Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Sun, Shuyu Co-Author Distance Author ID: sun.shuyu Published as: Sun, Shuyu External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 137 Publications since 2002, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 106 Co-Authors with 138 Joint Publications 3,499 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 41 Kou, Jisheng 19 Wheeler, Mary Fanett 17 Chen, Huangxin 13 Salama, Amgad 11 El-Amin, Mohamed Fathy 11 Yang, Haijian 9 Wang, Xiuhua 8 Li, Yiteng 7 Qiao, Zhonghua 7 Yang, Chao 7 Zhang, Tao 6 Wu, Yuanqing 6 Yao, Jun 6 Zhu, Guangpu 5 Chen, Jie 5 Wang, Xiaoping 5 Yu, Bo 4 Fan, Xiaolin 4 Li, Aifen 4 Obeyesekere, Mandri N. 3 Chen, Menghuo 3 Chen, Zhangxin 3 Feng, Xiaoyu 3 Wang, Xiuping 3 Zhang, Yuze 3 Zhong, Hua 2 Cheng, Tianpei 2 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 2 Du, Shigui 2 Ervin, Vincent J. 2 Ferdows, Mohammad 2 Gao, Xin 2 Guo, Zhaoli 2 He, Zhengkang 2 Hou, Jiangyong 2 Jenkins, Eleanor W. 2 Ju, Long 2 Li, Jichun 2 Li, Jingfa 2 Li, Yu 2 Liu, Yang 2 Luo, Xianbing 2 Negara, Ardiansyah 2 Patrick, Charles jun. 2 Rivière, Beatrice M. 2 Yan, Bicheng 2 Ye, Changlun 2 Yong, Jinjun 2 Yotov, Ivan 2 Zhang, Lei 2 Zhu, Xingyu 1 Abbas, Ibrahim A. A. 1 Alam, Md. Mahmud 1 Alotaibi, Manal 1 Bao, Jin 1 Bao, Kai 1 Calo, Victor Manuel 1 Dawson, Clint N. 1 Dong, Ming 1 Dong, Piaopiao 1 Du, Shaohong 1 Ebrahiem, N. A. 1 Efendiev, Yalchin R. 1 Eslinger, Owen 1 Firoozabadi, Abbas 1 Girault, Vivette 1 Guo, Shimin 1 Hossain, Abid 1 Huang, Can 1 Huang, Yunqing 1 Kadoura, Ahmad 1 Kanayama, Hiroshi 1 Khan, Md. Shakhaoath 1 Kowitz, Christoph 1 Li, Jun 1 Liu, Jiangguo 1 Liu, Jie 1 Liu, Peiyao 1 Louaked, Mohammed 1 Mim, Fahiza Tabassum 1 Patrick, Charles W. jun. 1 Peng, Qiujin 1 Qiao, Tian 1 Seloula, Nour El Houda 1 Shi, Yi 1 Tang, Qinglin 1 Tang, Tao 1 Trabelsi, Saber 1 Vignal, Philippe 1 Wang, Hong 1 Wang, Kaixin 1 Wang, Yi 1 Wang, Yiran 1 Wang, Zixuan 1 Wei, Wei 1 Wu, Shuhong 1 Wu, Yushu 1 Xiang, Yahong 1 Xie, Xiaoping 1 Xu, Dingguo ...and 7 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 25 Journal of Computational Physics 15 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 14 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 6 Journal of Scientific Computing 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 Communications in Computational Physics 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 4 Computers and Fluids 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Computational Geosciences 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 2 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 2 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling. Series B 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Differential and Integral Equations 1 Archive of Applied Mechanics 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics all top 5 Fields 104 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 99 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 27 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 114 Publications have been cited 2,047 times in 1,032 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Compatible algorithms for coupled flow and transport. Zbl 1067.76565 Dawson, Clint; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 162 2004 Symmetric and nonsymmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for reactive transport in porous media. Zbl 1086.76043 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 101 2005 Coupled generalized nonlinear Stokes flow with flow through a porous medium. Zbl 1279.76032 Ervin, V. J.; Jenkins, E. W.; Sun, Shuyu 96 2009 Discontinuous Galerkin methods for coupled flow and reactive transport problems. Zbl 1079.76584 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 84 2005 A locally conservative finite element method based on piecewise constant enrichment of the continuous Galerkin method. Zbl 1198.65197 Sun, Shuyu; Liu, Jiangguo 74 2009 A combined mixed finite element and discontinuous Galerkin method for miscible displacement problem in porous media. Zbl 1060.76072 Sun, Shuyu; Rivière, Béatrice; Wheeler, Mary F. 60 2002 Two-phase fluid simulation using a diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1305.76117 Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 57 2014 Efficient energy-stable schemes for the hydrodynamics coupled phase-field model. Zbl 1462.76133 Zhu, Guangpu; Chen, Huangxin; Yao, Jun; Sun, Shuyu 45 2019 Coupling nonlinear Stokes and Darcy flow using mortar finite elements. Zbl 1276.76040 Ervin, V. J.; Jenkins, E. W.; Sun, Shuyu 44 2011 A numerical method for a model of two-phase flow in a coupled free flow and porous media system. Zbl 1349.76187 Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiao-Ping 43 2014 Linearly decoupled energy-stable numerical methods for multicomponent two-phase compressible flow. Zbl 1404.65226 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 43 2018 Decoupled, energy stable schemes for a phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 07694813 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen 42 2018 Active-set reduced-space methods with nonlinear elimination for two-phase flow problems in porous media. Zbl 1383.76384 Yang, Haijian; Yang, Chao; Sun, Shuyu 38 2016 A finite element method for the numerical solution of the coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes system for moving contact line problems. Zbl 1284.65131 Bao, Kai; Shi, Yi; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiao-Ping 36 2012 A phase-field moving contact line model with soluble surfactants. Zbl 1453.76146 