Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Vincke, Philippe Co-Author Distance Author ID: vincke.philippe Published as: Vincke, Philippe; Vincke, Ph.; Vincke, P.; Vincke, Phillipe more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 75 Publications since 1973, including 5 Books 4 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 62 Reviews Co-Authors: 26 Co-Authors with 48 Joint Publications 644 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 30 single-authored 9 Tsoukiàs, Alexis 8 Roubens, Marc 7 Bouyssou, Denis 7 Pirlot, Marc 6 Brans, Jean-Pierre 6 Roy, Bernard 4 Abbas, Moncef 3 Kiehm, Jean-Luc 3 Perny, Patrice 2 Despontin, Marc 2 Hansen, Pierre 2 Marchant, Thierry 2 Mareschal, Bertrand 1 Anciaux-Mundeleer, Martine 1 Bana e Costa, Carlos A. 1 D’Avignon, Gilles R. 1 De Smet, Yves 1 Doignon, Jean-Paul 1 Hirsch, Georges 1 Hites, R. 1 Isermann, Heinz 1 Jacquet-Lagrèze, Eric 1 Monjardet, Bernard 1 Öztürk, Meltem 1 Pun, Lucas 1 Risse, N. 1 Salazar-Neumann, Martha 1 Słowiński, Roman 1 Steuer, Ralph E. 1 Vanderpooten, Daniel all top 5 Serials 11 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 8 European Journal of Operational Research 7 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Theory and Decision 3 International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 2 Management Science 2 Revue Belge de Statistique, d’Informatique et de Recherche Opérationnelle 2 Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science (JORBEL) 2 Annals of Operations Research 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Econometrica 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Rivista di Matematica per le Scienze Economiche e Sociali 1 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 5e Série 1 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 6e Série 1 Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 1 Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 1 Theory and Decision Library. Series B: Mathematical and Statistical Methods 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Verte all top 5 Fields 49 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 46 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 11 Combinatorics (05-XX) 11 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 61 Publications have been cited 1,228 times in 815 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A preference ranking organisation method. Zbl 0609.90073 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph. 175 1985 How to select and how to rank projects: The PROMETHEE method. Zbl 0576.90056 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph.; Mareschal, B. 147 1986 Preference modelling. Zbl 0572.90001 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 102 1985 Biorder families, valued relations, and preference modelling. Zbl 0612.92020 Doignon, J.-P.; Monjardet, B.; Roubens, M.; Vincke, Ph. 79 1986 Semiorders. Properties, representations, applications. Zbl 0897.06002 Pirlot, M.; Vincke, Ph. 76 1997 PROMETHEE: A new family of outranking methods in multicriteria analysis. Zbl 0571.90042 Brans, J. P.; Mareschal, B.; Vincke, Ph. 63 1985 Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria. Stepping stones for the analyst. Zbl 1140.90027 Bouyssou, Denis; Marchant, Thierry; Pirlot, Marc; Tsoukias, Alexis; Vincke, Phillipe 56 2006 How to choose a decision-aid method? (Comment choisir une méthode d’aide à la décision?) Zbl 0841.90005 Vincke, Ph. 42 1994 Evaluation and decision models. A critical perspective. Zbl 1107.90366 Bouyssou, D.; Marchant, T.; Pirlot, M.; Perny, P.; Tsoukias, A.; Vincke, P. 42 2000 Relational systems of preference with one or more pseudo-criteria: Some new concepts and results. Zbl 0555.90002 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 41 1984 Multicriteria analysis: Survey and new directions. Zbl 0464.90068 Roy, Bernard; Vincke, Philippe 36 1981 Robust solutions and methods in decision-aid. Zbl 0946.90042 Vincke, Philippe 27 1999 Recent progresses in multicriteria decision-aid. Zbl 0842.90003 Vincke, Philippe 21 1994 About the applicability of MCDA to some robustness problems. Zbl 1116.90051 Hites, R.; De Smet, Y.; Risse, N.; Salazar-Neumann, M.; Vincke, P. 18 2006 An outranking method under uncertainty. Zbl 0646.90001 D’Avignon, G. R.; Vincke, Ph. 16 1988 L’aide multicritère à la décision. Préface de Bernard Roy. (Multicriterial support for decision-making. Preface by Bernard Roy). Zbl 