Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Voight, John Michael Co-Author Distance Author ID: voight.john Published as: Voight, John; Voight, J. Homepage: https://math.dartmouth.edu/~jvoight/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 75 Publications since 2003, including 2 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 2 Packages Co-Authors: 89 Co-Authors with 63 Joint Publications 1,540 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 6 Dembélé, Lassina 6 Sijsling, Jeroen 5 Costa, Edgar 5 Sutherland, Andrew V. 4 Kelly, Tyler L. 4 Schiavone, Sam 4 Sperber, Steven I. 3 Assaf, Eran 3 Cremona, John E. 3 Doran, Charles F. 3 Greenberg, Matthew 3 Linowitz, Benjamin 3 Salerno, Adriana 3 Tornaría, Gonzalo 3 Whitcher, Ursula A. 2 Booker, Andrew R. 2 Castryck, Wouter 2 Dasgupta, Samit 2 Duque-Rosero, Juanita 2 Elkies, Noam David 2 Javanpeykar, Ariyan 2 Kirschmer, Markus 2 Lombardo, Davide M. 2 Mascot, Nicolas 2 Molnar, Grant 2 Musty, Michael 2 Pacetti, Ariel Martín 2 Poonen, Bjorn 2 Schembri, Ciaran 2 Smertnig, Daniel 2 Stover, Matthew 2 Zureick-Brown, David 1 Auel, Asher Natan 1 Babei, Angelica 1 Balakrishnan, Jennifer S. 1 Berger, Laurent 1 Best, Alex J. 1 Bober, Jonathan W. 1 Böckle, Gebhard 1 Breen, Ben 1 Breen, Benjamin K. 1 Brumer, Armand 1 Cantoral-Farfán, Victoria 1 Chari, Sara 1 Clark, Peter Louis 1 Cullinan, John 1 Darmon, Henri René 1 Derickx, Maarten 1 Diamond, Fred 1 Dieulefait, Luis Victor 1 Dimitrov, Mladen 1 Dokchitser, Tim 1 Donnelly, Steve 1 Dummit, David S. 1 Dutour-Sikiric, Mathieu 1 Edixhoven, Sebastiaan Johan 1 Frei, Sarah 1 Freitas, Nuno 1 Fretwell, Dan 1 Haensch, Anna 1 Hassett, Brendan 1 Honigs, Katrina 1 Horawa, Aleksander 1 Ingalls, Colin 1 Keller, Timo 1 Kenney, Meagan 1 Kieffer, Jean 1 Klug, Michael R. 1 Kulkarni, Avinash 1 Ladd, Watson 1 Laga, Jef 1 Lee, Min 1 Logan, Adam 1 Lowry-Duda, David 1 Marseglia, Stefano 1 Nugent, Steve 1 Panchishkin, Alexei A. 1 Park, Jennifer 1 Paulhus, Jennifer 1 Pizzo, Maggie 1 Pomerance, Carl Bernard 1 Poor, Cris 1 Radosevich, Matthew 1 Rama, Gustavo 1 Roe, David 1 Rotger, Victor 1 Rouse, Jeremy A. 1 Ryan, Nathan C. 1 Secord, Spencer 1 Shnidman, Ari 1 Smit, Harry 1 van Bommel, Raymond 1 van Woerden, Wessel P. J. 1 Varma, Ila 1 Willis, John 1 Wood, Melanie Matchett 1 Yasaki, Dan 1 Yuen, David S. 1 Zudilin, Wadim all top 5 Serials 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Research in Number Theory 4 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 3 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 2 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1 Transactions of the London Mathematical Society 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Advanced Courses in Mathematics – CRM Barcelona 1 Simons Symposia all top 5 Fields 70 Number theory (11-XX) 33 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 62 Publications have been cited 715 times in 530 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Quaternion algebras. Zbl 1481.11003 Voight, John 97 2021 A database of genus-2 curves over the rational numbers. Zbl 1404.11090 Booker, Andrew R.; Sijsling, Jeroen; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Voight, John; Yasaki, Dan 39 2016 A heuristic for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves. Zbl 1469.11173 Park, Jennifer; Poonen, Bjorn; Voight, John; Wood, Melanie Matchett 39 2019 Identifying the matrix ring: algorithms for quaternion algebras and quadratic forms. Zbl 1282.11152 Voight, John 38 2013 Algorithmic enumeration of ideal classes for quaternion orders. Zbl 1208.11125 Kirschmer, Markus; Voight, John 36 2010 Rigorous computation of the endomorphism ring of a Jacobian. Zbl 1484.11135 Costa, Edgar; Mascot, Nicolas; Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 35 2019 Explicit