Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wallach, Nolan Russell Co-Author Distance Author ID: wallach.nolan-r Published as: Wallach, Nolan R.; Wallach, Nolan; Wallach, N. R.; Wallach, N.; Wallach, Noland R.; Wallach, Nolan B.; Wallach, Noland more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 179 Publications since 1968, including 13 Books and 11 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 61 Co-Authors with 115 Joint Publications 1,468 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 67 single-authored 12 Garsia, Adriano M. 12 Goodman, Roe W. 8 Enright, Thomas J. 6 Gour, Gilad 6 Greenfield, Stephen J. 6 Miatello, Roberto Jorge 5 Kostant, Bertram 5 Kraft, Hanspeter 4 do Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão 4 Gross, Benedict Hyman 4 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany 3 Ni, Lei 3 Wolf, Joseph Albert 3 Xin, Guoce 2 Baur, Karin 2 Bergeron, François 2 Borel, Armand 2 DeGeorge, David Lee 2 Evans, Ronald J. 2 Hunziker, Markus 2 Johnson, Kenneth D. 2 Knapp, Anthony William 2 Lebl, Jiří 2 Meyer, David A. 2 Parthasarathy, Rajagopalan 2 Shakeel, Asif 2 Small, Lance W. 2 Swanson, Joshua P. 2 Zabrocki, Mike 2 Zhu, Chen-Bo 1 Aloff, Simon 1 Bell, Jason P. 1 Benton, Jessica 1 Bruggeman, Roelof Wichert 1 Bryant, Robert L. 1 Cahen, Michel 1 Cheung, Man-Wai 1 Gomez, Raul 1 Griffiths, Phillip Augustus 1 Hermann, Robert 1 Hotta, Ryoshi 1 Howe, Roger Evans 1 Huang, Jing-Song 1 Kraus, Barbara 1 Kuttler, Jochen 1 Lepowsky, James 1 Leven, Emily Sergel 1 Li, Jian-Shu 1 Ma, Xiaonan 1 Meshulam, Roy 1 Musiker, Gregg 1 Oshima, Toshio 1 Romero, Marino 1 Sally, Paul J. jun. 1 Snow, Rion 1 Stafford, J. Toby 1 Tan, Eng-Chye 1 Tirao, Juan Alfredo 1 Vogan, David Alexander jun. 1 Warner, Frank W. 1 Willenbring, Jeb F. 1 Yacobi, Oded all top 5 Serials 12 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 4 Journal of Differential Geometry 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Representation Theory 2 Acta Mathematica 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Mathematical Research Letters 2 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 2 New Journal of Physics 2 Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press) 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Topology 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. Nouvelle Série 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de Belgique. Série A 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1 Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 1 Progress in Mathematics 1 Reprints from the Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences, National University of Singapore 1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. 3rd Series 1 Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 1 Universitext 1 Dover Books on Mathematics 1 Combinatorial Theory all top 5 Fields 96 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 41 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 25 Differential geometry (53-XX) 19 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 19 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 17 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Combinatorics (05-XX) 15 Number theory (11-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 6 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 152 Publications have been cited 4,395 times in 3,412 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Symmetry, representations, and invariants. Based on the book ‘Representations and invariants of the classical groups’ originally published by Cambridge University Press, 1998. Zbl 1173.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 336 2009 Continuous cohomology, discrete subgroups, and representations of reductive groups. Zbl 0443.22010 Borel, Armand; Wallach, N. 330 1980 Representations and invariants of the classical groups. Zbl 0901.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 269 1998 Real reductive groups I. Zbl 0666.22002 Wallach, Nolan R. 263 1988 Continuous cohomology, discrete subgroups, and representations of reductive groups. 