Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Wang, Yaning Co-Author Distance Author ID: wang.yaning Published as: Wang, Yaning; Wang, Ya-Ning Documents Indexed: 92 Publications since 2010 Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 47 Joint Publications 873 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 43 single-authored 19 Liu, Ximin 7 Zhang, Yingdong 6 Wang, Wenjie 5 Wang, Pei 1 Cheng, Zunshui 1 Dai, Xinxin 1 De, Uday Chand 1 Hu, Chaogui 1 Jiang, Wei 1 Li, Dongjuan 1 Lin, Defu 1 Liu, Jiaomin 1 Liu, Lei 1 Lu, Zhao-Ming 1 Lyu, Huiping 1 Meng, Jing 1 Miao, Hai-Ling 1 Si, Nan 1 Tian, Zhenji 1 Tuo, Huan 1 Wang, Hui 1 Wang, Wei 1 Wang, Wenjie Wang 1 Wu, Hui 1 Xin, Youming 1 Xue, Zhiqun 1 Zhang, Fan 1 Zhou, Haiyun all top 5 Serials 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 3 Journal of Geometry and Physics 3 Annales Polonici Mathematici 3 Kodai Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 3 Filomat 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Open Mathematics 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Physica A 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Geometry 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematics in Practice and Theory 1 Neural Networks 1 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Matematică Informatică 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 1 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Mathematical Reports 1 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology 1 Boundary Value Problems 1 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 International Electronic Journal of Geometry 1 ISRN Geometry 1 Kuwait Journal of Science all top 5 Fields 84 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 70 Publications have been cited 631 times in 296 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Yamabe solitons on three-dimensional Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1350.53040 Wang, Yaning 48 2016 Ricci solitons on almost co-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1428.53058 Wang, Yaning 39 2019 Ricci solitons on \(3\)-dimensional cosymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1505.53103 Wang, Yaning 37 2017 Ricci solitons on three-dimensional \(\eta\)-Einstein almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1357.53051 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 33 2015 Riemannian semisymmetric almost Kenmotsu manifolds and nullity distributions. Zbl 1310.53026 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 31 2014 A generalization of the Goldberg conjecture for coKähler manifolds. Zbl 1392.53086 Wang, Yaning 23 2016 Ricci solitons on almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1376.53098 Wang, Yaning 22 2017 Gradient Ricci almost solitons on two classes of almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1358.53039 Wang, Yaning 22 2016 On \(\phi\)-recurrent almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1358.53040 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 20 2015 On almost Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying some nullity distributions. Zbl 1381.53156 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 19 2016 Second order parallel tensors on almost Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying the nullity distributions. Zbl 1474.53185 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 18 2014 Contact 3-manifolds and \(*\)-Ricci soliton. Zbl 1475.53032 Wang, Yaning 17 2020 Ricci tensors on three-dimensional almost coKähler manifolds. Zbl 1370.53029 Wang, Yaning 15 2016 Minimal and harmonic Reeb vector fields on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds. Zbl 1403.53069 Wang, Yaning 15 2018 Almost co-Kähler manifolds satisfying some symmetry conditions. Zbl 1424.53113 Wang, Yaning 15 2016 Locally symmetric CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1312.53054 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 13 2015 Three-dimensional locally symmetric almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1337.53041 Wang, Yaning 13 2016 Almost Kenmotsu \((k,\mu)'\)-manifolds with Yamabe solitons. Zbl 1456.53026 Wang, Yaning 12 2021 Conformally flat almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1378.53094 Wang, Yaning 12 2017 An Einstein-like metric on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1499.53325 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 11 2017 On a type of almost Kenmotsu manifolds with harmonic curvature tensors. Zbl 1315.53023 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 10 2015 Some results on \((k,\mu)'\)-almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1394.53085 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 10 2018 A note on invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1365.53033 Hu, Chaogui; Wang, Yaning 9 2016 A remark on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds. Zbl 1420.53058 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 9 2019 Three-dimensional almost Kenmotsu manifolds with \(\eta\)-parallel