Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Vukman, Joso Co-Author Distance Author ID: vukman.joso Published as: Vukman, Joso; Vukman, J. External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 122 Publications since 1980 Co-Authors: 17 Co-Authors with 68 Joint Publications 266 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 54 single-authored 25 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 21 Fošner, Maja 9 Marcen, Benjamin 8 Brešar, Matej 8 Širovnik, Nejc 5 Fošner, Ajda 2 Ali, Shakir 2 Ashraf, Mohammad 2 Eremita, Daniel 1 Benkovič, Dominik 1 Dar, Nadeem Ahmad 1 Khan, Mohammad Salahuddin 1 Macen, Benjamin 1 Peršin, Nina 1 Rehman, Nadeem-Ur 1 Rodríguez Palacios, Angel 1 Škarabot, Jure all top 5 Serials 24 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 8 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 Obzornik za Matematiko in Fiziko 7 Demonstratio Mathematica 7 Aequationes Mathematicae 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 3 International Mathematical Journal 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Operators and Matrices 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Radovi Matematički 2 Cubo 2 Open Mathematics 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 The Aligarh Bulletin of Mathematics 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 International Mathematical Forum all top 5 Fields 90 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 41 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 36 Functional analysis (46-XX) 30 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 94 Publications have been cited 1,021 times in 452 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Jordan derivations on prime rings. Zbl 0634.16021 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 65 1988 On left derivations and related mappings. Zbl 0703.16020 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 61 1990 Commuting and centralizing mappings in prime rings. Zbl 0697.16035 Vukman, J. 55 1990 On some additive mappings in rings with involution. Zbl 0691.16041 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 50 1989 Symmetric bi-derivations on prime and semi-prime rings. Zbl 0687.16031 Vukman, J. 44 1989 Centralizers on semiprime rings. Zbl 1057.16029 Vukman, Joso 41 2001 An identity related to centralizers in semiprime rings. Zbl 1014.16021 Vukman, Joso 35 1999 On left Jordan derivations of rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1155.46019 Vukman, Joso 32 2008 A note on generalized derivations of semiprime rings. Zbl 1124.16030 Vukman, Joso 24 2007 Some remarks on derivations in semiprime rings and standard operator algebras. Zbl 1217.47073 Vukman, Joso 24 2011 Jordan \((\theta,\varphi)\)-derivations. Zbl 0798.16023 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 23 1991 Identities related to derivations and centralizers on standard operators algebras. Zbl 1145.47031 Vukman, Joso 22 2007 On derivations in prime rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 0792.16034 Vukman, J. 22 1992 Some functional equations in Banach algebras and an application. Zbl 0623.46021 Vukman, J. 21 1987 Identities with generalized derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1262.16043 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 21 2012 Two results concerning symmetric bi-derivations on prime rings. Zbl 0716.16013 Vukman, J. 21 1990 On centralizers of semiprime rings. Zbl 1073.16018 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2003 An equation related to centralizers in semiprime rings. Zbl 1059.16013 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2003 On some equations related to derivations in rings. Zbl 1100.16031 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2005 On certain equations in rings. Zbl 1101.16026 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Eremita, Daniel 14 2005 Some results concerning additive mappings and derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 1260.16036 Fošner, Ajda; Vukman, Joso 14 2011 A note on derivations in semiprime rings. Zbl 1095.16018 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 13 2005 Identities with derivations on rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1093.16033 Vukman, Joso 13 2005 A result concerning derivations in noncommutative Banach algebras. Zbl 0813.46037 Vukman, J. 13 1991 Jordan left derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 0937.16044 Vukman, Joso 13 1997 On some equations in prime rings. Zbl 1138.16007 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 12 2007 On centralizers of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1108.46037 Kosi-Ulbl, I.; Vukman, J. 12 2006 On \((m,n)\)-Jordan centralizers in rings and algebras. Zbl 1200.16051 Vukman, Joso 12 2010 Identities with derivations and automorphisms