Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Vanhecke, Lieven (b. 1939 d. 2023) Co-Author Distance Author ID: vanhecke.lieven Published as: Vanhecke, Lieven; Vanhecke, L.; Vanhecke, L more...less External Links: Wikidata Documents Indexed: 327 Publications since 1965, including 6 Books 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 299 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 61 Co-Authors with 266 Joint Publications 902 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 61 single-authored 29 González Dávila, José Carmelo 27 Rosca, Radu M. 25 Kowalski, Oldřich 24 Tricerri, Franco 19 Boeckx, Eric 18 Berndt, Jürgen 16 Bueken, Peter 12 García-Río, Eduardo 12 Tondeur, Philippe 10 Chen, Bang-Yen 9 Sekigawa, Kouei 9 Verstraelen, Leopold C. A. 8 Gray, Alfred 7 Blair, David E. 7 González-Dávila, M. C. 7 Ledger, Arthur Johnson 6 Vázquez Abal, María Elena 5 Calvaruso, Giovanni 5 Djorić, Mirjana 5 Nicolodi, Lorenzo 5 Prüfer, Friedbert 4 Willmore, Thomas James 3 Abbena, Elsa 3 Cho, Jong Taek 3 Garbiero, Sergio 3 Perrone, Domenico 3 Rouxel, Bernard 3 Tsukada, Kazumi 3 Watson, Bill 2 Bouten, Franciska 2 Caddeo, Renzo 2 Cahen, Michel 2 Ferrarotti, Massimo 2 Gil-Medrano, Olga 2 Janssens, Dirk 2 Monar, Maria Dolores 2 Naveira, Antonio M. 2 Nishikawa, Seiki 2 Okumura, Masafumi 2 Suga, Hiroshi 2 Vermeire, Lea 1 Barros, Manuel 1 Binh, Tran Quoc 1 De Wilde, Marc 1 Díaz-Ramos, José Carlos 1 Dodson, Christopher Terence John 1 Donnini, Stefania 1 Gheysens, Luc 1 Gilkey, Peter B. 1 Goldberg, Samuel I. 1 Leroy, Jules 1 Marinosci, Rosa Anna 1 Nagy, Peter Tibor 1 Ornea, Liviu 1 Parker, Monique 1 Ricci, Fulvio 1 Swann, Andrew F. 1 Tahara, Manabu 1 Verhóczki, László 1 Watanabe, Yoshiyuki 1 Yano, Kentaro all top 5 Serials 15 Simon Stevin 9 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 8 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 7 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 6 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 6 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 6 Geometriae Dedicata 6 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 6 Monatshefte für Mathematik 6 Tensor. New Series 6 Differential Geometry and its Applications 5 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 5 Kodai Mathematical Journal 5 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 5 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 5 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 5 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 4 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. Serie IV 4 Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 4 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 4 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. A 4 Kodai Mathematical Seminar Reports 3 Houston Journal of Mathematics 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Colloquium Mathematicum 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Note di Matematica 3 Mathematics Journal of Toyama University 3 Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias 3 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 3 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 3 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. B 3 Nihonkai Mathematical Journal 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. (Serie Nouă.) Secțiunea Ia. Matematică-Informatică 2 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de la République Socialiste de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 2 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Differential Geometry 2 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Revue de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Istanbul. Série A 2 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 5e Série 2 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 2 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. Serie V 2 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie VIII. Sezione B. Articoli di Ricerca Matematica 1 Classical and Quantum Gravity 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 The Journal of the University of Kuwait. (Science) 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematics Reports 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Revista Matematica Hispano-Americana. 