Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tan, Kok-Keong Co-Author Distance Author ID: tan.kok-keong Published as: Tan, Kok-Keong; Tan, K.-K.; Tan, K. K.; Tan, Kokkeong; Tan, Kok-keong; Tan, Kok Keong; Tan, Kok-Kong more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 152 Publications since 1972 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 40 Co-Authors with 140 Joint Publications 1,280 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 35 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi 15 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R. 15 Ding, Xie Ping 14 Shih, Mau-Hsiang 14 Xu, Hong-Kun 13 Yu, Jian 9 Kim, Won Kyu 8 Tam, Pingkwan 6 Chang, Shih-Sen 6 Ko, Hwei-Mei 4 Wu, Zhou 3 Edelstein, Michael 3 Mehta, Ghanshyam Bhagvandas 3 Radjavi, Heydar 3 Tarafdar, Enayet U. 3 Wong, Chi Song 2 Chen, Mingpo 2 Chew, Kim-Peu 2 Hsieh, Tsu-Teh 2 Lee, Chengming 2 Shiau, Chyi 1 Bae, Jong Sook 1 Chan, Chi Kin 1 Chan, Gin Hor 1 Chen, Yuqing 1 Chuan, Jen-chung 1 Deguire, Paul 1 Idzik, Adam 1 Isac, George 1 Janos, Ludvik 1 Kiang, Mo Tak 1 Lee, H. W. Joseph 1 Lee, W. H. J. 1 Lim, Ming-Huat 1 Lim, Teck-Cheong 1 Lin, Pei-Kee 1 O’Regan, Donal 1 Wu, Xian 1 Xiang, Shuwen 1 Yang, Hui all top 5 Serials 18 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 13 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 9 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 6 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 4 Studia Mathematica 4 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 3 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Panamerican Mathematical Journal 3 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Economics Letters 2 Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 2 Positivity 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Optimization 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Journal of Natural Geometry 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Nonlinear Times and Digest 1 Nonlinear World 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IV all top 5 Fields 107 Operator theory (47-XX) 47 General topology (54-XX) 45 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 35 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 21 Functional analysis (46-XX) 17 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 117 Publications have been cited 2,113 times in 1,514 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Approximating fixed points of nonexpansive mappings by the Ishikawa iteration process. Zbl 0895.47048 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 477 1993 Fixed point iteration processes for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0820.47071 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 119 1994 A minimax inequality with applications to existence of equilibrium point and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0833.49009 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 81 1992 Generalized quasivariational inequalities in locally convex topological vector spaces. Zbl 0656.49003 Shih, Mauhsiang; Tan, Kokkeong 71 1985 The study of maximal elements, fixed points for \(L_S\)-majorized mappings and their applications to minimax and variational inequalities in product topological spaces. Zbl 0930.47024 Deguire, Paul; Tan, Kok Keong; Yuan, George Xian-Zhi 66 1999 Demiclosedness principle and asymptotic behavior for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0865.47040 Lin, Pei-Kee; Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong Kun 61 1995 A selection theorem and its applications. Zbl 0762.47030 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 60 1992 Iterative solutions to nonlinear equations of strongly accretive operators in Banach spaces. Zbl 0834.47048 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 56 1993 Random fixed-point theorems and approximation in cones. Zbl 0856.47036 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 55 1994 Equilibria of non-compact generalized games with \( L^*\)-majorized preference correspondences. Zbl 0765.90092 Ding, Xieping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 55 1992 The nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 0781.47045 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hongkun 47 1992 On equilibria of non-compact generalized games. Zbl 0789.90008 Ding, Xieping; Tan, Kok-Keong 47 1993 Browder-Hartman-Stampacchia variational inequalities for multi-valued monotone operators. Zbl 0671.47043 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 43 1988 On the convergence of implicit iteration process with error for a finite family of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1086.47044 Chang, S. S.; Tan, K. K.; Lee, H. W. J.; Chan, Chi Kin 42 2006 Generalization of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality with applications to generalized variational inequalities for pseudo-monotone operators and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0879.49011 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 34 1996 The stability of Ky Fan’s points. Zbl 0826.46004 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 33 1995 Linear preservers on matrices. Zbl 0619.15003 Chan, Gin-Hor; Lim, Ming-Huat; Tan, Kok-Keong 28 1987 A minimax inequality with applications to existence of equilibrium points. Zbl 0803.47059 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Zian-Zhi 25 1993 The study of minimax inequalities, abstract economics and applications to variational inequalities and Nash equilibria. Zbl 0921.47047 