Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Toda, Yukinobu Co-Author Distance Author ID: toda.yukinobu Published as: Toda, Yukinobu External Links: MGP · Wikidata Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 81 Publications since 2005, including 2 Books and 12 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 18 Co-Authors with 28 Joint Publications 340 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 53 single-authored 9 Pădurariu, Tudor 8 Cao, Yalong 3 Maulik, Davesh 3 Oberdieck, Georg 2 Bayer, Arend 2 Macrì, Emanuele 2 Piyaratne, Dulip 1 Bertram, Aaron 1 Gholampour, Amin 1 Hayashi, Hirotaka 1 Hua, Zheng 1 Koseki, Naoki 1 Sheshmani, Artan 1 Tatar, Radu 1 Uehara, Hokuto 1 Watari, Taizan 1 Yamazaki, Masahito 1 Yasuda, Takehiko all top 5 Serials 10 Advances in Mathematics 5 Journal of Differential Geometry 4 Compositio Mathematica 4 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 4 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Geometry & Topology 3 Algebraic Geometry 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Communications in Number Theory and Physics 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Sugaku Expositions 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Mathematical Research Letters 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Journal of Topology 1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 1 SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics all top 5 Fields 75 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 31 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 65 Publications have been cited 902 times in 495 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ New aspects of heterotic-F-theory duality. Zbl 1192.81270 Hayashi, Hirotaka; Tatar, Radu; Toda, Yukinobu; Watari, Taizan; Yamazaki, Masahito 83 2009 Bridgeland stability conditions on threefolds. I Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities. Zbl 1306.14005 Bayer, Arend; Macrì, Emanuele; Toda, Yukinobu 74 2014 Curve counting theories via stable objects. I: DT/PT correspondence. Zbl 1207.14020 Toda, Yukinobu 60 2010 Moduli stacks and invariants of semistable objects on \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1136.14007 Toda, Yukinobu 49 2008 Gopakumar-Vafa invariants via vanishing cycles. Zbl 1400.14141 Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 36 2018 Limit stable objects on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1172.14007 Toda, Yukinobu 32 2009 Stability conditions and curve counting invariants on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1244.14047 Toda, Yukinobu 29 2012 Genus zero Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1408.14177 Cao, Yalong; Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 25 2018 Stability conditions and crepant small resolutions. Zbl 1225.14030 Toda, Yukinobu 23 2008 Moduli of Bridgeland semistable objects on 3-folds and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1408.14070 Piyaratne, Dulip; Toda, Yukinobu 23 2019 Generating functions of stable pair invariants via wall-crossings in derived categories. Zbl 1216.14009 Toda, Yukinobu 22 2010 Stability conditions and extremal contractions. Zbl 1310.14029 Toda, Yukinobu 21 2013 Curve counting theories via stable objects. II: DT/ncDT flop formula. Zbl 1267.14049 Toda, Yukinobu 20 2013 On a certain generalization of spherical twists. Zbl 1155.18010 Toda, Yukinobu 19 2007 Deformations and Fourier-Mukai transforms. Zbl 1165.14019 Toda, Yukinobu 19 2009 Non-commutative width and Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. Zbl 1348.14040 Toda, Yukinobu 18 2015 Moduli space of stable quotients and wall-crossing phenomena. Zbl 1236.14049 Toda, Yukinobu 17 2011 Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants on Calabi-Yau 4-folds via descendent insertions. Zbl 1470.14113 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 17 2021 Stable pairs and Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants for Calabi-Yau \(4\)-folds. Zbl 1491.14077 Cao, Yalong; Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 15 2022 Tilting generators via ample line bundles. Zbl 1187.18009 Toda, Yukinobu; Uehara, Hokuto 15 2010 Moduli stacks of semistable sheaves and representations of Ext-quivers. Zbl 1435.14013 Toda, Yukinobu 15 2018 Gepner type stability conditions on graded matrix factorizations. Zbl 1322.14042 Toda, Yukinobu 15 2014 Contraction algebra and invariants of singularities. Zbl 1423.14074 Hua, Zheng; Toda, Yukinobu 13 2018 On a computation of rank two Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1225.14031 