Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Weber, Claude Co-Author Distance Author ID: weber.claude Published as: Weber, Claude; Weber, C. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND Documents Indexed: 64 Publications since 1966, including 1 Book and 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 17 Co-Authors with 43 Joint Publications 335 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 20 single-authored 11 Michel, Françoise 9 Van Quach Hongler, Cam 7 de la Harpe, Pierre 6 Lê Dûng Tráng 3 Eliahou, Shalom 3 Ermotti, Nicola 3 Hausmann, Jean-Claude 3 Kervaire, Michel A. 2 Boileau, Michel Charles 2 Chaves, Nathalie 2 Del Val, Pablo 2 Pichon, Anne 2 Ranicki, Andrew Alexander 1 De Los Rios, Paolo 1 Dietler, Giovanni 1 Fleurant, M. 1 Levine, Jerome P. 1 Lines, Daniel 1 Maugendre, Hélène 1 Osin, Appendix by Denis 1 Osin, Denis V. 1 Pajitnov, Andrei Vladimirovich 1 Quach, Thi Cam Van 1 Rudolph, Lee Norman all top 5 Serials 6 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 4 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 3 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Gazette des Mathématiciens 2 Topology 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 2 Confluentes Mathematici 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Kodai Mathematical Journal 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Analysis and Geometry 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 1 Monographies de l’Enseignement Mathématique 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 46 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 17 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 10 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 253 times in 207 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Plongements de polyedres dans le domaine metastable. Zbl 0152.22402 Weber, C. 27 1967 Courbes polaires et topologie des courbes planes. (Polar curves and the topology of plane curves). Zbl 0748.32018 Lê, Dung-Trang; Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 24 1991 Sur le comportement des polaires associées aux germes de courbes planes. (On the behaviour of polar curves associated to plane germs of curves.). Zbl 0705.32021 Le Dung Trang; Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 19 1989 A geometrical approach to the Jacobian conjecture for \(n=2\). Zbl 1128.14301 Lê Dũng Tráng; Weber, Claude 18 1994 Le problème de J. Milnor sur le nombre gordien des noeuds algébriques. Zbl 0556.57002 Boileau, Michel; Weber, Claude 17 1984 On the Jones polynomial. Zbl 0622.57002 de la Harpe, Pierre; Kervaire, Michel; Weber, Claude 13 1986 On the topological invariance of Murasugi special components of an alternating link. Zbl 1057.57007 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 10 2004 Equisingularity in germ bundles of plane curves and \(C^0\)-sufficiency. (Équisingularité dans les pinceaux de germes de courbes planes et \(C^0\)-suffisance.) Zbl 0982.32025 Lê Dung Trang; Weber, Claude 9 1997 The boundary of the Milnor fiber of Hirzebruch surface singularities. Zbl 1144.14031 Michel, Françoise; Pichon, Anne; Weber, Claude 9 2007 Malnormal subgroups and Frobenius groups: basics and examples. With an appendix by Denis Osin. Zbl 1327.20030 de la Harpe, Pierre; Weber, Claude 9 2014 Rational-fibre polynomials and the two-variable Jacobian conjecture. (Polynômes à fibres rationnelles et conjecture jacobienne à 2 variables.) Zbl 0834.14007 Lê Dũng Tráng; Weber, Claude 8 1995 The boundary of the Milnor fiber for some non-isolated singularities of complex surfaces. Zbl 1165.32012 