Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Stenberg, Rolf Co-Author Distance Author ID: stenberg.rolf Published as: Stenberg, Rolf; Stenberg, R. Homepage: https://math.aalto.fi/~rstenber/cv.htm External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 87 Publications since 1981 3 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 3 Packages Co-Authors: 45 Co-Authors with 74 Joint Publications 1,806 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 13 Videman, Juha Hans 12 Gustafsson, Tom 11 Niiranen, Jarkko 9 Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço 8 Lyly, Mikko 7 Juntunen, Mika 5 Franca, Leopoldo Luis Cabo Penna 5 Könnö, Juho 4 Chapelle, Dominique 4 Lovadina, Carlo 3 Hannukainen, Antti 2 Boffi, Daniele 2 Hansbo, Peter 2 Hughes, Thomas J. R. 2 Křížek, Michal 2 Lederer, Philip Lukas 2 Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 2 Pitkäranta, Juhani 2 Rajagopal, Kumbakonam Ramamani 2 Repin, Sergeĭ Igorevich 2 Schötzau, Dominik 2 Schwab, Christoph 2 Suri, Manil 1 Becker, Roland 1 Bertrand, Fleurianne 1 Bonvin, John 1 Brezzi, Franco 1 Burman, Erik 1 Chinosi, Claudia 1 Eirola, Timo 1 Filho, José Karam 1 Fortin, Michel 1 Gittelson, Claude Jeffrey 1 Jeltsch, Rolf 1 Johnson, Claes G. L. 1 Kouhia, Reijo 1 Larson, Mats G. 1 Loula, Abimael Fernando Dourado 1 Lüthen, Nora 1 Picasso, Marco 1 Rüter, Marcus Olavi 1 Schöberl, Joachim 1 Somersalo, Erkki 1 Vihinen, Teemu 1 Vohralík, Martin all top 5 Serials 11 Numerische Mathematik 10 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 7 Mathematics of Computation 4 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 3 BIT 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Computational Geosciences 2 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 2 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Calcolo 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Matemática Aplicada e Computacional 1 Applied Mechanics Reviews 1 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Bericht. Universität Jyväskylä. Mathematisches Institut all top 5 Fields 64 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 49 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 27 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 22 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 78 Publications have been cited 2,175 times in 1,507 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A family of mixed finite elements for the elasticity problem. Zbl 0632.73063 Stenberg, Rolf 169 1988 On some techniques for approximating boundary conditions in the finite element method. Zbl 0856.65130 Stenberg, Rolf 147 1995 Error analysis of some Galerkin least squares methods for the elasticity equations. Zbl 0759.73055 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Stenberg, Rolf 143 1991 A finite element method for domain decomposition with non-matching grids. Zbl 1047.65099 Becker, Roland; Hansbo, Peter; Stenberg, Rolf 115 2003 Analysis of mixed finite element methods for the Stokes problem: A unified approach. Zbl 0535.76037 Stenberg, Rolf 104 1984 Error analysis of mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0751.73053 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Stenberg, Rolf 97 1991 Postprocessing schemes for some mixed finite elements. Zbl 0717.65081 Stenberg, Rolf 94 1991 Nitsche’s method for general boundary conditions. Zbl 1198.65223 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 92 2009 Energy norm a posteriori error estimates for mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1119.65110 Lovadina, Carlo; Stenberg, Rolf 69 2006 A linear nonconforming finite element method for nearly incompressible elasticity and Stokes flow. Zbl 1067.74578 Kouhia, Reijo; Stenberg, Rolf 62 1995 Mixed \(hp\) finite element methods for problems in elasticity and Stokes flow. Zbl 0855.73075 Stenberg, Rolf; Suri, Manil 59 1996 On the construction of optimal mixed finite element methods for the linear elasticity problem. Zbl 0563.65072 Stenberg, Rolf 59 1986 Stabilized finite element methods. Zbl 1189.76339 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Stenberg, Rolf 53 1993 Error analysis of some finite element methods for the Stokes problem. Zbl 0702.65095 Stenberg, Rolf 51 1990 A unified framework for a posteriori error estimation for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1301.76049 