Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tardos, Gábor Co-Author Distance Author ID: tardos.gabor Published as: Tardos, Gábor; Tardos, G.; Tardos, Gabor; Tardos, Gabór; Tardos, Gàbor more...less Homepage: http://www.renyi.hu/~tardos/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · IdRef Awards: EMS Prize (1992) Documents Indexed: 147 Publications since 1986, including 4 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 102 Co-Authors with 133 Joint Publications 3,864 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 55 Pach, János 17 Tóth, Géza 9 Simonyi, Gábor 6 Rubin, Natan 6 Szabó, Tibor 4 Alon, Noga 4 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör 4 Petrank, Erez 4 Sharir, Micha 4 Smorodinsky, Shakhar 4 Solymosi, József 3 Csirmaz, László 3 Elek, Gábor 3 Erdős, Péter L. 3 Kupavskii, Andrey 3 Marcus, Adam W. 3 Methuku, Abhishek 3 Raz, Ran 3 Spencer, Joel H. 3 Szegedy, Mario 3 Verbitsky, Oleg 2 Aronov, Boris 2 Bro Miltersen, Peter 2 Chen, Xiaomin 2 Cooper, Joshua N. 2 Dietzfelbinger, Martin 2 Doerr, Benjamin 2 Gebauer, Heidi 2 Gerbner, Dániel 2 Grolmusz, Vince 2 Károlyi, Gyula 2 Keller, Chaya 2 Korándi, Dániel 2 Linial, Nathan 2 Matoušek, Jiří 2 Nagy, Dániel T. 2 Nivasch, Gabriel 2 Pettie, Seth 2 Pinchasi, Rom 2 Radoičić, Radoš 2 Sheffet, Or 2 Tardif, Claude 2 Tomon, István 2 Vereshagin, Nikolai 2 Vereshchagin, Nikolay K. 2 Vizer, Máté 2 Weidert, Craig 1 Ackerman, Eyal 1 Amiri, Ehsan 1 Bárány, Imre 1 Benjamini, Itai 1 Berman, Piotr 1 Böröczky, Karoly jun. 1 Borodin, Allan B. 1 Csiszár, Imre 1 Diestel, Reinhard 1 Elboim, Dor 1 Enright, Jessica 1 Fang, Lixing 1 Fehér, László Gy. 1 Glebov, Roman 1 Harcos, Gergely 1 Haxell, Penny E. 1 Holmsen, Andreas F. 1 Huang, Hao 1 Janzer, Barnabás 1 Janzer, Oliver 1 Karloff, Howard J. 1 Karp, Richard Manning 1 Katona, Gyula O. H. 1 Katz, Nets Hawk 1 Kilian, Joe 1 Kozma, Gady 1 Kucheriya, Gaurav Sunil 1 Kucherlya, Gaurav 1 Laczkovich, Miklós 1 Lángi, Zsolt 1 Ligeti, Péter 1 Lovász, László 1 Magniez, Frédéric 1 Mix Barrington, David A. 1 Mohar, Bojan 1 Mojarrad, Hossein Nassajian 1 Moser, Robin A. 1 Naszódi, Márton 1 Nayak, Ashwin 1 Newman, Ilan I. 1 Romik, Dan 1 Ruszinkó, Miklós 1 Sali, Attila 1 Santha, Miklos 1 Shen, Alexander 1 Sherman, Jonah 1 Stewart, Lorna K. 1 Tardif, Vlaude 1 Thomas, Robin 1 Tóth, Csaba D. 1 Vrećica, Siniša T. 1 Wigderson, Avi 1 Xiao, David ...and 2 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 12 Combinatorica 9 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 8 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 6 Discrete & Computational Geometry 5 European Journal of Combinatorics 5 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 4 Journal of the ACM 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Journal of Graph Theory 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 Order 3 Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Mathematika 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Algorithmica 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Computational Geometry 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 1 Computational Complexity 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Geombinatorics 1 Theory of Computing Systems 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies all top 5 Fields 91 Combinatorics (05-XX) 54 Computer science (68-XX) 36 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 123 Publications have been cited 1,700 times in 1,338 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley-Wilf conjecture. Zbl 1051.05004 Marcus, Adam; Tardos, Gábor 178 2004 A constructive proof of the general Lovász local lemma. Zbl 1300.60024 Moser, Robin A.; Tardos, Gábor 176 2010 On the power of randomization in on-line algorithms. Zbl 0784.68038 Ben-David, S.; Borodin, A.; Karp, R.; Tardos, G.; Wigderson, A. 76 1994 Local chromatic number, Ky Fan’s theorem, and circular colorings. Zbl 1121.05050 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 58 2006 Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs. Zbl 1104.05022 Pach, Janos; Radoicic, Rados; Tardos, Gabor; Toth, Geza 57 2006 On the maximum number of edges in quasi-planar graphs. Zbl 1120.05045 Ackerman, Eyal; Tardos, Gábor 54 2007 Conflict-free colourings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 