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi; Isac, George; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian 24 1998 Existence theorems for saddle points of vector-valued maps. Zbl 0849.49009 Tan, K. K.; Yu, J.; Yuan, X. Z. 24 1996 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0688.49008 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 24 1989 \(G\)-KKM theorem, minimax inequalities and saddle points. Zbl 0953.49009 Tan, Kok-Keong 22 1997 Generalized variational inequalities and generalized quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0714.49013 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 22 1990 New existence theorems of equilibria and applications. Zbl 1042.47534 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 22 2001 On existence and multiplicity of solutions of Neumann boundary value problems for quasi-linear elliptic equations. Zbl 1109.35047 Wu, Xian; Tan, Kok-Keong 21 2006 A nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0752.47024 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 20 1992 Existence of equilibrium for abstract economies. Zbl 0821.90022 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 19 1994 Comparison theorems on minimax inequalities, variational inequalities, and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0497.49010 Tan, Kok-Keong 18 1983 Fixed point theorems for Lipschitzian semigroups in Banach spaces. Zbl 0781.47044 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 17 1993 Approximation method and equilibria of abstract economics. Zbl 0842.47033 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 16 1994 Equilibria of generalized games with \(L\)-majorized correspondences. Zbl 0811.90146 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 16 1994 Existence theorems of Nash equilibria for non-cooperative \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0837.90126 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 16 1995 Random fixed point theorems and approximation. Zbl 0892.47060 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 14 1997 On fixed point theorems of nonexpansive mappings in product spaces. Zbl 0747.47040 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hongkun 14 1991 New minimax inequality with applications to existence theorems of equilibrium points. Zbl 0819.46004 Tan, K. K.; Yu, J. 13 1994 Fixed points, maximal elements and equilibria of generalized games. Zbl 0869.90092 Mehta, Ghanshyam; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 13 1997 The stability of coincident points for multivalued mappings. Zbl 0856.54045 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 13 1995 Quasi-nonexpansive multi-valued maps and selections. Zbl 0307.54047 Shiau, Chyi; Tan, Kok-Keong; Wong, Chi Song 13 1975 Generalized variational inequalities for quasi-monotone operators and applications. Zbl 0885.47018 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 1997 Matching theorems, fixed point theorems and minimax inequalities without convexity. Zbl 0709.47053 Ding, Xie-Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 1990 Minimax inequalities on \(G\)-convex spaces with applications to generalized games. Zbl 0978.47050 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tarafdar, Enayet; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 2001 On deterministic and random fixed points. Zbl 0801.47044 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 12 1993 Fixed point theorems for nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0222.54056 Tan, Kok-Keong 11 1972 An ergodic theorem for nonlinear semigroups of Lipschitzian mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 0782.47058 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 11 1992 Equilibria and maximal elements of abstract fuzzy economies and qualitative fuzzy games. Zbl 1011.91063 Chang, Shih-sen; Tan, Kok-keong 10 2002 A new minimax inequality of H-spaces with applications. Zbl 0697.49008 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 10 1990 Applications of pseudo-monotone operators with some kind of upper semicontinuity in generalized quasi-variational inequalities on non-compact sets. Zbl 0903.47031 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1998 Covering theorems of convex sets related to fixed-point theorems. Zbl 0637.47029 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1987 The uniqueness of saddle points. Zbl 0836.46068 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 9 1995 Application of upper hemi-continuous operators on generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities in locally convex topological vector spaces. Zbl 0937.47063 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1999 A geometric property of convex sets with applications to minimax type inequalities and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0664.52001 Shih, Mauhsiang; Tan, Kokkeong 9 1988 Lower semicontinuity of multivalued mappings and equilibrium points. Zbl 0863.47031 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 8 1996 On generalized vector quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0960.47037 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 8 1999 A coincidence theorem with applications to minimax inequalities and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0613.47051 Ko, Hwei-Mei; Tan, Kok-Keong 8 1986 A variational inequality in non-compact sets and its applications. Zbl 0747.47037 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 7 1992 Maximal elements and equilibria for \({\mathcal U}\)-majorised preferences. Zbl 0831.47042 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 7 1994 Generalized games and non-compact quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0872.90130 Yuan, Xian-Zhi; Tan, Kok-Keong 6 1997 The existence and stability of essential components. Zbl 1100.91005 Yu, Jian; Tan, Kok Keong; Xiang, Shuwen; Yang, Hui 6 2004 Equilibria of generalized games with \({\mathcal U}\)-majorized preference correspondences. Zbl 0782.90108 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 6 1993 Some new minimax inequalities and applications to existence of equilibria in \(H\)-spaces. Zbl 0836.90150 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 6 1995 A note on abstract economies with upper semicontinuous correspondence. Zbl 1122.91349 Tan, K.