Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tukey, John Wilder (b. 1915 d. 2000) Co-Author Distance Author ID: tukey.john-wilder Published as: Tukey, John W.; Tukey, J. W.; Tukey, John. W.; Tukey, John more...less Further Spellings: Тукый Джон External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 105 Publications since 1938, including 14 Books 6 Contributions as Editor · 8 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 1 Package Biographic References: 12 Publications Co-Authors: 56 Co-Authors with 60 Joint Publications 796 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 51 single-authored 10 Mosteller, Frederick 6 Hoaglin, David C. 6 Morgenthaler, Stephan 3 Andrews, David F. 3 Boas, Ralph Philip jun. 2 Basford, Kaye Enid 2 Box, George Edward Pelham 2 Ciminera, Joseph L. 2 Cochran, William Gemmell 2 David, Herbert Aron 2 Emerson, John D. 2 Friedman, Jerome Harold 2 Hansen, Morris Howard 2 Heyse, Joseph F. 2 Huber, Peter Jost 2 Iglewicz, Boris 2 Johnson, Norman Lloyd 2 Mallows, Colin Lingwood 2 Meyer, Michael M. 2 Rogers, William H. 2 Scheffe, Henry 2 Tukey, Paul A. 1 Abelson, Robert Paul 1 Agee, William S. 1 Anscombe, Francis John 1 Barnett, Vic 1 Beaton, Albert E. 1 Bickel, Peter John 1 Blackman, R. B. 1 Bliss, Chester I. 1 Bochner, Arthur P. 1 Brillinger, David R. 1 Brown, George W. 1 Bryant, Edward C. 1 Cappella, Joseph N. 1 Chase, Lawrence J. 1 Cleveland, William S. 1 Cochran, R. S. 1 Cook, Nancy R. 1 Cooley, James W. 1 Cornfield, Jerome 1 Dalal, Siddhartha R. 1 Danes, Jeffrey E. 1 Davis, Dennis K. 1 Diaconis, Persi Warren 1 Digby, P. G. N. 1 Diggle, Peter John 1 Dinkel, John J. 1 Dixon, Wilfrid J. 1 Dolby, James L. 1 Dolby, Karen B. 1 Downs, B. W. 1 Epp, Robert J. 1 Everitt, Brian S. 1 Farace, Richard V. 1 Fernholz, Luisa T. 1 Field, Chris M. 1 Fienberg, Stephen Elliot 1 Fink, Edward L. 1 Fitzpatrick, Mary Anne 1 Freeman, Murray F. 1 Gabriel, K. Ruben 1 Gasko, Miriam 1 Gentle, James E. 1 Glynn, Robert J. 1 Godfrey, Katherine 1 Goldstein, Harvey 1 Goodall, Colin R. 1 Gower, John Clifford 1 Green, Bert F. jun. 1 Green, Peter J. 1 Greenacre, Michael J. 1 Gulliksen, Harold 1 Haas, Roy W. 1 Hackney, O. P. 1 Hampel, Frank R. 1 Hansen, Katherine M. 1 Hartigan, John A. 1 Hastings, Cecil jun. 1 Hemmerle, William J. 1 Hewes, Dean 1 Hocking, R. N. 1 Hogg, Robert V. 1 Holland, Paul W. 1 Houchin, William E. 1 Huber, Kook Ching 1 Hunter, John E. 1 Johns, Milton Vernon jun. 1 Johnstone, Iain Murray 1 Kadane, Joseph Born 1 Kempthorne, Oscar 1 Kendall, David George 1 Krippendorff, Klaus 1 Kshirsagar, Anant M. 1 Kurtz, T. E. 1 Laird, Nan McKenzie 1 Launer, Robert L. 1 Lee, Jaewon 1 Li, Guoying 1 Luce, Robert Duncan ...and 51 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 24 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 7 Journal of the American Statistical Association 4 Biometrika 4 Technometrics 4 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2 Psychometrika 2 Biometrics 2 International Statistical Review 2 Portugaliae Mathematica 2 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 2 Recueil Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Metrika 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Biometrical Journal 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 IEEE Transactions on Computers 1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 Metron 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C 1 Statistical Science 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Journal of Geophysical Research 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics all top 5 Fields 52 Statistics (62-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 102 Publications have been cited 3,594 times in 3,246 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. Zbl 0127.09002 Cooley, James W.; Tukey, John W. 663 1965 Exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0409.62003 Tukey, John W. 444 1977 Mathematics and the picturing of data. Zbl 0347.62002 Tukey, John W. 365 1975 Robust estimates of location. Survey and advances. Zbl 0254.62001 Andrews, D. F.; Bickel, P. J.; Hampel, F. R.; Huber, P. J.; Rogers, W. H.; Tukey, J. W. 223 1972 A survey of sampling from contaminated distribution. Zbl 0201.52803 Tukey, J. W. 152 1960 A projection pursuit algorithm for exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0284.68079 