Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Turán, Pál (b. 1910 d. 1976) Co-Author Distance Author ID: turan.pal Published as: Turán, Pál; Turán, P.; Turán, Paul; Turan, P.; Turan, Paul more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 237 Publications since 1933, including 3 Books 6 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 19 Publications Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 91 Joint Publications 717 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 146 single-authored 40 Erdős, Pál 12 Knapowski, Stanislaw 6 Balázs, János 6 Sós, Vera Turán 4 Grünwald, Geza 4 Meir, Amram 4 Szekeres, George 3 Egerváry, Jenö 3 Halasz, Gabor 3 Szalay, Mihaly 3 Szüsz, Peter 2 Rahman, Qazi Ibadur 2 Rényi, Alfréd 2 Suranyi, Janos 1 Alexits, György 1 Alpár, László 1 Bizám, György 1 Császár, Ákos E. 1 Dénes, József 1 Dénes, Péter 1 Fejer, Leopold 1 Freud, Robert 1 Gyarmati, Edit 1 Heinecke, Barbara 1 Knapowski, P. 1 Kövari, Thomas 1 Makai, Endre 1 Rédei, László 1 Schmeisser, Gerhard 1 Szegő, Gábor 1 Vincze, István all top 5 Serials 34 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 15 Acta Arithmetica 13 Matematikai Lapok 13 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 9 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 9 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 8 Acta Litterarum ac Scientiarum. Regiae Universitatis Hungaricae Francisco-Josephinae. Sectio Scientiarum Mathematicarum 7 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 6 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica 5 Colloquium Mathematicum 5 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 5 Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Series A 4 A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Matematikai es Fizikai Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Közlemenyei 4 Matematikai és Fizikai Lapok 4 Mathematikai és Természettudományi Értesítő 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 3 Proceedings. Akadamie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam 3 Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Journal of Number Theory 2 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe 2 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. II. Ser 2 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky a Fysiky 2 Mathematica 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine, Revue de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Académie Serbe des Sciences, Publications de l’Institut Mathématique 1 Annales de la Société Polonaise de Mathématique 1 Publications of the Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1 Hungarica Acta Mathematica all top 5 Fields 66 Number theory (11-XX) 16 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 166 Publications have been cited 3,305 times in 2,742 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Eine Extremalaufgabe aus der Graphentheorie. Zbl 0026.26903 Turán, Pál 495 1941 On a problem of K. Zarankiewicz. Zbl 0055.00704 Kövári, T.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 358 1954 Eine Extremalaufgabe aus der Graphentheorie. JFM 67.0732.03 Turán, P. 323 1941 On a problem of Sidon in additive number theory, and on some related problems. Zbl 0061.07301 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 116 1941 On the distribution of roots of polynomials. Zbl 0036.01501 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 109 1950 On the theory of graphs. Zbl 0055.17004 Turán, Pál 109 1954 Über die Ableitung von Polynomen. JFM 65.0324.01 Turan, P. 107 1939 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. IV. Zbl 0235.20004 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Paul 81 1968 On the zeros of the polynomials of Legendre. Zbl 0040.32303 Turán, Pál 62 1950 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. I. Zbl 0137.25602 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 55 1965 On some open problems of approximation theory. Zbl 0454.41001 Turán, Pál 55 1980 On a new method of analysis and its applications. Zbl 0544.10045 Turán, Paul 54 1984 Über die Ableitung von Polynomen. Zbl 0021.39504 Turán, Pál 48 1939 On a problem of Sidon in additive number theory and on some related problems. JFM 67.0984.03 Erdős, Paul; Turan, Paul 47 1941 On some sequences of integers. JFM 62.1126.01 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 46 1936 On interpolation. III. Interpolatory theory of polynomials. JFM 66.0272.01 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 41 1940 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. III. Zbl 0235.20003 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 39 1967 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. II. Zbl 0189.31302 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 