1197.05054 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 52 2009 Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices. Zbl 1132.05035 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 43 2006 Extremal problems for transversals in graphs with bounded degree. Zbl 1106.05100 Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 35 2006 A new entropy inequality for the Erdős distance problem. Zbl 1069.52017 Katz, Nets Hawk; Tardos, Gabór 33 2004 Polynomial bound for a chip firing game on graphs. Zbl 0652.68089 Tardos, Gábor 31 1988 Query complexity, or why is it difficult to separate \(NP^ A\cap coNP^ A\) from \(P^ A\) by random oracles A? Zbl 0698.68051 Tardos, G. 31 1989 On 0-1 matrices and small excluded submatrices. Zbl 1070.05019 Tardos, Gábor 31 2005 Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes. Zbl 1192.94127 Tardos, Gábor 31 2003 Bounded size components – partitions and transversals. Zbl 1033.05083 Haxell, Penny; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 29 2003 Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1228.05226 Chen, Xiaomin; Pach, János; Szegedy, Mario; Tardos, Gábor 22 2009 Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications. Zbl 1140.05022 Marcus, Adam; Tardos, Gábor 21 2006 Conflict-free colouring of graphs. Zbl 1288.05086 Glebov, Roman; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 21 2014 A maximal clone of monotone operations which is not finitely generated. Zbl 0614.08006 Tardos, Gábor 20 1986 An improved bound for \(k\)-sets in three dimensions. Zbl 0988.52034 Sharir, M.; Smorodinsky, S.; Tardos, G. 19 2001 Indecomposable coverings. Zbl 1149.52304 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 19 2007 Deterministic random walks on the integers. Zbl 1130.60011 Cooper, Joshua; Doerr, Benjamin; Spencer, Joel; Tardos, Gábor 19 2007 Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets. Zbl 1268.52011 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 19 2013 On the intersection of subgroups of a free group. Zbl 0798.20015 Tardos, Gábor 18 1992 Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs. Zbl 1125.05042 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 18 2007 Optimal information rate of secret sharing schemes on trees. Zbl 1364.94576 Csirmaz, László; Tardos, Gábor 17 2013 On distinct sums and distinct distances. Zbl 1039.52014 Tardos, Gábor 17 2003 Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes. Zbl 1311.94109 Tardos, Gábor 17 2008 Multiple coverings of the plane with triangles. Zbl 1135.52007 Tardos, Gabor; Toth, Geza 17 2007 Untangling a polygon. Zbl 1011.68148 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 15 2002 Probabilistically checkable proofs with zero knowledge. Zbl 0963.68192 Kilian, Joe; Petrank, Erez; Tardos, Gábor 15 1999 Improved bounds on the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers. Zbl 1390.05235 Keller, Chaya; Smorodinsky, Shakhar; Tardos, Gábor 15 2018 Transversals of 2-intervals, a topological approach. Zbl 0823.05022 Tardos, Gábor 14 1995 Graph colouring with no large monochronomatic components. Zbl 1171.05021 Linial, Nathan; Matoušek, Jiří; Sheffet, Or; Tardos, Gábor 14 2008 On max-clique for intersection graphs of sets and the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers. Zbl 1417.52007 Keller, Chaya; Smorodinsky, Shakhar; Tardos, Gábor 13 2017 On the number of \(k\)-rich transformations. Zbl 1192.05017 Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor 13 2007 Coloring axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1221.05160 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 13 2010 Isosceles triangles determined by a planar point set. Zbl 1018.52013 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 12 2002 On list coloring and list homomorphism of permutation and interval graphs. Zbl 1309.05069 Enright, Jessica; Stewart, Lorna; Tardos, Gábor 11 2014 Local chromatic number and distinguishing the strength of topological obstructions. Zbl 1170.05027 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor; Vrecica, Sinisa T. 11 2009 Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets. Zbl 1283.68375 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 11 2011 On the Turán number of ordered forests. Zbl 1414.05165 