2nd ed. Zbl 0980.22015 Borel, A.; Wallach, N. 227 2000 Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0265.22022 Wallach, Nolan R. 207 1973 Real reductive groups II. Zbl 0785.22001 Wallach, Nolan R. 192 1992 A classification of unitary highest weight modules. Zbl 0535.22012 Enright, Thomas; Howe, Roger; Wallach, Nolan 127 1983 Compact homogeneous Riemannian manifolds with strictly positive curvature. Zbl 0261.53033 Wallach, Nolan R. 120 1972 An infinite family of distinct 7-manifolds admitting positively curved Riemannian structures. Zbl 0362.53033 Aloff, Simon; Wallach, Nolan R. 113 1975 Homological connectivity of random \(k\)-dimensional complexes. Zbl 1177.55011 Meshulam, R.; Wallach, N. 100 2009 Global entanglement in multiparticle systems. Zbl 1060.81506 Meyer, David A.; Wallach, Nolan R. 95 2002 On a classification of gradient shrinking solitons. Zbl 1158.53052 Ni, Lei; Wallach, Nolan 71 2008 Minimal immersions of spheres into spheres. Zbl 0218.53069 do Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão; Wallach, N. R. 70 1971 Limit formulas for multiplicities in \(L^2(\Gamma\setminus G)\). Zbl 0397.22007 DeGeorge, David L.; Wallach, Nolan R. 68 1978 Global hypoellipticity and Liouville numbers. Zbl 0229.35023 Greenfield, Stephen J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 68 1972 Composition series and intertwining operators for the spherical principal series. I. Zbl 0349.43010 Johnson, Kenneth D.; Wallach, Nolan R. 66 1977 Lorentzian symmetric spaces. Zbl 0194.53202 Cahen, Michel; Wallach, N. 64 1970 Asymptotic expansions of generalized matrix entries of representations of real reductive groups. Zbl 0553.22005 Wallach, Nolan R. 52 1983 Structure and unitary cocycle representations of loop groups and the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 0514.22012 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 52 1984 The analytic continuation of the discrete series. II. Zbl 0419.22018 Wallach, Nolan R. 50 1979 On quaternionic discrete series representations, and their continuations. Zbl 0857.22012 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 49 1996 The analytic continuation of the discrete series. I. Zbl 0419.22017 Wallach, Nolan R. 47 1979 Projective unitary positive-energy representations of \(\operatorname{Diff}(S^1)\). Zbl 0636.22013 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 46 1985 Projective modules over graded Lie algebras. I. Zbl 0467.17006 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 46 1982 On the Selberg trace formula in the case of compact quotient. Zbl 0351.22008 Wallach, Nolan R. 42 1976 On the constant term of a square integrable automorphic form. Zbl 0554.22004 Wallach, N. R. 38 1984 All maximally entangled four-qubit states. Zbl 1314.81037 Gour, Gilad; Wallach, Nolan R. 37 2010 Whittaker vectors and conical vectors. Zbl 0475.22010 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 36 1980 Gelfand-Zeitlin theory from the perspective of classical mechanics. I. Zbl 1099.14037 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 36 2006 Notes on homological algebra and representations of Lie algebras. Zbl 0429.17012 Enright, T. J.; Wallach, N. R. 33 1980 Minimal immersions of symmetric spaces into spheres. Zbl 0232.53027 Wallach, Nolan R. 32 1972 A distinguished family of unitary representations for the exceptional groups of real rank \(= 4\). Zbl 0839.22006 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 28 1994 On the unitarizability of derived functor modules. Zbl 0547.22008 Wallach, Nolan R. 27 1984 Symplectic geometry and Fourier analysis. With an appendix on quantum mechanics by Robert Hermann. Zbl 0379.53010 Wallach, Nolan R. 26 1977 Classical and quantum mechanical systems of Toda-lattice type. II: Solutions of the classical flows. Zbl 0592.58028 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 26 1984 Szegoe kernels associated with discrete series. Zbl 0332.22015 Knapp, A. W.; Wallach, N. R. 25 1976 Invariant differential operators on a reductive Lie algebra and Weyl group representations. Zbl 0804.22004 Wallach, Nolan R. 25 1993 Gelfand-Zeitlin theory from the perspective of classical mechanics. II. Zbl 1099.14038 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 25 2006 Globally hypoelliptic vector fields. Zbl 0268.58007 Greenfield, Stephen J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 24 1973 Lie algebra cohomology and holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals. Zbl 0714.17016 Wallach, Nolan R. 23 1988 Limit formulas for multiplicities in \(L^ 2(\Gamma-G)\). II: The tempered spectrum. Zbl 0482.43006 DeGeorge, David L.; Wallach, Nolan R. 21 1979 Highest weight modules over graded Lie algebras: Resolutions, filtrations and character formulas. Zbl 0512.17007 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 21 1983 Intertwining operators for real reductive groups. Zbl 0729.22021 Vogan, D. A. jun.; Wallach, N. R. 21 1990 Classical and quantum-mechanical systems of Toda lattice type. I. Zbl 0503.22013 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 19 1982 Cyclic vectors and irreducibility for principal series representations. Zbl 0227.22016 Wallach, Nolan R. 19 1971 Geometric invariant theory. Over the real and complex numbers. Zbl 1387.14124 Wallach, Nolan R. 19 2017 Remarks on global hypoellipticity. Zbl 0274.35018 Greenfield, Stephen J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 19 1973 On the Enright-Varadarajan modules: A construction of the discrete series. Zbl 0379.22008 