0673.90022 Vincke, Philippe 16 1989 Exploitation of a crisp relation in a ranking problem. Zbl 0756.90007 Vincke, Philippe 16 1992 Linear utility functions on semiordered mixture spaces. Zbl 0435.90012 Vincke, Philippe 16 1980 Problèmes multicriteres. Zbl 0305.90045 Vincke, Philippe 15 1974 Fuzzy possibility graphs and their application to ranking fuzzy numbers. Zbl 0652.90005 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 14 1988 Analysis of multicriteria decision aid in Europe. Zbl 0591.90051 Vincke, Philippe 14 1986 A new axiomatic foundation of partial comparability. Zbl 0856.90009 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 13 1995 Ranking alternatives on the basis of preference relations: A progress report with special emphasis on outranking relations. Zbl 0891.90011 Bouyssou, Denis; Vincke, Philippe 13 1997 Extended preference structures in multi criteria decision aid. Zbl 0893.90006 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 12 1997 Pseudo-orders: Definition, properties and numerical representation. Zbl 0628.90001 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 11 1987 From concordance/discordance to the modelling of positive and negative reasons in decision aiding. Zbl 1059.90088 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Perny, Patrice; Vincke, Philippe 11 2002 Preference structures and threshold models. Zbl 0839.90007 Abbas, Moncef; Vincke, Philippe 10 1993 Preference modelling. Zbl 1072.90018 Öztürk, Meltem; Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 9 2005 A general model of preference aggregation. Zbl 0901.90003 Bouyssou, D.; Pirlot, M.; Vincke, Ph. 8 1997 A characterization of PQI interval orders. Zbl 1046.91032 Tsoukiàs, A.; Vincke, Ph. 8 2003 Robust and neutral methods for aggregating preferences into an outranking relation. Zbl 0944.91015 Vincke, Ph. 7 1999 Lexicographic aggregation of semiorders. Zbl 0838.90011 Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 6 1992 Preference structures and co-comparability graphs. Zbl 0847.90004 Abbas, Moncef; Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 5 1996 Outranking approach. Zbl 0949.90050 Vincke, Philippe 5 1999 Arrow’s theorem is not a surprising result. Zbl 0483.90008 Vincke, Philippe 5 1982 Linear fuzzy graphs. Zbl 0512.05060 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 5 1983 Aggregation of preferences: a review. Zbl 0471.90005 Vincke, Philippe 5 1982 Double threshold orders: A new axiomatization. Zbl 0910.90194 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 5 1998 Une méthode de surclassement basee sur des intensites de preference. Zbl 0493.90080 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph. 4 1982 Fuzzy preferences in an optimization perspective. Zbl 0635.90004 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 4 1987 Une méthode interactive en programmation linéaire à plusieurs fonctions economiques. Zbl 0351.90050 Vincke, Philippe 4 1976 On families of semiorders and interval orders imbedded in a valued structure of preference: A survey. Zbl 0575.90002 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 4 1984 A definition of partial interval orders. Zbl 0541.92026 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 3 1984 Tangent circle graphs and ‘orders’. Zbl 1278.91042 Abbas, Moncef; Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 3 2007 Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. Essays in honor of Bernard Roy. Zbl 1048.90002 3 2002 Preference modelling: A survey and an experiment. Zbl 0473.90004 Vincke, Philippe 3 1981 Linear orders and semiorders close to an interval order. Zbl 0535.06002 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 2 1983 Measuring credibility of compensatory preference statements when trade-offs are interval determined. Zbl 0845.90007 Bana e Costa, Carlos A.; Vincke, Philippe 2 1995 \(\{P,Q,I\}\)-preference structures. Zbl 0649.90006 Vincke, Philippe 2 1988 Quasi-ordres généralises et représentation numérique. Zbl 0419.90005 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Quasi-kernels of minimum weakness in a graph. Zbl 0381.05048 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Ordres et preordres totaux à distance minimum d’un quasi-ordre. Zbl 0415.06001 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Systemes rélationnels de preferences en presence de critères multiples avec seuils. Zbl 0435.90013 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 