Toda, Yukinobu 12 2010 Hall algebras in the derived category and higher-rank DT invariants. Zbl 1457.14038 Toda, Yukinobu 12 2020 Bogomolov-Gieseker-type inequality and counting invariants. Zbl 1328.14087 Toda, Yukinobu 11 2013 Stability conditions and birational geometry of projective surfaces. Zbl 1329.14032 Toda, Yukinobu 11 2014 Bridgeland stability conditions on threefolds. II: An application to Fujita’s conjecture. Zbl 1310.14026 Bayer, Arend; Bertram, Aaron; Macrì, Emanuele; Toda, Yukinobu 10 2014 Stability conditions and Calabi-Yau fibrations. Zbl 1157.14025 Toda, Yukinobu 9 2009 Stable pairs on local \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1260.14045 Toda, Yukinobu 8 2012 Tautological stable pair invariants of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1489.14076 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2022 Noncommutative resolution, F-blowups and \(D\)-modules. Zbl 1175.14005 Toda, Yukinobu; Yasuda, Takehiko 8 2009 Curve counting via stable objects in derived categories of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1505.14113 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2022 Birational Calabi-Yau threefolds and BPS state counting. Zbl 1162.14027 Toda, Yukinobu 8 2008 Counting perverse coherent systems on Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1524.14121 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2023 Multiple cover formula of generalized DT invariants. I: Parabolic stable pairs. Zbl 1290.14010 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2014 Semiorthogonal decompositions of stable pair moduli spaces via d-critical flips. Zbl 1473.14107 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2021 Gopakumar-Vafa invariants and wall-crossing. Zbl 1532.14094 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2023 Flops and the S-duality conjecture. Zbl 1331.14055 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2015 Categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory for local surfaces: \(\mathbb{Z}/2\)-periodic version. Zbl 1535.14133 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2023 Derived category of coherent sheaves and counting invariants. Zbl 1373.14058 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2014 S-duality for surfaces with \(A_n\)-type singularities. Zbl 1354.14010 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2015 A note on Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality for Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1337.14019 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2014 Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1508.14014 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2022 Gepner type stability condition via Orlov/Kuznetsov equivalence. Zbl 1334.14011 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2016 Derived categories of Quot schemes of locally free quotients via categorified Hall products. Zbl 1519.14018 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2023 Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants of holomorphic symplectic 4-folds. Zbl 1539.14123 Cao, Yalong; Oberdieck, Georg; Toda, Yukinobu 4 2024 Derived categories of Thaddeus pair moduli spaces via \(\mathrm{d}\)-critical flips. Zbl 1476.14043 Koseki, Naoki; Toda, Yukinobu 4 2021 Generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the local projective plane. Zbl 1388.14155 Toda, Yukinobu 4 2017 Hall-type algebras for categorical Donaldson-Thomas theories on local surfaces. Zbl 1445.14076 Toda, Yukinobu 4 2020 Introduction and open problems of Donaldson-Thomas theory. Zbl 1375.14004 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2012 Donaldson-Thomas invariants of abelian threefolds and Bridgeland stability conditions. Zbl 1482.14057 Oberdieck, Georg; Piyaratne, Dulip; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2022 Stable pairs and Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants on holomorphic symplectic 4-folds. Zbl 1514.14067 Cao, Yalong; Oberdieck, Georg; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2022 Non-commutative thickening of moduli spaces of stable sheaves. Zbl 1371.14018 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2017 Stable pair invariants on Calabi-Yau threefolds containing \(\mathbb{P}^2\). Zbl 1360.14136 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2016 Non-commutative deformations and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1451.14003 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2018 Categorical and \(K\)-theoretic