Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Valtr, Pavel Co-Author Distance Author ID: valtr.pavel Published as: Valtr, Pavel; Valtr, P.; Valtr, P more...less Homepage: https://kam.mff.cuni.cz/~valtr/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 141 Publications since 1992, including 1 Book and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 132 Co-Authors with 121 Joint Publications 4,018 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 22 single-authored 24 Balko, Martin 18 Kyncl, Jan 17 Cibulka, Josef 13 Aichholzer, Oswin 12 Scheucher, Manfred 11 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 8 Hackl, Thomas 8 Jelínek, Vít 8 Mészáros, Viola 8 Stolař, Rudolf 7 Pór, Attila 7 Welzl, Emo 6 Bárány, Imre 6 Felsner, Stefan 6 Hurtado, Ferran 6 Kratochvíl, Jan 6 Matoušek, Jiří 6 Pilz, Alexander 5 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 5 Nešetřil, Jaroslav 5 Opler, Michal 5 Parada, Irene 4 Chimani, Markus 4 Gärtner, Bernd 4 Károlyi, Gyula 4 Kaufmann, Michael 4 Kobourov, Stephen G. 4 Solymosi, József 4 Tóth, Géza 3 Babilon, Robert 3 Cardinal, Jean 3 Hančl, Jaroslav jun. 3 Hartman, David 3 Hoffmann, Michael 3 Huemer, Clemens 3 Kindermann, Philipp 3 Klazar, Martin 3 Lipp, Fabian 3 Mulzer, Wolfgang Johann Heinrich 3 Pokorná, Aneta 3 Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi N. 3 Ramos, Pedro A. 3 Swanepoel, Konrad J. 3 Ueckerdt, Torsten 3 Wolff, Alexander 3 Wood, David Ronald 2 Angelini, Patrizio 2 Bereg, Sergey N. 2 Bhore, Sujoy Kumar 2 Blažej, Václav 2 Bose, Prosenjit K. 2 Cabello, Sergio 2 Chaplick, Steven 2 Dumitrescu, Adrian 2 Fabila-Monroy, Ruy 2 Fulek, Radoslav 2 Gao, Pu 2 Garcia, Alfredo Daniel 2 Krčál, Marek 2 Kupavskii, Andrey 2 Kusters, Vincent J. J. 2 Langerman, Stefan 2 Martinez-Sandoval, Leonardo 2 Maxová, Jana 2 Payne, Michael S. 2 Šámal, Robert 2 Saumell, Maria 2 Schmidt, Jens M. 2 Šileikis, Matas 2 Tejel, Javier 2 Tschirschnitz, Falk 2 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 2 Valla, Tomáš 2 Wagner, Uli 2 Walczak, Bartosz 1 Adamec, Radek 1 Al-Jubeh, Marwan 1 Arseneva, Elena 1 Auber, David 1 Aurenhammer, Franz 1 Barát, János 1 Bekos, Michael A. 1 Brass, Peter 1 Bruckdorfer, Till 1 Cano, Pilar 1 Chiu, Man-Kwun 1 De Luca, Felice 1 Dujmović, Vida 1 Edelsbrunner, Herbert 1 Erdős, Pál 1 Everett, Hazel 1 Fiala, Jiří 1 Ganian, Robert 1 Ghanbari, Babak 1 Gimbel, John G. 1 González-Aguilar, Hernán 1 Gupta, Siddharth 1 Heinsohn, Niklas 1 Heredia, Marco A. 1 Ishaque, Mashhood ...and 32 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 25 Discrete & Computational Geometry 8 Computational Geometry 5 European Journal of Combinatorics 4 Combinatorica 4 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 4 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 3 Discrete Mathematics 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Random Structures & Algorithms 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Algorithmica 2 Journal of Computational Geometry 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Graphs and Combinatorics 1 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 1 Algorithms and Combinatorics 1 Lecture Notes in Computer Science all top 5 Fields 61 Combinatorics (05-XX) 59 Computer science (68-XX) 57 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 111 Publications have been cited 735 times in 481 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Planar point sets with a small number of empty convex polygons. Zbl 1075.52008 Bárány, I.; Valtr, P. 38 2004 The Erdős-Szekeres theorem: upper bounds and related results. Zbl 1090.52014 Tóth, Géza; Valtr, Pavel 36 2005 A positive fraction Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 0914.52007 Bárány, I.; Valtr, P. 34 1998 On geometric graphs with no \(k\) pairwise parallel edges. Zbl 0908.05035 Valtr, P. 26 1998 Convex independent sets and 7-holes in restricted planar point sets. Zbl 0748.52005 Valtr, Pavel 22 1992 Note on the Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 0903.52006 Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 22 1998 A Turán-type extremal theory of convex geometric graphs. Zbl 1074.05048 Brass, Peter; Károlyi, Gyula; Valtr, Pavel 21 2003 On the minimum number of empty polygons in planar point sets. Zbl 0867.52004 Valtr, P. 21 1995 Sets in \(\mathbb{R}^ d\) with no large empty convex subsets. Zbl 0766.52003 Valtr, Pavel 20 1992 Coding and counting arrangements of