Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tutz, Gerhard E. Co-Author Distance Author ID: tutz.gerhard-e Published as: Tutz, Gerhard; Tutz, G.; Tutz, Gerhard E. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 118 Publications since 1980, including 17 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 5 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 2 Packages Co-Authors: 68 Co-Authors with 96 Joint Publications 834 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 26 single-authored 18 Fahrmeir, Ludwig 11 Künstler, Rita 11 Pigeot, Iris 8 Berger, Moritz 8 Kauermann, Goran 7 Schauberger, Gunther 5 Caputo, Angelika 5 Gertheiss, Jan 4 Groll, Andreas 4 Lang, Stefan M. 4 Oelker, Margret-Ruth 3 Boulesteix, Anne-Laure Isabeau 3 Hamerle, Alfred 3 Heinzl, Felix 3 Leitenstorfer, Florian 3 Petry, Sebastian 3 Schmid, Matthias 3 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool 2 Binder, Harald 2 Hothorn, Torsten 2 Kneib, Thomas 2 Krause, Rüdiger 2 Pößnecker, Wolfgang 2 Schneider, Micha 1 Brüderl, Josef 1 Casalicchio, Giuseppe 1 Draxler, Clemens 1 Einbeck, Jochen 1 Faisal, Shahla 1 Francis, Brian J. 1 Gilchrist, Robert 1 Groß, Herbert 1 Gürer, Can 1 Hastie, Trevor John 1 Häußler, Walter M. 1 Hechenbichler, Klaus 1 Heim, Nils 1 Hennevogl, Wolfgang 1 Iannario, Maria 1 Janitza, Silke 1 Jank, Wolfgang S. 1 Kaufmann, Heinz Leopold 1 Kemény, Peter 1 Koch, Dominik 1 Krämer, Nicole 1 Kredler, Christian 1 Mauerer, Ingrid 1 Münster, Eva 1 Osius, Gerhard 1 Ost, Friedemann 1 Pape, Heinz 1 Piccolo, Domenico 1 Pritscher, Lisa 1 Puth, Marie-Therese 1 Ramzan, Shahla 1 Reithinger, Florian 1 Robinzonov, Nikolay 1 Shafik, Nivien 1 Shmueli, Galit 1 Simone, Rosaria 1 Simonoff, Jeffrey S. 1 Slawski, Martin 1 Spiess, Martin 1 Uhlmann, Lorenz 1 van der Linde, Angelika 1 Windmann, Michael 1 Zink, Katharina 1 zu Castell, Wolfgang all top 5 Serials 12 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 8 Statistical Modelling 6 Statistics and Computing 5 International Statistical Review 5 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 5 Springer-Lehrbuch 4 Psychometrika 4 Biometrics 4 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 4 Computational Statistics 3 Biometrical Journal 3 Lifetime Data Analysis 3 Journal of Applied Statistics 3 Statistical Methods and Applications 3 Springer Series in Statistics 2 Biometrika 2 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 2 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 2 The Annals of Applied Statistics 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Journal of Classification 1 Statistics 1 Computational Statistics Quarterly 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Statistische Hefte 1 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 1 Statistica Sinica 1 ZOR. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. Statistics in Society 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 1 Biostatistics 1 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1 Angewandte Statistik und Ökonometrie 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics 1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics all top 5 Fields 117 Statistics (62-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 95 Publications have been cited 1,142 times in 867 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. 2nd ed. Zbl 0980.62052 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 195 2001 Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. With contributions by Wolfgang Hennevogl. Zbl 0809.62064 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 111 1994 Generalized additive modeling with implicit variable selection by likelihood-based boosting. Zbl 1116.62075 Tutz, Gerhard; Binder, Harald 53 2006 Regression for categorical data. Zbl 1304.62021 Tutz, Gerhard 43 2011 Generalized monotonic regression based on B-splines with an application to air pollution data. Zbl 1118.62125 Leitenstorfer, Florian; Tutz, Gerhard 37 2007 Variable selection for generalized linear mixed models by \(L_1\)-penalized estimation. Zbl 1325.62139 Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 36 2014 Sparse modeling of categorial explanatory variables. Zbl 1220.62092 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 34 2010 Modeling discrete time-to-event data. Zbl 1338.62006 Tutz, Gerhard; Schmid, Matthias 31 2016 Sequential item response models with an ordered response. Zbl 0718.62263 Tutz, Gerhard 31 1990 Variable selection and model choice in geoadditive