since 1991, including 2 Books and 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 195 Co-Authors with 287 Joint Publications 2,841 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 20 single-authored 36 Kuhl, Ellen 31 Menzel, Andreas M. 30 Javili, Ali 28 Mergheim, Julia 20 McBride, Andrew T. 17 Betsch, Peter 12 Stein, Erwin 11 Denzer, Ralf 9 Hossain, Mokarram 9 Pivovarov, Dmytro 8 Davydov, Denis 8 Vu Duc Khoi 8 Willner, Kai 7 Bargmann, Swantje 7 Hriberšek, Matjaž 7 Pelteret, Jean-Paul 7 Possart, Gunnar 7 Ravnik, Jure 7 Runesson, Kenneth 6 Firooz, Soheil 6 Leugering, Günter 6 Leyendecker, Sigrid 6 Liebe, Tina 6 Mehnert, Marküs 5 Askes, Harm 5 Barth, Franz Josef 5 Chatzigeorgiou, George 5 Etse, Guillermo 5 Kaessmair, Stefan 5 Kumar, Ajeet 5 Miehe, Christian 5 Pfaller, Sebastian 5 Saxena, Prashant 5 Utzinger, Johannes 5 Wang, Jiong 4 Fischer, Paul 4 Friederich, Jan 4 Himpel, Grieta 4 Jäger, Philippe 4 Rajagopal, Amirtham 4 Reddy, B. Dayanand 4 Riehl, Stefan 4 Rivarola, Felipe Lopez 4 van Huyssteen, Daniel 3 Benallal, Ahmed 3 Budday, Silvia 3 Carol, Ignacio 3 Cui, Yan 3 Ekh, Magnus 3 Fillep, Sebastian 3 Herrnböck, Ludwig 3 Kergaßner, Andreas 3 Landkammer, Philipp 3 Liu, Zhaowei 3 Mohr, Rouven 3 Prechtel, Marina 3 Ricker, Sarah 3 Sanavia, Lorenzo 3 Schrefler, Bernhard A. 3 Stingl, Michael 3 Wedel, Jana 3 Willam, Kaspar J. 2 Abdi, Tadesse 2 Ackermann, David 2 Athanasiadis, Ignatios 2 Bobach, Tom 2 Böhm, Michael C. 2 Brands, Benjamin 2 Caspari, Michael 2 Chester, Shawn A. 2 Constantiniu, Alexandru 2 Endres, Florian 2 Esmaeili, Ali 2 Faber, Jessica 2 Gerstner, Maximilian 2 Heltai, Luca 2 Kaczmarczyk, Łukasz 2 Kirchner, Nina P. 2 Larsson, Fredrik 2 Larsson, Ragnar 2 Laurien, Marie 2 Mahnken, Rolf 2 Meier, H. A. 2 Moreno-Mateos, Miguel Angel 2 Müller-Plathe, Florian 2 Muller, Ralf 2 Pearce, Chris J. 2 Saeb, Saba 2 Schmitt, Patrick R. 2 Smriti 2 Soldner, Dominic 2 Štrakl, Mitja 2 Sunyk, Rudolf 2 Umlauf, Georg 2 Vogel, Franziska 2 Wiesheier, Simon 2 Zabihyan, Reza 2 Zaburdaev, Vasiliĭ Yur’evich 1 Aggarwal, Ankush 1 Ahmadi, Masoud ...and 95 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 51 Computational Mechanics 46 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 32 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 18 International Journal of Solids and Structures 15 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 14 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 11 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 10 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 10 GAMM-Mitteilungen 8 International Journal of Engineering Science 8 Archive of Applied Mechanics 7 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 6 International Journal of Fracture 4 Acta Mechanica 4 Journal of Computational Physics 4 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 International Journal of Plasticity 3 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 3 Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 2 Journal of Elasticity 2 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2 Multibody System Dynamics 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 CMES. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Control and Cybernetics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Meccanica 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Engineering Computations 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 1 Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics 1 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1 Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 1 Lecture Notes in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences all top 5 Fields 278 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 41 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 248 Publications have been cited 3,436 times in 1,968 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Geometrically nonlinear higher-gradient elasticity with energetic boundaries. Zbl 1294.74014 Javili, A.; dell’Isola, F.; Steinmann, P. 88 2013 Frame-indifferent beam finite elements based upon the geometrically exact beam theory. Zbl 1053.74041 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 76 2002 Numerical modelling of nonlinear electroelasticity. Zbl 1194.74075 Vu, D. K.; Steinmann, P.; Possart, G. 74 2007 Conservation properties of a time FE method. II: Time-stepping schemes for non-linear elastodynamics. Zbl 1134.74402 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 71 2001 Isogeometric analysis of 2D gradient elasticity. Zbl 1398.74329 Fischer, Paul; Klassen, Markus; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul; Müller, Ralf 65 2011 Application of material forces to hyperelastostatic fracture mechanics. I: Continuum mechanical setting. Zbl 0992.74008 Steinmann, Paul 62 2000 A finite element method for the computational modelling of cohesive cracks. Zbl 1118.74349 Mergheim, J.; Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 60 2005 Application of material forces to hyperelastostatic fracture mechanics. II: Computational setting. Zbl 1066.74508 Steinmann, P.; Ackermann, D.; Barth, F. J. 59 2001 Views on multiplicative elastoplasticity and the continuum theory of dislocations. Zbl 0905.73060 Steinmann, P. 58 1996 On the continuum formulation of higher-gradient plasticity for single and polycrystals. Zbl 0999.74029 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 