-K.; Wu, Z. 6 1998 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities for quasi-pseudo-monotone type II operators on compact sets. Zbl 1200.47082 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 2010 A further generalization of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality and its applications. Zbl 0554.49005 Shih, Mauhsiang; Tan, Kokkeong 5 1984 Minimax inequalities and applications. Zbl 0588.49007 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 1986 Non-compact sets with convex sections. Zbl 0635.47046 Shih, M.-H.; Tan, K.-K. 5 1985 Generalized variational-like inequalities for pseudo-monotone type III operators. Zbl 1151.49011 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 2008 Asymptotic behavior of almost-orbits of nonlinear semigroups of non- Lipschitzian mappings in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0807.47055 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 5 1993 Some random fixed point theorems. Zbl 1426.47008 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 5 1992 Fixed point theorems for affine operators on vector spaces. Zbl 0791.47046 Edelstein, Michael; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1994 Iteration processes for approximating fixed points of operators of monotone type. Zbl 0910.47049 Chang, Shih-Sen; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1998 Analytic functions of topological proper contractions. Zbl 0587.47019 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1984 A set-valued generalization of Fan’s best approximation theorem. Zbl 0761.47037 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1992 Variational inequalities on reflexive Banach spaces and applications. Zbl 0789.49006 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 4 1994 Edelstein’s contractivity and attractors. Zbl 0411.54031 Janos, Ludvik; Ko, Hwei-Mei; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1979 Shapley selections and covering theorems of simplexes. Zbl 0646.52001 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1987 Fixed point theorems and equilibria of noncompact generalized games. Zbl 1404.47007 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1992 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities for quasi-pseudo-monotone type I operators on compact sets. Zbl 1166.47057 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 2008 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities for upper semi-continuous operators on non-compact sets. Zbl 0911.49008 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1997 Note on generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0851.49012 Chowdhury, M. S. R.; Tan, K.-K. 3 1996 Boundedness stability properties of linear and affine operators. Zbl 0914.47023 Edelstein, Michael; Radjavi, Heydar; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1998 A note on asymptotic normal structure and close-to-normal structure. Zbl 0449.46025 Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1982 Applications of a minimax inequality as H-spaces. Zbl 0697.49009 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1990 Non-compact sets with convex sections. II. Zbl 0661.46011 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1986 Random equilibria of random generalized games with applications to non-compact random quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0843.90142 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 3 1995 Study of generalized quasi-variational inequalities for lower and upper hemi-continuous operators on non-compact sets. Zbl 0931.49005 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1999 A class of quasi-nonexpansive multi-valued maps. Zbl 0343.47045 Shiau, Chyi; Tan, Kok-Keong; Wong, Chi Song 3 1975 Another generalization of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality and its applications. Zbl 0794.52003 Bae, Jong Sook; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1993 Generalizations of KKM theorem and applications to best approximations and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0804.47056 Ding, Xieping; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1994 Stability of production economies. Zbl 0877.90013 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1996 Maximal elements and generalized games in locally convex topological vector spaces. Zbl 0817.90145 Mehta, Ghanshyam B.; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1994 Fixed point theorems for affine operators. Zbl 0808.47041 Edelstein, Michael; Tan, Kok-Kong 2 1993 On the existence of periodic solutions for nonlinear evolutions in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0989.34050 Chang, Shihsen; Chen, Yu-Qing; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, George X. Z. 2 2001 Common fixed point theorems for almost weakly