Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Szechtman, Fernando Co-Author Distance Author ID: szechtman.fernando Published as: Szechtman, Fernando; Szechtman, F. Documents Indexed: 77 Publications since 1998, including 6 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 48 Joint Publications 355 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 29 single-authored 10 Cagliero, Leandro 5 Cruickshank, James 5 Đoković, Dragomir Ž. 5 Guersenzvaig, Natalio H. 5 Herman, Allen 3 Chaktoura, Martin 3 Cliff, Gerald H. 3 Gutiérrez Frez, Luis 3 McNeilly, David 3 Ocampo, Alexander Montoya 3 Quinlan, Rachel 2 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah 2 Izadi, Mohammad A. 2 Previtali, Andrea 2 Zhao, Kaiming 1 Alvarado, Alberto J. Hernandez 1 Argerami, Martín 1 Benabdallah, Khalid 1 Cao, Yonglin 1 Casati, Paolo 1 D’Alessandro, Agustin 1 Gebhardt, Volker 1 Gow, Roderick 1 Levstein, Fernando 1 Shau, Momuita 1 Shau, Moumita 1 Tifenbach, Ryan M. 1 Tushev, Anatoliĭ V. all top 5 Serials 12 Communications in Algebra 12 Linear Algebra and its Applications 11 Journal of Algebra 6 Journal of Group Theory 5 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 4 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 4 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Lie Theory 2 Advances in Group Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Ars Combinatoria 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Semigroup Forum 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Mathematical Research Letters all top 5 Fields 33 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 24 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 61 Publications have been cited 249 times in 147 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On Tate’s trace. Zbl 1130.15001 Argerami, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando; Tifenbach, Ryan 19 2007 Weil representations of symplectic groups over rings. Zbl 1037.20044 Cliff, Gerald; McNeilly, David; Szechtman, Fernando 17 2000 The classification of uniserial \(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\ltimes V(m)\)-modules and a new interpretation of the Racah-Wigner \(6j\)-symbol. Zbl 1317.17013 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 15 2013 On the theorem of the primitive element with applications to the representation theory of associative and Lie algebras. Zbl 1333.17007 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 9 2014 An algorithm that carries a square matrix into its transpose by an involutory congruence transformation. Zbl 1055.65056 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, F.; Zhao, K. 8 2003 On the automorphism group of the centralizer of an idempotent in the full transformation monoid. Zbl 1080.20057 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Characterization of bilinear spaces with unimodular isometry group. Zbl 1084.15023 Đokovic, Dragomir Z.; Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Groups having a faithful irreducible representation. Zbl 1348.20008 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2016 Structure of the group preserving a bilinear form. Zbl 1143.20029 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Clifford and Mackey theory for Weil representations of symplectic groups. Zbl 1143.20307 Cliff, Gerald; McNeilly, David; Szechtman, Fernando 6 2003 \(n\)-inner automorphisms of finite groups. Zbl 1040.20020 Szechtman, Fernando 6 2003 Weil representations of the symplectic group. Zbl 0932.20047 Szechtman, Fernando 6 1998 Indecomposable modules of 2-step solvable Lie algebras in arbitrary characteristic. Zbl 1379.17009 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 6 2016 Equivalence and congruence of matrices under the action of standard parabolic subgroups. Zbl 1154.15016 Szechtman, Fernando 6 2007 Quadratic Gauss sums over finite commutative rings. Zbl 1016.11056 Szechtman, Fernando 5 2002 Jordan-Chevalley decomposition in finite dimensional Lie algebras. Zbl 1258.17009 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2011 Classification of finite dimensional uniserial representations of conformal Galilei algebras. Zbl 1361.17013 Cagliero, Leandro; Gutiérrez Frez, Luis; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2016 The Weil representation of a unitary group associated to a ramified quadratic extension of a finite local ring. Zbl 1303.20048 Herman, Allen; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2013 Unitary groups over local rings. Zbl 1306.11034 Cruickshank, J.; Herman, A.; Quinlan, R.; Szechtman, F. 5 2014 Indecomposable modules of a family of solvable Lie algebras. Zbl 1427.17011 Casati, Paolo; Previtali, Andrea; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2017 