Edit Profile (opens in new tab) van Oystaeyen, Freddy Co-Author Distance Author ID: van-oystaeyen.freddy Published as: Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Van Oystaeyen, F.; van Oystaeyen, F.; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; van Oystaeyen, Freddy; van Oystaeyen, Fred; van Oystaeyen, F. M.; van Oystaeyen, Freddy M. J.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy M. J.; van Oystaeyen, F. M. J.; Van Ostaeyen, Fred more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 280 Publications since 1973, including 21 Books and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints 18 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 93 Co-Authors with 248 Joint Publications 1,442 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 49 single-authored 39 Zhang, Yinhuo 26 Nastasescu, Constantin 22 Panaite, Florin 19 Verschoren, Alain H. M. J. 15 Caenepeel, Stefaan 14 Li, Huishi 14 Torrecillas Jover, Blas 12 He, Jiwei 11 Nauwelaerts, Erna 9 Van den Bergh, Michel 7 Dăscălescu, Sorin 7 Le Bruyn, Lieven 6 Bavula, Vladimir V. 6 Caenepeel, Frederik 6 Raianu, Şerban 5 Neijens, Tim 5 Ruuge, Artur E. 5 Van Geel, Jan 5 Willaert, Luc 4 Bulacu, Daniel 4 Cuadra, Juan 4 Petit, Toukaiddine 4 van Deuren, Jean-Pierre 3 Bak, Anthony 3 López Peña, Javier 3 Murdoch, David C. 3 Xiao, Jie 3 Zhou, Borong 2 Aly, Farahat Sayed 2 Asensio, M. Jesus 2 Awami, Mohamed A. 2 Băeţică, Cornel 2 Chen, Xiaowu 2 Dăuş, Leonard 2 El Baroudy, Maha Helmy Ibrahim 2 García Rozas, Juan Ramon 2 Huang, Hua-Lin 2 Hussein, Salah El Din S. 2 Jara, Pascual 2 Liu, Gongxiang 2 Liu, Shaoxue 2 Marubayashi, Hidetoshi 2 Nawal, Sayed 2 Ndirahisha, J. 2 Nelis, Peter 2 Nwabueze, Kenneth K. 2 Staic, Mihai D. 2 Ştefan, Dragoş 2 Zhang, Pu 2 Zhu, Can 1 Abbas Nouh, Mohammed 1 Apostolopoulos, C. 1 Apostolopoulou, Ch. 1 Beattie, Margaret 1 Bogo, J. 1 Bueso, José Luis 1 Chen, Huixiang 1 De Concini, Corrado 1 del Río, Angel 1 Dello, Jeroen 1 Fuchs, Jürgen 1 Golan, Jonathan Samuel 1 Guadra, J. 1 Gutt, Simone 1 Houssein, Moawad 1 Hussein, Moawad 1 Jespers, Eric 1 Kuyk, Willem 1 López-Ramos, Juan Antonio 1 Ludkovsky, Sergey Victor 1 Malinin, Dmitry A. 1 Manu, Cristina 1 Menini, Claudia 1 Ogg, Andrew P. 1 Okniński, Jan 1 Radwan, Abdelaziz Elazab Ali 1 Raynaud, Jacques 1 Sallam, Ragabia H. 1 Saorín, Manuel 1 Schweigert, Christoph 1 Silvestrov, Sergei D. 1 Skryabin, Serge 1 Stolin, Alexander 1 Tillborghs, F. 1 Vavilov, Nikolaĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Verhulst, Nikolaas D. 1 Weichert, Thomas 1 Wexler-Kreindler, Elena 1 Xu, Yonghua 1 Yakovlev, Anatoliĭ Vladimirovich 1 Yang, Yuping 1 Yu, Xiaolan 1 Zalesski, Alexandre Efimovich 1 Zeeuwts, K. all top 5 Serials 60 Communications in Algebra 44 Journal of Algebra 20 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 11 Algebras and Representation Theory 9 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 9 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 7 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 6 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique 6 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 5 Israel Journal of Mathematics 5 \(K\)-Theory 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique. Série A 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Applied Categorical Structures 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Bulletin de la Société Matheḿatique de Belgique. Série B 2 Science in China. Series A 2 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 2 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Advances in Mathematics (Beijing) 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Vierde Serie 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 North-Holland Mathematical Library 1 K-Monographs in Mathematics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 1 Monographs and Research Notes in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 257 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 49 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 46 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 30 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 25 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 20 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Number theory (11-XX) 7 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 241 Publications have been cited 2,672 times in 1,642 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Graded ring theory. Zbl 0494.16001 Nastasescu, C.; van Oystaeyen, F. 305 1982 Methods of graded rings. Zbl 1043.16017 Năstăsescu, Constantin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 235 2004 Separable functors applied to graded rings. Zbl 0673.16026 Năstăsescu, C.; Van den Bergh, M.