periodic nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0233.54030 Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1972 Random variational inequalities and applications to random minimization and nonlinear boundary problems. Zbl 0847.60047 Tan, Kok-Keong; Tarafdar, Enayat; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1994 An extension theorem and duals of Gale-Mas-Colell’s and Shafer-Sonnenschein’s theorems. Zbl 1021.47036 Tan, Kok-Keong; Wu, Zhou 2 2002 Auxiliary principle and fuzzy variational-like inequalities. Zbl 1099.49004 Chang, S. S.; O’Regan, D.; Tan, K. K.; Zeng, L. C. 2 2005 Functional compactness and C-compactness. Zbl 0293.54017 Lim, Teck-Cheong; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1974 On Fan’s extensions of Browder’s fixed point theorems for multi-valued inward mappings. Zbl 0394.47033 Lee, Cheng-Ming; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1978 Covering theorems of simplexes and systems of linear inequalities. Zbl 0593.57010 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1986 Covering properties of simplexes. Zbl 0784.52021 Idzik, Adam; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1993 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities for quasi-pseudo-monotone type II operators on compact sets. Zbl 1200.47082 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 2010 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities for quasi-pseudo-monotone type I operators on non-compact sets. Zbl 1201.49008 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 2010 Generalized variational-like inequalities for pseudo-monotone type III operators. Zbl 1151.49011 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 2008 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities for quasi-pseudo-monotone type I operators on compact sets. Zbl 1166.47057 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 2008 On the convergence of implicit iteration process with error for a finite family of asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1086.47044 Chang, S. S.; Tan, K. K.; Lee, H. W. J.; Chan, Chi Kin 42 2006 On existence and multiplicity of solutions of Neumann boundary value problems for quasi-linear elliptic equations. Zbl 1109.35047 Wu, Xian; Tan, Kok-Keong 21 2006 Auxiliary principle and fuzzy variational-like inequalities. Zbl 1099.49004 Chang, S. S.; O’Regan, D.; Tan, K. K.; Zeng, L. C. 2 2005 Equilibrium existence theorems with closed preferences. Zbl 1224.91002 Tan, Kok-Keong; Wu, Zhou; Yuan, X. Z. 1 2005 The existence and stability of essential components. Zbl 1100.91005 Yu, Jian; Tan, Kok Keong; Xiang, Shuwen; Yang, Hui 6 2004 Mean ergodicity for compact operators. Zbl 1064.47017 Radjavi, Heydar; Tam, Ping-Kwan; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 2003 Equilibria and maximal elements of abstract fuzzy economies and qualitative fuzzy games. Zbl 1011.91063 Chang, Shih-sen; Tan, Kok-keong 10 2002 An extension theorem and duals of Gale-Mas-Colell’s and Shafer-Sonnenschein’s theorems. Zbl 1021.47036 Tan, Kok-Keong; Wu, Zhou 2 2002 New existence theorems of equilibria and applications. Zbl 1042.47534 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 22 2001 Minimax inequalities on \(G\)-convex spaces with applications to generalized games. Zbl 0978.47050 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tarafdar, Enayet; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 2001 On the existence of periodic solutions for nonlinear evolutions in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0989.34050 Chang, Shihsen; Chen, Yu-Qing; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, George X. Z. 2 2001 The study of maximal elements, fixed points for \(L_S\)-majorized mappings and their applications to minimax and variational inequalities in product topological spaces. Zbl 0930.47024 Deguire, Paul; Tan, Kok Keong; Yuan, George Xian-Zhi 66 1999 Application of upper hemi-continuous operators on generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities in locally convex topological vector spaces. Zbl 0937.47063 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1999 On generalized vector quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0960.47037 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 8 1999 Study of generalized quasi-variational inequalities for lower and upper hemi-continuous operators on non-compact sets. Zbl 0931.49005 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1999 On topological linear contractions on normed spaces and application. Zbl 0949.47047 Shih, Mauhsiang; Tam, Pingkwan; Tan, Kokkeong 1 1999 The study of minimax inequalities, abstract economics and applications to variational inequalities and Nash equilibria. Zbl 0921.47047 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi; Isac, George; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian 24 1998 Applications of pseudo-monotone operators with some kind of upper semicontinuity in generalized quasi-variational inequalities on non-compact sets. Zbl 0903.47031 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1998 A note on abstract economies with upper semicontinuous correspondence. Zbl 1122.91349 Tan, K.