regression models. Zbl 1167.62096 Kneib, Thomas; Hothorn, Torsten; Tutz, Gerhard 31 2009 Random effects in ordinal regression models. Zbl 0900.62379 Tutz, Gerhard; Hennevogl, Wolfgang 24 1996 On model diagnostics using varying coefficient models. Zbl 0917.62063 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 23 1999 Sequential models in categorical regression. Zbl 0850.62564 Tutz, G. 23 1991 Boosting ridge regression. Zbl 1330.62294 Tutz, Gerhard; Binder, Harald 21 2007 Penalized regression with ordinal predictors. Zbl 07882317 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 18 2009 Feature selection guided by structural information. Zbl 1194.62092 Slawski, Martin; Castell, Wolfgang Zu; Tutz, Gerhard 17 2010 Modelling beyond regression functions: an application of multimodal regression to speed-flow data. Zbl 1490.62098 Einbeck, Jochen; Tutz, Gerhard 16 2006 Dynamic stochastic models for time-dependent ordered paired comparison systems. Zbl 0809.62088 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 15 1994 Modeling of repeated ordered measurements by isotonic sequential regression. Zbl 1092.62131 Tutz, Gerhard 14 2005 A penalty approach to differential item functioning in Rasch models. Zbl 1314.62278 Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 13 2015 A uniform framework for the combination of penalties in generalized structured models. Zbl 1414.62321 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Tutz, Gerhard 13 2017 Mixture models for ordinal responses to account for uncertainty of choice. Zbl 1414.62019 Tutz, Gerhard; Schneider, Micha; Iannario, Maria; Piccolo, Domenico 12 2017 Modelling uncertainty and response styles in ordinal data. Zbl 1541.62186 Simone, Rosaria; Tutz, Gerhard 12 2018 Testing generalized linear and semiparametric models against smooth alternatives. Zbl 0980.62038 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2001 Multivariate statistische Verfahren. Unter Mitarbeit von Walter Häußler, Heinz Kaufmann, Peter Kemény, Christian Kredler, Friedemann Ost, Heinz Pape, Gerhard Tutz. Zbl 0558.62043 11 1984 Regularization and model selection with categorial effect modifiers. Zbl 1257.62078 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2012 Clustering in linear mixed models with approximate Dirichlet process mixtures using EM algorithm. Zbl 07257449 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2013 Local likelihood estimation in varying-coefficient models including additive bias correction. Zbl 0945.62044 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 10 2000 Regularization and model selection with categorical predictors and effect modifiers in generalized linear models. Zbl 07257900 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 10 2014 Rating scales as predictors – the old question of scale level and some answers. Zbl 1308.62151 Tutz, Gerhard; Gertheiss, Jan 10 2014 Knot selection by boosting techniques. Zbl 1162.62337 Leitenstorfer, Florian; Tutz, Gerhard 9 2007 Extended ordered paired comparison models with application to football data from German Bundesliga. Zbl 1443.62537 Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 9 2015 Variable selection in general multinomial logit models. Zbl 1507.62170 Tutz, Gerhard; Pößnecker, Wolfgang; Uhlmann, Lorenz 9 2015 Random forest for ordinal responses: prediction and variable selection. Zbl 1468.62089 Janitza, Silke; Tutz, Gerhard; Boulesteix, Anne-Laure 8 2016 Bradley-Terry-Luce models with an ordered response. Zbl 0606.62070 Tutz, Gerhard 8 1986 Multivariate statistical methods. 2., überarb. Aufl. (Multivariate statistische Verfahren. Unter Mitarbeit von Wolfgang Brachinger, Walter Häußler, Heinz Kaufmann, Peter Kemény, Christian Kredler, Willi Nagl, Friedemann Ost, Heinz Pape.) Zbl 0861.62038 7 1996 Smoothing methods for discrete data. Zbl 0980.62030 Simonoff, Jeffrey S.; Tutz, Gerhard 7 2000 Generalized semiparametrically structured ordinal models. Zbl 1210.62101 Tutz, Gerhard 7 2003 Clustering in linear-mixed models with a group fused lasso penalty. Zbl 1280.62076 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 7 2014 Modelling clustered heterogeneity: fixed effects, random effects and mixtures. Zbl 07763545 Tutz, Gerhard; Oelker, Margret-Ruth 7 2017 Modelling price paths in on-line auctions: smoothing sparse and unevenly sampled curves by using semiparametric mixed models. Zbl 1366.62264 Reithinger, Florian; Jank, Wolfgang; Tutz, Gerhard; Shmueli, Galit 6 2008 Boosting nonlinear additive autoregressive