4a Serie. Publicada por Real Sociedad Matematica Espanola 1 Yokohama Mathematical Journal 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin de la Société Matheḿatique de Belgique. Série B 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 General Mathematics 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IV ...and 5 more Serials all top 5 Fields 318 Differential geometry (53-XX) 17 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 224 Publications have been cited 2,185 times in 1,226 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Almost contact structures and curvature tensors. Zbl 0472.53043 Janssens, Dirk; Vanhecke, Lieven 170 1981 Homogeneous structures on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0509.53043 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 133 1983 Riemannian manifolds with homogeneous geodesics. Zbl 0731.53046 Kowalski, O.; Vanhecke, L. 121 1991 Generalized Heisenberg groups and Damek-Ricci harmonic spaces. Zbl 0818.53067 Berndt, Jürgen; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 120 1995 Curvature tensors on almost Hermitian manifolds. Zbl 0484.53014 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 94 1981 Riemannian geometry as determined by the volumes of small geodesic balls. Zbl 0428.53017 Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 70 1979 Riemannian manifolds of conullity two. Zbl 0904.53006 Boeckx, Eric; Vanhecke, Lieven; Kowalski, Oldřich 62 1996 Differential geometry of geodesic spheres. Zbl 0503.53013 Chen, Bang-Yen; Vanhecke, Lieven 54 1981 Lorentz manifolds modelled on a Lorentz symmetric space. Zbl 0736.53056 Cahen, M.; Leroy, J.; Parker, M.; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 47 1990 Isoparametric geodesic spheres and a conjecture of Osserman concerning the Jacobi operator. Zbl 0848.53023 Gilkey, Peter; Swann, Andrew; Vanhecke, Lieven 40 1995 Geodesics in weakly symmetric spaces. Zbl 0880.53044 Berndt, Jürgen; Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 34 1997 Characteristic reflections on unit tangent sphere bundles. Zbl 0897.53010 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, Lieven 33 1997 Symmetries and \(\phi\)-symmetric spaces. Zbl 0632.53039 Blair, David; Vanhecke, Lieven 30 1987 Homogeneity on three-dimensional contact metric manifolds. Zbl 0957.53017 Calvaruso, G.; Perrone, D.; Vanhecke, L. 29 1999 Curvature invariants, differential operators and local homogeneity. Zbl 0867.53032 Prüfer, Friedbert; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 28 1996 Harmonic and minimal vector fields on tangent and unit tangent bundles. Zbl 0973.53053 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 27 2000 Classification of five-dimensional naturally reductive spaces. Zbl 0555.53024 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 24 1985 Unit tangent sphere bundles with constant scalar curvature. Zbl 1079.53063 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 24 2001 D’Atri spaces. Zbl 0862.53039 Kowalski, Oldřich; Prüfer, Friedbert; Vanhecke, Lieven 24 1996 Interaction of tubes and spheres. Zbl 0491.53034 Vanhecke, Lieven; Willmore, T. J. 24 1983 Almost Hermitian manifolds with constant holomorphic sectional curvature. Zbl 0413.53011 Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 23 1979 Geometry of weakly symmetric spaces. Zbl 0877.53027 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 22 1996 Curvature homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0836.53029 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 21 1992 Two natural generalizations of locally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0747.53013 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 20 1992 \(\varphi\)-symmetric contact metric spaces. Zbl 0963.53008 Boeckx, E.; Bueken, P.; Vanhecke, L. 20 1999 The volumes of tubes about curves in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0491.53035 Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 20 1982 The volumes of tubes in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0511.53059 Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 19 1981 Isometric, holomorphic and symplectic reflections. Zbl 0673.53035 Chen, B. Y.; Vanhecke, L. 19 1989 Almost Hermitian manifolds with J-invariant Riemann curvature tensor. Zbl 0343.53019 Vanhecke, Lieven 16 1976 Examples of minimal unit vector fields. Zbl 1005.53026 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 16 2000 Ball-homogeneous and disk-homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0476.53023 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 15 1982 Symplectic geodesic symmetries on Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0589.53068 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, Lieven 15 1986 Special ball-homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0892.53023 Calvaruso, G.; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1997 Examples of curvature homogeneous Lorentz metrics. Zbl 0882.53036 Bueken, Peter; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1997 Curvature homogeneous spaces with a solvable Lie group as homogeneous model. Zbl 0762.53031 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1992 Four-dimensional naturally reductive homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0631.53039 Kowalski, O.; Vanhecke, L. 14 1983 Unit tangent sphere boundles and two-point homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0924.53014 Boeckx, E.; Perrone, D.; Vanhecke, Lieven 13 1998 Three- and four-dimensional Einstein-like manifolds and homogeneity. Zbl 0944.53026 Bueken, Peter; Vanhecke, Lieven 13 1999 Curvature homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0698.53033 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 13 1989 Volume-preserving geodesic symmetries on four-dimensional 2-Stein spaces. Zbl 0613.53010 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 13 1986 Harmonicity and minimality of oriented distributions. Zbl 1073.58007 Gil-Medrano, O.