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen; Sun, Shuyu 34 2020 Nonlinearly preconditioned semismooth Newton methods for variational inequality solution of two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1378.76115 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Yang, Chao 33 2017 A novel energy factorization approach for the diffuse-interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1432.65169 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 32 2020 Thermodynamically consistent modelling of two-phase flows with moving contact line and soluble surfactants. Zbl 1430.76475 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Yao, Bowen; Wu, Yu-Shu; Yao, Jun; Sun, Shuyu 32 2019 \(L^{2}(H^{1})\) norm a posteriori error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of reactive transport problems. Zbl 1066.76037 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 31 2005 The superconvergence phenomenon and proof of the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations on non-uniform rectangular meshes. Zbl 1328.65210 Li, Jichun; Sun, Shuyu 30 2015 Superconvergence of mixed finite element approximations to 3-D Maxwell’s equations in metamaterials. Zbl 1230.78029 Huang, Yunqing; Li, Jichun; Yang, Wei; Sun, Shuyu 29 2011 A componentwise convex splitting scheme for diffuse interface models with Van der Waals and Peng-Robinson equations of state. Zbl 1382.65391 Fan, Xiaolin; Kou, Jisheng; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 29 2017 Thermodynamically consistent modeling and simulation of multi-component two-phase flow with partial miscibility. Zbl 1439.76079 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 29 2018 Numerical approximation of a phase-field surfactant model with fluid flow. Zbl 1448.76171 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen 28 2019 Coupling discontinuous Galerkin and mixed finite element discretizations using mortar finite elements. Zbl 1165.65075 Girault, Vivette; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F.; Yotov, Ivan 27 2008 Projections of velocity data for the compatibility with transport. Zbl 1091.76041 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 27 2006 A scalable fully implicit framework for reservoir simulation on parallel computers. Zbl 1439.76103 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 25 2018 Anisotropic and dynamic mesh adaptation for discontinuous Galerkin methods applied to reactive transport. Zbl 1175.76096 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 25 2006 A new multi-component diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state and its scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach. Zbl 1473.65260 Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao; Zhang, Yuze 24 2019 Fully mass-conservative IMPES schemes for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1441.76057 Chen, Huangxin; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao 23 2019 Thermodynamically consistent simulation of nonisothermal diffuse-interface two-phase flow with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1415.76644 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 22 2018 A deterministic model of growth factor-induced angiogenesis. Zbl 1334.92047 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F.; Obeyesekere, Mandri; Patrick, Charles W. jun. 21 2005 Convergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible two-phase flow in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1282.76124 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 21 2013 Fully discrete energy stable scheme for a phase-field moving contact line model with variable densities and viscosities. Zbl 1481.65169 Zhu, Guangpu; Chen, Huangxin; Li, Aifen; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun 21 2020 Numerical methods for a multicomponent two-phase interface model with geometric mean influence parameters. Zbl 1326.76062 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 21 2015 Mixed finite element-based fully conservative methods for simulating wormhole propagation. Zbl 1423.76251 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wu, Yuanqing 20 2016 Efficient numerical methods for simulating surface tension of multi-component mixtures with the gradient theory of fluid interfaces. Zbl 1423.76250 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 20 2015 A new treatment of capillarity to improve the stability of IMPES two-phase flow formulation. Zbl 1245.76147 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 20 2010 A fully implicit constraint-preserving simulator for the black oil model of petroleum reservoirs. Zbl 1452.76138 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 19 2019 A posteriori error estimation and dynamic adaptivity for symmetric discontinuous Galerkin approximations of reactive transport problems. Zbl 1091.76040 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 19 2006 Unconditionally stable methods for simulating multi-component two-phase interface models with Peng-Robinson equation of state and various boundary conditions. Zbl 1329.76178 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 18 2016 Upwind discontinuous Galerkin methods with mass conservation of both phases for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1308.76169 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 15 2014 Analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for multicomponent reactive transport problems. Zbl 1129.65068 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, M. F. 15 2006 Discontinuous Galerkin method for modeling flow and reactive transport in porous media. Zbl 