Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Vidal, Claudio Co-Author Distance Author ID: vidal.claudio Published as: Vidal, Claudio; Vidal, C. Homepage: http://ciencias.ubiobio.cl/cvidal/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 137 Publications since 1990, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 67 Co-Authors with 127 Joint Publications 858 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 15 Llibre, Jaume 9 Alberti, Angelo 8 Andrade, Jaime 8 Falconi, Manuel J. 7 Palacián, Jesús F. 7 Yanguas, Patricia 6 Anacleto, Maria Elisa 6 Cuevas, Claudio 6 Lacomba, Ernesto A. 6 Mancilla-Martínez, Y. Paulina 6 Vidarte, Jhon 5 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha 5 del Campo, Luis 5 dos Santos, Fábio Sandro 5 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos 5 Marchesin, Marcelo 4 Ascencio, Mauricio 4 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela 4 Cors, Josep Maria 4 Delgado, Joaquín F. 4 Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto 4 Pérez-Rothen, Yocelyn 4 Pinto, Manuel 4 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 3 Barrabés, Esther 3 Mansilla, José Edmundo 3 Santos, Alan Almeida 3 Sierpe, Claudio 2 Boatto, Stefanella 2 Brandão Dias, Lúcia 2 Cabral, Hildeberto Eulalio 2 Cárcamo, Cristian 2 Carrasco-Olivera, Dante 2 Carrasco, Dante 2 Castilho, César 2 Crespo, Francisco 2 Medina, Rigoberto 2 Mello, Luis Fernando O. 2 Torres-Espino, Gladis 2 Vera-damián, Yrina 1 Bengochea, Abimael 1 Carcamo, Daniela 1 Cooker, Mark J. 1 Cruz Araujo, Gerson 1 Dávila, Nestor 1 De Fátima Brandão Dias, Lúcia 1 de Fatima Brandão, Lúcia 1 de Menezes Neto, José Laudelino 1 Espejo, D. E. 1 Euzébio, Rodrigo D. 1 Gómez, Pedro A. 1 González-Olivares, Eduardo 1 Guardia, Marcel 1 Gutierrez, Rodrigo 1 Huenchucona, Marcelo 1 Kulesza, Maité 1 Martinez, Carlos 1 Mateus, Eder 1 Oliveira, Allyson 1 Paradela, Jaime 1 Peregrine, D. Howell 1 Rebollo-Perdomo, Salomón 1 Renildo, Gonçalo 1 Ruiz dos Santos, Lucas 1 Schmidt, Dieter S. 1 M-Seara, Tere 1 Uribe, Marco 1 Valeriano, Lucas Rezende 1 Venturelli, Andrea 1 Yehia-Alcoutlabi, A. all top 5 Serials 13 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 12 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 9 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 9 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 8 Journal of Differential Equations 7 Journal of Mathematical Physics 7 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Proyecciones 2 Nonlinearity 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Physica D 1 Mathématiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines 1 Dynamic Systems and Applications 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 1 Dynamical Systems 1 Cubo Matemática Educacional 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Cubo 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Journal of Geometric Mechanics all top 5 Fields 86 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 69 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 45 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 12 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 106 Publications have been cited 511 times in 340 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The interaction between a solidary wave and a submerged semicircular cylinder. Zbl 0698.76024 Cooker, M. J.; Peregrine, D. H.; Vidal, C.; Dold, J. W. 22 1990 Dynamical aspects of an equilateral restricted four-body problem. Zbl 1184.70008 Álvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 20 2009 Periodic solutions for any planar symmetric perturbation of the Kepler problem. Zbl 1021.70004 Vidal, Claudio 15 2001 Stability of equilibrium solutions of autonomous and periodic Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom in the case of single resonance. Zbl 1209.37026 dos Santos, F.; Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, C. 14 2010 Discrete dichotomies and asymptotic behavior for abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase space. Zbl 1019.39008 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 12 2002 Spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with repulsive Manev potential. Zbl 1375.70035 Barrabés, Esther; Cors, Josep M.; Vidal, Claudio 12 2017 Dynamics of a particle in a gravitational field of a homogeneous annulus disk. Zbl 1330.70071 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 12 2007 Stability of equilibrium solutions of autonomous and periodic Hamiltonian systems in the case of multiple resonances. Zbl 1333.37075 dos Santos, F.; Vidal, C. 11 2015 Symmetry of the restricted \(4+1\) body problem with equal masses. Zbl 1229.37017 Santos, A. A.; Vidal, C. 11 2007 Global regularization of a restricted four-body problem. Zbl 1300.70009 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 11 2014 On co-circular central configurations in the four and five body-problems for homogeneous force law. Zbl 1337.70025 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Santos, Alan Almeida; Vidal, Claudio 11 2013 A note on discrete maximal regularity for functional