37 1967 On a problem in the theory of uniform distribution. I. Zbl 0031.25402 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 36 1948 On a theorem of Hardy and Ramanujan. Zbl 0010.10401 Turán, Pál 36 1934 Comparative prime-number theory. I–III: Introduction. Comparison of the progressions \(\equiv 1 \bmod k\) and \(\equiv \ell\bmod k\), \(\ell\not\equiv 1 \bmod k\). Continuation of the study of comparison of the progressions \(\equiv 1 \bmod k\) and \(\equiv \ell\bmod k\). Zbl 0111.04506 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 35 1962 On interpolation I: Quadrature- and mean-convergence in the Lagrange-interpolation. JFM 63.0233.03 Erdös, P.; Turan, P. 34 1937 On interpolation. III: Interpolatory theory of polynomials. Zbl 0024.39102 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 34 1940 A new method in analysis and its applications. (Eine neue Methode in der Analysis und deren Anwendungen.) Zbl 0052.04601 Turán, Pál 32 1953 Notes on interpolation. V.: On the stability of interpolation. Zbl 0085.05203 Egerváry, E.; Turán, Pál 31 1958 Notes on interpolation. I. (On some interpolatorical properties of the ultraspherical polynomials). Zbl 0064.30005 Surányi, J.; Turán, Pál 30 1955 On some sequences of integers. Zbl 0015.15203 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 29 1936 Notes on interpolation. II. Zbl 0078.05401 Balazs, J.; Turán, Pál 28 1957 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. I. Zbl 0371.10033 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 28 1977 On interpolation. I. Quadrature- and mean-convergence in the Lagrange- interpolation. Zbl 0016.10604 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 24 1937 Remark on a theorem of Erhard Schmidt. Zbl 0101.04702 Turán, Pál 24 1960 Notes on interpolation. III: Convergence. Zbl 0085.05104 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 24 1958 On some approximative Dirichlet-polynomials in the theory of the zeta- function of Riemann. Zbl 0031.30204 Turán, Pál 23 1948 On the role of the Lebesgue functions in the theory of the Lagrange interpolation. Zbl 0064.30101 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 21 1955 On some new theorems in the theory of Diophantine approximations. Zbl 0066.29304 Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 21 1955 On a theorem of Erdős-Kac. Zbl 0083.26401 Rényi, Alfréd; Turán, Pál 21 1958 On the distribution of roots of Riemann zeta and allied functions. I. Zbl 0174.08101 Halász, Gábor; Turán, Pál 18 1969 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. III. Zbl 0391.10031 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 18 1978 On some new questions on the distribution of prime numbers. Zbl 0032.26902 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 17 1948 On interpolation. II: On the distribution of the fundamental points of Lagrange and Hermite interpolation. JFM 64.0247.01 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 16 1938 On a problem in the theory of uniform distribution. II. Zbl 0032.01601 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 16 1948 On a theorem of Hardy and Ramanujan. JFM 60.0145.02 Turán, P. 16 1934 On the theory of the mechanical quadrature. Zbl 0045.33606 Turán, Pál 16 1950 An extremal problem in the theory of interpolation. Zbl 0098.27102 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 15 1961 On the uniformly-dense distribution of certain sequences of points. JFM 66.0347.01 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 14 1940 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. II. Zbl 0371.10034 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 14 1977 Hermite-expansion and strips for zero of polynomials. Zbl 0055.01403 Turán, Pál 12 1954 A remark concerning the behaviour of a power-series on the periphery of its convergence-circle. Zbl 0084.06001 Turán, Pál 12 1958 Über einige Verallgemeinerungen eines Satzes von Hardy und Ramanujan. Zbl 0014.00901 Turán, Pál 11 1936 Comparative prime-number theory. VII: The problem of sign-changes in the general case. VIII: Chebyshev’s problem for \(k=8\). Zbl 0117.27805 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 11 1963 Gesammelte Arbeiten. Band I, II. Herausgegeben und mit Kommentaren versehen von Pál Turán. Zbl 0208.00102 Fejér, Leopold 11 1970 Notes on interpolation. IV: Inequalities. Zbl 0085.05202 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 11 1958 On a problem in the theory of determinants. Zbl 0068.24903 Turán, Pál 10 1955 Comparative prime-number theory. IV–VI: Paradigma to the general case, \(k = 8\) and \(5\). Some theorems concerning the general case. Continuation of the general case. Zbl 0117.03105 Knapowski, P.; Turán, Pál 10 1963 Über einige Verallgemeinerungen eines Satzes von Hardy und Ramanujan. JFM 62.0158.02 