Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Thomann, Enrique A. Co-Author Distance Author ID: thomann.enrique-a Published as: Thomann, Enrique; Thomann, Enrique A.; Thomann, E. A. more...less Documents Indexed: 41 Publications since 1987, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 41 Co-Authors with 39 Joint Publications 758 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 21 Waymire, Edward C. 10 Guenther, Ronald B. 8 Dascaliuc, Radu 5 Bokil, Vrushali A. 4 Chen, Larry 4 Greengard, Claude 4 Ossiander, Mina E. 4 Ramirez, Jorge M. 4 Wood, Brian D. 3 Appuhamillage, Thilanka A. 3 Bhattacharya, Rabi N. 3 Michalowski, Nicholas 3 Orum, Chris 3 Pham, Tuan N. 2 Constantinescu, Corina D. 2 Dobson, Scott 2 Gibson, Nathan L. 2 Nguyen, Son Luu 1 Albrecher, Hansjörg 1 Beale, J. Thomas 1 Bikri, Ihsane 1 Börgers, Christoph 1 Dalziel, Benjamin D. 1 De Leenheer, Patrick 1 Farwig, Reinhard 1 Flores-Contró, José Miguel 1 Földes, Juraj 1 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E. 1 Haggerty, Roy 1 Hale, Nicholas 1 Henshaw, Kira 1 Hudspeth, Robert T. 1 Kim, Hoewoon B. 1 Kim, Sun-Chul 1 Loke, Sooie-Hoe 1 Majda, Andrew J. 1 Medlock, Jan 1 Nečasová, Šárka 1 Richards, Geordie H. 1 Tuan N. Pham 1 Weideman, JAC all top 5 Serials 4 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Physics of Fluids 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 Statistical Science 1 COMPEL 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Chaos 1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S all top 5 Fields 25 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 21 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 33 Publications have been cited 332 times in 268 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface. Zbl 1226.60113 Appuhamillage, Thilanka; Bokil, Vrushali; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward; Wood, Brian 45 2011 Multi-dimensional shock fronts for second order wave equations. Zbl 0632.35047 Majda, Andrew; Thomann, Enrique 43 1987 Ergodic and mixing properties of the Boussinesq equations with a degenerate random forcing. Zbl 1354.37056 Földes, Juraj; Glatt-Holtz, Nathan; Richards, Geordie; Thomann, Enrique 32 2015 The fundamental solution of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for spinning bodies in three spatial dimensions-time dependent case. Zbl 1125.35076 Thomann, Enrique A.; Guenther, Ronald B. 24 2006 Majorizing kernels and stochastic cascades with applications to incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1031.35115 Bhattacharya, Rabi N.; Chen, Larry; Dobson, Scott; Guenther, Ronald B.; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 24 2003 A generalized Taylor-Aris formula and skew diffusion. Zbl 1122.60072 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C.; Haggerty, Roy; Wood, Brian 17 2006 Advection-dispersion across interfaces. Zbl 1331.60003 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 13 2013 On DiPerna-Majda concentration sets for two-dimensional incompressible flow. Zbl 0652.76014 Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 12 1988 Asymptotic results for renewal risk models with risky investments. Zbl 1250.91055 Albrecher, Hansjoerg; Constantinescu, Corina; Thomann, Enrique 12 2012 The diffusion limit of free molecular flow in thin plane channels. Zbl 0761.76089 Börgers, Christoph; Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 11 1992 A rate of convergence for the LANS\(\alpha\) regularization of Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1221.35274 Chen, Larry; Guenther, Ronald B.; Kim, Sun-Chul; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 10 2008 Fundamental solutions of Stokes and Oseen problem in two spatial dimensions. Zbl 1132.35435 Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A. 9 2007 On the well-posedness of the two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for semiconductor devices. Zbl 0732.35095 Thomann, Enrique; Odeh, F. 8 1990 Corrections: occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface. Zbl 1238.60117 Appuhamillage, Thilanka; Bokil, Vrushali; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward; Wood, Brian 7 2011 A delayed Yule process. Zbl 1379.60039 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 7 2018 Global analysis of a predator-prey model with variable predator search rate. Zbl 