time series. Zbl 1453.62194 Shafik, Nivien; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2009 Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga. Zbl 1516.62589 Schauberger, Gunther; Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2018 An alternative choice of smoothing for kernel-based density estimates in discrete discriminant analysis. Zbl 0604.62031 Tutz, Gerhard 6 1986 Subject-specific modelling of paired comparison data: a Lasso-type penalty approach. Zbl 07289487 Schauberger, Gunther; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2017 Smoothed additive estimators for non-error rates in multiple discriminant analysis. Zbl 0556.62039 Tutz, Gerhard E. 5 1985 The survival of newly founded firms: a case-study into varying-coefficient models. Zbl 1100.62102 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard; Brüderl, Josef 5 2005 Statistical modelling and regression structures. Festschrift in honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir. Zbl 1186.62094 5 2010 Generalized linear random effects models with varying coefficients. Zbl 1429.62329 Tutz, Gerhard; Kauermann, Göran 5 2003 Tree-structured modelling of varying coefficients. Zbl 1430.62164 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard; Schmid, Matthias 5 2019 Ordinal regression: a review and a taxonomy of models. Zbl 1544.62149 Tutz, Gerhard 5 2022 Ridge estimation for multinomial logit models with symmetric side constraints. Zbl 1305.65087 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 5 2013 Multinomial logit models with implicit variable selection. Zbl 1306.62169 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 5 2013 Semiparametric modelling of multicategorical data. Zbl 1048.62047 Tutz, G.; Scholz, T. 4 2004 Nonparametric estimation of the link function including variable selection. Zbl 1322.62003 Tutz, Gerhard; Petry, Sebastian 4 2012 Response shrinkage estimators in binary regression. Zbl 1445.62197 Tutz, Gerhard; Leitenstorfer, Florian 4 2006 Tree-structured clustering in fixed effects models. Zbl 07498955 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard 4 2018 Selection of effects in Cox frailty models by regularization methods. Zbl 1522.62137 Groll, Andreas; Hastie, Trevor; Tutz, Gerhard 4 2017 Nonparametric estimation of discrete hazard functions. Zbl 0862.62039 Tutz, Gerhard; Pritscher, Lisa 3 1996 Advances in GLIM and statistical modelling. Proceedings of the GLIM ’92 conference and the 7th international workshop on statistical modelling, Munich, Germany, 13-17 July, 1992. Zbl 0771.00027 3 1992 Item-focussed trees for the identification of items in differential item functioning. Zbl 1345.62164 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 3 2016 Variable selection in discrete survival models including heterogeneity. Zbl 1383.62212 Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 3 2017 Generalized semiparametrically structured mixed models. Zbl 1429.62328 Tutz, Gerhard 3 2004 On association in regression: the coefficient of determination revisited. Zbl 1148.62058 van der Linde, Angelika; Tutz, Gerhard 3 2008 Improved methods for the imputation of missing data by nearest neighbor methods. Zbl 1468.62198 Tutz, Gerhard; Ramzan, Shahla 3 2015 On cross-validation for discrete kernel estimates in discrimination. Zbl 0696.62178 Tutz, Gerhard 3 1989 Smoothing for discrete kernels in discrimination. Zbl 0693.62049 Tutz, Gerhard 3 1988 Subject-specific Bradley-Terry-Luce models with implicit variable selection. Zbl 07259001 Casalicchio, Giuseppe; Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 3 2015 Hierarchical models for the analysis of Likert scales in regression and item response analysis. Zbl 1531.62100 Tutz, Gerhard 3 2021 Generalized additive models with unknown link function including variable selection. Zbl 1516.62630 Tutz, Gerhard; Petry, Sebastian 3 2016 Tree-based modeling of time-varying coefficients in discrete time-to-event models. Zbl 1458.62219 Puth, Marie-Therese; Tutz, Gerhard; Heim, Nils; Münster, Eva; Schmid, Matthias; Berger, Moritz 3 2020 Tree-structured modelling of categorical predictors in generalized additive regression. Zbl 1416.62364 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 3 2018 Consistency of cross-validatory choice of smoothing parameters for direct kernel estimates. Zbl 0741.62041 Tutz, G. 2 1991 Models for categorical data with ordinal scale level: parametric and nonparametric approaches. (Modelle für kategoriale Daten mit ordinalem