on semiprime rings. Zbl 1084.16026 Vukman, Joso 11 2005 On \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations and commutativity of prime rings. Zbl 1167.16031 Vukman, Joso 11 2008 Centralisers on rings and algebras. Zbl 1078.16033 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 11 2005 A result concerning additive functions in hermitian Banach *-algebras and an application. Zbl 0514.46034 Vukman, J. 11 1984 A result related to Herstein theorem. Zbl 1353.16041 Fošner, Maja; Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 10 2016 On automorphisms and derivations of operator algebras. Zbl 0543.47035 Vukman, J. 9 1984 A note on additive mappings in noncommutative fields. Zbl 0625.39010 Vukman, J. 9 1987 On centralizers of semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1123.16024 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 9 2006 Derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 0883.16026 Vukman, Joso 9 1996 Orthogonal derivation and an extension of a theorem of Posner. Zbl 0697.16034 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 9 1989 On certain functional equations related to Jordan triple \((\theta,\varphi)\)-derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 1216.16034 Fošner, Ajda; Vukman, Joso 9 2011 A characterization of two-sided centralizers on prime rings. Zbl 1148.16033 Vukman, Joso; Fošner, Maja 8 2007 On derivations of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1127.46040 Vukman, Joso 8 2007 A note on Jordan*-derivations in semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1143.16037 Vukman, Joso 8 2006 A result in the spirit of Herstein theorem. Zbl 1414.16033 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 8 2018 On derivations of algebras with involution. Zbl 1119.47036 Vukman, J. 7 2006 On \(\alpha\)-derivations of prime and semiprime rings. Zbl 1072.16032 Vukman, Joso 7 2005 Some results concerning the Cauchy functional equation in certain Banach algebras. Zbl 0559.46024 Vukman, J. 7 1985 A characterization of the centroid of a prime ring. Zbl 1181.16022 Benkovič, Dominik; Eremita, Daniel; Vukman, Joso 7 2008 On some functional equations arising from \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations and commutativity of prime rings. Zbl 1262.16044 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 7 2012 Jordan left *-centralizers of prime and semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1284.16042 Ali, Shakir; Dar, Nadeem Ahmad; Vukman, Joso 7 2013 On derivations in rings with involution. Zbl 1158.16310 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 6 2005 Derivations of noncommutative Banach algebras. Zbl 0807.46049 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 6 1992 Identities with derivations in rings. Zbl 1235.16035 Fošner, Ajda; Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 6 2011 On certain subrings of prime rings with derivations. Zbl 0764.16011 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 5 1993 On certain functional equation arising from \((m,n)\)-Jordan centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1247.16039 Peršin, Nina; Vukman, Joso 5 2012 On functional equations related to bicircular projections. Zbl 1116.16022 Vukman, Joso 4 2006 An equation related to two-sided centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1170.16025 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 4 2009 An equation related to two-sided centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1253.16037 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 4 2011 Commutativity of rings involving additive mappings. Zbl 1397.16035 Ali, Shakir; Ashraf, Mohammad; Salahuddin Khan, Mohammad; Vukman, Joso 4 2014 On centralizers of semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1181.46039 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 3 2007 Identities with products of \((\alpha,\beta)\)-derivations on prime rings. Zbl 1105.16032 Vukman, Joso 3 2006 Centralizers on prime and semiprime rings. Zbl 0889.16016 Vukman, J. 3 1997 Equations related to derivations on prime rings. Zbl 1228.16040 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 3 2011 An identity related to derivations of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1235.46047 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2010 On some functional equations in rings. Zbl 1235.16020 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 3 2011 A generalization of a theorem of Chernoff on standard operator algebras. Zbl 07374526 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Rodríguez Palacios, Ángel; Vukman, Joso 3 2021 On {\((m,n)\)}-Jordan centralizers of semiprime rings. Zbl 1389.16079 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2016 On a functional equation related to Jordan triple derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1419.16015 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 3 2018 An Engel condition with an additive mapping in semiprime rings. Zbl 1317.16015 Fošner, Maja; Nadeem ur Rehman; Vukman, Joso 3 2014 A note on \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations of rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1338.16044 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2016 A remark on a paper of L. Molnár. Zbl 1081.16035 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 2 2005 An equation on operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1099.47033 Vukman, Joso 2 2005 Some functional equations on standard operator algebras. Zbl 1155.13313 Fošner, A.; Vukman, J. 2 2008 A result related to derivations on unital semiprime rings. Zbl 1486.16022 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 2 2021 A characterization of real and complex Hilbert space. Zbl 0517.46017 Vukman, J. 2 1983 Real symmetric Banach *-algebras. Zbl 0478.46048 Vukman, J. 2 1981 Involution on L(X). Zbl 0501.46022 Vukman, J. 2 1982 On derivations and commutativity in semi-prime rings. Zbl 1549.16076 Ashraf, Mohammad; Vukman, Joso 2 1999 Free actions of semiprime rings with involution induced by a derivation. Zbl 1095.16016 Vukman, Joso 1 2005 On some equations related to derivations in rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1093.16028 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2006 On dependent elements and related problems in rings. Zbl 1158.16309 Vukman, Joso 1 2005 An identity with derivations on rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1147.16303 Fošner, Ajda; Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 1 2008 On certain equations satisfied by centralizers in rings. Zbl 1158.16308 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2004 A functional equation in rings. Zbl 0782.39011 Vukman, J. 1 1990 On dependent elements in rings. Zbl 1082.16037 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2004 On functional equation related to a class of generalized inner derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1384.16033 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2018 On certain functional equation in prime rings. Zbl 1517.16024 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2022 A result concerning derivations in Banach algebras. Zbl 0807.46055 Vukman, J. 1 1992 On a certain identity satisfied by a derivation and an arbitrary additive mapping. Zbl 0810.16035 Brešar, M.; Škarabot, J.; Vukman, J. 1 1993 Characterization of Hilbert space. Zbl 0451.46013 Vukman, J. 1 1980 Some remarks on derivations in Banach algebras and related results. Zbl 0673.46023 Vukman, J. 1 1988 On functional equation related to \((m, n)\)-Jordan centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1505.16057 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2019 On functional equation characterizing derivations. Zbl 1520.16024 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2023 On certain functional equation in semiprime rings. Zbl 1337.16034 Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 1 2016 On functional equations related to derivations and bicircular projections. Zbl 1317.47038 Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 1 2014 On functional equation characterizing derivations. Zbl 1520.16024 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2023 On certain functional equation in prime rings. Zbl 1517.16024 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2022 A generalization of a theorem of Chernoff on standard operator algebras. Zbl 07374526 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Rodríguez Palacios, Ángel; Vukman, Joso 3 2021 A result related to derivations on unital semiprime rings. Zbl 1486.16022 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 2 2021 On functional equation related to \((m, n)\)-Jordan centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1505.16057 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2019 A result in the spirit of Herstein theorem. Zbl 1414.16033 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 8 2018 On a functional equation related to Jordan triple derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1419.16015 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 3 2018 On functional equation related to a class of generalized inner derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1384.16033 Fošner, Maja; Marcen, Benjamin; Vukman, Joso 1 2018 A result related to Herstein theorem. Zbl 1353.16041 Fošner, Maja; Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 10 2016 On {\((m,n)\)}-Jordan centralizers of semiprime rings. Zbl 1389.16079 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2016 A note on \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations of rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1338.16044 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2016 On certain functional equation in semiprime rings. Zbl 1337.16034 Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 1 2016 Commutativity of rings involving additive mappings. Zbl 1397.16035 Ali, Shakir; Ashraf, Mohammad; Salahuddin Khan, Mohammad; Vukman, Joso 4 2014 An Engel condition with an additive mapping in semiprime rings. Zbl 1317.16015 Fošner, Maja; Nadeem ur Rehman; Vukman, Joso 3 2014 On functional equations related to derivations and bicircular projections. Zbl 1317.47038 Širovnik, Nejc; Vukman, Joso 1 2014 Jordan left *-centralizers of prime and semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1284.16042 Ali, Shakir; Dar, Nadeem Ahmad; Vukman, Joso 7 2013 Identities with generalized derivations in prime rings. Zbl 1262.16043 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 21 2012 On some functional equations arising from \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations and commutativity of prime rings. Zbl 1262.16044 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 7 2012 On certain functional equation arising from \((m,n)\)-Jordan centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1247.16039 Peršin, Nina; Vukman, Joso 5 2012 Some remarks on derivations in semiprime rings and standard operator algebras. Zbl 1217.47073 Vukman, Joso 24 2011 Some results concerning additive mappings and derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 1260.16036 Fošner, Ajda; Vukman, Joso 14 2011 On certain functional equations related to Jordan triple \((\theta,\varphi)\)-derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 1216.16034 Fošner, Ajda; Vukman, Joso 9 2011 Identities with derivations in rings. Zbl 1235.16035 Fošner, Ajda; Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 6 2011 An equation related to two-sided centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1253.16037 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 4 2011 Equations related to derivations on prime rings. Zbl 1228.16040 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 3 2011 On some functional equations in rings. Zbl 1235.16020 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 3 2011 On \((m,n)\)-Jordan centralizers in rings and algebras. Zbl 1200.16051 Vukman, Joso 12 2010 An identity related to derivations of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1235.46047 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Vukman, Joso 3 2010 An equation related to two-sided centralizers in prime rings. Zbl 1170.16025 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 4 2009 On left Jordan derivations of rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1155.46019 Vukman, Joso 32 2008 On \((m,n)\)-Jordan derivations and commutativity of prime rings. Zbl 1167.16031 Vukman, Joso 11 2008 A characterization of the centroid of a prime ring. Zbl 1181.16022 Benkovič, Dominik; Eremita, Daniel; Vukman, Joso 7 2008 Some functional equations on standard operator algebras. Zbl 1155.13313 Fošner, A.; Vukman, J. 2 2008 An identity with derivations on rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1147.16303 Fošner, Ajda; Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 1 2008 A note on generalized derivations of semiprime rings. Zbl 1124.16030 Vukman, Joso 24 2007 Identities related to derivations and centralizers on standard operators algebras. Zbl 1145.47031 Vukman, Joso 22 2007 On some equations in prime rings. Zbl 1138.16007 Fošner, Maja; Vukman, Joso 12 2007 A characterization of two-sided centralizers on prime rings. Zbl 1148.16033 Vukman, Joso; Fošner, Maja 8 2007 On derivations of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1127.46040 Vukman, Joso 8 2007 On centralizers of semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1181.46039 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 3 2007 On centralizers of standard operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1108.46037 Kosi-Ulbl, I.; Vukman, J. 12 2006 On centralizers of semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1123.16024 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 9 2006 A note on Jordan*-derivations in semiprime rings with involution. Zbl 1143.16037 Vukman, Joso 8 2006 On derivations of algebras with involution. Zbl 1119.47036 Vukman, J. 7 2006 On functional equations related to bicircular projections. Zbl 1116.16022 Vukman, Joso 4 2006 Identities with products of \((\alpha,\beta)\)-derivations on prime rings. Zbl 1105.16032 Vukman, Joso 3 2006 On some equations related to derivations in rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1093.16028 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2006 On some equations related to derivations in rings. Zbl 1100.16031 