2 1980 Hypergraphes orientes. Zbl 0329.05109 Vincke, Philippe 2 1975 Quasi-kernels of outranking relation. With a comment by L. Pun. Zbl 0337.90003 Hansen, Pierre; Anciaux-Mundeleer, Martine; Vincke, Philippe 2 1976 Second EURO Summer Institute: Multicriteria analysis, held in Brussels, Belgium, July 12-August 2, 1985. Zbl 0583.00045 1 1986 Preference modeling. Zbl 0905.00038 1 1998 Problèmes de localisation multicriteres. Zbl 0529.90026 Vincke, Ph. 1 1983 Letter to the editor: The case of the vanishing optimum revisited again. Zbl 0947.90600 Roy, Bernard; Vincke, Philippe 1 1998 The notion of characteristic set and its implication for the analysis and development of multicriterion methods. With a comment by Philippe Vincke. Zbl 0336.90007 Hirsch, Georges 1 1976 Existence and duality in multiple objective linear programming. With a comment by Philippe Vincke. Zbl 0356.90035 Isermann, Heinz 1 1976 Tangent circle graphs and ‘orders’. Zbl 1278.91042 Abbas, Moncef; Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 3 2007 Evaluation and decision models with multiple criteria. Stepping stones for the analyst. Zbl 1140.90027 Bouyssou, Denis; Marchant, Thierry; Pirlot, Marc; Tsoukias, Alexis; Vincke, Phillipe 56 2006 About the applicability of MCDA to some robustness problems. Zbl 1116.90051 Hites, R.; De Smet, Y.; Risse, N.; Salazar-Neumann, M.; Vincke, P. 18 2006 Preference modelling. Zbl 1072.90018 Öztürk, Meltem; Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 9 2005 A characterization of PQI interval orders. Zbl 1046.91032 Tsoukiàs, A.; Vincke, Ph. 8 2003 From concordance/discordance to the modelling of positive and negative reasons in decision aiding. Zbl 1059.90088 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Perny, Patrice; Vincke, Philippe 11 2002 Aiding decisions with multiple criteria. Essays in honor of Bernard Roy. Zbl 1048.90002 3 2002 Evaluation and decision models. A critical perspective. Zbl 1107.90366 Bouyssou, D.; Marchant, T.; Pirlot, M.; Perny, P.; Tsoukias, A.; Vincke, P. 42 2000 Robust solutions and methods in decision-aid. Zbl 0946.90042 Vincke, Philippe 27 1999 Robust and neutral methods for aggregating preferences into an outranking relation. Zbl 0944.91015 Vincke, Ph. 7 1999 Outranking approach. Zbl 0949.90050 Vincke, Philippe 5 1999 Double threshold orders: A new axiomatization. Zbl 0910.90194 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 5 1998 Preference modeling. Zbl 0905.00038 1 1998 Letter to the editor: The case of the vanishing optimum revisited again. Zbl 0947.90600 Roy, Bernard; Vincke, Philippe 1 1998 Semiorders. Properties, representations, applications. Zbl 0897.06002 Pirlot, M.; Vincke, Ph. 76 1997 Ranking alternatives on the basis of preference relations: A progress report with special emphasis on outranking relations. Zbl 0891.90011 Bouyssou, Denis; Vincke, Philippe 13 1997 Extended preference structures in multi criteria decision aid. Zbl 0893.90006 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 12 1997 A general model of preference aggregation. Zbl 0901.90003 Bouyssou, D.; Pirlot, M.; Vincke, Ph. 8 1997 Preference structures and co-comparability graphs. Zbl 0847.90004 Abbas, Moncef; Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 5 1996 A new axiomatic foundation of partial comparability. Zbl 0856.90009 Tsoukiàs, Alexis; Vincke, Philippe 13 1995 Measuring credibility of compensatory preference statements when trade-offs are interval determined. Zbl 0845.90007 Bana e Costa, Carlos A.; Vincke, Philippe 2 1995 How to choose a decision-aid method? (Comment choisir une méthode d’aide à la décision?) Zbl 0841.90005 Vincke, Ph. 42 1994 Recent progresses in multicriteria decision-aid. Zbl 0842.90003 Vincke, Philippe 21 1994 Preference structures and threshold models. Zbl 0839.90007 Abbas, Moncef; Vincke, Philippe 10 1993 Exploitation of a crisp relation in a ranking problem. Zbl 0756.90007 Vincke, Philippe 16 1992 Lexicographic aggregation of semiorders. Zbl 0838.90011 Pirlot, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 6 1992 L’aide multicritère à la décision. Préface de Bernard Roy. (Multicriterial support for decision-making. Preface by Bernard Roy). Zbl 0673.90022 Vincke, Philippe 16 1989 An outranking method under uncertainty. Zbl 0646.90001 D’Avignon, G. R.; Vincke, Ph. 16 1988 Fuzzy possibility graphs and their application to ranking fuzzy numbers. Zbl 0652.90005 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 14 1988 \(\{P,Q,I\}\)-preference structures. Zbl 0649.90006 Vincke, Philippe 2 1988 Pseudo-orders: Definition, properties and numerical representation. Zbl 0628.90001 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 11 1987 Fuzzy preferences in an optimization perspective. Zbl 0635.90004 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 4 1987 How to select and how to rank projects: The PROMETHEE method. Zbl 0576.90056 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph.; Mareschal, B. 147 1986 Biorder families, valued relations, and preference modelling. Zbl 0612.92020 Doignon, J.