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 78 1989 Graded and filtered rings and modules. Zbl 0418.16001 Nastasescu, C.; van Oystaeyen, F. 74 1979 Zariskian filtrations. Zbl 0862.16027 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 70 1996 Prime spectra in non-commutative algebra. Zbl 0302.16001 van Oystaeyen, F. 48 1975 The Brauer group of a braided monoidal category. Zbl 0909.18005 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 46 1998 Modules graded by G-sets. Zbl 0721.16025 Năstăsescu, C.; Raianu, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 46 1990 Dimensions of ring theory. Zbl 0626.16001 Năstăsescu, Constantin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 40 1987 Quantum Yang-Baxter module algebras. Zbl 0829.16032 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Y. H. 39 1994 Quasi-Hopf algebra actions and smash products. Zbl 0953.16033 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 36 2000 The simple modules of certain generalized crossed products. Zbl 0927.16002 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 35 1997 The Green rings of Taft algebras. Zbl 1309.16021 Chen, Huixiang; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 35 2014 On iterated twisted tensor products of algebras. Zbl 1167.16023 Jara Martínez, Pascual; López Peña, Javier; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 34 2008 The Brauer group of Yetter-Drinfel’d module algebras. Zbl 0912.16015 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. H. 30 1997 Zariskian filtrations. Zbl 0691.16003 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, F. 29 1989 Relative invariants of rings. The commutative theory. Zbl 0568.13001 Van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 28 1983 Reflectors and localization. Application to sheaf theory. Zbl 0408.16001 van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 27 1979 The Goldie theorem for \(H\)-semiprime algebras. Zbl 1109.16033 Skryabin, Serge; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 27 2006 On strongly graded rings and crossed products. Zbl 0502.16001 Nastasescu, C.; van Oystaeyen, F. 26 1982 Generalized diagonal crossed products and smash products for quasi-Hopf algebras. Applications. Zbl 1159.16027 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 26 2006 The Wedderburn-Malcev theorem for comodule algebras. Zbl 0945.16032 Ştefan, D.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 25 1999 General twisting of algebras. Zbl 1143.16031 López Peña, Javier; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 25 2007 Algebraic geometry for associative algebras. Zbl 0986.16014 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 24 2000 A new algebraic approach to microlocalization of filtered rings. Zbl 0686.16002 Asensio, Maria J.; Van den Bergh, Michel; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 24 1989 Brauer groups and the cohomology of graded rings. Zbl 0702.13001 Caenepeel, Stefaan; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 22 1988 Hochschild cohomology and the coradical filtration of pointed coalgebras: Applications. Zbl 0918.16030 Ştefan, Dragoş; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 22 1998 Differentiable functions of quaternion variables. Zbl 1065.30051 Lüdkovsky, S. V.; van Oystaeyen, F. 22 2003 Representations and cocycle twists of color Lie algebras. Zbl 1125.17013 Chen, X.-W.; Silvestrov, S. D.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 22 2006 Non-commutative algebraic geometry. An introduction. Zbl 0477.16001 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy M. J.; Verschoren, Alain H. M. J. 21 1981 Prime divisors and noncommutative valuation theory. Zbl 1273.16001 Marubayashi, Hidetoshi; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 19 2012 L-R-smash product for (quasi-)Hopf algebras. Zbl 1126.16016 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 19 2007 Quiver Hopf algebras. Zbl 1079.16029 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Pu 19 2004 Generalized Rees rings and relative maximal orders satisfying polynomial identities. Zbl 0521.16003 Le Bruyn, L.; van Oystaeyen, Fred 18 1983 Relative invariants of rings. The non-commutative theory. Zbl 0555.16001 van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 18 1984 Quasitriangular structures for some pointed Hopf algebras of dimension \(2^n\). Zbl 0943.16019 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 17 1999 Jacobson radicals and maximal ideals of normalizing extensions applied to \(\mathbb Z\)-graded rings. Zbl 0493.16002 Năstăsescu, C.