-K.; Wu, Z. 6 1998 Iteration processes for approximating fixed points of operators of monotone type. Zbl 0910.47049 Chang, Shih-Sen; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1998 Boundedness stability properties of linear and affine operators. Zbl 0914.47023 Edelstein, Michael; Radjavi, Heydar; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1998 A coincidence theorem in \(G\)-convex spaces. Zbl 0906.54034 Chen, Ming-Po; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1998 \(G\)-KKM theorem, minimax inequalities and saddle points. Zbl 0953.49009 Tan, Kok-Keong 22 1997 Random fixed point theorems and approximation. Zbl 0892.47060 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 14 1997 Fixed points, maximal elements and equilibria of generalized games. Zbl 0869.90092 Mehta, Ghanshyam; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 13 1997 Generalized variational inequalities for quasi-monotone operators and applications. Zbl 0885.47018 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 1997 Generalized games and non-compact quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0872.90130 Yuan, Xian-Zhi; Tan, Kok-Keong 6 1997 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities for upper semi-continuous operators on non-compact sets. Zbl 0911.49008 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1997 Generalization of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality with applications to generalized variational inequalities for pseudo-monotone operators and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0879.49011 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R.; Tan, Kok-Keong 34 1996 Existence theorems for saddle points of vector-valued maps. Zbl 0849.49009 Tan, K. K.; Yu, J.; Yuan, X. Z. 24 1996 Lower semicontinuity of multivalued mappings and equilibrium points. Zbl 0863.47031 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 8 1996 Note on generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0851.49012 Chowdhury, M. S. R.; Tan, K.-K. 3 1996 Stability of production economies. Zbl 0877.90013 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1996 The existence of maximal elements and equilibria in Frechet spaces. Zbl 0870.47031 Mehta, G.; Tan, K.-K.; Yuan, X.-Z. 1 1996 Demiclosedness principle and asymptotic behavior for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0865.47040 Lin, Pei-Kee; Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong Kun 61 1995 The stability of Ky Fan’s points. Zbl 0826.46004 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 33 1995 Existence theorems of Nash equilibria for non-cooperative \(n\)-person games. Zbl 0837.90126 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 16 1995 The stability of coincident points for multivalued mappings. Zbl 0856.54045 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 13 1995 The uniqueness of saddle points. Zbl 0836.46068 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 9 1995 Some new minimax inequalities and applications to existence of equilibria in \(H\)-spaces. Zbl 0836.90150 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 6 1995 Random equilibria of random generalized games with applications to non-compact random quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0843.90142 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 3 1995 Fixed point iteration processes for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0820.47071 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 119 1994 Random fixed-point theorems and approximation in cones. Zbl 0856.47036 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 55 1994 Existence of equilibrium for abstract economies. Zbl 0821.90022 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 19 1994 Approximation method and equilibria of abstract economics. Zbl 0842.47033 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 16 1994 Equilibria of generalized games with \(L\)-majorized correspondences. Zbl 0811.90146 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 16 1994 New minimax inequality with applications to existence theorems of equilibrium points. Zbl 0819.46004 Tan, K. K.; Yu, J. 13 1994 Maximal elements and equilibria for \({\mathcal U}\)-majorised preferences. Zbl 0831.47042 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 7 1994 Fixed point theorems for affine operators on vector spaces. Zbl 0791.47046 Edelstein, Michael; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1994 Variational inequalities on reflexive Banach spaces and applications. Zbl 0789.49006 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 4 1994 Generalizations of KKM theorem and applications to best approximations and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0804.47056 Ding, Xieping; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1994 Maximal elements and generalized games in locally convex topological vector spaces. Zbl 0817.90145 Mehta, Ghanshyam B.; Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1994 Random variational inequalities and applications to random minimization and nonlinear boundary problems. Zbl 0847.60047 Tan, Kok-Keong; Tarafdar, Enayat; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 2 1994 Minimax inequalities and generalisations of the Gale-Nikaido-Debreu lemma. Zbl 0818.49008 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yu, Jian 1 1994 Note on \(\varepsilon\)-saddle point and saddle point theorems. Zbl 0835.47042 Tan, K.-K.; Yu, J.; Yuan, X.