Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Tyler, David Edward Co-Author Distance Author ID: tyler.david-e Published as: Tyler, David E.; Tyler, David; Tyler, D. E.; Tyler, D.; Tyler, David. E. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 55 Publications since 1981, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Software Indexed: 3 Packages Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 40 Co-Authors with 47 Joint Publications 1,440 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 6 Oja, Hannu 5 Nordhausen, Klaus 5 Stoffer, David S. 4 Kent, John T. 4 Ollila, Esa 4 Vogel, Daniel 3 Chen, Zhiqiang 3 Dürre, Alexander 3 Fernholz, Luisa T. 3 Mendes, Beatriz Vaz de Melo 2 Boente, Graciela 2 Carroll, Raymond James 2 Dümbgen, Lutz 2 Eaton, Morris L. 2 Magyar, Andrew F. 2 McDougall, Andrew J. 2 Raninen, Elias 2 Taskinen, Sara 2 Yi, Mengxi 1 Bali, Juan Lucas 1 Berrendero, Jose Ramon 1 Comaniciu, Dorin 1 Critchley, Frank 1 Davies, Patrick Laurie 1 Field, Christopher S. 1 Gather, Ursula 1 Genton, Marc G. 1 Guttman, Irwin 1 Hampel, Frank R. 1 He, Xuming 1 Koivunen, Visa 1 Lucas, André 1 Meer, Peter 1 Menzefricke, Ulrich 1 Miettinen, Jari 1 Ombao, Hernando C. 1 Poor, Harold Vincent 1 Rousseeuw, Peter J. 1 Salibian-Barrera, Matias 1 Sirkiä, Seija 1 Tatsuoka, Kay S. 1 Turrin Fernholz, Luisa 1 Vardi, Yehuda 1 Virta, Joni 1 Wang, Jane-Ling 1 Wendt, David A. 1 Yohai, Victor all top 5 Serials 15 The Annals of Statistics 9 Biometrika 5 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 5 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Statistics & Probability Letters 3 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 1 Psychometrika 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 Statistical Science 1 REBRAPE 1 Estadística 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Pattern Recognition Letters 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1 Sankhyā. Series B all top 5 Fields 53 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 52 Publications have been cited 1,102 times in 676 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A distribution-free M-estimator of multivariate scatter. Zbl 0628.62053 Tyler, David E. 169 1987 Asymptotic inference for eigenvectors. Zbl 0474.62051 Tyler, David E. 59 1981 Robustness and efficiency properties of scatter matrices. Zbl 0536.62042 Tyler, David E. 55 1983 Redescending \(M\)-estimates of multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0763.62030 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 52 1991 Invariant co-ordinate selection (with discussion). Zbl 1250.62032 Tyler, David E.; Critchley, Frank; Dümbgen, Lutz; Oja, Hannu 51 2009 On the uniqueness of \(S\)-functionals and \(M\)-functionals under nonelliptical distributions. Zbl 1105.62347 Tatsuoka, Kay S.; Tyler, David E. 48 2000 Statistical analysis for the angular central Gaussian distribution on the sphere. Zbl 0628.62054 Tyler, David E. 48 1987 Robust functional principal components: a projection-pursuit approach. Zbl 1246.62145 Bali, Juan Lucas; Boente, Graciela; Tyler, David E.; Wang, Jane-Ling 47 2011 Finite sample breakdown points of projection based multivariate location and scatter statistics. Zbl 0815.62015 Tyler, David E. 45 1994 Breakdown and groups. (With discussions and rejoinder). Zbl 1077.62041 Davies, P. Laurie; Gather, Ursula 45 2005 Radial estimates and the test for sphericity. Zbl 0501.62041 Tyler, David E. 44 1982 Constrained \(M\)-estimation for multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0862.62048 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 40 1996 On Wielandt’s inequality and its application to the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix. Zbl 0742.62015 Eaton, Morris L.; Tyler, David E. 38 1991 A curious likelihood identity for the multivariate T-distribution. Zbl 0825.62035 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E.; Vardi, Yehuda 37 1994 The asymptotic distribution of singular values with applications to canonical correlations and correspondence analysis. Zbl 0805.62020 Eaton, Morris L.; Tyler, David 35 1994 On the breakdown properties of some multivariate \(M\)-functions. Zbl 1089.62056 Dümbgen, Lutz; Tyler, David 28 2005 A cautionary note on robust covariance plug-in