Korándi, Dániel; Tardos, Gábor; Tomon, István; Weidert, Craig 11 2019 Indecomposable coverings. Zbl 1245.52008 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 10 2009 Disjointness graphs of segments. Zbl 1432.68365 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 10 2017 Covering lattice points by subspaces. Zbl 1062.11043 Bárány, Imre; Harcos, Gergely; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 9 2001 A competitive 3-server algorithm. Zbl 0800.68452 Berman, P.; Karloff, H.; Tardos, G. 9 1990 Cross-intersecting families of vectors. Zbl 1312.05137 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 8 2015 On the boundary complexity of the union of fat triangles. Zbl 1018.68086 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 8 2002 Towards the Hanna Neumann conjecture using Dicks’ method. Zbl 0848.20019 Tardos, Gábor 8 1996 Linear hash functions. Zbl 1065.68520 Alon, Noga; Dietzfelbinger, Martin; Miltersen, Peter Bro; Petrank, Erez; Tardos, Gábor 8 1999 Cutting glass. Zbl 0956.68146 Pach, J.; Tardos, G. 8 2000 A lower bound on the MOD 6 degree of the OR function. Zbl 0936.68051 Tardos, Gábor; Barrington, David A. Mix 8 1998 Lower bounds for (MOD\(_{p}\) - MOD\(_{m}\)) circuits. Zbl 0948.68069 Grolmusz, Vince; Tardos, Gábor 7 2000 A multidimensional generalization of the Erdős-Szekeres lemma on monotone subsequences. Zbl 1113.52301 Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2001 The local lemma is tight for SAT. Zbl 1373.68270 Gebauer, H.; Szabó, T.; Tardos, G. 7 2011 High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity. Zbl 1422.68067 Amiri, Ehsan; Tardos, Gábor 7 2009 Two extensions of the Erdős-Szekeres problem. Zbl 1454.52015 Holmsen, Andreas F.; Mojarrad, Hossein Nassajian; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 7 2020 Extremal theory of vertex or edge ordered graphs. Zbl 1476.05085 Tardos, Gábor 7 2019 The local lemma Is asymptotically tight for SAT. Zbl 1426.68121 Gebauer, Heidi; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2016 Unlabeled compression schemes exceeding the VC-dimension. Zbl 1432.68396 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardos, Gábor 7 2020 Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments. Zbl 1467.05050 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 7 2021 On directed local chromatic number, shift graphs, and Borsuk-like graphs. Zbl 1222.05076 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2011 Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs (extended abstract). Zbl 1376.68112 Pach, János; Radoičić, Radoš; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 6 2004 Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions. Zbl 1052.52010 Aronov, Boris; Pach, János; Sharir, Micha; Tardos, Gábor 6 2004 Piercing quasi-rectangles-on a problem of Danzer and Rogers. Zbl 1245.05016 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2012 Crossing stars in topological graphs. Zbl 1141.05031 Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 6 2007 Forbidden patterns and unit distances. Zbl 1387.05124 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2005 Tilings with noncongruent triangles. Zbl 1406.52040 Kupavskii, Andrey; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2018 Remarks on a Ramsey theory for trees. Zbl 1289.05452 Pach, János; Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor 5 2012 On-line secret sharing. Zbl 1236.05195 Csirmaz, László; Tardos, Gábor 5 2012 On point covers of multiple intervals and axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 0866.05046 Károlyi, Gyula; Tardos, Gábor 5 1996 Construction of locally plane graphs with many edges. Zbl 1272.05035 Tardos, Gábor 5 2013 The \(k\) most frequent distances in the plane. Zbl 1018.52014 Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Csaba D. 5 2002 A note on non-deterministic communication complexity with few witnesses. Zbl 1040.68048 Grolmusz, Vince; Tardos, Gábor 5 2003 Regular families of forests, antichains and duality pairs of relational structures. Zbl 1399.68066 Erdős, Péter; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardif, Vlaude; Tardos, Gábor 5 2017 Beyond the Richter-Thomassen conjecture. Zbl 1410.52012 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 5 2016 Erdős-Pyber