pseudolines. Zbl 1228.52014 Felsner, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 19 2011 Guarding galleries where no point sees a small area. Zbl 1045.52500 Valtr, Pavel 19 1998 Probability that \(n\) random points are in convex position. Zbl 0820.60007 Valtr, P 17 1995 Ramsey-type results for geometric graphs. II. Zbl 0912.05046 Károlyi, Gy.; Pach, J.; Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 17 1998 Generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequences. Zbl 0812.05067 Klazar, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 17 1994 The partitioned version of the Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 1019.52011 Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 15 2002 On empty hexagons. Zbl 1147.52301 Valtr, Pavel 15 2008 Cutting dense point sets in half. Zbl 0870.68153 Edelsbrunner, H.; Valtr, P.; Welzl, E. 14 1997 Point configurations in \(d\)-space without large subsets in convex position. Zbl 1051.52012 Károlyi, Gyula; Valtr, Pavel 13 2003 On \(k\)-gons and \(k\)-holes in point sets. Zbl 1330.52019 Aichholzer, Oswin; Fabila-Monroy, Ruy; González-Aguilar, Hernán; Hackl, Thomas; Heredia, Marco A.; Huemer, Clemens; Urrutia, Jorge; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 11 2015 Generalized Davenport-Schinzel sequences with linear upper bound. Zbl 0768.05007 Adamec, Radek; Klazar, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 10 1992 Ramsey-remainder. Zbl 0858.05073 Erdős, Paul; Tuza, Zsolt; Valtr, Pavel 9 1996 On the pair-crossing number. Zbl 1090.05022 Valtr, Pavel 9 2005 Geometric graphs with few disjoint edges. Zbl 0939.68097 Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 8 1999 Graph sharing games: complexity and connectivity. Zbl 1295.91020 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 8 2013 On mutually avoiding sets. Zbl 0863.68114 Valtr, Pavel 8 1997 The probability that \(n\) random points in a triangle are in convex position. Zbl 0881.60010 Valtr, P. 8 1996 A Ramsey property of order types. Zbl 0902.52006 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Valtr, Pavel 8 1998 Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences. Zbl 1407.52017 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 8 2019 Lines, line-point incidences and crossing families in dense sets. Zbl 0871.52013 Valtr, Pavel 7 1996 A sufficient condition for the existence of large empty convex polygons. Zbl 1022.52007 Valtr, Pavel 7 2002 On edges crossing few other edges in simple topological complete graphs. Zbl 1175.05042 Kynčl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 7 2009 Traversing a set of points with a minimum number of turns. Zbl 1191.90087 Bereg, Sergey; Bose, Prosenjit; Dumitrescu, Adrian; Hurtado, Ferran; Valtr, Pavel 7 2009 A superlinear lower bound on the number of 5-holes. Zbl 1432.52028 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Kynčl, Jan; Parada, Irene; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 7 2020 Augmenting the edge connectivity of planar straight line graphs to three. Zbl 1235.05077 Al-Jubeh, Marwan; Ishaque, Mashhood; Rédei, Kristóf; Souvaine, Diane L.; Tóth, Csaba D.; Valtr, Pavel 6 2011 A Ramsey-type theorem in the plane. Zbl 0803.05052 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Valtr, Pavel 6 1994 On visibility and covering by convex sets. Zbl 0958.52008 Matoušek, Jiří; Valtr, Pavel 6 1999 On the connectivity of visibility graphs. Zbl 1251.05087 Payne, Michael S.; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel; Wood, David R. 6 2012 On \(k\)-convex point sets. Zbl 1292.52001 Aichholzer, Oswin; Aurenhammer, Franz; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Pilz, Alexander; Ramos, Pedro; Urrutia, Jorge; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 6 2014 Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles. Zbl 1380.05135 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 6 2018 Splittings and Ramsey properties of permutation classes. Zbl 1304.05146 Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel 6 2015 On ordered Ramsey numbers of bounded-degree graphs. Zbl 1402.05144 Balko, Martin; Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel 6 2019 One line and \(n\) points. Zbl 1154.90545 Gärtner, Bernd; Tschirschnitz, Falk; Welzl, Emo; Solymosi, József; Valtr, Pavel 5 2003 Planar point sets with bounded ratios of distances. Zbl 0839.68110 Valtr, Pavel 5 1994 On the geometric