Ricci tensor. Zbl 1365.53077 Wang, Yaning 8 2017 Curvature properties of almost Kenmotsu manifolds with generalized nullity conditions. Zbl 1474.53315 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 8 2016 Conformally flat CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1389.53113 Wang, Yaning 8 2016 A class of 3-dimensional almost Kenmotsu manifolds with harmonic curvature tensors. Zbl 1355.53025 Wang, Yaning 7 2016 Gradient Ricci solitons on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1474.53252 Wang, Yaning; De, Uday Chand; Liu, Ximin 7 2015 Cotton tensors on almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1387.53103 Wang, Yaning 7 2017 Almost Kenmotsu pseudo-metric manifolds. Zbl 1374.53102 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 6 2016 Cyclic \(\eta \)-parallel shape and Ricci operators on real hypersurfaces in two-dimensional nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1434.53021 Wang, Yaning 6 2019 Generalized transversal lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1253.53048 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 5 2012 Nonexistence of Hopf hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with GTW parallel normal Jacobi operator. Zbl 1431.53057 Wang, Yaning 5 2019 Some recurrent normal Jacobi operators on real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians. Zbl 1449.53046 Wang, Yaning 5 2019 Three dimensional 2-Hopf hypersurfaces with harmonic curvature. Zbl 1462.53027 Wang, Yaning 5 2021 Generalized \(\mathcal{D}\)-Einstein real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 1457.53011 Wang, Yaning 5 2020 Weakly Einstein real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C} P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C} H^2\). Zbl 1502.53027 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 5 2022 Almost Kenmotsu \((k, \mu)^\prime\)-manifolds of dimension three and conformal vector fields. Zbl 07838327 Wang, Yaning 4 2022 Real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) with constant Reeb sectional curvature. Zbl 1460.53020 Wang, Yaning 4 2020 Semi-symmetric almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1387.53104 Wang, Yaning 4 2018 Structure Lie operator on real hypersurfaces of complex two-plane Grassmannians. Zbl 1503.53043 Wang, Yaning 4 2022 Transversal Killing \(h\)-operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1509.53028 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 3 2023 Hopf hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with GTW Killing shape operator. Zbl 1531.53065 Wang, Yaning 3 2022 GTW parallel structure Jacobi operator of real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 07733875 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Pei 3 2023 \(\mathbb{D}\)-recurrent \(\ast\)-Ricci tensor on three-dimensional real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1484.53046 Wang, Yaning 3 2020 Transversal Killing operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1494.53024 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 3 2022 Curvature homogeneity and ball-homogeneity on almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1418.53058 Wang, Yaning 3 2019 Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes. (Hypersurfaces réelles conformément plates dans les plans complexes non plats.) Zbl 1394.53062 Wang, Yaning 3 2018 Unique magnetism in different sizes of center decorated tetragonal nanoparticles with the anisotropy. Zbl 1535.82027 Lu, Zhao-Ming; Si, Nan; Wang, Ya-Ning; Zhang, Fan; Meng, Jing; Miao, Hai-Ling; Jiang, Wei 3 2019 Real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C} P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C} H^2\) with constant scalar curvature. Zbl 1504.53034 Wang, Yaning 3 2022 A Schur-type theorem for CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1399.53061 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 2 2016 Minimal Reeb vector fields on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1424.53112 Wang, Yaning 2 2017 Generalized \(\mathcal{D}\)-Einstein real hypersurfaces with constant coefficient. Zbl 1505.53017 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 2 2023 Parallelism of structure Lie operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1531.53015 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Pei 2 2024 Codazzi type \(h\)-operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1538.53023 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 2 2023 Homogeneity and symmetry on almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1432.53114 Wang, Yaning 2 2019 Cyclic-parallel Ricci tensors on a class of almost Kenmotsu \(3\)-manifolds. Zbl 1423.53031 Wang, Yaning; Dai, Xinxin 2 2019 Locally symmetric almost coKähler 5-manifolds with Kählerian leaves. Zbl 1393.53083 Wang, Yaning 2 2018 Real hypersurfaces with Killing type operators in a nonflat complex space form. Zbl 1379.53025 Wang, Yaning 2 2017 A note on lightlike hypersurfaces of semi-Riemannian space form. Zbl 1293.53024 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 