58 2000 A micropolar theory of finite deformation and finite rotation multiplicative elastoplasticity. Zbl 0945.74523 Steinmann, Paul 53 1994 On boundary potential energies in deformational and configurational mechanics. Zbl 1149.74006 Steinmann, Paul 52 2008 A hybrid discontinuous Galerkin/interface method for the computational modelling of failure. Zbl 1302.74166 Mergheim, J.; Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 48 2004 Inherently energy conserving time finite elements for classical mechanics. Zbl 0966.70003 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 48 2000 Conservation properties of a time FE method. I: Time-stepping schemes for \(N\)-body problems. Zbl 0964.70002 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 48 2000 On higher gradients in continuum-atomistic modelling. Zbl 1137.74311 Sunyk, R.; Steinmann, P. 44 2003 Theoretical and computational aspects of a thermodynamically consistent framework for geometrically linear gradient damage. Zbl 0991.74010 Liebe, T.; Steinmann, P.; Benallal, A. 43 2001 On the numerical treatment and analysis of finite deformation ductile single crystal plasticity. Zbl 0860.73020 Steinmann, Paul; Stein, Erwin 42 1996 Conservation properties of a time FE method. III: Mechanical systems with holonomic constraints. Zbl 1134.70300 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 39 2002 A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. I: The two-dimensional case. Zbl 1227.74075 Javili, A.; Steinmann, P. 39 2009 Hyperelastic models for rubber-like materials: consistent tangent operators and suitability for Treloar’s data. Zbl 1293.74027 Steinmann, Paul; Hossain, Mokarram; Possart, Gunnar 38 2012 An ALE formulation based on spatial and material settings of continuum mechanics. I: Generic hyperelastic formulation. Zbl 1068.74078 Kuhl, Ellen; Askes, Harm; Steinmann, Paul 38 2004 Two-scale computational homogenization of electro-elasticity at finite strains. Zbl 1423.74788 Keip, Marc-André; Steinmann, Paul; Schröder, Jörg 38 2014 A finite element framework for continua with boundary energies. II: The three-dimensional case. Zbl 1227.74074 Javili, A.; Steinmann, P. 38 2010 Formulation and computation of geometrically nonlinear gradient damage. Zbl 0978.74006 Steinmann, Paul 37 1999 Theory and numerics of a thermodynamically consistent framework for geometrically linear gradient plasticity. Zbl 1065.74516 Liebe, Tina; Steinmann, Paul 36 2001 Conservation properties of a time FE method. IV: Higher order energy and momentum conserving schemes. Zbl 1134.74406 Groß, M.; Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 35 2005 Constrained integration of rigid body dynamics. Zbl 1004.70005 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 32 2001 Constrained dynamics of geometrically exact beams. Zbl 1038.74580 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 30 2003 An ALE formulation based on spatial and material settings of continuum mechanics. II: Classification and applications. Zbl 1149.74392 Askes, Harm; Kuhl, Ellen; Steinmann, Paul 29 2004 Computational modelling of isotropic multiplicative growth. Zbl 1188.74059 Himpel, G.; Kuhl, E.; Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 29 2005 Micro-to-macro transition accounting for general imperfect interfaces. Zbl 1439.74333 Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul; Mosler, Jörn 28 2017 Nonlinear electro- and magneto-elastostatics: material and spatial settings. Zbl 1167.74410 Vu, D. K.; Steinmann, P. 28 2007 Comparison of different finite deformation inelastic damage models within multiplicative elastoplasticity for ductile materials. Zbl 0816.73021 Steinmann, P.; Miehe, C.; Stein, Erwin 27 1994 On 3-D coupled BEM-FEM simulation of nonlinear electro-elastostatics. Zbl 1239.74096 Vu, D. K.; Steinmann, Paul 27 2012 Continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Mechanical problems. Zbl 1479.74007 Javili, A.; McBride, A. T.; Steinmann, P. 27 2019 A 2-D coupled BEM-FEM simulation of electro-elastostatics at large strain. Zbl 1227.74104 Vu, D. K.; Steinmann, P. 27 2010 General imperfect interfaces. Zbl 1296.74115 Javili, Ali; Kaessmair, S.; Steinmann, Paul 26 2014 Studies in elastic fracture mechanics based on the material force method. Zbl 1032.74702 Denzer, Ralf; Barth, Franz Josef; Steinmann, Paul 25 2003 Computational modeling of growth. A critical review, a classification of concepts and two new consistent approaches. Zbl 1151.74385 Kuhl, E.; Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 25 2003 Modeling three-dimensional crack propagation — a comparison of crack path tracking strategies. Zbl 1195.74149 Jäger, P.; Steinmann, P.; Kuhl, E. 25 2008 A theoretical and computational framework for anisotropic continuum damage mechanics at large strains. Zbl 1045.74006 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 25 2001 On spatial and material settings of hyperelastostatic crystal defects. Zbl 1041.74018 Steinmann, Paul 25 2002 A framework for multiplicative elastoplasticity with kinematic hardening coupled to anisotropic damage. Zbl 1089.74014 Menzel, A.; Ekh, M.; Runesson, K.; Steinmann, P. 25 2005 Theory and numerics of geometrically non-linear gradient plasticity. Zbl 1211.74042 Liebe, Tina; Menzel, Andreas; Steinmann, Paul 25 2003 Geometrical foundations of continuum mechanics. An application to first- and second-order