methods for Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1326.11018 Dembélé, Lassina; Voight, John 35 2013 Computing fundamental domains for Fuchsian groups. Zbl 1222.11057 Voight, John 29 2009 Enumeration of totally real number fields of bounded root discriminant. Zbl 1205.11125 Voight, John 26 2008 On computing Belyi maps. Zbl 1364.11127 Sijsling, J.; Voight, J. 24 2014 Shimura curves of genus at most two. Zbl 1205.14027 Voight, John 16 2009 On the paramodularity of typical abelian surfaces. Zbl 1466.11019 Brumer, Armand; Pacetti, Ariel; Poor, Cris; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John; Yuen, David 16 2019 On nondegeneracy of curves. Zbl 1177.14089 Castryck, Wouter; Voight, John 15 2009 Characterizing quaternion rings over an arbitrary base. Zbl 1229.11146 Voight, John 15 2011 \(\ell\)-adic images of Galois for elliptic curves over \(\mathbb{Q}\)(and an appendix with John Voight). Zbl 1499.14057 Rouse, Jeremy; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Zureick-Brown, David 15 2022 Small isospectral and nonisometric orbifolds of dimension 2 and 3. Zbl 1326.58019 Linowitz, Benjamin; Voight, John 13 2015 Computing systems of Hecke eigenvalues associated to Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1233.11050 Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 12 2011 The canonical ring of a stacky curve. Zbl 1497.14119 Voight, John; Zureick-Brown, David 12 2022 Numerical calculation of three-point branched covers of the projective line. Zbl 1351.30027 Klug, Michael; Musty, Michael; Schiavone, Sam; Voight, John 12 2014 Lattice methods for algebraic modular forms on classical groups. Zbl 1375.11043 Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 12 2014 Computing power series expansions of modular forms. Zbl 1369.11102 Voight, John; Willis, John 12 2014 The 2-Selmer group of a number field and heuristics for narrow class groups and signature ranks of units. Zbl 1457.11152 Dummit, David S.; Voight, John 12 2018 Zeta functions of alternate mirror Calabi-Yau families. Zbl 1403.14055 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 11 2018 Quadratic forms that represent almost the same primes. Zbl 1213.11084 Voight, John 10 2007 Sylvester’s problem and mock Heegner points. Zbl 1431.11043 Dasgupta, Samit; Voight, John 8 2018 On the nonexistence of odd perfect numbers. Zbl 1083.11008 Voight, John 7 2003 Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number. Zbl 1260.11035 Voight, John 7 2010 Heegner points and Sylvester’s conjecture. Zbl 1250.11057 Dasgupta, Samit; Voight, John 7 2009 A canonical form for positive definite matrices. Zbl 1471.11209 Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu; Haensch, Anna; Voight, John; van Woerden, Wessel P. J. 7 2020 A database of Belyi maps. Zbl 1532.11083 Musty, Michael; Schiavone, Sam; Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 7 2019 Rings of low rank with a standard involution. Zbl 1351.16039 Voight, John 6 2011 Counting elliptic curves with an isogeny of degree three. Zbl 1483.11118 Pizzo, Maggie; Pomerance, Carl; Voight, John 6 2020 Corrigendum: “Algorithmic enumeration of ideal classes for quaternion orders”. Zbl 1248.11090 Kirschmer, Markus; Voight, John 5 2012 Computing CM points on Shimura curves arising from cocompact arithmetic triangle groups. Zbl 1143.11330 Voight, John 5 2006 On a probabilistic local-global principle for torsion on elliptic curves. Zbl 1498.14090 Cullinan, John; Kenney, Meagan; Voight, John 5 2022 Computing zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces with few monomials. Zbl 1343.11097 Sperber, Steven; Voight, John 5 2013 On explicit descent of marked curves and maps. Zbl 1417.11126 Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 5 2016 On the arithmetic dimension of triangle