-P.; Monjardet, B.; Roubens, M.; Vincke, Ph. 79 1986 Analysis of multicriteria decision aid in Europe. Zbl 0591.90051 Vincke, Philippe 14 1986 Second EURO Summer Institute: Multicriteria analysis, held in Brussels, Belgium, July 12-August 2, 1985. Zbl 0583.00045 1 1986 A preference ranking organisation method. Zbl 0609.90073 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph. 175 1985 Preference modelling. Zbl 0572.90001 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 102 1985 PROMETHEE: A new family of outranking methods in multicriteria analysis. Zbl 0571.90042 Brans, J. P.; Mareschal, B.; Vincke, Ph. 63 1985 Relational systems of preference with one or more pseudo-criteria: Some new concepts and results. Zbl 0555.90002 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 41 1984 On families of semiorders and interval orders imbedded in a valued structure of preference: A survey. Zbl 0575.90002 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 4 1984 A definition of partial interval orders. Zbl 0541.92026 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 3 1984 Linear fuzzy graphs. Zbl 0512.05060 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 5 1983 Linear orders and semiorders close to an interval order. Zbl 0535.06002 Roubens, Marc; Vincke, Philippe 2 1983 Problèmes de localisation multicriteres. Zbl 0529.90026 Vincke, Ph. 1 1983 Arrow’s theorem is not a surprising result. Zbl 0483.90008 Vincke, Philippe 5 1982 Aggregation of preferences: a review. Zbl 0471.90005 Vincke, Philippe 5 1982 Une méthode de surclassement basee sur des intensites de preference. Zbl 0493.90080 Brans, J. P.; Vincke, Ph. 4 1982 Multicriteria analysis: Survey and new directions. Zbl 0464.90068 Roy, Bernard; Vincke, Philippe 36 1981 Preference modelling: A survey and an experiment. Zbl 0473.90004 Vincke, Philippe 3 1981 Linear utility functions on semiordered mixture spaces. Zbl 0435.90012 Vincke, Philippe 16 1980 Systemes rélationnels de preferences en presence de critères multiples avec seuils. Zbl 0435.90013 Roy, B.; Vincke, Ph. 2 1980 Quasi-ordres généralises et représentation numérique. Zbl 0419.90005 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Quasi-kernels of minimum weakness in a graph. Zbl 0381.05048 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Ordres et preordres totaux à distance minimum d’un quasi-ordre. Zbl 0415.06001 Vincke, Philippe 2 1978 Une méthode interactive en programmation linéaire à plusieurs fonctions economiques. Zbl 0351.90050 Vincke, Philippe 4 1976 Quasi-kernels of outranking relation. With a comment by L. Pun. Zbl 0337.90003 Hansen, Pierre; Anciaux-Mundeleer, Martine; Vincke, Philippe 2 1976 The notion of characteristic set and its implication for the analysis and development of multicriterion methods. With a comment by Philippe Vincke. Zbl 0336.90007 Hirsch, Georges 1 1976 Existence and duality in multiple objective linear programming. With a comment by Philippe Vincke. Zbl 0356.90035 Isermann, Heinz 1 1976 Hypergraphes orientes. Zbl 0329.05109 Vincke, Philippe 2 1975 Problèmes multicriteres. Zbl 0305.90045 Vincke, Philippe 15 1974 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,159 Authors 28 Greco, Salvatore 27 Bouyssou, Denis 24 Pirlot, Marc 21 De Baets, Bernard 16 Tsoukiàs, Alexis 16 Vincke, Philippe 15 Giarlotta, Alfio 15 Mousseau, Vincent A. 15 Roubens, Marc 13 Figueira, José Rui 13 Montes, Susana 13 Słowiński, Roman 12 Díaz, Susana 11 Marchant, Thierry 11 Martel, Jean-Marc 11 Roy, Bernard 10 Corrente, Salvatore 9 Dias, Luis C. 9 Induráin, Esteban 9 Vanderpooten, Daniel 9 Watson, William Stephen 8 Doignon, Jean-Paul 8 Dubois, Didier 8 Perny, Patrice 8 Salminen, Pekka 8 Vetschera, Rudolf 7 Brandt, Felix 7 González-Pachón, Jacinto 7 Lahdelma, Risto 7 Mareschal, Bertrand 7 Matarazzo, Benedetto 7 Nakamura, Yutaka 7 Olson, David