difference equations with infinite delay. Zbl 1133.39001 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 11 2006 Dynamics and regularization of the Kepler problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1427.70035 Andrade, Jaime; Dávila, Nestor; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 11 2017 Periodic solutions of symmetric perturbations of the Kepler problem. Zbl 0956.70011 Cabral, Hildeberto; Vidal, Claudio 10 2000 Almost and asymptotically almost periodic solutions of abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase space. Zbl 1227.39014 Del Campo, Luis; Pinto, Manuel; Vidal, Claudio 10 2011 Periodic solutions and KAM tori in a triaxial potential. Zbl 1358.37100 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 9 2017 Periodic orbits and non-integrability in a cosmological scalar field. Zbl 1273.83021 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 9 2012 Symbolic dynamics in the restricted elliptic isosceles three body problem. Zbl 1478.37086 Guardia, Marcel; Paradela, Jaime; Seara, Tere M.; Vidal, Claudio 9 2021 Dynamics of a delayed predator-prey model with Allee effect and Holling type II functional response. Zbl 1455.34082 Anacleto, María; Vidal, Claudio 9 2020 Dynamics and bifurcations of a modified Leslie-Gower – type model considering a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1416.37048 Vera-Damián, Yrina; Vidal, Claudio; González-Olivares, Eduardo 9 2019 Classification of global phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams of Hamiltonian systems with rational potential. Zbl 1360.34072 Martínez, Y. P.; Vidal, C. 8 2016 The flow of classical mechanical cubic potential systems. Zbl 1136.70309 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 8 2004 Stability of equilibrium positions of periodic Hamiltonian systems under third and fourth order resonances. Zbl 1076.37050 Vidal, C.; Dos Santos, F. 8 2005 Weighted exponential trichotomy of linear difference equations. Zbl 1155.39004 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 8 2008 Periodic solutions of symmetric Kepler perturbations and applications. Zbl 1420.34066 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 8 2016 Continuation and bifurcations of concave central configurations in the four and five body-problems for homogeneous force laws. Zbl 1362.70016 Santos, Alan Almeida; Marchesin, Marcelo; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 7 2017 Geometric interpretation for the spectral stability in the charged three-body problem. Zbl 1266.70013 Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, Claudio 7 2012 Dynamics of axially symmetric perturbed Hamiltonians in 1:1:1 resonance. Zbl 1398.37048 Carrasco, D.; Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 7 2018 Dynamics of restricted three and four vortices problem on the plane. Zbl 1338.76011 Andrade, J.; Boatto, S.; Vidal, C. 6 2016 Zero-Hopf bifurcation in the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1337.37036 Euzébio, Rodrigo D.; Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 Limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise differential systems formed by linear centers in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) and separated by two circles. Zbl 1468.34021 Anacleto, Maria Elisa; Llibre, Jaume; Valls, Claudia; Vidal, Claudio 6 2021 Periodic solutions of the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision. Zbl 1149.70008 de Fatima Brandão, Lúcia; Vidal, Claudio 6 2008 Stability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems under the presence of a single resonance in the non-diagonalizable case. Zbl 1229.70060 Dos Santos, F.; Vidal, C. 6 2008 Restricted rhomboidal five-body problem. Zbl 1273.70020 Kulesza, Maité; Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2011 New families of symmetric periodic solutions of the spatial anisotropic Manev problem. Zbl 1305.70034 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 An extension of the Poincaré compactification and a geometric interpretation. Zbl 07952275 Vidal, Claudio; Gómez, Pedro 6 2003 On the dynamics of mechanical systems with homogeneous polynomial potentials of degree \(4\). Zbl 1126.37043 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 6 2007 Stability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom and single resonance in the critical case. Zbl 1386.37055 dos Santos, Fabio; Vidal, Claudio 6 2018 Stability and global dynamic of a stage-structured predator-prey model with group defense mechanism of the prey. Zbl 1410.37072 Falconi, Manuel; Huenchucona, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 Periodic solutions of a periodic FitzHugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1330.34070 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 5 2015 Spatial restricted rhomboidal five-body problem and horizontal stability of its periodic solutions. Zbl 1342.70030 Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 5 2013 Global dynamics of mechanical systems with cubic potentials. Zbl 1134.70310 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 