groups. Zbl 1379.11043 Nugent, Steve; Voight, John 5 2017 Shimura curve computations. Zbl 1250.11063 Voight, John 4 2009 Algebraic curves uniformized by congruence subgroups of triangle groups. Zbl 1416.11106 Clark, Pete L.; Voight, John 4 2019 Arithmetic geometry, number theory, and computation. Zbl 1515.11004 4 2021 On basic and Bass quaternion orders. Zbl 1485.16014 Chari, Sara; Smertnig, Daniel; Voight, John 4 2021 Hypergeometric decomposition of symmetric \(K3\) quartic pencils. Zbl 1441.14128 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 4 2020 Curves over finite fields with many points: an introduction. Zbl 1120.14013 Voight, John 3 2005 Commensurability classes of fake quadrics. Zbl 1478.14058 Linowitz, Benjamin; Stover, Matthew; Voight, John 3 2019 Definite orders with locally free cancellation. Zbl 1457.11158 Smertnig, Daniel; Voight, John 3 2019 Computing classical modular forms. Zbl 07912218 Best, Alex J.; Bober, Jonathan; Booker, Andrew R.; Costa, Edgar; Cremona, John E.; Derickx, Maarten; Lee, Min; Lowry-Duda, David; Roe, David; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Voight, John 3 2021 The Gauss higher relative class number problem. Zbl 1286.11181 Voight, John 2 2008 Nonsolvable number fields ramified only at 3 and 5. Zbl 1269.11112 Dembélé, Lassina; Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 2 2011 Definite orthogonal modular forms: computations, excursions, and discoveries. Zbl 1535.11063 Assaf, Eran; Fretwell, Dan; Ingalls, Colin; Logan, Adam; Secord, Spencer; Voight, John 2 2022 Special hypergeometric motives and their \(L\)-functions: Asai recognition. Zbl 1511.11047 Dembélé, Lassina; Panchishkin, Alexei; Voight, John; Zudilin, Wadim 2 2022 Discriminants and the monoid of quadratic rings. Zbl 1410.11032 Voight, John 2 2016 Alternate mirror families and hypergeometric motives. Zbl 1448.14021 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 2 2019 On unit signatures and narrow class groups of odd degree abelian number fields. Zbl 1518.11078 Breen, Benjamin; Varma, Ila; Voight, John 2 2023 Nondegenerate curves of low genus over small finite fields. Zbl 1211.14035 Castryck, Wouter; Voight, John 1 2010 Elliptic curves, Hilbert modular forms and Galois deformations. Zbl 1276.11004 1 2013 Counting elliptic curves over the rationals with a 7-isogeny. Zbl 07771753 Molnar, Grant; Voight, John 1 2023 Kneser’s method of neighbors. Zbl 1537.11101 Voight, John 1 2023 A database of paramodular forms from quinary orthogonal modular forms. Zbl 1539.11074 Assaf, Eran; Ladd, Watson; Rama, Gustavo; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John 1 2024 Nonvanishing of twists of \(L\)-functions attached to Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1296.11040 Ryan, Nathan C.; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John 1 2014 The Belyi degree of a curve is computable. Zbl 1443.11122 Javanpeykar, Ariyan; Voight, John 1 2019 Identifying central endomorphisms of an abelian variety via Frobenius endomorphisms. Zbl 1481.11062 Costa, Edgar; Lombardo, Davide; Voight, John 1 2021 A database of paramodular forms from quinary orthogonal modular forms. Zbl 1539.11074 Assaf, Eran; Ladd, Watson; Rama, Gustavo; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John 1 2024 On unit signatures and narrow class groups of odd degree abelian number fields. Zbl 1518.11078 Breen, Benjamin; Varma, Ila; Voight, John 2 2023 Counting elliptic curves over the rationals with a 7-isogeny. Zbl 07771753 Molnar, Grant; Voight, John 1 2023 Kneser’s method of neighbors. Zbl 1537.11101 Voight, John 1 2023 \(\ell\)-adic images of Galois for elliptic curves over \(\mathbb{Q}\)(and an appendix with John Voight). Zbl 1499.14057 Rouse, Jeremy; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Zureick-Brown, David 