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 13 2004 Invariant harmonic unit vector fields on Lie groups. Zbl 1097.53033 Vanhecke, L.; González-Dávila, J. C. 12 2002 The Chern numbers of holomorphic vector bundles and formally holomorphic connections of complex vector bundles over almost complex manifolds. Zbl 0432.53050 Gray, Alfred; Barros, M.; Naveira, A. M.; Vanhecke, Lieven 12 1980 Curvature-adapted submanifolds. Zbl 0956.53509 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 12 1992 Harmonic and minimal radial vector fields. Zbl 1012.53040 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 12 2001 Minimality and harmonicity for Hopf vector fields. Zbl 0997.53040 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 12 2001 Energy and volume of unit vector fields on three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1035.53089 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 11 2002 Harmonic and minimal invariant unit vector fields on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1015.53030 Gil-Medrano, O.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 11 2001 A generalization of a theorem on naturally reductive homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0542.53029 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 10 1984 Symmetric-like Riemannian manifolds and geodesic symmetries. Zbl 0830.53036 Berndt, Jürgen; Prüfer, Friedbert; Vanhecke, Lieven 10 1995 Harmonic endomorphism fields. Zbl 0880.53032 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven; Vázquez-Abal, M. Elena 10 1997 Variétés riemanniennes dont le tenseur de courbure est celui d’un espace symétrique riemannien irréductible. (Riemannian manifolds whose curvature tensor is that of an irreducible Riemannian symmetric space). Zbl 0585.53043 Vanhecke, Lieven; Tricerri, Franco 10 1986 Four-dimensional almost Kähler Einstein manifolds. Zbl 0731.53026 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 10 1990 Minimal and harmonic characteristic vector fields on three-dimensional contact metric manifolds. Zbl 1005.53039 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 10 2001 Opérateurs différentiels invariants et symétries géodésiques préservant le volume. Zbl 0535.53039 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 9 1983 New examples of non-homogeneous Riemannian manifolds whose curvature tensor is that of a Riemannian symmetric space. Zbl 0713.53028 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 9 1990 Einstein-like metrics on three-dimensional Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. Zbl 0786.53028 Abbena, E.; Garbiero, S.; Vanhecke, L. 9 1992 Minimal and harmonic unit vector fields in \(G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})\) and its dual space. Zbl 0954.53040 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 9 2000 Weakly symmetric groups of Heisenberg type. Zbl 0921.53018 Berndt, Jürgen; Ricci, Fulvio; Vanhecke, Lieven 9 1998 Invariant minimal unit vector fields on Lie groups. Zbl 0973.53045 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 9 2000 New structures on tangent bundles. Zbl 0964.53021 Tahara, Manabu; Vanhecke, Lieven; Watanabe, Yoshiyuki 9 1998 Two-point functions on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0571.53031 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1985 Some solved and unsolved problems about harmonic and commutative spaces. Zbl 0518.53042 Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1982 Non-homogeneous relatives of symmetric spaces. Zbl 0796.53046 Boeckx, Eric; Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1994 Almost Hermitian manifolds with vanishing first Chern classes or Chern numbers. Zbl 0809.53072 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 8 1992 Jacobi fields and geodesic spheres. Zbl 0408.53011 Vanhecke, Lieven; Willmore, T. J. 8 1979 A note on harmonic spaces. Zbl 0472.53048 Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1981 Steiner’s formula for the volume of a parallel hypersurface in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0472.53056 Abbena, E.; Gray, Alfred; Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1981 Geometry of Riemannian manifolds and their unit tangent sphere bundles. Zbl 1012.53016 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 8 2000 Naturally reductive homogeneous