The Weil character of the unitary group associated to a finite local ring. Zbl 1041.20031 Gow, Roderick; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2002 Character fields and Schur indices of irreducible Weil characters. Zbl 1041.20030 Cliff, G.; McNeilly, D.; Szechtman, F. 4 2004 Classification of linked indecomposable modules of a family of solvable Lie algebras over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Zbl 1395.17015 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2016 Subalgebras of matrix algebras generated by companion matrices. Zbl 1194.16023 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2010 Free 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras and indecomposable representations. Zbl 1483.17010 Cagliero, Leandro; Gutiérrez Frez, Luis; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2018 A closed formula for the product in simple integral extensions. Zbl 1211.15020 Guersenzvaig, Natalio H.; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2009 Infinite groups admitting a faithful irreducible representation. Zbl 1379.20003 Szechtman, Fernando; Tushev, Anatolii 4 2018 A family of complex irreducible characters possessed by unitary and special unitary groups defined over local rings. Zbl 1027.20022 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2003 Weil representations of symplectic groups over non-principal rings. Zbl 1088.20023 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2005 An elementary proof of Gabriel’s theorem on degenerate bilinear forms and its generalization. Zbl 1068.16022 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2004 Weil representations of unitary groups. Zbl 0945.20028 Szechtman, Fernando 3 1999 Steinberg lattice of the general linear group and its modular reduction. Zbl 1243.20059 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2011 Congruence of symmetric matrices over local rings. Zbl 1173.15008 Cao, Yonglin; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2009 Structure of the Macdonald groups in one parameter. Zbl 1537.20049 Montoya Ocampo, Alexander; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2024 Composition series of \(\mathfrak{gl}(m)\) as a module for its classical subalgebras over an arbitrary field. Zbl 1327.17005 Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2014 Generators and relations for the unitary group of a skew Hermitian form over a local ring. Zbl 1480.20119 Cruickshank, J.; Szechtman, F. 3 2018 Generalized Artin-Schreier polynomials. Zbl 1336.12001 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2015 Irreducible characters of Sylow subgroups of symplectic and unitary groups. Zbl 1114.20006 Szechtman, Fernando 2 2006 Nilpotency degree of the nilradical of a solvable Lie algebra on two generators and uniserial modules associated to free nilpotent Lie algebras. Zbl 1482.17022 Cagliero, Leandro; Levstein, Fernando; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2021 Unitary groups and ramified extensions. Zbl 1416.15008 Cruickshank, J.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2019 Linear Diophantine equations in several variables. Zbl 1525.11029 Quinlan, R.; Shau, M.; Szechtman, F. 2 2022 Representations of McLain groups. Zbl 1406.20013 Szechtman, Fernando; Herman, Allen; Izadi, Mohammad A. 2 2017 Is every matrix similar to a polynomial in a companion matrix? Zbl 1259.15013 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2012 Reductivity of the Lie algebra of a bilinear form. Zbl 1359.17017 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah; Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2014 Hermitian and skew Hermitian forms over local rings. Zbl 1423.11074 Cruickshank, James; Quinlan, Rachel; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2018 Roots multiplicity and square-free factorization of polynomials using companion matrices. Zbl 1320.12002 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2012 Equivalence and normal forms of bilinear forms. Zbl 1282.15012 Szechtman, Fernando 2 2014 On the isomorphism problem for certain \(p\)-groups. Zbl 1542.20094 Ocampo, Alexander Montoya; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2024 Solution of the congruence problem for arbitrary Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrices over polynomial rings. Zbl 1031.15026 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2003 The 2-modular reduction of the Steinberg representation of a finite Chevalley group of type \(C_n\). Zbl 1076.20032 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2005 Irreducible representations of unipotent subgroups of symplectic and unitary groups defined over rings. Zbl 1388.20019 