1271.76176 Wheeler, Mary F.; Sun, Shuyu; Eslinger, Owen; Rivière, Béatrice 14 2003 Analysis of a combined mixed finite element and discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1291.76204 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 13 2014 Advances in Gaussian random field generation: a review. Zbl 1427.60094 Liu, Yang; Li, Jingfa; Sun, Shuyu; Yu, Bo 13 2019 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for single-phase Darcy flow in fractured porous media. Zbl 1397.76062 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 12 2017 Entropy stable modeling of non-isothermal multi-component diffuse-interface two-phase flows with realistic equations of state. Zbl 1440.76096 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 12 2018 An energy stable linear numerical method for thermodynamically consistent modeling of two-phase incompressible flow in porous media. Zbl 07517158 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Du, Shigui; Sun, Shuyu 12 2022 Darcy-scale phase equilibrium modeling with gravity and capillarity. Zbl 1453.76207 Sun, Shuyu 12 2019 An adaptive finite element method for simulating surface tension with the gradient theory of fluid interfaces. Zbl 1291.76205 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 11 2014 Local problem-based a posteriori error estimators for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of reactive transport. Zbl 1117.76061 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 11 2007 Homogenization of two-phase fluid flow in porous media via volume averaging. Zbl 1432.76252 Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiaoping 11 2019 Multiscale angiogenesis modeling using mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1182.92012 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F.; Obeyesekere, Mandri; Patrick, Charles jun. 11 2005 Adaptive mixed-hybrid and penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for two-phase flow in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1382.76166 Hou, Jiangyong; Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Chen, Zhangxin 11 2016 Nonlinear behaviors of capillary formation in a deterministic angiogenesis model. Zbl 1222.92018 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F.; Obeyesekere, Mandri; Patrick, Charles jun. 10 2005 Energy stability analysis of some fully discrete numerical schemes for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grids. Zbl 1398.65263 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao 10 2018 A self-adaptive deep learning algorithm for accelerating multi-component flash calculation. Zbl 1506.82047 Zhang, Tao; Li, Yu; Li, Yiteng; Sun, Shuyu; Gao, Xin 10 2020 Generalized multiscale approximation of mixed finite elements with velocity elimination for subsurface flow. Zbl 1453.76065 Chen, Jie; Chung, Eric T.; He, Zhengkang; Sun, Shuyu 10 2020 On iterative IMPES formulation for two phase flow with capillarity in heterogeneous porous media. Zbl 1253.76124 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 9 2010 A pseudocompressibility method for the incompressible Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 1340.35264 Louaked, Mohammed; Seloula, Nour; Sun, Shuyu; Trabelsi, Saber 8 2015 A new physics-preserving IMPES scheme for incompressible and immiscible two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Zbl 1446.65107 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 8 2021 A fully mass-conservative iterative IMPEC method for multicomponent compressible flow in porous media. Zbl 1418.65167 Chen, Huangxin; Fan, Xiaolin; Sun, Shuyu 8 2019 Accelerating flash calculation through deep learning methods. Zbl 1452.68169 Li, Yu; Zhang, Tao; Sun, Shuyu; Gao, Xin 8 2019 An energy-stable smoothed particle hydrodynamics discretization of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard model for incompressible two-phase flows. Zbl 07660354 Feng, Xiaoyu; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuping 8 2023 A semi-analytic porosity evolution scheme for simulating wormhole propagation with the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. Zbl 1404.65175 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wu, Yuanqing 8 2019 Efficient energy-stable dynamic modeling of compositional grading. Zbl 1365.76228 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2017 Multi-scale diffuse interface modeling of multi-component two-phase flow with partial miscibility. Zbl 1349.76348 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2016 Speeding up the flash calculations in two-phase compositional flow simulations - the application of sparse grids. Zbl 1351.76227 Wu, Yuanqing; Kowitz, Christoph; Sun, Shuyu; Salama, Amgad 7 2015 MHD mixed convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid through a porous medium due to an exponentially stretching sheet. Zbl 1264.76118 Ferdows, M.; Khan, Md. Shakhaoath; Alam, Md. Mahmud; Sun, Shuyu 7 2012 Nonlinearly preconditioned constraint-preserving algorithms for subsurface three-phase flow with capillarity. Zbl 1442.76097 Yang, Haijian; Li, Yiteng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2020 An energy stable evolution method for simulating two-phase equilibria of multi-component fluids at constant moles, volume and temperature. Zbl 1392.86012 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 7 2016 Generalized multiscale finite element methods for the reduced model of Darcy flow in fractured porous media. Zbl 1492.65297 Alotaibi, Manal; Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 7 2022 Parallel reservoir simulators for fully implicit complementarity formulation of multicomponent