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 17 1982 Generalized Rees rings and arithmetical graded rings. Zbl 0509.13016 van Oystaeyen, F. 16 1983 Graded P.I. rings and noncommutative projective schemes. Zbl 0455.16006 van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 16 1981 The Brauer group of Sweedler’s Hopf algebra \(H_4\). Zbl 0964.16036 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 15 2001 Krull dimension of generalized Weyl algebras and iterated skew polynomial rings: Commutative coefficients. Zbl 0923.16022 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 15 1998 Arithmetically graded rings revisited. Zbl 0603.16001 Năstăsescu, C.; Nauwelaerts, E.; van Oystaeyen, F. 15 1986 Graded rings over arithmetical orders. Zbl 0536.16002 Marubayashi, H.; Nauwelaerts, E.; van Oystaeyen, F. 15 1984 Noncommutative localization and sheaves. Zbl 0315.16003 Murdoch, D. C.; van Oystaeyen, F. 15 1975 Simple modules of the Witten-Woronowicz algebra. Zbl 1047.16001 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 14 2004 The Brauer group of a cocommutative coalgebra. Zbl 0837.16037 Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Y. H. 13 1995 The Brauer splitting theorem and projective representations of finite groups over rings. Zbl 0675.20008 Nauwelaerts, E.; van Oystaeyen, F. 13 1988 Pseudosymmetric braidings, twines and twisted algebras. Zbl 1207.16037 Panaite, Florin; Staic, Mihai D.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 13 2010 Cocommutative Calabi-Yau Hopf algebras and deformations. Zbl 1213.16026 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 13 2010 Clifford-type algebras as cleft extensions for some pointed Hopf algebras. Zbl 0952.16041 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 12 2000 Simple holonomic modules over the second Weyl algebra \(A_2\). Zbl 0947.16008 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 12 2000 On Clifford systems and generalized crossed products. Zbl 0542.16001 Van Oystaeyen, F. 12 1984 Zariski central rings. Zbl 0389.16001 Van Oystaeyen, F. 12 1978 Filtrations on simple Artinian rings. Zbl 0761.16016 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, F. 11 1990 Graded modules over \(G\)-sets. II. Zbl 0737.16028 Nǎstǎsescu, Constantin; Liu, Shaoxue; Van Oystaeyen, F. 11 1991 Global dimension and Auslander regularity of Rees rings. Zbl 0753.16003 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, F. 11 1991 Lifting maximal orders. Zbl 0663.16004 Van den Bergh, M.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 11 1989 Hopf algebra actions on differential graded algebras and applications. Zbl 1228.16011 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 11 2011 About graded fields. Zbl 0468.16001 van Geel, J.; van Oystaeyen, F. 11 1981 Grothendieck topology, coherent sheaves and Serre’s theorem for schematic algebras. Zbl 0854.16027 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Willaert, Luc 10 1995 Gradings of finite support. Application to injective objects. Zbl 0859.16036 Dăscălescu, S.; Năstăsescu, C.; Del Río, A.; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 10 1996 Embedding the Hopf automorphism group into the Brauer group. Zbl 0917.16019 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 10 1998 Introducing crystalline graded algebras. Zbl 1163.16033 Nauwelaerts, Erna; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 10 2008 Relative localization; bimodules and semiprime P. I. Rings. Zbl 0406.16003 van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 10 1979 Quasi-Hopf algebras. A categorical approach. Zbl 1425.16001 Bulacu, Daniel; Caenepeel, Stefaan; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 10 2019 Quantum traces and quantum dimensions for quasi-Hopf algebras. Zbl 0945.16030 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 1999 The projective Schur subgroup of the Brauer group and root groups of finite groups. Zbl 0735.13003 Nelis, P.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 9 1991 Some constructions of rings. Zbl 0532.16001 van Oystaeyen, F. 9 1984 Skew polynomial algebras with coefficients in Koszul Artin-Schelter regular algebras. Zbl 1303.16030 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2013 The Green rings of pointed tensor categories of finite type. Zbl 1286.19001 Huang, Hua-Lin; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Yang, Yuping; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2014 Localization of fully left bounded rings. Zbl 0327.16003 van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 1976 On graded rings and modules of quotients. Zbl 0388.16001 van Oystaeyen, F. 9 1978 On (co)homology of Frobenius Poisson algebras. Zbl 1309.17012 Zhu, Can; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2014 Note on the cohomology of color Hopf and Lie algebras. Zbl 1122.17012 Chen, Xiao-Wu; Petit, Toukaiddine; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 2006 L-R-smash biproducts, double biproducts and a braided category of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules. Zbl 1206.16021 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 2010 On Brauer groups of arithmetical graded rings. Zbl 0468.16007 van Oystaeyen, F. 9 1981 Finite generalized crossed products over tame and maximal orders. Zbl 0588.16002 Nauwelaerts, E.; van Oystaeyen, F. 8 1986 Graded coalgebras and Morita-Takeuchi contexts. Zbl 0859.16032 Dăscălescu, S.; Năstăsescu, C.; Raianu, S.; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 8 1995 Inductions and coinductions for Hopf extensions. Zbl 0878.16021 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Xu, Yonghua; Zhang, Yinhuo 8 1996 Galois-type correspondences for Hopf-Galois extensions. Zbl 0814.16034 Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. 