elasticity and elasto-plasticity. Zbl 1329.74003 Steinmann, Paul 24 2015 On the localization properties of multiplicative hyperelasto-plastic continua with strong discontinuities. Zbl 0947.74508 Steinmann, P.; Larsson, R.; Runesson, K. 24 1997 On spatial and material settings of thermo-hyperelastodynamics. Zbl 1026.74011 Steinmann, Paul 24 2002 On the \(C^1\) continuous discretization of nonlinear gradient elasticity: a comparison of NEM and FEM based on Bernstein-Bézier patches. Zbl 1188.74055 Fischer, P.; Mergheim, J.; Steinmann, P. 24 2010 On the spatial formulation of anisotropic multiplicative elasto-plasticity. Zbl 1054.74533 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 23 2003 The discrete null space method for the energy-consistent integration of constrained mechanical systems. III: Flexible multibody dynamics. Zbl 1200.70003 Leyendecker, Sigrid; Betsch, Peter; Steinmann, Paul 23 2008 Unified magnetomechanical homogenization framework with application to magnetorheological elastomers. Zbl 1355.74065 Chatzigeorgiou, George; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 22 2014 A formulation for an unsaturated porous medium undergoing large inelastic strains. Zbl 1146.74319 Sanavia, L.; Schrefler, B. A.; Steinmann, P. 22 2002 Objective energy-momentum conserving integration for the constrained dynamics of geometrically exact beams. Zbl 1142.74045 Leyendecker, S.; Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 22 2006 Theoretical and computational aspects of non-classical thermoelasticity. Zbl 1120.74441 Bargmann, S.; Steinmann, P. 22 2006 Mass- and volume-specific views on thermodynamics for open systems. Zbl 1092.80500 Kuhl, Ellen; Steinmann, Paul 21 2003 A numerical study of different projection-based model reduction techniques applied to computational homogenisation. Zbl 1386.74142 Soldner, Dominic; Brands, Benjamin; Zabihyan, Reza; Steinmann, Paul; Mergheim, Julia 19 2017 On material interfaces in thermomechanical solids. Zbl 1097.74006 Steinmann, P.; Häsner, O. 19 2005 A unifying treatise of variational principles for two types of micropolar continua. Zbl 0878.73004 Steinmann, P.; Stein, Erwin 19 1997 On the propagation of second-sound in linear and nonlinear media: results from Green-Naghdi theory. Zbl 1221.80004 Bargmann, S.; Steinmann, P.; Jordan, P. M. 19 2008 A geometrically nonlinear FE approach for the simulation of strong and weak discontinuities. Zbl 1126.74050 Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 19 2006 Micropolar elastoplasticity and its role in localization. Zbl 0794.73004 Dietsche, Andreas; Steinmann, Paul; Willam, Kaspar 18 1993 Modified SFEM for computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with microstructural geometric uncertainties. Zbl 1381.74179 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Steinmann, Paul 18 2016 On thermomechanical solids with boundary structures. Zbl 1203.74031 Javili, A.; Steinmann, P. 18 2010 Computational nonlinear electro-elasticity – getting started. Zbl 1213.74139 Steinmann, P. 18 2011 The role of mechanics during brain development. Zbl 1328.74061 Budday, Silvia; Steinmann, Paul; Kuhl, Ellen 17 2014 Theory and numerics of ductile micropolar elastoplastic damage. Zbl 0861.73058 Steinmann, Paul 17 1995 Towards the algorithmic treatment of 3D strong discontinuities. Zbl 1107.74045 Mergheim, J.; Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 17 2007 A unified computational framework for bulk and surface elasticity theory: a curvilinear-coordinate-based finite element methodology. Zbl 1311.74091 Javili, A.; McBride, A.; Steinmann, P.; Reddy, B. D. 16 2014 Classical results for a non-classical theory: Remarks on thermodynamic relations in Green-Naghdi thermo-hyperelasticity. Zbl 1160.74345 Bargmann, Swantje; Steinmann, Paul 16 2007 Application of the material force method to isotropic continuum damage. Zbl 1090.74513 Liebe, T.; Denzer, R.; Steinmann, P. 16 2003 On spatial and material settings of hyperelastodynamics. Zbl 1027.74005 Steinmann, P. 16 2002 A DAE approach to flexible multibody dynamics. Zbl 1043.70003 Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 16 2002 Modeling and simulation of viscous electro-active polymers. Zbl 1406.74226 Vogel, Franziska; Göktepe, Serdar; Steinmann, Paul; Kuhl, Ellen 16 2014 Natural element analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard phase-field model. Zbl 1398.74059 Rajagopal, Amirtham; Fischer, Paul; Kuhl, Ellen; Steinmann, Paul 16 2010 A finite strain framework for the simulation of polymer curing. I: Elasticity. Zbl 1171.74006 Hossain, M.; Possart, G.; Steinmann, P. 15 2009 On the comparison of two strategies to formulate orthotropic hyperelasticity. Zbl 0992.74015 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 15 2001 On the comparison of two approaches to compute material forces for inelastic materials. Application to single-slip crystal-plasticity. Zbl 1112.74531 Menzel, A.; Denzer, R.; Steinmann, P. 15 2004 Geometrically nonlinear continuum thermomechanics with surface energies coupled to diffusion. Zbl 1270.74058 McBride, A. T.; Javili, A.; Steinmann, P.; Bargmann, S. 14 2011 Simulation of fracture in heterogeneous elastic materials with cohesive zone models. Zbl 1283.74073 Prechtel, M.; Ronda, P. Leiva; Janisch, R.; Hartmaier, A.; Leugering, G.; Steinmann, P.; Stingl, M. 14 2011 Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with