Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Takeuchi, Yasuhiro Co-Author Distance Author ID: takeuchi.yasuhiro Published as: Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Takeuchi, Y. Homepage: http://www.agnes.aoyama.ac.jp/en/phys/faculty/takeuchi_y.html External Links: ResearchGate · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 192 Publications since 1978, including 1 Book 8 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 127 Co-Authors with 189 Joint Publications 2,748 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 25 Ma, Wanbiao 24 Beretta, Edoardo 19 Nakaoka, Shinji 18 Dong, Yueping 15 Huang, Gang 14 Iwami, Shingo 13 Saito, Yasuhisa 11 Liu, Xianning 10 Kon, Ryusuke 9 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar 8 Cui, Jingan 8 Lu, Zhengyi 7 Adachi, Norihiko 7 Miyazaki, Rinko 7 Wang, Wendi 6 Wang, Jinliang 4 Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi 4 Liu, Shengqiang 4 Sasaki, Toru 4 Sato, Kazunori 4 Solimano, Fortunata 3 Banerjee, Malay 3 Freedman, Herbert Irving 3 Hara, Tadayuki 3 Huang, Jicai 3 Mimura, Masayasu 3 Misra, Arvind Kumar 3 Nguyen Huu Du 3 Rai, Rajanish Kumar 3 Zu, Jian 2 Basir, Fahad Al 2 Cheng, Chang-Yuan 2 Iwasa, Yoh 2 Iwata, Shigehide 2 Korobeinikov, Andrei 2 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 2 Kumar, Anuj 2 Li, Haiyin 2 Miura, Tomoyuki 2 Morita, Satoru 2 Nakagiri, Nariyuki 2 Nakata, Yukihiko 2 Sawada, Yukihiro 2 Song, Mei 2 Srivastava, Prashant Kr. 2 Tainaka, Kei-ichi 2 Terazawa, N. 2 Tokumaru, Hidekatsu 2 Yamaguchi, Masahiro 2 Yang, Yu 2 Yoshida, Noriyoshi 2 Yu, Min 1 Apri, Mochamad 1 Banerjee, Jeet 1 Beauchemin, Catherine A. A. 1 Chatterjee, Amar Nath 1 Chen, Miaomiao 1 Chen, Shyan-Shiou 1 Chen, Xiaoping 1 Datta, Jyotiska 1 Diekmann, Odo 1 Dong, Lingzhen 1 Enatsu, Yoichi 1 Fan, Ruili 1 Feng, Bo 1 Fujihashi, Yuta 1 Fujita, Naomi 1 Furuta, Yutaro 1 Hayatsu, Masahito 1 Hieu, Nguyen Trong 1 Hofbauer, Josef 1 Inaba, Hisashi 1 Iwamoto, Kentaro 1 Jiang, Zhichao 1 Jo, Tae-Chang 1 Jung, Eunok 1 Kakizoe, Yusuke 1 Karmeshu 1 Kato, Kenji 1 Katsuyama, Chie 1 Kuang, Yang 1 Kuniya, Toshikazu 1 Lin, Zhenshan 1 Matsuda, Hiroyuki 1 Mishra, Swati 1 Miura, Yoshiharu 1 Muranishi, Hideki 1 Muroya, Yoshiaki 1 Nagata, Mizuho 1 Namba, Toshiyuki 1 Namba, Toshjyuki 1 Naruo, Yoshimi 1 Oshime, Yorimasa 1 Pal, Nikhil Ranjan 1 Pal, Saheb 1 Ray, Santanu 1 Ruan, Shigui 1 Sakabira, Hirotatsu 1 Sakakibara, Hirotatsu 1 Sato, Kei ...and 27 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 25 Journal of Theoretical Biology 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 13 Mathematical Biosciences 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 7 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 6 Journal of Mathematical Biology 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 6 RIMS Kokyuroku 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 5 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 5 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 4 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Biological Dynamics 4 International Journal of Biomathematics 3 The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Nonlinear World 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Nonlinearity 1 Physica A 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Theoretical Population Biology 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Physica D 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 SUT Journal of Mathematics 1 Complexity 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series B. Applications & Algorithms 1 Mathematical Medicine and Biology 1 AIP Conference Proceedings 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena all top 5 Fields 185 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 139 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 26 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 6 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 165 Publications have been cited 4,415 times in 2,765 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Global dynamical properties of Lotka-Volterra systems. Zbl 0844.34006 Takeuchi, Y. 254 1996 Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delays. Zbl 0811.92019 Beretta, Edoardo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 167 1995 Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations model of viral infections. Zbl 1209.92035 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 141 2010 SVIR epidemic models with vaccination strategies. Zbl 1398.92243 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Iwami, Shingo 122 2008 Global asymptotic stability of an \(SIR\) epidemic model with distributed time delay. Zbl 1042.34585 Beretta, Edoardo; Hara, Tadayuki; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 121 2001 Global stability for delay SIR and SEIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1197.92040 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Daijun 117 2010 Predator-prey dynamics in models of prey dispersal in two-patch environments. Zbl 0793.92014 Kuang, Yang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 116 1994 Global asymptotic properties of a delay