Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ueda, Yoshihiro Co-Author Distance Author ID: ueda.yoshihiro Published as: Ueda, Yoshihiro Documents Indexed: 58 Publications since 1963 Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 36 Joint Publications 502 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 16 Kawashima, Shuichi 6 Duan, Renjun 5 Nakamura, Tohru 4 Hayashi, Chihiro 4 Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón 4 Racke, Reinhard 3 Hashimoto, Itsuko 2 Chen, X. 2 Harp, G. R. 2 Kiri, Yuya 2 Saldin, D. K. 2 Thompson, John Michael T. 1 Achleitner, Franz 1 Fukuda, Ikki 1 Hsia, Chun-Hsiung 1 Jorge da Silva, Marcio Antonio 1 Jung, Changyeol 1 Kato, Masakazu 1 Kawakami, Tatsuki 1 Kubo, Takayuki 1 Kwon, Bongsuk 1 Liu, Yongqin 1 Matznaga, H. 1 Okubo, Susumu 1 Pellicer, Marta 1 Saito, Wataru 1 Sakamoto, Shota 1 Schechter, J. 1 Shibayama, H. 1 Suzuki, Tomoyuki 1 Wang, Shu all top 5 Serials 7 Journal of Differential Equations 4 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Methods and Applications of Analysis 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Dynamics and Stability of Systems 1 Differential and Integral Equations 1 Annals of Physics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 1 Zagadnienia Drgań Nieliniowych 1 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Differential Equations 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 1 Kinetic and Related Models 1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 1 Symmetry all top 5 Fields 41 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 43 Publications have been cited 369 times in 206 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Decay property of regularity-loss type for the Euler-Maxwell system. Zbl 1282.35069 Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 48 2011 Dissipative structure of the regularity-loss type and time asymptotic decay of solutions for the Euler-Maxwell system. Zbl 1252.35073 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Wang, Shu; Kawashima, Shuichi 47 2012 Decay structure for symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation and its application. Zbl 1273.35051 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 45 2012 Dissipative structures for thermoelastic plate equations in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1375.35035 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 25 2016 Nonlinear thermoelastic plate equations – global existence and decay rates for the Cauchy problem. Zbl 1378.35036 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 22 2017 Asymptotic profiles to the solutions for a nonlinear damped wave equation. Zbl 1299.35209 Kawakami, Tatsuki; Ueda, Yoshihiro 14 2013 Stability of degenerate stationary waves for viscous gases. Zbl 1228.76060 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 12 2010 Optimal decay estimates of a regularity-loss type system with constraint condition. Zbl 1391.35063 Ueda, Yoshihiro 12 2018 New structural conditions on decay property with regularity-loss for symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1407.35029 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 11 2018 Synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators with time-delayed interactions and phase lag effect. Zbl 1446.34091 Hsia, Chun-Hsiung; Jung, Chang-Yeol; Kwon, Bongsuk; Ueda, Yoshihiro 10 2020 Decay estimate and asymptotic profile for a plate equation with memory. Zbl 1437.35081 Liu, Yongqin; Ueda, Yoshihiro 10 2020 Decay structure of two hyperbolic relaxation models with regularity loss. Zbl 1397.35035 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2017 Asymptotic stability of stationary waves for damped wave equations with a nonlinear convection term. Zbl 1170.35482 Ueda, Yoshihiro 8 2008 Convergence rate to the nonlinear waves for viscous conservation laws on the half line. Zbl 1204.35112 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2009 Stability of planar stationary waves for damped wave equations with nonlinear convection in multi-dimensional half-space. Zbl 1144.35343 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2008 Transformation theory as applied to the solutions of non-linear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0179.13403 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y.; Kawakami, H. 8 1969 Large time behavior of solutions to a semilinear hyperbolic system with relaxation. Zbl 1125.35015 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2007 Asymptotic profile of solutions for the damped wave equation with a nonlinear convection term. Zbl 1387.35494 Kato, Masakazu; Ueda, Yoshihiro 8 2017 New stability criterion for the dissipative linear system and analysis of Bresse system. Zbl 1423.35031 Ueda, Yoshihiro 7 