15 2022 The canonical ring of a stacky curve. Zbl 1497.14119 Voight, John; Zureick-Brown, David 12 2022 On a probabilistic local-global principle for torsion on elliptic curves. Zbl 1498.14090 Cullinan, John; Kenney, Meagan; Voight, John 5 2022 Definite orthogonal modular forms: computations, excursions, and discoveries. Zbl 1535.11063 Assaf, Eran; Fretwell, Dan; Ingalls, Colin; Logan, Adam; Secord, Spencer; Voight, John 2 2022 Special hypergeometric motives and their \(L\)-functions: Asai recognition. Zbl 1511.11047 Dembélé, Lassina; Panchishkin, Alexei; Voight, John; Zudilin, Wadim 2 2022 Quaternion algebras. Zbl 1481.11003 Voight, John 97 2021 Arithmetic geometry, number theory, and computation. Zbl 1515.11004 4 2021 On basic and Bass quaternion orders. Zbl 1485.16014 Chari, Sara; Smertnig, Daniel; Voight, John 4 2021 Computing classical modular forms. Zbl 07912218 Best, Alex J.; Bober, Jonathan; Booker, Andrew R.; Costa, Edgar; Cremona, John E.; Derickx, Maarten; Lee, Min; Lowry-Duda, David; Roe, David; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Voight, John 3 2021 Identifying central endomorphisms of an abelian variety via Frobenius endomorphisms. Zbl 1481.11062 Costa, Edgar; Lombardo, Davide; Voight, John 1 2021 A canonical form for positive definite matrices. Zbl 1471.11209 Dutour Sikirić, Mathieu; Haensch, Anna; Voight, John; van Woerden, Wessel P. J. 7 2020 Counting elliptic curves with an isogeny of degree three. Zbl 1483.11118 Pizzo, Maggie; Pomerance, Carl; Voight, John 6 2020 Hypergeometric decomposition of symmetric \(K3\) quartic pencils. Zbl 1441.14128 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 4 2020 A heuristic for boundedness of ranks of elliptic curves. Zbl 1469.11173 Park, Jennifer; Poonen, Bjorn; Voight, John; Wood, Melanie Matchett 39 2019 Rigorous computation of the endomorphism ring of a Jacobian. Zbl 1484.11135 Costa, Edgar; Mascot, Nicolas; Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 35 2019 On the paramodularity of typical abelian surfaces. Zbl 1466.11019 Brumer, Armand; Pacetti, Ariel; Poor, Cris; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John; Yuen, David 16 2019 A database of Belyi maps. Zbl 1532.11083 Musty, Michael; Schiavone, Sam; Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 7 2019 Algebraic curves uniformized by congruence subgroups of triangle groups. Zbl 1416.11106 Clark, Pete L.; Voight, John 4 2019 Commensurability classes of fake quadrics. Zbl 1478.14058 Linowitz, Benjamin; Stover, Matthew; Voight, John 3 2019 Definite orders with locally free cancellation. Zbl 1457.11158 Smertnig, Daniel; Voight, John 3 2019 Alternate mirror families and hypergeometric motives. Zbl 1448.14021 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 2 2019 The Belyi degree of a curve is computable. Zbl 1443.11122 Javanpeykar, Ariyan; Voight, John 1 2019 The 2-Selmer group of a number field and heuristics for narrow class groups and signature ranks of units. Zbl 1457.11152 Dummit, David S.; Voight, John 12 2018 Zeta functions of alternate mirror Calabi-Yau families. Zbl 1403.14055 Doran, Charles F.; Kelly, Tyler L.; Salerno, Adriana; Sperber, Steven; Voight, John; Whitcher, Ursula 11 2018 Sylvester’s problem and mock Heegner points. Zbl 1431.11043 Dasgupta, Samit; Voight, John 8 2018 On the arithmetic dimension of triangle groups. Zbl 1379.11043 Nugent, Steve; Voight, John 5 2017 A database of genus-2 curves over the rational numbers. Zbl 1404.11090 Booker, Andrew R.; Sijsling, Jeroen; Sutherland, Andrew V.; Voight, John; Yasaki, Dan 39 2016 On explicit descent of marked curves and maps. Zbl 1417.11126 Sijsling, Jeroen; Voight, John 5 2016 Discriminants and the monoid of quadratic rings. Zbl 1410.11032 Voight, John 2 2016 Small isospectral and nonisometric