8 1994 Making the category of Doi-Hopf modules into a braided monoidal category. Zbl 0912.16016 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhou, Borong 8 1998 The simple modules of the Lie superalgebra \(osp (1,2)\). Zbl 1006.17009 Bavula, V.; van Oystaeyen, F. 8 2000 Note on derivations of graded rings and classification of differential polynomial rings. Zbl 0663.16001 Awami, M.; Van den Bergh, M.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 8 1988 Crossed products over arithmetically graded rings. Zbl 0508.16002 van Oystaeyen, F. 8 1983 Birational hereditary Noetherian prime rings. Zbl 0429.16004 Nauwelaerts, E.; van Oystaeyen, F. 8 1980 On the Brauer group of a projective variety. Zbl 0493.13001 Van Oystaeyen, F.; Verschoren, A. 8 1982 A structure theorem for quasi-Hopf comodule algebras. Zbl 1160.16021 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 8 2007 Azumaya strongly graded rings and ray classes. Zbl 0607.16002 van Oystaeyen, F. 7 1986 An introduction of fragmented structures over filtered rings. Zbl 0829.16034 Nawal, Sayed; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 1995 Nakayama automorphisms of double Ore extensions of Koszul regular algebras. Zbl 1394.16032 Zhu, Can; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 7 2017 \(H\)-module endomorphism rings. Zbl 0838.16034 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 7 1995 Existence of integrals for finite dimensional quasi-Hopf algebras. Zbl 0972.16020 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 2000 Generalized crossed products applied to maximal orders, Brauer groups and related exact sequences. Zbl 0538.16003 Caenepeel, S.; van den Bergh, M.; van Oystaeyen, F. 7 1984 Twisted algebras and Rota-Baxter type operators. Zbl 1385.16028 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 2017 Graded almost Noetherian rings and applications to coalgebras. Zbl 1019.16031 Cuadra, J.; Năstăsescu, C.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 7 2002 Survey of modular functions of one variable. Notes by F. Van Oystaeyen. Zbl 0258.10012 Ogg, Andrew 7 1973 Clifford theory for glider representations. Zbl 1388.20007 Caenepeel, Frederik; van Oystaeyen, Fred 7 2016 Compatibility of kernel functors and localization functors. Zbl 0424.16004 van Oystaeyen, F. 7 1976 Induction functors and stable Clifford theory for Hopf modules. Zbl 0855.16036 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 6 1996 A microstructure sheaf and quantum sections over a projective scheme. Zbl 0787.16025 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Sallam, Ragabia 6 1993 Glider representations. Zbl 1492.16001 Caenepeel, Frederik; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 3 2020 Generalized characters for glider representations of groups. Zbl 1435.20007 Caenepeel, Frederik; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 1 2020 Quasi-Hopf algebras. A categorical approach. Zbl 1425.16001 Bulacu, Daniel; Caenepeel, Stefaan; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 10 2019 Glider representations of group algebra filtrations of nilpotent groups. Zbl 1466.20001 Caenepeel, Frederik; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 4 2018 Nakayama automorphisms of double Ore extensions of Koszul regular algebras. Zbl 1394.16032 Zhu, Can; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 7 2017 Twisted algebras and Rota-Baxter type operators. Zbl 1385.16028 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 2017 Hopf dense Galois extensions with applications. Zbl 1377.16027 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 6 2017 Quasi-Frobenius-Lusztig kernels for simple Lie algebras. Zbl 1407.17019 Liu, Gongxiang; van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 4 2017 Clifford theory for glider representations. Zbl 1388.20007 Caenepeel, Frederik; van Oystaeyen, Fred 7 2016 Structure theorems for bicomodule algebras over quasi-Hopf algebras, weak Hopf algebras, and braided Hopf algebras. Zbl 1357.16048 Dello, Jeroen; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Zhang, Yinhuo 3 2016 Cleft extensions of Koszul twisted Calabi-Yau algebras. Zbl 1378.16037 Yu, Xiaolan; van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 