theorem for hypergraphs and secret sharing. Zbl 1321.05282 Csirmaz, László; Ligeti, Péter; Tardos, Gábor 5 2015 Crossings between non-homotopic edges. Zbl 07436630 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 5 2020 Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments. Zbl 1433.68500 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 5 2019 Tilings of the plane with unit area triangles of bounded diameter. Zbl 1413.52028 Kupavskii, A.; Pach, J.; Tardos, G. 5 2018 Extremal theory of ordered graphs. Zbl 1448.05113 Tardos, Gábor 5 2018 Local chromatic number of quadrangulations of surfaces. Zbl 1313.05127 Mohar, Bojan; Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 5 2013 An improved bound for \(k\)-sets in three dimensions. Zbl 1376.52046 Sharir, Micha; Smorodinsky, Shakhar; Tardos, Gábor 4 2000 Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three. Zbl 1050.05038 Pach, János; Pinchasi, Rom; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 4 2004 A crossing lemma for Jordan curves. Zbl 1394.52028 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 4 2018 Graph coloring with no large monochromatic components. Zbl 1341.05080 Linial, Nathan; Matoušek, Jiří; Sheffet, Or; Tardos, Gábor 4 2007 Improved bounds for the randomized decision tree complexity of recursive majority. Zbl 1338.05250 Magniez, Frédéric; Nayak, Ashwin; Santha, Miklos; Sherman, Jonah; Tardos, Gábor; Xiao, David 4 2016 On the Turán number of ordered forests. Zbl 1378.05107 Korándi, Dániel; Tardos, Gábor; Tomon, István; Weidert, Craig 4 2017 Turán problems for edge-ordered graphs. Zbl 1510.05115 Gerbner, Dániel; Methuku, Abhishek; Nagy, Dániel T.; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardos, Gábor; Vizer, Máté 4 2023 Tiling the plane with equilateral triangles. Zbl 1430.52027 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 3 2019 Cutting glass. Zbl 1375.68163 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 3 2000 On roughly transitive amenable graphs and harmonic Dirichlet functions. Zbl 0948.58017 Elek, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 3 2000 Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three. Zbl 1037.68595 Pach, János; Pinchasi, Rom; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 3 2002 Is linear hashing good? Zbl 0963.68044 Alon, Noga; Dietzfelbinger, Martin; Miltersen, Peter Bro; Petrank, Erez; Tardos, Gábor 3 1999 Convergence and limits of finite trees. Zbl 1524.05033 Elek, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 3 2022 On 4-chromatic Schrijver graphs: their structure, non-3-colorability, and critical edges. Zbl 1474.05143 Simonyi, G.; Tardos, G. 3 2020 Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions. Zbl 1192.52024 Aronov, Boris; Pach, János; Sharir, Micha; Tardos, Gábor 3 2003 Crossing stars in topological graphs. Zbl 1136.05308 Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 3 2005 On the Richter-Thomassen conjecture about pairwise intersecting closed curves. Zbl 1372.52029 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 3 2016 Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1192.05099 Chen, Xiaomin; Pach, János; Szegedy, Mario; Tardos, Gábor 3 2008 Turán problems for edge-ordered graphs. Zbl 1510.05115 Gerbner, Dániel; Methuku, Abhishek; Nagy, Dániel T.; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardos, Gábor; Vizer, Máté 4 2023 Successive vertex orderings of fully regular graphs. Zbl 1517.05089 Fang, Lixing; Huang, Hao; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Zuo, Junchi 1 2023 Convergence and limits of finite trees. Zbl 1524.05033 Elek, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 3 2022 Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments. Zbl 1467.05050 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 7 2021 Disjointness graphs of segments in the space. Zbl 1510.05083 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 1 2021 Two extensions of the Erdős-Szekeres problem. Zbl 1454.52015 Holmsen, Andreas F.; Mojarrad, Hossein Nassajian; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 7 2020 Unlabeled compression schemes exceeding the VC-dimension. Zbl 1432.68396 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardos, Gábor 7 2020 Crossings between non-homotopic