Hannukainen, Antti; Stenberg, Rolf; Vohralík, Martin 48 2012 \(H(\mathop{div})\)-conforming finite elements for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1331.76115 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 48 2011 A posteriori error estimates for the Morley plate bending element. Zbl 1110.74050 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 44 2007 A stable bilinear element for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. Zbl 0846.73065 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf; Vihinen, Teemu 40 1993 A posteriori estimates for the Stokes eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1169.65109 Lovadina, Carlo; Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 40 2009 An optimal low-order locking-free finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0907.73055 Chapelle, D.; Stenberg, R. 33 1998 A technique for analysing finite element methods for viscous incompressible flow. Zbl 0704.76017 Stenberg, Rolf 31 1990 Analysis of finite element methods for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1410.76179 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 28 2010 Numerical computations with \(H(\mathop{div})\)-finite elements for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1348.76100 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 27 2012 GLS and EVSS methods for a three-field Stokes problem arising from viscoelastic flows. Zbl 1014.76043 Bonvin, J.; Picasso, M.; Stenberg, R. 25 2001 Two low-order mixed methods for the elasticity problem. Zbl 0686.73049 Stenberg, R. 24 1988 Some new families of finite elements for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0708.76088 Stenberg, Rolf 23 1990 Analysis of some mixed finite element methods for plane elasticity equations. Zbl 0537.73057 Pitkäranta, J.; Stenberg, R. 22 1983 Finite element methods. Superconvergence, post-processing, and a posteriori estimates. 1st conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Zbl 0884.00048 21 1998 Stabilized finite element formulations for shells in a bending-dominated state. Zbl 0940.74059 Chapelle, Dominique; Stenberg, Rolf 21 1998 An \(hp\) error analysis of MITC plate elements. Zbl 0877.73071 Stenberg, Rolf; Suri, Manil 21 1997 Mixed \(hp\)-FEM on anisotropic meshes. II: Hanging nodes and tensor products of boundary layer meshes. Zbl 0958.76049 Schötzau, Dominik; Schwab, Christoph; Stenberg, Rolf 21 1999 Computations with finite element methods for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1333.76051 Hannukainen, Antti; Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 20 2011 A family of \({C}^0\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates. I: Error analysis. Zbl 1152.74043 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 20 2007 Mixed and stabilized finite element methods for the obstacle problem. Zbl 1378.65135 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 18 2017 Error bounds for the approximation of the Stokes problem using bilinear/constant elements on irregular quadrilateral meshes. Zbl 0598.76036 Pitkäranta, J.; Stenberg, R. 14 1985 A posteriori error analysis for the Morley plate element with general boundary conditions. Zbl 1193.74162 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 14 2010 On some three-dimensional finite elements for incompressible media. Zbl 0684.73036 Stenberg, Rolf 14 1987 The multi-level Monte Carlo finite element method for a stochastic Brinkman problem. Zbl 1281.65010 Gittelson, Claude J.; Könnö, Juho; Schwab, Christoph; Stenberg, Rolf 13 2013 Galerkin least squares finite element method for the obstacle problem. Zbl 1439.74395 Burman, Erik; Hansbo, Peter; Larson, Mats G.; Stenberg, Rolf 13 2017 On Nitsche’s method for elastic contact problems. Zbl 1447.65143 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 13 2020 A new finite element formulation for the plate bending problem. Zbl 0828.73069 Stenberg, Rolf 12 1995 A family of \(C^{0}\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates. II: Numerical results. Zbl 1194.74363 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 12 2008 A refined error analysis of MITC plate elements. Zbl 1094.74055 Lyly, Mikko; Niiranen, Jarkko; Stenberg, Rolf 11 2006 A nonstandard mixed finite element family. Zbl 1189.65285 Stenberg, Rolf 11 2010 A posteriori error estimates for the