Friedman, Jerome H.; Tukey, John W. 133 1974 Convergence and uniformity in topology. Zbl 0025.09102 Tukey, John W. 128 1940 The future of data analysis. Zbl 0107.36401 Tukey, John W. 121 1962 The fitting of power series, meaning polynomials, illustrated on band- spectroscopic data. Discussions. Zbl 0282.62057 Beaton, Albert E.; Tukey, John W. 111 1974 Simultaneous conjoint measurement: A new type of fundamental measurement. Zbl 0166.42201 Luce, R. D.; Tukey, John W. 101 1964 Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0599.62007 101 1983 Exploring data tables - trends and shapes. Zbl 0659.62002 78 1985 Efficient utilization of non-numerical information in quantitative analysis. General theory and the case of simple order. Zbl 0121.13907 Abelson, R. P.; Tukey, John W. 61 1963 Transformations related to the angular and the square root. Zbl 0039.35304 Freeman, Murray F.; Tukey, John W. 61 1950 Understanding some long-tailed symmetrical distributions. Zbl 0245.62021 Rogers, William H.; Tukey, John W. 60 1972 Generalized ”sandwich” theorems. Zbl 0061.38405 Stone, A. H.; Tukey, John W. 60 1942 The measurement of power spectra. From the point of view of communications engineering. Unabridged and corrected republ. Zbl 0084.21703 Blackman, R. B.; Tukey, John W. 57 1959 Non-parametric estimation II. Statistically equivalent blocks and tolerance regions. The continuous case. Zbl 0029.15502 Tukey, John W. 40 1947 Low moments for small samples: A comparative study of order statistics. Zbl 0034.07401 Hastings, Cecil jun.; Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W.; Winsor, Charles P. 39 1947 Which part of the sample the information? Zbl 0168.40205 Tukey, John W. 37 1965 Convergence and uniformity in topology. JFM 66.0961.01 Tukey, J. W. 33 1940 A nonparametric sum of ranks procedure for relative spread in unpaired samples. Zbl 0104.37501 Siegel, Sidney; Tukey, John W. 33 1961 Less vulnerable confidence and significance procedures for location based on a single sample: Trimming/winsorization. I. Zbl 0116.10904 Tukey, John W.; McLaughlin, D. H. 28 1963 Configural polysampling. A route to practical robustness. Zbl 0756.62016 24 1991 On the comparative anatomy of transformations. Zbl 0083.14701 Tukey, John W. 22 1957 Non-parametric estimation. I. Validation of order statistics. Zbl 0060.30511 Scheffe, H.; Tukey, John W. 19 1945 Approximate means and standard deviations based on distances between percentage points of frequency curves. Zbl 0151.24102 Pearson, E. S.; Tukey, John W. 18 1965 Performance of some resistant rules for outlier labeling. Zbl 0658.62004 Hoaglin, David C.; Iglewicz, Boris; Tukey, John W. 18 1986 Curves as parameters, and touch estimation. Zbl 0105.12304 Tukey, John W. 18 1961 The examination and analysis of residuals. Zbl 0118.13903 Anscombe, F. J.; Tukey, John W. 18 1963 A problem of Berkson, and minimum variance orderly estimators. Zbl 0086.35601 Tukey, John W. 16 1958 Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing doses of a drug. Zbl 0613.62131 Tukey, J. W.; Ciminera, J. L.; Heyse, J. F. 15 1985 A formula for sample sizes for population tolerance limits. Zbl 0060.30606 Scheffe, H.; Tukey, John W. 15 1944 Average values of mean squares in factorials. Zbl 0075.29404 Cornfield, Jerome; Tukey, John W. 14 1956 Discussion, emphasizing the connection between analysis of variance and spectrum analysis. Zbl 0101.12401 Tukey, John W. 13 1961 Contributions to survey sampling and applied statistics. Papers in honor of H. O. Hartley. Zbl 0437.62001 12 1978 The resistant line and related regression methods. Zbl 0594.62077 Johnstone, Iain M.; Velleman, Paul F. 12 1985 Some distributions of sample means. Zbl 0063.00626 Brown, George W.; Tukey, John W. 12 1946 An introduction to the measurement of spectra. Zbl 0201.51702 Tukey, J. W. 11 1959 Conclusions vs decisions. Zbl 0097.34404 Tukey, John W. 9 1960 Nonparametric estimation. III: Statistically equivalent blocks and multivariate tolerance regions. The discontinuous case. Zbl 0032.29501 Tukey, John W. 9 1948 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume VIII: Multiple comparisons: 1948-1983. Ed. by Henry I. Braun, with the assistance of Bruce Kaplan, Kathleen M. Sheehan, Min-Hwei Wang. Zbl 0807.01035 Tukey, John W. 8 1994 Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis. Repr. Zbl 0955.62008 8 2000 Robustness in statistics. Proceedings of a workshop, sponsored by the Mathematics Division, Army Research Office, held at Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Weiss Building, April 11-12, 1978. Zbl 0441.62033 8 1979 Named and faceless values: an initial exploration in memory of Prasanta C. Mahalanobis. Zbl 0401.62003 Tukey, John W. 8 1974 Keeping moment-like sampling computations simple. Zbl 0074.35003 Tukey, John W. 8 1956 Sufficiency, truncation and selection. Zbl 0041.26202 Tukey, John W. 8 1949 Approximation of the distribution of the product of beta variables by a single beta variable. Zbl 0063.07877 Tukey, John W.; Wilks, S. S. 7 1946 Some sampling simplified. Zbl 0040.36301 Tukey, John W. 7 1950 Fundamentals of exploratory analysis of variance. Zbl 0900.62024 6 1991 An overview of techniques of data analysis, emphasizing its exploratory aspects. Zbl 0555.62006 Mallows, Colin L.; Tukey, John W. 6 1982 Interpreting multivariate data. Proceedings of the Conference on Looking at Multivariate Data held in the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, March 24-27, 1980. Zbl 0597.62002 6 1981 Some notes on the separation of convex sets. Zbl 0028.23202 Tukey, John W. 6 1942 Robust, smoothly heterogeneous variance regression. Zbl 0825.62583 Cohen, Michael; Dalal, S. R.; Tukey, J. W. 5 1993 Graphical profiles as an aid to understanding plant breeding experiments. Zbl 0900.62028 Basford, Kaye E.; Tukey, John W. 5 1997 Exploratory data analysis. (Analiz rezul’tatov nablyudenij. Razvedochnyj analiz). Transl. from the English. Zbl 0527.62003 Tukey, John W. 5 1981 Some notes on the separation of convex sets. JFM 68.0238.01 Tukey, J. W. 5 1942 On the distribution of the fractional part of a statistical variable. Zbl 0021.04203 Tukey, John W. 5 1938 Variances of variance components. I: Balanced designs. II: The unbalanced single classification. III: Third moments in a balanced single classification. Zbl 0090.35902 Tukey, John W. 5 1956 Exploratory analysis of variance as providing examples of strategic choices. Zbl 0846.62003 Tukey, John W. 4 1993 Yule’s association paradox and ignored stratum heterogeneity in capture-recapture studies. Zbl 0996.62058 Kadane, Joseph B.; Meyer, Michael M.; Tukey, John W. 4 1999 More honest foundations for data analysis. Zbl 0880.62007 Tukey, John 4 1997 Multivariate techniques in human communication research. Zbl 0465.62110 4 1980 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume I: Time series: 1949-1964. Volume II: Time series: 1965-1984. Ed. by David R. Brillinger. Zbl 0699.62084 Tukey, John W. 4 1984 Sums of random partitions of ranks. Zbl 0082.35104 Tukey, John W. 4 1957 Reliability for the law of comparative judgement. Zbl 0084.15502 Gulliksen, Harold; Tukey, John W. 4 1958 Complex analyses of variance: General problems. Zbl 0094.33005 Green, Bert F. jun.; Tukey, John W. 4 1960 Where should multiple comparisons go next? Zbl 0829.62069 Tukey, John W. 3 1993 An outlier nomination method based on the multihalver. Zbl 1043.62036 Fernholz, Luisa T.; Morgenthaler, Stephan; Tukey, John W. 3 2004 Can we predict where ”time series” should go next? Zbl 0532.62072 Tukey, John W. 3 1980 Use of many covariates in clinical trials. Zbl 0729.62635 Tukey, John W. 3 1991 Exploring data tables, trends, and shapes. Zbl 1095.62003 3 2006 Drawing inferences from self-selected samples. (Papers from a conference sponsored by Educational Testing Service). Zbl 0613.62148 3 1986 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume III: Philosophy and principles of data analysis: 1949-1964. Volume IV: Philosophy and principles of data analysis: 1965-1986. Ed. by Lyle V. Jones. Zbl 0701.62012 Tukey, John W. 3 1986 Data analysis, computation and mathematics. Zbl 0246.65002 Tukey, John W. 3 1972 Testing unit vectors for correlation. Zbl 0248.62004 Epp, R. J.; Tukey, J. W.; Watson, G. S. 3 1971 The estimation of (power) spectra and related quantities. Zbl 0100.14603 Tukey, John W. 3 1959 Approximate weights. Zbl 0041.25901 Tukey, John W. 3 1948 Significance levels for a k-sample slippage test. Zbl 0041.46704 Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W. 3 1950 Approaches to analysis of data that concentrate near intermediate- dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0474.68097 