Ramsey number of outerplanar graphs. Zbl 1309.05124 Cibulka, Josef; Gao, Pu; Krčál, Marek; Valla, Tomáš; Valtr, Pavel 5 2014 A SAT attack on the Erdős-Szekeres conjecture. Zbl 1369.05063 Balko, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 5 2017 Peeling potatoes near-optimally in near-linear time. Zbl 1376.52009 Cabello, Sergio; Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Saumell, Maria; Valtr, Pavel 5 2017 On triconnected and cubic plane graphs on given point sets. Zbl 1200.05062 García, Alfredo; Hurtado, Ferran; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel, Javier; Valtr, Pavel 5 2009 Bend-optimal orthogonal graph drawing in the general position model. Zbl 1408.65008 Felsner, Stefan; Kaufmann, Michael; Valtr, Pavel 4 2014 Empty convex polygons in almost convex sets. Zbl 1157.52306 Valtr, Pavel; Lippner, Gábor; Károlyi, Gyula 4 2007 On the maximum crossing number. Zbl 1377.05122 Chimani, Markus; Felsner, Stefan; Kobourov, Stephen; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Valtr, Pavel; Wolff, Alexander 4 2018 Solution of Peter Winkler’s pizza problem. Zbl 1267.91046 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 4 2009 Solution of Peter Winkler’s pizza problem. Zbl 1210.91022 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 4 2010 Crossing numbers of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1542.68135 Chimani, Markus; Kindermann, Philipp; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Valtr, Pavel 4 2019 Low ply drawings of trees. Zbl 1478.68210 Angelini, Patrizio; Bekos, Michael A.; Bruckdorfer, Till; Hančl, Jaroslav jun.; Kaufmann, Michael; Kobourov, Stephen; Symvonis, Antonios; Valtr, Pavel 4 2016 On the Beer index of convexity and its variants. Zbl 1416.60020 Balko, Martin; Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel; Walczak, Bartosz 4 2017 A superlinear lower bound on the number of 5-holes. Zbl 1432.52027 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Kynčl, Jan; Parada, Irene; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 4 2017 The unit distance problem on spheres. Zbl 1065.52013 Swanepoel, Konrad J.; Valtr, Pavel 3 2004 Universal sets for straight-line embeddings of bicolored graphs. Zbl 1272.05126 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 3 2013 One line and \(n\) points. Zbl 1323.90038 Gärtner, Bernd; Solymosi, József; Tschirschnitz, Falk; Welzl, Emo; Valtr, Pavel 3 2001 On galleries with no bad points. Zbl 0927.52010 Valtr, P. 3 1999 Generalizations of Davenport-Schinzel sequences. Zbl 0942.68104 Valtr, Pavel 3 1999 The crossing Tverberg theorem. Zbl 07559238 Fulek, Radoslav; Gärtner, Bernd; Kupavskii, Andrey; Valtr, Pavel; Wagner, Uli 3 2019 Reconstructing point set order types from radial orderings. Zbl 1407.68502 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Kusters, Vincent; Langerman, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 3 2016 Almost-equidistant sets. Zbl 1439.52016 Balko, Martin; Pór, Attila; Scheucher, Manfred; Swanepoel, Konrad; Valtr, Pavel 3 2020 Paths with no small angles. Zbl 1204.52018 Bárány, Imre; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 3 2009 Large convexly independent subsets of Minkowski sums. Zbl 1205.52011 Swanepoel, Konrad J.; Valtr, Pavel 3 2010 On the average complexity of the \(k\)-level. Zbl 1492.68132 Chiu, Man-Kwun; Felsner, Stefan; Scheucher, Manfred; Schnider, Patrick; Steiner, Raphael; Valtr, Pavel 3 2020 Minimal representations of order types by geometric graphs. Zbl 1542.68114 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hoffmann, Michael; Kynčl, Jan; Mulzer, Wolfgang; Parada, Irene; Pilz, Alexander; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Welzl, Emo 3 2019 Obstacle numbers of planar graphs. Zbl 1503.68220 Gimbel, John; Ossona de Mendez, Patrice; Valtr, Pavel 3 2018 Open caps and cups in planar point sets. Zbl 1139.52017 Valtr, Pavel 3 2007 Hamiltonian alternating paths on bicolored double-chains. Zbl 1213.68435 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 3 2009 Reconstructing point set order types from radial orderings. Zbl 1372.68246 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Kusters, Vincent; Langerman, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 3 2014 Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles. Zbl 1471.68181 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 3 2015 Unit squares intersecting all secants of a