Turán, P. 10 1936 Applications of graph theory to geometry and potential theory. Zbl 0272.05119 Turán, Paul 10 1970 On a trigonometrical sum. Zbl 0048.30404 Turán, Pál 10 1952 Some open problems of approximation theory. Zbl 0371.41001 Turán, Paul 10 1976 Nachtrag zu meiner Abhandlung ”On some approximative Dirichlet polynomials in the theory of zeta-function of Riemann”. Zbl 0103.04503 Turán, Pál 9 1959 Remarks on the theory of diophantine approximation. Zbl 0087.04305 Erdős, Pál; Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Pál 8 1958 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. I, II, III. Zbl 0134.27702 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 8 1964 On the distribution of “digits” in Cantor-systems. Zbl 0075.25202 Turán, Pál 8 1956 Notes on interpolation. VI: On the stability of the interpolation on an infinite interval. Zbl 0088.27302 Egerváry, E.; Turán, Pál 8 1959 Über das zweite Hauptproblem der “Factorisatio Numerorum”. JFM 59.0948.05 Szekeres, George; Turán, Pál 7 1933 On the uniformly-dense distribution of certain sequences of points. Zbl 0023.02201 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Paul 7 1940 Notes on interpolation. VIII: Mean convergence in infinite intervals. Zbl 0100.28304 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 7 1961 On some problems of a statistical group theory. VII. Zbl 0247.20008 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 7 1972 On rational polynomials. Zbl 0060.05406 Turán, Pál 7 1946 On some problems in the theory of the mechanical quadrature. Zbl 0171.31102 Turán, Pál 6 1966 On a problem in the elementary theory of numbers. JFM 60.0917.05 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 6 1934 On some applications of graph theory. III. Zbl 0232.05003 Erdős, Paul; Méir, A.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 6 1972 On a problem in the elementary theory of numbers. Zbl 0010.29401 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 6 1934 Über die Primzahlen der arithmetischen Progression. JFM 63.0138.03 Turán, P. 6 1937 On some problems of a statistical group theory. V. Zbl 0223.10005 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 6 1971 On interpolation. II: On the distribution of the fundamental points of Lagrange and Hermite interpolation. Zbl 0019.40402 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 6 1938 Über lakunäre Potenzreihen. (On lacunary power series). Zbl 0063.09085 Turán, Pál 6 1956 On the monotone convergence of certain Riemann sums. Zbl 0111.25701 Szegö, Gábor; Turán, Pál 6 1961 Über Interpolation. JFM 64.0248.01 Grünwald, G.; Turán, P. 5 1938 On the remainder-term of the prime-number formula. II. Zbl 0041.37102 Turán, Pál 5 1950 Sur l’algèbre fonctionnelle. Zbl 0048.25201 Turán, Pál 5 1952 On some applications of graph theory. I. Zbl 0236.05119 Erdős, Paul; Meir, A.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 5 1972 Power sum method and the approximative solution of algebraic equations. Zbl 0293.65027 Turán, Paul 5 1975 Über die Partialsummen der Fourierreihe. Zbl 0020.01403 Turán, Pál 5 1938 On a theorem of Littlewood. Zbl 0061.06504 Turán, Pál 5 1947 Notes on interpolation. VII: Convergence in infinite intervals. Zbl 0088.27303 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 5 1959 On the constructive theory of functions. I-III. Zbl 0163.30502 Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Pál 4 1965 Über die Vereinfachung eines Landauschen Satzes. JFM 61.1056.06 Erdös, P.; Turán, P. 4 1935 On some problems of a statistical group theory. VI. Zbl 0235.10008 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 4 1971 Über die arithmetischen Mittel der Fourierreihe. Zbl 0013.11102 Turán, Pál 4 1935 On the remainder-term of the prime-number formula. I. Zbl 0040.01601 Turán, Pál 4 1950 On an improvement of some new one-sided theorems of the theory of Diophantine approximations. Zbl 0106.26302 Turán, Pál 4 1960 Über das zweite Hauptproblem der ”Factorisatio Numerorum.”. Zbl 0007.29903 Szekeres, George; Turán, Pál 4 1933 On the strong summability of Fourier series. Zbl 0031.34902 Turán, Pál 4 1948 On Lindelöf’s conjecture. Zbl 0058.06202 Turán, Pál 4 1954 A remark on Hermite-Fejer interpolation. Zbl 0103.28701 Turán, Pál 4 1961 On Lindelöf’s conjecture concerning the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0099.05701 Turán, Pál 4 1962 Notes on interpolation. IX: Approximative representation of Fourier- transform. Zbl 0142.31203 Balazs, J.; Turán, Pál 4 1965 On orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0331.42006 Turán, Pál 4 1975 Collected papers of Paul Turán. Volumes 1-3. Zbl 0703.01019 Turán, Paul 3 1990 On the approximation of piecewise analytic functions by rational functions. Zbl 0166.32402 Turán, Pál 3 1966 Collected papers