-Z. 1 1994 Equilibrium of generalized game. Zbl 0803.90018 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 1 1994 Approximating fixed points of nonexpansive mappings by the Ishikawa iteration process. Zbl 0895.47048 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 477 1993 Iterative solutions to nonlinear equations of strongly accretive operators in Banach spaces. Zbl 0834.47048 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 56 1993 On equilibria of non-compact generalized games. Zbl 0789.90008 Ding, Xieping; Tan, Kok-Keong 47 1993 A minimax inequality with applications to existence of equilibrium points. Zbl 0803.47059 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Zian-Zhi 25 1993 Fixed point theorems for Lipschitzian semigroups in Banach spaces. Zbl 0781.47044 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 17 1993 On deterministic and random fixed points. Zbl 0801.47044 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 12 1993 Equilibria of generalized games with \({\mathcal U}\)-majorized preference correspondences. Zbl 0782.90108 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 6 1993 Asymptotic behavior of almost-orbits of nonlinear semigroups of non- Lipschitzian mappings in Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0807.47055 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 5 1993 Another generalization of Ky Fan’s minimax inequality and its applications. Zbl 0794.52003 Bae, Jong Sook; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 2 1993 Fixed point theorems for affine operators. Zbl 0808.47041 Edelstein, Michael; Tan, Kok-Kong 2 1993 Covering properties of simplexes. Zbl 0784.52021 Idzik, Adam; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1993 Generalizations of KKM theorem and applications to best approximations and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0798.54052 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1993 Fixed point theorems and minimax inequalities without convexity. Zbl 0913.47051 Ding, Xie-Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1993 A minimax inequality with applications to existence of equilibrium point and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0833.49009 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 81 1992 A selection theorem and its applications. Zbl 0762.47030 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 60 1992 Equilibria of non-compact generalized games with \( L^*\)-majorized preference correspondences. Zbl 0765.90092 Ding, Xieping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 55 1992 The nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 0781.47045 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hongkun 47 1992 A nonlinear ergodic theorem for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 0752.47024 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 20 1992 An ergodic theorem for nonlinear semigroups of Lipschitzian mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 0782.47058 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong-Kun 11 1992 A variational inequality in non-compact sets and its applications. Zbl 0747.47037 Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 7 1992 Some random fixed point theorems. Zbl 1426.47008 Tan, Kok-Keong; Yuan, Xian-Zhi 5 1992 A set-valued generalization of Fan’s best approximation theorem. Zbl 0761.47037 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1992 Fixed point theorems and equilibria of noncompact generalized games. Zbl 1404.47007 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1992 Coincidence theorems and matching theorems. Zbl 0777.47034 Ko, Hwei-Mei; Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1992 Asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear Lipschitzian semigroups in Banach spaces. Zbl 1426.47009 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hong Kun 1 1992 On fixed point theorems of nonexpansive mappings in product spaces. Zbl 0747.47040 Tan, Kok-Keong; Xu, Hongkun 14 1991 Generalized variational inequalities and generalized quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0714.49013 Ding, Xie Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 22 1990 Matching theorems, fixed point theorems and minimax inequalities without convexity. Zbl 0709.47053 Ding, Xie-Ping; Tan, Kok-Keong 12 1990 A new minimax inequality of H-spaces with applications. Zbl 0697.49008 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 10 1990 Applications of a minimax inequality as H-spaces. Zbl 0697.49009 Ding, Xie Ping; Kim, Won Kyu; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1990 Generalized bi-quasi-variational inequalities. Zbl 0688.49008 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 24 1989 Browder-Hartman-Stampacchia variational inequalities for multi-valued monotone operators. Zbl 0671.47043 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 43 1988 A geometric property of convex sets with applications to minimax type inequalities and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0664.52001 Shih, Mauhsiang; Tan, Kokkeong 9 1988 Linear preservers on matrices. Zbl 0619.15003 Chan, Gin-Hor; Lim, Ming-Huat; Tan, Kok-Keong 28 1987 Covering theorems of convex sets related to fixed-point theorems. Zbl 0637.47029 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 9 1987 Shapley selections and covering theorems of simplexes. Zbl 0646.52001 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 4 1987 Generalizations of F. E. Browder’s sharpened form of the Schauder fixed point theorem. Zbl 0646.47040 Tan, Kok-Keong 1 1987 A coincidence theorem with applications to minimax inequalities and fixed point theorems. Zbl 0613.47051 Ko, Hwei-Mei; Tan, Kok-Keong 8 1986 Minimax inequalities and applications. Zbl 0588.49007 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 5 1986 Non-compact sets with convex sections. II. Zbl 0661.46011 Shih, Mau-Hsiang; Tan, Kok-Keong 3 1986 ...and 17 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,182 Authors 74 Ding, Xie