highly conductive energetic interfaces. Zbl 1352.74096 Javili, A.; Mcbride, A.; Steinmann, P. 14 2013 Generalized parameter identification for finite viscoelasticity. Zbl 1173.74321 Kleuter, Bernd; Menzel, Andreas; Steinmann, Paul 14 2007 A small-strain model to simulate the curing of thermosets. Zbl 1162.74329 Hossain, M.; Possart, G.; Steinmann, P. 14 2009 Finite element approaches to non-classical heat conduction in solids. Zbl 1232.80004 Bargmann, S.; Steinmann, P. 14 2005 Theory and numerics of geometrically nonlinear open system mechanics. Zbl 1032.74504 Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 13 2003 Modeling and simulation of first and second sound in solids. Zbl 1168.74371 Bargmann, S.; Steinmann, P. 13 2008 Secret and joy of configurational mechanics: from foundations in continuum mechanics to applications in computational mechanics. Zbl 1168.74012 Steinmann, Paul; Scherer, Michael; Denzer, Ralf 13 2009 Time-dependent fibre reorientation of transversely isotropic continua - finite element formulation and consistent linearization. Zbl 1169.74043 Himpel, G.; Menzel, A.; Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 13 2008 A fictitious energy approach for shape optimization. Zbl 1188.74045 Scherer, M.; Denzer, R.; Steinmann, P. 13 2010 On spatial and material settings of thermo-hyperelastodynamics for open systems. Zbl 1064.74007 Kuhl, E.; Steinmann, P. 12 2003 Geometrically non linear anisotropic inelasticity based on fictitious configurations: Application to the coupling of continuum damage and multiplicative elasto-plasticity. Zbl 1038.74512 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 12 2003 The computational framework for continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Zbl 1465.74016 Javili, A.; Firooz, S.; McBride, A. T.; Steinmann, P. 12 2020 On deformational and configurational mechanics of micromorphic hyperelasticity - theory and computation. Zbl 1173.74312 Hirschberger, C. Britta; Kuhl, Ellen; Steinmann, Paul 12 2007 A framework for geometrically nonlinear continuum damage mechanics. Zbl 1210.74015 Steinmann, Paul; Carol, Ignacio 12 1998 Computational electro-elasticity and magneto-elasticity for quasi-incompressible media immersed in free space. Zbl 1548.74212 Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Davydov, Denis; McBride, Andrew; Duc Khoi Vu; Steinmann, Paul 12 2016 On nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity. Zbl 1371.82161 Mehnert, Marküs; Hossain, Mokarram; Steinmann, Paul 11 2016 A consistent time FE method for large strain elasto-plasto-dynamics. Zbl 1194.74448 Mohr, Rouven; Menzel, Andreas; Steinmann, Paul 11 2008 Modeling the porous and viscous responses of human brain tissue behavior. Zbl 1506.74204 Comellas, Ester; Budday, Silvia; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Holzapfel, Gerhard A.; Steinmann, Paul 11 2020 A view on anisotropic finite hyperelasticity. Zbl 1026.74013 Menzel, A.; Steinmann, P. 11 2003 Energy-conserving integration of constrained Hamiltonian systems – a comparison of approaches. Zbl 1067.70003 Leyendecker, S.; Betsch, P.; Steinmann, P. 10 2004 Electro-mechanical actuation modulates fracture performance of soft dielectric elastomers. Zbl 1549.74087 Moreno-Mateos, Miguel Angel; Mehnert, Markus; Steinmann, Paul 4 2024 A unifying finite strain modeling framework for anisotropic mixed-mode fracture in soft materials. Zbl 1548.74725 Pranavi, D.; Steinmann, P.; Rajagopal, A. 1 2024 Computational instability analysis of inflated hyperelastic thin shells using subdivision surfaces. Zbl 1542.74021 Liu, Zhaowei; McBride, Andrew; Ghosh, Abhishek; Heltai, Luca; Huang, Weicheng; Yu, Tiantang; Steinmann, Paul; Saxena, Prashant 1 2024 On adaptive mesh coarsening procedures for the virtual element method for two-dimensional elastic problems. Zbl 1536.74282 van Huyssteen, Daniel; Rivarola, Felipe Lopez; Etse, Guillermo; Steinmann, Paul 1 2024 Two-scale off-and online approaches to geometrically exact elastoplastic rods. Zbl 1515.74045 Herrnböck, Ludwig; Kumar, Ajeet; Steinmann, Paul 4 2023 Efficient gradient enhancements for plasticity with ductile damage in the logarithmic strain space. Zbl 1517.74011 Friedlein, Johannes; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 3 2023 Discrete data-adaptive approximation of hyperelastic energy functions. Zbl 1536.74285 Wiesheier, Simon; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 2 2023 Multifield finite strain plasticity: theory and numerics. Zbl 1539.74448 Lewandowski, Karol; Barbera, Daniele; Blackwell, Paul; Roohi, Amir H.; Athanasiadis, Ignatios; McBride, Andrew; Steinmann, Paul; Pearce, Chris; Kaczmarczyk, Łukasz 1 2023 On mesh refinement procedures for the virtual element method for two-dimensional elastic problems. Zbl 1507.74517 van Huyssteen, Daniel; Rivarola, Felipe Lopez; Etse, Guillermo; Steinmann, Paul 4 2022 Vibration analysis of piezoelectric Kirchhoff-Love shells based on Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. Zbl 07768027 Liu, Zhaowei; McBride, Andrew; Saxena, Prashant; Heltai, Luca; Qu, Yilin; Steinmann, Paul 4 2022 Spatial and material forces in nonlinear continuum mechanics. A dissipation-consistent approach. Zbl 07658010 Steinmann, Paul 3 2022 Homogenization of fully nonlinear rod lattice structures: on the size of the RVE and micro structural instabilities. Zbl 1495.74057 Herrnböck, Ludwig; Steinmann, Paul 