generalized Stokes problem. Zbl 1202.65150 Repin, S.; Stenberg, R. 11 2007 Nonlinear Reynolds equation for hydrodynamic lubrication. Zbl 1443.76037 Gustafsson, Tom; Rajagopal, K. R.; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 9 2015 An improved a priori error analysis of Nitsche’s method for Robin boundary conditions. Zbl 1448.65241 Lüthen, Nora; Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 8 2018 A remark on finite element schemes for nearly incompressible elasticity. Zbl 1407.65282 Boffi, Daniele; Stenberg, Rolf 8 2017 A posteriori error analysis of the linked interpolation technique for plate bending problems. Zbl 1098.74055 Lovadina, Carlo; Stenberg, Rolf 7 2005 Locking-free mixed stabilized finite element methods for bending-dominated shells. Zbl 0958.74060 Chapelle, Dominique; Stenberg, Rolf 7 1999 On the error analysis of stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1331.76073 Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 7 2015 A posteriori estimates for conforming Kirchhoff plate elements. Zbl 1450.65147 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 6 2018 Mixed finite element methods for problems with Robin boundary conditions. Zbl 1226.65094 Könnö, Juho; Schötzau, Dominik; Stenberg, Rolf 6 2011 Error analysis of Nitsche’s mortar method. Zbl 1416.65447 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 6 2019 A survey of stabilized plate elements. Zbl 1010.74066 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 5 2002 A convergence analysis of a stabilized method for the Stokes flow. Zbl 0737.76044 Franca, L. P.; Filho, J. Karam; Loula, A. F. D.; Stenberg, R. 5 1991 On finite element formulations for the obstacle problem – mixed and stabilised methods. Zbl 1380.65114 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 5 2017 Energy norm analysis of exactly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity. Zbl 1506.65219 Lederer, Philip L.; Stenberg, Rolf 5 2023 Finite element methods. 50 years of the Courant element. Conference held at the Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1993. Zbl 0802.00026 4 1994 Nitsche’s method for unilateral contact problems. Zbl 1428.65083 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha H. 4 2018 On a mixed discontinuous Galerkin method. Zbl 1416.65453 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2008 Non-conforming finite element method tor the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1311.76062 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2010 A priori and a posteriori error analysis for a family of Reissner-Mindlin plate elements. Zbl 1143.74050 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Chinosi, C.; Lovadina, C.; Stenberg, R. 4 2008 Asymptotically exact a posteriori error analysis for the mixed Laplace eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1436.65166 Bertrand, Fleurianne; Boffi, Daniele; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2020 A stabilised finite element method for the plate obstacle problem. Zbl 1433.65295 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 4 2019 A stable finite element formulation for the Reissner-Mindlin plate- bending model. Zbl 0810.73064 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 3 1994 A residual based a posteriori estimator for the reaction-diffusion problem. Zbl 1163.65075 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2009 Multigrid methods for a stabilized Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation. Zbl 1410.74073 Schöberl, Joachim; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2009 Superconvergence and postprocessing of MITC plate elements. Zbl 1173.74434 Lyly, Mikko; Niiranen, Jarkko; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2007 An adaptive finite element method for the inequality-constrained Reynolds equation. Zbl 1440.76066 Gustafsson, Tom; Rajagopal, Kumbakonam R.; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 3 2018 Finite element approximation of a new variational principle for compressible and incompressible linear isotropic elasticity. Zbl 0749.73076 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Stenberg, Rolf 2 1989 Error-controlled adaptive mixed finite element methods for second-order elliptic equations. Zbl 1168.65416 Rüter, Marcus; Stenberg, Rolf 2 2008 Two-sided a posteriori estimates for a generalized