Michel, Françoise; Pichon, Anne; Weber, Claude 7 2009 Geometry of critical loci. Zbl 1018.32027 Lê Dũng Tráng; Maugendre, Hélène; Weber, Claude 7 2001 Lens spaces among 3-manifolds and quotient surface singularities. Zbl 1397.57039 Weber, Claude 6 2018 Sur une formule de R. H. Fox concernant l’homologie des revetements cycliques. Zbl 0435.57002 Weber, Claude 6 1979 Morse-Novikov number for knots and links. Zbl 1006.57003 Weber, C.; Pajitnov, A.; Rudolph, L. 6 2002 Sur le rôle de la monodromie entière dans la topologie des singularités. Zbl 0557.57017 Michel, F.; Weber, C. 6 1986 On malnormal peripheral subgroups of the fundamental group of a \(3\)-manifold. Zbl 1319.57010 de la Harpe, Pierre; Weber, Claude 5 2014 Erratum: “Plombages de rubans et problème des mots de Gauss”. Zbl 0816.57011 Chaves, Nathalie; Weber, Claude 4 1994 A survey of multidimensional knots. Zbl 0386.57011 Kervaire, M.; Weber, C. 4 1978 The link of an extrovert divide. Zbl 0977.57004 Hongler, Cam Van Quach; Weber, Claude 4 2000 Ribbon plumbing and the problem of Gauss words. (Plombages de rubans et problème des mots de Gauss.) Zbl 0816.57010 Chaves, Nathalie; Weber, Claude 3 1994 Amphicheirals according to Tait and Haseman. Zbl 1155.57010 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 3 2008 Some results on higher dimensional knot groups. Appendix by C. Weber. Zbl 0404.57019 Levine, J. 3 1978 Link projections and flypes. Zbl 1201.57004 Hongler, Cam Van Quach; Weber, Claude 3 2008 A proof of Tait’s conjecture on prime alternating \(-\)achiral knots. Zbl 1239.57011 Ermotti, Nicola; Van Quach Hongler, Cam; Weber, Claude 3 2012 \(\varepsilon\)-applications dans une variété. Zbl 0291.54011 Weber, Claude 3 1974 L’elimination des points doubles dans le cas combination des points doubles dans le cas combinatoire. Zbl 0156.22201 Weber, C. 3 1966 A Murasugi decomposition for achiral alternating links. Zbl 1116.57010 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 2 2005 On the topology of singularities. Zbl 1166.14002 Weber, Claude 2 2008 Plan’s theorem for links. Zbl 0699.57003 Del Val, Pablo; Weber, Claude 2 1990 A survey of multidimensional knots. Zbl 0409.57020 Kervaire, M.; Weber, C. 2 1978 La forme d’un espace topologique est une completion. Zbl 0279.55011 Weber, Claude 2 1973 Le problème de J. Milnor sur le nombre gordien des noeuds algébriques. Zbl 0556.57001 Boileau, Michel; Weber, Claude 2 1983 Nœuds, tresses et singularités. Comptes rendus du séminaire tenu aux Plans-sur-Bex (Suisse) en mars 1982. Zbl 0527.00017 2 1983 On the monodromies of a polynomial map from \(\mathbb{C}^2\) to \(\mathbb{C}\). Zbl 1002.32020 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 2 2001 Quelque théoremes bien connus sur les A.N.R. et les C.W. complexes. Zbl 0157.30002 Weber, C. 2 1967 Deux remarques sur les plongements d’un AR dans un espace euclidien. Zbl 0172.25603 Weber, C. 2 1968 Une famille infinite de nœuds fibrés cobordants à zéro et ayant même polynôme d’Alexander. Zbl 0424.57003 Quach, Thi Cam Van; Weber, Claude 1 1979 Elements of classical knot theory. Zbl 1062.57014 Weber, Claude 1 2001 Commentary on the Kervaire-Milnor correspondence 1958–1961. Zbl 1326.01037 Ranicki, Andrew; Weber, Claude 1 2015 Une singularité isolée dont la monodromie n’admet pas de forme de Jordan sur les entiers. (An isolated singularity whose monodromy does not admit a Jordan form over the integers). Zbl 0574.32012 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 1 1984 A topological interpretation for the polar quotients of an algebraic plane curve singularity. Zbl 0664.57003 Weber, Claude 