spaces and generalized Heisenberg groups. Zbl 0551.53028 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 7 1984 Some almost Hermitian manifolds with constant holomorphic sectional curvature. Zbl 0408.53014 Vanhecke, Lieven 7 1977 The Bochner curvature tensor on almost Hermitian manifolds. Zbl 0383.53022 Vanhecke, Lieven 6 1977 Spectral geometry for Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0766.53022 Nishikawa, Seiki; Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 6 1992 Riemann extensions of d’Atri spaces. Zbl 0505.53016 Vanhecke, Lieven; Willmore, T. J. 6 1982 A new formula for the shape operator of a geodesic sphere and its applications. Zbl 0596.53017 Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 6 1986 New characterization of \(\phi\)-symmetric spaces. Zbl 0669.53037 Blair, D. E.; Vanhecke, L. 6 1987 Geodesics on the unit tangent bundle. Zbl 1057.53027 Berndt, J.; Boeckx, E.; Nagy, P. T.; Vanhecke, L. 6 2003 Transversally symmetric Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0718.53022 Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1990 Four-dimensional curvature homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0763.53043 Sekigawa, Kouei; Suga, Hiroshi; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1992 Constant type for almost hermitian manifolds. Zbl 0366.53034 Vanhecke, Lieven; Bouten, F. 5 1977 Curvature homogeneity for four-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0832.53031 Sekigawa, Kouei; Suga, Hiroshi; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1995 A class of normal almost contact CR-submanifolds in \(\mathbb{C}^ q\). Zbl 0834.53042 Okumura, M.; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1994 Almost Hermitian geometry, geodesic spheres and symmetries. Zbl 0735.53049 Djorić, M.; Vanhecke, L. 5 1990 Total scalar curvature of tubes about curves. Zbl 0505.53017 Gheysens, L.; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1981 The Bochner curvature tensor on almost Hermitian manifolds. Zbl 0343.53018 Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1976 Symmetries and locally s-regular manifolds. Zbl 0602.53034 Ledger, A. J.; Vanhecke, L. 5 1987 Reflections in submanifolds. Zbl 0656.53055 Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1988 Isoparametric functions and harmonic and minimal unit vector fields. Zbl 1004.53046 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 5 2001 Four-dimensional ball-homogeneous and \(C\)-spaces. Zbl 0884.53037 Calvaruso, G.; Tondeur, Ph.; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1997 Some theorems for quasi- and nearly-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0324.53047 Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1975 On immersions with trivial normal connection in some almost Hermitian manifolds. Zbl 0363.53010 Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1977 Naturally reductive Riemannian homogeneous spaces and real hypersurfaces in complex and quaternionic space forms. Zbl 0805.53049 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1993 Sur une variété presque paracokählerienne munie d’une connexion self- orthogonale involutive. Zbl 0369.53055 Rosca, Radu; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1976 Examples of weakly symmetric spaces in contact geometry. Zbl 0880.53041 Berndt, Jürgen; Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1997 Almost Hermitian manifolds and the Bochner curvature tensor. Zbl 0408.53015 Vanhecke, Lieven; Yano, Kentaro 4 1977 The spectrum of the Laplacian of Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0447.53056 Chen, Bang-Yen; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1980 Curvature characterizations in contact geometry. Zbl 0689.53021 Bueken, P.; Vanhecke, L. 4 1988 Volume-preserving geodesic symmetries on four-dimensional Kähler manifolds. Zbl 0605.53031 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 4 1986 An example of a 6-dimensional flat almost hermitian manifold. Zbl 0409.53046 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1978 1-harmonic spaces are harmonic. Zbl 0474.53025 Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1981 The geometry of \(k\)-harmonic manifolds. Zbl 1105.53012 Nicolodi, Lorenzo; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 2006 Harmonicity and minimality of vector fields and distributions on locally conformal Kähler and hyperkähler manifolds. Zbl 1144.53051 Ornea, Liviu; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 2005 Harmonicity and minimality of oriented distributions. Zbl 1073.58007 Gil-Medrano, O.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 13 2004 Geodesics on the unit tangent bundle. Zbl 1057.53027 Berndt, J.; Boeckx, E.; Nagy, P. T.; Vanhecke, L. 6 2003 Energy of radial vector fields on compact rank one symmetric spaces. Zbl 1035.53071 Boeckx, E.