Stokes problem. Zbl 1315.35175 Repin, S.; Stenberg, R. 2 2009 A family of \(C^0\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates with free boundary conditions. Zbl 1113.74064 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 1 2006 Weakly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity. Zbl 1321.74074 Stenberg, Rolf 1 2015 On the postprocessing of mixed equilibrium finite element methods. Zbl 0645.73033 Stenberg, R. 1 1987 A posteriori error analysis for Kirchhoff plate elements. Zbl 1155.74047 Niiranen, J.; Beirão da Veiga, L.; Stenberg, R. 1 2008 Nitsche’s method for Kirchhoff plates. Zbl 1471.65195 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 1 2021 Energy norm analysis of exactly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity. Zbl 1506.65219 Lederer, Philip L.; Stenberg, Rolf 5 2023 Nitsche’s method for Kirchhoff plates. Zbl 1471.65195 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 1 2021 On Nitsche’s method for elastic contact problems. Zbl 1447.65143 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 13 2020 Asymptotically exact a posteriori error analysis for the mixed Laplace eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1436.65166 Bertrand, Fleurianne; Boffi, Daniele; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2020 Error analysis of Nitsche’s mortar method. Zbl 1416.65447 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 6 2019 A stabilised finite element method for the plate obstacle problem. Zbl 1433.65295 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 4 2019 An improved a priori error analysis of Nitsche’s method for Robin boundary conditions. Zbl 1448.65241 Lüthen, Nora; Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 8 2018 A posteriori estimates for conforming Kirchhoff plate elements. Zbl 1450.65147 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 6 2018 Nitsche’s method for unilateral contact problems. Zbl 1428.65083 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha H. 4 2018 An adaptive finite element method for the inequality-constrained Reynolds equation. Zbl 1440.76066 Gustafsson, Tom; Rajagopal, Kumbakonam R.; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 3 2018 Mixed and stabilized finite element methods for the obstacle problem. Zbl 1378.65135 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 18 2017 Galerkin least squares finite element method for the obstacle problem. Zbl 1439.74395 Burman, Erik; Hansbo, Peter; Larson, Mats G.; Stenberg, Rolf 13 2017 A remark on finite element schemes for nearly incompressible elasticity. Zbl 1407.65282 Boffi, Daniele; Stenberg, Rolf 8 2017 On finite element formulations for the obstacle problem – mixed and stabilised methods. Zbl 1380.65114 Gustafsson, Tom; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 5 2017 Nonlinear Reynolds equation for hydrodynamic lubrication. Zbl 1443.76037 Gustafsson, Tom; Rajagopal, K. R.; Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 9 2015 On the error analysis of stabilized finite element methods for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1331.76073 Stenberg, Rolf; Videman, Juha 7 2015 Weakly symmetric mixed finite elements for linear elasticity. Zbl 1321.74074 Stenberg, Rolf 1 2015 The multi-level Monte Carlo finite element method for a stochastic Brinkman problem. Zbl 1281.65010 Gittelson, Claude J.; Könnö, Juho; Schwab, Christoph; Stenberg, Rolf 13 2013 A unified framework for a posteriori error estimation for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1301.76049 Hannukainen, Antti; Stenberg, Rolf; Vohralík, Martin 48 2012 Numerical computations with \(H(\mathop{div})\)-finite elements for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1348.76100 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 27 2012 \(H(\mathop{div})\)-conforming finite elements for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1331.76115 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 48 2011 Computations with finite element methods for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1333.76051 Hannukainen, Antti; Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 20 2011 Mixed finite element methods for problems with Robin boundary conditions. Zbl 1226.65094 Könnö, Juho; Schötzau, Dominik; Stenberg, Rolf 6 2011 Analysis of finite element methods for