2 2016 Arithmetical pseudo-valuations associated to Dubrovin valuation rings and prime divisors of bounded Krull orders. Zbl 1342.16013 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Verhulst, Nikolaas 1 2016 Graded 3-Calabi-Yau algebras as Ore extensions of 2-Calabi-Yau algebras. Zbl 1329.16023 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 4 2015 PBW deformations of Koszul algebras over a nonsemisimple ring. Zbl 1325.16026 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 3 2015 The Green rings of Taft algebras. Zbl 1309.16021 Chen, Huixiang; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 35 2014 The Green rings of pointed tensor categories of finite type. Zbl 1286.19001 Huang, Hua-Lin; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Yang, Yuping; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2014 On (co)homology of Frobenius Poisson algebras. Zbl 1309.17012 Zhu, Can; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2014 Dualizing complexes of Noetherian complete algebras via coalgebras. Zbl 1336.16033 He, J.-W.; Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. 2 2014 Skew polynomial algebras with coefficients in Koszul Artin-Schelter regular algebras. Zbl 1303.16030 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 9 2013 Deformations of Koszul Artin-Schelter Gorenstein algebras. Zbl 1281.16018 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 6 2013 Calabi-Yau algebras and their deformations. Zbl 1313.16028 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 1 2013 Prime divisors and noncommutative valuation theory. Zbl 1273.16001 Marubayashi, Hidetoshi; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 19 2012 Hopf algebra actions on differential graded algebras and applications. Zbl 1228.16011 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 11 2011 Realizability of two-dimensional linear groups over rings of integers of algebraic number fields. Zbl 1250.20038 Malinin, Dmitry; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 5 2011 Distortion of the Poisson bracket by the noncommutative Planck constants. Zbl 1230.81035 Ruuge, Artur E.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2011 Quasi-elementary \(H\)-Azumaya algebras arising from generalized (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules. Zbl 1263.16034 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2011 Calabi-Yau coalgebras. Zbl 1255.16040 He, J.-W.; Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. 1 2011 Pseudosymmetric braidings, twines and twisted algebras. Zbl 1207.16037 Panaite, Florin; Staic, Mihai D.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 13 2010 Cocommutative Calabi-Yau Hopf algebras and deformations. Zbl 1213.16026 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 13 2010 L-R-smash biproducts, double biproducts and a braided category of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules. Zbl 1206.16021 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 2010 Derived \(H\)-module endomorphism rings. Zbl 1241.16022 He, Ji-Wei; Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 4 2010 Maximal graded orders over crystalline graded rings. Zbl 1220.16012 Neijens, Tim; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2010 V-categories: applications to graded rings. Zbl 1183.18006 Dăuş, L.; Năstăsescu, C.; van Oystaeyen, F. 6 2009 On iterated twisted tensor products of algebras. Zbl 1167.16023 Jara Martínez, Pascual; López Peña, Javier; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 34 2008 Introducing crystalline graded algebras. Zbl 1163.16033 Nauwelaerts, Erna; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 10 2008 Virtual topology and functor geometry. Zbl 1148.18001 Van Oystaeyen, Fred 4 2008 When is a coalgebra a generator? Zbl 1155.16029 Năstăsescu, C.; Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 2 2008 General twisting of algebras. Zbl 1143.16031 López Peña, Javier; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 25 2007 L-R-smash product for (quasi-)Hopf algebras. Zbl 1126.16016 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 19 2007 A structure theorem for quasi-Hopf comodule algebras. Zbl 1160.16021 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 8 2007 On some classes of lazy cocycles and categorical structures. Zbl 1155.16030 Panaite, Florin; Staic, Mihai D.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 6 2007 On the generalized enveloping algebra of a color Lie algebra. Zbl 1128.17011 Petit, Toukaiddine; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 1 2007 The Goldie theorem for \(H\)-semiprime algebras. Zbl 1109.16033 Skryabin, Serge; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 27 2006 Generalized diagonal crossed products and smash products for quasi-Hopf algebras. Applications. Zbl 1159.16027 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 26 2006 Representations and cocycle twists of color Lie algebras. Zbl 1125.17013 Chen, X.