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 4 2003 Harmonic and minimal unit vector fields on Riemannian symmetric spaces. Zbl 1045.53036 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven; Verhóczki, László 3 2003 Classification of symmetric-like constant metric \((k,\mu)\)-spaces. Zbl 1026.53006 Cho, Jong Taek; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 2003 Invariant harmonic unit vector fields on Lie groups. Zbl 1097.53033 Vanhecke, L.; González-Dávila, J. C. 12 2002 Energy and volume of unit vector fields on three-dimensional Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1035.53089 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 11 2002 Stability of the geodesic flow for the energy. Zbl 1090.53035 Boeckx, E.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 2 2002 Unit tangent sphere bundles with constant scalar curvature. Zbl 1079.53063 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 24 2001 Harmonic and minimal radial vector fields. Zbl 1012.53040 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 12 2001 Minimality and harmonicity for Hopf vector fields. Zbl 0997.53040 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 12 2001 Harmonic and minimal invariant unit vector fields on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1015.53030 Gil-Medrano, O.; González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 11 2001 Minimal and harmonic characteristic vector fields on three-dimensional contact metric manifolds. Zbl 1005.53039 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 10 2001 Isoparametric functions and harmonic and minimal unit vector fields. Zbl 1004.53046 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 5 2001 Harmonic and minimal vector fields on tangent and unit tangent bundles. Zbl 0973.53053 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 27 2000 Examples of minimal unit vector fields. Zbl 1005.53026 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 16 2000 Minimal and harmonic unit vector fields in \(G_2(\mathbb{C}^{m+2})\) and its dual space. Zbl 0954.53040 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 9 2000 Invariant minimal unit vector fields on Lie groups. Zbl 0973.53045 Tsukada, K.; Vanhecke, L. 9 2000 Geometry of Riemannian manifolds and their unit tangent sphere bundles. Zbl 1012.53016 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, L. 8 2000 Homogeneity on three-dimensional contact metric manifolds. Zbl 0957.53017 Calvaruso, G.; Perrone, D.; Vanhecke, L. 29 1999 \(\varphi\)-symmetric contact metric spaces. Zbl 0963.53008 Boeckx, E.; Bueken, P.; Vanhecke, L. 20 1999 Three- and four-dimensional Einstein-like manifolds and homogeneity. Zbl 0944.53026 Bueken, Peter; Vanhecke, Lieven 13 1999 Notes on harmonic tensor fields. Zbl 0940.53035 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven; Vázquez-Abal, M. Elena 2 1999 Flow-symmetric Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0957.53016 Boeckx, Eric; Bueken, Peter; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1999 Locally symmetric immersions. Zbl 1015.53014 Gonzáles-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1999 Unit tangent sphere boundles and two-point homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0924.53014 Boeckx, E.; Perrone, D.; Vanhecke, Lieven 13 1998 Weakly symmetric groups of Heisenberg type. Zbl 0921.53018 Berndt, Jürgen; Ricci, Fulvio; Vanhecke, Lieven 9 1998 New structures on tangent bundles. Zbl 0964.53021 Tahara, Manabu; Vanhecke, Lieven; Watanabe, Yoshiyuki 9 1998 Semi-symmetric ball-homogeneous spaces and a volume conjecture. Zbl 0903.53031 Calvaruso, G.; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1998 Curvature homogeneus unit tangent sphere bundles. Zbl 0910.53008 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1998 Hopf hypersurfaces of D’Atri- and \(C\)-type in a complex space form. Zbl 0939.53011 Cho, J. T.; Vanhecke, L. 3 1998 Ball-homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0912.53034 Calvaruso, G.; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1998 Geometry, curvature and homogeneity. Zbl 1058.53509 Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1998 New examples of weakly symmetric spaces. Zbl 0905.53031 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1998 Totally geodesic submanifolds of symmetric-like Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0948.53012 Berndt, J.; Prüfer, F.