the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1410.76179 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 28 2010 A posteriori error analysis for the Morley plate element with general boundary conditions. Zbl 1193.74162 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 14 2010 A nonstandard mixed finite element family. Zbl 1189.65285 Stenberg, Rolf 11 2010 Non-conforming finite element method tor the Brinkman problem. Zbl 1311.76062 Könnö, Juho; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2010 Nitsche’s method for general boundary conditions. Zbl 1198.65223 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 92 2009 A posteriori estimates for the Stokes eigenvalue problem. Zbl 1169.65109 Lovadina, Carlo; Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 40 2009 A residual based a posteriori estimator for the reaction-diffusion problem. Zbl 1163.65075 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2009 Multigrid methods for a stabilized Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation. Zbl 1410.74073 Schöberl, Joachim; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2009 Two-sided a posteriori estimates for a generalized Stokes problem. Zbl 1315.35175 Repin, S.; Stenberg, R. 2 2009 A family of \(C^{0}\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates. II: Numerical results. Zbl 1194.74363 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 12 2008 On a mixed discontinuous Galerkin method. Zbl 1416.65453 Juntunen, Mika; Stenberg, Rolf 4 2008 A priori and a posteriori error analysis for a family of Reissner-Mindlin plate elements. Zbl 1143.74050 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Chinosi, C.; Lovadina, C.; Stenberg, R. 4 2008 Error-controlled adaptive mixed finite element methods for second-order elliptic equations. Zbl 1168.65416 Rüter, Marcus; Stenberg, Rolf 2 2008 A posteriori error analysis for Kirchhoff plate elements. Zbl 1155.74047 Niiranen, J.; Beirão da Veiga, L.; Stenberg, R. 1 2008 A posteriori error estimates for the Morley plate bending element. Zbl 1110.74050 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 44 2007 A family of \({C}^0\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates. I: Error analysis. Zbl 1152.74043 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 20 2007 A posteriori error estimates for the generalized Stokes problem. Zbl 1202.65150 Repin, S.; Stenberg, R. 11 2007 Superconvergence and postprocessing of MITC plate elements. Zbl 1173.74434 Lyly, Mikko; Niiranen, Jarkko; Stenberg, Rolf 3 2007 Energy norm a posteriori error estimates for mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1119.65110 Lovadina, Carlo; Stenberg, Rolf 69 2006 A refined error analysis of MITC plate elements. Zbl 1094.74055 Lyly, Mikko; Niiranen, Jarkko; Stenberg, Rolf 11 2006 A family of \(C^0\) finite elements for Kirchhoff plates with free boundary conditions. Zbl 1113.74064 Beirão da Veiga, L.; Niiranen, J.; Stenberg, R. 1 2006 A posteriori error analysis of the linked interpolation technique for plate bending problems. Zbl 1098.74055 Lovadina, Carlo; Stenberg, Rolf 7 2005 A finite element method for domain decomposition with non-matching grids. Zbl 1047.65099 Becker, Roland; Hansbo, Peter; Stenberg, Rolf 115 2003 A survey of stabilized plate elements. Zbl 1010.74066 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 5 2002 GLS and EVSS methods for a three-field Stokes problem arising from viscoelastic flows. Zbl 1014.76043 Bonvin, J.; Picasso, M.; Stenberg, R. 25 2001 Mixed \(hp\)-FEM on anisotropic meshes. II: Hanging nodes and tensor products of boundary layer meshes. Zbl 0958.76049 Schötzau, Dominik; Schwab, Christoph; Stenberg, Rolf 21 1999 Locking-free mixed stabilized finite element methods for bending-dominated shells. Zbl 0958.74060 Chapelle, Dominique; Stenberg, Rolf 7 1999 An optimal low-order locking-free finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0907.73055 Chapelle, D.; Stenberg, R. 33 1998 Finite element methods. Superconvergence, post-processing, and a posteriori estimates. 