square. Zbl 0799.52015 Valtr, Pavel 2 1994 Topics in discrete mathematics. Dedicated to Jarik Nešetřil on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 1097.05001 2 2006 On edges crossing few other edges in simple topological complete graphs. Zbl 1171.05325 Kynčl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2006 On planar point sets with the pentagon property. Zbl 1305.68221 Cibulka, Josef; Kyncl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2013 Long alternating paths exist. Zbl 1533.68378 Mulzer, Wolfgang; Valtr, Pavel 2 2020 Holes in 2-convex point sets. Zbl 1432.52030 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Pilz, Alexander; Ramos, Pedro; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 2 2018 Low-distortion embeddings of trees. Zbl 1090.68079 Babilon, Robert; Matoušek, Jiří; Maxová, Jana; Valtr, Pavel 2 2003 On crossing-families in planar point sets. Zbl 1491.05058 Aichholzer, Oswin; Kynčl, Jan; Scheucher, Manfred; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 Generalized coloring of permutations. Zbl 1524.68462 Jelínek, Vít; Opler, Michal; Valtr, Pavel 2 2018 Crossing numbers of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1485.68176 Chimani, Markus; Kindermann, Philipp; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 The complexity of the lower envelope of segments with \(h\) endpoints. Zbl 0879.68114 Matoušek, J.; Valtr, P. 2 1997 Paths with no small angles. Zbl 1136.68548 Bárány, Imre; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 2 2008 On embedding triconnected cubic graphs on point sets. Zbl 1341.05137 García, Alfredo; Hurtado, Ferran; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel, Javier; Valtr, Pavel 2 2007 A SAT attack on the Erdős-Szekeres conjecture. Zbl 1346.05180 Balko, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 2 2015 The stub resolution of 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1489.05030 Kaufmann, Michael; Kratochvil, Jan; Lipp, Fabian; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi; Valtr, Pavel 2 2021 On vertex- and empty-ply proximity drawings. Zbl 1503.68202 Angelini, Patrizio; Chaplick, Steven; De Luca, Felice; Fiala, Jiří; Hančl, Jaroslav jun.; Heinsohn, Niklas; Kaufmann, Michael; Kobourov, Stephen; Kratochvíl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2018 Labelings of graphs with fixed and variable edge-weights. Zbl 1141.05036 Babilon, Robert; Jelínek, Vít; Král’, Daniel; Valtr, Pavel 2 2007 Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences. Zbl 1432.52026 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 2 2017 Holes and islands in random point sets. Zbl 1523.52007 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 On the positive fraction Erdős-Szekeres theorem for convex sets. Zbl 1107.52012 Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 1 2006 Almost-tiling the plane by ellipses. Zbl 0952.52016 Kuperberg, K.; Kuperberg, W.; Matoušek, J.; Valtr, P. 1 1999 Cell-paths in mono- and bichromatic line arrangements in the plane. Zbl 1306.05021 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Korman, Matias; Pilz, Alexander; Silveira, Rodrigo; Uehara, Ryuhei; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Welzl, Emo 1 2014 Tight bounds on the expected number of holes in random point sets. Zbl 1523.60031 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 1 2023 Holes and islands in random point sets. Zbl 07760143 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 1 2020 A note on the number of general 4-holes in (perturbed) grids. Zbl 1426.52009 Aichholzer, O.; Hackl, T.; Valtr, P.; Vogtenhuber, B. 1 2016 On the intersections of non-homotopic loops. Zbl 07497531 Blažej, Václav; Opler, Michal; Šileikis, Matas; Valtr, Pavel 1 2021 On the connectivity and the diameter of betweenness-uniform graphs. Zbl 07497542 Hartman, David; Pokorná, Aneta; Valtr, Pavel 1 2021 Tight bounds on the expected number of holes in random point sets. Zbl 1523.60031 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 1 2023 On crossing-families in planar point sets. Zbl 1491.05058 Aichholzer, Oswin; Kynčl, Jan; Scheucher, Manfred; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 Crossing numbers of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1485.68176 Chimani, Markus; Kindermann, Philipp; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 Holes and islands in random point sets. Zbl 1523.52007 