1 1988 La démonstration de J. Levine des théorèmes de A. Plans. Zbl 0548.57003 Weber, Claude 1 1984 On a generalization of the Kawauchi conjecture about the Conway polynomial of achiral knots. Zbl 1242.57003 Ermotti, Nicola; Van Quach Hongler, Cam; Weber, Claude 1 2012 Nœuds rationnels fibrés algébriquement cobordants à zéro. Zbl 0523.57005 Lines, Daniel; Weber, Claude 1 1983 Higher-dimensional knots according to Michel Kervaire. Zbl 1372.57003 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 1 2017 On the visibility of the +achirality of alternating knots. Zbl 1468.57003 Ermotti, Nicola; Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 1 2021 On the visibility of the +achirality of alternating knots. Zbl 1468.57003 Ermotti, Nicola; Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 1 2021 Lens spaces among 3-manifolds and quotient surface singularities. Zbl 1397.57039 Weber, Claude 6 2018 Higher-dimensional knots according to Michel Kervaire. Zbl 1372.57003 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 1 2017 Commentary on the Kervaire-Milnor correspondence 1958–1961. Zbl 1326.01037 Ranicki, Andrew; Weber, Claude 1 2015 Malnormal subgroups and Frobenius groups: basics and examples. With an appendix by Denis Osin. Zbl 1327.20030 de la Harpe, Pierre; Weber, Claude 9 2014 On malnormal peripheral subgroups of the fundamental group of a \(3\)-manifold. Zbl 1319.57010 de la Harpe, Pierre; Weber, Claude 5 2014 A proof of Tait’s conjecture on prime alternating \(-\)achiral knots. Zbl 1239.57011 Ermotti, Nicola; Van Quach Hongler, Cam; Weber, Claude 3 2012 On a generalization of the Kawauchi conjecture about the Conway polynomial of achiral knots. Zbl 1242.57003 Ermotti, Nicola; Van Quach Hongler, Cam; Weber, Claude 1 2012 The boundary of the Milnor fiber for some non-isolated singularities of complex surfaces. Zbl 1165.32012 Michel, Françoise; Pichon, Anne; Weber, Claude 7 2009 Amphicheirals according to Tait and Haseman. Zbl 1155.57010 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 3 2008 Link projections and flypes. Zbl 1201.57004 Hongler, Cam Van Quach; Weber, Claude 3 2008 On the topology of singularities. Zbl 1166.14002 Weber, Claude 2 2008 The boundary of the Milnor fiber of Hirzebruch surface singularities. Zbl 1144.14031 Michel, Françoise; Pichon, Anne; Weber, Claude 9 2007 A Murasugi decomposition for achiral alternating links. Zbl 1116.57010 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 2 2005 On the topological invariance of Murasugi special components of an alternating link. Zbl 1057.57007 Quach Hongler, Cam Van; Weber, Claude 10 2004 Morse-Novikov number for knots and links. Zbl 1006.57003 Weber, C.; Pajitnov, A.; Rudolph, L. 6 2002 Geometry of critical loci. Zbl 1018.32027 Lê Dũng Tráng; Maugendre, Hélène; Weber, Claude 7 2001 On the monodromies of a polynomial map from \(\mathbb{C}^2\) to \(\mathbb{C}\). Zbl 1002.32020 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 2 2001 Elements of classical knot theory. Zbl 1062.57014 Weber, Claude 1 2001 The link of an extrovert divide. Zbl 0977.57004 Hongler, Cam Van Quach; Weber, Claude 4 2000 Equisingularity in germ bundles of plane curves and \(C^0\)-sufficiency. (Équisingularité dans les pinceaux de germes de courbes planes et \(C^0\)-suffisance.) Zbl 0982.32025 Lê Dung Trang; Weber, Claude 9 1997 Rational-fibre polynomials and the two-variable Jacobian conjecture. (Polynômes à fibres rationnelles et conjecture jacobienne à 2 variables.) Zbl 0834.14007 Lê Dũng Tráng; Weber, Claude 8 1995 A geometrical approach to the Jacobian conjecture for \(n=2\). Zbl 