methods. Zbl 1452.62416 Nordhausen, Klaus; Tyler, David E. 22 2015 A characterization of elliptical distributions and some optimality properties of principal components for functional data. Zbl 1298.62093 Boente, Graciela; Salibián Barrera, Matías; Tyler, David E. 19 2014 Complex elliptically symmetric distributions: survey, new results and applications. Zbl 1393.94384 Ollila, Esa; Tyler, David E.; Koivunen, Visa; Poor, H. Vincent 16 2012 The influence function and maximum bias of Tukey’s median. Zbl 1015.62058 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 15 2002 The asymptotic distribution of principal component roots under local alternatives to multiple roots. Zbl 0546.62007 Tyler, David E. 14 1983 Constrained M-estimation for regression. Zbl 0839.62031 Mendes, Beatriz; Tyler, David E. 14 1996 Spectral analysis for categorical time series: Scaling and the spectral envelope. Zbl 0797.62081 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E.; McDougall, Andrew J. 14 1993 The spatial sign covariance matrix with unknown location. Zbl 1292.62079 Dürre, Alexander; Vogel, Daniel; Tyler, David E. 13 2014 Tests and estimates of shape based on spatial signs and ranks. Zbl 1359.62150 Sirkiä, Seija; Taskinen, Sara; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 12 2009 A note on multivariate location and scatter statistics for sparse data sets. Zbl 1201.62065 Tyler, David E. 12 2010 The spectral envelope and its applications. Zbl 1059.62587 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E.; Wendt, David A. 11 2000 On the eigenvalues of the spatial sign covariance matrix in more than two dimensions. Zbl 1341.62118 Dürre, Alexander; Tyler, David E.; Vogel, Daniel 11 2016 The asymptotic inadmissibility of the spatial sign covariance matrix for elliptically symmetric distributions. Zbl 1335.62028 Magyar, Andrew F.; Tyler, David E. 11 2014 A class of asymptotic tests for principal component vectors. Zbl 0544.62053 Tyler, David E. 11 1983 The asymptotic efficiency of the spatial median for elliptically symmetric distributions. Zbl 1268.62051 Magyar, Andrew; Tyler, David E. 11 2011 On the maximum bias functions of \(MM\)-estimates and constrained \(M\)-estimates of regression. Zbl 1114.62030 Berrendero, José R.; Mendes, Beatriz V. M.; Tyler, David E. 9 2007 Asymptotic and bootstrap tests for subspace dimension. Zbl 1493.62317 Nordhausen, Klaus; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 9 2022 Some results on the existence, uniqueness, and computation of the M- estimates of multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0648.65098 Tyler, David E. 8 1988 On the behavior of Tukey’s depth and median under symmetric stable distributions. Zbl 1040.62038 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 7 2004 Regularized \(M\)-estimators of scatter matrix. Zbl 1394.94435 Ollila, Esa; Tyler, David E. 7 2014 High breakdown point multivariate M-estimation. Zbl 1034.62048 Tyler, David E. 6 2002 Robust estimators for nondecomposable elliptical graphical models. Zbl 1306.62121 Vogel, D.; Tyler, D. E. 6 2014 On the optimality of the simultaneous redundancy transformations. Zbl 0543.62047 Tyler, David E. 5 1982 On the finite sample breakdown points of redescending \(M\)-estimates of location. Zbl 1062.62037 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 5 2004 Regularity and uniqueness for constrained \(M\)-estimates and redescending \(M\)-estimates. Zbl 1029.62029 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 5 2001 On the efficiency of invariant multivariate sign and rank tests. Zbl 1145.62341 Nordhausen, Klaus; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 4 2006 On the computation of symmetrized M-estimators of scatter. Zbl 1356.62067 Miettinen, Jari; Nordhausen, Klaus; Taskinen, Sara; Tyler, David E. 4 2016 Matching sequences: Cross-spectral analysis of categorical time series. Zbl 0904.62106 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E. 3 1998 Optimal transformations and the spectral envelope for real-valued time series. Zbl 1030.62533 McDougall, A. J.; Stoffer, D. S.; Tyler, D. E. 3 1997 Linear pooling of sample covariance matrices. Zbl 1548.62179 Raninen, Elias; Tyler, David E.; Ollila, Esa 3 2022 Magnitudinal effects in the normal multivariate