of Paul Turán. Volumes 1-3. Zbl 0703.01019 Turán, Paul 3 1990 On a new method of analysis and its applications. Zbl 0544.10045 Turán, Paul 54 1984 On some open problems of approximation theory. Zbl 0454.41001 Turán, Pál 55 1980 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. III. Zbl 0391.10031 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 18 1978 On a phenomenon concerning (0,2)-interpolation. Zbl 0401.41003 Rahman, Q. I.; Schmeisser, G.; Turán, Pál 1 1978 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. I. Zbl 0371.10033 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 28 1977 On some problems of the statistical theory of partitions with application to characters of the symmetric group. II. Zbl 0371.10034 Szalay, M.; Turán, Pál 14 1977 On prime numbers \(\equiv 1\text{ resp. }3 \pmod 4\). Zbl 0374.10026 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 3 1977 Some open problems of approximation theory. Zbl 0371.41001 Turán, Paul 10 1976 Combinatorics, partitions, group theory. Zbl 0359.10041 Turán, Paul 3 1976 On the sign changes of \((\pi(x)-li\,x)\). II. Zbl 0342.10025 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1976 Selected papers of Alfred Renyi. Vol. 1: 1948-1956; Vol. 2: 1956-1961; Vol. 3: 1962-1970. Zbl 0344.01015 1 1976 Power sum method and the approximative solution of algebraic equations. Zbl 0293.65027 Turán, Paul 5 1975 On orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0331.42006 Turán, Pál 4 1975 Investigation in the power sum theory. IV. Zbl 0326.34040 Dancs, S.; Turán, Pál 2 1975 On some phenomena in the theory of partitions. Zbl 0308.10009 Turán, Paul 2 1975 On the latent roots of \(\lambda\)matrices. Zbl 0332.65020 Turán, Paul 2 1975 On a property of rational functions. Zbl 0289.30003 Rahman, Q. I.; Turán, Pál 2 1974 On some problems of a statistical group theory. VII. Zbl 0247.20008 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 7 1972 On some applications of graph theory. III. Zbl 0232.05003 Erdős, Paul; Méir, A.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 6 1972 On some applications of graph theory. I. Zbl 0236.05119 Erdős, Paul; Meir, A.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 5 1972 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. VII. Zbl 0247.10024 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1972 On some problems of a statistical group theory. V. Zbl 0223.10005 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 6 1971 On some problems of a statistical group theory. VI. Zbl 0235.10008 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 4 1971 One some general problems in the theory of partitions. I. Zbl 0217.32202 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 3 1971 On some applications of graph theory. II. Zbl 0218.52005 Erdős, Paul; Méir, A.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 3 1971 Commemoration on Stanisłlaw Knapowski. Zbl 0222.01020 Turán, Paul 1 1971 On some recent results in the analytical theory of numbers. Zbl 0216.31001 Turán, Pál 1 1971 Gesammelte Arbeiten. Band I, II. Herausgegeben und mit Kommentaren versehen von Pál Turán. Zbl 0208.00102 Fejér, Leopold 11 1970 Applications of graph theory to geometry and potential theory. Zbl 0272.05119 Turán, Paul 10 1970 On the distribution of roots of Riemann zeta and allied functions. II. Zbl 0217.31801 Halász, Gábor; Turán, Pál 2 1970 A general inequality of potential theory. Zbl 0286.31001 Turán, Paul 1 1970 Number theory. Colloquium Debrecen 1968. Zbl 0211.06901 1 1970 On some connections between combinatorics and group theory. Zbl 0228.05006 Turán, Pál 1 1970 On the distribution of roots of Riemann zeta and allied functions. I. Zbl 0174.08101 Halász, Gábor; Turán, Pál 18 1969 On some statistical properties of the alternating group of degree \(n\). Zbl 0186.04201 Dénes, József; Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 2 1969 On a certain limitation of eigenvalues of matrices. Zbl 0174.06303 Turán, Pál 1 1969 A remark on linear differential equations. Zbl 0193.04302 Turán, Pál 1 1969 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. IV. Zbl 0235.20004 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Paul 81 1968 On an inequality of Cebysev. Zbl 0172.05901 Turán, Pál 3 1968 On the twin-prime problem. III. Zbl 0192.39801 Turán, Pál 1 1968 Über einige Fragen der vergleichenden Primzahltheorie. Zbl 0213.06603 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1968 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. III. Zbl 0235.20003 Erdős, Paul; Turán, Pál 39 1967 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. II. Zbl 0189.31302 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 37 1967 Remarks on the preceding paper of J. Clunie entitled ’On equivalent power series’. Zbl 0195.08401 Turán, Pál 2 