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 2 2022 Orientation preserving maps of the square grid. Zbl 07610225 Bárány, Imre; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 1 2022 The stub resolution of 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1489.05030 Kaufmann, Michael; Kratochvil, Jan; Lipp, Fabian; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi; Valtr, Pavel 2 2021 On the intersections of non-homotopic loops. Zbl 07497531 Blažej, Václav; Opler, Michal; Šileikis, Matas; Valtr, Pavel 1 2021 On the connectivity and the diameter of betweenness-uniform graphs. Zbl 07497542 Hartman, David; Pokorná, Aneta; Valtr, Pavel 1 2021 Upward point set embeddings of paths and trees. Zbl 07405965 Arseneva, Elena; Cano, Pilar; Kleist, Linda; Mchedlidze, Tamara; Mehrabi, Saeed; Parada, Irene; Valtr, Pavel 1 2021 A superlinear lower bound on the number of 5-holes. Zbl 1432.52028 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Kynčl, Jan; Parada, Irene; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 7 2020 Almost-equidistant sets. Zbl 1439.52016 Balko, Martin; Pór, Attila; Scheucher, Manfred; Swanepoel, Konrad; Valtr, Pavel 3 2020 On the average complexity of the \(k\)-level. Zbl 1492.68132 Chiu, Man-Kwun; Felsner, Stefan; Scheucher, Manfred; Schnider, Patrick; Steiner, Raphael; Valtr, Pavel 3 2020 Long alternating paths exist. Zbl 1533.68378 Mulzer, Wolfgang; Valtr, Pavel 2 2020 Holes and islands in random point sets. Zbl 07760143 Balko, Martin; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel 1 2020 The stub resolution of 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1548.68168 Kaufmann, Michael; Kratochvil, Jan; Lipp, Fabian; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi; Valtr, Pavel 1 2020 Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences. Zbl 1407.52017 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 8 2019 On ordered Ramsey numbers of bounded-degree graphs. Zbl 1402.05144 Balko, Martin; Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel 6 2019 Crossing numbers of beyond-planar graphs. Zbl 1542.68135 Chimani, Markus; Kindermann, Philipp; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Valtr, Pavel 4 2019 The crossing Tverberg theorem. Zbl 07559238 Fulek, Radoslav; Gärtner, Bernd; Kupavskii, Andrey; Valtr, Pavel; Wagner, Uli 3 2019 Minimal representations of order types by geometric graphs. Zbl 1542.68114 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hoffmann, Michael; Kynčl, Jan; Mulzer, Wolfgang; Parada, Irene; Pilz, Alexander; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Welzl, Emo 3 2019 Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles. Zbl 1380.05135 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 6 2018 On the maximum crossing number. Zbl 1377.05122 Chimani, Markus; Felsner, Stefan; Kobourov, Stephen; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Valtr, Pavel; Wolff, Alexander 4 2018 Obstacle numbers of planar graphs. Zbl 1503.68220 Gimbel, John; Ossona de Mendez, Patrice; Valtr, Pavel 3 2018 Holes in 2-convex point sets. Zbl 1432.52030 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Pilz, Alexander; Ramos, Pedro; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 2 2018 Generalized coloring of permutations. Zbl 1524.68462 Jelínek, Vít; Opler, Michal; Valtr, Pavel 2 2018 On vertex- and empty-ply proximity drawings. Zbl 1503.68202 Angelini, Patrizio; Chaplick, Steven; De Luca, Felice; Fiala, Jiří; Hančl, Jaroslav jun.; Heinsohn, Niklas; Kaufmann, Michael; Kobourov, Stephen; Kratochvíl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2018 On the maximum crossing number. Zbl 1508.68262 Chimani, Markus; Felsner, Stefan; Kobourov, Stephen; Ueckerdt, Torsten; Valtr, Pavel; Wolff, Alexander 1 2018 Bounded stub resolution for some maximal 1-planar graphs. Zbl 1497.68384 Kaufmann, Michael; Kratochvíl, Jan; Lipp, Fabian; Montecchiani, Fabrizio; Raftopoulou, Chrysanthi; Valtr, Pavel 1 2018 A SAT attack on the Erdős-Szekeres conjecture. Zbl 1369.05063 Balko, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 5 2017 Peeling potatoes near-optimally in near-linear time. Zbl 1376.52009 Cabello, Sergio; Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Saumell, Maria; Valtr, Pavel 5 2017 On the Beer index of convexity and its variants. Zbl 1416.60020 Balko, Martin; Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel; Walczak, Bartosz 4 2017 A superlinear