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1998 Geodesics in weakly symmetric spaces. Zbl 0880.53044 Berndt, Jürgen; Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 34 1997 Characteristic reflections on unit tangent sphere bundles. Zbl 0897.53010 Boeckx, E.; Vanhecke, Lieven 33 1997 Special ball-homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0892.53023 Calvaruso, G.; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1997 Examples of curvature homogeneous Lorentz metrics. Zbl 0882.53036 Bueken, Peter; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1997 Harmonic endomorphism fields. Zbl 0880.53032 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven; Vázquez-Abal, M. Elena 10 1997 Four-dimensional ball-homogeneous and \(C\)-spaces. Zbl 0884.53037 Calvaruso, G.; Tondeur, Ph.; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1997 Examples of weakly symmetric spaces in contact geometry. Zbl 0880.53041 Berndt, Jürgen; Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1997 Geodesic transformations and space forms. Zbl 1076.53510 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1997 Scalar curvature invariants and local homogeneity. Zbl 0894.53046 Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1997 Invariant submanifolds in flow geometry. Zbl 0890.53046 González-Dávila, J. C.; González-Dávila, M. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1997 Volume-preserving geodesic symmetries on four-dimensional Hermitian Einstein spaces. Zbl 0879.53033 Cho, J. T.; Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1997 Mean and scalar curvature homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0934.53012 Bueken, P.; Gillard, J.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1997 Riemannian manifolds of conullity two. Zbl 0904.53006 Boeckx, Eric; Vanhecke, Lieven; Kowalski, Oldřich 62 1996 Curvature invariants, differential operators and local homogeneity. Zbl 0867.53032 Prüfer, Friedbert; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 28 1996 D’Atri spaces. Zbl 0862.53039 Kowalski, Oldřich; Prüfer, Friedbert; Vanhecke, Lieven 24 1996 Geometry of weakly symmetric spaces. Zbl 0877.53027 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 22 1996 Classification of Killing-transversally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0890.53037 González-Dávila, J. C.; González-Dávila, M. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 3 1996 Harmonicity of a foliation and of an associated map. Zbl 0868.57027 Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1996 Jacobi fields, Riccati equation and Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0866.53017 Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1996 Normal flow space forms and their classification. Zbl 0859.53016 González-Dávila, J. C.; González-Dávila, M. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1996 Five-dimensional \(\varphi\)-symmetric spaces. Zbl 0889.53031 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1996 Harmonic connections. Zbl 0881.53013 García-Río, Eduardo; Vanhecke, Lieven; Vázquez-Abal, M. Elena 1 1996 Generalized Heisenberg groups and Damek-Ricci harmonic spaces. Zbl 0818.53067 Berndt, Jürgen; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 120 1995 Isoparametric geodesic spheres and a conjecture of Osserman concerning the Jacobi operator. Zbl 0848.53023 Gilkey, Peter; Swann, Andrew; Vanhecke, Lieven 40 1995 Symmetric-like Riemannian manifolds and geodesic symmetries. Zbl 0830.53036 Berndt, Jürgen; Prüfer, Friedbert; Vanhecke, Lieven 10 1995 Curvature homogeneity for four-dimensional manifolds. Zbl 0832.53031 Sekigawa, Kouei; Suga, Hiroshi; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1995 Reflections and isometric flows. Zbl 0839.53017 González-Dávila, J. C.; González-Dávila, M. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 3 1995 Geometry of tubes and isometric flows. Zbl 0859.53015 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1995 Non-homogeneous relatives of symmetric spaces. Zbl 0796.53046 Boeckx, Eric; Kowalski, Oldřich; Vanhecke, Lieven 8 1994 A class of normal almost contact CR-submanifolds in \(\mathbb{C}^ q\). Zbl 0834.53042 Okumura, M.; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1994 Geometry of generalized Heisenberg groups and their Damek-Ricci harmonic extensions. Zbl 0801.53032 Berndt, Jürgen; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 3 1994 Geodesic spheres and isometric flows. Zbl 0827.53040 González-Dávila, J. C.; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1994 Aspects of the geometry of the Jacobi operator. Zbl 0861.53045 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1994 \(n\)-dimensional real submanifolds with \((n-1)\)-dimensional maximal holomorphic tangent subspace in complex projective spaces. Zbl 0824.53030 Okumura, Masafumi; Vanhecke, Lieven 2 1994 Naturally reductive Riemannian homogeneous spaces and real hypersurfaces in complex and quaternionic space forms. Zbl 0805.53049 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 4 1993 Harmonic and isometric rotations around a curve. Zbl 0795.53014 Nicolodi, L.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1993 Geometry of a class of non-symmetric harmonic manifolds. Zbl 0805.53041 Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1993 Characterizing special Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0808.53031 Tondeur, Ph.