1st conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Zbl 0884.00048 21 1998 Stabilized finite element formulations for shells in a bending-dominated state. Zbl 0940.74059 Chapelle, Dominique; Stenberg, Rolf 21 1998 An \(hp\) error analysis of MITC plate elements. Zbl 0877.73071 Stenberg, Rolf; Suri, Manil 21 1997 Mixed \(hp\) finite element methods for problems in elasticity and Stokes flow. Zbl 0855.73075 Stenberg, Rolf; Suri, Manil 59 1996 On some techniques for approximating boundary conditions in the finite element method. Zbl 0856.65130 Stenberg, Rolf 147 1995 A linear nonconforming finite element method for nearly incompressible elasticity and Stokes flow. Zbl 1067.74578 Kouhia, Reijo; Stenberg, Rolf 62 1995 A new finite element formulation for the plate bending problem. Zbl 0828.73069 Stenberg, Rolf 12 1995 Finite element methods. 50 years of the Courant element. Conference held at the Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1993. Zbl 0802.00026 4 1994 A stable finite element formulation for the Reissner-Mindlin plate- bending model. Zbl 0810.73064 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf 3 1994 Stabilized finite element methods. Zbl 1189.76339 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Stenberg, Rolf 53 1993 A stable bilinear element for the Reissner-Mindlin plate model. Zbl 0846.73065 Lyly, Mikko; Stenberg, Rolf; Vihinen, Teemu 40 1993 Error analysis of some Galerkin least squares methods for the elasticity equations. Zbl 0759.73055 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Stenberg, Rolf 143 1991 Error analysis of mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0751.73053 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Stenberg, Rolf 97 1991 Postprocessing schemes for some mixed finite elements. Zbl 0717.65081 Stenberg, Rolf 94 1991 A convergence analysis of a stabilized method for the Stokes flow. Zbl 0737.76044 Franca, L. P.; Filho, J. Karam; Loula, A. F. D.; Stenberg, R. 5 1991 Error analysis of some finite element methods for the Stokes problem. Zbl 0702.65095 Stenberg, Rolf 51 1990 A technique for analysing finite element methods for viscous incompressible flow. Zbl 0704.76017 Stenberg, Rolf 31 1990 Some new families of finite elements for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0708.76088 Stenberg, Rolf 23 1990 Finite element approximation of a new variational principle for compressible and incompressible linear isotropic elasticity. Zbl 0749.73076 Franca, Leopoldo P.; Stenberg, Rolf 2 1989 A family of mixed finite elements for the elasticity problem. Zbl 0632.73063 Stenberg, Rolf 169 1988 Two low-order mixed methods for the elasticity problem. Zbl 0686.73049 Stenberg, R. 24 1988 On some three-dimensional finite elements for incompressible media. Zbl 0684.73036 Stenberg, Rolf 14 1987 On the postprocessing of mixed equilibrium finite element methods. Zbl 0645.73033 Stenberg, R. 1 1987 On the construction of optimal mixed finite element methods for the linear elasticity problem. Zbl 0563.65072 Stenberg, Rolf 59 1986 Error bounds for the approximation of the Stokes problem using bilinear/constant elements on irregular quadrilateral meshes. Zbl 0598.76036 Pitkäranta, J.; Stenberg, R. 14 1985 Analysis of mixed finite element methods for the Stokes problem: A unified approach. Zbl 0535.76037 Stenberg, Rolf 104 1984 Analysis of some mixed finite element methods for plane elasticity equations. Zbl 0537.73057 Pitkäranta, J.; Stenberg, R. 22 1983 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,787 Authors 46 Stenberg, Rolf 31 Cockburn, Bernardo 30 Carstensen, Carsten 29 Hansbo, Peter 29 Hu, Jun 27 Codina, Ramon 26 Gatica, Gabriel N. 26 Larson, Mats G. 24 Burman, Erik 17 Zhang, Shangyou 16 Huang, Xuehai 15 Franca, Leopoldo Luis Cabo Penna 15 Gustafsson, Tom 15 He, Yinnian 15 Hughes, Thomas J. R. 15 Lederer, Philip Lukas 15 Lee, Jeonghun J. 15 Lovadina, Carlo 15 Schöberl, Joachim 15 Videman, Juha Hans 14 Chouly, Franz 14 Duan, Huoyuan 14 Yang, Yidu 13 Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço 13 Shi, Zhongci 13 Zhang, Zhimin 12 Arnold, Douglas Norman 12 Boffi, Daniele 12 Chen, Shaochun 12 Guzmán, Johnny 12 Meddahi, Salim 12 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 11 Bertrand, Fleurianne 11 Nguyen-Xuan, Hung 11 Repin, Sergeĭ Igorevich 11 Ruas, Vitoriano 11 Xie, Xiaoping 11 Zhao, Lina 10 Ainsworth, Mark 10 Chen, Long 10 Huerta, Antonio 10 Wall, Wolfgang A. 9 Führer, Thomas 9 Harari, Isaac 9 Juntunen, Mika 9 Marquez-Duran, Antonio M. 9 Merdon, Christian 9 Niemi, Antti H. 9 Starke, Gerhard 9 Winther, Ragnar 8 Baiges, Joan 8 Bi, Hai 8 Falk, Richard S. 8 Fernández, Miguel Ángel 8 Gopalakrishnan, Jay 8 Lepe, Felipe 