lower bound on the number of 5-holes. Zbl 1432.52027 Aichholzer, Oswin; Balko, Martin; Hackl, Thomas; Kynčl, Jan; Parada, Irene; Scheucher, Manfred; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 4 2017 Covering lattice points by subspaces and counting point-hyperplane incidences. Zbl 1432.52026 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 2 2017 On three measures of non-convexity. Zbl 1360.05053 Cibulka, Josef; Korbelář, Miroslav; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 1 2017 Low ply drawings of trees. Zbl 1478.68210 Angelini, Patrizio; Bekos, Michael A.; Bruckdorfer, Till; Hančl, Jaroslav jun.; Kaufmann, Michael; Kobourov, Stephen; Symvonis, Antonios; Valtr, Pavel 4 2016 Reconstructing point set order types from radial orderings. Zbl 1407.68502 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Kusters, Vincent; Langerman, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 3 2016 A note on the number of general 4-holes in (perturbed) grids. Zbl 1426.52009 Aichholzer, O.; Hackl, T.; Valtr, P.; Vogtenhuber, B. 1 2016 On \(k\)-gons and \(k\)-holes in point sets. Zbl 1330.52019 Aichholzer, Oswin; Fabila-Monroy, Ruy; González-Aguilar, Hernán; Hackl, Thomas; Heredia, Marco A.; Huemer, Clemens; Urrutia, Jorge; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 11 2015 Splittings and Ramsey properties of permutation classes. Zbl 1304.05146 Jelínek, Vít; Valtr, Pavel 6 2015 Drawing graphs using a small number of obstacles. Zbl 1471.68181 Balko, Martin; Cibulka, Josef; Valtr, Pavel 3 2015 A SAT attack on the Erdős-Szekeres conjecture. Zbl 1346.05180 Balko, Martin; Valtr, Pavel 2 2015 On \(k\)-convex point sets. Zbl 1292.52001 Aichholzer, Oswin; Aurenhammer, Franz; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Pilz, Alexander; Ramos, Pedro; Urrutia, Jorge; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit 6 2014 On the geometric Ramsey number of outerplanar graphs. Zbl 1309.05124 Cibulka, Josef; Gao, Pu; Krčál, Marek; Valla, Tomáš; Valtr, Pavel 5 2014 Bend-optimal orthogonal graph drawing in the general position model. Zbl 1408.65008 Felsner, Stefan; Kaufmann, Michael; Valtr, Pavel 4 2014 Reconstructing point set order types from radial orderings. Zbl 1372.68246 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Kusters, Vincent; Langerman, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 3 2014 Cell-paths in mono- and bichromatic line arrangements in the plane. Zbl 1306.05021 Aichholzer, Oswin; Cardinal, Jean; Hackl, Thomas; Hurtado, Ferran; Korman, Matias; Pilz, Alexander; Silveira, Rodrigo; Uehara, Ryuhei; Valtr, Pavel; Vogtenhuber, Birgit; Welzl, Emo 1 2014 Graph sharing games: complexity and connectivity. Zbl 1295.91020 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 8 2013 Universal sets for straight-line embeddings of bicolored graphs. Zbl 1272.05126 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 3 2013 On planar point sets with the pentagon property. Zbl 1305.68221 Cibulka, Josef; Kyncl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2013 Polynomial bounds on geometric Ramsey numbers of ladder graphs. Zbl 1293.05217 Cibulka, Josef; Gao, Pu; Krčál, Marek; Valla, Tomáš; Valtr, Pavel 1 2013 On the connectivity of visibility graphs. Zbl 1251.05087 Payne, Michael S.; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel; Wood, David R. 6 2012 Coding and counting arrangements of pseudolines. Zbl 1228.52014 Felsner, Stefan; Valtr, Pavel 19 2011 Augmenting the edge connectivity of planar straight line graphs to three. Zbl 1235.05077 Al-Jubeh, Marwan; Ishaque, Mashhood; Rédei, Kristóf; Souvaine, Diane L.; Tóth, Csaba D.; Valtr, Pavel 6 2011 Solution of Peter Winkler’s pizza problem. Zbl 1210.91022 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 4 2010 Large convexly independent subsets of Minkowski sums. Zbl 1205.52011 Swanepoel, Konrad J.; Valtr, Pavel 3 2010 Graph sharing games: complexity and connectivity. Zbl 1284.91072 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 1 2010 On edges crossing few other edges in simple topological complete graphs. Zbl 1175.05042 Kynčl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 7 2009 Traversing a set of points with a minimum number of turns. Zbl 1191.90087 Bereg, Sergey; Bose, Prosenjit; Dumitrescu, Adrian; Hurtado, Ferran; Valtr, Pavel 7 2009 On triconnected and cubic plane graphs on given point sets. Zbl 1200.05062 