3 2022 Stochastic local FEM for computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials exhibiting large plastic deformations. Zbl 07492680 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Mergheim, Julia; Willner, Kai; Steinmann, Paul 3 2022 A nonlocal interface approach to peridynamics exemplified by continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Zbl 1533.74002 Laurien, Marie; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 2 2022 Anatomy matters: the role of the subject-specific respiratory tract on aerosol deposition – a CFD study. Zbl 1507.76268 Wedel, Jana; Steinmann, Paul; Štrakl, Mitja; Hriberšek, Matjaž; Cui, Yan; Ravnik, Jure 1 2022 Geometrically nonlinear design of compliant mechanisms: topology and shape optimization with stress and curvature constraints. Zbl 1507.74331 Stankiewicz, Gabriel; Dev, Chaitanya; Steinmann, Paul 1 2022 Experimental and numerical investigation of the electro-mechanical response of particle filled elastomers. I: Experimental investigations. Zbl 1502.74037 Mehnert, Markus; Faber, Jessica; Hossain, Mokarram; Chester, Shawn A.; Steinmann, Paul 1 2022 Open system peridynamics. Zbl 1514.74005 Schaller, Emely; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 1 2022 A finite element formulation for a direct approach to elastoplasticity in special Cosserat rods. Zbl 1548.74122 Smriti; Kumar, Ajeet; Steinmann, Paul 7 2021 Towards elasto-plastic continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Zbl 1506.74035 Javili, A.; McBride, A. T.; Mergheim, J.; Steinmann, P. 6 2021 Geometrically exact elastoplastic rods: determination of yield surface in terms of stress resultants. Zbl 1490.74066 Herrnböck, Ludwig; Kumar, Ajeet; Steinmann, Paul 6 2021 Can CFD establish a connection to a milder COVID-19 disease in younger people? Aerosol deposition in lungs of different age groups based on Lagrangian particle tracking in turbulent flow. Zbl 1469.76136 Wedel, Jana; Steinmann, Paul; Štrakl, Mitja; Hriberšek, Matjaž; Ravnik, Jure 3 2021 Nonlocal wrinkling instabilities in bilayered systems using peridynamics. Zbl 1479.74036 Laurien, Marie; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 3 2021 Continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics: thermo-mechanical problems. Zbl 1521.74044 Javili, A.; Ekiz, E.; McBride, A. T.; Steinmann, P. 3 2021 Variationally consistent computational homogenization of chemomechanical problems with stabilized weakly periodic boundary conditions. Zbl 1548.74671 Kaessmair, Stefan; Runesson, Kenneth; Steinmann, Paul; Jänicke, Ralf; Larsson, Fredrik 2 2021 A particle-continuum coupling method for multiscale simulations of viscoelastic-viscoplastic amorphous glassy polymers. Zbl 1548.74137 Zhao, Wuyang; Steinmann, Paul; Pfaller, Sebastian 1 2021 The computational framework for continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Zbl 1465.74016 Javili, A.; Firooz, S.; McBride, A. T.; Steinmann, P. 12 2020 Modeling the porous and viscous responses of human brain tissue behavior. Zbl 1506.74204 Comellas, Ester; Budday, Silvia; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Holzapfel, Gerhard A.; Steinmann, Paul 11 2020 Modelling the flexoelectric effect in solids: a micromorphic approach. Zbl 1506.74121 McBride, A. T.; Davydov, D.; Steinmann, P. 8 2020 A matrix-free approach for finite-strain hyperelastic problems using geometric multigrid. Zbl 1548.74787 Davydov, Denis; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Arndt, Daniel; Kronbichler, Martin; Steinmann, Paul 7 2020 Assessment of an isogeometric approach with Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces using the Laplace-Beltrami problems. Zbl 1467.74093 Liu, Zhaowei; McBride, Andrew; Saxena, Prashant; Steinmann, Paul 5 2020 Memory-based meso-scale modeling of Covid-19. County-resolved timelines in Germany. Zbl 1465.92059 Kergaßner, Andreas; Burkhardt, Christian; Lippold, Dorothee; Kergaßner, Matthias; Pflug, Lukas; Budday, Dominik; Steinmann, Paul; Budday, Silvia 5 2020 Acceleration of the spectral stochastic FEM using POD and element based discrete empirical approximation for a micromechanical model of heterogeneous materials with random geometry. Zbl 1441.74270 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Steinmann, Paul; Willner, Kai 3 2020 A novel two-way coupling model for Euler-Lagrange simulations of multiphase flow. Zbl 1464.76113 Verhnjak, Ozbej; Hriberšek, Matjaz; Steinmann, Paul; Ravnik, Jure 2 2020 Towards a unified shear-induced lift model for prolate spheroidal particles moving in arbitrary non-uniform flow. Zbl 1519.76332 Cui, Yan; Ravnik, Jure; Hriberšek, Matjaž; Steinmann, Paul 1 2020 Continuum-kinematics-inspired peridynamics. Mechanical problems. Zbl 1479.74007 Javili, A.; McBride, A. T.; Steinmann, P. 27 2019 A thermoelastoplastic theory for special Cosserat rods. Zbl 1458.74089 Smriti; Kumar, Ajeet; Großmann, Alexander; Steinmann, Paul 10 2019 A computational approach to obtain nonlinearly elastic constitutive relations of special Cosserat rods. Zbl 1441.74034 Arora, Abhishek; Kumar, Ajeet; Steinmann, Paul 9 2019 Systematic study of homogenization and the utility of circular simplified representative volume element. Zbl 07273348 Firooz, Soheil; Saeb, Saba; Chatzigeorgiou, George; Meraghni, Fodil; Steinmann, Paul; Javili, Ali 7 2019 On spectral fuzzy-stochastic FEM for problems involving polymorphic