model. Zbl 0617.62033 Guttman, Irwin; Menzefricke, U.; Tyler, David 2 1986 Dissimilarity computation through low rank corrections. Zbl 1055.68050 Comaniciu, Dorin; Meer, Peter; Tyler, David 2 2003 Lassoing eigenvalues. Zbl 1441.62189 Tyler, David E.; Yi, Mengxi 2 2020 Bias robustness of the \(CM\)-estimates of location and scale. Zbl 0917.62027 Mendes, Beatriz Vaz de Melo; Tyler, David E. 1 1998 Local spectral envelope: An approach using dyadic tree-based adaptive segmentation. Zbl 0991.62090 Stoffer, David S.; Ombao, Hernando C.; Tyler, David E. 1 2002 Shrinking the covariance matrix using convex penalties on the matrix-log transformation. Zbl 07499868 Yi, Mengxi; Tyler, David E. 1 2021 Asymptotic and bootstrap tests for subspace dimension. Zbl 1493.62317 Nordhausen, Klaus; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 9 2022 Linear pooling of sample covariance matrices. Zbl 1548.62179 Raninen, Elias; Tyler, David E.; Ollila, Esa 3 2022 Shrinking the covariance matrix using convex penalties on the matrix-log transformation. Zbl 07499868 Yi, Mengxi; Tyler, David E. 1 2021 Lassoing eigenvalues. Zbl 1441.62189 Tyler, David E.; Yi, Mengxi 2 2020 On the eigenvalues of the spatial sign covariance matrix in more than two dimensions. Zbl 1341.62118 Dürre, Alexander; Tyler, David E.; Vogel, Daniel 11 2016 On the computation of symmetrized M-estimators of scatter. Zbl 1356.62067 Miettinen, Jari; Nordhausen, Klaus; Taskinen, Sara; Tyler, David E. 4 2016 A cautionary note on robust covariance plug-in methods. Zbl 1452.62416 Nordhausen, Klaus; Tyler, David E. 22 2015 A characterization of elliptical distributions and some optimality properties of principal components for functional data. Zbl 1298.62093 Boente, Graciela; Salibián Barrera, Matías; Tyler, David E. 19 2014 The spatial sign covariance matrix with unknown location. Zbl 1292.62079 Dürre, Alexander; Vogel, Daniel; Tyler, David E. 13 2014 The asymptotic inadmissibility of the spatial sign covariance matrix for elliptically symmetric distributions. Zbl 1335.62028 Magyar, Andrew F.; Tyler, David E. 11 2014 Regularized \(M\)-estimators of scatter matrix. Zbl 1394.94435 Ollila, Esa; Tyler, David E. 7 2014 Robust estimators for nondecomposable elliptical graphical models. Zbl 1306.62121 Vogel, D.; Tyler, D. E. 6 2014 Complex elliptically symmetric distributions: survey, new results and applications. Zbl 1393.94384 Ollila, Esa; Tyler, David E.; Koivunen, Visa; Poor, H. Vincent 16 2012 Robust functional principal components: a projection-pursuit approach. Zbl 1246.62145 Bali, Juan Lucas; Boente, Graciela; Tyler, David E.; Wang, Jane-Ling 47 2011 The asymptotic efficiency of the spatial median for elliptically symmetric distributions. Zbl 1268.62051 Magyar, Andrew; Tyler, David E. 11 2011 A note on multivariate location and scatter statistics for sparse data sets. Zbl 1201.62065 Tyler, David E. 12 2010 Invariant co-ordinate selection (with discussion). Zbl 1250.62032 Tyler, David E.; Critchley, Frank; Dümbgen, Lutz; Oja, Hannu 51 2009 Tests and estimates of shape based on spatial signs and ranks. Zbl 1359.62150 Sirkiä, Seija; Taskinen, Sara; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 12 2009 On the maximum bias functions of \(MM\)-estimates and constrained \(M\)-estimates of regression. Zbl 1114.62030 Berrendero, José R.; Mendes, Beatriz V. M.; Tyler, David E. 9 2007 On the efficiency of invariant multivariate sign and rank tests. Zbl 1145.62341 Nordhausen, Klaus; Oja, Hannu; Tyler, David E. 4 2006 Breakdown and groups. (With discussions and rejoinder). Zbl 1077.62041 Davies, P. Laurie; Gather, Ursula 45 2005 On the breakdown properties of some multivariate \(M\)-functions. Zbl 1089.62056 Dümbgen, Lutz; Tyler, David 28 2005 On the behavior of Tukey’s depth and median under symmetric stable distributions. Zbl 1040.62038 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 7 2004 On the finite sample breakdown points of redescending \(M\)-estimates of location. Zbl 1062.62037 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 5 2004 Dissimilarity computation through low rank corrections. Zbl 1055.68050 Comaniciu, Dorin; Meer, Peter; Tyler, David 2 2003 The influence function and maximum bias of Tukey’s median. Zbl 1015.62058 Chen, Zhiqiang; Tyler, David