Wallach, Nolan R. 16 1976 Characters of irreducible representations of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the circle. Zbl 0498.17010 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 16 1983 Generalized Whittaker vectors for holomorphic and quaternionic representations. Zbl 1031.22006 Wallach, Nolan R. 16 2003 Composition series and intertwining operators for the spherical principal series. Zbl 0257.22016 Johnson, Kenneth; Wallach, Nolan R. 16 1972 Unitary derived functor modules with small spectrum. Zbl 0568.22007 Enright, T. J.; Parthasarathy, R.; Wallach, N. R.; Wolf, J. A. 15 1985 Nice parabolic subalgebras of reductive Lie algebras. Zbl 1128.17016 Baur, Karin; Wallach, Nolan 15 2005 Representations of compact groups and minimal immersions into spheres. Zbl 0197.18301 do Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão; Wallach, Nolan R. 15 1970 Finite- and infinite-dimensional representations of linear semisimple groups. Zbl 0279.17001 Lepowsky, James; Wallach, Nolan R. 15 1974 Restriction of small discrete series representations to symmetric subgroups. Zbl 0960.22008 Gross, B.; Wallach, N. 14 2000 Automorphic forms constructed from Whittaker vectors. Zbl 0692.10029 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 13 1989 On the nullcone of representations of reductive groups. Zbl 1124.20030 Kraft, Hanspeter; Wallach, Nolan R. 13 2006 On the Hilbert polynomials and Hilbert series of homogeneous projective varieties. Zbl 1310.14044 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 13 2011 Classical and quantum mechanical systems of Toda-lattice type. III: Joint eigenfunctions of the quantized systems. Zbl 0616.22010 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 12 1986 Kuznetsov formulas for real rank one groups. Zbl 0711.11023 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 12 1990 The Hilbert series of measures of entanglement for 4 qubits. Zbl 1097.81023 Wallach, Nolan R. 12 2005 Automorphism groups of bounded domains in Banach spaces. Zbl 0254.32026 Greenfield, Stephen J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 12 1972 The restriction of admissible modules to parabolic subalgebras. Zbl 0493.17004 Stafford, J. T.; Wallach, N. R. 11 1982 Characters of irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0503.17008 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 11 1984 The fundamental series of representations of a real semisimple Lie algebra. Zbl 0383.22011 Enright, Thomas J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 11 1978 On maximal subsystems of root systems. Zbl 0235.17007 Wallach, Nolan R. 11 1968 On four-dimensional gradient shrinking solitons. Zbl 1146.53039 Ni, Lei; Wallach, Nolan 11 2008 On Harish-Chandra’s generalized C-functions. Zbl 0312.22010 Wallach, Nolan R. 11 1975 The resolvent of the Laplacian on locally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0766.53044 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 10 1992 Kronecker coefficients via symmetric functions and constant term identities. Zbl 1242.05269 Garsia, Adriano; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce; Zabrocki, Mike 10 2012 Induced representations of Lie algebras and a theorem of Borel-Weil. Zbl 0294.17005 Wallach, Nolan R. 10 1969 Representations of reductive Lie groups. Zbl 0421.22006 Wallach, Nolan R. 9 1979 Extension of locally defined minimal immersions into spheres. Zbl 0193.22001 Wallach, Nolan B. 9 1970 On some \(q\)-analogs of a theorem of Kostant-Rallis. Zbl 0951.22009 Wallach, N. R.; Willenbring, J. 9 2000 Holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals for degenerate principal series. Zbl 1135.22002 Wallach, Nolan R. 9 2006 A multiplicity formula for tensor products of \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) modules and an explicit \(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}\) to \(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n-2}\times\mathrm{Sp}_2\) branching formula. Zbl 1256.22007 Wallach, Nolan; Yacobi, Oded 9 2009 Induced representations of Lie algebras. II. Zbl 0294.17006 Wallach, Nolan R. 9 1969 Harmonic differential forms for pseudo-reflection groups. I: Semi-invariants. Zbl 1511.20143 Swanson, Joshua P.; Wallach, Nolan R. 9 2021 An unentangled Gleason’s theorem. Zbl 1063.81038 Wallach, Nolan R. 8 2002 Correction and addition to Szegö kernels associated with discrete series. Zbl 0452.22016 Knapp, A. W.; Wallach, N. R. 8 1980 Invariants for multiple qubits: The case of 3 qubits. Zbl 1001.81005 Meyer, David A.; Wallach, Noland 8 2002 An asymptotic formula of Gelfand and Gangolli for the spectrum of \(\Gamma\setminus G\). Zbl 0341.43009 Wallach, Nolan R. 8 1976 Curvature forms for 2-manifolds. Zbl 0197.47901 Wallach, N. R.; Warner, F. W. 8 1970 Polynomial differential operators associated with Hermitian symmetric spaces. Zbl 1226.22018 Wallach, Nolan R. 8 1992 Representations and invariants of the classical groups. Paperback ed. Zbl 0948.