compressible flows. Zbl 07674826 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 7 2019 An optimal-order \(L^2\)-error estimate for nonsymmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for a parabolic equation in multiple space dimensions. Zbl 1227.65085 Wang, Kaixin; Wang, Hong; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 6 2009 Adaptive moving grid methods for two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1293.76099 Dong, Hao; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Tang, Tao 6 2014 Continuum modeling of supply chain networks using discontinuous Galerkin methods. Zbl 1159.74317 Sun, Shuyu; Dong, Ming 6 2008 Numerical comparison of robustness of some reduction methods in rough grids. Zbl 1308.76167 Hou, Jiangyong; Sun, Shuyu; Chen, Zhangxin 5 2014 A fully explicit and unconditionally energy-stable scheme for Peng-Robinson VT flash calculation based on dynamic modeling. Zbl 07536774 Feng, Xiaoyu; Chen, Meng-Huo; Wu, Yuanqing; Sun, Shuyu 5 2022 A strongly mass conservative method for the coupled Brinkman-Darcy flow and transport. Zbl 1529.65094 Zhao, Lina; Sun, Shuyu 5 2023 Solving global problem by considering multitude of local problems: application to fluid flow in anisotropic porous media using the multipoint flux approximation. Zbl 1293.76096 Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 4 2014 Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for multipoint flux mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1380.65344 Du, Shaohong; Sun, Shuyu; Xie, Xiaoping 4 2016 Stability and convergence analysis of second-order schemes for a diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1413.65411 Peng, Qiujin; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 4 2017 Direct calculation of permeability by high-accurate finite difference and numerical integration methods. Zbl 1373.76198 Wang, Yi; Sun, Shuyu 3 2016 Discrete-fracture-model of multi-scale time-splitting two-phase flow including nanoparticles transport in fractured porous media. Zbl 1395.76048 El-Amin, Mohamed F.; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 3 2018 Optimal convergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods for continuum modeling of supply chain networks. Zbl 1361.35110 Zhang, Shuhua; Sun, Shuyu; Yang, Hongtao 3 2014 Multiscale time-splitting strategy for multiscale multiphysics processes of two-phase flow in fractured media. Zbl 1381.76341 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yu, Bo 3 2011 Fully implicit two-phase VT-flash compositional flow simulation enhanced by multilayer nonlinear elimination. Zbl 07524787 Li, Yiteng; Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu 3 2022 An efficient and physically consistent numerical method for the Maxwell-Stefan-Darcy model of two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 07769175 Kou, Jisheng; Chen, Huangxin; Du, ShiGui; Sun, Shuyu 3 2023 Scalable semismooth Newton methods with multilevel domain decomposition for subsurface flow and reactive transport in porous media. Zbl 07568544 Cheng, Tianpei; Yang, Haijian; Yang, Chao; Sun, Shuyu 3 2022 An energy stable, conservative and bounds-preserving numerical method for thermodynamically consistent modeling of incompressible two-phase flow in porous media with rock compressibility. Zbl 1532.65053 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 3 2023 Quasistatic analysis on configuration of two-phase flow in Y-shaped tubes. Zbl 1369.76058 Zhong, Hua; Wang, Xiao-Ping; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2014 Radiative mixed convection over an isothermal cone embedded in a porous medium with variable permeability. Zbl 1213.76190 El-Amin, M. F.; Ebrahiem, N. A.; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2011 Some new root-finding methods with eighth-order convergence. Zbl 1212.65196 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Sun, Shuyu 2 2010 Efficient linear schemes with unconditional energy stability for the phase field model of solid-state dewetting problems. Zbl 1463.65291 Chen, Jie; He, Zhengkang; Sun, Shuyu; Guo, Shimin; Chen, Zhangxin 2 2020 Simulation of \(CO_2\) plume in porous media: consideration of capillarity and buoyancy effects. Zbl 1242.76322 Negara, Ardiansyah; El-Amin, Mohamed Fathy; Sun, Shuyu 2 2011 Parallel fully coupled methods for bound-preserving solution of subsurface flow and transport in porous media. Zbl 07599593 Cheng, Tianpei; Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu 2 2022 Construction of a minimum energy path for the VT flash model by the string method coupled with the exponential time differencing scheme. Zbl 1487.65125 Zhang, Yuze; Li, Yiteng; Zhang, Lei; Sun, Shuyu 2 2021 A numerical study of three-dimensional droplets spreading on chemically patterned surfaces. Zbl 1348.76174 Zhong, Hua; Wang, Xiao-Ping; Sun, Shuyu 2 2016 Multiphase flow simulation with gravity effect in anisotropic porous media using multipoint flux approximation. Zbl 1390.76601 Negara, Ardiansyah; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2015 An unconditionally energy stable linear scheme for Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. Zbl 07834876 Qiao, Tian; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Zhou, Shenggao 2 2024 An energy stable incompressible SPH method with consistent solid boundary treatment. Zbl 1522.76064 Zhu, Xingyu; Wang, Xiuping; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 1 2024 An unconditionally energy-stable and orthonormality-preserving iterative scheme for the Kohn-Sham gradient flow based model. Zbl 07797649 Wang, Xiuping; Chen, Huangxin; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 