1967 On the twin-prime problem. II. Zbl 0149.29005 Turán, Pál 2 1967 On some problems of a statistical group theory. Zbl 0146.25402 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 1 1967 On some problems in the theory of the mechanical quadrature. Zbl 0171.31102 Turán, Pál 6 1966 On the approximation of piecewise analytic functions by rational functions. Zbl 0166.32402 Turán, Pál 3 1966 Über eine neue Richtung der konstruktiven Funktionentheorie. Zbl 0171.30701 Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Pál 3 1966 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. VI: Accumulation theorems for residue-classes representing quadratic residues mod \(k\). Zbl 0144.28304 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1966 On some problems of a statistical group-theory. I. Zbl 0137.25602 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 55 1965 On the constructive theory of functions. I-III. Zbl 0163.30502 Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Pál 4 1965 Notes on interpolation. IX: Approximative representation of Fourier- transform. Zbl 0142.31203 Balazs, J.; Turán, Pál 4 1965 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. V. Zbl 0135.10205 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 3 1965 On the twin-prime problem. I. Zbl 0139.27604 Turán, Pál 1 1965 On an assertion of Cebysev. Zbl 0141.04503 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1965 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. IV. Zbl 0135.10204 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1965 Further developments in the comparative prime-number theory. I, II, III. Zbl 0134.27702 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 8 1964 On the distribution of values of a class of entire functions. I, II. Zbl 0136.06201 Dancs, S.; Turán, Pál 1 1964 Comparative prime-number theory. VII: The problem of sign-changes in the general case. VIII: Chebyshev’s problem for \(k=8\). Zbl 0117.27805 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 11 1963 Comparative prime-number theory. IV–VI: Paradigma to the general case, \(k = 8\) and \(5\). Some theorems concerning the general case. Continuation of the general case. Zbl 0117.03105 Knapowski, P.; Turán, Pál 10 1963 Pal Erdős 50 Jahre. Zbl 0113.00208 Turán, Pál 1 1963 Hermite expansion and distribution of zeros of polynomials. Zbl 0123.26402 Makai, E.; Turán, Pál 1 1963 Comparative prime-number theory. I–III: Introduction. Comparison of the progressions \(\equiv 1 \bmod k\) and \(\equiv \ell\bmod k\), \(\ell\not\equiv 1 \bmod k\). Continuation of the study of comparison of the progressions \(\equiv 1 \bmod k\) and \(\equiv \ell\bmod k\). Zbl 0111.04506 Knapowski, S.; Turán, Pál 35 1962 On Lindelöf’s conjecture concerning the Riemann zeta-function. Zbl 0099.05701 Turán, Pál 4 1962 On a certain problem in the theory of power series with gaps. Zbl 0129.28901 Turán, Pál 1 1962 An extremal problem in the theory of interpolation. Zbl 0098.27102 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 15 1961 Notes on interpolation. VIII: Mean convergence in infinite intervals. Zbl 0100.28304 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 7 1961 On the monotone convergence of certain Riemann sums. Zbl 0111.25701 Szegö, Gábor; Turán, Pál 6 1961 A remark on Hermite-Fejer interpolation. Zbl 0103.28701 Turán, Pál 4 1961 On a density theorem of Yu.V. Linnik. Zbl 0146.05802 Turán, Pál 2 1961 On some further one-sided theorems of new type in the theory of diophantine approximations. Zbl 0100.03903 Turán, Pál 1 1961 On the eigenvalues of matrices. Zbl 0108.01402 Turán, Pál 1 1961 Remark on a theorem of Erhard Schmidt. Zbl 0101.04702 Turán, Pál 24 1960 On an improvement of some new one-sided theorems of the theory of Diophantine approximations. Zbl 0106.26302 Turán, Pál 4 1960 On the distribution of zeros of general exponential polynomials. Zbl 0096.03001 Turán, Pál 3 1960 A theorem on diophantine approximation with application to Riemann zeta- function. Zbl 0099.03902 Turán, Pál 2 1960 Nachtrag zu meiner Abhandlung ”On some approximative Dirichlet polynomials in the theory of zeta-function of Riemann”. Zbl 0103.04503 Turán, Pál 9 1959 Notes on interpolation. VI: On the stability of the interpolation on an infinite interval. Zbl 0088.27302 Egerváry, E.; Turán, Pál 8 1959 Notes on interpolation. VII: Convergence in infinite intervals. Zbl 0088.27303 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 5 1959 Zur Theorie der Dirichletschen Reihen. Zbl 0108.07204 Turán, Pál 1 1959 Notes on interpolation. V.: On the stability of interpolation. Zbl 0085.05203 Egerváry, E.; Turán, Pál 31 1958 Notes on interpolation. III: Convergence. Zbl 0085.05104 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 24 1958 On a theorem of Erdős-Kac. Zbl 0083.26401 