Skalenniveau: parametrische und nonparametrische Ansätze.) Zbl 0766.62001 Tutz, Gerhard 2 1990 Smoothing for categorical data: Discrete kernel regression and local likelihood approaches. Zbl 0896.62035 Tutz, Gerhard 2 1996 Alternative measures of the explanatory power of general multivariate regression models. Zbl 1093.91061 Spiess, Martin; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2004 Additive mixed models with approximate Dirichlet process mixtures: the EM approach. Zbl 1342.62106 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2016 Identification of interaction patterns and classification with applications to microarray data. Zbl 1431.62260 Boulesteix, Anne-Laure; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2006 Transition models for count data: a flexible alternative to fixed distribution models. Zbl 1477.62189 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2021 Flexible uncertainty in mixture models for ordinal responses. Zbl 1516.62631 Tutz, Gerhard; Schneider, Micha 2 2019 Log-linear parameterizations in discriminant analysis. Zbl 0699.62061 Tutz, G. 2 1990 Boosting techniques for nonlinear time series models. Zbl 1443.62286 Robinzonov, Nikolay; Tutz, Gerhard; Hothorn, Torsten 2 2012 Detection of differential item functioning in Rasch models by boosting techniques. Zbl 1406.91379 Schauberger, Gunther; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2016 Aggregating classifier with ordinal response structure. Zbl 1061.62092 Tutz, Gerhard; Hechenbichler, Klaus 1 2005 Statistics. The way to data analysis. 5th, revised ed. (Statistik. Der Weg zur Datenanalyse.) Zbl 1048.62002 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Künstler, Rita; Pigeot, Iris; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2004 Comparison of maximum likelihood with conditional pairwise likelihood estimation of person parameters in the Rasch model. Zbl 1346.62048 Draxler, Clemens; Tutz, Gerhard; Zink, Katharina; Gürer, Can 1 2016 Goodness of fit tests for probabilistic measurement models. Zbl 0435.92028 Hamerle, Alfred; Tutz, Gerhard 1 1980 Tree-structured scale effects in binary and ordinal regression. Zbl 1475.62062 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 1 2021 Ordinal trees and random forests: score-free recursive partitioning and improved ensembles. Zbl 07577559 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2022 Shrinkage and variable selection by polytopes. Zbl 1368.62207 Petry, Sebastian; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2012 On the structure of ordered latent trait models. Zbl 1448.91249 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2020 Proportional odds models with high-dimensional data structure. Zbl 1416.62411 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2013 Selection and fusion of categorical predictors with \(L_0\)-type penalties. Zbl 07258995 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Pößnecker, Wolfgang; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2015 Missing value imputation for gene expression data by tailored nearest neighbors. Zbl 1371.92048 Faisal, Shahla; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2017 Modelling heterogeneity: on the problem of group comparisons with logistic regression and the potential of the heterogeneous choice model. Zbl 1474.62279 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2020 Ordinal regression: a review and a taxonomy of models. Zbl 1544.62149 Tutz, Gerhard 5 2022 Ordinal trees and random forests: score-free recursive partitioning and improved ensembles. Zbl 07577559 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2022 Hierarchical models for the analysis of Likert scales in regression and item response analysis. Zbl 1531.62100 Tutz, Gerhard 3 2021 Transition models for count data: a flexible alternative to fixed distribution models. Zbl 1477.62189 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2021 Tree-structured scale effects in binary and ordinal regression. Zbl 1475.62062 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 1 2021 Tree-based modeling of time-varying coefficients in discrete time-to-event models. Zbl 1458.62219 Puth, Marie-Therese; Tutz, Gerhard; Heim, Nils; Münster, Eva; Schmid, Matthias; Berger, Moritz 3 2020 On the structure of ordered latent trait models. Zbl 1448.91249 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2020 Modelling heterogeneity: on the problem of group comparisons with logistic regression and the potential of the heterogeneous