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 7 1999 On Matsushima’s formula for the Betti numbers of a locally symmetric space. Zbl 0327.53032 Hotta, Ryoshi; Wallach, Nolan R. 7 1975 Invariants, Kronecker products, and combinatorics of some remarkable Diophantine systems. Zbl 1203.05009 Garsia, Adriano; Musiker, Gregg; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce 7 2009 Dimensions of spaces of generalized spherical functions. Zbl 0856.22012 Huang, Jing-Song; Oshima, Toshio; Wallach, Nolan 6 1996 Qsym over Sym is free. Zbl 1032.05139 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. 6 2003 A new plethystic symmetric function operator and the rational compositional shuffle conjecture at \(t=1/q\). Zbl 1355.05254 Garsia, Adriano; Sergel Leven, Emily; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce 6 2017 Higher-order Sugawara operators for affine Lie algebras. Zbl 0676.17013 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 1989 Ricci flow and curvature on the variety of flags on the two dimensional projective space over the complexes, quaternions and octonions. Zbl 1307.53052 Cheung, Man-Wai; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2015 Quantum computing and entanglement for mathematicians. Zbl 1139.81332 Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2008 On symmetric SL-invariant polynomials in four qubits. Zbl 1314.81036 Gour, Gilad; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2014 Embeddings of unitary highest weight representations and generalized Dirac operators. Zbl 0882.22014 Enright, Thomas J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1997 Properties and examples of FCR-algebras. Zbl 1039.16027 Kraft, Hanspeter; Small, Lance W.; Wallach, Nolan R. 5 2001 Square integrable automorphic forms and cohomology of arithmetic quotients of \(SU(p,q)\). Zbl 0533.10025 Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1984 Transfer of unitary representations between real forms. Zbl 0833.22021 Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1994 Harmonic differential forms for pseudo-reflection groups. II: Bi-degree bounds. Zbl 1534.20058 Swanson, Joshua P.; Wallach, Nolan R. 2 2023 The dependence on parameters of the inverse functor to the \(K\)-finite functor. Zbl 1518.22027 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 2022 Harmonic differential forms for pseudo-reflection groups. I: Semi-invariants. Zbl 1511.20143 Swanson, Joshua P.; Wallach, Nolan R. 9 2021 Pfaffians of Toeplitz payoff matrices. Zbl 1418.15007 Evans, Ron; Wallach, Nolan 3 2019 Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces. 2nd edition, revised and updated republication of the 1973 original published by Marcel Dekker. Zbl 1406.22001 Wallach, Nolan R. 5 2018 Geometric invariant theory. Over the real and complex numbers. Zbl 1387.14124 Wallach, Nolan R. 19 2017 A new plethystic symmetric function operator and the rational compositional shuffle conjecture at \(t=1/q\). Zbl 1355.05254 Garsia, Adriano; Sergel Leven, Emily; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce 6 2017 An analogue of the Kostant-Rallis multiplicity theorem for \(\theta\)-group harmonics. Zbl 1412.22030 Wallach, Nolan R. 2 2017 Almost all multipartite qubit quantum states have trivial stabilizer. Zbl 1372.81020 Gour, Gilad; Kraus, Barbara; Wallach, Nolan R. 2 2017 Ricci flow and curvature on the variety of flags on the two dimensional projective space over the complexes, quaternions and octonions. Zbl 1307.53052 Cheung, Man-Wai; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2015 On the Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of a discrete series representation. Zbl 1341.22005 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 2015 On symmetric SL-invariant polynomials in four qubits. Zbl 1314.81036 Gour, Gilad; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2014 Action of the conformal group on steady state solutions to Maxwell’s equations and background radiation. Zbl 1327.78003 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan R. 2 2014 Kronecker coefficients via symmetric functions and constant term identities. Zbl 1242.05269 Garsia, Adriano; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce; Zabrocki, Mike 10 2012 Bessel models for general admissible induced representations: the compact stabilizer case. Zbl 1239.22002 Gomez, Raul; Wallach, Nolan 5 2012 On the Hilbert polynomials and Hilbert series of homogeneous projective varieties. Zbl 1310.14044 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 13 2011 Necessary and sufficient conditions for local manipulation of multipartite pure quantum states. Zbl 1448.81192 Gour, Gilad; Wallach, Nolan R. 5 2011 On the algebraic set of singular elements in a complex simple Lie algebra. Zbl 1235.22009 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 1 2011 All maximally entangled four-qubit states. Zbl 1314.81037 Gour, Gilad; Wallach, Nolan R. 37 2010 Polarizations and nullcone of representations of reductive groups. Zbl 1223.20040 Kraft, Hanspeter; Wallach, Nolan R. 4 2010 Symmetry, representations, and invariants. Based on the book ‘Representations and invariants of the classical groups’ originally published by Cambridge University Press, 1998. Zbl 1173.