1448.34099 Dalziel, Benjamin D.; Thomann, Enrique; Medlock, Jan; De Leenheer, Patrick 7 2020 Stochastic explosion and non-uniqueness for \(\alpha\)-Riccati equation. Zbl 1417.34199 Dascaliuc, Radu; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 7 2019 The fundamental solution of linearized nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations of motion around a rotating and translating body. Zbl 1280.35087 Farwig, Reinhard; Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Nečasová, Šarka 6 2014 Symmetry breaking and uniqueness for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1374.76049 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 6 2015 An Euler-Maruyama method for diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients and a family of interface conditions. Zbl 1443.60059 Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Nguyen, S. L.; Thomann, E. A.; Waymire, E. C. 5 2020 Semi-Markov cascade representations of local solutions to 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes. Zbl 1104.35027 Bhattacharya, Rabi; Chen, Larry; Guenther, Ronald B.; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 4 2005 A note on the distribution of integrals of geometric Brownian motion. Zbl 0990.60083 Bhattacharya, Rabi; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward 4 2001 Singular vortex systems and weak solutions of the Euler equations. Zbl 0655.76019 Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 3 1988 Hydrodynamic forces on submerged rigid bodies – steady flow. Zbl 1011.35103 Guenther, Ronald B.; Hudspeth, Robert T.; Thomann, Enrique A. 3 2002 On Itô’s complex measure condition. Zbl 1046.60056 Chen, Larry; Dobson, Scott; Guenther, Ronald; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward 2 2003 Continuity of local time: an applied perspective. Zbl 1354.60082 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2016 Doubly stochastic Yule cascades. I: The explosion problem in the time-reversible case. Zbl 1501.60055 Dascaliuc, Radu; Pham, Tuan N.; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2023 Complex Burgers equation: a probabilistic perspective. Zbl 1442.35373 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2019 Stochastic cascades applied to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1068.76019 Thomann, Enrique; Ossiander, Mina 1 2003 The Dirichlet to Neumann map - an application to the Stokes problem in half space. Zbl 1276.35125 Bikri, Ihsane; Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A. 1 2010 Skew disperson and continuity of local time. Zbl 1300.60099 Appuhamillage, Thilanka A.; Bokil, Vrushali A.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C.; Wood, Brian D. 1 2014 Operator splitting for Navier-Stokes equations and Chorin-Marsden product formula. Zbl 0860.76063 Beale, J. Thomas; Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 1 1993 Contingent claims on assets with conversion costs. Zbl 1071.91023 Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 1 2003 Doubly stochastic Yule cascades. I: The explosion problem in the time-reversible case. Zbl 1501.60055 Dascaliuc, Radu; Pham, Tuan N.; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2023 Global analysis of a predator-prey model with variable predator search rate. Zbl 1448.34099 Dalziel, Benjamin D.; Thomann, Enrique; Medlock, Jan; De Leenheer, Patrick 7 2020 An Euler-Maruyama method for diffusion equations with discontinuous coefficients and a family of interface conditions. Zbl 1443.60059 Bokil, V. A.; Gibson, N. L.; Nguyen, S. L.; Thomann, E. A.; Waymire, E. C. 5 2020 Stochastic explosion and non-uniqueness for \(\alpha\)-Riccati equation. Zbl 1417.34199 Dascaliuc, Radu; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 7 2019 Complex Burgers equation: a probabilistic perspective. Zbl 1442.35373 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2019 A delayed Yule process. Zbl 1379.60039 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 7 2018 Continuity of local time: an applied perspective. Zbl 1354.60082 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 2 2016 Ergodic and mixing properties of the Boussinesq equations with a degenerate random forcing. Zbl 1354.37056 Földes, Juraj; Glatt-Holtz, Nathan; Richards, Geordie; Thomann, Enrique 32 2015 Symmetry breaking and uniqueness for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1374.76049 Dascaliuc, Radu; Michalowski, Nicholas; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 6 2015 The fundamental solution of linearized nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations of motion around a rotating and translating body. Zbl 1280.35087 Farwig, Reinhard; Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Nečasová, Šarka 6 2014 Skew disperson and continuity of local time. Zbl 1300.60099 Appuhamillage, Thilanka A.; Bokil, Vrushali A.