Ping 58 Yao, Jen-Chih 46 O’Regan, Donal 46 Tan, Kok-Keong 37 Chang, Shih-Sen 36 Yuan, George Xian-Zhi 35 Cho, Yeol Je 32 Lin, Lai-Jiu 31 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 30 Chidume, Charles Ejike 29 Ansari, Qamrul Hasan 29 Kang, Shin Min 29 Shahzad, Naseer 29 Yu, Jian 27 Kumam, Poom 25 Qin, Xiaolong 23 Agarwal, Ravi P. 23 Huang, Nan-Jing 21 Xu, Hong-Kun 19 Suantai, Suthep 16 Mewomo, Oluwatosin Temitope 16 Park, Sehie 16 Saejung, Satit 16 Xiang, Shuwen 15 Fukhar-Ud-Din, Hafiz 15 Zegeye, Habtu 14 Kim, Jong Kyu 14 Kim, Won Kyu 14 Tarafdar, Enayet U. 13 Alakoya, Timilehin Opeyemi 13 Saluja, Gurucharan Singh 12 Su, Yongfu 12 Thianwan, Tanakit 12 Yang, Liping 12 Zhou, Haiyun 11 Khan, Safeer Hussain 11 Plubtieng, Somyot 11 Sahu, Daya Ram 11 Wu, Xian 10 Kozłowski, Wojciech M. 10 Liu, Zeqing 10 Park, Jong Yeoul 10 Takahashi, Wataru 9 Ali, Bashir 9 Hussain, Nawab 9 Nilsrakoo, Weerayuth 9 Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S. 9 Patriche, Monica 9 Peng, Dingtao 9 Rafiq, Arif 9 Ume, Jeong Sheok 9 Yang, Hui 8 Balaj, Mircea 8 Cho, Sun Young 8 Cholamjiak, Prasit 8 Chowdhury, Mohammad S. R. 8 Ćirić, Ljubomir B. 8 Cubiotti, Paolo 8 Khan, Abdul Rahim 8 Konnov, Igor Vasilyevich 8 Marino, Giuseppe 8 Nguyen The Vinh 8 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 8 Phan Quôc Khánh 8 Wang, Lin 8 Yang, Zhe 7 Chooi, Wai-Leong 7 Liou, Yeongcheng 7 Panyanak, Bancha 7 Postolache, Mihai 7 Quan, Nguyen Hong 7 Schaible, Siegfried 7 Shehu, Yekini 7 Wen, Chingfeng 7 Yao, Yonghong 7 Yu, Zenn-Tsuen 7 Zhou, Yonghui 6 Beg, Ismat 6 Chadli, Ouayl 6 Hao, Yan 6 He, Songnian 6 Jung, Jong Soo 6 Kim, Tae Hwa 6 Lê Dung Muu 6 Lee, Byung Soo 6 Liu, Lishan 6 Sunthrayuth, Pongsakorn 6 Tang, Yan 6 Temir, Seyit 6 Wang, Fenghui 6 Wangkeeree, Rabian 6 Yang, Yanlong 5 Abbas, Mujahid 5 Balder, Erik J. 5 Balooee, Javad 5 Bin Dehaish, Buthinah Abdullatif 5 Dhompongsa, Sompong 5 Fakhar, Majid 5 Gibali, Aviv 5 Górnicki, Jarosław ...and 1,082 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 210 Serials 123 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 123 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 121 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 71 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 56 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 52 Applied Mathematics Letters 40 Journal of Global Optimization 37 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 36 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 36 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 35 Abstract and Applied Analysis 27 Optimization 24 Applied Mathematics and Computation 24 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 22 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 21 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 20 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 20 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 19 Thai Journal of Mathematics 18 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 17 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 15 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 13 Linear Algebra and its Applications 13 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 12 Applicable Analysis 11 Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 Optimization Letters 10 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 10 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 9 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 9 Numerical Algorithms 8 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 8 Journal of Mathematical Economics 8 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 8 Fixed Point Theory 7 Filomat 7 Journal of Function Spaces 6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 6 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 6 Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Positivity 6 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 6 Afrika Matematika 5 Demonstratio Mathematica 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 5 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 5 Journal of Applied Analysis 5 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 5 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 5 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications 5 Open Mathematics 5 AIMS Mathematics 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 International Journal of Game Theory 4 Journal of Economic Theory 4 Topology and its Applications 4 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 4 Set-Valued Analysis 4 The Journal of Analysis 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 4 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 4 Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 4 Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Operations Research Letters 3 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 3 Economics Letters 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 3 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 3 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 3 Optimization Methods & Software 3 Central European Journal of Mathematics 3 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 3 Minimax Theory and its Applications 3 Advances in Operator Theory 2 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 2 Games and Economic Behavior 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Georgian Mathematical Journal 2 Economic Theory 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. 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