1 2024 An energy-stable smoothed particle hydrodynamics discretization of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard model for incompressible two-phase flows. Zbl 07660354 Feng, Xiaoyu; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuping 8 2023 A strongly mass conservative method for the coupled Brinkman-Darcy flow and transport. Zbl 1529.65094 Zhao, Lina; Sun, Shuyu 5 2023 An efficient and physically consistent numerical method for the Maxwell-Stefan-Darcy model of two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 07769175 Kou, Jisheng; Chen, Huangxin; Du, ShiGui; Sun, Shuyu 3 2023 An energy stable, conservative and bounds-preserving numerical method for thermodynamically consistent modeling of incompressible two-phase flow in porous media with rock compressibility. Zbl 1532.65053 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 3 2023 An efficient bound-preserving and energy stable algorithm for compressible gas flow in porous media. Zbl 07625420 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 1 2023 An energy stable linear numerical method for thermodynamically consistent modeling of two-phase incompressible flow in porous media. Zbl 07517158 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Du, Shigui; Sun, Shuyu 12 2022 Generalized multiscale finite element methods for the reduced model of Darcy flow in fractured porous media. Zbl 1492.65297 Alotaibi, Manal; Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 7 2022 A fully explicit and unconditionally energy-stable scheme for Peng-Robinson VT flash calculation based on dynamic modeling. Zbl 07536774 Feng, Xiaoyu; Chen, Meng-Huo; Wu, Yuanqing; Sun, Shuyu 5 2022 Fully implicit two-phase VT-flash compositional flow simulation enhanced by multilayer nonlinear elimination. Zbl 07524787 Li, Yiteng; Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu 3 2022 Scalable semismooth Newton methods with multilevel domain decomposition for subsurface flow and reactive transport in porous media. Zbl 07568544 Cheng, Tianpei; Yang, Haijian; Yang, Chao; Sun, Shuyu 3 2022 Parallel fully coupled methods for bound-preserving solution of subsurface flow and transport in porous media. Zbl 07599593 Cheng, Tianpei; Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu 2 2022 An energy stable SPH method for incompressible fluid flow. Zbl 1513.65429 Zhu, Xingyu; Sun, Shuyu; Kou, Jisheng 2 2022 Parallel multilevel domain decomposition preconditioners for monolithic solution of non-isothermal flow in reservoir simulation. Zbl 1521.76847 Zhang, Mei; Yang, Haijian; Wu, Shuhong; Sun, Shuyu 2 2022 A quantitative study on the approximation error and speed-up of the multi-scale MCMC (Monte Carlo Markov chain) method for molecular dynamics. Zbl 07592123 Liu, Jie; Tang, Qinglin; Kou, Jisheng; Xu, Dingguo; Zhang, Tao; Sun, Shuyu 1 2022 A new physics-preserving IMPES scheme for incompressible and immiscible two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. Zbl 1446.65107 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 8 2021 Construction of a minimum energy path for the VT flash model by the string method coupled with the exponential time differencing scheme. Zbl 1487.65125 Zhang, Yuze; Li, Yiteng; Zhang, Lei; Sun, Shuyu 2 2021 A phase-field moving contact line model with soluble surfactants. Zbl 1453.76146 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen; Sun, Shuyu 34 2020 A novel energy factorization approach for the diffuse-interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1432.65169 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 32 2020 Fully discrete energy stable scheme for a phase-field moving contact line model with variable densities and viscosities. Zbl 1481.65169 Zhu, Guangpu; Chen, Huangxin; Li, Aifen; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun 21 2020 A self-adaptive deep learning algorithm for accelerating multi-component flash calculation. Zbl 1506.82047 Zhang, Tao; Li, Yu; Li, Yiteng; Sun, Shuyu; Gao, Xin 10 2020 Generalized multiscale approximation of mixed finite elements with velocity elimination for subsurface flow. Zbl 1453.76065 Chen, Jie; Chung, Eric T.; He, Zhengkang; Sun, Shuyu 10 2020 Nonlinearly preconditioned constraint-preserving algorithms for subsurface three-phase flow with capillarity. Zbl 1442.76097 Yang, Haijian; Li, Yiteng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2020 Efficient linear schemes with unconditional energy stability for the phase field model of solid-state dewetting problems. Zbl 1463.65291 Chen, Jie; He, Zhengkang; Sun, Shuyu; Guo, Shimin; Chen, Zhangxin 2 2020 Special issue: advanced numerical modeling and algorithms for multiphase flow and transport. Zbl 07505597 Firoozabadi, Abbas (ed) 1 2020 Efficient energy-stable schemes for the hydrodynamics coupled phase-field model. Zbl 1462.76133 Zhu, Guangpu; Chen, Huangxin; Yao, Jun; Sun, Shuyu 45 2019 Thermodynamically consistent modelling of two-phase flows with moving contact line and soluble surfactants. Zbl 1430.76475 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Yao, Bowen; Wu, Yu-Shu; Yao, Jun; Sun, Shuyu 32 2019 Numerical approximation of a phase-field surfactant model with fluid flow. Zbl 1448.76171 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen 28 2019 A new multi-component diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state and its scalar auxiliary variable (SAV) approach. Zbl 1473.65260 Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao; Zhang, Yuze 24 2019 Fully mass-conservative IMPES schemes for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1441.76057 Chen, Huangxin; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao 23 2019 A fully implicit constraint-preserving simulator for the black oil model of petroleum reservoirs. Zbl 1452.76138 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 19 2019 Advances in Gaussian random field generation: a review. Zbl 1427.60094 Liu, Yang; Li, Jingfa; Sun, Shuyu; Yu, Bo 13 2019 Darcy-scale phase equilibrium modeling with gravity and capillarity. Zbl 1453.76207 Sun, Shuyu 12 2019 Homogenization of two-phase fluid flow in porous media via volume averaging. Zbl 1432.76252 Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiaoping 11 2019 A fully mass-conservative iterative IMPEC method for multicomponent compressible flow in porous media. Zbl 1418.65167 Chen, Huangxin; Fan, Xiaolin; Sun, Shuyu 8 2019 Accelerating flash calculation through deep learning methods. Zbl 1452.68169 Li, Yu; Zhang, Tao; Sun, Shuyu; Gao, Xin 8 2019 A semi-analytic porosity evolution scheme for simulating wormhole propagation with the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. Zbl 1404.65175 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wu, Yuanqing 8 2019 Parallel reservoir simulators for fully implicit complementarity formulation of multicomponent compressible flows. Zbl 07674826 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 7 2019 Linearly decoupled energy-stable numerical methods for multicomponent two-phase compressible flow. Zbl 1404.65226 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 43 2018 Decoupled, energy stable schemes for a phase-field surfactant model. Zbl 07694813 Zhu, Guangpu; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yao, Jun; Li, Aifen 42 2018 Thermodynamically consistent modeling and simulation of multi-component two-phase flow with partial miscibility. Zbl 1439.76079 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 29 2018 A scalable fully implicit framework for reservoir simulation on parallel computers. Zbl 1439.76103 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Li, Yiteng; Yang, Chao 25 2018 Thermodynamically consistent simulation of nonisothermal diffuse-interface two-phase flow with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1415.76644 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 22 2018 Entropy stable modeling of non-isothermal multi-component diffuse-interface two-phase flows with realistic equations of state. Zbl 1440.76096 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 12 2018 Energy stability analysis of some fully discrete numerical schemes for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on staggered grids. Zbl 1398.65263 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu; Zhang, Tao 10 2018 Discrete-fracture-model of multi-scale time-splitting two-phase flow including nanoparticles transport in fractured porous media. Zbl 1395.76048 El-Amin, Mohamed F.; Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 3 2018 Nonlinearly preconditioned semismooth Newton methods for variational inequality solution of two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1378.76115 Yang, Haijian; Sun, Shuyu; Yang, Chao 33 2017 A componentwise convex splitting scheme for diffuse interface models with Van der Waals and Peng-Robinson equations of state. Zbl 1382.65391 Fan, Xiaolin; Kou, Jisheng; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 29 2017 A residual-based a posteriori error estimator for single-phase Darcy flow in fractured porous media. Zbl 1397.76062 Chen, Huangxin; Sun, Shuyu 12 2017 Efficient energy-stable dynamic modeling of compositional grading. Zbl 1365.76228 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2017 Stability and convergence analysis of second-order schemes for a diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1413.65411 Peng, Qiujin; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 4 2017 Active-set reduced-space methods with nonlinear elimination for two-phase flow problems in porous media. Zbl 1383.76384 Yang, Haijian; Yang, Chao; Sun, Shuyu 38 2016 Mixed finite element-based fully conservative methods for simulating wormhole propagation. Zbl 1423.76251 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wu, Yuanqing 20 2016 Unconditionally stable methods for simulating multi-component two-phase interface models with Peng-Robinson equation of state and various boundary conditions. Zbl 1329.76178 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 18 2016 Adaptive mixed-hybrid and penalty discontinuous Galerkin method for two-phase flow in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1382.76166 Hou, Jiangyong; Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Chen, Zhangxin 11 2016 Multi-scale diffuse interface modeling of multi-component two-phase flow with partial miscibility. Zbl 1349.76348 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 7 2016 An energy stable evolution method for simulating two-phase equilibria of multi-component fluids at constant moles, volume and temperature. Zbl 1392.86012 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 7 2016 Residual-based a posteriori error estimation for multipoint flux mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1380.65344 Du, Shaohong; Sun, Shuyu; Xie, Xiaoping 4 2016 Direct calculation of permeability by high-accurate finite difference and numerical integration methods. Zbl 1373.76198 Wang, Yi; Sun, Shuyu 3 2016 A numerical study of three-dimensional droplets spreading on chemically patterned surfaces. Zbl 1348.76174 Zhong, Hua; Wang, Xiao-Ping; Sun, Shuyu 2 2016 Equivalence of two models in single-phase multicomponent flow simulations. Zbl 1443.65149 Wu, Yuanqing; Sun, Shuyu 1 2016 The superconvergence