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 336 2009 Homological connectivity of random \(k\)-dimensional complexes. Zbl 1177.55011 Meshulam, R.; Wallach, N. 100 2009 A multiplicity formula for tensor products of \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) modules and an explicit \(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n}\) to \(\mathrm{Sp}_{2n-2}\times\mathrm{Sp}_2\) branching formula. Zbl 1256.22007 Wallach, Nolan; Yacobi, Oded 9 2009 Invariants, Kronecker products, and combinatorics of some remarkable Diophantine systems. Zbl 1203.05009 Garsia, Adriano; Musiker, Gregg; Wallach, Nolan; Xin, Guoce 7 2009 Hilbert series of invariants, constant terms and Kostka-Foulkes polynomials. Zbl 1228.05289 Garsia, A.; Wallach, N.; Xin, G.; Zabrocki, M. 3 2009 On a theorem of Ranee Brylinski. Zbl 1267.17006 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 1 2009 On a classification of gradient shrinking solitons. Zbl 1158.53052 Ni, Lei; Wallach, Nolan 71 2008 On four-dimensional gradient shrinking solitons. Zbl 1146.53039 Ni, Lei; Wallach, Nolan 11 2008 Quantum computing and entanglement for mathematicians. Zbl 1139.81332 Wallach, Nolan R. 6 2008 Pfaffians and strategies for integer choice games. Zbl 1390.91013 Evans, Ron; Wallach, Nolan 3 2007 \(r\)-Qsym is free over Sym. Zbl 1115.05094 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. 2 2007 A class of gradings of simple Lie algebras. Zbl 1232.17017 Baur, Karin; Wallach, Nolan 1 2007 Gelfand-Zeitlin theory from the perspective of classical mechanics. I. Zbl 1099.14037 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 36 2006 Gelfand-Zeitlin theory from the perspective of classical mechanics. II. Zbl 1099.14038 Kostant, Bertram; Wallach, Nolan 25 2006 On the nullcone of representations of reductive groups. Zbl 1124.20030 Kraft, Hanspeter; Wallach, Nolan R. 13 2006 Holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals for degenerate principal series. Zbl 1135.22002 Wallach, Nolan R. 9 2006 A combinatorial problem associated with nonograms. Zbl 1076.05015 Benton, Jessica; Snow, Rion; Wallach, Nolan 4 2006 The non-degeneracy of the bilinear form of \(m\)-quasi-invariants. Zbl 1171.20313 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. 3 2006 Nice parabolic subalgebras of reductive Lie algebras. Zbl 1128.17016 Baur, Karin; Wallach, Nolan 15 2005 The Hilbert series of measures of entanglement for 4 qubits. Zbl 1097.81023 Wallach, Nolan R. 12 2005 Transfer of unitary representations. Zbl 1071.22016 Wallach, Nolan R.; Zhu, Chen-Bo 4 2004 Combinatorial aspects of the Baker-Akhiezer functions for \(S_2\). Zbl 1055.05157 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. 2 2004 Representations of \(SL_2\) and the distribution of points in \(\mathbb{P}^n\). Zbl 1129.13004 Kuttler, J.; Wallach, N. 2 2004 A Pieri rule for Hermitian symmetric pairs. I. Zbl 1066.22013 Enright, Thomas J.; Hunziker, Markus; Wallach, Nolan R. 2 2004 A Pieri rule for Hermitian symmetric pairs. II. Zbl 1066.22014 Enright, Thomas J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 1 2004 Generalized Whittaker vectors for holomorphic and quaternionic representations. Zbl 1031.22006 Wallach, Nolan R. 16 2003 Qsym over Sym is free. Zbl 1032.05139 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. 6 2003 Some new applications of orbit harmonics. Zbl 1091.13005 Garsia, A. M.; Wallach, N. R. 2 2003 Global entanglement in multiparticle systems. Zbl 1060.81506 Meyer, David A.; Wallach, Nolan R. 95 2002 An unentangled Gleason’s theorem. Zbl 1063.81038 Wallach, Nolan R. 8 2002 Invariants for multiple qubits: The case of 3 qubits. Zbl 1001.81005 Meyer, David A.; Wallach, Noland 8 2002 On the separation property of orbits in representation spaces. Zbl 1055.20038 Kraft, Hanspeter; Wallach, Nolan R. 1 2002 Properties and examples of FCR-algebras. Zbl 1039.16027 Kraft, Hanspeter; Small, Lance W.; Wallach, Nolan R. 5 2001 Continuous cohomology, discrete subgroups, and representations of reductive groups. 2nd ed. Zbl 0980.22015 Borel, A.; Wallach, N. 227 2000 Restriction of small discrete series representations to symmetric subgroups. Zbl 0960.22008 Gross, B.; Wallach, N. 14 2000 On some \(q\)-analogs of a theorem of Kostant-Rallis. Zbl 0951.22009 Wallach, N. R.; Willenbring, J. 9 2000 Representations and invariants of the classical groups. Paperback ed. Zbl 0948.