Friedman, Jerome H.; Tukey, John W.; Tukey, Paul A. 2 1980 Data-based graphics: Visual display in the decades to come. Zbl 0955.62508 Tukey, John W. 2 1990 Graphical analysis of multiresponse data. Illustrated with a plant breeding trial. Interdisciplinary statistics. Zbl 0929.62102 Basford, K. E.; Tukey, J. W. 2 1999 Tuning a major part of a clustering algorithm. Zbl 0850.62473 Hansen, Katherine M.; Tukey, John W. 2 1992 Instead of Gauss-Markov least squares what). Zbl 0312.62051 Tukey, John W. 2 1975 On the distribution of the fractional part of a statistical variable. JFM 64.1111.04 Tukey, J. W. 2 1938 Antithesis or regression? Zbl 0079.35701 Tukey, John W. 2 1957 Moments of random group size distribution. Zbl 0035.09304 Tukey, John W. 2 1949 A corner test for association. Zbl 0029.40902 Olmstead, Paul S.; Tukey, John W. 2 1947 The uses and usefulness of binomial probability paper. Zbl 0032.41902 Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W. 2 1949 Inference for the direction of the larger of two eigenvectors: The case of circular elongation. Zbl 0855.62046 Morgenthaler, Stephan; Tukey, John W. 1 1996 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Vol V. Graphics: 1965-1985. Ed. by William S. Cleveland. Zbl 0701.62013 Tukey, John W. 1 1988 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume VI: More mathematical: 1938-1984. Edited by Colin L. Mallows. Zbl 0695.01023 Tukey, John W. 1 1990 Some resistant procedures for analyzing \(2^ n\) factorial experiments. Zbl 0517.62074 Seheult, Allan; Tukey, John W. 1 1982 Tumorigenicity assays, including use of the jackknife. Zbl 0497.62096 Mantel, Nathan; Tukey, John W.; Ciminera, Joseph L.; Heyse, Joseph F. 1 1982 The intrinsic metric of a polytope. JFM 65.0870.06 Tukey, J. W. 1 1939 A note on linear functionals. JFM 64.0382.04 Boas, R. P. jun.; Tukey, J. W. 1 1938 A smooth invertibility theorem. Zbl 0092.28402 Tukey, John W. 1 1958 Compactness in general spaces. Zbl 0063.07875 Tukey, John W. 1 1941 An inequality for deviations from medians. Zbl 0063.07876 Tukey, John W. 1 1946 A rejection criterion based upon the range. Zbl 0074.13101 Bliss, C. I.; Cochran, W. G.; Tukey, John. W. 1 1956 Exploring data tables, trends, and shapes. Zbl 1095.62003 3 2006 An outlier nomination method based on the multihalver. Zbl 1043.62036 Fernholz, Luisa T.; Morgenthaler, Stephan; Tukey, John W. 3 2004 Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis. Repr. Zbl 0955.62008 8 2000 Yule’s association paradox and ignored stratum heterogeneity in capture-recapture studies. Zbl 0996.62058 Kadane, Joseph B.; Meyer, Michael M.; Tukey, John W. 4 1999 Graphical analysis of multiresponse data. Illustrated with a plant breeding trial. Interdisciplinary statistics. Zbl 0929.62102 Basford, K. E.; Tukey, J. W. 2 1999 Graphical profiles as an aid to understanding plant breeding experiments. Zbl 0900.62028 Basford, Kaye E.; Tukey, John W. 5 1997 More honest foundations for data analysis. Zbl 0880.62007 Tukey, John 4 1997 Inference for the direction of the larger of two eigenvectors: The case of circular elongation. Zbl 0855.62046 Morgenthaler, Stephan; Tukey, John W. 1 1996 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume VIII: Multiple comparisons: 1948-1983. Ed. by Henry I. Braun, with the assistance of Bruce Kaplan, Kathleen M. Sheehan, Min-Hwei Wang. Zbl 0807.01035 Tukey, John W. 8 1994 Robust, smoothly heterogeneous variance regression. Zbl 0825.62583 Cohen, Michael; Dalal, S. R.; Tukey, J. W. 5 1993 Exploratory analysis of variance as providing examples of strategic choices. Zbl 0846.62003 Tukey, John W. 4 1993 Where should multiple comparisons go next? Zbl 0829.62069 Tukey, John W. 3 1993 Tuning a major part of a clustering algorithm. Zbl 0850.62473 Hansen, Katherine M.; Tukey, John W. 2 1992 Configural polysampling. A route to practical robustness. Zbl 0756.62016 24 1991 Fundamentals of exploratory analysis of variance. Zbl 0900.62024 6 1991 Use of many covariates in clinical trials. Zbl 0729.62635 Tukey, John W. 3 1991 Data-based graphics: Visual display in the decades to come. Zbl 0955.62508 Tukey, John W. 2 1990 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume VI: More mathematical: 1938-1984. Edited by Colin L. Mallows. Zbl 0695.01023 Tukey, John W. 1 1990 