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2005 On certain equations in rings. Zbl 1101.16026 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena; Eremita, Daniel 14 2005 A note on derivations in semiprime rings. Zbl 1095.16018 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 13 2005 Identities with derivations on rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 1093.16033 Vukman, Joso 13 2005 Identities with derivations and automorphisms on semiprime rings. Zbl 1084.16026 Vukman, Joso 11 2005 Centralisers on rings and algebras. Zbl 1078.16033 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 11 2005 On \(\alpha\)-derivations of prime and semiprime rings. Zbl 1072.16032 Vukman, Joso 7 2005 On derivations in rings with involution. Zbl 1158.16310 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 6 2005 A remark on a paper of L. Molnár. Zbl 1081.16035 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 2 2005 An equation on operator algebras and semisimple \(H^*\)-algebras. Zbl 1099.47033 Vukman, Joso 2 2005 Free actions of semiprime rings with involution induced by a derivation. Zbl 1095.16016 Vukman, Joso 1 2005 On dependent elements and related problems in rings. Zbl 1158.16309 Vukman, Joso 1 2005 On certain equations satisfied by centralizers in rings. Zbl 1158.16308 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2004 On dependent elements in rings. Zbl 1082.16037 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 1 2004 On centralizers of semiprime rings. Zbl 1073.16018 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2003 An equation related to centralizers in semiprime rings. Zbl 1059.16013 Vukman, Joso; Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 16 2003 Centralizers on semiprime rings. Zbl 1057.16029 Vukman, Joso 41 2001 An identity related to centralizers in semiprime rings. Zbl 1014.16021 Vukman, Joso 35 1999 On derivations and commutativity in semi-prime rings. Zbl 1549.16076 Ashraf, Mohammad; Vukman, Joso 2 1999 Jordan left derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 0937.16044 Vukman, Joso 13 1997 Centralizers on prime and semiprime rings. Zbl 0889.16016 Vukman, J. 3 1997 Derivations on semiprime rings. Zbl 0883.16026 Vukman, Joso 9 1996 On certain subrings of prime rings with derivations. Zbl 0764.16011 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 5 1993 On a certain identity satisfied by a derivation and an arbitrary additive mapping. Zbl 0810.16035 Brešar, M.; Škarabot, J.; Vukman, J. 1 1993 On derivations in prime rings and Banach algebras. Zbl 0792.16034 Vukman, J. 22 1992 Derivations of noncommutative Banach algebras. Zbl 0807.46049 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 6 1992 A result concerning derivations in Banach algebras. Zbl 0807.46055 Vukman, J. 1 1992 Jordan \((\theta,\varphi)\)-derivations. Zbl 0798.16023 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 23 1991 A result concerning derivations in noncommutative Banach algebras. Zbl 0813.46037 Vukman, J. 13 1991 On left derivations and related mappings. Zbl 0703.16020 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 61 1990 Commuting and centralizing mappings in prime rings. Zbl 0697.16035 Vukman, J. 55 1990 Two results concerning symmetric bi-derivations on prime rings. Zbl 0716.16013 Vukman, J. 21 1990 A functional equation in rings. Zbl 0782.39011 Vukman, J. 1 1990 On some additive mappings in rings with involution. Zbl 0691.16041 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 50 1989 Symmetric bi-derivations on prime and semi-prime rings. Zbl 0687.16031 Vukman, J. 44 1989 Orthogonal derivation and an extension of a theorem of Posner. Zbl 0697.16034 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 9 1989 Jordan derivations on prime rings. Zbl 0634.16021 Brešar, M.; Vukman, J. 65 1988 Some remarks on derivations in Banach algebras and related results. Zbl 0673.46023 Vukman, J. 1 1988 Some functional equations in Banach algebras and an application. Zbl 0623.46021 Vukman, J. 21 1987 A note on additive mappings in noncommutative fields. Zbl 0625.39010 Vukman, J. 9 1987 Some results concerning the Cauchy functional equation in certain Banach algebras. Zbl 0559.46024 Vukman, J. 7 1985 A result concerning additive functions in hermitian Banach *-algebras and an application. Zbl 0514.46034 Vukman, J. 11 1984 On automorphisms and derivations of operator algebras. Zbl 0543.47035 Vukman, J. 9 1984 A characterization of real and complex Hilbert space. Zbl 0517.46017 Vukman, J. 2 1983 Involution on L(X). Zbl 0501.46022 Vukman, J. 2 1982 Real symmetric Banach *-algebras. Zbl 0478.46048 Vukman, J. 2 1981 Characterization of Hilbert space. Zbl 0451.46013 Vukman, J. 1 1980 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 368 Authors 39 Vukman, Joso 27 Ali, Shakir 23 Rehman, Nadeem-Ur 22 