E. 15 2002 High breakdown point multivariate M-estimation. Zbl 1034.62048 Tyler, David E. 6 2002 Local spectral envelope: An approach using dyadic tree-based adaptive segmentation. Zbl 0991.62090 Stoffer, David S.; Ombao, Hernando C.; Tyler, David E. 1 2002 Regularity and uniqueness for constrained \(M\)-estimates and redescending \(M\)-estimates. Zbl 1029.62029 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 5 2001 On the uniqueness of \(S\)-functionals and \(M\)-functionals under nonelliptical distributions. Zbl 1105.62347 Tatsuoka, Kay S.; Tyler, David E. 48 2000 The spectral envelope and its applications. Zbl 1059.62587 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E.; Wendt, David A. 11 2000 Matching sequences: Cross-spectral analysis of categorical time series. Zbl 0904.62106 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E. 3 1998 Bias robustness of the \(CM\)-estimates of location and scale. Zbl 0917.62027 Mendes, Beatriz Vaz de Melo; Tyler, David E. 1 1998 Optimal transformations and the spectral envelope for real-valued time series. Zbl 1030.62533 McDougall, A. J.; Stoffer, D. S.; Tyler, D. E. 3 1997 Constrained \(M\)-estimation for multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0862.62048 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 40 1996 Constrained M-estimation for regression. Zbl 0839.62031 Mendes, Beatriz; Tyler, David E. 14 1996 Finite sample breakdown points of projection based multivariate location and scatter statistics. Zbl 0815.62015 Tyler, David E. 45 1994 A curious likelihood identity for the multivariate T-distribution. Zbl 0825.62035 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E.; Vardi, Yehuda 37 1994 The asymptotic distribution of singular values with applications to canonical correlations and correspondence analysis. Zbl 0805.62020 Eaton, Morris L.; Tyler, David 35 1994 Spectral analysis for categorical time series: Scaling and the spectral envelope. Zbl 0797.62081 Stoffer, David S.; Tyler, David E.; McDougall, Andrew J. 14 1993 Redescending \(M\)-estimates of multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0763.62030 Kent, John T.; Tyler, David E. 52 1991 On Wielandt’s inequality and its application to the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix. Zbl 0742.62015 Eaton, Morris L.; Tyler, David E. 38 1991 Some results on the existence, uniqueness, and computation of the M- estimates of multivariate location and scatter. Zbl 0648.65098 Tyler, David E. 8 1988 A distribution-free M-estimator of multivariate scatter. Zbl 0628.62053 Tyler, David E. 169 1987 Statistical analysis for the angular central Gaussian distribution on the sphere. Zbl 0628.62054 Tyler, David E. 48 1987 Magnitudinal effects in the normal multivariate model. Zbl 0617.62033 Guttman, Irwin; Menzefricke, U.; Tyler, David 2 1986 Robustness and efficiency properties of scatter matrices. Zbl 0536.62042 Tyler, David E. 55 1983 The asymptotic distribution of principal component roots under local alternatives to multiple roots. Zbl 0546.62007 Tyler, David E. 14 1983 A class of asymptotic tests for principal component vectors. Zbl 0544.62053 Tyler, David E. 11 1983 Radial estimates and the test for sphericity. Zbl 0501.62041 Tyler, David E. 44 1982 On the optimality of the simultaneous redundancy transformations. Zbl 0543.62047 Tyler, David E. 5 1982 Asymptotic inference for eigenvectors. Zbl 0474.62051 Tyler, David E. 59 1981 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 934 Authors 33 Oja, Hannu 30 Paindaveine, Davy 26 Nordhausen, Klaus 23 Tyler, David Edward 17 Boente, Graciela 17 Zuo, Yijun 16 Taskinen, Sara 14 Hallin, Marc 14 Van Aelst, Stefan 13 Yohai, Víctor Jaime 12 Verdebout, Thomas 11 Ruiz-Gazen, Anne 10 Schott, James R. 9 Bentler, Peter M. 9 Cook, Ralph Dennis 9 Dümbgen, Lutz 8 Kent, John T. 8 Serfling, Robert J. 7 Bilodeau, Martin 7 Croux, Christophe 7 Dürre, Alexander 7 Frahm, Gabriel 7 Li, Bing 7 Loperfido, Nicola M. R. 7 Maronna, Ricardo Antonio 7 Saracco, Jérôme 7 Yuan, Kehai 6 Vogel, Daniel 6 Zamar, Ruben H. 5 Arslan, Olcay 5 Couillet, Romain 5 Liu, Xiaohui 5 Nevalainen, Jaakko 5 Rousseeuw, Peter J. 5 Rublík, František 5 Salibian-Barrera, Matias 5 Virta, Joni 4 Adrover, Jorge G. 4 Bali, Juan Lucas 4 Bianco, Ana M. 4 