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Vol V. Graphics: 1965-1985. Ed. by William S. Cleveland. Zbl 0701.62013 Tukey, John W. 1 1988 Performance of some resistant rules for outlier labeling. Zbl 0658.62004 Hoaglin, David C.; Iglewicz, Boris; Tukey, John W. 18 1986 Drawing inferences from self-selected samples. (Papers from a conference sponsored by Educational Testing Service). Zbl 0613.62148 3 1986 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume III: Philosophy and principles of data analysis: 1949-1964. Volume IV: Philosophy and principles of data analysis: 1965-1986. Ed. by Lyle V. Jones. Zbl 0701.62012 Tukey, John W. 3 1986 Exploring data tables - trends and shapes. Zbl 0659.62002 78 1985 Testing the statistical certainty of a response to increasing doses of a drug. Zbl 0613.62131 Tukey, J. W.; Ciminera, J. L.; Heyse, J. F. 15 1985 The resistant line and related regression methods. Zbl 0594.62077 Johnstone, Iain M.; Velleman, Paul F. 12 1985 The collected works of John W. Tukey. Volume I: Time series: 1949-1964. Volume II: Time series: 1965-1984. Ed. by David R. Brillinger. Zbl 0699.62084 Tukey, John W. 4 1984 Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0599.62007 101 1983 An overview of techniques of data analysis, emphasizing its exploratory aspects. Zbl 0555.62006 Mallows, Colin L.; Tukey, John W. 6 1982 Some resistant procedures for analyzing \(2^ n\) factorial experiments. Zbl 0517.62074 Seheult, Allan; Tukey, John W. 1 1982 Tumorigenicity assays, including use of the jackknife. Zbl 0497.62096 Mantel, Nathan; Tukey, John W.; Ciminera, Joseph L.; Heyse, Joseph F. 1 1982 Interpreting multivariate data. Proceedings of the Conference on Looking at Multivariate Data held in the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, March 24-27, 1980. Zbl 0597.62002 6 1981 Exploratory data analysis. (Analiz rezul’tatov nablyudenij. Razvedochnyj analiz). Transl. from the English. Zbl 0527.62003 Tukey, John W. 5 1981 Multivariate techniques in human communication research. Zbl 0465.62110 4 1980 Can we predict where ”time series” should go next? Zbl 0532.62072 Tukey, John W. 3 1980 Approaches to analysis of data that concentrate near intermediate- dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0474.68097 Friedman, Jerome H.; Tukey, John W.; Tukey, Paul A. 2 1980 Robustness in statistics. Proceedings of a workshop, sponsored by the Mathematics Division, Army Research Office, held at Army Research Office, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Weiss Building, April 11-12, 1978. Zbl 0441.62033 8 1979 Contributions to survey sampling and applied statistics. Papers in honor of H. O. Hartley. Zbl 0437.62001 12 1978 Exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0409.62003 Tukey, John W. 444 1977 Mathematics and the picturing of data. Zbl 0347.62002 Tukey, John W. 365 1975 Instead of Gauss-Markov least squares what). Zbl 0312.62051 Tukey, John W. 2 1975 A projection pursuit algorithm for exploratory data analysis. Zbl 0284.68079 Friedman, Jerome H.; Tukey, John W. 133 1974 The fitting of power series, meaning polynomials, illustrated on band- spectroscopic data. Discussions. Zbl 0282.62057 Beaton, Albert E.; Tukey, John W. 111 1974 Named and faceless values: an initial exploration in memory of Prasanta C. Mahalanobis. Zbl 0401.62003 Tukey, John W. 8 1974 Robust estimates of location. Survey and advances. Zbl 0254.62001 Andrews, D. F.; Bickel, P. J.; Hampel, F. R.; Huber, P. J.; Rogers, W. H.; Tukey, J. W. 223 1972 Understanding some long-tailed symmetrical distributions. Zbl 0245.62021 Rogers, William H.; Tukey, John W. 60 1972 Data analysis, computation and mathematics. Zbl 0246.65002 Tukey, John W. 3 1972 Testing unit vectors for correlation. Zbl 0248.62004 Epp, R. J.; Tukey, J. W.; Watson, G. S. 3 1971 An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier series. Zbl 0127.09002 Cooley, James W.; Tukey, John W. 663 1965 Which part of the sample the information? Zbl 0168.40205 Tukey, John W. 37 1965 Approximate means and standard deviations based on distances between percentage points of frequency curves. Zbl 0151.24102 Pearson, E. S.; Tukey, John W. 18 1965 Simultaneous conjoint measurement: A new type of fundamental measurement. Zbl 0166.42201 Luce, R. D.; Tukey, John W. 101 1964 Efficient utilization