García, Alfredo; Hurtado, Ferran; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel, Javier; Valtr, Pavel 5 2009 Solution of Peter Winkler’s pizza problem. Zbl 1267.91046 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 4 2009 Paths with no small angles. Zbl 1204.52018 Bárány, Imre; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 3 2009 Hamiltonian alternating paths on bicolored double-chains. Zbl 1213.68435 Cibulka, Josef; Kynčl, Jan; Mészáros, Viola; Stolař, Rudolf; Valtr, Pavel 3 2009 On empty hexagons. Zbl 1147.52301 Valtr, Pavel 15 2008 Paths with no small angles. Zbl 1136.68548 Bárány, Imre; Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 2 2008 Empty convex polygons in almost convex sets. Zbl 1157.52306 Valtr, Pavel; Lippner, Gábor; Károlyi, Gyula 4 2007 Open caps and cups in planar point sets. Zbl 1139.52017 Valtr, Pavel 3 2007 On embedding triconnected cubic graphs on point sets. Zbl 1341.05137 García, Alfredo; Hurtado, Ferran; Huemer, Clemens; Tejel, Javier; Valtr, Pavel 2 2007 Labelings of graphs with fixed and variable edge-weights. Zbl 1141.05036 Babilon, Robert; Jelínek, Vít; Král’, Daniel; Valtr, Pavel 2 2007 Topics in discrete mathematics. Dedicated to Jarik Nešetřil on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Zbl 1097.05001 2 2006 On edges crossing few other edges in simple topological complete graphs. Zbl 1171.05325 Kynčl, Jan; Valtr, Pavel 2 2006 On the positive fraction Erdős-Szekeres theorem for convex sets. Zbl 1107.52012 Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 1 2006 The Erdős-Szekeres theorem: upper bounds and related results. Zbl 1090.52014 Tóth, Géza; Valtr, Pavel 36 2005 On the pair-crossing number. Zbl 1090.05022 Valtr, Pavel 9 2005 Planar point sets with a small number of empty convex polygons. Zbl 1075.52008 Bárány, I.; Valtr, P. 38 2004 The unit distance problem on spheres. Zbl 1065.52013 Swanepoel, Konrad J.; Valtr, Pavel 3 2004 A Turán-type extremal theory of convex geometric graphs. Zbl 1074.05048 Brass, Peter; Károlyi, Gyula; Valtr, Pavel 21 2003 Point configurations in \(d\)-space without large subsets in convex position. Zbl 1051.52012 Károlyi, Gyula; Valtr, Pavel 13 2003 One line and \(n\) points. Zbl 1154.90545 Gärtner, Bernd; Tschirschnitz, Falk; Welzl, Emo; Solymosi, József; Valtr, Pavel 5 2003 Low-distortion embeddings of trees. Zbl 1090.68079 Babilon, Robert; Matoušek, Jiří; Maxová, Jana; Valtr, Pavel 2 2003 The partitioned version of the Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 1019.52011 Pór, Attila; Valtr, Pavel 15 2002 A sufficient condition for the existence of large empty convex polygons. Zbl 1022.52007 Valtr, Pavel 7 2002 Low-distortion embeddings of trees. Zbl 1054.68562 Babilon, Robert; Matoušek, Jiří; Maxová, Jana; Valtr, Pavel 1 2002 One line and \(n\) points. Zbl 1323.90038 Gärtner, Bernd; Solymosi, József; Tschirschnitz, Falk; Welzl, Emo; Valtr, Pavel 3 2001 Geometric graphs with few disjoint edges. Zbl 0939.68097 Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 8 1999 On visibility and covering by convex sets. Zbl 0958.52008 Matoušek, Jiří; Valtr, Pavel 6 1999 On galleries with no bad points. Zbl 0927.52010 Valtr, P. 3 1999 Generalizations of Davenport-Schinzel sequences. Zbl 0942.68104 Valtr, Pavel 3 1999 Almost-tiling the plane by ellipses. Zbl 0952.52016 Kuperberg, K.; Kuperberg, W.; Matoušek, J.; Valtr, P. 1 1999 Induced monochromatic subconfigurations. Zbl 0934.05092 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Solymosi, József; Valtr, Pavel 1 1999 A positive fraction Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 0914.52007 Bárány, I.; Valtr, P. 34 1998 On geometric graphs with no \(k\) pairwise parallel edges. Zbl 0908.05035 Valtr, P. 26 1998 Note on the Erdős-Szekeres theorem. Zbl 0903.52006 Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 22 1998 Guarding galleries where no point sees a small area. Zbl 1045.52500 Valtr, Pavel 19 1998 Ramsey-type results for geometric graphs. II. Zbl 0912.05046 Károlyi, Gy.; Pach, J.; Tóth, G.; Valtr, P. 17 1998 A Ramsey property of order types. Zbl 0902.52006 Nešetřil, Jaroslav; Valtr, Pavel 8 1998 The largest \(k\)-ball in a \(d\)-dimensional box. Zbl 0911.68198 Everett, Hazel; Stojmenovic, Ivan; Valtr, Pavel; Whitesides, Sue 1 1998 Cutting dense point sets in half. Zbl 0870.68153 Edelsbrunner, H.; Valtr, P.; Welzl, E. 14 1997 On mutually avoiding sets. Zbl 0863.68114 Valtr, Pavel 8 1997 The complexity