geometrical uncertainties. Zbl 1441.74271 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Willner, Kai; Steinmann, Paul 6 2019 On periodic boundary conditions and ergodicity in computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with random microstructure. Zbl 1442.74191 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Zabihyan, Reza; Mergheim, Julia; Willner, Kai; Steinmann, Paul 5 2019 On effective behavior of microstructures embedding general interfaces with damage. Zbl 1462.74135 Saeb, S.; Steinmann, P.; Javili, A. 4 2019 Fuzzy dynamics of multibody systems with polymorphic uncertainty in the material microstructure. Zbl 1468.74069 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Hahn, Verena; Steinmann, Paul; Willner, Kai; Leyendecker, Sigrid 3 2019 Editorial: Simulation for additive manufacturing. Zbl 1529.00053 1 2019 Modeling of additively manufactured materials using gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity. Zbl 1443.82019 Kergaßner, Andreas; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 1 2019 Two reduction methods for stochastic FEM based homogenization using global basis functions. Zbl 1440.74436 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Steinmann, Paul; Willner, Kai 7 2018 Fuzzy-stochastic FEM-based homogenization framework for materials with polymorphic uncertainties in the microstructure. Zbl 1548.74879 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Oberleiter, Thomas; Willner, Kai; Steinmann, Paul 4 2018 Improvements on a non-invasive, parameter-free approach to inverse form finding. Zbl 1446.74191 Landkammer, P.; Caspari, M.; Steinmann, P. 2 2018 Surface plasticity: theory and computation. Zbl 1459.74027 Esmaeili, A.; Steinmann, P.; Javili, A. 2 2018 Control of minimum member size in parameter-free structural shape optimization by a medial axis approximation. Zbl 1446.74192 Schmitt, Oliver; Steinmann, Paul 1 2018 Micro-to-macro transition accounting for general imperfect interfaces. Zbl 1439.74333 Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul; Mosler, Jörn 28 2017 A numerical study of different projection-based model reduction techniques applied to computational homogenisation. Zbl 1386.74142 Soldner, Dominic; Brands, Benjamin; Zabihyan, Reza; Steinmann, Paul; Mergheim, Julia 19 2017 A novel spectral formulation for transversely isotropic magneto-elasticity. Zbl 1371.74101 Shariff, M. H. B. M.; Bustamante, Roger; Hossain, Mokarram; Steinmann, Paul 9 2017 Highly-conductive energetic coherent interfaces subject to in-plane degradation. Zbl 1391.74015 Esmaeili, Ali; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 5 2017 Adaptive poly-FEM for the analysis of plane elasticity problems. Zbl 1549.65487 Kasi, Balaji; Rajagopal, Amirtham; Steinmann, Paul 4 2017 On structural shape optimization using an embedding domain discretization technique. Zbl 1548.74642 Riehl, Stefan; Steinmann, Paul 4 2017 Towards an efficient two-scale approach to model technical textiles. Zbl 1398.74328 Fillep, Sebastian; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 3 2017 Numerical homogenization of elastic and thermal material properties for metal matrix composites (MMC). Zbl 1365.74147 Schindler, Stefan; Mergheim, Julia; Zimmermann, Marco; Aurich, Jan C.; Steinmann, Paul 2 2017 Numerical modelling of nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity. Zbl 1395.74026 Mehnert, Markus; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Steinmann, Paul 2 2017 Flow relations and yield functions for dissipative strain-gradient plasticity. Zbl 1382.74023 Carstensen, Carsten; Ebobisse, François; McBride, Andrew T.; Reddy, B. Daya; Steinmann, Paul 1 2017 On gradient-based optimization strategies for inverse problems in metal forming. Zbl 1525.74162 Landkamer, P.; Söhngen, B.; Steinmann, P.; Willner, K. 1 2017 Modified SFEM for computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with microstructural geometric uncertainties. Zbl 1381.74179 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Steinmann, Paul 18 2016 Computational electro-elasticity and magneto-elasticity for quasi-incompressible media immersed in free space. Zbl 1548.74212 Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Davydov, Denis; McBride, Andrew; Duc Khoi Vu; Steinmann, Paul 12 2016 On nonlinear thermo-electro-elasticity. Zbl 1371.82161 Mehnert, Marküs; Hossain, Mokarram; Steinmann, Paul 11 2016 On stochastic FEM based computational homogenization of magneto-active heterogeneous materials with random microstructure. Zbl 1398.74392 Pivovarov, Dmytro; Steinmann, Paul 10 2016 On the adaptive finite element analysis of the Kohn-Sham equations: methods, algorithms, and implementation. Zbl 1352.65460 Davydov, Denis; Young, Toby D.; Steinmann, Paul 10 2016 Comparative computational analysis of the Cahn-Hilliard equation with emphasis on \(C^{1}\)-continuous methods. Zbl 1352.65352 Kaessmair, S.; Steinmann, P. 8 2016 Reduced-order modelling for linear heat conduction with parametrised moving heat sources. Zbl 1397.74050 Brands, Benjamin; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 8 2016 On the modeling of equilibrium twin interfaces in a single-crystalline magnetic shape memory alloy sample. II: Numerical algorithm. Zbl 1365.82027 Wang, Jiong; Steinmann, Paul 4 2016 A non-invasive heuristic approach to shape optimization in forming. Zbl 1359.74354 Landkammer, Philipp; Steinmann, Paul 