edges. Zbl 07436630 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 5 2020 On 4-chromatic Schrijver graphs: their structure, non-3-colorability, and critical edges. Zbl 1474.05143 Simonyi, G.; Tardos, G. 3 2020 On the Turán number of ordered forests. Zbl 1414.05165 Korándi, Dániel; Tardos, Gábor; Tomon, István; Weidert, Craig 11 2019 Extremal theory of vertex or edge ordered graphs. Zbl 1476.05085 Tardos, Gábor 7 2019 Planar point sets determine many pairwise crossing segments. Zbl 1433.68500 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 5 2019 Tiling the plane with equilateral triangles. Zbl 1430.52027 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 3 2019 Edge ordered Turán problems. Zbl 07928520 Gerbner, D.; Methuku, A.; Nagy, D. T.; Pálvölgyi, D.; Tardos, G.; Vizer, M. 3 2019 Improved bounds on the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers. Zbl 1390.05235 Keller, Chaya; Smorodinsky, Shakhar; Tardos, Gábor 15 2018 Tilings with noncongruent triangles. Zbl 1406.52040 Kupavskii, Andrey; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2018 Tilings of the plane with unit area triangles of bounded diameter. Zbl 1413.52028 Kupavskii, A.; Pach, J.; Tardos, G. 5 2018 Extremal theory of ordered graphs. Zbl 1448.05113 Tardos, Gábor 5 2018 A crossing lemma for Jordan curves. Zbl 1394.52028 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 4 2018 On max-clique for intersection graphs of sets and the Hadwiger-Debrunner numbers. Zbl 1417.52007 Keller, Chaya; Smorodinsky, Shakhar; Tardos, Gábor 13 2017 Disjointness graphs of segments. Zbl 1432.68365 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 10 2017 Regular families of forests, antichains and duality pairs of relational structures. Zbl 1399.68066 Erdős, Péter; Pálvölgyi, Dömötör; Tardif, Vlaude; Tardos, Gábor 5 2017 On the Turán number of ordered forests. Zbl 1378.05107 Korándi, Dániel; Tardos, Gábor; Tomon, István; Weidert, Craig 4 2017 The local lemma Is asymptotically tight for SAT. Zbl 1426.68121 Gebauer, Heidi; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2016 Beyond the Richter-Thomassen conjecture. Zbl 1410.52012 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 5 2016 Improved bounds for the randomized decision tree complexity of recursive majority. Zbl 1338.05250 Magniez, Frédéric; Nayak, Ashwin; Santha, Miklos; Sherman, Jonah; Tardos, Gábor; Xiao, David 4 2016 On the Richter-Thomassen conjecture about pairwise intersecting closed curves. Zbl 1372.52029 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 3 2016 Cross-intersecting families of vectors. Zbl 1312.05137 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 8 2015 Erdős-Pyber theorem for hypergraphs and secret sharing. Zbl 1321.05282 Csirmaz, László; Ligeti, Péter; Tardos, Gábor 5 2015 On the Richter-Thomassen conjecture about pairwise intersecting closed curves. Zbl 1371.52022 Pach, János; Rubin, Natan; Tardos, Gábor 1 2015 Conflict-free colouring of graphs. Zbl 1288.05086 Glebov, Roman; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 21 2014 On list coloring and list homomorphism of permutation and interval graphs. Zbl 1309.05069 Enright, Jessica; Stewart, Lorna; Tardos, Gábor 11 2014 Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets. Zbl 1268.52011 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 19 2013 Optimal information rate of secret sharing schemes on trees. Zbl 1364.94576 Csirmaz, László; Tardos, Gábor 17 2013 Construction of locally plane graphs with many edges. Zbl 1272.05035 Tardos, Gábor 5 2013 Local chromatic number of quadrangulations of surfaces. Zbl 1313.05127 Mohar, Bojan; Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 5 2013 The range of a random walk on a comb. Zbl 1295.05215 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 2 2013 Caterpillar dualities and regular languages. Zbl 1286.68215 Erdős, Péter L.; Tardif, Claude; Tardos, Gábor 1 2013 The visible perimeter of an arrangement of disks. Zbl 1377.68287 Nivasch, Gabriel; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 1 2013 Piercing quasi-rectangles-on a problem of Danzer and Rogers. Zbl 1245.05016 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2012 Remarks on a Ramsey theory for trees. Zbl 1289.05452 Pach, János; Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor 5 2012 On-line secret sharing. Zbl 1236.05195 Csirmaz, László; Tardos, Gábor 5 2012 Tight lower bounds for the size of epsilon-nets. Zbl 1283.68375 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 11 2011 The local lemma is tight for SAT. Zbl 1373.68270 Gebauer, H.; Szabó, T.; Tardos, G. 7 2011 On directed local chromatic number, shift graphs, and Borsuk-like graphs. Zbl 1222.05076 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2011 A constructive proof of the general Lovász local lemma. Zbl 1300.60024 Moser, Robin A.; Tardos, Gábor 176 2010 Coloring axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1221.05160 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 13 2010 Crossing numbers of imbalanced graphs. Zbl 1208.05020 Pach, János; Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor 1 2010 Conflict-free colourings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 1197.05054 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 52 2009 Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1228.05226 Chen, Xiaomin; Pach, János; Szegedy, Mario; Tardos, Gábor 22 2009 Local chromatic number and distinguishing the strength of topological obstructions. Zbl 1170.05027 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor; Vrecica, Sinisa T. 11 2009 Indecomposable coverings. Zbl 1245.52008 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 10 2009 High rate fingerprinting codes and the fingerprinting capacity. Zbl 1422.68067 Amiri, Ehsan; Tardos, Gábor 7 2009 Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes. Zbl 1311.94109 Tardos, Gábor 17 2008 Graph colouring with no large monochronomatic components. Zbl 1171.05021 Linial, Nathan; Matoušek, Jiří; Sheffet, Or; Tardos, Gábor 14 2008 Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1192.05099 Chen, Xiaomin; Pach, János; Szegedy, Mario; Tardos, Gábor 3 2008 Coloring axis-parallel rectangles. Zbl 1162.05318 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 1 2008 On the maximum number of edges in quasi-planar graphs. Zbl 1120.05045 Ackerman, Eyal; Tardos, Gábor 54 2007 Indecomposable coverings. Zbl 1149.52304 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 19 2007 Deterministic random walks on the integers. Zbl 1130.60011 Cooper, Joshua; Doerr, Benjamin; Spencer, Joel; Tardos, Gábor 19 2007 Colorful subgraphs in Kneser-like graphs. Zbl 1125.05042 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 18 2007 Multiple coverings of the plane with triangles. Zbl 1135.52007 Tardos, Gabor; Toth, Geza 17 2007 On the number of \(k\)-rich transformations. Zbl 1192.05017 Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor 13 2007 Crossing stars in topological graphs. Zbl 1141.05031 Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 6 2007 Graph coloring with no large monochromatic components. Zbl 1341.05080 Linial, Nathan; Matoušek, Jiří; Sheffet, Or; Tardos, Gábor 4 2007 Partitioning multi-dimensional sets in a small number of “uniform” parts. Zbl 1106.94012 Alon, Noga; Newman, Ilan; Shen, Alexander; Tardos, Gábor; Vereshchagin, Nikolai 2 2007 Entropy, search, complexity. Zbl 1117.68003 1 2007 Local chromatic number, Ky Fan’s theorem, and circular colorings. Zbl 1121.05050 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 58 2006 Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs. Zbl 1104.05022 Pach, Janos; Radoicic, Rados; Tardos, Gabor; Toth, Geza 57 2006 Forbidden paths and cycles in ordered graphs and matrices. Zbl 1132.05035 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 43 2006 Extremal problems for transversals in graphs with bounded degree. Zbl 1106.05100 Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 35 2006 Intersection reverse sequences and geometric applications. Zbl 1140.05022 Marcus, Adam; Tardos, Gábor 21 2006 Waiting for a bat to fly by (in polynomial time). Zbl 1107.05057 Benjamini, Itai; Kozma, Gady; Lovász, László; Romik, Dan; Tardos, Gábor 2 2006 On 0-1 matrices and small excluded submatrices. Zbl 1070.05019 Tardos, Gábor 31 2005 Forbidden patterns and unit distances. Zbl 1387.05124 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 6 2005 Crossing stars in topological graphs. Zbl 1136.05308 Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 3 2005 Deterministic