phenomenon and proof of the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations on non-uniform rectangular meshes. Zbl 1328.65210 Li, Jichun; Sun, Shuyu 30 2015 Numerical methods for a multicomponent two-phase interface model with geometric mean influence parameters. Zbl 1326.76062 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 21 2015 Efficient numerical methods for simulating surface tension of multi-component mixtures with the gradient theory of fluid interfaces. Zbl 1423.76250 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiuhua 20 2015 A pseudocompressibility method for the incompressible Brinkman-Forchheimer equations. Zbl 1340.35264 Louaked, Mohammed; Seloula, Nour; Sun, Shuyu; Trabelsi, Saber 8 2015 Speeding up the flash calculations in two-phase compositional flow simulations - the application of sparse grids. Zbl 1351.76227 Wu, Yuanqing; Kowitz, Christoph; Sun, Shuyu; Salama, Amgad 7 2015 Multiphase flow simulation with gravity effect in anisotropic porous media using multipoint flux approximation. Zbl 1390.76601 Negara, Ardiansyah; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2015 Two-phase fluid simulation using a diffuse interface model with Peng-Robinson equation of state. Zbl 1305.76117 Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu 57 2014 A numerical method for a model of two-phase flow in a coupled free flow and porous media system. Zbl 1349.76187 Chen, Jie; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiao-Ping 43 2014 Upwind discontinuous Galerkin methods with mass conservation of both phases for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1308.76169 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 15 2014 Analysis of a combined mixed finite element and discontinuous Galerkin method for incompressible two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1291.76204 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 13 2014 An adaptive finite element method for simulating surface tension with the gradient theory of fluid interfaces. Zbl 1291.76205 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 11 2014 Adaptive moving grid methods for two-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 1293.76099 Dong, Hao; Qiao, Zhonghua; Sun, Shuyu; Tang, Tao 6 2014 Numerical comparison of robustness of some reduction methods in rough grids. Zbl 1308.76167 Hou, Jiangyong; Sun, Shuyu; Chen, Zhangxin 5 2014 Solving global problem by considering multitude of local problems: application to fluid flow in anisotropic porous media using the multipoint flux approximation. Zbl 1293.76096 Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 4 2014 Optimal convergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods for continuum modeling of supply chain networks. Zbl 1361.35110 Zhang, Shuhua; Sun, Shuyu; Yang, Hongtao 3 2014 Quasistatic analysis on configuration of two-phase flow in Y-shaped tubes. Zbl 1369.76058 Zhong, Hua; Wang, Xiao-Ping; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2014 Convergence of discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible two-phase flow in heterogeneous media. Zbl 1282.76124 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 21 2013 Numerical and dimensional investigation of two-phase countercurrent imbibition in porous media. Zbl 1343.76066 El-Amin, M. F.; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 1 2013 A finite element method for the numerical solution of the coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Navier-Stokes system for moving contact line problems. Zbl 1284.65131 Bao, Kai; Shi, Yi; Sun, Shuyu; Wang, Xiao-Ping 36 2012 MHD mixed convective boundary layer flow of a nanofluid through a porous medium due to an exponentially stretching sheet. Zbl 1264.76118 Ferdows, M.; Khan, Md. Shakhaoath; Alam, Md. Mahmud; Sun, Shuyu 7 2012 Matrix-oriented implementation for the numerical solution of the partial differential equations governing flows and transport in porous media. Zbl 1365.76314 Sun, Shuyu; Salama, Amgad; El Amin, M. F. 1 2012 Coupling nonlinear Stokes and Darcy flow using mortar finite elements. Zbl 1276.76040 Ervin, V. J.; Jenkins, E. W.; Sun, Shuyu 44 2011 Superconvergence of mixed finite element approximations to 3-D Maxwell’s equations in metamaterials. Zbl 1230.78029 Huang, Yunqing; Li, Jichun; Yang, Wei; Sun, Shuyu 29 2011 Multiscale time-splitting strategy for multiscale multiphysics processes of two-phase flow in fractured media. Zbl 1381.76341 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu; Yu, Bo 3 2011 Radiative mixed convection over an isothermal cone embedded in a porous medium with variable permeability. Zbl 1213.76190 El-Amin, M. F.; Ebrahiem, N. A.; Salama, Amgad; Sun, Shuyu 2 2011 Simulation of \(CO_2\) plume in porous media: consideration of capillarity and buoyancy effects. Zbl 1242.76322 Negara, Ardiansyah; El-Amin, Mohamed Fathy; Sun, Shuyu 2 2011 Numerical simulation of pollutant transport in fractured vuggy porous karstic aquifers. Zbl 1213.76194 Fan, Xiaolin; Sun, Shuyu; Wei, Wei; Kou, Jisheng 1 2011 Effects of gravity and inlet/outlet location on a two-phase cocurrent imbibition in porous media. Zbl 1213.76191 El-Amin, M. F.; Sun, Shuyu 1 2011 A new treatment of capillarity to improve the stability of IMPES two-phase flow formulation. Zbl 1245.76147 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 20 2010 On iterative IMPES formulation for two phase flow with capillarity in heterogeneous porous media. Zbl 1253.76124 Kou, Jisheng; Sun, Shuyu 9 2010 Some new root-finding methods with eighth-order convergence. Zbl 1212.65196 Kou, Jisheng; Wang, Xiuhua; Sun, Shuyu 2 2010 Coupled