SIR epidemic model with finite incubation times. Zbl 0967.34070 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Beretta, Edoardo 115 2000 Global properties for virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1178.37125 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 114 2009 Lyapunov functions and global stability for age-structured HIV infection model. Zbl 1238.92032 Huang, Gang; Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 107 2012 Evolution of predator-prey systems described by a Lotka-Volterra equation under random environment. Zbl 1113.34042 Takeuchi, Y.; Du, N. H.; Hieu, N. T.; Sato, K. 107 2006 Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delay. Zbl 1071.34082 Ma, Wanbiao; Song, Mei; Takeuchi, Y. 102 2004 Avian-human influenza epidemic model. Zbl 1114.92058 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning 83 2007 Global stability and predator dynamics in a model of prey dispersal in a patchy environment. Zbl 0685.92018 Freedman, H. I.; Takeuchi, Y. 78 1989 Global asymptotic stability of Lotka-Volterra diffusion models with continuous time delay. Zbl 0661.92018 Beretta, E.; Takeuchi, Y. 77 1988 Dynamical behavior of Lotka-Volterra competition systems: non-autonomous bistable case and the effect of telegraph noise. Zbl 1089.34047 Du, N. H.; Kon, R.; Sato, K.; Takeuchi, Y. 77 2004 Global analysis for delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1217.34128 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 71 2011 Global analysis on delay epidemiological dynamic models with nonlinear incidence. Zbl 1230.92048 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 69 2011 Dynamics of the density dependent predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1213.34097 Li, Haiyin; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 67 2011 Global stability of single-species diffusion Volterra models with continuous time delays. Zbl 0627.92021 Beretta, E.; Takeuchi, Y. 64 1987 Global asymptotic behavior in single-species discrete diffusion systems. Zbl 0799.92014 Lu, Zhengyi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 62 1993 Permanence of an SIR epidemic model with distributed time delays. Zbl 1014.92033 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Hara, Tadayuki; Beretta, Edoardo 61 2002 Convergence results in \(SIR\) epidemic models with varying population sizes. Zbl 0879.34054 Beretta, Edoardo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 59 1997 Existence and bifurcation of stable equilibrium in two-prey, one-predator communities. Zbl 0524.92025 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Adachi, Norihiko 58 1983 Global stability and periodic orbits for two-patch predator-prey diffusion-delay models. Zbl 0634.92017 Beretta, Edoardo; Solimano, Fortunata; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 51 1987 Dynamics of a predator-prey system with fear and group defense. Zbl 1423.92222 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 51 2020 Permanence and global attractivity for competitive Lotka-Volterra systems with delay. Zbl 0809.92025 Lu, Zhengyi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 47 1994 Optimal control strategy for prevention of avian influenza pandemic. Zbl 1402.92278 Jung, Eunok; Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Jo, Tae-Chang 47 2009 Stability analysis in delayed within-host viral dynamics with both viral and cellular infections. Zbl 1341.92040 Chen, Shyan-Shiou; Cheng, Chang-Yuan; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 46 2016 The existence of globally stable equilibria of ecosystems of the generalized Volterra type. Zbl 0458.92019 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Adachi, Norihiko 43 1980 Permanence and extinction for dispersal population systems. Zbl 1073.34052 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Lin, Zhenshan 41 2004 Maturation delay for the predators can enhance stable coexistence for a class of prey-predator models. Zbl 1368.92134 Banerjee, Malay; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 40 2017 Permanence, extinction and periodic solution of predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1102.34033 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 39 2006 Diffusion-mediated persistence in two-species competition Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 0671.92022 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 37 1989 Modeling the role of information and limited optimal treatment on disease prevalence. Zbl 1369.93567 Kumar, Anuj; Srivastava, Prashant K.; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 37 2017 Cooperative systems theory and global stability of diffusion models. Zbl 0665.92017 Takeuchi, Y. 36 1989 The stability of generalized Volterra equations. Zbl 0388.45011 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Adachi, Norihiko; Tokumaru, Hidekatsu 35 1978 Mathematics for life science and medicine. Zbl 1103.92301 35 2007 Construction of Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations in virology and epidemiology. Zbl 1257.34053 Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi; Sasaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 