Donaldson-Thomas theory of \(\mathbb{C}^3\). II. Zbl 1536.14051 Pădurariu, Tudor; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2023 Curve counting invariants around the conifold point. Zbl 1239.14032 Toda, Yukinobu 2 2011 Semistable objects in derived categories of \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1195.14017 Toda, Yukinobu 2 2008 Fourier-Mukai transforms and canonical divisors. Zbl 1098.18005 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2006 Categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory for local surfaces. Zbl 07863723 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 Derived categories of coherent sheaves on algebraic varieties. Zbl 1208.14014 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2010 Categorical wall-crossing formula for Donaldson-Thomas theory on the resolved conifold. Zbl 07851054 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 The local categorical DT/PT correspondence. Zbl 1544.14022 Pădurariu, Tudor; Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 Stable pairs on nodal \(K3\) fibrations. Zbl 1407.14055 Gholampour, Amin; Sheshmani, Artan; Toda, Yukinobu 1 2018 Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants of holomorphic symplectic 4-folds. Zbl 1539.14123 Cao, Yalong; Oberdieck, Georg; Toda, Yukinobu 4 2024 Categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory for local surfaces. Zbl 07863723 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 Categorical wall-crossing formula for Donaldson-Thomas theory on the resolved conifold. Zbl 07851054 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 The local categorical DT/PT correspondence. Zbl 1544.14022 Pădurariu, Tudor; Toda, Yukinobu 1 2024 Counting perverse coherent systems on Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1524.14121 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2023 Gopakumar-Vafa invariants and wall-crossing. Zbl 1532.14094 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2023 Categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory for local surfaces: \(\mathbb{Z}/2\)-periodic version. Zbl 1535.14133 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2023 Derived categories of Quot schemes of locally free quotients via categorified Hall products. Zbl 1519.14018 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2023 Categorical and \(K\)-theoretic Donaldson-Thomas theory of \(\mathbb{C}^3\). II. Zbl 1536.14051 Pădurariu, Tudor; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2023 Stable pairs and Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants for Calabi-Yau \(4\)-folds. Zbl 1491.14077 Cao, Yalong; Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 15 2022 Tautological stable pair invariants of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1489.14076 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2022 Curve counting via stable objects in derived categories of Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1505.14113 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 8 2022 Birational geometry for d-critical loci and wall-crossing in Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1508.14014 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2022 Donaldson-Thomas invariants of abelian threefolds and Bridgeland stability conditions. Zbl 1482.14057 Oberdieck, Georg; Piyaratne, Dulip; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2022 Stable pairs and Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants on holomorphic symplectic 4-folds. Zbl 1514.14067 Cao, Yalong; Oberdieck, Georg; Toda, Yukinobu 3 2022 Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants on Calabi-Yau 4-folds via descendent insertions. Zbl 1470.14113 Cao, Yalong; Toda, Yukinobu 17 2021 Semiorthogonal decompositions of stable pair moduli spaces via d-critical flips. Zbl 1473.14107 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2021 Derived categories of Thaddeus pair moduli spaces via \(\mathrm{d}\)-critical flips. Zbl 1476.14043 Koseki, Naoki; Toda, Yukinobu 4 2021 Hall algebras in the derived category and higher-rank DT invariants. Zbl 1457.14038 Toda, Yukinobu 12 2020 Hall-type algebras for categorical Donaldson-Thomas theories on local surfaces. Zbl 1445.14076 Toda, Yukinobu 4 2020 Moduli of Bridgeland semistable objects on 3-folds and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1408.14070 Piyaratne, Dulip; Toda, Yukinobu 23 2019 Gopakumar-Vafa invariants via vanishing cycles. Zbl 1400.14141 Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 36 2018 Genus zero Gopakumar-Vafa