5 2002 Periodic solutions of symmetric perturbation of gravitational potentials. Zbl 1089.34036 Vidal, Claudio 5 2005 Quasiperiodic collision solutions in the spatial isosceles three-body problem with rotating axis of symmetry. Zbl 1282.70015 Mateus, Eder; Venturelli, Andrea; Vidal, Claudio 5 2013 Predator interference in a Leslie-Gower intraguild predation model. Zbl 1430.92069 Falconi, Manuel; Vera-Damián, Yrina; Vidal, Claudio 5 2020 Linear type centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems with nonlinearities of degree 4 symmetric with respect to the \(\mathrm{y}\)-axis. Zbl 1440.34031 Llibre, Jaume; Martínez, Y. Paulina; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 The restricted three body problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1421.70013 Andrade, Jaime; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 Bifurcation of limit cycles for a family of perturbed Kukles differential systems. Zbl 1400.34046 Rebollo-Perdomo, Salomón; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 Dynamics and chaos in the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision. Zbl 1362.70017 Brandão Dias, Lúcia; Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 4 2017 New 1:1:1 periodic solutions in \(3\)-dimensional galactic-type Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1331.70037 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 4 2014 First kind symmetric periodic solutions of the generalized van der Waals Hamiltonian. Zbl 1403.70012 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 4 2016 The tetrahedral 4-body problem. Zbl 0941.70009 Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 4 1999 Global dynamics of the Kummer-Schwarz differential equation. Zbl 1417.34040 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 4 2014 Pseudo-almost-periodic solutions for delayed differential equations with integrable dichotomies and bi-almost-periodic Green functions. Zbl 1386.37069 Pinto, Manuel; Vidal, Claudio 4 2017 On the uniqueness of the isosceles trapezoidal central configuration in the 4-body problem for power-law potentials. Zbl 1472.70030 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos; Mello, Luis Fernando; Vidal, Claudio 4 2020 Periodic solutions, KAM tori and bifurcations in a cosmology-inspired potential. Zbl 1435.37088 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 4 2019 Symmetric periodic solutions for the spatial Maxwell restricted \(N+1\)-problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1476.70034 Ascencio, Mauricio; Vidal, Claudio 3 2021 Instability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom under the existence of multiple resonances and an application to the spatial satellite problem. Zbl 1415.37078 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Vidal, Claudio 3 2019 The tetrahedral 4-body problem with rotation. Zbl 0962.70016 Vidal, Claudio 3 1999 Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations. Zbl 1192.39009 Cuevas, Claudio; del Campo, Luis; Vidal, Claudio 3 2010 On the dynamics of mechanical systems with the homogeneous polynomial potential \(V = ax ^{4} + cx ^{2} y ^{2}\). Zbl 1196.37097 Falconi, Manuel; Lacomba, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 3 2009 Periodic solutions of the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision by the averaging method. Zbl 1195.70022 De Fátima Brandão Dias, Lúcia; Vidal, Claudio 3 2010 On the nonlinear stability of the triangular points in the circular spatial restricted three-body problem. Zbl 1441.70004 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 3 2020 Periodic solutions and KAM tori for the spatial Maxwell restricted \(N+1\)-body problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1502.70025 Ascencio, Mauricio; Vidal, Claudio 3 2022 Dynamics and bifurcation of passive tracers advected by a ring of point vortices on a sphere. Zbl 1440.76106 Andrade, Jaime; Boatto, Stefanella; Vidal, Claudio 3 2020 Regularization of the circular restricted three body problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1446.70021 Andrade, Jaime; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 3 2018 Stability of the equilibrium solutions in a charged restricted circular three-body problem. Zbl 1364.70026 Vidal, Claudio; Vidarte, Jhon 2 2016 Regularization of restricted 3-body problems. Zbl 1351.70012 Castilho, César; Vidal, Claudio 2 2009 Stability of the planar equilibrium solutions of a restricted \(1+N\) body problem. Zbl 1309.70012 Schmidt, Dieter; Vidal, Claudio 2 2014 The Chetaev theorem for ordinary difference equations. Zbl 1278.39024 Cárcamo, Cristian; Vidal, Claudio 2 2012 Aid in decision-making applied to multicriteria evaluations by several judges. (Méthode d’aide à la décision sur des évaluations multicritères par plusieurs juges.) Zbl 0785.90007 Vidal, C.; Alcoutlabi, A. Yehia 2 1990 Stability of equilibrium solutions in the critical case of even-order resonance in periodic Hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom. Zbl 1268.70013 Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, Claudio 2 2013 