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 7 1999 Resolvent and lattice points on symmetric spaces of strictly negative curvature. Zbl 0972.11094 Bruggeman, R. W.; Miatello, R. J.; Wallach, N. R. 4 1999 Hereditary properties of direct summands of algebras. Zbl 0952.16005 Kraft, Hanspeter; Small, Lance W.; Wallach, Nolan R. 4 1999 A variety of solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. Zbl 0916.57007 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 1999 Representations and invariants of the classical groups. Zbl 0901.22001 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 269 1998 Embeddings of unitary highest weight representations and generalized Dirac operators. Zbl 0882.22014 Enright, Thomas J.; Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1997 On quaternionic discrete series representations, and their continuations. Zbl 0857.22012 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 49 1996 Dimensions of spaces of generalized spherical functions. Zbl 0856.22012 Huang, Jing-Song; Oshima, Toshio; Wallach, Nolan 6 1996 On a theorem of Milnor and Thom. Zbl 0876.14037 Wallach, Nolan R. 2 1996 On the Harish-Chandra homomorphism of invariant differential operators on a reductive Lie algebra. Zbl 0836.22013 Wallach, N. R.; Hunziker, M. 1 1995 A distinguished family of unitary representations for the exceptional groups of real rank \(= 4\). Zbl 0839.22006 Gross, Benedict H.; Wallach, Nolan R. 28 1994 Transfer of unitary representations between real forms. Zbl 0833.22021 Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1994 \(C^ \infty\) vectors. Zbl 0856.22010 Wallach, N. R. 3 1994 Invariant differential operators on a reductive Lie algebra and Weyl group representations. Zbl 0804.22004 Wallach, Nolan R. 25 1993 Real reductive groups II. Zbl 0785.22001 Wallach, Nolan R. 192 1992 The resolvent of the Laplacian on locally symmetric spaces. Zbl 0766.53044 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 10 1992 Polynomial differential operators associated with Hermitian symmetric spaces. Zbl 1226.22018 Wallach, Nolan R. 8 1992 On the distribution of eigenvalues of the Laplacian of a locally symmetric space. Zbl 0727.58049 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 1991 Intertwining operators for real reductive groups. Zbl 0729.22021 Vogan, D. A. jun.; Wallach, N. R. 21 1990 Kuznetsov formulas for real rank one groups. Zbl 0711.11023 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 12 1990 The powers of the resolvent on a locally symmetric space. Zbl 0760.22021 Wallach, Nolan R. 4 1990 Limit multiplicities in \(L^ 2(\Gamma{} \setminus G)\). Zbl 0749.22006 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 1990 Automorphic forms constructed from Whittaker vectors. Zbl 0692.10029 Miatello, R.; Wallach, N. R. 13 1989 Higher-order Sugawara operators for affine Lie algebras. Zbl 0676.17013 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 6 1989 Real reductive groups I. Zbl 0666.22002 Wallach, Nolan R. 263 1988 Lie algebra cohomology and holomorphic continuation of generalized Jacquet integrals. Zbl 0714.17016 Wallach, Nolan R. 23 1988 On the irreducibility and inequivalence of unitary representations of gauge groups. Zbl 0632.22014 Wallach, Nolan R. 4 1987 A class of non-standard modules for affine Lie algebras. Zbl 0637.17011 Wallach, Nolan R. 3 1987 Classical and quantum mechanical systems of Toda-lattice type. III: Joint eigenfunctions of the quantized systems. Zbl 0616.22010 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 12 1986 Projective unitary positive-energy representations of \(\operatorname{Diff}(S^1)\). Zbl 0636.22013 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 46 1985 Unitary derived functor modules with small spectrum. Zbl 0568.22007 Enright, T. J.; Parthasarathy, R.; Wallach, N. R.; Wolf, J. A. 15 1985 Classical invariant theory and the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0557.17006 Wallach, Nolan R. 1 1985 Structure and unitary cocycle representations of loop groups and the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 0514.22012 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 52 1984 On the constant term of a square integrable automorphic form. Zbl 0554.22004 Wallach, N. R. 38 1984 On the unitarizability of derived functor modules. Zbl 0547.22008 Wallach, Nolan R. 27 1984 Classical and quantum mechanical systems of Toda-lattice type. II: Solutions of the classical flows. Zbl 0592.58028 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 26 1984 Characters of irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra. Zbl 0503.17008 