2018 Decay for thermoelastic Green-Lindsay plates in bounded and unbounded domains. Zbl 1512.35577 Quintanilla, Ramón; Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 7 2023 Characterization of the dissipative structure for the symmetric hyperbolic system with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1471.35192 Ueda, Yoshihiro 6 2021 The Cauchy problem for thermoelastic plates with two temperatures. Zbl 1445.35047 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2020 Stability of travelling wave solutions to a semilinear hyperbolic system with relaxation. Zbl 1155.35398 Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2009 Mathematical entropy and Euler-Cattaneo-Maxwell system. Zbl 1336.35226 Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2016 Decay structures for the equations of porous elasticity in one-dimensional whole space. Zbl 1452.35040 Quintanilla, Ramón; Ueda, Yoshihiro 4 2020 Convergence rate toward degenerate stationary wave for compressible viscous gases. Zbl 1227.35072 Nakamura, Tohru; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 4 2010 Behavior of solutions for certain types of nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0354.34039 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y. 4 1973 Stability criteria for some system of delay differential equations. Zbl 1408.34052 Kiri, Yuya; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2018 Basin boundary metamorphoses in the canonical escape equation. Zbl 0681.70029 Thompson, J. M. T.; Ueda, Y. 3 1989 Computation of photoelectron and Auger-electron diffraction. III: Evaluation of angle-resolved intensities PAD3. Zbl 1041.81605 Chen, X.; Harp, G. R.; Ueda, Y.; Saldin, D. K. 3 1998 Asymptotic stability of traveling wave solutions for nonlocal viscous conservation laws with explicit decay rates. Zbl 06932128 Achleitner, Franz; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2018 Large time behavior of solutions to symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1342.35168 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 3 2015 Dissipative structure of the coupled kinetic-fluid models. Zbl 1342.35167 Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2015 Stability of stationary solutions for the non-isentropic Euler-Maxwell system in the whole space. Zbl 1356.35042 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 2 2016 Straddle-orbit location of a chaotic saddle in a high-dimensional realization of \(\mathbb{R}^ \infty\). Zbl 0814.58036 Mitsui, T.; Ueda, Y.; Thompson, J. M. T. 2 1994 Periodic solutions of Duffing’s equation with reference to doubly asymptotic solutions. Zbl 0243.34068 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y.; Kawakami, H. 2 1970 Energy method in the partial Fourier space and application to stability problems in the half space. Zbl 1209.35019 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 2 2011 Asymptotic behavior of solutions for damped wave equations with non-convex convection term on the half line. Zbl 1246.35037 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro 2 2012 Computation of photo-electron and Auger-electron diffraction. II: Multiple scattering cluster calculation PAD2. Zbl 0938.81564 Harp, G. R.; Ueda, Y.; Chen, X.; Saldin, D. K. 1 1998 Steady approach of unsteady low-Reynolds-number flow past two rotating circular cylinders. Zbl 1294.76097 Ueda, Y.; Kida, T.; Iguchi, M. 1 2013 Asymptotic analysis of initial flow around an impulsively started circular cylinder using a Brinkman penalization method. Zbl 1502.76030 Ueda, Y.; Kida, T. 1 2021 An \(L^1_k\cap L^p_k\) approach for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1535.35130 Duan, Renjun; Sakamoto, Shota; Ueda, Yoshihiro 1 2024 The anti-derivative method in the half space and application to damped wave equations with non-convex convection. Zbl 1270.35103 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro 1 2012 An \(L^1_k\cap L^p_k\) approach for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1535.35130 Duan, Renjun; Sakamoto, Shota; Ueda, Yoshihiro 1 2024 Decay for thermoelastic Green-Lindsay plates in bounded and unbounded domains. Zbl 1512.35577 Quintanilla, Ramón; Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 7 2023 Characterization of the dissipative structure for the symmetric hyperbolic system with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1471.35192 Ueda, Yoshihiro 6 2021 Asymptotic analysis of initial flow around an impulsively started circular cylinder using a Brinkman penalization method. Zbl 1502.76030 Ueda, Y.; Kida, T. 1 2021 Synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators with time-delayed interactions and phase lag effect. Zbl 1446.34091 Hsia, Chun-Hsiung; Jung, Chang-Yeol; Kwon, Bongsuk; Ueda, Yoshihiro 