Existence of periodic and almost periodic solutions of abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase spaces. Zbl 1177.39017 Vidal, Claudio 2 2009 Singularities in the gravitational attraction problem due to massive bodies. Zbl 1379.70044 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 2 2010 Phase portraits of linear type centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonian function of degree 5 of the form \(H = H_1(x)+H_2(y)\). Zbl 1412.37059 Llibre, Jaume; Martínez, Y. Paulina; Vidal, Claudio 2 2019 Stability of the rhombus vortex problem with a central vortex. Zbl 1454.37085 Oliveira, Allyson; Vidal, Claudio 2 2020 Nonlinear stability of elliptic equilibria in Hamiltonian systems with exponential time estimates. Zbl 1479.37060 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 2 2021 Dynamics in the charged restricted circular three-body problem. Zbl 1435.37090 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 2 2018 Instability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom under the existence of a single resonance and an invariant ray. Zbl 1407.37097 Carcamo, Daniela; Vidal, Claudio 2 2018 First kind symmetric periodic solutions and their stability for the Kepler problem and anisotropic Kepler problem plus generalized anisotropic perturbation. Zbl 1479.70045 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 2 2021 Periodic solutions, stability and non-integrability in a generalized Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian system. Zbl 1420.37036 Carrasco, Dante; Vidal, Claudio 2 2013 Periodic orbits associated to Hamiltonian functions of degree four. Zbl 1420.34071 Carrasco-Olivera, Dante; Uribe, Marco; Vidal, Claudio 2 2014 Stability of equilibrium points in the spatially restricted \(N+1\)-body problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1530.70012 Ascencio, Mauricio; Barrabés, Esther; Cors, Josep M.; Vidal, Claudio 2 2023 Hopf periodic orbits for a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage structure. Zbl 1352.34074 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 1 2016 Periodic solutions of a tumor-immune system interaction under a periodic immunotherapy. Zbl 1472.34096 Torres-Espino, Gladis; Vidal, Claudio 1 2021 Behavior of the binary collision in a planar restricted \((N+1)\)-body problem. Zbl 1284.70026 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 1 2013 A global regularization for the \((N+1)\)-body problem with the primaries in a regular \(N\)-gon central configuration. Zbl 1343.70016 Alvarez Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 1 2015 Parametric stability of a double pendulum with variable length and with its center of mass in an elliptic orbit. Zbl 1498.70027 de Menezes Neto, José Laudelino; Araujo, Gerson Cruz; Rothen, Yocelyn Pérez; Vidal, Claudio 1 2022 Periodic solutions in the singular logarithmic potential. Zbl 1291.34074 Vidal, Claudio 1 2007 Dynamics aspects in a galactic type Hamiltonian. Zbl 1384.70011 Vidal, Claudio 1 2011 Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations. Zbl 1203.39003 Vidal, Claudio; Cuevas, Claudio; del Campo, Luis 1 2008 Stability of equilibrium positions of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1178.37053 Vidal, Claudio 1 2008 The restricted planar isosceles three-body problem with non-negative energy. Zbl 1223.70021 Cors, Josep Maria; Castilho, César; Vidal, Claudio 1 2009 Planar central configurations of six bodies. Zbl 1508.70016 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos; Mello, Luis Fernando; Ruiz dos Santos, Lucas; Vidal, Claudio 1 2022 Normalization and existence of invariant ray solutions of a 2-DOF autonomous Hamiltonian system with null frequencies. Zbl 1436.37070 Crespo, F.; Espejo, D. E.; Vidal, Claudio 1 2020 Stacked central configurations in the 5-vortex problem. Zbl 1473.76012 Fernandes, A. C.; Vidal, Claudio 1 2021 Nonlinear stability in the spatial attitude motion of a satellite in a circular orbit. Zbl 1481.37105 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 1 2021 Exponential stability criteria for systems with multiple time delays. Zbl 1402.93215 Medina, Rigoberto; Martinez, Carlos; Vidal, Claudio 1 2018 Global dynamics in a restricted five vortices problem on the plane. Zbl 1456.37102 Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 1 2020 Periodic motion in non-axially symmetric galaxies. Zbl 1430.34056 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 1 2019 Second-kind symmetric periodic orbits for planar perturbed Kepler problems and applications. Zbl 07850900 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 1 2024 Stability of equilibrium points in the spatially restricted \(N+1\)-body problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1530.70012 Ascencio, Mauricio; Barrabés, Esther; Cors, Josep M.; Vidal, Claudio 2 2023 Limit cycles of a continuous piecewise differential system formed by a quadratic center and two linear centers. Zbl 1528.34030 Anacleto, Maria Elisa; Llibre, Jaume; Valls, Claudia; Vidal, Claudio 1 2023 Periodic solutions and KAM tori for the spatial