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 11 1984 Square integrable automorphic forms and cohomology of arithmetic quotients of \(SU(p,q)\). Zbl 0533.10025 Wallach, Nolan R. 5 1984 Structure and unitary cocycle representations of loop groups and the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle. Zbl 0537.22015 Goodman, Roe; Wallach, Nolan R. 3 1984 A classification of unitary highest weight modules. Zbl 0535.22012 Enright, Thomas; Howe, Roger; Wallach, Nolan 127 1983 Asymptotic expansions of generalized matrix entries of representations of real reductive groups. Zbl 0553.22005 Wallach, Nolan R. 52 1983 Highest weight modules over graded Lie algebras: Resolutions, filtrations and character formulas. Zbl 0512.17007 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 21 1983 Characters of irreducible representations of the Lie algebra of vector fields on the circle. Zbl 0498.17010 Rocha-Caridi, Alvany; Wallach, Nolan R. 16 1983 Completeness of Poincaré series for automorphic forms associated to the integrable discrete series. Zbl 0566.22014 Wallach, Nolan R.; Wolf, Joseph A. 4 1983 ...and 52 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,227 Authors 56 Wallach, Nolan Russell 27 Kobayashi, Toshiyuki 27 Ólafsson, Gestur 27 Sun, Binyong 22 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 20 Ørsted, Bent 17 Neeb, Karl-Hermann 16 Howe, Roger Evans 16 Krötz, Bernhard J. 16 Zhang, Genkai 15 Clozel, Laurent 15 Kim, Sangjib 15 Schlichtkrull, Henrik 15 Schwermer, Joachim 14 Delorme, Patrick 14 Lee, Soo Teck 14 Sahi, Siddhartha 14 Speh, Birgit 14 Willenbring, Jeb F. 14 Zhu, Chen-Bo 13 Deitmar, Anton 13 Farber, Michael S. 13 Frahm, Jan 13 Huang, Jing-Song 12 Harris, Michael Howard 12 Harris, Pamela E. 12 Knapp, Anthony William 12 Lauret, Emilio A. 12 Li, Jian-Shu 12 Miatello, Roberto Jorge 12 Przebinda, Tomasz 12 Ziller, Wolfgang 11 Barbasch, Dan M. 11 Dong, Chao-Ping 11 Gourevitch, Dmitry 11 Kazhdan, David 11 Kirilov, Alexandre 11 Petronilho, Gerson 11 Rodionov, Evgeniĭ Dmitrievich 11 Savin, Gordan 11 Wolf, Joseph Albert 11 Zhang, Ruibin 10 Alesker, Semyon 10 Kahle, Matthew 10 Oda, Takayuki 10 Pandžić, Pavle 10 Ramirez, Luis Enrique 10 Ruzhansky, Michael V. 10 Stroppel, Catharina H. 10 Toth, Gabor 10 Vargas, Jorge Antonio 10 Xu, Ming 9 Baldoni-Silva, Maria Welleda 9 Cahen, Benjamin 9 Collingwood, David H. 9 Cowling, Michael G. 9 de Ávila Silva, Fernando 9 Dooley, Anthony Haynes 9 Feĭgin, Boris L’vovich 9 Grobner, Harald 9 Jantzen, Chris 9 Lubotzky, Alexander 9 Millson, John J. 9 Nikonorov, Yurii Gennadyevich 9 Quiroga-Barranco, Raul 9 Sarnak, Peter Clive 9 Schmid, Wilfried 9 Tadić, Marko 9 Tsuzuki, Masao 9 Williams, Floyd L. 9 Xu, Xiaowei 8 Aizenbud, Avraham 8 Bergamasco, Adalberto Panobianco 8 Carpi, Sebastiano 8 Ciubotaru, Dan 8 Costa, Armindo 8 de Moraes, Wagner Augusto Almeida 8 Deng, Shaoqiang 8 Dobrev, Vladimir K. 8 Grove, Karsten 8 He, Hongyu 8 Ishii, Taku 8 Jakobsen, Hans Plesner 8 Joseph, Anthony 8 Lapid, Erez Moshe 8 Loke, Hung Yean 8 Matumoto, Hisayosi 8 Mazorchuk, Volodymyr 8 Mehdi, Salah 8 Muić, Goran 8 Narita, Hiro-aki 8 Sayag, Eitan 8 Sergeev, Armen Glebovich 8 Soucek, Vladimir 8 Vogan, David Alexander jun. 8 Zierau, Roger 7 Arakawa, Tomoyuki 7 Bekka, Mohammed el Bachir 7 Bergeron, Nicolas 7 Calegari, Frank ...and 3,127 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 355 Serials 182 Journal of Functional Analysis 139 Journal of Algebra 123 Advances in Mathematics 112 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 103 Duke Mathematical Journal 97 Inventiones Mathematicae 86 Communications in Mathematical Physics 83 Mathematische Zeitschrift 73 Mathematische Annalen 62 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 60 Representation Theory 59 Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 Compositio Mathematica 50 Journal of Geometry and Physics 43 Israel Journal of Mathematics 40 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 40 Transformation Groups 38 Manuscripta Mathematica 36 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 36 Differential Geometry and its Applications 35 Quantum Information Processing 34 Journal of Lie Theory 33 Journal of Number Theory 31 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 31 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 28 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 26 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 26 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 25 Communications in Algebra 24 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 23 Geometriae Dedicata 23 Linear Algebra and its Applications 23 Journal of High Energy Physics 22 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 22 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 22 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 