L. 7 Ouerdane, Wassila 6 Angilella, Silvia 6 Candeal, Juan Carlos 6 de Almeida, Adiel Teixeira 6 Doumpos, Michael 6 Fernández, Eduardo R. 6 Kadziński, Miłosz 6 Labreuche, Christophe 6 Meyer, Patrick 6 Montero, Javier 6 Öztürk, Meltem 6 Xu, Zeshui 6 Zopounidis, Constantin 5 Brans, Jean-Pierre 5 Climaco, Joao Carlos Namorado 5 De Smet, Yves 5 Fodor, János C. 5 Matsatsinis, Nikolaos F. 5 Montes, Ignacio 5 Ovchinnikov, Sergei V. 5 Prade, Henri M. 4 Ahn, Byeong Seok 4 Belahcene, Khaled 4 Bentkowska (Dudziak), Urszula 4 Bufardi, Ahmed 4 Campión, María Jesús 4 Davis-Stober, Clintin P. 4 De Meyer, Hans E. 4 Estevan, Asier 4 Falmagne, Jean-Claude 4 Fan, Zhiping 4 Fargier, Hélène 4 Fishburn, Peter Clingerman 4 Fortemps, Philippe 4 Gabrel, Virginie 4 García-Lapresta, José Luis 4 Geldermann, Jutta 4 Guitouni, Adel 4 Harrenstein, Paul 4 Kerre, Etienne E. 4 Lamboray, Claude 4 Le Menestrel, Marc 4 Lemaire, Bertrand 4 Leyva-Lopez, Juan Carlos 4 Liu, Yang 4 Martinetti, Davide 4 Maudet, Nicolas 4 Navarro, Jorge Adalberto 4 Ogryczak, Włodzimierz 4 Romero, Carlos 4 Schöbel, Anita 4 Stewart, Theodor J. 4 Van de Walle, Bartel 4 Waegeman, Willem 4 Zhan, Jianming 3 Aissi, Hassene 3 Al-Kloub, Bashar 3 Al-Shemmeri, Tarik 3 Albadvi, Amir 3 Aleskerov, Fuad T. 3 Bana e Costa, Carlos A. 3 Barthelemy, Jean-Pierre 3 Ben Amor, Sarah 3 Ben-Haim, Yakov 3 De Schuymer, Bart 3 Durbach, Ian N. 3 Ferretti, Valentina ...and 1,059 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 109 Serials 261 European Journal of Operational Research 62 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 50 Annals of Operations Research 39 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 34 Information Sciences 28 Computers & Operations Research 21 Mathematical Social Sciences 17 International Transactions in Operational Research 11 Theory and Decision 11 Soft Computing 10 Discrete Applied Mathematics 9 Top 9 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 9 4OR 8 International Journal of Production Research 7 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 7 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 6 Discrete Mathematics 6 Social Choice and Welfare 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Order 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 4 Artificial Intelligence 4 Kybernetika 4 Opsearch 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 4 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 4 Operational Research. An International Journal 3 Journal of Mathematical Economics 3 Theoretical Computer Science 3 Cybernetics and Systems 3 Journal of Global Optimization 3 Applied Mathematical Modelling 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 OR Spectrum 3 Axioms 3 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 2 Optimization 2 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Computational Economics 2 Filomat 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2 Revista Investigación Operacional 2 Journal of Applied Statistics 2 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2 RAIRO. Operations Research 2 Decisions in Economics and Finance 2 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 2 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2 Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 2 Operations Research and Decisions 2 Croatian Operational Research Review (CRORR) 2 Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Informatica 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Psychometrika 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 INFOR 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Networks 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 OR Spektrum 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 1 Machine Learning 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Zeitschrift für Operations Research. Serie B: Praxis 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 Journal of Scheduling 1 Informatica (Vilnius) 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Optimization and Engineering ...and 9 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 23 Fields 476 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 398 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 84 Computer science (68-XX) 80 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 70 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 29 Statistics (62-XX) 25 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.