Billor, Nedret 4 Cui, Hengjian 4 Dang, Xin 4 He, Xuming 4 Huang, Suyun 4 Hubert, Mia 4 Ilmonen, Pauliina 4 Lange, Kenneth L. 4 Larocque, Denis 4 Ley, Christophe 4 Minsker, Stanislav 4 Nagy, Stanislav 4 Nkiet, Guy Martial 4 Rocke, David M. 4 Rodrigues, Isabel M. 4 Schneider, Matti 4 Sirkiä, Seija 4 Steidl, Gabriele 4 Stoffer, David S. 4 Willems, Gert 3 Berkane, Maia 3 Cao, GuanQun 3 Chiaromonte, Francesca 3 Dauxois, Jacques 3 Duchesne, Pierre 3 El Karoui, Noureddine 3 Filzmoser, Peter 3 Fried, Roland 3 Gather, Ursula 3 Genton, Marc G. 3 Hosseini, Reshad 3 Kankainen, Annaliisa 3 Kudraszow, Nadia L. 3 Matilainen, Markus 3 Mazumder, Satyaki 3 Miettinen, Jari 3 Nadler, Boaz 3 Osorio, Felipe 3 Park, Yeonjoo 3 Pascal, Frédéric P. 3 Pires, Ana M. 3 Radojičić, Una 3 Randles, Ronald Herman 3 Šiman, Miroslav 3 Sra, Suvrit 3 Stahel, Werner A. 3 Vakili, Kaveh 3 Van Bever, Germain 3 Verdonck, Tim 3 Yi, Mengxi 3 Yin, Xiangrong 3 Zhou, Hua 3 Zhou, Weihua 2 Abebe, Asheber 2 Aerts, Stephanie 2 Agostinelli, Claudio 2 Amemiya, Yasuo 2 Aneiros-Pérez, Germán 2 Archimbaud, Aurore 2 Arcones, Miguel A. ...and 834 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 114 Serials 104 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 55 The Annals of Statistics 48 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 40 Statistics & Probability Letters 30 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 20 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 16 Test 13 Journal of the American Statistical Association 13 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 13 Statistical Papers 12 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 12 Statistical Science 12 Bernoulli 12 Electronic Journal of Statistics 12 Statistics and Computing 11 Journal of Econometrics 10 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 9 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 9 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 8 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 7 Psychometrika 6 Statistics 6 Computational Statistics 6 Statistica Sinica 6 Journal of Applied Statistics 5 Journal of Time Series Analysis 5 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Econometric Theory 4 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 4 Statistical Methods and Applications 4 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 4 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 3 Metrika 3 Biometrics 3 Information Sciences 3 International Statistical Review 3 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Computational Mechanics 3 Science in China. Series A 3 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 3 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 3 The Annals of Applied Statistics 3 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 3 Sankhyā. Series B 3 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 2 Neural Networks 2 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Quantitative Finance 2 Entropy 2 North American Actuarial Journal 2 Statistics Surveys 2 Journal of Probability and Statistics 2 Stat 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Inverse Problems 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physics Reports 1 Biometrical Journal 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Kybernetika 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Metron 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Statistica 1 Technometrics 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 Neural Computation 1 Economics Letters 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 1 Soft Computing 1 The Econometrics Journal 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series B. Applications & Algorithms 1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Forecasting ...and 14 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 28 Fields 647 Statistics (62-XX) 66 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 52 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 27 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 20 Computer science (68-XX) 15 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 15 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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