21 Letters in Mathematical Physics 21 Algebras and Representation Theory 20 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 20 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 19 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 18 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 18 International Journal of Mathematics 17 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 17 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 16 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 16 Nuclear Physics. B 16 Acta Mathematica 16 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 16 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 16 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 16 International Journal of Quantum Information 15 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 15 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 15 Discrete & Computational Geometry 15 Random Structures & Algorithms 15 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 15 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 15 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 14 Functional Analysis and its Applications 14 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 13 Mathematische Nachrichten 13 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 12 Kodai Mathematical Journal 12 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 12 Forum Mathematicum 12 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 11 Archiv der Mathematik 11 Monatshefte für Mathematik 11 Siberian Mathematical Journal 11 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 11 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 11 Science China. Mathematics 10 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 10 Reports on Mathematical Physics 10 Publications Mathématiques 10 Journal of Differential Equations 10 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 10 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 10 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 10 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 10 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 10 Research in Number Theory 9 Classical and Quantum Gravity 9 Discrete Mathematics 9 Physics Letters. A 9 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 9 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 8 Annals of Physics 8 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 8 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 8 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 8 Geometry & Topology 8 New Journal of Physics 8 Algebra & Number Theory 8 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 7 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 7 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 7 Results in Mathematics 7 Advances in Applied Mathematics ...and 255 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 1,250 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 648 Differential geometry (53-XX) 604 Number theory (11-XX) 557 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 415 Quantum theory (81-XX) 384 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 289 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 288 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 285 Combinatorics (05-XX) 268 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 165 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 163 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 144 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 114 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 112 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 112 Functional analysis (46-XX) 102 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 91 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 88 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 77 Special functions (33-XX) 64 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 63 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 62 Operator theory (47-XX) 51 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 43 Computer science (68-XX) 36 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 35 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 33 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 31 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 23 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 22 Statistics (62-XX) 21 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 20 Geometry (51-XX) 16 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 14 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 12 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Potential theory (31-XX) 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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