34 2012 Conflict between the need to forage and the need to avoid competition: Persistence of two-species model. Zbl 0703.92024 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 33 1990 Qualitative and bifurcation analysis using an SIR model with a saturated treatment function. Zbl 1255.34042 Wang, Jinliang; Liu, Shengqiang; Zheng, Baowen; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 33 2012 Diffusion effect on stability of Lotka-Volterra models. Zbl 0613.92025 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 32 1986 Qualitative properties of chemostat equations with time delays: Boundedness, local and global asymptotic stability. Zbl 0868.45002 Beretta, Edoardo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 32 1994 Global stability in generalized Lotka-Volterra diffusion systems. Zbl 0595.92013 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 31 1986 Permanence and global stability for cooperative Lotka-Volterra diffusion systems. Zbl 0784.93092 Lu, Zhengyi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 31 1992 Impact of intracellular delay, immune activation delay and nonlinear incidence on viral dynamics. Zbl 1226.92049 Huang, Gang; Yokoi, Hiroki; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi; Sasaki, Toru 30 2011 Permanence of single-species stage-structured models. Zbl 1057.92043 Kon, Ryusuke; Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 29 2004 Spreading disease with transport-related infection. Zbl 1445.92268 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Saito, Yasuhisa 29 2006 Global dynamics of SIS models with transport-related infection. Zbl 1154.34353 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning; Cui, Jingan 28 2007 Predator survival versus extinction as a function of dispersal in a predator-prey model with patchy environment. Zbl 0641.92016 Freedman, H. I.; Takeuchi, Y. 27 1989 Dynamics in a tumor immune system with time delays. Zbl 1338.92046 Dong, Yueping; Huang, Gang; Miyazaki, Rinko; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 26 2015 Spread of disease with transport-related infection and entry screening. Zbl 1447.92446 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 26 2006 Immune impairment in HIV infection: existence of risky and immunodeficiency thresholds. Zbl 1402.92391 Iwami, Shingo; Miura, Tomoyuki; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 25 2009 Avian flu pandemic: can we prevent it? Zbl 1400.92496 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning 25 2009 Modeling the control of infectious diseases: effects of TV and social media advertisements. Zbl 1416.92162 Misra, Arvind Kumar; Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 24 2018 A predator-prey system with a stage structure for the prey. Zbl 1132.92340 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 23 2006 Global asymptotic stability for HIV-1 dynamics with two distributed delays. Zbl 1401.92141 Wang, Jinliang; Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 23 2012 Stability analysis on a predator-prey system with distributed delays. Zbl 0897.34062 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 1998 Modeling the effect of time delay in budget allocation to control an epidemic through awareness. Zbl 1387.34022 Misra, A. K.; Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 2018 Global stability of population models with patch structure. Zbl 1085.92053 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Wang, Wendi; Saito, Yasuhisa 22 2006 Mathematical modeling on helper T cells in a tumor immune system. Zbl 1309.92043 Dong, Yueping; Miyazaki, Rinko; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 2014 Global stability of ecosystems of the generalized Volterra type. Zbl 0394.92024 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Adachi, Norihiko; Tokumaru, Hidekatsu 21 1978 Permanence of delayed population model with dispersal loss. Zbl 1093.92059 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Cui, Jing’an; Miyazaki, Rinko; Saito, Yasuhisa 21 2006 Persistence and periodic orbits of a three-competitor model with refuges. Zbl 0748.92017 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Oshime, Yorimasa; Matsuda, Hiroyuki 20 1992 Periodicity and global dynamics of an impulsive delay Lasota-Wazewska model. Zbl 1116.34063 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1117.34310 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Permanence and global stability for competitive Lotka-Volterra diffusion systems. Zbl 0823.34056 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Lu, Zhengyi 18 1995 Qualitative properties of chemostat equations with time delays. II. Zbl 0995.34068 Beretta, Edoardo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 18 1994 Population diffusion in a two-patch environment. Zbl 0672.92021 Freedman, H. I.; Shukla, J. B.; Takeuchi, Y. 18 1989 A multi-group sveir epidemic model with distributed delay and vaccination. Zbl 1280.34059 Wang, Jinliang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Shengqiang 18 2012 Prevention of avian influenza epidemic: what policy should we choose? Zbl 1398.92240 