Fošner, Maja 19 Fošner, Ajda 17 De Filippis, Vincenzo 16 Ansari, Abu Zaid 16 Liu, Cheng-Kai 15 Dhara, Basudeb 14 Lee, Tsiu-Kwen 13 Shujat, Faiza 12 Hosseini, Amin 12 Marcen, Benjamin 10 Ashraf, Mohammad 10 Raza, Mohd Arif 9 Boua, Abdelkarim 9 Khan, Abdul Nadim 9 Oukhtite, Lahcen 8 Kosi-Ulbl, Irena 8 Li, Jiankui 8 Park, Choonkil 8 Širovnik, Nejc 7 Ali, Asma 7 Brešar, Matej 7 Dar, Nadeem Ahmad 6 An, Guangyu 6 Chang, Ick-Soon 6 Hongan, Motoshi 6 Liau, Pao-Kuei 6 Lin, Jheng-Huei 6 Mamouni, Abdellah 6 Sharma, Rajendra Kumar 6 Siddeeque, Mohammad Aslam 5 Abbasi, Adnan 5 Alhazmi, Husain 5 Ezzat, Osama Hamed 5 Ghahramani, Hoger 5 Jing, Wu 5 Khan, Mohammad Salahuddin 5 Kim, Hark-Mahn 5 Mehdipour, Mohammad Javad 5 Prajapati, Balchand 5 Qi, Xiaofei 5 Šemrl, Peter 5 Zivari-Kazempour, Abbas 4 Davvaz, Bijan 4 Fahid, Brahim 4 Hou, Jinchuan 4 Huang, Shuliang 4 Jung, Yong-Soo 4 Kar, Sukhendu 4 Rahman Mozumder, Muzibur 4 Sandhu, Gurninder Singh 4 Scudo, Giovanni 4 Zhou, Yiqiang 3 Ahmed, Yaqoub 3 Argaç, Nurcan 3 Atteya, Mehsin Jabel 3 Bouchannafa, Karim 3 Carini, Luisa 3 Çeven, Yılmaz 3 Chen, Quanyuan 3 Dudek, Wiesław Aleksander 3 En-guady, Adel 3 Eroǧlu, Münevver Pınar 3 Fallatah, Ahlam 3 Fang, Xiaochun 3 Ferreira, Bruno Leonardo Macedo 3 Ghosh, Arindam 3 Gölbaşı, Öznur 3 Guo, Jianbin 3 He, Jun 3 Jabeen, Aisha 3 Khodaei, Hamid 3 Kim, Byungdo 3 Koç, Emine 3 Li, Changjing 3 Liu, Kun-Shan 3 Nabiel, Hesham 3 Parveen, Nazia 3 Prakash, Om 3 Raji, Abderrahmane 3 Rania, Francesco 3 Rodríguez Palacios, Angel 3 Shikeh, Abbas Hussain 3 Sögütcü, Emine Koç 3 Tamekkante, Mohammed 3 Varshney, Vaishali 3 Wei, Feng 3 Zalar, Borut 2 Abdelwanis, Ahmed Yunis 2 Abdioğlu, Cihat 2 Abdullah, Ali Ahmed 2 Ahmadi Gandomani, Mohammad Hossein 2 Ahmed, Driss Aiat Hadj 2 Ali, Liaqat 2 Alinejad, Ahmad 2 Alnoghashi, Hafedh Mohsen Ali 2 Alroqi, Abdullah M. 2 Bano, Tarannum ...and 268 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 125 Serials 23 Communications in Algebra 22 Aequationes Mathematicae 16 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 14 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 13 Linear Algebra and its Applications 12 Monatshefte für Mathematik 11 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 11 Georgian Mathematical Journal 11 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 10 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 8 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 8 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 8 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 8 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 8 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 7 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 6 Demonstratio Mathematica 6 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Proyecciones 5 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Algebra 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 5 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 4 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Algebra Colloquium 4 Filomat 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Afrika Matematika 4 Journal of Function Spaces 4 Open Mathematics 4 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana 3 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 3 JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications 3 Operators and Matrices 3 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 3 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 2 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 2 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Matematychni Studiï 2 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 2 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Journal of Mathematical Extension 2 ISRN Algebra 2 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 2 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 2 Journal of Algebra and Related Topics 2 Korean Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Algebraic Systems 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Le Matematiche 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Note di Matematica 1 Extracta Mathematicae 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Algebras and Representation Theory 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society ...and 25 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 17 Fields 357 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 112 Operator theory (47-XX) 97 Functional analysis (46-XX) 57 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 29 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 28 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 9 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 7 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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