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2017 Modular reduction of the Steinberg lattice of the general linear group. Zbl 1173.20034 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2008 Weil representations via abstract data and Heisenberg groups: a comparison. Zbl 1456.20002 Cruickshank, J.; Gutiérrez Frez, L.; Szechtman, F. 1 2020 Diagonal plus tridiagonal representatives for symplectic congruence classes of symmetric matrices. Zbl 1138.17003 Đokovic, D. Z.; Szechtman, F.; Zhao, K. 1 2005 Clifford theory for infinite dimensional modules. Zbl 1380.20050 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2017 Modular representations of Heisenberg algebras. Zbl 1292.17007 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2014 Lie algebras and bilinear forms in characteristic 2. Zbl 1373.17014 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah; Izadi, Mohammad A.; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2014 Weil representations of unitary groups over ramified extensions of finite local rings with odd nilpotency length. Zbl 1470.20023 Szechtman, Fernando; Shau, Momuita; Herman, Allen 1 2019 Jordan-Chevalley decomposition in Lie algebras. Zbl 1460.17012 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2019 The automorphism group of finite \(2\)-groups associated to the Macdonald group. Zbl 07902404 Ocampo, Alexander Montoya; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2024 A note on orthogonal Lie algebras in dimension 4 viewed as current Lie algebras. Zbl 1362.17010 Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2013 Structure of the Macdonald groups in one parameter. Zbl 1537.20049 Montoya Ocampo, Alexander; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2024 On the isomorphism problem for certain \(p\)-groups. Zbl 1542.20094 Ocampo, Alexander Montoya; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2024 The automorphism group of finite \(2\)-groups associated to the Macdonald group. Zbl 07902404 Ocampo, Alexander Montoya; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2024 Linear Diophantine equations in several variables. Zbl 1525.11029 Quinlan, R.; Shau, M.; Szechtman, F. 2 2022 Nilpotency degree of the nilradical of a solvable Lie algebra on two generators and uniserial modules associated to free nilpotent Lie algebras. Zbl 1482.17022 Cagliero, Leandro; Levstein, Fernando; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2021 Weil representations via abstract data and Heisenberg groups: a comparison. Zbl 1456.20002 Cruickshank, J.; Gutiérrez Frez, L.; Szechtman, F. 1 2020 Unitary groups and ramified extensions. Zbl 1416.15008 Cruickshank, J.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2019 Weil representations of unitary groups over ramified extensions of finite local rings with odd nilpotency length. Zbl 1470.20023 Szechtman, Fernando; Shau, Momuita; Herman, Allen 1 2019 Jordan-Chevalley decomposition in Lie algebras. Zbl 1460.17012 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2019 Free 2-step nilpotent Lie algebras and indecomposable representations. Zbl 1483.17010 Cagliero, Leandro; Gutiérrez Frez, Luis; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2018 Infinite groups admitting a faithful irreducible representation. Zbl 1379.20003 Szechtman, Fernando; Tushev, Anatolii 4 2018 Generators and relations for the unitary group of a skew Hermitian form over a local ring. Zbl 1480.20119 Cruickshank, J.; Szechtman, F. 3 2018 Hermitian and skew Hermitian forms over local rings. Zbl 1423.11074 Cruickshank, James; Quinlan, Rachel; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2018 Indecomposable modules of a family of solvable Lie algebras. Zbl 1427.17011 Casati, Paolo; Previtali, Andrea; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2017 Representations of McLain groups. Zbl 1406.20013 Szechtman, Fernando; Herman, Allen; Izadi, Mohammad A. 2 2017 Irreducible representations of unipotent subgroups of symplectic and unitary groups defined over rings. Zbl 1388.20019 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2017 Clifford theory for infinite dimensional modules. Zbl 1380.20050 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2017 Groups having a faithful irreducible representation. Zbl 1348.20008 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2016 Indecomposable modules of 2-step solvable Lie algebras in arbitrary characteristic. Zbl 1379.17009 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 6 2016 Classification of finite dimensional uniserial representations of conformal Galilei algebras. Zbl 1361.17013 Cagliero, Leandro; Gutiérrez Frez, Luis; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2016 Classification of linked indecomposable