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Korobeinikov, Andrei; Liu, Xianning 17 2008 Stability, delay, and chaotic behavior in a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system. Zbl 1089.92061 Nakaoka, S.; Saito, Y.; Takeuchi, Y. 17 2006 Dynamical properties of autoimmune disease models: tolerance, flare-up, dormancy. Zbl 1451.92096 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Miura, Yoshiharu; Sasaki, Toru; Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi 17 2007 Global stability for chemostat equations with delayed nutrient recycling. Zbl 0809.34084 Beretta, E.; Takeuchi, Y. 16 1994 Permanence of a single-species dispersal system and predator survival. Zbl 1058.92042 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2005 A time-delay model for prey-predator growth with stage structure. Zbl 1087.34551 Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2003 Dynamical properties of a stage structured three-species model with intra-guild predation. Zbl 1105.92049 Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 15 2007 Dual role of delay effects in a tumour-immune system. Zbl 1447.92111 Yu, Min; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2017 Mathematical modeling and bifurcation analysis of pro- and anti-tumor macrophages. Zbl 1481.92070 Shu, Yaqin; Huang, Jicai; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2020 A geographical spread of vaccine-resistance in avian influenza epidemics. Zbl 1402.92277 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning; Nakaoka, Shinji 14 2009 Mathematical modeling on T-cell mediated adaptive immunity in primary dengue infections. Zbl 1382.92180 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 14 2017 Sveir epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays. Zbl 1259.34072 Wang, Jinliang; Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Shengqiang 14 2011 Prey-predator system with parental care for predators. Zbl 1447.92377 Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Saito, Yasuhisa; Nakaoka, Shinji 14 2006 Adaptation of prey and predators between patches. Zbl 1402.92373 Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 13 2009 On evolution under symmetric and asymmetric competitions. Zbl 1400.92385 Zu, Jian; Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Zu, Bo; Wang, Kaifa 13 2008 Permanence of host-parasitoid systems. Zbl 1042.37546 Kon, Ryusuke; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 12 2001 Negative criteria for the existence of periodic solutions in a class of delay-differential equations. Zbl 1087.34542 Beretta, Edoardo; Solimano, Fortunata; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 12 2002 Permanence of dispersal population model with time delays. Zbl 1109.34059 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Cui, Jing’an; Miyazaki, Rinko; Saito, Yasuhisa 12 2006 Modeling the impact of sanitation and awareness on the spread of infectious diseases. Zbl 1497.92157 Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Misra, Arvind Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 12 2019 HIV evolution and progression of the infection to AIDS. Zbl 1337.92128 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Korobeinikov, Andrei 11 2012 An age-structured virus model with two routes of infection in heterogeneous environments. Zbl 1376.92060 Cheng, Chang-Yuan; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 11 2018 Stable equilibrium of systems of generalized Volterra type. Zbl 0491.34048 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Adachi, Norihiko 10 1982 Influence of Allee effect in prey populations on the dynamics of two-prey-one-predator model. Zbl 1406.92520 Sen, Moitri; Banerjee, Malay; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 10 2018 Nonexistence of periodic solutions in delayed Lotka–Volterra systems. Zbl 1091.34037 Beretta, Edoardo; Kon, Ryusuke; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2002 Dynamics of an SIQS epidemic model with transport-related infection and exit-entry screenings. Zbl 1397.92652 Liu, Xianning; Chen, Xiaoping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2011 Impulsive control of multiple Lotka-Volterra systems. Zbl 1266.34105 Dong, Lingzhen; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2013 Modeling the Allee effects induced by cost of predation fear and its carry-over effects. Zbl 1478.92166 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2022 Optimal control of infectious disease: information-induced vaccination and limited treatment. Zbl 07527092 Kumar, Anuj; Srivastava, Prashant K.; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2020 Stability analysis of the Kaldor model with time delays: monetary policy and government budget constraint. Zbl 1087.91042 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Yamamura, Tatsuya 8 2004 Adaptive evolution of foraging-related traits in a predator-prey community. Zbl 1411.92227 Zu, Jian; Mimura, Masayasu; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 8 2011 Dynamic complexity of a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey system with fear effect. Zbl 1515.34047 Chen, Miaomiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Zhang, Jia-Fang 