2 2016 On the modeling of equilibrium twin interfaces in a single-crystalline magnetic shape-memory alloy sample. III: Magneto-mechanical behaviors. Zbl 1365.82028 Wang, Jiong; Steinmann, Paul 2 2016 A web-based tool for the interactive visualization of stresses in an infinite plate with an elliptical hole under simple tension: www.ltm.fau.de/plate. Zbl 1346.74002 Friederich, Jan; Pfaller, Sebastian; Steinmann, Paul 1 2016 Geometrical foundations of continuum mechanics. An application to first- and second-order elasticity and elasto-plasticity. Zbl 1329.74003 Steinmann, Paul 24 2015 Multiscale modelling for composites with energetic interfaces at the micro- or nanoscale. Zbl 1329.74016 Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Javili, A.; Steinmann, P. 9 2015 Identification of elastoplastic microscopic material parameters within a homogenization scheme. Zbl 1352.74058 Schmidt, U.; Mergheim, J.; Steinmann, P. 8 2015 Computational homogenization of nano-materials accounting for size effects via surface elasticity. Zbl 1525.74176 Javili, Ali; Chatzigeorgiou, George; McBride, Andrew T.; Steinmann, Paul; Linder, Christian 8 2015 Computational homogenization of rope-like technical textiles. Zbl 1311.74100 Fillep, Sebastian; Mergheim, Julia; Steinmann, Paul 7 2015 Modelling of iron-filled magneto-active polymers with a dispersed chain-like microstructure. Zbl 1406.74544 Saxena, Prashant; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Steinmann, Paul 7 2015 Reviewing the roots of continuum formulations in molecular systems. III: Stresses, couple stresses, heat fluxes. Zbl 1338.74004 Davydov, D.; Steinmann, P. 3 2015 A staggered approach to shape and topology optimization using the traction method and an evolutionary-type advancing front algorithm. Zbl 1423.74759 Riehl, Stefan; Steinmann, Paul 3 2015 Inverse analysis for heterogeneous materials and its application to viscoelastic curing polymers. Zbl 1311.74053 Klinge, Sandra; Steinmann, Paul 2 2015 Surface magnetoelasticity theory. Zbl 1341.74058 Chatzigeorgiou, George; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 2 2015 Two-scale computational homogenization of electro-elasticity at finite strains. Zbl 1423.74788 Keip, Marc-André; Steinmann, Paul; Schröder, Jörg 38 2014 General imperfect interfaces. Zbl 1296.74115 Javili, Ali; Kaessmair, S.; Steinmann, Paul 26 2014 Unified magnetomechanical homogenization framework with application to magnetorheological elastomers. Zbl 1355.74065 Chatzigeorgiou, George; Javili, Ali; Steinmann, Paul 22 2014 The role of mechanics during brain development. Zbl 1328.74061 Budday, Silvia; Steinmann, Paul; Kuhl, Ellen 17 2014 A unified computational framework for bulk and surface elasticity theory: a curvilinear-coordinate-based finite element methodology. Zbl 1311.74091 Javili, A.; McBride, A.; Steinmann, P.; Reddy, B. D. 16 2014 Modeling and simulation of viscous electro-active polymers. Zbl 1406.74226 Vogel, Franziska; Göktepe, Serdar; Steinmann, Paul; Kuhl, Ellen 16 2014 Thermomechanical finite element simulations of selective electron beam melting processes: performance considerations. Zbl 1398.74007 Riedlbauer, Daniel; Steinmann, Paul; Mergheim, Julia 10 2014 On the discrete variant of the traction method in parameter-free shape optimization. Zbl 1423.74758 Riehl, Stefan; Friederich, Jan; Scherer, Michael; Meske, Ralf; Steinmann, Paul 6 2014 On the modeling of equilibrium twin interfaces in a single-crystalline magnetic shape memory alloy sample. I: Theoretical formulation. Zbl 1341.82089 Wang, Jiong; Steinmann, Paul 5 2014 Reviewing the roots of continuum formulations in molecular systems, I: Particle dynamics, statistical physics, mass and linear momentum balance equations. Zbl 1356.74008 Davydov, Denis; Steinmann, Paul 4 2014 Magnetic force and torque on particles subject to a magnetic field. Zbl 1406.74225 Vogel, F.; Pelteret, Jean-Paul; Kaessmair, S.; Steinmann, P. 4 2014 An integrated approach to shape optimization and mesh adaptivity based on material residual forces. Zbl 1423.74915 Riehl, Stefan; Steinmann, Paul 4 2014 Homogenization in periodically heterogeneous elastic bodies with multiple micro-contact. Zbl 1455.74078 Fillep, Sebastian; Orlik, Julia; Bare, Zoufine; Steinmann, Paul 3 2014 Comparison of several staggered atomistic-to-continuum concurrent coupling strategies. Zbl 1423.74033 Davydov, D.; Pelteret, J-P.; Steinmann, P. 3 2014 Reviewing the roots of continuum formulations in molecular systems. II: Energy and angular momentum balance equations. Zbl 1307.74008 Davydov, Denis; Steinmann, Paul 2 2014 Degree of cure-dependent modelling for polymer curing processes at small-strain. I: Consistent reformulation. Zbl 1398.74067 Hossain, M.; Steinmann, P. 1 2014 Geometrically nonlinear higher-gradient elasticity with energetic boundaries. Zbl 1294.74014 Javili, A.; dell’Isola, F.; Steinmann, P. 88 2013 Numerical modelling of thermomechanical solids with highly conductive energetic interfaces. Zbl 1352.74096 Javili, A.; Mcbride, A.; Steinmann, P. 14 2013 ...and 148 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,786 Authors 174 Steinmann, Paul 46 Betsch, Peter 44 Menzel, Andreas M. 34 Javili, Ali 34 Kuhl, Ellen 28 Hesch, Christian 25 Miehe, Christian 23 Gil, Antonio J. 22 Neff, Patrizio 21 McBride, Andrew T. 20 Eremeyev, Victor A. 20 Mergheim, Julia 20 Ortigosa, Rogelio 19 Reese, Stefanie 