choice model. Zbl 1474.62279 Tutz, Gerhard 1 2020 Tree-structured modelling of varying coefficients. Zbl 1430.62164 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard; Schmid, Matthias 5 2019 Flexible uncertainty in mixture models for ordinal responses. Zbl 1516.62631 Tutz, Gerhard; Schneider, Micha 2 2019 Modelling uncertainty and response styles in ordinal data. Zbl 1541.62186 Simone, Rosaria; Tutz, Gerhard 12 2018 Analysis of the importance of on-field covariates in the German Bundesliga. Zbl 1516.62589 Schauberger, Gunther; Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2018 Tree-structured clustering in fixed effects models. Zbl 07498955 Berger, Moritz; Tutz, Gerhard 4 2018 Tree-structured modelling of categorical predictors in generalized additive regression. Zbl 1416.62364 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 3 2018 A uniform framework for the combination of penalties in generalized structured models. Zbl 1414.62321 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Tutz, Gerhard 13 2017 Mixture models for ordinal responses to account for uncertainty of choice. Zbl 1414.62019 Tutz, Gerhard; Schneider, Micha; Iannario, Maria; Piccolo, Domenico 12 2017 Modelling clustered heterogeneity: fixed effects, random effects and mixtures. Zbl 07763545 Tutz, Gerhard; Oelker, Margret-Ruth 7 2017 Subject-specific modelling of paired comparison data: a Lasso-type penalty approach. Zbl 07289487 Schauberger, Gunther; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2017 Selection of effects in Cox frailty models by regularization methods. Zbl 1522.62137 Groll, Andreas; Hastie, Trevor; Tutz, Gerhard 4 2017 Variable selection in discrete survival models including heterogeneity. Zbl 1383.62212 Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 3 2017 Missing value imputation for gene expression data by tailored nearest neighbors. Zbl 1371.92048 Faisal, Shahla; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2017 Modeling discrete time-to-event data. Zbl 1338.62006 Tutz, Gerhard; Schmid, Matthias 31 2016 Random forest for ordinal responses: prediction and variable selection. Zbl 1468.62089 Janitza, Silke; Tutz, Gerhard; Boulesteix, Anne-Laure 8 2016 Item-focussed trees for the identification of items in differential item functioning. Zbl 1345.62164 Tutz, Gerhard; Berger, Moritz 3 2016 Generalized additive models with unknown link function including variable selection. Zbl 1516.62630 Tutz, Gerhard; Petry, Sebastian 3 2016 Additive mixed models with approximate Dirichlet process mixtures: the EM approach. Zbl 1342.62106 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2016 Detection of differential item functioning in Rasch models by boosting techniques. Zbl 1406.91379 Schauberger, Gunther; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2016 Comparison of maximum likelihood with conditional pairwise likelihood estimation of person parameters in the Rasch model. Zbl 1346.62048 Draxler, Clemens; Tutz, Gerhard; Zink, Katharina; Gürer, Can 1 2016 A penalty approach to differential item functioning in Rasch models. Zbl 1314.62278 Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 13 2015 Extended ordered paired comparison models with application to football data from German Bundesliga. Zbl 1443.62537 Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 9 2015 Variable selection in general multinomial logit models. Zbl 1507.62170 Tutz, Gerhard; Pößnecker, Wolfgang; Uhlmann, Lorenz 9 2015 Improved methods for the imputation of missing data by nearest neighbor methods. Zbl 1468.62198 Tutz, Gerhard; Ramzan, Shahla 3 2015 Subject-specific Bradley-Terry-Luce models with implicit variable selection. Zbl 07259001 Casalicchio, Giuseppe; Tutz, Gerhard; Schauberger, Gunther 3 2015 Selection and fusion of categorical predictors with \(L_0\)-type penalties. Zbl 07258995 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Pößnecker, Wolfgang; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2015 Variable selection for generalized linear mixed models by \(L_1\)-penalized estimation. Zbl 1325.62139 Groll, Andreas; Tutz, Gerhard 36 2014 Regularization and model selection with categorical predictors and effect modifiers in generalized linear models. Zbl 07257900 Oelker, Margret-Ruth; Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 10 2014 Rating scales as predictors – the old question of scale level and some answers. Zbl 1308.62151 Tutz, Gerhard; Gertheiss, Jan 10 2014 Clustering in linear-mixed models with a group