-W.; Silvestrov, S. D.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 22 2006 Note on the cohomology of color Hopf and Lie algebras. Zbl 1122.17012 Chen, Xiao-Wu; Petit, Toukaiddine; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 2006 Some bialgebroids constructed by Kadison and Connes-Moscovici are isomorphic. Zbl 1107.16039 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 5 2006 The equivariant Brauer group of a group. Zbl 1096.16008 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. H. 2 2006 Valuation extensions of filtered and graded algebras. Zbl 1092.16024 Baetica, C.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 1 2006 Saturated Kochen-Specker-type configuration of 120 projective lines in eight-dimensional space and its group of symmetry. Zbl 1110.81020 Ruuge, Artur E.; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 5 2005 Generalized twisted group rings. Zbl 1083.16012 Nauwelaerts, E.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 2 2005 Hopf algebras in noncommutative geometry and physics. Proceedings of the conference on Hopf algebras and quantum groups, Brussels, Belgium, May 28–June 1, 2002. Zbl 1051.16001 2 2005 Noncommutative algebra and geometry. Selected papers of a conference in honor of Z. Borevich, St. Petersburg, Russia. Zbl 1072.16500 1 2005 Methods of graded rings. Zbl 1043.16017 Năstăsescu, Constantin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 235 2004 Quiver Hopf algebras. Zbl 1079.16029 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Pu 19 2004 Simple modules of the Witten-Woronowicz algebra. Zbl 1047.16001 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 14 2004 Quasi-Hopf algebras and representations of octonions and other quasialgebras. Zbl 1071.17016 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 5 2004 Abstract algebra. A comprehensive treatment. Zbl 1051.08001 Menini, Claudia; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2004 Differentiable functions of quaternion variables. Zbl 1065.30051 Lüdkovsky, S. V.; van Oystaeyen, F. 22 2003 Graded almost Noetherian rings and applications to coalgebras. Zbl 1019.16031 Cuadra, J.; Năstăsescu, C.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 7 2002 The Brauer group of a Hopf algebra. Zbl 1010.16043 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy; Zhang, Yinhuo 6 2002 Computing subgroups of the Brauer group of \(H_4\). Zbl 1022.16010 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 4 2002 Grothendieck representations of categories and canonical noncommutative topologies. Zbl 1055.14003 Ndirahisha, J.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 1 2002 Block theory for Grothendieck categories: Applications. Zbl 1033.18006 Manu, Cristina; Năstăsescu, C.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 1 2002 The Brauer group of Sweedler’s Hopf algebra \(H_4\). Zbl 0964.16036 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 15 2001 On the Brauer group of a cocommutative coalgebra. Zbl 0993.16026 Cuadra, Juan; García Rozas, Juan Ramon; Torrecillas, Blas; Van Oystaeyen, Fred 2 2001 Simple holonomic modules over rings of differential operators with regular coefficients of Krull dimension 2. Zbl 1017.16016 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 2 2001 The Brauer group of irreducible coalgebras. Zbl 0988.16024 Cuadra, J.; García Rozas, J. R.; Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 1 2001 Invariants of coalgebras. Zbl 0987.16030 Guadra, J.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 1 2001 Quasi-Hopf algebra actions and smash products. Zbl 0953.16033 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 36 2000 Algebraic geometry for associative algebras. Zbl 0986.16014 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 24 2000 Clifford-type algebras as cleft extensions for some pointed Hopf algebras. Zbl 0952.16041 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 12 2000 Simple holonomic modules over the second Weyl algebra \(A_2\). Zbl 0947.16008 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 12 2000 The simple modules of the Lie superalgebra \(osp (1,2)\). Zbl 1006.17009 Bavula, V.; van Oystaeyen, F. 8 2000 Existence of integrals for finite dimensional quasi-Hopf algebras. Zbl 0972.16020 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 7 2000 Fragments with finiteness conditions in particular over group rings. Zbl 0951.16018 El Baroudy, Maha; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 5 2000 Quasi-Hopf algebras and the centre of a tensor category. Zbl 1022.16027 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 4 2000 IBN for graded rings. Zbl 0951.16016 Năstăsescu, C.; Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 4 2000 Separable algebras. Zbl 0966.16007 Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2000 Elimination of variables in linear solvable polynomial algebras and \(\delta\)-holonomicity. Zbl 0997.16017 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 2 2000 Interactions between ring theory and representations of algebras. Proceedings of the conference, Murcia, Spain. Zbl 0947.00023 2 2000 The Wedderburn-Malcev theorem for comodule algebras. Zbl 0945.16032 Ştefan, D.