Remarks on \(\eta\)-parallel real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 07808554 Wang, Yaning 1 2020 Real hypersurfaces with Killing type structure Jacobi operators in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 1401.53016 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 1 2018 Aperiodic switching event-triggered stabilization of continuous memristive neural networks with interval delays. Zbl 1525.93260 Wang, Yaning; Tuo, Huan; Lyu, Huiping; Cheng, Zunshui; Xin, Youming 1 2023 Ricci \(\eta\)-recurrent real hypersurfaces in 2-dimensional nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1529.53057 Wang, Yaning 1 2021 On complete spacelike hypersurfaces in a semi-Riemannian warped product. Zbl 1267.53062 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 On the classification of almost Kenmotsu manifolds of dimension 3. Zbl 1266.53036 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 Nonlinear modified bias proportional navigation guidance law against maneuvering targets. Zbl 1489.93044 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Hui; Lin, Defu; Wang, Wei 1 2022 Almost contact metric manifolds with local Riemannian and Ricci symmetries. Zbl 1417.53088 Wang, Yaning 1 2019 Harmonic maps on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1413.53128 Wang, Yaning 1 2018 Parallelism of structure Lie operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1531.53015 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Pei 2 2024 Transversal Killing \(h\)-operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1509.53028 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 3 2023 GTW parallel structure Jacobi operator of real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 07733875 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Pei 3 2023 Generalized \(\mathcal{D}\)-Einstein real hypersurfaces with constant coefficient. Zbl 1505.53017 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 2 2023 Codazzi type \(h\)-operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1538.53023 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 2 2023 Aperiodic switching event-triggered stabilization of continuous memristive neural networks with interval delays. Zbl 1525.93260 Wang, Yaning; Tuo, Huan; Lyu, Huiping; Cheng, Zunshui; Xin, Youming 1 2023 Weakly Einstein real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C} P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C} H^2\). Zbl 1502.53027 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 5 2022 Almost Kenmotsu \((k, \mu)^\prime\)-manifolds of dimension three and conformal vector fields. Zbl 07838327 Wang, Yaning 4 2022 Structure Lie operator on real hypersurfaces of complex two-plane Grassmannians. Zbl 1503.53043 Wang, Yaning 4 2022 Hopf hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with GTW Killing shape operator. Zbl 1531.53065 Wang, Yaning 3 2022 Transversal Killing operators on real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1494.53024 Wang, Yaning; Zhang, Yingdong 3 2022 Real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C} P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C} H^2\) with constant scalar curvature. Zbl 1504.53034 Wang, Yaning 3 2022 Nonlinear modified bias proportional navigation guidance law against maneuvering targets. Zbl 1489.93044 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Hui; Lin, Defu; Wang, Wei 1 2022 Almost Kenmotsu \((k,\mu)'\)-manifolds with Yamabe solitons. Zbl 1456.53026 Wang, Yaning 12 2021 Three dimensional 2-Hopf hypersurfaces with harmonic curvature. Zbl 1462.53027 Wang, Yaning 5 2021 Ricci \(\eta\)-recurrent real hypersurfaces in 2-dimensional nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1529.53057 Wang, Yaning 1 2021 Contact 3-manifolds and \(*\)-Ricci soliton. Zbl 1475.53032 Wang, Yaning 17 2020 Generalized \(\mathcal{D}\)-Einstein real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 1457.53011 Wang, Yaning 5 2020 Real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) with constant Reeb sectional curvature. Zbl 1460.53020 Wang, Yaning 4 2020 \(\mathbb{D}\)-recurrent \(\ast\)-Ricci tensor on three-dimensional real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1484.53046 Wang, Yaning 3 2020 Remarks on \(\eta\)-parallel real hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 07808554 Wang, Yaning 1 2020 Ricci solitons on almost co-Kähler manifolds. Zbl 1428.53058 Wang, Yaning 39 2019 A remark on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds. Zbl 1420.53058 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 9 2019 Cyclic \(\eta \)-parallel shape and Ricci operators on real hypersurfaces in two-dimensional nonflat complex space forms. Zbl 1434.53021 Wang, Yaning 6 2019 Nonexistence of Hopf hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians with GTW parallel normal Jacobi operator. Zbl 1431.53057 Wang, Yaning 5 2019 Some recurrent normal Jacobi operators on real hypersurfaces in complex two-plane Grassmannians. Zbl 1449.53046 Wang, Yaning 5 2019 Curvature