fused lasso penalty. Zbl 1280.62076 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 7 2014 Clustering in linear mixed models with approximate Dirichlet process mixtures using EM algorithm. Zbl 07257449 Heinzl, Felix; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2013 Ridge estimation for multinomial logit models with symmetric side constraints. Zbl 1305.65087 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 5 2013 Multinomial logit models with implicit variable selection. Zbl 1306.62169 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 5 2013 Proportional odds models with high-dimensional data structure. Zbl 1416.62411 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2013 Regularization and model selection with categorial effect modifiers. Zbl 1257.62078 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2012 Nonparametric estimation of the link function including variable selection. Zbl 1322.62003 Tutz, Gerhard; Petry, Sebastian 4 2012 Boosting techniques for nonlinear time series models. Zbl 1443.62286 Robinzonov, Nikolay; Tutz, Gerhard; Hothorn, Torsten 2 2012 Shrinkage and variable selection by polytopes. Zbl 1368.62207 Petry, Sebastian; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2012 Regression for categorical data. Zbl 1304.62021 Tutz, Gerhard 43 2011 Sparse modeling of categorial explanatory variables. Zbl 1220.62092 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 34 2010 Feature selection guided by structural information. Zbl 1194.62092 Slawski, Martin; Castell, Wolfgang Zu; Tutz, Gerhard 17 2010 Statistical modelling and regression structures. Festschrift in honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir. Zbl 1186.62094 5 2010 Variable selection and model choice in geoadditive regression models. Zbl 1167.62096 Kneib, Thomas; Hothorn, Torsten; Tutz, Gerhard 31 2009 Penalized regression with ordinal predictors. Zbl 07882317 Gertheiss, Jan; Tutz, Gerhard 18 2009 Boosting nonlinear additive autoregressive time series. Zbl 1453.62194 Shafik, Nivien; Tutz, Gerhard 6 2009 Modelling price paths in on-line auctions: smoothing sparse and unevenly sampled curves by using semiparametric mixed models. Zbl 1366.62264 Reithinger, Florian; Jank, Wolfgang; Tutz, Gerhard; Shmueli, Galit 6 2008 On association in regression: the coefficient of determination revisited. Zbl 1148.62058 van der Linde, Angelika; Tutz, Gerhard 3 2008 Generalized monotonic regression based on B-splines with an application to air pollution data. Zbl 1118.62125 Leitenstorfer, Florian; Tutz, Gerhard 37 2007 Boosting ridge regression. Zbl 1330.62294 Tutz, Gerhard; Binder, Harald 21 2007 Knot selection by boosting techniques. Zbl 1162.62337 Leitenstorfer, Florian; Tutz, Gerhard 9 2007 Generalized additive modeling with implicit variable selection by likelihood-based boosting. Zbl 1116.62075 Tutz, Gerhard; Binder, Harald 53 2006 Modelling beyond regression functions: an application of multimodal regression to speed-flow data. Zbl 1490.62098 Einbeck, Jochen; Tutz, Gerhard 16 2006 Response shrinkage estimators in binary regression. Zbl 1445.62197 Tutz, Gerhard; Leitenstorfer, Florian 4 2006 Identification of interaction patterns and classification with applications to microarray data. Zbl 1431.62260 Boulesteix, Anne-Laure; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2006 Modeling of repeated ordered measurements by isotonic sequential regression. Zbl 1092.62131 Tutz, Gerhard 14 2005 The survival of newly founded firms: a case-study into varying-coefficient models. Zbl 1100.62102 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard; Brüderl, Josef 5 2005 Aggregating classifier with ordinal response structure. Zbl 1061.62092 Tutz, Gerhard; Hechenbichler, Klaus 1 2005 Semiparametric modelling of multicategorical data. Zbl 1048.62047 Tutz, G.; Scholz, T. 4 2004 Generalized semiparametrically structured mixed models. Zbl 1429.62328 Tutz, Gerhard 3 2004 Alternative measures of the explanatory power of general multivariate regression models. Zbl 1093.91061 Spiess, Martin; Tutz, Gerhard 2 2004 Statistics. The way to data analysis. 5th, revised ed. (Statistik. Der Weg zur Datenanalyse.) Zbl 1048.62002 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Künstler, Rita; Pigeot, Iris; Tutz, Gerhard 1 2004 Generalized semiparametrically structured ordinal models. Zbl 1210.62101 Tutz, Gerhard 7 2003 Generalized linear random effects models with varying coefficients. Zbl 1429.62329 Tutz, Gerhard; Kauermann, Göran 5 2003 Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. 