Rényi, Alfréd; Turán, Pál 21 1958 A remark concerning the behaviour of a power-series on the periphery of its convergence-circle. Zbl 0084.06001 Turán, Pál 12 1958 Notes on interpolation. IV: Inequalities. Zbl 0085.05202 Balázs, J.; Turán, Pál 11 1958 Remarks on the theory of diophantine approximation. Zbl 0087.04305 Erdős, Pál; Szüsz, Péter; Turán, Pál 8 1958 On the so-called density hypothesis in the theory of the zetafunction of Riemann. Zbl 0108.07203 Turán, Pál 3 1958 Über die Potenzsummen komplexer Zahlen. Zbl 0083.26402 Turán, Pál 1 1958 Notes on interpolation. II. Zbl 0078.05401 Balazs, J.; Turán, Pál 28 1957 On the distribution of “digits” in Cantor-systems. Zbl 0075.25202 Turán, Pál 8 1956 Über lakunäre Potenzreihen. (On lacunary power series). Zbl 0063.09085 Turán, Pál 6 1956 Remark on the preceding paper of J. W. S. Cassels. (Application to approximative solution of algebraic equations.). Zbl 0073.10701 Turán, Pál 2 1956 Notes on interpolation. I. (On some interpolatorical properties of the ultraspherical polynomials). Zbl 0064.30005 Surányi, J.; Turán, Pál 30 1955 On the role of the Lebesgue functions in the theory of the Lagrange interpolation. Zbl 0064.30101 Erdős, Pál; Turán, Pál 21 1955 On some new theorems in the theory of Diophantine approximations. Zbl 0066.29304 Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 21 1955 On a problem in the theory of determinants. Zbl 0068.24903 Turán, Pál 10 1955 On a problem of K. Zarankiewicz. Zbl 0055.00704 Kövári, T.; Sós, Vera T.; Turán, Pál 358 1954 On the theory of graphs. Zbl 0055.17004 Turán, Pál 109 1954 ...and 66 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,902 Authors 58 Erdős, Pál 35 Turán, Pál 33 Gerbner, Dániel 32 Sudakov, Benny 30 Mir, Abdullah 26 Pikhurko, Oleg 25 Vértesi, Péter 24 Balogh, József 24 Varma, Arun Kumar 22 Shi, Yingguang 21 Peng, Yuejian 21 Rodl, Vojtech 19 Furedi, Zoltan 19 Mubayi, Dhruv 19 Simonovits, Miklós 18 Fox, Jacob 17 Liu, Hong 17 Pach, János 17 Pintz, Janos 16 Alon, Noga 16 Bollobás, Béla 16 Shah, Wali Mohammad 16 Vizer, Máté 15 Erdélyi, Tamás 15 Hoppen, Carlos 15 Nevai, Paul G. 15 Rather, Nisar Ahmad 14 Frankl, Péter 14 Kang, Liying 14 Lefmann, Hanno 14 Ma, Jie 14 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 13 Chanam, Barchand 13 Methuku, Abhishek 13 Samotij, Wojciech 13 Verstraëte, Jacques 12 Alzer, Horst 12 Győri, Ervin 12 Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu 12 Shi, Yongtang 12 Sós, Vera Turán 12 Szabados, Jozsef 12 Volkmann, Lutz 12 Wali, Shah Lubn 11 Conlon, David 11 Kim, Jaehoon 11 Patkós, Balázs 11 Schacht, Mathias 11 Tomon, István 11 Tuza, Zsolt 11 Yin, Jianhua 10 Blatt, Hans-Peter 10 Cilleruelo, Javier 10 Freud, Géza 10 Ge, Gennian 10 Lin, Qizhong 10 Liu, Xizhi 10 Manstavičius, Eugenijus 10 Mir, Mohd Yousf 10 Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth 10 Reiher, Christian 10 Szemerédi, Endre 9 Axenovich, Maria A. 9 Caro, Yair 9 Henning, Michael Anthony 9 Li, Yusheng 9 Nathanson, Melvyn Bernard 9 Saff, Edward Barry 9 Sárközy, András 9 Totik, Vilmos 9 Zhao, Cheng 8 Chen, Yonggao 8 Dar, Ishfaq Ahmad 8 Falgas-Ravry, Victor 8 Indlekofer, Karl-Heinz 8 Keevash, Peter 8 Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N. 8 Nikiforov, Vladimir S. 8 Palmer, Cory T. 8 Schmutz, Eric 8 Shalev, Aner 8 Tao, Terence 8 Tardos, Gábor 8 Vũ Hà Văn 7 Chen, Yaojun 7 Elliott, Peter D. T. A. 7 Elsholtz, Christian 7 Katona, Gyula O. H. 7 Kwong, Man Kam 7 Lan, Yongxin 7 Lee, Sangjune 7 Luca, Florian 7 Maróti, Attila 7 Mastroianni, Giuseppe 7 Nath, Rajat Kanti 7 Nicolas, Jean-Louis 7 Odermann, Knut 7 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 7 Pritsker, Igor E. 7 Russo, Francesco Giuseppe ...and 2,802 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 399 Serials 200 Discrete Mathematics 117 Journal of Approximation Theory 107 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 94 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 76 European Journal of Combinatorics 72 Discrete Applied Mathematics 72 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 66 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 61 Graphs and Combinatorics 57 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 55 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 53 Journal of Number Theory 50 Journal of Graph Theory 46 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 43 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 37 Combinatorica 32 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 29 Israel Journal of Mathematics 27 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 25 Discrete & Computational Geometry 25 Random Structures & Algorithms 25 Linear Algebra and its Applications 24 Mathematische Zeitschrift 22 Advances in Mathematics 21 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 