of the lower envelope of segments with \(h\) endpoints. Zbl 0879.68114 Matoušek, J.; Valtr, P. 2 1997 Ramsey-remainder. Zbl 0858.05073 Erdős, Paul; Tuza, Zsolt; Valtr, Pavel 9 1996 ...and 11 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 637 Authors 48 Valtr, Pavel 26 Aichholzer, Oswin 26 Balko, Martin 21 Pach, János 19 Vogtenhuber, Birgit 18 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 16 Kyncl, Jan 15 Suk, Andrew 14 Huemer, Clemens 14 Tóth, Csaba D. 13 Fabila-Monroy, Ruy 13 Hackl, Thomas 13 Scheucher, Manfred 11 Tejel, Javier 10 Bárány, Imre 10 Dumitrescu, Adrian 10 Fox, Jacob 10 Garcia, Alfredo Daniel 10 Hurtado, Ferran 10 Montecchiani, Fabrizio 10 Pilz, Alexander 10 Tardos, Gábor 10 Tóth, Géza 9 Cibulka, Josef 9 Liotta, Giuseppe 8 Didimo, Walter 8 Károlyi, Gyula 8 Klazar, Martin 8 Langerman, Stefan 8 Pinchasi, Rom 7 Hubard, Alfredo 7 Pór, Attila 7 Vizer, Máté 6 Angelini, Patrizio 6 Das, Sandip 6 Di Giacomo, Emilio 6 Koshelev, V. A. 6 Pérez-Lantero, Pablo 6 Seara, Carlos 6 Walczak, Bartosz 5 Ackerman, Eyal 5 Dujmović, Vida 5 González-Aguilar, Hernán 5 Hidalgo-Toscano, Carlos 5 Jelínek, Vít 5 Keller, Chaya 5 Keszegh, Balázs 5 Kobourov, Stephen G. 5 Morris, Walter D. jun. 5 Mubayi, Dhruv 5 Parada, Irene 5 Perles, Micha A. 5 Ramos, Pedro A. 5 Zeng, Ji 4 Bhattacharya, Bhaswar B. 4 Bose, Prosenjit K. 4 Bukh, Boris 4 Cardinal, Jean 4 Dobbins, Michael Gene 4 Duque, Frank 4 Fulek, Radoslav 4 Gerbner, Dániel 4 Holmsen, Andreas F. 4 Hosono, Kiyoshi 4 Jiang, Minghui 4 Korman, Matias 4 Matoušek, Jiří 4 Mehrabi, Saeed 4 Micek, Piotr 4 Milatz, Malte 4 Opler, Michal 4 Roy, Bodhayan 4 Rutter, Ignaz 4 Salazar, Gelasio 4 Schaefer, Marcus 4 Speckmann, Bettina 4 Sudakov, Benny 4 Ueckerdt, Torsten 4 Welzl, Emo 4 Wolff, Alexander 3 Bae, Sang Won 3 Barba, Luis Felipe 3 Bekos, Michael A. 3 Bhore, Sujoy Kumar 3 Biniaz, Ahmad 3 Binucci, Carla 3 Bisztriczky, Tibor 3 Carmi, Paz 3 Chaplick, Steven 3 Da Lozzo, Giordano 3 De Luca, Felice 3 Diwan, Ajit Arvind 3 Ftouhi, Ilias 3 Furedi, Zoltan 3 Gilbers, Alexander 3 Heredia, Marco A. 3 Kaufmann, Michael 3 Klein, Rolf-Dieter 3 Kratochvíl, Jan 3 Kusters, Vincent J. J. ...and 537 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 82 Serials 65 Discrete & Computational Geometry 44 Computational Geometry 26 Discrete Mathematics 20 Graphs and Combinatorics 17 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 16 Theoretical Computer Science 16 European Journal of Combinatorics 14 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 12 Discrete Applied Mathematics 11 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 10 Information Processing Letters 9 Algorithmica 8 Combinatorica 7 Israel Journal of Mathematics 7 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 7 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 6 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 5 Order 5 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Mathematika 4 Random Structures & Algorithms 4 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 4 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Journal of Graph Theory 3 SIAM Journal on Computing 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 2 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 2 CGT. Computing in Geometry and Topology 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Networks 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Theory and Decision 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Elemente der Mathematik 1 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Test 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Theory of Computing Systems 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Journal of the ACM 1 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. DMTCS 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 International Game Theory Review 1 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 1 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 1 Computer Science Review 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematics 1 EMS Surveys in Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 257 Combinatorics (05-XX) 190 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 165 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 18 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 8 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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