Maxwell restricted \(N+1\)-body problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1502.70025 Ascencio, Mauricio; Vidal, Claudio 3 2022 Parametric stability of a double pendulum with variable length and with its center of mass in an elliptic orbit. Zbl 1498.70027 de Menezes Neto, José Laudelino; Araujo, Gerson Cruz; Rothen, Yocelyn Pérez; Vidal, Claudio 1 2022 Planar central configurations of six bodies. Zbl 1508.70016 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos; Mello, Luis Fernando; Ruiz dos Santos, Lucas; Vidal, Claudio 1 2022 Symbolic dynamics in the restricted elliptic isosceles three body problem. Zbl 1478.37086 Guardia, Marcel; Paradela, Jaime; Seara, Tere M.; Vidal, Claudio 9 2021 Limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise differential systems formed by linear centers in \(\mathbb{R}^2\) and separated by two circles. Zbl 1468.34021 Anacleto, Maria Elisa; Llibre, Jaume; Valls, Claudia; Vidal, Claudio 6 2021 Symmetric periodic solutions for the spatial Maxwell restricted \(N+1\)-problem with Manev potential. Zbl 1476.70034 Ascencio, Mauricio; Vidal, Claudio 3 2021 Nonlinear stability of elliptic equilibria in Hamiltonian systems with exponential time estimates. Zbl 1479.37060 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 2 2021 First kind symmetric periodic solutions and their stability for the Kepler problem and anisotropic Kepler problem plus generalized anisotropic perturbation. Zbl 1479.70045 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 2 2021 Periodic solutions of a tumor-immune system interaction under a periodic immunotherapy. Zbl 1472.34096 Torres-Espino, Gladis; Vidal, Claudio 1 2021 Stacked central configurations in the 5-vortex problem. Zbl 1473.76012 Fernandes, A. C.; Vidal, Claudio 1 2021 Nonlinear stability in the spatial attitude motion of a satellite in a circular orbit. Zbl 1481.37105 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 1 2021 Dynamics of a delayed predator-prey model with Allee effect and Holling type II functional response. Zbl 1455.34082 Anacleto, María; Vidal, Claudio 9 2020 Predator interference in a Leslie-Gower intraguild predation model. Zbl 1430.92069 Falconi, Manuel; Vera-Damián, Yrina; Vidal, Claudio 5 2020 On the uniqueness of the isosceles trapezoidal central configuration in the 4-body problem for power-law potentials. Zbl 1472.70030 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos; Mello, Luis Fernando; Vidal, Claudio 4 2020 On the nonlinear stability of the triangular points in the circular spatial restricted three-body problem. Zbl 1441.70004 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Palacián, Jesús F.; Vidal, Claudio; Yanguas, Patricia 3 2020 Dynamics and bifurcation of passive tracers advected by a ring of point vortices on a sphere. Zbl 1440.76106 Andrade, Jaime; Boatto, Stefanella; Vidal, Claudio 3 2020 Stability of the rhombus vortex problem with a central vortex. Zbl 1454.37085 Oliveira, Allyson; Vidal, Claudio 2 2020 Normalization and existence of invariant ray solutions of a 2-DOF autonomous Hamiltonian system with null frequencies. Zbl 1436.37070 Crespo, F.; Espejo, D. E.; Vidal, Claudio 1 2020 Global dynamics in a restricted five vortices problem on the plane. Zbl 1456.37102 Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 1 2020 Dynamics and bifurcations of a modified Leslie-Gower – type model considering a Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1416.37048 Vera-Damián, Yrina; Vidal, Claudio; González-Olivares, Eduardo 9 2019 Periodic solutions, KAM tori and bifurcations in a cosmology-inspired potential. Zbl 1435.37088 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 4 2019 Instability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom under the existence of multiple resonances and an application to the spatial satellite problem. Zbl 1415.37078 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela; Vidal, Claudio 3 2019 Phase portraits of linear type centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonian function of degree 5 of the form \(H = H_1(x)+H_2(y)\). Zbl 1412.37059 Llibre, Jaume; Martínez, Y. Paulina; Vidal, Claudio 2 2019 Periodic motion in non-axially symmetric galaxies. Zbl 1430.34056 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 1 2019 Singularities and dynamics aspects of a particle in a gravitational field of a central punctual body surrounded by a solid circular ring. Zbl 1446.70032 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 1 2019 Dynamics of the parabolic restricted collinear three-body problem. Zbl 1446.70023 Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 1 2019 Dynamics of axially symmetric perturbed Hamiltonians in 1:1:1 resonance. Zbl 1398.37048 Carrasco, D.; Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 7 2018 Stability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom and single resonance in the critical case. Zbl 1386.37055 dos Santos, Fabio; Vidal, Claudio 6 2018 Linear type centers of polynomial Hamiltonian systems with nonlinearities of degree 4 symmetric with respect to the \(\mathrm{y}\)-axis. Zbl 