17 Geers, Marc G. D. 17 Mosler, Jörn 17 Noels, Ludovic 16 Bargmann, Swantje 16 Forest, Samuel 16 Rabczuk, Timon 14 dell’Isola, Francesco 14 Gross, Michael B. 14 Mahnken, Rolf 14 Reddy, B. Dayanand 14 Runesson, Kenneth 13 Kaliske, Michael 13 Keip, Marc-André 13 Leyendecker, Sigrid 13 Wriggers, Peter 12 Giorgio, Ivan 12 Larsson, Fredrik 12 Polizzotto, Castrenze 12 Ristinmaa, Matti 11 Bustamante, Roger 11 Denzer, Ralf 11 Goriely, Alain 11 Stein, Erwin 11 Sun, WaiChing 10 Eugster, Simon Raphael 10 Hossain, Mokarram 10 Reddy, Junuthula Narasimha 10 Sansour, Carlo 10 Schillinger, Dominik 10 Svendsen, Bob 10 Zhang, Hongwu 9 Altenbach, Holm 9 Fernández, Jose Ramon 9 Muller, Ralf 9 Ortiz, Michael 9 Pivovarov, Dmytro 9 Placidi, Luca 9 Schröder, Jörg 9 Wang, Jiong 8 Barthold, Franz-Joseph 8 Böhlke, Thomas 8 Bonet, Javier 8 Brugnano, Luigi 8 de Borst, René 8 Dietzsch, Julian 8 Greco, Leopoldo 8 Kaiser, Tobias 8 Kapl, Mario 8 Krenk, Steen 8 Kumar, Ajeet 8 Linder, Christian 8 Martínez-Frutos, Jesús 8 Schuß, Stefan 8 Shariff, M. H. B. M. 8 Willner, Kai 8 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 8 Wu, Ling 8 Wulfinghoff, Stephan 8 Yu, Tiantang 7 Aldakheel, Fadi 7 Barchiesi, Emilio 7 Bordas, Stéphane Pierre Alain 7 Campo, Marco A. 7 Chatzigeorgiou, George 7 Cuomo, Massimo 7 Davydov, Denis 7 Della Corte, Alessandro 7 Dittmann, M. 7 Ebobisse, François Bille 7 Franke, Marlon 7 Khoei, Amir R. 7 Klinkel, Sven 7 Larsson, Ragnar 7 Latorre, Marcos 7 Masud, Arif 7 Montáns, Francisco-Javier 7 Nguyen, Van-Dung 7 Sauer, Roger A. 7 Saxena, Prashant 7 Sluys, Lambertus Johannes 7 Truster, Timothy J. 7 Wallin, Mathias 7 Zheng, Yonggang 7 Zhuang, Xiaoying 6 Bartel, Thorsten 6 Bauchau, Olivier A. ...and 2,686 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 137 Serials 459 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 240 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 181 Computational Mechanics 102 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 84 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 77 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 64 Acta Mechanica 55 International Journal of Engineering Science 52 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 35 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 29 International Journal of Solids and Structures 27 Journal of Computational Physics 25 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 23 International Journal of Plasticity 23 Archive of Applied Mechanics 22 Journal of Elasticity 22 Multibody System Dynamics 20 Meccanica 20 GAMM-Mitteilungen 19 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 18 International Journal of Fracture 16 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 16 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 15 Applied Mathematical Modelling 12 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 11 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 9 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 9 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 Nonlinear Dynamics 7 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 7 Applied Numerical Mathematics 7 Engineering Computations 7 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 6 Journal of Scientific Computing 5 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 5 Computers and Fluids 5 International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 5 Mechanics Research Communications 5 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 5 Journal of Theoretical Biology 4 Physics Letters. A 4 Wave Motion 4 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 4 Numerical Algorithms 4 International Journal of Computational Methods 4 Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems 3 Computer Physics Communications 3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 3 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 3 Journal of Computational Mathematics 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Acta Mechanica Sinica 3 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 3 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 3 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Archives of Mechanics 2 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2 AMM. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 2 Mechanics of Solids 2 Results in Applied Mathematics 1 Applicable Analysis 1 European Journal of Physics 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Physics Reports 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 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Matematica e Applicazioni 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics ...and 37 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 1,728 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 437 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 103 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 96 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 85 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 75 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 52 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 45 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 34 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 32 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 25 Differential geometry (53-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year