orbifolds of dimension 2 and 3. Zbl 1326.58019 Linowitz, Benjamin; Voight, John 13 2015 On computing Belyi maps. Zbl 1364.11127 Sijsling, J.; Voight, J. 24 2014 Numerical calculation of three-point branched covers of the projective line. Zbl 1351.30027 Klug, Michael; Musty, Michael; Schiavone, Sam; Voight, John 12 2014 Lattice methods for algebraic modular forms on classical groups. Zbl 1375.11043 Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 12 2014 Computing power series expansions of modular forms. Zbl 1369.11102 Voight, John; Willis, John 12 2014 Nonvanishing of twists of \(L\)-functions attached to Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1296.11040 Ryan, Nathan C.; Tornaría, Gonzalo; Voight, John 1 2014 Identifying the matrix ring: algorithms for quaternion algebras and quadratic forms. Zbl 1282.11152 Voight, John 38 2013 Explicit methods for Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1326.11018 Dembélé, Lassina; Voight, John 35 2013 Computing zeta functions of nondegenerate hypersurfaces with few monomials. Zbl 1343.11097 Sperber, Steven; Voight, John 5 2013 Elliptic curves, Hilbert modular forms and Galois deformations. Zbl 1276.11004 1 2013 Corrigendum: “Algorithmic enumeration of ideal classes for quaternion orders”. Zbl 1248.11090 Kirschmer, Markus; Voight, John 5 2012 Characterizing quaternion rings over an arbitrary base. Zbl 1229.11146 Voight, John 15 2011 Computing systems of Hecke eigenvalues associated to Hilbert modular forms. Zbl 1233.11050 Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 12 2011 Rings of low rank with a standard involution. Zbl 1351.16039 Voight, John 6 2011 Nonsolvable number fields ramified only at 3 and 5. Zbl 1269.11112 Dembélé, Lassina; Greenberg, Matthew; Voight, John 2 2011 Algorithmic enumeration of ideal classes for quaternion orders. Zbl 1208.11125 Kirschmer, Markus; Voight, John 36 2010 Computing automorphic forms on Shimura curves over fields with arbitrary class number. Zbl 1260.11035 Voight, John 7 2010 Nondegenerate curves of low genus over small finite fields. Zbl 1211.14035 Castryck, Wouter; Voight, John 1 2010 Computing fundamental domains for Fuchsian groups. Zbl 1222.11057 Voight, John 29 2009 Shimura curves of genus at most two. Zbl 1205.14027 Voight, John 16 2009 On nondegeneracy of curves. Zbl 1177.14089 Castryck, Wouter; Voight, John 15 2009 Heegner points and Sylvester’s conjecture. Zbl 1250.11057 Dasgupta, Samit; Voight, John 7 2009 Shimura curve computations. Zbl 1250.11063 Voight, John 4 2009 Enumeration of totally real number fields of bounded root discriminant. Zbl 1205.11125 Voight, John 26 2008 The Gauss higher relative class number problem. Zbl 1286.11181 Voight, John 2 2008 Quadratic forms that represent almost the same primes. Zbl 1213.11084 Voight, John 10 2007 Computing CM points on Shimura curves arising from cocompact arithmetic triangle groups. Zbl 1143.11330 Voight, John 5 2006 Curves over finite fields with many points: an introduction. Zbl 1120.14013 Voight, John 3 2005 On the nonexistence of odd perfect numbers. Zbl 1083.11008 Voight, John 7 2003 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 752 Authors 43 Voight, John Michael 11 Sijsling, Jeroen 9 Costa, Edgar 8 Dembélé, Lassina 8 Kutas, Péter 8 Petit, Christophe 7 Guitart, Xavier 7 Kirschmer, Markus 7 Masdeu, Marc 7 Sutherland, Andrew V. 6 Koprowski, Przemysław 6 Linowitz, Benjamin 6 Morrison, Ralph 6 Page, Aurel 5 Dujella, Andrej 5 He, Yang-Hui Evariste 5 Kedlaya, Kiran Sridhara 5 Martin, Kimball 5 Siksek, Samir 5 Wesolowski, Benjamin 5 Whitcher, Ursula A. 5 Zureick-Brown, David 4 Arenas-Carmona, Luis 4 Arpin, Sarah 4 Assaf, Eran 4 Castryck, Wouter 4 Cremona, John E. 4 De Feo, Luca 4 Ducas, Léo 4 Dummigan, Neil 4 Dummit, David S. 4 Fiori, Andrew 4 Freitas, Nuno 