1440.34031 Llibre, Jaume; Martínez, Y. Paulina; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 The restricted three body problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1421.70013 Andrade, Jaime; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 Bifurcation of limit cycles for a family of perturbed Kukles differential systems. Zbl 1400.34046 Rebollo-Perdomo, Salomón; Vidal, Claudio 5 2018 Regularization of the circular restricted three body problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1446.70021 Andrade, Jaime; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 3 2018 Dynamics in the charged restricted circular three-body problem. Zbl 1435.37090 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 2 2018 Instability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom under the existence of a single resonance and an invariant ray. Zbl 1407.37097 Carcamo, Daniela; Vidal, Claudio 2 2018 Exponential stability criteria for systems with multiple time delays. Zbl 1402.93215 Medina, Rigoberto; Martinez, Carlos; Vidal, Claudio 1 2018 Stability of the polar equilibria in a restricted three-body problem on the sphere. Zbl 1433.70015 Andrade, Jaime; Vidal, Claudio 1 2018 Spatial collinear restricted four-body problem with repulsive Manev potential. Zbl 1375.70035 Barrabés, Esther; Cors, Josep M.; Vidal, Claudio 12 2017 Dynamics and regularization of the Kepler problem on surfaces of constant curvature. Zbl 1427.70035 Andrade, Jaime; Dávila, Nestor; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 11 2017 Periodic solutions and KAM tori in a triaxial potential. Zbl 1358.37100 Palacián, J. F.; Vidal, C.; Vidarte, J.; Yanguas, P. 9 2017 Continuation and bifurcations of concave central configurations in the four and five body-problems for homogeneous force laws. Zbl 1362.70016 Santos, Alan Almeida; Marchesin, Marcelo; Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 7 2017 Dynamics and chaos in the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision. Zbl 1362.70017 Brandão Dias, Lúcia; Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 4 2017 Pseudo-almost-periodic solutions for delayed differential equations with integrable dichotomies and bi-almost-periodic Green functions. Zbl 1386.37069 Pinto, Manuel; Vidal, Claudio 4 2017 Stability of equilibrium points for a Hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom in one degenerate case. Zbl 1403.37066 Gutierrez, Rodrigo; Vidal, Claudio 1 2017 Classification of global phase portraits and bifurcation diagrams of Hamiltonian systems with rational potential. Zbl 1360.34072 Martínez, Y. P.; Vidal, C. 8 2016 Periodic solutions of symmetric Kepler perturbations and applications. Zbl 1420.34066 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 8 2016 Dynamics of restricted three and four vortices problem on the plane. Zbl 1338.76011 Andrade, J.; Boatto, S.; Vidal, C. 6 2016 First kind symmetric periodic solutions of the generalized van der Waals Hamiltonian. Zbl 1403.70012 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 4 2016 Stability of the equilibrium solutions in a charged restricted circular three-body problem. Zbl 1364.70026 Vidal, Claudio; Vidarte, Jhon 2 2016 Hopf periodic orbits for a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage structure. Zbl 1352.34074 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 1 2016 Stability of equilibrium solutions of autonomous and periodic Hamiltonian systems in the case of multiple resonances. Zbl 1333.37075 dos Santos, F.; Vidal, C. 11 2015 Zero-Hopf bifurcation in the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1337.37036 Euzébio, Rodrigo D.; Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 New families of symmetric periodic solutions of the spatial anisotropic Manev problem. Zbl 1305.70034 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 Stability and global dynamic of a stage-structured predator-prey model with group defense mechanism of the prey. Zbl 1410.37072 Falconi, Manuel; Huenchucona, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2015 Periodic solutions of a periodic FitzHugh-Nagumo system. Zbl 1330.34070 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 5 2015 A global regularization for the \((N+1)\)-body problem with the primaries in a regular \(N\)-gon central configuration. Zbl 1343.70016 Alvarez Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 1 2015 Global regularization of a restricted four-body problem. Zbl 1300.70009 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Delgado, Joaquín; Vidal, Claudio 11 2014 New 1:1:1 periodic solutions in \(3\)-dimensional galactic-type Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1331.70037 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 4 2014 Global dynamics of the Kummer-Schwarz differential equation. Zbl 1417.34040 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 4 2014 Stability of the planar equilibrium solutions of a restricted \(1+N\) body problem. Zbl 1309.70012 Schmidt, Dieter; Vidal, Claudio 2 2014 Periodic orbits associated to Hamiltonian functions