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 25 1999 Quasitriangular structures for some pointed Hopf algebras of dimension \(2^n\). Zbl 0943.16019 Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 17 1999 Quantum traces and quantum dimensions for quasi-Hopf algebras. Zbl 0945.16030 Bulacu, Daniel; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 9 1999 Finite groups over arithmetical rings and globally irreducible representations. Zbl 1112.20300 Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zalesskiĭ, A. E. 5 1999 External homogenization for Hopf algebras: Applications to Maschke’s theorem. Zbl 0942.16044 Năstăsescu, Constantin; Panaite, Florin; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 3 1999 Generalized twisted group rings of finite groups. Zbl 0948.16020 Nauwelaerts, E.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 2 1999 Commutative algebra and algebraic geometry. Proceedings of the Ferrara meeting in honor of Mario Fiorentini on the occasion of his retirement, Ferrara, Italy. Zbl 0913.00044 1 1999 The Brauer group of a braided monoidal category. Zbl 0909.18005 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 46 1998 Hochschild cohomology and the coradical filtration of pointed coalgebras: Applications. Zbl 0918.16030 Ştefan, Dragoş; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 22 1998 Krull dimension of generalized Weyl algebras and iterated skew polynomial rings: Commutative coefficients. Zbl 0923.16022 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 15 1998 Embedding the Hopf automorphism group into the Brauer group. Zbl 0917.16019 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 10 1998 Making the category of Doi-Hopf modules into a braided monoidal category. Zbl 0912.16016 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhou, Borong 8 1998 The categories of Yetter-Drinfel’d modules, Doi-Hopf modules and two-sided two-cosided Hopf modules. Zbl 0983.16029 Beattie, M.; Dăscălescu, S.; Raianu, Ş.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 5 1998 Coflat monomorphisms of coalgebras. Zbl 0929.16037 Torrecillas, B.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. H. 3 1998 Finite dimensional Hopf algebras coacting on coalgebras. Zbl 0938.16033 Van Oystaeyen, Fred; Zhang, Yinhuo 2 1998 Reductions and global dimension of quantized algebras over a regular commutative domain. Zbl 0910.16006 Li, Huishi; Van Oystaeyen, Freddy 1 1998 Brauer groups of actions. Zbl 0898.18003 Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. H. 1 1998 The simple modules of certain generalized crossed products. Zbl 0927.16002 Bavula, V.; Van Oystaeyen, F. 35 1997 The Brauer group of Yetter-Drinfel’d module algebras. Zbl 0912.16015 Caenepeel, S.; Van Oystaeyen, F.; Zhang, Y. H. 30 1997 ...and 141 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,191 Authors 137 van Oystaeyen, Freddy 50 Verschoren, Alain H. M. J. 49 Torrecillas Jover, Blas 43 Nastasescu, Constantin 41 Caenepeel, Stefaan 40 Zhang, Yinhuo 32 Abu-Dawwas, Rashid 30 Panaite, Florin 29 Bulacu, Daniel 29 Van den Bergh, Michel 28 Al-Zoubi, Khaldoun 24 Ludkovsky, Sergey Victor 23 Dăscălescu, Sorin 20 Le Bruyn, Lieven 20 Marubayashi, Hidetoshi 19 Bavula, Vladimir V. 19 Menini, Claudia 18 Jespers, Eric 17 Chen, Huixiang 15 Ardizzoni, Alessandro 15 Cuadra, Juan 15 Li, Huishi 15 Nauwelaerts, Erna 15 Wang, Xingting 15 Zhang, James J. 14 Beattie, Margaret 14 Öinert, Johan 14 Skryabin, Serge 13 Gómez Torrecillas, José 13 He, Jiwei 13 Huang, Hua-Lin 13 Wang, Shuanhong 12 Crivei, Septimiu 12 Hazrat, Roozbeh 12 Militaru, Gigel 12 Rangaswamy, Kulumani M. 11 Bataineh, Malik 11 Raianu, Şerban 10 Guédénon, Thomas 10 Li, Libin 10 Ma, Tianshui 10 Silvestrov, Sergei D. 10 Sun, Jiancai 10 Wauters, Paul 10 Zhang, Liangyun 9 Albu, Toma 9 Ardakov, Konstantin 9 Brzeziński, Tomasz 9 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 9 Ilić-Georgijević, Emil 9 Ştefan, Dragoş 9 Ueda, Akira 9 Wang, Dingguo 9 Yang, Shilin 8 Alghueiri, Shatha 8 Aljadeff, Eli 8 Böhm, Gabriella 8 Calderón Martín, Antonio Jesús 8 Gordienko, Alekseĭ Sergeevich 8 Hartwig, Jonas T. 8 Jara, Pascual 8 Kanunnikov, Andrei Leonidovich 8 Lu, Jiafeng 8 Mahdou, Najib 8 Runkel, Ingo 8 Siles Molina, Mercedes 8 Wu, Quanshui S. 7 Akalan, Evrim 7 Asensio, M. Jesus 7 Bahturin, Yuri 