6 2023 Impact of fear on searching efficiency of prey: a prey-predator model with weak Allee effect. Zbl 1539.92116 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Pal, Saheb; Pal, Nikhil; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 2023 Stability analysis of a single-species logistic model with time delay and constant inflow. Zbl 1524.92081 Sawada, Yukihiro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Dong, Yueping 1 2023 Modeling the Allee effects induced by cost of predation fear and its carry-over effects. Zbl 1478.92166 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2022 Evolutionary dynamics of single species model with Allee effects and aposematism. Zbl 1453.92260 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 2021 Effect of DAA therapy in hepatitis C treatment – an impulsive control approach. Zbl 1471.92149 Chatterjee, Amar Nath; Al Basir, Fahad; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 2021 Dynamics of a predator-prey system with fear and group defense. Zbl 1423.92222 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 51 2020 Mathematical modeling and bifurcation analysis of pro- and anti-tumor macrophages. Zbl 1481.92070 Shu, Yaqin; Huang, Jicai; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2020 Optimal control of infectious disease: information-induced vaccination and limited treatment. Zbl 07527092 Kumar, Anuj; Srivastava, Prashant K.; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2020 Complicated dynamics of tumor-immune system interaction model with distributed time delay. Zbl 1443.92083 Yu, Min; Huang, Gang; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 4 2020 Mathematical modelling of the inhibitory role of regulatory T cells in tumor immune response. Zbl 1445.92145 Yang, Zhongtao; Yang, Cuihong; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2020 Modeling the impact of sanitation and awareness on the spread of infectious diseases. Zbl 1497.92157 Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Misra, Arvind Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 12 2019 Exploring the dynamics of a tritrophic food chain model with multiple gestation periods. Zbl 1497.92352 Upadhyay, Ranjit Kumar; Mishra, Swati; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 7 2019 Global dynamics of a latent HIV infection model with general incidence function and multiple delays. Zbl 1405.34069 Yang, Yu; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2019 T-cell mediated adaptive immunity and antibody-dependent enhancement in secondary dengue infection. Zbl 1411.92288 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Nakaoka, Shinji 3 2019 Dynamics and spatio-temporal patterns in a prey-predator system with aposematic prey. Zbl 1497.92213 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Banerjee, Jeet; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 3 2019 Calculation of final size for vector-transmitted epidemic model. Zbl 1501.92198 Tsubouchi, Yu; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Nakaoka, Shinji 2 2019 Modeling the control of infectious diseases: effects of TV and social media advertisements. Zbl 1416.92162 Misra, Arvind Kumar; Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 24 2018 Modeling the effect of time delay in budget allocation to control an epidemic through awareness. Zbl 1387.34022 Misra, A. K.; Rai, Rajanish Kumar; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 2018 An age-structured virus model with two routes of infection in heterogeneous environments. Zbl 1376.92060 Cheng, Chang-Yuan; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 11 2018 Influence of Allee effect in prey populations on the dynamics of two-prey-one-predator model. Zbl 1406.92520 Sen, Moitri; Banerjee, Malay; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 10 2018 A mathematical model of multiple delayed feedback control system of the gut microbiota–antibiotics injection controlled by measured metagenomic data. Zbl 1392.92074 Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Nakaoka, Shinji 5 2018 Emergence of spatial patterns in a damaged diffusive eco-epidemiological system. Zbl 1401.35296 Upadhyay, Ranjit Kumar; Datta, Jyotiska; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 5 2018 Stabilizing effect of intra-specific competition on prey-predator dynamics with intraguild predation. Zbl 1406.34075 Namba, Toshiyuki; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Banerjee, Malay 3 2018 Maturation delay for the predators can enhance stable coexistence for a class of prey-predator models. Zbl 1368.92134 Banerjee, Malay; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 40 2017 Modeling the role of information and limited optimal treatment on disease prevalence. Zbl 1369.93567 Kumar, Anuj; Srivastava, Prashant K.; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 37 2017 Dual role of delay effects in a tumour-immune system. Zbl 1447.92111 Yu, Min; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2017 Mathematical modeling on T-cell mediated adaptive immunity in primary dengue infections. Zbl 1382.92180 