of non-numerical information in quantitative analysis. General theory and the case of simple order. Zbl 0121.13907 Abelson, R. P.; Tukey, John W. 61 1963 Less vulnerable confidence and significance procedures for location based on a single sample: Trimming/winsorization. I. Zbl 0116.10904 Tukey, John W.; McLaughlin, D. H. 28 1963 The examination and analysis of residuals. Zbl 0118.13903 Anscombe, F. J.; Tukey, John W. 18 1963 The future of data analysis. Zbl 0107.36401 Tukey, John W. 121 1962 A nonparametric sum of ranks procedure for relative spread in unpaired samples. Zbl 0104.37501 Siegel, Sidney; Tukey, John W. 33 1961 Curves as parameters, and touch estimation. Zbl 0105.12304 Tukey, John W. 18 1961 Discussion, emphasizing the connection between analysis of variance and spectrum analysis. Zbl 0101.12401 Tukey, John W. 13 1961 A survey of sampling from contaminated distribution. Zbl 0201.52803 Tukey, J. W. 152 1960 Conclusions vs decisions. Zbl 0097.34404 Tukey, John W. 9 1960 Complex analyses of variance: General problems. Zbl 0094.33005 Green, Bert F. jun.; Tukey, John W. 4 1960 The measurement of power spectra. From the point of view of communications engineering. Unabridged and corrected republ. Zbl 0084.21703 Blackman, R. B.; Tukey, John W. 57 1959 An introduction to the measurement of spectra. Zbl 0201.51702 Tukey, J. W. 11 1959 The estimation of (power) spectra and related quantities. Zbl 0100.14603 Tukey, John W. 3 1959 A problem of Berkson, and minimum variance orderly estimators. Zbl 0086.35601 Tukey, John W. 16 1958 Reliability for the law of comparative judgement. Zbl 0084.15502 Gulliksen, Harold; Tukey, John W. 4 1958 A smooth invertibility theorem. Zbl 0092.28402 Tukey, John W. 1 1958 On the comparative anatomy of transformations. Zbl 0083.14701 Tukey, John W. 22 1957 Sums of random partitions of ranks. Zbl 0082.35104 Tukey, John W. 4 1957 Antithesis or regression? Zbl 0079.35701 Tukey, John W. 2 1957 Approximations to the upper 5% points of Fisher’s B distribution and non- central \(\chi^2\). Zbl 0078.33307 Tukey, John W. 1 1957 Some examples with fiducial relevance. Zbl 0082.13601 Tukey, John W. 1 1957 Average values of mean squares in factorials. Zbl 0075.29404 Cornfield, Jerome; Tukey, John W. 14 1956 Keeping moment-like sampling computations simple. Zbl 0074.35003 Tukey, John W. 8 1956 Variances of variance components. I: Balanced designs. II: The unbalanced single classification. III: Third moments in a balanced single classification. Zbl 0090.35902 Tukey, John W. 5 1956 A rejection criterion based upon the range. Zbl 0074.13101 Bliss, C. I.; Cochran, W. G.; Tukey, John. W. 1 1956 Transformations related to the angular and the square root. Zbl 0039.35304 Freeman, Murray F.; Tukey, John W. 61 1950 Some sampling simplified. Zbl 0040.36301 Tukey, John W. 7 1950 Significance levels for a k-sample slippage test. Zbl 0041.46704 Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W. 3 1950 Sufficiency, truncation and selection. Zbl 0041.26202 Tukey, John W. 8 1949 Moments of random group size distribution. Zbl 0035.09304 Tukey, John W. 2 1949 The uses and usefulness of binomial probability paper. Zbl 0032.41902 Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W. 2 1949 Nonparametric estimation. III: Statistically equivalent blocks and multivariate tolerance regions. The discontinuous case. Zbl 0032.29501 Tukey, John W. 9 1948 Approximate weights. Zbl 0041.25901 Tukey, John W. 3 1948 Non-parametric estimation II. Statistically equivalent blocks and tolerance regions. The continuous case. Zbl 0029.15502 Tukey, John W. 40 1947 Low moments for small samples: A comparative study of order statistics. Zbl 0034.07401 Hastings, Cecil jun.; Mosteller, Frederick; Tukey, John W.; Winsor, Charles P. 39 1947 A corner test for association. Zbl 0029.40902 Olmstead, Paul S.; Tukey, John W. 2 1947 Some distributions of sample means. Zbl 0063.00626 Brown, George W.; Tukey, John W. 12 1946 Approximation of the distribution of the product of beta variables by a single beta variable. Zbl 0063.07877 Tukey, John W.; Wilks, S. S. 7 1946 An inequality for deviations from medians. Zbl 0063.07876 Tukey, John W. 1 1946 Non-parametric estimation. I. Validation of order statistics. Zbl 0060.30511 Scheffe, H.; Tukey, John W. 19 1945 A formula for sample sizes