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C.; Wood, Brian D. 1 2014 Advection-dispersion across interfaces. Zbl 1331.60003 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 13 2013 Asymptotic results for renewal risk models with risky investments. Zbl 1250.91055 Albrecher, Hansjoerg; Constantinescu, Corina; Thomann, Enrique 12 2012 Occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface. Zbl 1226.60113 Appuhamillage, Thilanka; Bokil, Vrushali; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward; Wood, Brian 45 2011 Corrections: occupation and local times for skew Brownian motion with applications to dispersion across an interface. Zbl 1238.60117 Appuhamillage, Thilanka; Bokil, Vrushali; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward; Wood, Brian 7 2011 The Dirichlet to Neumann map - an application to the Stokes problem in half space. Zbl 1276.35125 Bikri, Ihsane; Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A. 1 2010 A rate of convergence for the LANS\(\alpha\) regularization of Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1221.35274 Chen, Larry; Guenther, Ronald B.; Kim, Sun-Chul; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C. 10 2008 Fundamental solutions of Stokes and Oseen problem in two spatial dimensions. Zbl 1132.35435 Guenther, Ronald B.; Thomann, Enrique A. 9 2007 The fundamental solution of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations for spinning bodies in three spatial dimensions-time dependent case. Zbl 1125.35076 Thomann, Enrique A.; Guenther, Ronald B. 24 2006 A generalized Taylor-Aris formula and skew diffusion. Zbl 1122.60072 Ramirez, Jorge M.; Thomann, Enrique A.; Waymire, Edward C.; Haggerty, Roy; Wood, Brian 17 2006 Semi-Markov cascade representations of local solutions to 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes. Zbl 1104.35027 Bhattacharya, Rabi; Chen, Larry; Guenther, Ronald B.; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 4 2005 Majorizing kernels and stochastic cascades with applications to incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1031.35115 Bhattacharya, Rabi N.; Chen, Larry; Dobson, Scott; Guenther, Ronald B.; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 24 2003 On Itô’s complex measure condition. Zbl 1046.60056 Chen, Larry; Dobson, Scott; Guenther, Ronald; Orum, Chris; Ossiander, Mina; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward 2 2003 Stochastic cascades applied to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1068.76019 Thomann, Enrique; Ossiander, Mina 1 2003 Contingent claims on assets with conversion costs. Zbl 1071.91023 Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward C. 1 2003 Hydrodynamic forces on submerged rigid bodies – steady flow. Zbl 1011.35103 Guenther, Ronald B.; Hudspeth, Robert T.; Thomann, Enrique A. 3 2002 A note on the distribution of integrals of geometric Brownian motion. Zbl 0990.60083 Bhattacharya, Rabi; Thomann, Enrique; Waymire, Edward 4 2001 Operator splitting for Navier-Stokes equations and Chorin-Marsden product formula. Zbl 0860.76063 Beale, J. Thomas; Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 1 1993 The diffusion limit of free molecular flow in thin plane channels. Zbl 0761.76089 Börgers, Christoph; Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 11 1992 On the well-posedness of the two-dimensional hydrodynamic model for semiconductor devices. Zbl 0732.35095 Thomann, Enrique; Odeh, F. 8 1990 On DiPerna-Majda concentration sets for two-dimensional incompressible flow. Zbl 0652.76014 Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 12 1988 Singular vortex systems and weak solutions of the Euler equations. Zbl 0655.76019 Greengard, Claude; Thomann, Enrique 3 1988 Multi-dimensional shock fronts for second order wave equations. Zbl 0632.35047 Majda, Andrew; Thomann, Enrique 43 1987 