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar; Dong, Yueping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 14 2017 Dynamics for phytoplankton-zooplankton system with time delays. Zbl 1390.92110 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 5 2017 Stability analysis in delayed within-host viral dynamics with both viral and cellular infections. Zbl 1341.92040 Chen, Shyan-Shiou; Cheng, Chang-Yuan; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 46 2016 Dynamics in a tumor immune system with time delays. Zbl 1338.92046 Dong, Yueping; Huang, Gang; Miyazaki, Rinko; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 26 2015 Construction of Lyapunov functions for some models of infectious diseases in vivo: from simple models to complex models. Zbl 1362.92076 Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi; Sasaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 8 2015 Dynamics of the density dependent and nonautonomous predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1317.34106 Li, Haiyin; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 7 2015 A conservation law for virus infection kinetics in vitro. Zbl 1347.92095 Kakizoe, Yusuke; Morita, Satoru; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Sato, Kei; Miura, Tomoyuki; Beauchemin, Catherine A. A.; Iwami, Shingo 5 2015 Dynamical behavior of combinational immune boost against tumor. Zbl 1339.92033 Nagata, Mizuho; Furuta, Yutaro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Nakaoka, Shinji 4 2015 Mathematical modeling on helper T cells in a tumor immune system. Zbl 1309.92043 Dong, Yueping; Miyazaki, Rinko; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 2014 Stability of epidemic models with waning immunity. Zbl 1331.34159 Nakata, Yukihiko; Enatsu, Yoichi; Inaba, Hisashi; Kuniya, Toshikazu; Muroya, Yoshiaki; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 7 2014 Apoptosis in virus infection dynamics models. Zbl 1448.92287 Fan, Ruili; Dong, Yueping; Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 3 2014 A model for population dynamics of the mimetic butterfly Papilio polytes in the Sakishima islands, Japan. Zbl 1303.92108 Sekimura, Toshio; Fujihashi, Yuta; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 2014 Impulsive control of multiple Lotka-Volterra systems. Zbl 1266.34105 Dong, Lingzhen; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2013 Lyapunov functions and global stability for age-structured HIV infection model. Zbl 1238.92032 Huang, Gang; Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 107 2012 Construction of Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations in virology and epidemiology. Zbl 1257.34053 Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi; Sasaki, Toru; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 34 2012 Qualitative and bifurcation analysis using an SIR model with a saturated treatment function. Zbl 1255.34042 Wang, Jinliang; Liu, Shengqiang; Zheng, Baowen; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 33 2012 Global asymptotic stability for HIV-1 dynamics with two distributed delays. Zbl 1401.92141 Wang, Jinliang; Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 23 2012 A multi-group sveir epidemic model with distributed delay and vaccination. Zbl 1280.34059 Wang, Jinliang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Shengqiang 18 2012 HIV evolution and progression of the infection to AIDS. Zbl 1337.92128 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Korobeinikov, Andrei 11 2012 Global stability for epidemic model with constant latency and infectious periods. Zbl 1260.92056 Huang, Gang; Beretta, Edoardo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2012 Stability conditions for a class of delay differential equations in single species population dynamics. Zbl 1252.92048 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Miyazaki, Rinko 6 2012 Coevolutionary dynamics of predator-prey interactions. Zbl 1280.92046 Zu, Jian; Wang, Jinliang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2012 Global analysis for delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1217.34128 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 71 2011 Global analysis on delay epidemiological dynamic models with nonlinear incidence. Zbl 1230.92048 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 69 2011 Dynamics of the density dependent predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1213.34097 Li, Haiyin; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 67 2011 Impact of intracellular delay, immune activation delay and nonlinear incidence on viral dynamics. Zbl 1226.92049 Huang, Gang; Yokoi, Hiroki; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi; Sasaki, Toru 30 2011 Sveir epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays. Zbl 1259.34072 Wang, Jinliang; Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Shengqiang 14 2011 Dynamics of an SIQS epidemic model with transport-related infection and exit-entry screenings. Zbl 1397.92652 Liu, Xianning; Chen, Xiaoping; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 9 2011 Adaptive evolution of foraging-related traits in a predator-prey community. Zbl 