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1993 A characterization of locally 3-symmetric spaces. Zbl 0832.53040 Garbiero, S.; Vanhecke, Lieven 1 1993 Curvature homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0836.53029 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 21 1992 Two natural generalizations of locally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0747.53013 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 20 1992 Curvature homogeneous spaces with a solvable Lie group as homogeneous model. Zbl 0762.53031 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 14 1992 Curvature-adapted submanifolds. Zbl 0956.53509 Berndt, Jürgen; Vanhecke, Lieven 12 1992 Einstein-like metrics on three-dimensional Riemannian homogeneous manifolds. Zbl 0786.53028 Abbena, E.; Garbiero, S.; Vanhecke, L. 9 1992 Almost Hermitian manifolds with vanishing first Chern classes or Chern numbers. Zbl 0809.53072 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 8 1992 Spectral geometry for Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0766.53022 Nishikawa, Seiki; Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 6 1992 Four-dimensional curvature homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0763.53043 Sekigawa, Kouei; Suga, Hiroshi; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1992 Rotations and harmonicity in contact geometry. Zbl 0753.53019 Bueken, P.; Vanhecke, L. 2 1992 Geodesic sprays and \({\mathfrak C}\)- and \({\mathfrak P}\)-spaces. Zbl 0809.53055 Berndt, J.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1992 Riemannian manifolds with homogeneous geodesics. Zbl 0731.53046 Kowalski, O.; Vanhecke, L. 121 1991 Five-dimensional homogeneous contact manifolds and related problems. Zbl 0739.53025 Perrone, Domenico; Vanhecke, Lieven 3 1991 Symplectic reflections and complex space forms. Zbl 0702.53042 Chen, Bang-Yen; Vanhecke, Lieven 3 1991 Killing-transversally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0735.53037 González-Dávila, J. C.; González-Dávila, M. C.; Vanhecke, L. 2 1991 Rotations on a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 0736.53015 Nicolodi, L.; Vanhecke, L. 2 1991 Geometry of geodesic spheres on Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 0782.53050 Djorić, M.; Vanhecke, L. 2 1991 A theorem of Archimedes about spheres and cylinders and two-point homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0712.53021 Djorić, M.; Vanhecke, L. 1 1991 Curvature homogeneity and related problems. Zbl 0727.53049 Vanhecke, L. 1 1991 Lorentz manifolds modelled on a Lorentz symmetric space. Zbl 0736.53056 Cahen, M.; Leroy, J.; Parker, M.; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 47 1990 Four-dimensional almost Kähler Einstein manifolds. Zbl 0731.53026 Sekigawa, K.; Vanhecke, L. 10 1990 New examples of non-homogeneous Riemannian manifolds whose curvature tensor is that of a Riemannian symmetric space. Zbl 0713.53028 Kowalski, Oldřich; Tricerri, Franco; Vanhecke, Lieven 9 1990 Transversally symmetric Riemannian foliations. Zbl 0718.53022 Tondeur, Philippe; Vanhecke, Lieven 5 1990 Almost Hermitian geometry, geodesic spheres and symmetries. Zbl 0735.53049 Djorić, M.; Vanhecke, L. 5 1990 Harmonic reflections with respect to submanifolds. Zbl 0689.53013 Donnini, S.; Gigante, G.; Vanhecke, L. 3 1990 ...and 124 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 962 Authors 67 Vanhecke, Lieven 35 Calvaruso, Giovanni 33 García-Río, Eduardo 33 Kowalski, Oldřich 27 De, Uday Chand 24 Cho, Jong Taek 24 Inoguchi, Jun-ichi 24 Perrone, Domenico 24 Wang, Yaning 22 Gilkey, Peter B. 20 Park, Jeonghyeong 18 González Dávila, José Carmelo 18 Sekigawa, Kouei 16 Blair, David E. 16 Nikonorov, Yurii Gennadyevich 15 Díaz-Ramos, José Carlos 15 Vázquez-Lorenzo, Ramón 13 Dušek, Zdeněk 12 Arvanitoyeorgos, Andreas 12 Brozos-Vázquez, Miguel 12 Martínez Gadea, Pedro 11 Castrillón López, Marco 11 Domínguez-Vázquez, Miguel 11 Majhi, Pradip 10 Berndt, Jürgen 10 Calviño-Louzao, Esteban 10 Nikčević, Stana Ž. 10 Souris, Nikolaos Panagiotis 10 Yan, Zaili 10 Zaeim, Amirhesam 9 Arias-Marco, Teresa 9 Chen, Zhiqi 9 Chun, Sun Hyang 9 Itoh, Mitsuhiro 9 Lee, Jieun 9 Vázquez Abal, María Elena 9 Wang, Wenjie 9 Yildiz, Ahmet 8 Boeckx, Eric 8 Carriazo, Alfonso 8 Kirichenko, Vadim Fëdorovich 8 Liu, Ximin 8 Munteanu, Marian-Ioan 8 Oubiña, José A. 8 Tamaru, Hiroshi 8 Tricerri, Franco 7 Agricola, Ilka 7 Batat, Wafaa 7 Berestovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Nikolaevich 7 Deng, Shaoqiang 7 Dey, Santu 7 Druţă-Romaniuc, Simona-Luiza 7 Euh, Yunhee 7 Ghosh, Amalendu 7 Koike, Naoyuki 7 Prüfer, Friedbert 7 Rosca, Radu M. 7 Venkatesha, Venkatesha 7 Wood, Chris M. 6 Abbassi, Mohamed Tahar Kadaoui 6 Apostolov, Vestislav 6 Bejan, Cornelia-Livia 6 Chen, Huibin 6 Djorić, Mirjana 6 Ghosh, Sujit 6 Hervik, Sigbjørn 6 Latifi, Dariush 6 Lotta, Antonio 