4 Grau, José María 4 Hashimoto, Sachi 4 Johnston, Henri L. A. 4 Lauter, Kristin Estella 4 Long, Ling 4 Lozano-Robledo, Álvaro 4 Oller-Marcén, Antonio M. 4 Pacetti, Ariel Martín 4 Panny, Lorenz 4 Peral Alonso, Juan Carlos 4 Schembri, Ciaran 4 Schiavone, Sam 4 Smertnig, Daniel 4 Tornaría, Gonzalo 4 Wood, Melanie Matchett 4 Xue, Jiangwei 4 Yasuda, Masaya 4 Yin, Hongbo 4 Yu, Chia-Fu 3 Abdelaziz, Y. 3 Auel, Asher Natan 3 Balakrishnan, Jennifer S. 3 Bennett, Michael A. 3 Best, Alex J. 3 Bianchi, Francesca 3 Bravo, Claudio 3 Cho, Ilwoo 3 Clark, Peter Louis 3 Cullinan, John 3 Dieulefait, Luis Victor 3 Doran, Charles F. 3 Duque-Rosero, Juanita 3 Eriksen, Jonathan Komada 3 Fouotsa, Tako Boris 3 Fretwell, Dan 3 Galbraith, Steven D. 3 Greenberg, Matthew 3 Harvey, David 3 Jeong, Keunyoung 3 Jones, John William 3 Joswig, Michael 3 Kelly, Tyler L. 3 Kieffer, Jean 3 Lairez, Pierre 3 Leroux, Antonin 3 Lido, Guido Maria 3 Maillard, Jean-Marie 3 Mayle, Jacob 3 Merz, Simon-Philipp 3 Miguel, Celino 3 Molnar, Grant 3 Nebe, Gabriele 3 Nielsen, Pace P. 3 Padurariu, Oana 3 Patane, Frank 3 Patel, Vandita 3 Poor, Cris 3 Ray, Anwesh 3 Rickards, James 3 Roe, David 3 Rothkegel, Beata 3 Saia, Frederick 3 Salerno, Adriana 3 Sertöz, Emre Can 3 Shabat, Georgiĭ Borisovich 3 Shu, Jie 3 Shurman, Jerry ...and 652 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 138 Serials 40 Journal of Number Theory 34 Mathematics of Computation 25 Research in Number Theory 19 Journal of Algebra 14 Mathematische Zeitschrift 14 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 13 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 13 International Journal of Number Theory 12 Experimental Mathematics 9 Mathematische Annalen 8 Acta Arithmetica 8 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 8 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 Compositio Mathematica 7 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 6 Journal of Symbolic Computation 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 The Ramanujan Journal 5 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 4 Annales Mathématiques du Québec 3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 3 Expositiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 3 Fundamenta Informaticae 3 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 3 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 3 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 2 Finite Fields and their Applications 2 Opuscula Mathematica 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 Transformation Groups 2 Journal of High Energy Physics 2 Integers 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 2 Quantum Information Processing 2 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 2 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 2 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 2 Advances in Mathematics of Communications 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 La Matematica 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematika 1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Journal of Cryptology ...and 38 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 416 Number theory (11-XX) 198 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 36 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 35 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 35 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 20 Quantum theory (81-XX) 16 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 15 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 14 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 13 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 8 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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