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 336 Authors 19 Thomann, Enrique A. 15 Waymire, Edward C. 13 Nečasová, Šárka 12 Lejay, Antoine 9 Deuring, Paul 9 Kračmar, Stanislav 8 Dascaliuc, Radu 7 Chen, Shuxing 6 Glatt-Holtz, Nathan E. 6 Huang, Jianhua 6 Zheng, Yuxi 5 Chen, Gui-Qiang G. 5 Fang, Beixiang 5 Farwig, Reinhard 5 Guenther, Ronald B. 5 Li, Dening 5 Mendes, Rui Vilela 5 Nersesyan, Vahagn 5 Ramirez, Jorge M. 5 Yin, Huicheng 4 Feldman, Mikhail 4 Földes, Juraj 4 Godin, Paul 4 Li, Shihu 4 Liu, Wei 4 Pichot, Géraldine 4 Richards, Geordie H. 4 Silvestre, Ana Leonor 4 Song, Shiyu 4 Wang, Yongjin 3 Appuhamillage, Thilanka A. 3 Bokil, Vrushali A. 3 Chen, Ye 3 Constantinescu, Corina D. 3 Étoré, Pierre 3 Hong, Wei 3 Li, Yingqiu 3 Li, Yuchen 3 Martinez, Miguel 3 Michalowski, Nicholas 3 Ossiander, Mina E. 3 Peng, Xuhui 3 Pham, Tuan N. 3 Pigato, Paolo 3 Salminen, Paavo H. 3 Shirikyan, Armen R. 3 Torres, Soledad 3 Xiang, Wei 3 Xiao, Feng 3 Xu, Gang 3 Zheng, Yan 2 Acebrón, Juan A. 2 Aluru, Narayana R. 2 An, Rong 2 Börgers, Christoph 2 Capitanelli, Raffaela 2 Cerrai, Sandra 2 Chen, Larry 2 Cheng, Hongjun 2 Csáki, Endre 2 Csörgő, Miklós 2 D’Ovidio, Mirko 2 Dunca, Argus Adrian 2 Dutton, Robert W. 2 Földes, Antónia 2 Gairat, Alexander 2 Galdi, Giovanni Paolo 2 Greengard, Claude 2 Hishida, Toshiaki 2 Imamura, Yuri 2 Iyer, Gautam 2 Kabanov, Yuriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 2 Krbec, Miroslav 2 Kuksin, Sergeĭ B. 2 Law, Kincho H. 2 Lenôtre, Lionel 2 Li, Jun 2 Li, Kaitai 2 Majda, Andrew J. 2 Majda, George 2 Marchioro, Carlo 2 Mattingly, Jonathan Christopher 2 Mazzonetto, Sara 2 Mellet, Antoine 2 Mondal, Sudeshna 2 Mordecki, Ernesto 2 Mouhot, Clément 2 Orum, Chris 2 Penel, Patrick 2 Pinsky, Peter M. 2 Révész, Pál 2 Rodríguez-Rozas, ángel 2 Samanta, Guruprasad 2 Shcherbakov, Vadim 2 Takata, Shigeru 2 Titi, Edriss Saleh 2 Vilelamendes, R. 2 Wang, Suxin 2 Wang, Yuanshi 2 Witt, Ingo ...and 236 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 125 Serials 12 Journal of Differential Equations 9 Journal of Computational Physics 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Physica D 6 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 6 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 5 Communications in Mathematical Physics 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Journal of Applied Probability 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Statistics & Probability Letters 5 Journal of Theoretical Probability 5 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 4 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 4 The Annals of Applied Probability 4 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 3 Physics of Fluids 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 3 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Physica A 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 2 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 COMPEL 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 2 Potential Analysis 2 Bernoulli 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Stochastics 2 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Annals of PDE 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Statistical Science 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Computational Statistics 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 1 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Statistica Sinica 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Opuscula Mathematica 1 Complexity 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Finance and Stochastics 1 Mathematical Finance 1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 1 Chaos 1 Journal of Applied Statistics 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Journal of Biological Systems ...and 25 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 31 Fields 156 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 127 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 106 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 28 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 25 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 22 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 16 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 14 Statistics (62-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year