for population tolerance limits. Zbl 0060.30606 Scheffe, H.; Tukey, John W. 15 1944 Generalized ”sandwich” theorems. Zbl 0061.38405 Stone, A. H.; Tukey, John W. 60 1942 Some notes on the separation of convex sets. Zbl 0028.23202 Tukey, John W. 6 1942 Some notes on the separation of convex sets. JFM 68.0238.01 Tukey, J. W. 5 1942 Compactness in general spaces. Zbl 0063.07875 Tukey, John W. 1 1941 Convergence and uniformity in topology. Zbl 0025.09102 Tukey, John W. 128 1940 Convergence and uniformity in topology. JFM 66.0961.01 Tukey, J. W. 33 1940 The intrinsic metric of a polytope. JFM 65.0870.06 Tukey, J. W. 1 1939 On the distribution of the fractional part of a statistical variable. Zbl 0021.04203 Tukey, John W. 5 1938 ...and 2 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,051 Authors 35 Wilcox, Rand R. 30 Zuo, Yijun 18 Nagy, Stanislav 17 Rousseeuw, Peter J. 17 van der Hoeven, Joris 15 Gómez, Héctor Wladimir 14 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 14 Genton, Marc G. 14 Müller, Christine H. 13 Mudholkar, Govind S. 12 Serfling, Robert J. 11 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 11 Cook, Dianne 11 Liu, Xiaohui 9 Boente, Graciela 9 Bolfarine, Heleno 9 Fraiman, Ricardo 9 Hubert, Mia 9 Mozharovskyi, Pavlo 9 Paindaveine, Davy 9 Riani, Marco 9 Salibian-Barrera, Matias 9 Todorcevic, Stevo B. 8 Gather, Ursula 8 Härdle, Wolfgang Karl 8 Luce, Robert Duncan 8 Morgenthaler, Stephan 8 Nadarajah, Saralees 8 Staudte, Robert G. jun. 8 Welk, Martin 8 Wu, Wei 8 Zamar, Ruben H. 7 Atkinson, Anthony C. 7 Brillinger, David R. 7 Chaudhuri, Probal 7 Davies, Patrick Laurie 7 Fried, Roland 7 Harvey, David 7 Hofmann, Heike 7 Kafadar, Karen 7 Li, Jun 7 López-Pintado, Sara 7 Peña, Daniel 7 Prendergast, Luke Anthony 7 Punzo, Antonio 7 Reyes, Jimmy 7 Rockmore, Daniel N. 7 Shirke, Digambar Tukaram 7 Tukey, John Wilder 7 Tyler, David Edward 7 Van Aelst, Stefan 6 Apolloni, Bruno 6 Cascos, Ignacio 6 Gel, Yulia R. 6 Gelman, Andrew 6 Hutson, Alan David 6 Jones, Michael Chris 6 Karasev, Roman N. 6 Langerman, Stefan 6 Liu, Regina Y. C. 6 Luo, Songting 6 Modarres, Reza 6 Nieto-Reyes, Alicia 6 Oja, Hannu 6 Sun, Ying 6 Yohai, Víctor Jaime 5 Arslan, Olcay 5 Belkić, Dževad 5 Belkić, Karen 5 Benjamini, Yoav 5 Dai, Wenlin 5 David, Herbert Aron 5 Dyckerhoff, Rainer 5 Falmagne, Jean-Claude 5 Faridrohani, Mohammad Reza 5 Feng, Ziqin 5 Gastwirth, Joseph Lewis 5 Gijbels, Irène 5 Guth, Lawrence David 5 Hallin, Marc 5 He, Xuming 5 Isbell, John Rolfe 5 Johnson, Richard A. 5 Koenker, Roger W. 5 Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 5 Malchiodi, Dario 5 Maslen, David Keith 5 Narens, Louis Edward 5 Özdemir, A. Fırat 5 Politis, Dimitris Nicolas 5 Romo, Juan J. 5 Schnider, Patrick 5 Sen, Pranab Kumar 5 Shevlyakov, Georgy L. 5 Struyf, Anja 5 Temperton, Clive 5 Tolimieri, Richard 5 Van Bever, Germain 5 Vencálek, Ondřej 5 Xu, Yuesheng ...and 4,951 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 514 Serials 155 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 127 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 98 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 92 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 84 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 73 The Annals of Statistics 66 Journal of Computational Physics 63 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 61 Statistics & Probability Letters 59 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 50 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 49 Psychometrika 48 Journal of Applied Statistics 35 Statistical Science 32 European Journal of Operational Research 31 Electronic Journal of Statistics 30 Statistical Papers 29 Journal of Econometrics 27 The American Statistician 26 Computational Statistics 23 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 23 Mathematics of Computation 23 Test 22 Journal of the American Statistical Association 22 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 21 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 21 Bernoulli 21 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 20 Computer Physics Communications 20 Biometrics 20 International Statistical Review 20 Topology and its Applications 20 Statistics and Computing 19 The Annals of Applied Statistics 18 Metrika 18 Pattern Recognition 18 