1411.92227 Zu, Jian; Mimura, Masayasu; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 8 2011 Threshold dynamics in a periodic SVEIR epidemic model. Zbl 1297.92085 Wang, Jinliang; Liu, Shengqiang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2011 A dynamic model describing heterotrophic culture of Chlorella and its stability analysis. Zbl 1259.34073 Zhang, Yan; Ma, Wanbiao; Yan, Hai; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2011 Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations model of viral infections. Zbl 1209.92035 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 141 2010 Global stability for delay SIR and SEIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1197.92040 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Daijun 117 2010 Global properties for virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1178.37125 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 114 2009 Optimal control strategy for prevention of avian influenza pandemic. Zbl 1402.92278 Jung, Eunok; Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Jo, Tae-Chang 47 2009 Immune impairment in HIV infection: existence of risky and immunodeficiency thresholds. Zbl 1402.92391 Iwami, Shingo; Miura, Tomoyuki; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 25 2009 Avian flu pandemic: can we prevent it? Zbl 1400.92496 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning 25 2009 A geographical spread of vaccine-resistance in avian influenza epidemics. Zbl 1402.92277 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning; Nakaoka, Shinji 14 2009 Adaptation of prey and predators between patches. Zbl 1402.92373 Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 13 2009 Dynamical adaptation of parental care. Zbl 1163.92034 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Wang, Wendi; Nakaoka, Shinji; Iwami, Shingo 8 2009 Complementary cooperation between two syntrophic bacteria in pesticide degradation. Zbl 1400.92226 Katsuyama, Chie; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Tago, Kanako; Hayatsu, Masahito; Kato, Kenji 7 2009 \(M\)-matrix structure and harmless delays in a Hopfield-type neural network. Zbl 1179.34081 Ma, Wanbiao; Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2009 A mathematical design of vector vaccine against autoimmune disease. Zbl 1400.92320 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Iwamoto, Kentaro; Naruo, Yoshimi; Yasukawa, Masahiro 5 2009 The relationship between endophyte transition and plant species coexistence. Zbl 1342.92174 Iwata, Shigehide; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2009 SVIR epidemic models with vaccination strategies. Zbl 1398.92243 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Iwami, Shingo 122 2008 Prevention of avian influenza epidemic: what policy should we choose? Zbl 1398.92240 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Korobeinikov, Andrei; Liu, Xianning 17 2008 On evolution under symmetric and asymmetric competitions. Zbl 1400.92385 Zu, Jian; Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Zu, Bo; Wang, Kaifa 13 2008 Viral diversity limits immune diversity in asymptomatic phase of HIV infection. Zbl 1209.92036 Iwami, Shingo; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2008 Invest conflicts of adult predators. Zbl 1398.92226 Wang, Wendi; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 4 2008 Mathematical analysis of a HIV model with frequency dependence and viral diversity. Zbl 1230.34042 Iwami, Shingo; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 3 2008 Avian-human influenza epidemic model. Zbl 1114.92058 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning 83 2007 Mathematics for life science and medicine. Zbl 1103.92301 35 2007 Global dynamics of SIS models with transport-related infection. Zbl 1154.34353 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Liu, Xianning; Cui, Jingan 28 2007 Periodicity and global dynamics of an impulsive delay Lasota-Wazewska model. Zbl 1116.34063 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1117.34310 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Dynamical properties of autoimmune disease models: tolerance, flare-up, dormancy. Zbl 1451.92096 Iwami, Shingo; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Miura, Yoshiharu; Sasaki, Toru; Kajiwara, Tsuyoshi 17 2007 Dynamical properties of a stage structured three-species model with intra-guild predation. Zbl 1105.92049 Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 15 2007 Mathematics for ecology and environmental sciences. Zbl 1103.92312 6 2007 Evolution of predator-prey systems described by a Lotka-Volterra equation under random environment. Zbl 1113.34042 Takeuchi, Y.; Du, N. H.; Hieu, N. T.; Sato, K. 107 2006 Permanence, extinction and periodic solution of predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1102.34033 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 39 2006 Spreading disease with transport-related infection. Zbl 1445.92268 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Saito, Yasuhisa 29 2006 Spread of disease with transport-related infection and entry screening. Zbl 1447.92446 