2nd ed. Zbl 0980.62052 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 195 2001 Testing generalized linear and semiparametric models against smooth alternatives. Zbl 0980.62038 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 11 2001 Local likelihood estimation in varying-coefficient models including additive bias correction. Zbl 0945.62044 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 10 2000 Smoothing methods for discrete data. Zbl 0980.62030 Simonoff, Jeffrey S.; Tutz, Gerhard 7 2000 On model diagnostics using varying coefficient models. Zbl 0917.62063 Kauermann, Göran; Tutz, Gerhard 23 1999 Random effects in ordinal regression models. Zbl 0900.62379 Tutz, Gerhard; Hennevogl, Wolfgang 24 1996 Multivariate statistical methods. 2., überarb. Aufl. (Multivariate statistische Verfahren. Unter Mitarbeit von Wolfgang Brachinger, Walter Häußler, Heinz Kaufmann, Peter Kemény, Christian Kredler, Willi Nagl, Friedemann Ost, Heinz Pape.) Zbl 0861.62038 7 1996 Nonparametric estimation of discrete hazard functions. Zbl 0862.62039 Tutz, Gerhard; Pritscher, Lisa 3 1996 Smoothing for categorical data: Discrete kernel regression and local likelihood approaches. Zbl 0896.62035 Tutz, Gerhard 2 1996 Multivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models. With contributions by Wolfgang Hennevogl. Zbl 0809.62064 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 111 1994 Dynamic stochastic models for time-dependent ordered paired comparison systems. Zbl 0809.62088 Fahrmeir, Ludwig; Tutz, Gerhard 15 1994 Advances in GLIM and statistical modelling. Proceedings of the GLIM ’92 conference and the 7th international workshop on statistical modelling, Munich, Germany, 13-17 July, 1992. Zbl 0771.00027 3 1992 Sequential models in categorical regression. Zbl 0850.62564 Tutz, G. 23 1991 Consistency of cross-validatory choice of smoothing parameters for direct kernel estimates. Zbl 0741.62041 Tutz, G. 2 1991 Sequential item response models with an ordered response. Zbl 0718.62263 Tutz, Gerhard 31 1990 Models for categorical data with ordinal scale level: parametric and nonparametric approaches. (Modelle für kategoriale Daten mit ordinalem Skalenniveau: parametrische und nonparametrische Ansätze.) Zbl 0766.62001 Tutz, Gerhard 2 1990 Log-linear parameterizations in discriminant analysis. Zbl 0699.62061 Tutz, G. 2 1990 On cross-validation for discrete kernel estimates in discrimination. Zbl 0696.62178 Tutz, Gerhard 3 1989 Smoothing for discrete kernels in discrimination. Zbl 0693.62049 Tutz, Gerhard 3 1988 Bradley-Terry-Luce models with an ordered response. Zbl 0606.62070 Tutz, Gerhard 8 1986 An alternative choice of smoothing for kernel-based density estimates in discrete discriminant analysis. Zbl 0604.62031 Tutz, Gerhard 6 1986 Smoothed additive estimators for non-error rates in multiple discriminant analysis. Zbl 0556.62039 Tutz, Gerhard E. 5 1985 Multivariate statistische Verfahren. Unter Mitarbeit von Walter Häußler, Heinz Kaufmann, Peter Kemény, Christian Kredler, Friedemann Ost, Heinz Pape, Gerhard Tutz. Zbl 0558.62043 11 1984 Goodness of fit tests for probabilistic measurement models. Zbl 0435.92028 Hamerle, Alfred; Tutz, Gerhard 1 1980 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,609 Authors 64 Tutz, Gerhard E. 20 Kneib, Thomas 16 Berger, Moritz 14 Schmid, Matthias 13 Fokianos, Konstantinos 12 Iannario, Maria 10 Fahrmeir, Ludwig 10 Lang, Stefan M. 10 Rue, Håvard 9 Agresti, Alan 9 Ganjali, Mojtaba 9 Kauermann, Goran 9 Mayr, Andreas 9 Piccolo, Domenico 9 Simone, Rosaria 8 Groll, Andreas 8 Hofner, Benjamin 8 Hothorn, Torsten 8 Marra, Giampiero 8 Schauberger, Gunther 7 Gertheiss, Jan 7 Molenberghs, Geert 6 Bahrami Samani, Ehsan 6 Binder, Harald 6 Radice, Rosalba 6 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra 6 Zahid, Faisal Maqbool 5 Boulesteix, Anne-Laure Isabeau 5 De Boeck, Paul 5 Held, Leonhard 5 Kateri, Maria 5 Li, Chin-Shang 5 Liu, Ivy 5 Mukhopadhyay, Siuli 5 Yue, Yu Ryan 4 Augustin, Thomas 4 Choi, Hosik 4 Colombi, Roberto 4 Giordano, Sabrina 4 Hossain, Shakhawat 4 Li, Qi 4 Lindgren, Finn 4 Oelker, Margret-Ruth 4 Paninski, Liam 4 Paula, Gilberto Alvarenga 4 Song, Peter Xue-Kun 4 Triantafyllopoulos, Kostas 4 Waldmann, Elisabeth 4 Wand, Matthew P. 4 Zhang, Huiming 3 Adebayo, Samson B. 3 Böckenholt, Ulf 3 Bondell, Howard D. 3 Bry, Xavier 3 Chen, Yunxiao 3 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 3 Crook, Jonathan N. 3 Draper, Norman R. 3 Durante, Daniele 