homogeneity and ball-homogeneity on almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1418.53058 Wang, Yaning 3 2019 Unique magnetism in different sizes of center decorated tetragonal nanoparticles with the anisotropy. Zbl 1535.82027 Lu, Zhao-Ming; Si, Nan; Wang, Ya-Ning; Zhang, Fan; Meng, Jing; Miao, Hai-Ling; Jiang, Wei 3 2019 Homogeneity and symmetry on almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1432.53114 Wang, Yaning 2 2019 Cyclic-parallel Ricci tensors on a class of almost Kenmotsu \(3\)-manifolds. Zbl 1423.53031 Wang, Yaning; Dai, Xinxin 2 2019 Almost contact metric manifolds with local Riemannian and Ricci symmetries. Zbl 1417.53088 Wang, Yaning 1 2019 Minimal and harmonic Reeb vector fields on trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds. Zbl 1403.53069 Wang, Yaning 15 2018 Some results on \((k,\mu)'\)-almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1394.53085 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 10 2018 Semi-symmetric almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1387.53104 Wang, Yaning 4 2018 Conformally flat real hypersurfaces in nonflat complex planes. (Hypersurfaces réelles conformément plates dans les plans complexes non plats.) Zbl 1394.53062 Wang, Yaning 3 2018 Locally symmetric almost coKähler 5-manifolds with Kählerian leaves. Zbl 1393.53083 Wang, Yaning 2 2018 Real hypersurfaces with Killing type structure Jacobi operators in \(\mathbb{C}P^2\) and \(\mathbb{C}H^2\). Zbl 1401.53016 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 1 2018 Harmonic maps on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1413.53128 Wang, Yaning 1 2018 Ricci solitons on \(3\)-dimensional cosymplectic manifolds. Zbl 1505.53103 Wang, Yaning 37 2017 Ricci solitons on almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1376.53098 Wang, Yaning 22 2017 Conformally flat almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds. Zbl 1378.53094 Wang, Yaning 12 2017 An Einstein-like metric on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1499.53325 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 11 2017 Three-dimensional almost Kenmotsu manifolds with \(\eta\)-parallel Ricci tensor. Zbl 1365.53077 Wang, Yaning 8 2017 Cotton tensors on almost coKähler 3-manifolds. Zbl 1387.53103 Wang, Yaning 7 2017 Minimal Reeb vector fields on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1424.53112 Wang, Yaning 2 2017 Real hypersurfaces with Killing type operators in a nonflat complex space form. Zbl 1379.53025 Wang, Yaning 2 2017 Yamabe solitons on three-dimensional Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1350.53040 Wang, Yaning 48 2016 A generalization of the Goldberg conjecture for coKähler manifolds. Zbl 1392.53086 Wang, Yaning 23 2016 Gradient Ricci almost solitons on two classes of almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1358.53039 Wang, Yaning 22 2016 On almost Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying some nullity distributions. Zbl 1381.53156 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 19 2016 Ricci tensors on three-dimensional almost coKähler manifolds. Zbl 1370.53029 Wang, Yaning 15 2016 Almost co-Kähler manifolds satisfying some symmetry conditions. Zbl 1424.53113 Wang, Yaning 15 2016 Three-dimensional locally symmetric almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1337.53041 Wang, Yaning 13 2016 A note on invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1365.53033 Hu, Chaogui; Wang, Yaning 9 2016 Curvature properties of almost Kenmotsu manifolds with generalized nullity conditions. Zbl 1474.53315 Wang, Yaning; Wang, Wenjie 8 2016 Conformally flat CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1389.53113 Wang, Yaning 8 2016 A class of 3-dimensional almost Kenmotsu manifolds with harmonic curvature tensors. Zbl 1355.53025 Wang, Yaning 7 2016 Almost Kenmotsu pseudo-metric manifolds. Zbl 1374.53102 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 6 2016 A Schur-type theorem for CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1399.53061 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 2 2016 Ricci solitons on three-dimensional \(\eta\)-Einstein almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1357.53051 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 33 2015 On \(\phi\)-recurrent almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1358.53040 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 20 2015 Locally symmetric CR-integrable almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1312.53054 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 13 2015 On a type of almost Kenmotsu manifolds with harmonic curvature tensors. Zbl 1315.53023 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 10 2015 Gradient Ricci solitons on almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Zbl 1474.53252 Wang, Yaning; De, Uday Chand; Liu, Ximin 7 2015 Riemannian semisymmetric almost Kenmotsu manifolds and nullity distributions. Zbl 1310.53026 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 31 2014 Second order parallel