7 Carnovale, Giovanna 7 Chen, Xiaowu 7 García Rozas, Juan Ramon 7 Ginosar, Yuval 7 Koç, Suat 7 Lundström, Patrik 7 Refai, Mashhoor 7 Vaš, Lia 7 Wang, Zhihua 7 Yu, Xiaolan 6 Aizawa, Naruhiko 6 Alraqad, Tariq A. 6 Assarrar, Anass 6 Bueso, José Luis 6 Caenepeel, Frederik 6 Castaño Iglesias, Florencio 6 Chen, Quanguo 6 Fuchs, Jürgen 6 Ghiasvand, Peyman 6 Kochetov, Mikhail Viktorovich 6 López-Ramos, Juan Antonio 6 Malinin, Dmitry A. 6 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 6 Reyes Sánchez, M. Victoria 6 Rogalski, Daniel 6 Saracco, Paolo 6 Schnabel, Ofir 6 Shen, Yuan 6 Stafford, J. Toby 6 Tekir, Unsal ...and 1,091 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 214 Serials 295 Journal of Algebra 264 Communications in Algebra 124 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 65 Algebras and Representation Theory 62 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 50 Advances in Mathematics 37 Israel Journal of Mathematics 36 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 35 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 25 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 19 Applied Categorical Structures 15 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 14 Journal of Geometry and Physics 14 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 14 Linear Algebra and its Applications 13 Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 10 Communications in Mathematical Physics 10 Proyecciones 10 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 9 Mathematical Notes 9 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 9 Mathematische Zeitschrift 9 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 9 Science China. Mathematics 8 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 8 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 8 \(K\)-Theory 8 Transformation Groups 7 Quaestiones Mathematicae 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 7 Theory and Applications of Categories 7 Representation Theory 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 7 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 6 Demonstratio Mathematica 6 Algebra Colloquium 6 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 6 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 6 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 5 Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 Inventiones Mathematicae 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 5 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 5 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 5 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Nuclear Physics. B 4 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 4 Archiv der Mathematik 4 Colloquium Mathematicum 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Forum Mathematicum 4 International Journal of Mathematics 4 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 4 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 4 Open Mathematics 4 AIMS Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 3 Reports on Mathematical Physics 3 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 3 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 3 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 3 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 3 Documenta Mathematica 3 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 3 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 3 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 3 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Matematički Vesnik 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Semigroup Forum ...and 114 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 46 Fields 1,315 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 303 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 235 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 210 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 165 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 133 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 58 Quantum theory (81-XX) 44 Number theory (11-XX) 39 Functional analysis (46-XX) 38 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 31 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 30 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 29 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 23 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 20 Combinatorics (05-XX) 17 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 15 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 13 Differential geometry (53-XX) 12 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 11 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 10 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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