type invariants for Calabi-Yau 4-folds. Zbl 1408.14177 Cao, Yalong; Maulik, Davesh; Toda, Yukinobu 25 2018 Moduli stacks of semistable sheaves and representations of Ext-quivers. Zbl 1435.14013 Toda, Yukinobu 15 2018 Contraction algebra and invariants of singularities. Zbl 1423.14074 Hua, Zheng; Toda, Yukinobu 13 2018 Non-commutative deformations and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1451.14003 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2018 Stable pairs on nodal \(K3\) fibrations. Zbl 1407.14055 Gholampour, Amin; Sheshmani, Artan; Toda, Yukinobu 1 2018 Generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants on the local projective plane. Zbl 1388.14155 Toda, Yukinobu 4 2017 Non-commutative thickening of moduli spaces of stable sheaves. Zbl 1371.14018 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2017 Gepner type stability condition via Orlov/Kuznetsov equivalence. Zbl 1334.14011 Toda, Yukinobu 5 2016 Stable pair invariants on Calabi-Yau threefolds containing \(\mathbb{P}^2\). Zbl 1360.14136 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2016 Non-commutative width and Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. Zbl 1348.14040 Toda, Yukinobu 18 2015 Flops and the S-duality conjecture. Zbl 1331.14055 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2015 S-duality for surfaces with \(A_n\)-type singularities. Zbl 1354.14010 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2015 Bridgeland stability conditions on threefolds. I Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequalities. Zbl 1306.14005 Bayer, Arend; Macrì, Emanuele; Toda, Yukinobu 74 2014 Gepner type stability conditions on graded matrix factorizations. Zbl 1322.14042 Toda, Yukinobu 15 2014 Stability conditions and birational geometry of projective surfaces. Zbl 1329.14032 Toda, Yukinobu 11 2014 Bridgeland stability conditions on threefolds. II: An application to Fujita’s conjecture. Zbl 1310.14026 Bayer, Arend; Bertram, Aaron; Macrì, Emanuele; Toda, Yukinobu 10 2014 Multiple cover formula of generalized DT invariants. I: Parabolic stable pairs. Zbl 1290.14010 Toda, Yukinobu 7 2014 Derived category of coherent sheaves and counting invariants. Zbl 1373.14058 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2014 A note on Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality for Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1337.14019 Toda, Yukinobu 6 2014 Stability conditions and extremal contractions. Zbl 1310.14029 Toda, Yukinobu 21 2013 Curve counting theories via stable objects. II: DT/ncDT flop formula. Zbl 1267.14049 Toda, Yukinobu 20 2013 Bogomolov-Gieseker-type inequality and counting invariants. Zbl 1328.14087 Toda, Yukinobu 11 2013 Stability conditions and curve counting invariants on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1244.14047 Toda, Yukinobu 29 2012 Stable pairs on local \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1260.14045 Toda, Yukinobu 8 2012 Introduction and open problems of Donaldson-Thomas theory. Zbl 1375.14004 Toda, Yukinobu 3 2012 Moduli space of stable quotients and wall-crossing phenomena. Zbl 1236.14049 Toda, Yukinobu 17 2011 Curve counting invariants around the conifold point. Zbl 1239.14032 Toda, Yukinobu 2 2011 Curve counting theories via stable objects. I: DT/PT correspondence. Zbl 1207.14020 Toda, Yukinobu 60 2010 Generating functions of stable pair invariants via wall-crossings in derived categories. Zbl 1216.14009 Toda, Yukinobu 22 2010 Tilting generators via ample line bundles. Zbl 1187.18009 Toda, Yukinobu; Uehara, Hokuto 15 2010 On a computation of rank two Donaldson-Thomas invariants. Zbl 1225.14031 Toda, Yukinobu 12 2010 Derived categories of coherent sheaves on algebraic varieties. Zbl 1208.14014 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2010 New aspects of heterotic-F-theory duality. Zbl 1192.81270 Hayashi, Hirotaka; Tatar, Radu; Toda, Yukinobu; Watari, Taizan; Yamazaki, Masahito 83 2009 Limit stable objects on Calabi-Yau 3-folds. Zbl 1172.14007 Toda, Yukinobu 32 2009 Deformations and Fourier-Mukai transforms. Zbl 1165.14019 Toda, Yukinobu 19 2009 Stability conditions and Calabi-Yau fibrations. Zbl 1157.14025 Toda, Yukinobu 9 2009 Noncommutative resolution, F-blowups and \(D\)-modules. Zbl 1175.14005 Toda, Yukinobu; Yasuda, Takehiko 8 2009 Moduli stacks and invariants of semistable objects on \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1136.14007 Toda, Yukinobu 49 2008 Stability conditions and crepant small resolutions. Zbl 1225.14030 Toda, Yukinobu 23 2008 Birational Calabi-Yau