modules of a family of solvable Lie algebras over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Zbl 1395.17015 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2016 Generalized Artin-Schreier polynomials. Zbl 1336.12001 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2015 On the theorem of the primitive element with applications to the representation theory of associative and Lie algebras. Zbl 1333.17007 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 9 2014 Unitary groups over local rings. Zbl 1306.11034 Cruickshank, J.; Herman, A.; Quinlan, R.; Szechtman, F. 5 2014 Composition series of \(\mathfrak{gl}(m)\) as a module for its classical subalgebras over an arbitrary field. Zbl 1327.17005 Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2014 Reductivity of the Lie algebra of a bilinear form. Zbl 1359.17017 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah; Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2014 Equivalence and normal forms of bilinear forms. Zbl 1282.15012 Szechtman, Fernando 2 2014 Modular representations of Heisenberg algebras. Zbl 1292.17007 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2014 Lie algebras and bilinear forms in characteristic 2. Zbl 1373.17014 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah; Izadi, Mohammad A.; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2014 The classification of uniserial \(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\ltimes V(m)\)-modules and a new interpretation of the Racah-Wigner \(6j\)-symbol. Zbl 1317.17013 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 15 2013 The Weil representation of a unitary group associated to a ramified quadratic extension of a finite local ring. Zbl 1303.20048 Herman, Allen; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2013 A note on orthogonal Lie algebras in dimension 4 viewed as current Lie algebras. Zbl 1362.17010 Chaktoura, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2013 Is every matrix similar to a polynomial in a companion matrix? Zbl 1259.15013 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2012 Roots multiplicity and square-free factorization of polynomials using companion matrices. Zbl 1320.12002 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 2 2012 Jordan-Chevalley decomposition in finite dimensional Lie algebras. Zbl 1258.17009 Cagliero, Leandro; Szechtman, Fernando 5 2011 Steinberg lattice of the general linear group and its modular reduction. Zbl 1243.20059 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2011 Subalgebras of matrix algebras generated by companion matrices. Zbl 1194.16023 Guersenzvaig, N. H.; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2010 A closed formula for the product in simple integral extensions. Zbl 1211.15020 Guersenzvaig, Natalio H.; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2009 Congruence of symmetric matrices over local rings. Zbl 1173.15008 Cao, Yonglin; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2009 Modular reduction of the Steinberg lattice of the general linear group. Zbl 1173.20034 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2008 On Tate’s trace. Zbl 1130.15001 Argerami, Martin; Szechtman, Fernando; Tifenbach, Ryan 19 2007 Equivalence and congruence of matrices under the action of standard parabolic subgroups. Zbl 1154.15016 Szechtman, Fernando 6 2007 Irreducible characters of Sylow subgroups of symplectic and unitary groups. Zbl 1114.20006 Szechtman, Fernando 2 2006 On the automorphism group of the centralizer of an idempotent in the full transformation monoid. Zbl 1080.20057 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Characterization of bilinear spaces with unimodular isometry group. Zbl 1084.15023 Đokovic, Dragomir Z.; Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Structure of the group preserving a bilinear form. Zbl 1143.20029 Szechtman, Fernando 7 2005 Weil representations of symplectic groups over non-principal rings. Zbl 1088.20023 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2005 The 2-modular reduction of the Steinberg representation of a finite Chevalley group of type \(C_n\). Zbl 1076.20032 Szechtman, Fernando 1 2005 Diagonal plus tridiagonal representatives for symplectic congruence classes of symmetric matrices. Zbl 1138.17003 Đokovic, D. Z.; Szechtman, F.; Zhao, K. 1 2005 Character fields and Schur indices of irreducible Weil characters. Zbl 1041.20030 Cliff, G.; McNeilly, D.; Szechtman, F. 4 2004 An elementary proof of Gabriel’s theorem on degenerate bilinear forms and its generalization. Zbl 1068.16022 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, Fernando 3 2004 An algorithm that carries a square matrix into its transpose