10 2020 Decay estimate and asymptotic profile for a plate equation with memory. Zbl 1437.35081 Liu, Yongqin; Ueda, Yoshihiro 10 2020 The Cauchy problem for thermoelastic plates with two temperatures. Zbl 1445.35047 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2020 Decay structures for the equations of porous elasticity in one-dimensional whole space. Zbl 1452.35040 Quintanilla, Ramón; Ueda, Yoshihiro 4 2020 Optimal decay estimates of a regularity-loss type system with constraint condition. Zbl 1391.35063 Ueda, Yoshihiro 12 2018 New structural conditions on decay property with regularity-loss for symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1407.35029 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 11 2018 New stability criterion for the dissipative linear system and analysis of Bresse system. Zbl 1423.35031 Ueda, Yoshihiro 7 2018 Stability criteria for some system of delay differential equations. Zbl 1408.34052 Kiri, Yuya; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2018 Asymptotic stability of traveling wave solutions for nonlocal viscous conservation laws with explicit decay rates. Zbl 06932128 Achleitner, Franz; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2018 Nonlinear thermoelastic plate equations – global existence and decay rates for the Cauchy problem. Zbl 1378.35036 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 22 2017 Decay structure of two hyperbolic relaxation models with regularity loss. Zbl 1397.35035 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2017 Asymptotic profile of solutions for the damped wave equation with a nonlinear convection term. Zbl 1387.35494 Kato, Masakazu; Ueda, Yoshihiro 8 2017 Dissipative structures for thermoelastic plate equations in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1375.35035 Racke, Reinhard; Ueda, Yoshihiro 25 2016 Mathematical entropy and Euler-Cattaneo-Maxwell system. Zbl 1336.35226 Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2016 Stability of stationary solutions for the non-isentropic Euler-Maxwell system in the whole space. Zbl 1356.35042 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 2 2016 Large time behavior of solutions to symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation. Zbl 1342.35168 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 3 2015 Dissipative structure of the coupled kinetic-fluid models. Zbl 1342.35167 Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 3 2015 Asymptotic profiles to the solutions for a nonlinear damped wave equation. Zbl 1299.35209 Kawakami, Tatsuki; Ueda, Yoshihiro 14 2013 Steady approach of unsteady low-Reynolds-number flow past two rotating circular cylinders. Zbl 1294.76097 Ueda, Y.; Kida, T.; Iguchi, M. 1 2013 Dissipative structure of the regularity-loss type and time asymptotic decay of solutions for the Euler-Maxwell system. Zbl 1252.35073 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Wang, Shu; Kawashima, Shuichi 47 2012 Decay structure for symmetric hyperbolic systems with non-symmetric relaxation and its application. Zbl 1273.35051 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Duan, Renjun; Kawashima, Shuichi 45 2012 Asymptotic behavior of solutions for damped wave equations with non-convex convection term on the half line. Zbl 1246.35037 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro 2 2012 The anti-derivative method in the half space and application to damped wave equations with non-convex convection. Zbl 1270.35103 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro 1 2012 Decay property of regularity-loss type for the Euler-Maxwell system. Zbl 1282.35069 Kawashima, Shuichi; Ueda, Yoshihiro 48 2011 Energy method in the partial Fourier space and application to stability problems in the half space. Zbl 1209.35019 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 2 2011 Stability of degenerate stationary waves for viscous gases. Zbl 1228.76060 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 12 2010 Convergence rate toward degenerate stationary wave for compressible viscous gases. Zbl 1227.35072 Nakamura, Tohru; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 4 2010 Convergence rate to the nonlinear waves for viscous conservation laws on the half line. Zbl 1204.35112 Hashimoto, Itsuko; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2009 Stability of travelling wave solutions to a semilinear hyperbolic system with relaxation. Zbl 1155.35398 Ueda, Yoshihiro 5 2009 Asymptotic stability of stationary waves for damped wave equations with a nonlinear convection term. Zbl 1170.35482 Ueda, Yoshihiro 8 2008 Stability of planar stationary waves for damped wave equations with nonlinear convection in multi-dimensional half-space. Zbl 1144.35343 