threefolds and BPS state counting. Zbl 1162.14027 Toda, Yukinobu 8 2008 Semistable objects in derived categories of \(K3\) surfaces. Zbl 1195.14017 Toda, Yukinobu 2 2008 On a certain generalization of spherical twists. Zbl 1155.18010 Toda, Yukinobu 19 2007 Fourier-Mukai transforms and canonical divisors. Zbl 1098.18005 Toda, Yukinobu 1 2006 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 453 Authors 36 Toda, Yukinobu 15 Cao, Yalong 15 Macrì, Emanuele 12 Bayer, Arend 12 Lo, Jason 11 Thomas, Richard Paul 10 Oberdieck, Georg 10 Wemyss, Michael 9 Heckman, Jonathan J. 9 Pandharipande, Rahul 9 Schäfer-Nameki, Sakura 9 Shen, Junliang 8 García-Etxebarria, Iñaki 8 Maulik, Davesh 8 Stellari, Paolo 8 Watari, Taizan 8 Weigand, Timo 7 Bousseau, Pierrick 7 Grimm, Thomas W. 7 Pădurariu, Tudor 7 Schmidt, Benjamin 7 Vafa, Cumrun 6 Braun, Andreas P. 6 Davison, Ben 6 Diaconescu, Duiliu-Emanuel 6 Donagi, Ron Y. 6 Hayashi, Hirotaka 6 Kawamata, Yujiro 6 Kool, Martijn 6 Koseki, Naoki 6 Manschot, Jan 6 Pioline, Boris 5 Banerjee, Sibasish 5 Donovan, Will 5 Katz, Sheldon 5 Kiem, Young-Hoon 5 Marsano, Joseph 5 Mayrhofer, Christoph 5 Monavari, Sergej 5 Nuer, Howard J. 5 Savvas, Michail 5 Sheshmani, Artan 5 Valandro, Roberto 5 Yoshioka, Kōta 5 Zhang, Ziyu 4 Alexandrov, Sergei Yu. 4 Belmans, Pieter 4 Choi, Jinwon 4 Choi, Kang-Sin 4 Chung, Yu-Chieh 4 Ciocan-Fontanine, Ionuţ 4 Collinucci, Andres 4 Cvetič, Mirjam 4 Feyzbakhsh, Soheyla 4 Huybrechts, Daniel 4 Kawatani, Kotaro 4 Kim, Bumsig 4 Leontaris, George K. 4 Pantev, Tony G. 4 Ricolfi, Andrea T. 4 Rota, Franco 4 Stoppa, Jacopo 4 Tatar, Radu 4 van Garrel, Michel 4 Wijnholt, Martijn P. 3 Anderson, Lara B. 3 August, Jenny 3 Bridgeland, Tom 3 Bryan, Jim 3 Calabrese, John R. 3 Chen, Ching-Ming 3 Haiden, Fabian 3 Hara, Wahei 3 Jiang, Qingyuan 3 Jiang, Yunfeng 3 Katzarkov, Ludmil 3 Kawano, Teruhiko 3 Klevers, Denis 3 Krause, Sven 3 Leung, Naichung Conan 3 Li, Chunyi 3 Meinhardt, Sven 3 Nakashima, Tohru 3 Okun’kov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 3 Ouchi, Genki 3 Palti, Eran 3 Pertusi, Laura 3 Pixton, Aaron 3 Piyaratne, Dulip 3 Qiu, Yu 3 Rezaee, Fatemeh 3 Saulina, Natalia 3 Tsuchiya, Yoichi 3 Van den Bergh, Michel 3 Xia, Bingyu 2 Addington, Nicolas M. 2 Balasubramanian, Vijay 2 Beentjes, Sjoerd 2 Ben-Bassat, Oren 2 Berglund, Per ...and 353 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 90 Serials 78 Journal of High Energy Physics 47 Advances in Mathematics 25 Mathematische Zeitschrift 22 Communications in Mathematical Physics 16 Compositio Mathematica 16 Inventiones Mathematicae 14 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 14 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 13 Nuclear Physics. B 13 Journal of Geometry and Physics 13 Duke Mathematical Journal 12 Geometry & Topology 12 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11 Mathematische Annalen 10 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 Journal of Algebra 9 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 4 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 International Journal of Mathematics 4 European Journal of Mathematics 3 Letters in Mathematical Physics 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Geometriae Dedicata 3 Publications Mathématiques 3 Journal of Differential Geometry 3 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 3 Sugaku Expositions 3 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 3 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 2 Michigan Mathematical Journal 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 2 Annales Henri Poincaré 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Journal of Topology 2 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 1 International Journal of Modern Physics A 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 1 The Ramanujan Journal 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. 3rd Series 1 EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Annals of PDE 1 Peking Mathematical Journal 1 Moduli all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 426 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 121 Quantum theory (81-XX) 85 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 44 Differential geometry (53-XX) 38 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 34 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 24 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 21 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 10 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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