by an involutory congruence transformation. Zbl 1055.65056 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, F.; Zhao, K. 8 2003 Clifford and Mackey theory for Weil representations of symplectic groups. Zbl 1143.20307 Cliff, Gerald; McNeilly, David; Szechtman, Fernando 6 2003 \(n\)-inner automorphisms of finite groups. Zbl 1040.20020 Szechtman, Fernando 6 2003 A family of complex irreducible characters possessed by unitary and special unitary groups defined over local rings. Zbl 1027.20022 Szechtman, Fernando 3 2003 Solution of the congruence problem for arbitrary Hermitian and skew-Hermitian matrices over polynomial rings. Zbl 1031.15026 Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Szechtman, Fernando 1 2003 Quadratic Gauss sums over finite commutative rings. Zbl 1016.11056 Szechtman, Fernando 5 2002 The Weil character of the unitary group associated to a finite local ring. Zbl 1041.20031 Gow, Roderick; Szechtman, Fernando 4 2002 Weil representations of symplectic groups over rings. Zbl 1037.20044 Cliff, Gerald; McNeilly, David; Szechtman, Fernando 17 2000 Weil representations of unitary groups. Zbl 0945.20028 Szechtman, Fernando 3 1999 Weil representations of the symplectic group. Zbl 0932.20047 Szechtman, Fernando 6 1998 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 135 Authors 42 Szechtman, Fernando 18 Pablos Romo, Fernando 9 Cagliero, Leandro 7 Konieczny, Janusz 6 Gutiérrez Frez, Luis 5 Cruickshank, James 5 Sergeĭchuk, Volodymyr Vasyl’ovych 4 Đoković, Dragomir Ž. 4 Guersenzvaig, Natalio H. 4 Herman, Allen 4 Tushev, Anatoliĭ V. 4 Zhao, Kaiming 3 Can, Mahir Bilen 3 Cherniavsky, Yonah 3 Horn, Roger Alan 3 Quinlan, Rachel 2 Ahmadi, S. Ruhallah 2 Alonso, Diego Alba 2 Araújo, João 2 Bonciocat, Nicolae Ciprian 2 Cabezas Sánchez, Víctor 2 Casati, Paolo 2 Cliff, Gerald H. 2 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 2 Geck, Meinolf 2 Gómez-Rivera, Iván 2 Izadi, Mohammad A. 2 Lü, Rencai 2 Mazorchuk, Volodymyr 2 McNeilly, David 2 Pantoja, José E. 2 Rai, Pradeep Kumar 2 Talboom, John 2 Twelbeck, Tim 2 Yadav, Manoj Kumar 1 Abdesselam, Abdelmalek 1 Abirami, K. M. 1 Afra, M. 1 Agore, Ana-Loredana 1 Aubert, Anne-Marie 1 Babaghasabha, Reza 1 Bagno, Eli 1 Bai, Haichuan 1 Bardestani, Mohammad 1 Bavula, Vladimir V. 1 Bevelacqua, Anthony J. 1 Billig, Yuly 1 Bingham, Aram 1 Blondel, Corinne 1 Bonciocat, Anca Iuliana 1 Bonciocat, Ciprian Mircea 1 Bugeaud, Yann 1 Caalim, Jonathan V. 1 Cacciatori, Sergio Luigi 1 Cao, Yonglin 1 Caprace, Pierre-Emmanuel 1 Catral, Minerva 1 Chaktoura, Martin 1 Cheon, Gi-Sang 1 Cihan, Mehmet Sefa 1 Cipu, Mihai 1 Coakley, Edward S. 1 Compagnoni, Marco 1 Davydov, Alekseĭ Aleksandrovich 1 de la Harpe, Pierre 1 Dmytryshyn, Andrii R. 1 Dobson, Edward 1 Dopico, Froilán M. 1 Duffield, Drew Damien 1 Edelman, Alan Stuart 1 Fakhri, Hossein 1 Fateh, Mohammad Mehdi 1 Gajardo, Andrea Vera 1 García-Delgado, Rosendo 1 Gerasimova, Tatiana G. 1 Getz, Jayce Robert 1 Hernández Serrano, Daniel 1 Howe, Roger Evans 1 Hu, Zhiguang 1 Jeong, Sungwoo 1 Johnson, Charles Royal 1 Kågström, Bo 1 Kaiblinger, Norbert 1 Karai, Keivan Mallahi 1 Kim, Hana 1 Kitture, Rahul Dattatraya 1 Klimenko, Lena 1 Knibbeler, Vincent 1 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris Èmmanuilovich 1 Kurdachenko, Leonid Andriĭovych 1 Lebtahi, Leila 1 Levstein, Fernando 1 Lima, Marcos Goulart 1 Lombardo, Sara 1 Lomelí, Luis Alberto 1 Lu, Tao 1 Maktouf, Khemais 1 Matsutani, Shigeki 1 Militaru, Gigel 1 Neuhauser, Markus ...and 35 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 52 Serials 26 Linear Algebra and its Applications 19 Journal of Algebra 15 Communications in Algebra 9 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 7 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 5 Journal of Group Theory 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 3 Journal of Lie Theory 3 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 3 Algebras and Representation Theory 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Semigroup Forum 2 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Transformation Groups 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Foundations of Physics 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Operators and Matrices 1 Confluentes Mathematici 1 ISRN Algebra 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Researches in Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 24 Fields 58 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 50 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 29 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 19 Number theory (11-XX) 14 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 10 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year