Liu, Xianning; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 26 2006 A predator-prey system with a stage structure for the prey. Zbl 1132.92340 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 23 2006 Global stability of population models with patch structure. Zbl 1085.92053 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Wang, Wendi; Saito, Yasuhisa 22 2006 Permanence of delayed population model with dispersal loss. Zbl 1093.92059 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Cui, Jing’an; Miyazaki, Rinko; Saito, Yasuhisa 21 2006 Stability, delay, and chaotic behavior in a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system. Zbl 1089.92061 Nakaoka, S.; Saito, Y.; Takeuchi, Y. 17 2006 Prey-predator system with parental care for predators. Zbl 1447.92377 Wang, Wendi; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Saito, Yasuhisa; Nakaoka, Shinji 14 2006 Permanence of dispersal population model with time delays. Zbl 1109.34059 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Cui, Jing’an; Miyazaki, Rinko; Saito, Yasuhisa 12 2006 Frequency dependence and viral diversity imply chaos in an HIV model. Zbl 1126.34032 Iwami, Shingo; Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 7 2006 Competition in chemostat-type equations with two habitats. Zbl 1093.92057 Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2006 Permanence of a single-species dispersal system and predator survival. Zbl 1058.92042 Cui, Jing’an; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 15 2005 How can three species coexist in a periodic chemostat? Mathematical and numerical study. Zbl 1091.92052 Nakaoka, Shinji; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 2005 A predator–prey model with inverse trophic relation and time delay. Zbl 1087.34054 Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2005 ...and 65 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,425 Authors 103 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 80 Jiang, Daqing 60 Teng, Zhi-dong 56 Chen, Lansun 54 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 45 Wang, Jinliang 43 Ma, Wanbiao 35 Hayat, Tasawar 34 Meng, Xinzhu 30 Xu, Rui 27 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 27 Kuniya, Toshikazu 27 Liu, Shengqiang 25 Li, Xuezhi 25 Liu, Qun 24 Liu, Xianning 24 Samanta, Guru Prasad 24 Zhang, Long 23 Song, Xinyu 22 Wang, Wendi 22 Yang, Yu 21 Chen, Yuming 21 Wang, Ke 20 Dong, Yueping 19 Alshamrani, Noura H. 19 Cai, Liming 19 Huang, Gang 19 Liu, Meng 19 Ruan, Shigui 18 Cui, Jingan 18 Misra, Arvind Kumar 18 Zhang, Qimin 17 Chen, Fengde 17 Dubey, Balram 17 Jiao, Jianjun 17 Mao, Xuerong 17 Martcheva, Maia 17 Nakata, Yukihiko 17 Zhang, Tonghua 16 Huo, Hai-Feng 16 Muroya, Yoshiaki 15 Hattaf, Khalid 15 Lahrouz, Aadil 15 Tripathi, Jai Prakash 15 Zhang, Ran 14 Enatsu, Yoichi 14 Li, Xiaoyue 14 Rong, Libin 14 Settati, Adel 14 Shi, Ningzhong 14 Tiwari, Pankaj Kumar 14 Wang, Lin 14 Wei, Junjie 14 Zhang, Tailei 13 Banerjee, Malay 13 Cai, Shaohong 13 Faria, Teresa 13 Iwami, Shingo 13 Li, Jianquan 13 Lu, Zhengyi 13 Srivastava, Prashant Kr. 13 Wu, Jianhong 13 Yuan, Sanling 12 Beretta, Edoardo 12 Jiang, Zhichao 12 Liu, Junli 12 Rai, Rajanish Kumar 12 Wang, Xia 12 Xiao, Yanni 12 Xu, Changjin 12 Xu, Jinhu 12 Yousfi, Noura 12 Zhang, Xinhong 11 Buonomo, Bruno 11 Ji, Chunyan 11 Liu, Zijian 11 Nakaoka, Shinji 11 Shi, Zhenfeng 11 Wanduku, Divine 11 Wang, Yan 11 Zhang, Fengqin 11 Zhang, Tongqian 11 Zou, Xingfu 10 Cheng, Chang-Yuan 10 Djilali, Salih 10 El Fatini, Mohamed 10 Jin, Zhen 10 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 10 Li, Wan-Tong 10 Lin, Zhigui 10 Liu, Lili 10 Sasmal, Sourav Kumar 10 Shuai, Zhisheng 10 Wang, Shaoli 10 Wu, YiXiang 10 Zhang, Suxia 10 Zhang, Xinan 10 Zu, Jian 9 Abbas, Syed 9 Blyuss, Konstantin B. ...and 3,325 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 253 Serials 152 Applied Mathematics and Computation 120 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 115 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 106 International Journal of Biomathematics 100 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 99 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 84 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 82 Advances in Difference Equations 78 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 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Hybrid Systems 6 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 6 Open Mathematics 5 Nonlinearity 5 Ricerche di Matematica 5 Systems & Control Letters 5 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 5 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 5 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 5 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 5 AIMS Mathematics 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Fractals 4 Natural Resource Modeling 4 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 4 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 4 Applications and Applied Mathematics 3 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 3 Automatica 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. 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