1128.14301 Lê Dũng Tráng; Weber, Claude 18 1994 Erratum: “Plombages de rubans et problème des mots de Gauss”. Zbl 0816.57011 Chaves, Nathalie; Weber, Claude 4 1994 Ribbon plumbing and the problem of Gauss words. (Plombages de rubans et problème des mots de Gauss.) Zbl 0816.57010 Chaves, Nathalie; Weber, Claude 3 1994 Courbes polaires et topologie des courbes planes. (Polar curves and the topology of plane curves). Zbl 0748.32018 Lê, Dung-Trang; Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 24 1991 Plan’s theorem for links. Zbl 0699.57003 Del Val, Pablo; Weber, Claude 2 1990 Sur le comportement des polaires associées aux germes de courbes planes. (On the behaviour of polar curves associated to plane germs of curves.). Zbl 0705.32021 Le Dung Trang; Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 19 1989 A topological interpretation for the polar quotients of an algebraic plane curve singularity. Zbl 0664.57003 Weber, Claude 1 1988 On the Jones polynomial. Zbl 0622.57002 de la Harpe, Pierre; Kervaire, Michel; Weber, Claude 13 1986 Sur le rôle de la monodromie entière dans la topologie des singularités. Zbl 0557.57017 Michel, F.; Weber, C. 6 1986 Le problème de J. Milnor sur le nombre gordien des noeuds algébriques. Zbl 0556.57002 Boileau, Michel; Weber, Claude 17 1984 Une singularité isolée dont la monodromie n’admet pas de forme de Jordan sur les entiers. (An isolated singularity whose monodromy does not admit a Jordan form over the integers). Zbl 0574.32012 Michel, Françoise; Weber, Claude 1 1984 La démonstration de J. Levine des théorèmes de A. Plans. Zbl 0548.57003 Weber, Claude 1 1984 Le problème de J. Milnor sur le nombre gordien des noeuds algébriques. Zbl 0556.57001 Boileau, Michel; Weber, Claude 2 1983 Nœuds, tresses et singularités. Comptes rendus du séminaire tenu aux Plans-sur-Bex (Suisse) en mars 1982. Zbl 0527.00017 2 1983 Nœuds rationnels fibrés algébriquement cobordants à zéro. Zbl 0523.57005 Lines, Daniel; Weber, Claude 1 1983 Sur une formule de R. H. Fox concernant l’homologie des revetements cycliques. Zbl 0435.57002 Weber, Claude 6 1979 Une famille infinite de nœuds fibrés cobordants à zéro et ayant même polynôme d’Alexander. Zbl 0424.57003 Quach, Thi Cam Van; Weber, Claude 1 1979 A survey of multidimensional knots. Zbl 0386.57011 Kervaire, M.; Weber, C. 4 1978 Some results on higher dimensional knot groups. Appendix by C. Weber. Zbl 0404.57019 Levine, J. 3 1978 A survey of multidimensional knots. Zbl 0409.57020 Kervaire, M.; Weber, C. 2 1978 \(\varepsilon\)-applications dans une variété. Zbl 0291.54011 Weber, Claude 3 1974 La forme d’un espace topologique est une completion. Zbl 0279.55011 Weber, Claude 2 1973 Deux remarques sur les plongements d’un AR dans un espace euclidien. Zbl 0172.25603 Weber, C. 2 1968 Plongements de polyedres dans le domaine metastable. Zbl 0152.22402 Weber, C. 27 1967 Quelque théoremes bien connus sur les A.N.R. et les C.W. complexes. Zbl 0157.30002 Weber, C. 2 1967 L’elimination des points doubles dans le cas combination des points doubles dans le cas combinatoire. Zbl 0156.22201 Weber, C. 3 1966 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 213 Authors 13 Stoimenow, Alexander 10 Pichon, Anne 10 Skopenkov, Arkadiĭ Borisovich 10 Weber, Claude 8 Michel, Françoise 7 Maugendre, Hélène 7 Seade, Jose Antonio 6 Lê Dûng Tráng 6 Van Quach Hongler, Cam 5 Abhyankar, Shreeram Shankar 5 Neumann, Walter David 5 Repovš, Dušan D. 4 Costa Gonzáles, Antonio Félix 4 Hertling, Claus 4 Wagner, Uli 3 Artal Bartolo, Enrique 3 Delgado, Felix 3 Gwoździewicz, Janusz 3 Menegon Neto, Aurélio 3 Nosaka, Takefumi 