generalized nonlinear Stokes flow with flow through a porous medium. Zbl 1279.76032 Ervin, V. J.; Jenkins, E. W.; Sun, Shuyu 96 2009 A locally conservative finite element method based on piecewise constant enrichment of the continuous Galerkin method. Zbl 1198.65197 Sun, Shuyu; Liu, Jiangguo 74 2009 An optimal-order \(L^2\)-error estimate for nonsymmetric discontinuous Galerkin methods for a parabolic equation in multiple space dimensions. Zbl 1227.65085 Wang, Kaixin; Wang, Hong; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 6 2009 Coupling discontinuous Galerkin and mixed finite element discretizations using mortar finite elements. Zbl 1165.65075 Girault, Vivette; Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F.; Yotov, Ivan 27 2008 Continuum modeling of supply chain networks using discontinuous Galerkin methods. Zbl 1159.74317 Sun, Shuyu; Dong, Ming 6 2008 Local problem-based a posteriori error estimators for discontinuous Galerkin approximations of reactive transport. Zbl 1117.76061 Sun, Shuyu; Wheeler, Mary F. 11 2007 ...and 14 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,478 Authors 88 Sun, Shuyu 43 Kou, Jisheng 39 Yang, Junxiang 37 Wheeler, Mary Fanett 29 He, Xiaoming 29 Rivière, Beatrice M. 28 Kim, Junseok 27 Yang, Haijian 24 Rui, Hongxing 22 Chen, Zhangxin 20 Huang, Yunqing 19 Chen, Huangxin 18 Li, Jian 18 Li, Rui 17 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 17 Guo, Hui 17 Lee, Sanghyun 16 Yang, Chao 16 Yang, Jiming 15 Gao, Yali 15 Qiao, Zhonghua 15 Yang, Yang 14 Gatica, Gabriel N. 13 Li, Xiaoli 13 Tan, Zhijun 13 Wang, Xiuhua 13 Yotov, Ivan 12 Li, Jichun 12 Lin, Yanping 12 Liu, Jiangguo 11 Chen, Yanping 11 Li, Yibao 11 Qin, Yi 10 Al Mahbub, Md. Abdullah 10 Wang, Xiaoming 10 Zhang, Jiansong 9 Chen, Jie 9 Dawson, Clint N. 9 Ervin, Vincent J. 9 Han, Daozhi 9 Li, Xiao 9 Wu, Chao 9 Yao, Jun 8 Cai, Xiao-Chuan 8 Chen, Wenbin 8 Ju, Lili 8 Keyes, David Elliot 8 Li, Yiteng 8 Luo, Li 8 Oyarzúa, Ricardo 8 Qiu, Changxin 8 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 8 Wang, Xiaoping 8 Yang, Xiaofeng 8 Zhang, Zhengru 7 Antonietti, Paola Francesca 7 He, Yinnian 7 Rupp, Andreas 7 Zhang, Hui 7 Zhang, Zhimin 7 Zhao, Lina 7 Zheng, Haibiao 6 Dolejší, Vít 6 Efendiev, Yalchin R. 6 Epshteyn, Yekaterina 6 Ginting, Victor 6 Girault, Vivette 6 He, Zhengkang 6 Hou, Jiangyong 6 Hou, Yanren 6 Huang, Jizu 6 Lee, Hyesuk Kwon 6 Lin, Guang 6 Liu, Ruijie 6 Radu, Florin Adrian 6 Salama, Amgad 6 Tian, Lulu 6 Wang, Qi 6 Yi, Nianyu 6 Yuan, Jinyun 6 Zhang, Tao 6 Zhu, Guangpu 5 Caucao, Sergio 5 Deng, Quanling 5 Fu, Shubin 5 Hwang, Fengnan 5 Jiang, Nan 5 Liu, Chen 5 Liu, Lulu 5 Mei, Liquan 5 Nasu, Nasrin Jahan 5 Nordbotten, Jan Martin 5 Scovazzi, Guglielmo 5 Tavener, Simon J. 5 Wang, Cheng 5 Wick, Thomas 5 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 5 Wu, Jingwen 5 Wu, Yuanqing 5 Zhang, Yuze ...and 1,378 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 127 Serials 126 Journal of Computational Physics 105 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 83 Journal of Scientific Computing 75 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 65 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 39 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 Computational Geosciences 35 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 33 Applied Numerical Mathematics 19 Communications in Computational Physics 18 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 17 Numerische Mathematik 17 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 16 Computers and Fluids 16 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 12 Computer Physics Communications 12 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 12 Numerical Algorithms 12 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 12 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Applied Mathematical Modelling 9 Mathematics of Computation 9 Advances in Computational Mathematics 8 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 Journal of Theoretical Biology 7 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Applicable Analysis 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 4 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Calcolo 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Physica D 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 3 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 2 Acta Mechanica 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 Mathematical Biosciences 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Boundary Value Problems 2 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 2 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Nonlinearity 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Automatica 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Kybernetika 1 Meccanica 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 SIAM Review 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics ...and 27 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 32 Fields 809 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 671 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 368 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 98 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 43 Geophysics (86-XX) 43 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 33 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 30 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 22 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 20 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 15 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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