tensors on almost Kenmotsu manifolds satisfying the nullity distributions. Zbl 1474.53185 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 18 2014 A note on lightlike hypersurfaces of semi-Riemannian space form. Zbl 1293.53024 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 On complete spacelike hypersurfaces in a semi-Riemannian warped product. Zbl 1267.53062 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 On the classification of almost Kenmotsu manifolds of dimension 3. Zbl 1266.53036 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 1 2013 Generalized transversal lightlike submanifolds of indefinite Sasakian manifolds. Zbl 1253.53048 Wang, Yaning; Liu, Ximin 5 2012 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 196 Authors 56 De, Uday Chand 43 Wang, Yaning 31 Suh, Young Jin 19 Chaubey, Sudhakar Kumar 19 Venkatesha, Venkatesha 18 Majhi, Pradip 15 Dey, Dibakar 15 Wang, Wenjie 13 Naik, Devaraja Mallesha 12 Liu, Ximin 11 De, Krishnendu 10 Dey, Santu 10 Kumara, Huchchappa Aruna 10 Sardar, Arpan 9 Mandal, Krishanu 8 Sarkar, Avijit 7 Bhattacharyya, Arindam 7 Hu, Zejun 6 Ghosh, Gopal Chandra 5 Zhang, Yingdong 4 Biswas, Nirmal 4 Dai, Xinxin 4 Khatri, Mohan 4 Mandal, Tarak 4 Pan, Quanxiang 4 Patra, Dhriti Sundar 4 Prakasha, Doddabhadrappla Gowda 4 Shukla, Shiv Sharma 4 Wang, Pei 4 Yadav, Akhilesh Chandra 4 Zhao, Yan 3 Ali, Akram 3 Chen, Xiaomin 3 Cui, Qianshun 3 De Uday, Chand 3 Deshmukh, Sharief 3 Ghosh, Amalendu 3 Jiang, Wei 3 Kar, Debabrata Kumar 3 Lee, Hyunjin 3 Li, Jin 3 Mofarreh, Fatemah Y. Y. 3 Najafi, Behzad 3 Prasad, Rajendra 3 Si, Nan 3 Singh, Jay Prakash 3 Turki, Nasser Bin 3 Veeresha, Pundikala 3 Vîlcu, Gabriel Eduard 3 Zhang, Xi 3 Zhang, Yanli 2 Atçeken, Mehmet 2 Azami, Shahroud 2 Baishya, Kanak Kanti 2 Biswas, Gour Gopal 2 Chidananda, Shruthi 2 Dey, Chiranjib 2 Duggal, Krishan Lal 2 Falcitelli, Maria 2 Ghosh, Sujit 2 Haseeb, Abdul 2 Hui, Shyamal Kumar 2 Inoguchi, Jun-ichi 2 Karaca, Fatma 2 Kumar, Rakesh 2 Li, Dehe 2 Li, Yanlin 2 Mandal, Yadab Chandra 2 Meng, Jing 2 Mondal, Abul Kalam 2 Mondal, Somnath 2 Ning, Wenfeng 2 Pankaj, Kanaujia 2 Ramandi, Ghodratallah Fasihi 2 Ravindranatha, Amruthalakshmi Malleshrao 2 Sarkar, Sumanjit 2 Turgut Vanlı, Aysel 2 Wang, Yajie 2 Yao, Zeke 2 Yildiz, Ahmet 2 Zhang, Lifen 1 Abass, Mohammed Yousif 1 Abbes, Mohamed Elmahdi 1 Al-Dayel, Ibrahim 1 Al-Zamil, Qusay S. A. 1 Alsaeed, Suliman 1 Amruthalakshmi, M. R. 1 Ara, Anjum 1 Arasaiah, Arasaiah 1 Atindogbe, Cyriaque 1 Ayar, Gülhan 1 Bakshi, Manoj Ray 1 Basavarajappa, Shanmukha 1 Beldjilali, Gherici 1 Belova, Olga O. 1 Biswas, Urmila 1 Blair, David E. 1 Çalişkan, Nesrin 1 Chun, Sun Hyang 1 Cui, Xuehui ...and 96 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 99 Serials 24 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 17 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 14 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 10 Journal of Geometry 10 Quaestiones Mathematicae 8 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 8 Filomat 7 Journal of Geometry and Physics 7 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 6 Mathematica Slovaca 6 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 6 Differential Geometry and its Applications 6 Honam Mathematical Journal 6 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 6 Open Mathematics 5 Afrika Matematika 4 Houston Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 4 Analysis (München) 4 DGDS. Differential Geometry – Dynamical Systems 4 International Electronic Journal of Geometry 4 Advances in Mathematical Physics 3 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 3 Gaṇita 3 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Physica A 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Colloquium Mathematicum 2 Kodai Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 2 Note di Matematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 2 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 2 The Journal of Analysis 2 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 2 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 2 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 2 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Communications in Mathematics 2 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 2 Khayyam Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Neural Networks 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 1 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Advances in Geometry 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 1 Izvestiya Instituta Matematiki i Informatiki. Udmurtskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet 1 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 1 Mathematics 1 International Scholarly Research Notices. Mathematical Physics 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 1 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 1 Communications in Analysis and Mechanics all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 291 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Citations by Year