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tohru; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2008 Large time behavior of solutions to a semilinear hyperbolic system with relaxation. Zbl 1125.35015 Ueda, Yoshihiro; Kawashima, Shuichi 8 2007 Computation of photoelectron and Auger-electron diffraction. III: Evaluation of angle-resolved intensities PAD3. Zbl 1041.81605 Chen, X.; Harp, G. R.; Ueda, Y.; Saldin, D. K. 3 1998 Computation of photo-electron and Auger-electron diffraction. II: Multiple scattering cluster calculation PAD2. Zbl 0938.81564 Harp, G. R.; Ueda, Y.; Chen, X.; Saldin, D. K. 1 1998 Straddle-orbit location of a chaotic saddle in a high-dimensional realization of \(\mathbb{R}^ \infty\). Zbl 0814.58036 Mitsui, T.; Ueda, Y.; Thompson, J. M. T. 2 1994 Basin boundary metamorphoses in the canonical escape equation. Zbl 0681.70029 Thompson, J. M. T.; Ueda, Y. 3 1989 Behavior of solutions for certain types of nonlinear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0354.34039 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y. 4 1973 Periodic solutions of Duffing’s equation with reference to doubly asymptotic solutions. Zbl 0243.34068 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y.; Kawakami, H. 2 1970 Transformation theory as applied to the solutions of non-linear differential equations of the second order. Zbl 0179.13403 Hayashi, C.; Ueda, Y.; Kawakami, H. 8 1969 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 221 Authors 25 Ueda, Yoshihiro 24 Kawashima, Shuichi 12 Feng, Yuehong 12 Wang, Shu 10 Quintanilla de Latorre, Ramón 10 Xu, Jiang 9 Racke, Reinhard 7 Nakamura, Tohru 6 Hsia, Chun-Hsiung 6 Li, Xin 6 Takeda, Hiroshi 6 Wang, Weike 5 Chen, Wenhui 5 Duan, Renjun 5 Fukuda, Ikki 5 Ikehata, Ryo 5 Liu, Yan 5 Mori, Naofumi 5 Peng, Yuejun 5 Tan, Zhong 5 Yoshida, Natsumi 5 Zhao, Huijiang 4 Chen, Shih-Hsin 4 Hashimoto, Itsuko 4 Mei, Ming 4 Wakasugi, Yuta 3 Blanc, Xavier 3 Dharmawardane, Priyanjana M. N. 3 Du, Linglong 3 Ducomet, Bernard 3 Fan, Lili 3 Liu, Wenjun 3 Nečasová, Šárka 3 Plaza, Ramón G. 3 Wang, Danhua 3 Wang, Yong 3 Zhou, Jun 2 Almeida Júnior, Dilberto da Silva 2 Bai, Yinsong 2 Bärlin, Johannes 2 Cao, Hongmei 2 Cuesta Romero, Carlota Maria 2 Fernández Sare, Hugo D. 2 Fernández, Jose Ramon 2 Freitas, Mirelson M. 2 Hong, Hakho 2 Ikeda, Masahiro 2 Jorge da Silva, Marcio Antonio 2 Jung, Changyeol 2 Kwon, Bongsuk 2 Lacheheb, Ilyes 2 Łazuka, Jarosław 2 Li, Yachun 2 Liu, Hongxia 2 Liu, Xu 2 Liu, Yongqin 2 Messaoudi, Salim A. 2 Muñoz Rivera, Jaime Edilberto 2 Nguyen, Thinh Tien 2 Nhan, Le Cong 2 Nishibata, Shinya 2 Ogawa, Takayoshi 2 Pellicer, Marta 2 Pokojovy, Michael 2 Ramos, Anderson J. A. 2 Shibata, Yoshihiro 2 Sroczinski, Matthias 2 Taniue, Shogo 2 Truong, Le Xuan 2 Wang, Yanjin 2 Wasiolek, Victor 2 Xu, Xin 2 Xue, Rui 2 Zhao, Liang 1 Achleitner, Franz 1 Afilal, Mounir 1 Akil, Mohammad 1 Albritton, Dallas 1 Angeles, Felipe 1 Antonelli, Paolo 1 Arnold, Anton 1 Banquet Brango, Carlos 1 Bazarra, Noelia 1 Beekie, Rajendra 1 Besse, Nicolas 1 Binshati, Ismahan 1 Cai, Zihan 1 Cao, Yang-Chen 1 Carreño-Bolaños, Rafael 1 Chen, Fangqi 1 Chen, Jiao 1 Chen, Kailun 1 Chen, Kewang 1 Chen, Xinfu 1 Cho, Hangjun 1 Chu, Chia-Chi 1 da Luz, Cleverson Roberto 1 D’Abbicco, Marcello 1 Dao, Tuan Anh 1 De Angelis, Monica ...and 121 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 64 Serials 31 Journal of Differential Equations 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 14 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 11 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 10 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 8 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 5 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 5 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 4 Applicable Analysis 4 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 3 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 3 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 3 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Nonlinearity 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Meccanica 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Physica D 1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Kinetic and Related Models 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 International Journal of Differential Equations 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Symmetry 1 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Electronic Research Archive all top 5 Cited in 20 Fields 193 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 57 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 49 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 15 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 15 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year