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 17 Statistics 17 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 16 Statistica Neerlandica 16 Theoretical Computer Science 16 Discrete & Computational Geometry 16 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 16 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 15 Biometrical Journal 14 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 14 Numerische Mathematik 13 Numerical Algorithms 13 Applied Mathematical Modelling 13 Statistical Methods and Applications 13 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 12 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 12 Applied Mathematics and Computation 12 Automatica 12 Information Sciences 12 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12 Computational Geometry 12 Linear Algebra and its Applications 12 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 12 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 12 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 11 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 11 Computing 11 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 11 Journal of Time Series Analysis 11 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 11 Journal of Classification 11 Journal of Symbolic Computation 11 Annals of Operations Research 11 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 11 Environmetrics 10 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 10 Machine Learning 10 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 10 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 9 Technometrics 9 Computers & Operations Research 9 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 9 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 9 Statistics in Medicine 8 Biological Cybernetics 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 Physica A 8 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 8 Synthese 8 Advances in Applied Mathematics 8 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 8 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 8 Journal of Scientific Computing 8 Neural Computation 8 Economics Letters 8 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 8 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 8 Stat 7 Information Processing Letters 7 Journal of the Franklin Institute 7 Mathematical Biosciences 7 Kybernetika ...and 414 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 61 Fields 1,964 Statistics (62-XX) 629 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 338 Computer science (68-XX) 218 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 206 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 126 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 118 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 93 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 89 General topology (54-XX) 86 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 86 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 60 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 54 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 53 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 50 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 39 Combinatorics (05-XX) 38 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 37 Number theory (11-XX) 36 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 32 History and biography (01-XX) 32 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 29 Quantum theory (81-XX) 29 Geophysics (86-XX) 27 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 23 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 21 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 21 Functional analysis (46-XX) 17 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 16 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 14 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 12 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 11 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 11 Geometry (51-XX) 11 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 10 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 10 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Special functions (33-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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