21 Constructive Approximation 19 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 19 Monatshefte für Mathematik 18 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 18 Applied Mathematics and Computation 16 Mathematics of Computation 16 The Ramanujan Journal 15 Theoretical Computer Science 14 Analysis Mathematica 14 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 14 Mathematika 13 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 13 International Journal of Number Theory 12 Mathematical Notes 12 Inventiones Mathematicae 12 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 12 Integers 11 Duke Mathematical Journal 11 Advances in Applied Mathematics 10 American Mathematical Monthly 10 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 10 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 10 Archiv der Mathematik 10 Mathematische Annalen 10 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 10 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 9 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 9 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 9 Journal of Algebra 9 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 9 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 8 Information Processing Letters 8 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 8 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 8 Acta Arithmetica 8 Calcolo 8 Compositio Mathematica 8 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 8 Numerische Mathematik 8 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 8 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 7 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 7 Algorithmica 7 Aequationes Mathematicae 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 7 Experimental Mathematics 7 The Journal of Analysis 7 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 7 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 7 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 6 Results in Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 6 Annals of Combinatorics 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 6 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 6 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 6 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 6 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 5 Communications in Algebra 5 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 5 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 5 Probability Theory and Related Fields 5 Computational Geometry 5 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 5 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 5 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 5 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 5 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 5 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications ...and 299 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 1,246 Combinatorics (05-XX) 547 Number theory (11-XX) 291 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 279 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 152 Computer science (68-XX) 142 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 141 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 128 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 123 Real functions (26-XX) 105 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 102 Special functions (33-XX) 62 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 53 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 51 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 36 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 29 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 28 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 23 Geometry (51-XX) 21 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 20 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 17 History and biography (01-XX) 17 Potential theory (31-XX) 17 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 16 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 16 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 15 Measure and integration (28-XX) 15 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 14 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Functional analysis (46-XX) 12 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 12 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 11 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 11 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 11 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 10 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 9 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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