8 Neilan, Michael 8 Nguyen-Thoi, Trung 8 Nicaise, Serge 8 Niiranen, Jarkko 8 Renard, Yves 8 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 8 Schötzau, Dominik 8 Schwab, Christoph 8 Shi, Dongyang 8 Ye, Xiu 8 Yotov, Ivan 7 Blasco, Jordi 7 Bordas, Stéphane Pierre Alain 7 Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio 7 Dolbow, John E. 7 Gallistl, Dietmar 7 Girault, Vivette 7 Huang, Jianguo 7 Kim, Kwang Yeon 7 Marini, Luisa Donatella 7 Nguyen, Ngoc Cuong 7 Park, Eun-Jae 7 Peraire, Jaime 7 Picasso, Marco 7 Qiu, Weifeng 7 Silvester, David J. 7 Xie, Hehu 7 Zhang, Shuo 6 Araya, Rodolfo A. 6 Awanou, Gerard Michel 6 Badia, Santiago 6 Barrios, Tomás P. 6 Becker, Roland 6 Brenner, Susanne Cecelia 6 Brezzi, Franco 6 Buscaglia, Gustavo Carlos 6 Cheng, Xiaoliang 6 Ern, Alexandre 6 Evans, John A. 6 Feng, Minfu 6 Gastaldi, Lucia 6 Gatica, Luis F. 6 Gedicke, Joscha 6 Heuer, Norbert ...and 1,687 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 141 Serials 290 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 85 Numerische Mathematik 81 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 77 Mathematics of Computation 70 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 Journal of Scientific Computing 66 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 44 Applied Numerical Mathematics 40 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 38 Computational Mechanics 37 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 37 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 33 Journal of Computational Physics 31 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 27 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 25 Applied Mathematics and Computation 25 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 23 Calcolo 16 Advances in Computational Mathematics 13 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 12 Applications of Mathematics 11 BIT 10 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 10 Science China. Mathematics 9 Computers and Fluids 9 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 8 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 8 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 8 International Journal of Computational Methods 7 Computational Geosciences 7 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 6 Applied Mathematical Modelling 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 6 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 5 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 5 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 5 Communications in Computational Physics 5 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 5 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 4 Computing 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 4 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 4 Engineering Computations 4 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Computer Physics Communications 3 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 3 Russian Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Computing and Visualization in Science 3 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 GAMM-Mitteilungen 3 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3 Electronic Research Archive 2 Acta Mechanica 2 Applicable Analysis 2 International Journal of Engineering Science 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Advances in Numerical Analysis 2 Stochastic and Partial Differential Equations. Analysis and Computations 2 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Mechanics Research Communications 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Physica D 1 Japan Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics ...and 41 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 34 Fields 1,165 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 615 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 580 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 452 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 39 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 19 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 14 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 13 Potential theory (31-XX) 10 Geophysics (86-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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