of degree four. Zbl 1420.34071 Carrasco-Olivera, Dante; Uribe, Marco; Vidal, Claudio 2 2014 On co-circular central configurations in the four and five body-problems for homogeneous force law. Zbl 1337.70025 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Santos, Alan Almeida; Vidal, Claudio 11 2013 Spatial restricted rhomboidal five-body problem and horizontal stability of its periodic solutions. Zbl 1342.70030 Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 5 2013 Quasiperiodic collision solutions in the spatial isosceles three-body problem with rotating axis of symmetry. Zbl 1282.70015 Mateus, Eder; Venturelli, Andrea; Vidal, Claudio 5 2013 Stability of equilibrium solutions in the critical case of even-order resonance in periodic Hamiltonian systems with one degree of freedom. Zbl 1268.70013 Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, Claudio 2 2013 Periodic solutions, stability and non-integrability in a generalized Hénon-Heiles Hamiltonian system. Zbl 1420.37036 Carrasco, Dante; Vidal, Claudio 2 2013 Behavior of the binary collision in a planar restricted \((N+1)\)-body problem. Zbl 1284.70026 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 1 2013 Periodic orbits and non-integrability in a cosmological scalar field. Zbl 1273.83021 Llibre, Jaume; Vidal, Claudio 9 2012 Geometric interpretation for the spectral stability in the charged three-body problem. Zbl 1266.70013 Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, Claudio 7 2012 The Chetaev theorem for ordinary difference equations. Zbl 1278.39024 Cárcamo, Cristian; Vidal, Claudio 2 2012 Almost and asymptotically almost periodic solutions of abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase space. Zbl 1227.39014 Del Campo, Luis; Pinto, Manuel; Vidal, Claudio 10 2011 Restricted rhomboidal five-body problem. Zbl 1273.70020 Kulesza, Maité; Marchesin, Marcelo; Vidal, Claudio 6 2011 Dynamics aspects in a galactic type Hamiltonian. Zbl 1384.70011 Vidal, Claudio 1 2011 Stability of equilibrium solutions of autonomous and periodic Hamiltonian systems with \(n\)-degrees of freedom in the case of single resonance. Zbl 1209.37026 dos Santos, F.; Mansilla, José E.; Vidal, C. 14 2010 Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations. Zbl 1192.39009 Cuevas, Claudio; del Campo, Luis; Vidal, Claudio 3 2010 Periodic solutions of the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision by the averaging method. Zbl 1195.70022 De Fátima Brandão Dias, Lúcia; Vidal, Claudio 3 2010 Singularities in the gravitational attraction problem due to massive bodies. Zbl 1379.70044 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 2 2010 Dynamical aspects of an equilateral restricted four-body problem. Zbl 1184.70008 Álvarez-Ramírez, Martha; Vidal, Claudio 20 2009 On the dynamics of mechanical systems with the homogeneous polynomial potential \(V = ax ^{4} + cx ^{2} y ^{2}\). Zbl 1196.37097 Falconi, Manuel; Lacomba, Ernesto; Vidal, Claudio 3 2009 Regularization of restricted 3-body problems. Zbl 1351.70012 Castilho, César; Vidal, Claudio 2 2009 Existence of periodic and almost periodic solutions of abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase spaces. Zbl 1177.39017 Vidal, Claudio 2 2009 The restricted planar isosceles three-body problem with non-negative energy. Zbl 1223.70021 Cors, Josep Maria; Castilho, César; Vidal, Claudio 1 2009 Weighted exponential trichotomy of linear difference equations. Zbl 1155.39004 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 8 2008 Periodic solutions of the elliptic isosceles restricted three-body problem with collision. Zbl 1149.70008 de Fatima Brandão, Lúcia; Vidal, Claudio 6 2008 Stability of equilibrium solutions of Hamiltonian systems under the presence of a single resonance in the non-diagonalizable case. Zbl 1229.70060 Dos Santos, F.; Vidal, C. 6 2008 Weighted exponential trichotomy of difference equations. Zbl 1203.39003 Vidal, Claudio; Cuevas, Claudio; del Campo, Luis 1 2008 Stability of equilibrium positions of Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1178.37053 Vidal, Claudio 1 2008 Dynamics of a particle in a gravitational field of a homogeneous annulus disk. Zbl 1330.70071 Alberti, Angelo; Vidal, Claudio 12 2007 Symmetry of the restricted \(4+1\) body problem with equal masses. Zbl 1229.37017 Santos, A. A.; Vidal, C. 11 2007 On the dynamics of mechanical systems with homogeneous polynomial potentials of degree \(4\). Zbl 1126.37043 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 6 2007 Periodic solutions in the singular logarithmic potential. Zbl 1291.34074 Vidal, Claudio 1 2007 A note on discrete maximal regularity for functional difference equations with infinite delay. Zbl 1133.39001 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 11 2006 Stability of equilibrium positions of periodic Hamiltonian systems under third and fourth order resonances. Zbl 1076.37050 Vidal, C.; Dos Santos, F. 8 2005 Periodic solutions of symmetric perturbation of gravitational potentials. Zbl 1089.34036 Vidal, Claudio 5 2005 The flow of classical mechanical cubic potential