3 Eilers, Paul H. C. 3 Einbeck, Jochen 3 Greven, Sonja 3 Griesbach, Colin 3 Hepp, Tobias 3 Heumann, Christian 3 Huang, Xianzheng 3 Ip, Edward Haksing 3 Jansen, Ivy 3 Johnson, Timothy R. 3 Kedem, Benjamin 3 Kiessé, Tristan Senga 3 Lee, Sangyeol 3 Lovison, Gianfranco 3 Mammen, Enno 3 Mkhadri, Abdallah 3 Otto-Sobotka, Fabian 3 Porzelius, Christine 3 Razie, Farzaneh 3 Rijmen, Frank 3 Samani, E. Bahrami 3 Scheipl, Fabian 3 Schumacher, Martin 3 Şentürk, Damla 3 Sperlich, Stefan 3 Trottier, Catherine 3 Umlauf, Nikolaus 3 van der Ark, L. Andries 3 Viallon, Vivian 3 Wagner, Helga 3 Wüthrich, Mario Valentin 3 Yao, Weixin 3 Yin, Changming 2 Aerts, Marc 2 Ahmadian, Yashar 2 Ai, Mingyao 2 Antoniadis, Anestis 2 Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. 2 Arjas, Elja 2 Attanasio, Massimo 2 Bacci, Silvia ...and 1,509 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 133 Serials 93 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 40 Statistical Modelling 37 Psychometrika 28 Statistics and Computing 27 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 26 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 26 Journal of Applied Statistics 23 Biometrics 23 Statistics in Medicine 21 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 20 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 19 The Annals of Applied Statistics 18 Biometrical Journal 18 Computational Statistics 18 Statistical Methods and Applications 17 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 16 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 16 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 15 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 15 Journal of the American Statistical Association 13 International Statistical Review 13 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 11 Statistics 11 Statistical Papers 11 Electronic Journal of Statistics 10 Statistical Science 10 Test 9 Statistics & Probability Letters 9 The International Journal of Biostatistics 8 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 8 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 8 Journal of Time Series Analysis 8 Lifetime Data Analysis 8 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 7 The Annals of Statistics 7 Metron 7 Journal of Classification 7 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 7 Stat 6 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 6 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 5 Journal of Econometrics 5 European Journal of Operational Research 4 The American Statistician 4 Metrika 4 Statistica Neerlandica 4 Pattern Recognition 4 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 4 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 4 Sankhyā. Series B 3 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 3 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 3 Statistica Sinica 3 Journal of Computational Neuroscience 3 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 3 Statistics Surveys 3 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 3 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 3 Environmetrics 2 Technometrics 2 Econometric Reviews 2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Machine Learning 2 Neural Computation 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 2 Econometric Theory 2 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2 AStA. Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 2 Journal of Forecasting 2 Statistical Methodology 2 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 2 Chilean Journal of Statistics 2 Bayesian Analysis 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Econometrica 1 International Economic Review 1 South African Statistical Journal 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Revue de Statistique Appliquée 1 Revista Colombiana de Estadística 1 Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Economics Letters 1 Godishnik na Sofiĭskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski”. Fakultet po Matematika i Informatika 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1 Complexity ...and 33 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 831 Statistics (62-XX) 103 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 40 Computer science (68-XX) 33 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 27 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 24 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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