6 Miquel, Vicente 6 Naveira, Antonio M. 6 Perktas, Selcen Yuksel 6 Satoh, Hiroyasu 6 Suh, Young Jin 6 Tan, Ju 6 Wolf, Joseph Albert 6 Zhang, Shaoxiang 5 Bhattacharyya, Arindam 5 Blažić, Novica 5 Chen, Bang-Yen 5 Csikós, Balázs 5 De, Krishnendu 5 Dileo, Giulia 5 Druetta, Maria J. 5 Dumitrescu, Sorin 5 Dunn, Corey M. 5 Fino, Anna 5 Ghosh, Gopal Chandra 5 Horváth, Márton 5 Kollross, Andreas 5 Koufogiorgos, Themis 5 Lauret, Jorge 5 Murathan, Cengizhan 5 Naik, Devaraja Mallesha 5 Nasehi, Mehri 5 Niedziałomski, Kamil 5 Nikolaevskiĭ, Yuriĭ A. 5 Nikolayevsky, Yuri 5 Okumura, Masafumi 5 Patrangenaru, Victor 5 Sarkar, Avijit ...and 862 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 237 Serials 88 Differential Geometry and its Applications 59 Journal of Geometry and Physics 58 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 31 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 30 Geometriae Dedicata 30 Journal of Geometry 29 Results in Mathematics 28 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 28 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 22 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 21 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 20 Kodai Mathematical Journal 19 Monatshefte für Mathematik 16 Israel Journal of Mathematics 16 Mathematische Nachrichten 16 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 15 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 14 Mathematische Zeitschrift 13 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 12 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 12 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 12 Filomat 12 Honam Mathematical Journal 11 Advances in Mathematics 11 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 10 Manuscripta Mathematica 10 Advances in Geometry 10 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 9 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 9 Mathematische Annalen 9 International Journal of Mathematics 9 Transformation Groups 8 Journal of Mathematical Physics 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 8 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 8 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 7 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 Classical and Quantum Gravity 7 Archiv der Mathematik 7 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 7 International Electronic Journal of Geometry 7 Complex Manifolds 6 Letters in Mathematical Physics 6 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 6 Archivum Mathematicum 6 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 6 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 6 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 6 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Science China. Mathematics 6 Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 5 Compositio Mathematica 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 5 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 5 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 5 Forum Mathematicum 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematics 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 4 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 4 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 4 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 4 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 4 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 4 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 4 Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 4 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 4 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Central European Journal of Mathematics 4 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 4 Kodai Mathematical Seminar Reports 4 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 4 Communications in Mathematics 3 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 3 Annales Polonici Mathematici 3 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 3 Note di Matematica 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Russian Mathematics 3 Journal of Lie Theory ...and 137 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 45 Fields 1,174 Differential geometry (53-XX) 116 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 85 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 45 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 33 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 26 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 24 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 18 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 16 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 14 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 13 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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