random walks on the integers. Zbl 1192.60070 Cooper, Joshua; Doerr, Benjamin; Spencer, Joel; Tardos, Gábor 1 2005 Local chromatic number and topology. Zbl 1192.05057 Simonyi, Gábor; Tardos, Gábor 1 2005 Excluded permutation matrices and the Stanley-Wilf conjecture. Zbl 1051.05004 Marcus, Adam; Tardos, Gábor 178 2004 A new entropy inequality for the Erdős distance problem. Zbl 1069.52017 Katz, Nets Hawk; Tardos, Gabór 33 2004 Improving the crossing lemma by finding more crossings in sparse graphs (extended abstract). Zbl 1376.68112 Pach, János; Radoičić, Radoš; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 6 2004 Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions. Zbl 1052.52010 Aronov, Boris; Pach, János; Sharir, Micha; Tardos, Gábor 6 2004 Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three. Zbl 1050.05038 Pach, János; Pinchasi, Rom; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 4 2004 Optimal probabilistic fingerprint codes. Zbl 1192.94127 Tardos, Gábor 31 2003 Bounded size components – partitions and transversals. Zbl 1033.05083 Haxell, Penny; Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 29 2003 On distinct sums and distinct distances. Zbl 1039.52014 Tardos, Gábor 17 2003 A note on non-deterministic communication complexity with few witnesses. Zbl 1040.68048 Grolmusz, Vince; Tardos, Gábor 5 2003 Distinct distances in three and higher dimensions. Zbl 1192.52024 Aronov, Boris; Pach, János; Sharir, Micha; Tardos, Gábor 3 2003 Untangling a polygon. Zbl 1011.68148 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 15 2002 Isosceles triangles determined by a planar point set. Zbl 1018.52013 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 12 2002 On the boundary complexity of the union of fat triangles. Zbl 1018.68086 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 8 2002 The \(k\) most frequent distances in the plane. Zbl 1018.52014 Solymosi, József; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Csaba D. 5 2002 Geometric graphs with no self-intersecting path of length three. Zbl 1037.68595 Pach, János; Pinchasi, Rom; Tardos, Gábor; Tóth, Géza 3 2002 On the knowledge complexity of \(\mathcal N\mathcal P\). Zbl 0997.68062 Petrank, Erez; Tardos, Gábor 1 2002 The longest segment in the complement of a packing. Zbl 1054.52011 Böröczky, K. jun.; Tardos, G. 1 2002 An improved bound for \(k\)-sets in three dimensions. Zbl 0988.52034 Sharir, M.; Smorodinsky, S.; Tardos, G. 19 2001 Covering lattice points by subspaces. Zbl 1062.11043 Bárány, Imre; Harcos, Gergely; Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 9 2001 A multidimensional generalization of the Erdős-Szekeres lemma on monotone subsequences. Zbl 1113.52301 Szabó, Tibor; Tardos, Gábor 7 2001 Separating convex sets by straight lines. Zbl 0997.52004 Pach, János; Tardos, Gábor 1 2001 Cutting glass. Zbl 0956.68146 Pach, J.; Tardos, G. 8 2000 ...and 23 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,780 Authors 41 Tardos, Gábor 40 Pach, János 21 Sharir, Micha 20 Keszegh, Balázs 20 Tóth, Csaba D. 17 Pálvölgyi, Dömötör 16 Dumitrescu, Adrian 16 Tomon, István 16 Tóth, Géza 16 Wood, David Ronald 14 Smorodinsky, Shakhar 13 Ackerman, Eyal 12 Alishahi, Meysam 12 Dujmović, Vida 12 Morin, Pat 11 Geneson, Jesse T. 10 Angelini, Patrizio 10 Balko, Martin 10 Bekos, Michael A. 10 Didimo, Walter 10 Fox, Jacob 10 Guo, Heng 10 Keller, Chaya 10 Simonyi, Gábor 10 Suk, Andrew 10 Vaccaro, Ugo 10 Valtr, Pavel 10 Vizer, Máté 9 Alon, Noga 9 Hajiabolhassan, Hossein 9 Liotta, Giuseppe 8 Aharoni, Ron 8 Albers, Susanne 8 Aronov, Boris 8 Bartal, Yair 8 Bernshteyn, Anton 8 Bhyravarapu, Sriram 8 Colbourn, Charles J. 8 Fulek, Radoslav 8 Kyncl, Jan 8 Scheucher, Manfred 8 Ueckerdt, Torsten 8 Zerbib, Shira 7 Albert, Michael Henry 7 Bevan, David I. 7 Bóna, Miklós 7 Cibulka, Josef 7 Esperet, Louis 7 Friedrich, Tobias 7 Grytczuk, Jarosław 7 Harris, David G. 7 Haxell, Penny E. 7 Kalyanasundaram, Subrahmanyam 7 Korman, Matias 7 Levine, Lionel 7 Mansour, Toufik 7 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 7 Mustafa, Nabil Hassan 7 Pettie, Seth 7 Pinchasi, Rom 7 Rothblum, Ron D. 7 Rudnev, Misha 7 Sheffer, Adam 7 Solymosi, József 7 Tardif, Claude 7 Vatter, Vincent Russell 7 Zádori, László 6 Balogh, József 6 Bouvel, Mathilde 6 Brandenburg, Franz-Josef 