systems. Zbl 1136.70309 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 8 2004 An extension of the Poincaré compactification and a geometric interpretation. Zbl 07952275 Vidal, Claudio; Gómez, Pedro 6 2003 Discrete dichotomies and asymptotic behavior for abstract retarded functional difference equations in phase space. Zbl 1019.39008 Cuevas, Claudio; Vidal, Claudio 12 2002 Global dynamics of mechanical systems with cubic potentials. Zbl 1134.70310 Falconi, M.; Lacomba, E. A.; Vidal, C. 5 2002 ...and 6 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 444 Authors 64 Vidal, Claudio 29 Llibre, Jaume 12 Cuevas, Claudio 9 Alberti, Angelo 9 Alvarez-Ramírez, Martha 9 Andrade, Jaime 9 Palacián, Jesús F. 9 Yanguas, Patricia 8 Sasu, Bogdan 7 Mireles-James, Jason D. 7 Pérez-Chavela, Ernesto 7 Vidarte, Jhon 6 dos Santos, Fábio Sandro 6 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 5 Falconi, Manuel J. 5 Guardia, Marcel 5 Li, Shimin 5 Sánchez-Cerritos, Juan Manuel 5 Sasu, Adina Luminiţa 4 Aggarwal, Rajiv 4 Bardin, Boris Sabirovich 4 Cárcamo-Díaz, Daniela 4 Castro, Airton 4 Chen, Ting 4 Cors, Josep Maria 4 Elipe, Antonio 4 Fernandes, Antonio Carlos 4 García Guirao, Juan Luis 4 Hampton, Marshall 4 Lacomba, Ernesto A. 4 Liu, Qihuai 4 Lizama, Carlos 4 Mancilla-Martínez, Y. Paulina 4 Marchesin, Marcelo 4 Suraj, Md Sanam 3 Ascencio, Mauricio 3 Baldomá, Inmaculada 3 Baoyin, Hexi 3 Beltritti, Gastón 3 Burgos-García, Jaime 3 Crespo, Francisco 3 Dantas, Filipe 3 Delgado, Joaquín F. 3 Du, Zhengdong 3 Espejo, D. E. 3 Fonda, Alessandro 3 Lanchares, Víctor 3 Mittal, Amit 3 Murray, Maxime 3 Paşca, Daniel 3 Pérez-Rothen, Yocelyn 3 Pinto, Manuel 3 Riaguas, Andrés 3 Santoprete, Manuele 3 Sierpe, Claudio 3 Soto, Herme 3 Stoica, Cristina 3 Tian, Yuzhou 3 Tresaco, Eva 3 Tsai, Ya-Lun 3 Xia, Yonghui 3 Xie, Zhifu 3 Yan, Duokui 3 Zamora, Manuel 3 Zhang, Xiang 3 Zotos, Euaggelos E. 2 Algaba, Antonio 2 Asique, Md Chand 2 Barrabés, Esther 2 Boatto, Stefanella 2 Boscaggin, Alberto 2 Brandão Dias, Lúcia 2 Carrasco-Olivera, Dante 2 Castro Ortega, Alberto 2 Corbera, Montserrat 2 Cornelio, J. Lino 2 Dambrosio, Walter 2 del Campo, Luis 2 Deng, Yiyang 2 El Matloub, Jaouad 2 Ezzinbi, Khalil 2 Fuentes, Natalia 2 Gallo, Anna Chiara 2 Gamero, Estanislao 2 García, Cristóbal 2 Ghosh, Bapan 2 Giralt, Mar 2 González, Esteban 2 Hakimi, Elham 2 Jamilla, Cristeta U. 2 Jiang, Yunping 2 Kaur, Charanpreet Kaur 2 Kepley, Shane 2 Kuang, Wentian 2 Kumar, Ankit 2 Leon, Genly 2 Li, Feng 2 Li, Yong 2 Liu, Xiaodong 2 Luo, Qian ...and 344 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 100 Serials 27 Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 22 Journal of Differential Equations 17 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 16 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 13 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 13 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 11 Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 Applied Mathematics and Computation 11 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 11 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 9 Advances in Difference Equations 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 8 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 7 Journal of Nonlinear Science 6 Nonlinearity 5 Astrophysics and Space Science 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Physica D 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Nonlinear Dynamics 5 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 5 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Journal of Geometry and Physics 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 International Journal of Differential Equations 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Classical and Quantum Gravity 2 Earth, Moon, and Planets 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2 International Journal of Biomathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Programming and Computer Software 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Extracta Mathematicae 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 SIAM Review 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Complexity 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Chaos 1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Differential Equations 1 Journal of Evolution Equations 1 Dynamical Systems 1 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 1 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics in Computer Science 1 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 Revista Integración 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 195 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 134 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 110 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 38 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 31 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 16 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 12 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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