3 Spiez, Stanislaw 3 Tancer, Martin 3 Tibăr, Mihai-Marius 3 Turaev, Vladimir Georgievich 3 Ueki, Jun 2 Aitchison, Iain Roderick 2 Bailly-Maitre, Gilles 2 Boileau, Michel Charles 2 Braun, Francisco 2 Bryant, John Logan 2 Clay, Adam 2 Corral, Nuria 2 Cotta-Ramusino, Paolo 2 Curmi, Octave 2 de la Harpe, Pierre 2 Dias, Luis Renato Gonçalves 2 Dubois, Philippe 2 Ermotti, Nicola 2 Friedl, Stefan 2 García Barroso, Evelia Rosa 2 González Pérez, Pedro Daniel 2 Heinzer, William J. 2 Jaeger, François 2 Le Van Thanh 2 Marín Pérez, David 2 Mattei, Jean-François 2 Melikhov, Sergey Aleksandrovich 2 Oka, Mutsuo 2 Płoski, Arkadiusz 2 Popescu-Pampu, Patrick 2 Rinaldi, Maurizio 2 Sarkaria, Karanbir Singh 2 Segal, Jack 2 Siersma, Dirk 2 Sorea, Miruna-Ştefana 2 Tange, Ryoto 2 Teragaito, Masakazu 2 Venato-Santos, Jean 2 Yamada, Yuichi 1 Aguilar, Marcelo A. 1 Akhmet’ev, Pëtr Mikhaĭlovich 1 Alanís-López, Lilia 1 Alberich-Carramiñana, Maria 1 Altınel, Tuna 1 Audoux, Benjamin 1 Avvakumov, Sergey Ya. 1 Baader, Sebastian 1 Barranco Mendoza, Gonzalo 1 Birbrair, Lev 1 Blair, Ryan C. 1 Blanlœil, Vincent 1 Bodin, Arnaud 1 Boi, Luciano 1 Bonatti, Christian 1 Borodzik, Maciej 1 Boyer, Steven 1 Brothier, Arnaud 1 Burness, Timothy C. 1 Čadek, Martin 1 Calderoni, Filippo 1 Campillo, Antonio 1 Cassou-Noguès, Philippe 1 Cassou-Noguès, Pierrette 1 Cerocchi, Filippo 1 Choudary, A. D. R. 1 Chumillas, Valerio 1 Cisneros-Molina, José Luis 1 Conant, James 1 Copeland, Arthur H. jun. 1 Corredor, Luis Jaime 1 Cossart, Vincent 1 Courcelle, Bruno 1 da Costa, G. A. T. F. 1 Davis, James Frederic 1 de Góes Grulha, Nivaldo jun. 1 Del Val, Pablo 1 Deleanu, Aristide 1 Deloro, Adrien 1 Denham, Graham 1 Dranishnikov, Alexander Nikolaevich ...and 113 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 85 Serials 19 Topology and its Applications 10 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 10 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 8 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Mathematische Annalen 5 Journal of Algebra 5 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 5 Revista Matemática Complutense 5 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 4 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 4 Geometriae Dedicata 4 Kodai Mathematical Journal 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Compositio Mathematica 3 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Inventiones Mathematicae 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 2 Confluentes Mathematici 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Winter Braids Lecture Notes 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Sugaku Expositions 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Geometry & Topology 1 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Journal of Topology 1 Journal of Topology and Analysis 1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. 3rd Series 1 Journal of Singularities 1 International Journal of Group Theory 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Arnold Mathematical Journal 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Journal of Applied and Computational Topology all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 115 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 73 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 71 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 22 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 15 Combinatorics (05-XX) 14 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 7 General topology (54-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.