6 Feng, Weiming 6 Fernandez, Marcel 6 Fiat, Amos 6 Iosevich, Alex 6 Ivanov, Sergei Vladimirovich 6 Li, Xueliang 6 Meunier, Frédéric 6 Micek, Piotr 6 Pouzet, Maurice 6 Procacci, Aldo 6 Rescigno, Adele Anna 6 Sudakov, Benny 6 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 6 Yin, Yitong 5 Aichholzer, Oswin 5 Beimel, Amos 5 Binucci, Carla 5 Bonnet, Edouard 5 Bun, Mark 5 Cardinal, Jean 5 Chiesa, Alessandro 5 Chudnovsky, Maria 5 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 5 De Bonis, Annalisa 5 Dudek, Andrzej 5 Ezra, Esther E. 5 Felsner, Stefan 5 Förster, Henry 5 Ghosh, Arijit 5 Goaoc, Xavier ...and 1,680 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 192 Serials 73 Discrete Mathematics 67 Discrete & Computational Geometry 59 Theoretical Computer Science 46 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 44 Discrete Applied Mathematics 43 European Journal of Combinatorics 42 Computational Geometry 38 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 35 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 35 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 34 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 32 Journal of Graph Theory 29 Algorithmica 25 Random Structures & Algorithms 20 SIAM Journal on Computing 19 Combinatorica 17 Graphs and Combinatorics 16 Information Processing Letters 14 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 13 Advances in Applied Mathematics 13 Order 12 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 11 Israel Journal of Mathematics 11 Advances in Mathematics 11 Theory of Computing Systems 8 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 6 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 6 Information and Computation 6 Distributed Computing 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 5 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 5 Computational Complexity 5 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 5 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 5 Enumerative Combinatorics and Applications 4 Problems of Information Transmission 4 Algebra Universalis 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Journal of the ACM 4 Annals of Combinatorics 4 Integers 4 Combinatorial Theory 3 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Michigan Mathematical Journal 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Oberwolfach Reports 3 CGT. Computing in Geometry and Topology 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Mathematika 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Complexity 2 Journal of Cryptology 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 2 Finite Fields and their Applications 2 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 2 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 2 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 Journal of Group Theory 2 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 2 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Advances in Mathematics of Communications 2 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 2 Cryptography and Communications 2 ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2 Computer Science Review 2 Discrete Analysis 2 DML. Discrete Mathematics Letters 2 Advances in Combinatorics 2 TheoretiCS 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 The Annals of Probability ...and 92 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 765 Combinatorics (05-XX) 502 Computer science (68-XX) 188 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 115 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 79 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 49 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 43 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 34 Number theory (11-XX) 32 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 26 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 23 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 21 Geometry (51-XX) 17 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 17 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 14 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 12 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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